Annex: Human poverty index for developing countries
The Human Poverty Index for Developing Countries (IPH) is a social indicator -a poverty index-, prepared for developing countries, which measures deficiencies or poverty in three aspects:
- Long and healthy life, measured according to the probability at birth of not living until 40 years.
- Education: measured by the adult illiteracy rate.
- Decent standard of living: measured by the percentage of the population without sustainable access to an improved water source and the percentage of children with insufficient weight for their age.
Multidimensional Poverty Index
Since 2010, the new Multidimensional Poverty Index (IPM or MPI -Multidimensional Poverty Index-) supersedes the human poverty indices (IPH and IPH-1/IPH-2)
- IPH - Poverty index or poverty indicator
- IPH 1 - Human poverty index for developing countries (IPH-1, developed since 1998).
- IPH 2 - Human poverty index for selected OECD countries (IPH-2, developed since 1998).
Poverty Index Table
This index is obtained as a result of calculating the Human Development Index estimated by the United Nations Development Program (2005 edition). Shows developing countries in order of wealth.
To see the list updated to 2009 (with data from 2007) and published on December 18, 2008, see List of countries in HDI order.
Note: some developing countries could not be classified due to lack of data.
Pos. 2009 | Developing country | Pos. 2008 |
1 | Chile | 1 |
2 | Uruguay | 2 |
3 | Panama | 3 |
4 | Brazil | 5 |
5 | Barbados | 2 |
6 | Cuba | 5 |
7 | Singapore | 6 |
8 | Argentina | 7 |
9 | Qatar | - |
10 | Jordan | 7 |
11 | Mexico | 10 |
12 | Costa Rica | 8 |
13 | Saint Lucia | - |
14 | Palestinian Territories | 13 |
15 | Venezuela | 4 |
16 | Trinidad and Tobago | 8 |
17 | Malaysia | - |
18 | Paraguay | 16 |
19 | Lebanon | 15 |
20 | Turkey | 22 |
21 | Colombia | 14 |
22 | Jamaica | 14 |
23 | Ecuador | 21 |
24 | Suriname | - |
25 | Mauritius | 17 |
26 | Dominican Republic | 25 |
27 | Peru | 19 |
28 | China | 26 |
29 | Thailand | 24 |
30 | Syrian Arab Republic | 35 |
31 | Bolivia | 27 |
32 | Guyana | 23 |
33 | Saudi Arabia | 30 |
34 | Libya | 29 |
35 | El Salvador | 32 |
36 | Nicaragua | 28 |
37 | Philippines | 31 |
38 | Maldives | 20 |
39 | Belize | 12 |
40 | Honduras | 38 |
41 | Iran | 44 |
42 | Indonesia | 33 |
42 | Sri Lanka | 34 |
44 | Tunisia | 37 |
45 | Mongolia | 36 |
46 | Cape Verde | 40 |
47 | Oman | 50 |
48 | Vietnam | 39 |
49 | Algeria | 42 |
50 | Fiyi | 41 |
51 | Burma | 45 |
52 | Guatemala | 43 |
53 | Vanuatu | - |
54 | Djibouti | 55 |
55 | Congo | 51 |
56 | Egypt | 47 |
57 | South Africa | 49 |
58 | Comoros | 48 |
59 | India | 53 |
60 | Sudan | 52 |
61 | Namibia | 62 |
62 | Morocco | 56 |
63 | Ghana | 46 |
64 | Madagascar | 57 |
65 | Kenya | 63 |
66 | Tanzania | 59 |
67 | Uganda | 60 |
68 | Cameroon | 58 |
69 | Pakistan | 65 |
70 | Rwanda | 77 |
71 | Haiti | 68 |
72 | Equatorial Guinea | - |
73 | Laos | 66 |
74 | Eritrea | 69 |
75 | Nepal | 70 |
76 | Nigeria | 54 |
77 | Togo | 64 |
78 | Yemen | 67 |
79 | Papua New Guinea | 61 |
80 | Mauritania | 86 |
81 | Burundi | 80 |
82 | Cambodia | 73 |
83 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 74 |
84 | Angola | - |
85 | Ivory Coast | 78 |
86 | Malaui | 82 |
87 | Bangladés | 72 |
88 | Senegal | 76 |
89 | Gambia | 79 |
90 | Zimbabwe | 90 |
91 | Zambia | 89 |
92 | Lesoto | 83 |
93 | Central African Republic | 85 |
94 | Guinea-Bissau | 84 |
95 | Botswana | 75 |
96 | Benin | 81 |
97 | Mozambique | 87 |
98 | Swaziland | 109 |
99 | Sierra Leone | 107 |
100 | Ethiopia | 92 |
101 | Chad | 88 |
102. | Mali | 91 |
103 | Burkina Faso | 93 |
104 | Niger | 94 |
This index is obtained as a result of calculating the Human Development Index estimated by the United Nations Development Program (2005 edition). Shows developing countries in order of wealth.
