Annex: Literature by language


Literature in European languages

Literatures in ancient and classical languages

  • Literature in ancient Greek
  • Literature in Etruscan
  • Literature in Latin

Literatures in modern languages

Great literatures

  • Spanish Literature: Starts towards the CenturyXI with the pitches, small Mozarabic pieces discovered inside a book by an Israeli in the centuryXX., being his first work of importance the Singing from my Cid in the XII. Its first era of splendor is the so-called Golden Age in the 16th and 17th centuries, during which it was written The Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, considered the top work of Spanish literature. The Golden Age belongs to the authors of the size of Lope de Vega and Francisco de Quevedo, as well as countless others, both in Spain and in Spanish. From the second half of the centuryXVII it enters a certain decadence, which will be overcome with the arrival of romanticism (Bécquer or Rosalía de Castro). With realism large Spanish writers such as Galdós or Leopoldo Alas emerge. A new era of splendor begins, sometimes called the Silver Century, in which authors such as Rubén Darío and the generations of 98 and 27 stand out, with great authors such as Federico García Lorca, Pio Baroja, Unamuno, Rafael Alberti or Antonio Machado. From the middle of the centuryXX. the explosion of Hispanic American authors, such as the poets Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda, and the movement called magical realism, in whose ranks the Nobel Prize Gabriel García Márquez stands out.
  • German literature: it has its beginnings towards 750, although until 1500 it is considered that the language used is the old German high. The time of greatest interest is between 1170 and 1230, where the Minnesang flourished, songs of polite love and epic poems, whose most important representative is Walther von der Vogelweide. The Renaissance and the Baroque will be of little interest, although it is at this time that Martin Luther creates, with his translation of the Bible, the standard language we know today. It will be the movements of the Sturm und Drang and the Weimar Clasicism that give universal authors like Goethe, whose Fausto undoubtedly belongs to the Western literary canon, Schiller and Hölderlin. Romanticism was also very important, giving authors such as Heinrich Heine and the Grimm brothers, but it is from the centuryXX. that will appear again universal figures of the Rainer Maria Rilke, Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Hermann Hesse, Bertolt Brecht, Wolfgang Koeppen and Günter Grass.
  • Literature in French: it starts to the centuryXI, being his first work of importance the Cantar de Roldán. Of the Renaissance we must mention Rabelais; but it is in the middle of the centuryXVII that France becomes the cultural centre of Europe, radiating the Enlightenment, giving universal authors of the size of Racine, Molière and Rousseau. From the centuryXIX the literature in French marks the step to the other European literatures giving great authors in all ismos: Romanticism (Victor Hugo or Dumas), realism (Balzac, Flaubert or Stendhal), naturalism (Zola), symbolism (Baudelaire or Rimbaud), surrealism (Breton) and existentialism (Sartre or Camus) are some of the most important. From the 19th there is also the French-speaking African literature and the one produced by other French ex-colonies. Contemporary authors worth noting are Jean Cocteau, Jean Genet and Amin Maalouf.
  • English literature
  • Literature in Italian
  • Literature in Russian

Other literatures

  • Albanian literature: the first Albanian documents are of the centuryXV, although the first book is Meshari (Missal, 1555) by Gjon Buzuku. Until the centuryXIX literature is scarce and especially religious, highlighting the Italian focus with Gjul Variboba. Towards the end of the centuryXIX occurs Rilindja Kombetarë (National Renaissance), a strong nationalist movement that has its literary centre in Shkodër, being its main representative Gjergj Fishta. The centuryXX. It will give way to a fragmentation of literary production in an Italian focus, one Albanian and one in Kósovo, being the most known contemporary author Ismail Kadare.
  • Aragonese Literature: Aragonese has not had literature as such in its language until the centuryXX.. Since the centuryXII and XIII are literary texts in which there are Aragonesisms mixed with Spanish to a greater or lesser degree, on the one hand, and Spanish texts in which pieces are in Aragones, on the other. Of the first type it is worth highlighting Chronicle of San Juan de la Peña of the centuryXIV and Life of Pedro Saputo of Braulio Foz and the second author Ana Abarca de Bolea. It will not be until the 1970s that a timid literature begins in Aragonese, in its different varieties or local dialects.
  • Asturian literature: although there is an earlier oral literature, the first text itself literary is the Pleitu ente Uviéu y Mérida poles anices de Santolaya of the cleric Antón de Marirreguera (1639). Follows the poem The caballu by Francisco Bernaldo de Quirós Benavides. He had his first splendour during the Enlightenment with the Xeneration of the Mediu Sieglu, a movement to which Bruno Fernández Cepeda, Josefa de Jovellanos (sister of Gaspar) and Antón Balvidares belong. In the centuryXIX, the Collection of poetry in Asturian dialect published in 1839 by José Caveda and Nava will encourage other authors such as Juan María Acebal, to the regionalists Pepín de Pría and Fernán Coronas. The death of Franco and the Spanish Transition will provoke the contemporary Surdimientu, in which Manuel Asur and Xuan Xosé Sánchez Vicente stand out.
  • Breton literature: it has its first oral manifestations towards the centuryVI, having in medieval times a prosperous and important literature, whose best-known representative were the Taliesin and Bleheri bards. The first preserved texts are of the centuryXV and XVI, called Buhes ar Zent (Lifes of Saints) and some plays, all of them religious. But it wasn't until the century.XIX that the literature in Breton had a rebirth thanks to Romanticism. Old Celtic myths and legends, like that of King Arthur, Merlin or Tristan and Isolda, were reworked. His major representatives were Théodore Hersart de la Villemarqué and Aougust Brizeug. From the 1920s, literature has a new impulse, focused on linguist Roparz Hémon and literary magazine Gwalarn.
  • Belarusian literature
  • Bulgarian Literature: Begins in the CenturyIX with religious works in ancient ecclesiastical Slave and Cyrillic and Glagothic Alphabets. This literature had a huge influence on other Slavic countries, with authors such as Eutimio de Tarnovo or Juan Exarca, until in 1396 the Ottoman invasion led to decay. The literary flame remained until the centuryXVII among the Northwest Catholics, being the Abagar (1651) the first book printed in Bulgarian. The literary rebirth begins in the centuryXVIII during the independence movement, with revolutionary poets such as Christo Botev and Lyuben Karavelov. After independence in 1878 the most important author is Pencho Slaveykov. After World War II, socialist realism spreads.
  • Catalan literature: starts at the end of the eleventh century or early XII with the Homilies of Organyà. Initially heavily influenced by the western literature, it has its first great author in Ramon Llull. It reaches its Golden Age during the centuryXV with authors like Jordi de Sant Jordi, Ausiàs March and Isabel de Villena. After his summit work, the Pull the White of Joanot Martorell, enters a relative decadence until the call Renaixença of the centuryXIX, whose main representatives are Jacinto Verdaguer and Àngel Guimerà. The momentum that will continue throughout the centuryXX. with authors like Salvador Espriu, Josep Pla and Josep Maria de Sagarra, giving themselves an authentic explosion of authors and editions at the end of the centuryXX. and the beginnings of the XXI.
  • Literature in Czech
  • Corn literature
  • Corsoon literature: origins are divided between oral popular literature and, from the century onwardsXVIthe authors that wrote in Italian with elements and parts in corso. The Precursors of the Corsican Literary Movement of the CenturyXIX They were the Corsa popular poetry and the first studies on the language, in addition to the authors Salvatore Viale and Paolo-Mattei della Foata, the first writer exclusively in corso. The first great figure is Santu Casanova, which will give way to the new generations of the centuryXX., marked by magazines like A Muvra from Petru Rocca, Annu Corsu, in which the first modern novels appear in corso written by Sebastianu Nicolai, U Muntese and Rugiru. They highlight the collaborations of Rinatu Coti.
  • Literature in Croatian
  • Literature in Danish
  • Literature in Slovenian
  • Slovak literature
  • Estonian literature
  • Literature in Basque
  • Pherose literature
  • Finnish literature
  • Literature in flamenco
  • Frisian literature
  • Friulan literature
  • Literature in Scottish Gaelic
  • Literature in Galician
  • Welsh literature
  • Modern Greek literature
  • Literature in Hungarian
  • Literature in Irish
  • Literature in Icelandic: beginning in the centuryIX with staggered poetry, of which Bragi Boddason is the best known author, and sagas, the Brennu-Njáls the most important. From the centuryXIV comes into decline, producing only religious works until the Enlightenment with Egger Ölafsson and Magnus Stephensen in the centuryXVII. The centuryXIX presents the romantic poets Bjarni Thorarensen and Jónas Hallgrimsson, who, under Danish influence, give way to realism in 1880. The first half of the centuryXX. She was dominated by poets Davíð Stephansson and Steinn Steinarr and novelist Jón Thoroddsen; the second by Halldór Laxness, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1955.
  • Literature in Latvian
  • Literature in Lithuanian
  • Literature in Macedonian
  • Maltese literature
  • Literature in manes: Mane has hardly any literary corpus. The first book is of the centuryXVI, Manannan Mac and Lherr, a history of Man containing some poems of an oceanic type. From the centuryXVIII some religious texts and translations of the Bible are published, in addition to some translation of English works. The last known work is the novel Cooinaghtyn my Aegid as Cooinaghtyn Elley (1983) by John Gells.
  • Literature in Dutch
  • Literature in Norwegian
  • Literature in the West
  • Literature in Polish
  • Literature in Portuguese
  • Literature in Romanian
  • Romance literature
  • Literature in Sardinian
  • Literature in Serbian
  • Sorbo literature
  • Literature in Swedish
  • Literature in Ukrainian
  • Literature in valon
  • Literature in yidis