Note: some developing countries could not be classified due to lack of data.
Pos. 2005 | Developing country | Pos. 2003 |
24 | Mauritius | 17 |
33 | Libya | 29 |
43 | Tunisia | 37 |
45 | Cape Verde | 40 |
48 | Algeria | 42 |
53 | Djibouti | 55 |
54 | Congo | 51 |
55 | Egypt | 47 |
56 | South Africa | 49 |
57 | Comoros | 48 |
59 | Sudan | 52 |
60 | Namibia | 62 |
61 | Morocco | 56 |
62 | Ghana | 46 |
63 | Madagascar | 57 |
64 | Kenya | 63 |
65 | Tanzania | 59 |
66 | Uganda | 60 |
67 | Cameroon | 58 |
69 | Rwanda | 77 |
71 | Equatorial Guinea | - |
73 | Eritrea | 69 |
75 | Nigeria | 54 |
76 | Togo | 64 |
79 | Mauritania | 86 |
80 | Burundi | 80 |
82 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 74 |
83 | Angola | - |
84 | Ivory Coast | 78 |
85 | Malaui | 82 |
87 | Senegal | 76 |
88 | Gambia | 79 |
89 | Zimbabwe | 90 |
90 | Zambia | 89 |
91 | Lesoto | 83 |
92 | Central African Republic | 85 |
94 | Botswana | 75 |
95 | Benin | 81 |
96 | Mozambique | 87 |
97 | Swaziland | - |
98 | Sierra Leone | - |
99 | Ethiopia | 92 |
100 | Chad | 88 |
101 | Mali | 91 |
102. | Burkina Faso | 93 |
103 | Niger | 94 |
This index is obtained as a result of calculating the Human Development Index estimated by the United Nations Development Program (2005 edition). Shows developing countries in order of wealth.
Note: some developing countries could not be classified due to lack of data.
Pos. 2005 | Developing country | Pos. 2003 |
1 | Chile | 1 |
2 | Uruguay | 2 |
3 | Panama | 6 |
4 | Brazil | 4 |
5 | Barbados | 3 |
6 | Cuba | 7 |
8 | Argentina | 8 |
12 | Costa Rica | - |
13 | Saint Lucia | 13 |
14 | Venezuela | 11 |
15 | Trinidad and Tobago | 8 |
17 | Paraguay | 16 |
20 | Colombia | 14 |
21 | Jamaica | 14 |
22 | Ecuador | 21 |
25 | Dominican Republic | 25 |
26 | Peru | 19 |
30 | Bolivia | 27 |
31 | Guyana | 23 |
34 | El Salvador | 32 |
38 | Nicaragua | 12 |
39 | Guatemala | 38 |
40 | Belize | 44 |
51 | Honduras | 43 |
70 | Haiti | 68 |
Asia and Oceania
This index is obtained as a result of calculating the Human Development Index estimated by the United Nations Development Program (2005 edition). Shows developing countries in order of wealth.
Note: some developing countries could not be classified due to lack of data.
Pos. 2005 | Developing country | Pos. 2003 |
6 | Singapore | 6 |
7 | Palestinian Territories | - |
10 | Qatar | - |
11 | Jordan | 7 |
16 | Malaysia | - |
18 | Lebanon | 15 |
19 | Turkey | 22 |
27 | China | 26 |
28 | Thailand | 24 |
29 | Syrian Arab Republic | 35 |
32 | Saudi Arabia | 30 |
33 | Libya | 29 |
35 | Philippines | 28 |
36 | Iran | 31 |
37 | Maldives | 20 |
41 | Indonesia | 33 |
42 | Sri Lanka | 34 |
44 | Mongolia | 36 |
46 | Oman | 50 |
47 | Vietnam | 39 |
49 | Fiyi | 41 |
50 | Burma | 45 |
52 | Vanuatu | - |
53 | Djibouti | 55 |
57 | Comoros | 48 |
58 | India | 53 |
68 | Pakistan | 65 |
74 | Nepal | 70 |
77 | Yemen | 67 |
78 | Papua New Guinea | 61 |
81 | Cambodia | 73 |
86 | Bangladés | 72 |
93 | Guinea-Bissau | 84 |
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