Literature in non-European languages


  • Afrikaan literature: the first examples are daily and small poems of the centuryXVIII, public texts were made in Dutch. This changed at the end of the centuryXIX with the first generation of writers in Afrikaans, highlighting Jacobus Stephanus du Toit. Since the 1920s the first authors of quality appear, proliferating literary magazines, followed by the generation of the dertigers In the 1930s, like Nicolaas Petrus van Wyk Louw or Dirk Johannes Opperman. He would follow the generation of the sestigers In the '60s, with Breyten Breytenbach, perhaps the best author in afrikaans, and André Brink.
  • Phoenician Literature
  • Literature in suajili: begins in 1652 with the translation of the Arabic poem Hamziya, giving origin to poetry in suajili, written in Arabic alifato and very influenced by this language, although based on its own oral traditions. Important narrative poetic works are Utenzi wa Tambuka (The story of Tambukafrom 1728) Bwana Mwengo and Utenzi wa Shufaka. From the beginning of the centuryXX. the Latin alphabet is introduced and in the 1930s the standard language. The first important novel will be Uhuru wa Watumwa (Freedom for slavesJames Mbotela's 1934. To highlight in recent literature Shaaban Robert and Muhammed Said Abdulla. Since the 1960s, the publication in suajili has suffered a real explosion.
  • Literature in Yoruba: Yoruba began writing at the end of the centuryXIX, existing previously an important oral literature in the form of itan e ifa (adivination). The most important authors are Daniel Olorunf turningmi Fagunwa, author of the first novel in Yoruba, Ogboju Ode ninu Igbo Irunmale (The forest of the thousand demons1938), Hubert Ogunde, the father of the theatre in Yoruba, and Akinwunmi Isola, novelist, playwright and yoruba professor.


  • Literature in Guaraní
  • Quechua literature
  • Literature in Nahuatl
  • Literature in Maya
  • Literature in k’iche’. The Popol Vuh (the name k’iche’ would translate as: Book of the Council or Community Book) is a compilation of several k’iche’ legends, the people of the demographically majority Mayan culture in Guatemala.


Near and Middle East

  • Literature in Arabic
  • Persian literature
  • Turkish literature
  • Literature in turcmene
  • Uzbek literature

Central Asia and the Caucasus

  • Abkhaz literature: Abkhaz began to be written in various alphabets by the end of the centuryXIX. But the language only began to have literary production from the Russian Revolution, after which authors such as Dimitri Gulia appeared, considered the father of Abkhaz literature and published the first book in the language in 1910.
  • Literature in Armenian: from the time before its literary Golden Age (between 407 and 451) no text is preserved. Both in the Golden Age and in the Silver Age (from 451) there were eminently translations and religious literature, the most important authors of Eznik de Kolb and Koryun. The tradition remained until the Middle Ages with authors like Juan Otznetzi (sixteenth centuryVIII), Juan V the Historian (sixteenth centuryXor Nerses IV (sixteenth century)XII). With the loss of independence in the centuryXVI, falls into decay until the time of nationalism and the romanticism of the centuryXIX. Jachatur Abovian, who is considered the father of modern literature, Mikael Nalbandian and Raffi are their representatives. Realism and symbolism gave way to the Russian Revolution, maintaining literature with authors like Hovhannes Tumanyan and Yeghishe Charents. From the middle of the centuryXX. the number of authors has increased.
  • Literature in Azerbaijan: the first great name is Hasan-Oghlu, pseudonym of Shaykh Izz ad-Din Asfarayini, poet of the centuryXIII. From the centuryXIV poets who also write in Arabic and Persian, such as Kadhi Burhan Ad-din and Nasimi or Muhammed Fuzuli, poet and philosopher of the centuryXVI. In the centuryXVI, golden age of Azeri poetry, develop their own styles, such as poetry ashiglar, the qazal or qoshmaand common themes with Turks and Turks, such as the epic legends of Koroglu. Literature remained until the centuryXIXWhen the Russian Revolution and the Stalinist purges ended largely with it. Following World War II, the best-known author is Mohammad Hossein Shahriar, an Iranian, with his work Heydar Babaya Salam (Greetings to Heydar Baba).
  • Literature in Georgian
  • Literature in osetio
  • Tatar literature

Indian Subcontinent

  • Literature in Hindi
  • Literature in kannada
  • Literature in writing
  • Sanskrit literature
  • Tamil literature
  • Literature in telugu
  • Literature in Urdu

Far East

  • Literature in baboon
  • Literature in Chinese
  • Korean literature
  • Literature in Ilocan
  • Japanese literature
  • Thai literature
  • Literature in Tibetan
  • Waray literature


  • Maori literature
  • Literature in Hawaiian

External Links

  • Universal Literature Section, in Wikiversity.

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