Annex: Holidays in Colombia


In Colombia, two types of holidays are recognized: religious holidays and civic holidays, a group of the latter are national holidays. All these official holidays are non-working days.

Another division that exists in holidays are those with a fixed date and those with a movable date. Among the latter are the holidays that move according to Easter, and the holidays that are celebrated on the first Monday after a certain date.

On December 6, 1983, Law 51 was approved, which is known as the "Emiliani Law" for the holidays of the first Monday.

Official holidays

Holidays 2023

monthDayname of the festivecharacterComments
January1 (dome)New YearcivilianIt's irrenunciable..
9 (lunes)Epiphanyreligious
February(no holidays)
March20 (lunes)San Joséreligious
April6 (Thursday)Holy ThursdayreligiousThese dates correspond to the days immediately prior to Resurrection Sunday.
7 (Friday)Good Fridayreligious
May1 (lunes)National Labour DaycivilianIt's irrenunciable.. It is known informally as the "Day of Work".
22 (lunes)Ascension of Jesusreligious
June12 (lunes)Corpus Christireligious
19 (lunes)Sacred Heartreligious
July 3 (lunes)Saint Peter and Paulreligious
20 (Thursday)Declaration of IndependencecivilianIt's irrenunciable..
August7 (lunes)Battle of Boyacácivilian
21 (lunes)Assumption of the Virginreligious
September(no holidays)
October16 (lunes)Race DaycivilianIt is known colloquially as the day of the Discovery of America.
November6 (lunes)Day of All Saintsreligious
13 (lunes)Independence of Cartagenacivilian
December8 (Friday)Immaculate Conception of the Virginreligious
25 (lunes)ChristmasreligiousIt's irrenunciable..

Unofficial common festivals

Festivities that are commonly celebrated:

  • 9 April: Day of Memory and Solidarity with the Victims of the Armed Conflict.
  • 23 April: Spanish Language Day.
  • 8 May: Mother's Day.
  • 12 May: International Nurse Day.
  • 15 May: Master's Day.
  • First Sunday June: Campesino Day.
  • 5 June: World Environment Day.
  • 19 June: Father's Day.
  • First Saturday July: International Cooperative Day.
  • 16 July: Day of drivers and/or transporters.
  • 21 September: Day of Love and Friendship.
  • 27 September :International Day of Tourism.
  • 01 October: Senior Adult Day.
  • 27 November: Day of the Colombian nation and its patriotic symbols.
  • 03 December: Doctor's Day.
  • 07 December: Velita Day.

National and international occupational commemorations

There are several but they do not interrupt the work calendar. Some of these parties are:

  • 09: Journalist Day (See also August 4).
  • 14: Valentine's Day (See also September).
  • 20: Camarograph and Photographer Day.
  • 20: World Social Justice Day.
  • 21: International Mother Language Day.
  • Second or third Saturday: Friend's Day (See also July 30).
  • 01: Day of the Counter.
  • 08: International Women's Day.
  • 14: Construction Worker Day.
  • 15: Consumer Day.
  • 17: Psychiatrist Day.
  • 18: International Negotiator Day.
  • 19: Man's Day (See also November 19).
  • 21: World Poetry Day (See also October 4).
  • 21: International Forest Day (See also April 29).
  • 23: Optometra Day.
  • 24: National Locutor Day (See also July 27).
  • 27: World Theatre Day.
  • Last Saturday: Day of Childhood and Recreation (See also June 01 and November 20).
  • Last Saturday: World Veterinary Day (See also May 10).
  • 01: Operator/Technical Audio Controller Day.
  • 07: World Health Day.
  • 07: International Pilot Day (See also December 17).
  • 09: Day of Memory and Solidarity with the Victims of the Armed Conflict
  • 10: Florist Day.
  • 22: Earth Day.
  • 23: Spanish Language Day.
  • 23: Bibliotecologist's Day.
  • 26: Secretary's Day.
  • 27: World Design Day (See also June 29 and October 30).
  • 28: World Day of Safety and Health at Work (See also September 26).
  • 28: Bacteriologist's Day.
  • 29: Tree Day (See also March 21).
  • Second Sunday: Mother's Day.
  • Fourth Sunday: Mother's Day in Cúcuta.
  • 8: World Red Cross Day.
  • 10: Veterinary Day (See also April).
  • 12: Mathematical and Statistician Day (See also October 20).
  • 12: International Day of Nursing.
  • 15: Master's Day.
  • 15: International Family Day.
  • 17: Internet Day.
  • 17: Inter-American Communication Day (See also September 26).
  • 20: World Psychologist Day (See also October 20 and November 20).
  • 21: World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.
  • 21: Afro-Colombian Day.
  • 23: Day of the Comer.
  • 29: Engineer day.
  • First Sunday: Campesino Day.
  • Third Sunday: Father's Day (In 2014 he moved for the Fourth Sunday by Elections).
  • 01: Child Day (See also April and November 20).
  • 04: International Day of Child Victims Incidents of Assault.
  • 05: World Environment Day.
  • 08: World Red Cross Day.
  • 08/09: Student Day.
  • 09: Primo Day.
  • 12: World Day Against Child Labour.
  • 17: Dental Hygienist Day.
  • 22: Politologist's day.
  • 22: Lawyer's Day
  • 22: Zootechnist Day
  • 27: National Coffee Day
  • 29: World Industrial Design Day
  • First Saturday: International Cooperative Day.
  • Last Friday: Systems Manager Day.
  • 03: Economist Day.
  • 04: Bubble Day
  • 13: Panadero Day.
  • 16: Transporter Day.
  • 19: Bodeguero Day.
  • 19: Day of the Heroes of the Nation and their Families.
  • 22: International Domestic Work Day.
  • 27: Hispanic American Locutor Day (See also March 24).
  • 28: Health Day in the World of Work.
  • 30: International Day of Friendship (See also March).
  • Fourth Sunday: Senior Adult Day (See also October 1).
  • Last Sunday: National Day of Solidarity
  • 04: Journalist and Communicator Day (See also February 9).
  • 04: Fire Day.
  • 07: National Army Day.
  • 11: Antioquia Independence Day.
  • 11: World Dieter/Nutriist Day.
  • 12: Recreator Day.
  • 12: International Youth Day.
  • 13: Humorist Day.
  • 25: Peluquero Day.
  • 26: Food Technology Day.
  • 30: National Tenant Day (Variable according to Fenalco).
  • Third Saturday: Day of Love and Friendship (See also February 14).
  • 06: International Fonoaudiologist Day.
  • 08: International Literacy Day.
  • 13: Programmer Day (12 when it's biscuit).
  • 15: Gerontologist's Day.
  • 21: International Day of Peace
  • 26: Social Security Day (See also April 28).
  • 26: International Day of Public Relations (See also May 17).
  • 27: World Tourism Day.
  • 28: Seller Day.
  • 30: Professional Day in Shopping/Abstract
  • Week before the first bridge: School recess week.
  • 01: International Day of Older Persons (See also August).
  • 03: Dentistry Day.
  • 03: Archivist Day.
  • 04: Poet Day (See also March 21).
  • 06: Monster Day.
  • 12: Sports Chronicler Day.
  • 14: Tecnologist's Day.
  • 16: Anesthesiologist International Day.
  • 17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
  • 18: National Anthem Day.
  • 20: Chef's day.
  • 20: World Statistics Day (See also May 12).
  • 20: World Mental Health Day (See also May 20 and November 20).
  • 21: Social Worker Day.
  • 25: Surgical Instrumenter Day.
  • 27: Architect's Day.
  • 27: Messenger Day.
  • 27: World Occupational Therapy Day (See also November 17).
  • 28: Fashion Designer, Sastre and Designer Day.
  • 30: Colombian Graphic Designer Day (See also April 27 and June 29).
  • 31: Chemical Day (See also November 27).
  • 31: World Saving Day.
  • 31: Halloween Day (Children's Party / costumes).
  • 01: World Veganism Day.
  • 02: Funeral Professional Day.
  • 04: Business Manager Day.
  • 05: National Police Day.
  • 17: Occupational Therapeutic Day (See also October 27).
  • 19: International Day of Man (See also March 19).
  • 20: Universal Day of the Child (See also April and June 01).
  • 20: Psychologist's Day (See also May 20 and October 20).
  • 22: Music Day.
  • 24: Agricultural Day.
  • 25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
  • 26: National Flag Day.
  • 27: Security Watch Day.
  • 27: Chemical Engineer Day (See also October 31).
  • 01: International Day of House Love.
  • 01: Pharmaceutical Chemical Day.
  • 03: International Doctor's Day.
  • 03: International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
  • 04: Publicist Day.
  • 05: Regent Day in Pharmacy.
  • 07: Velitas Day.
  • 10: Sociologist's Day.
  • 16: Beginning of the Novena de Aguinaldos.
  • 17: Pilot Day (See also April 7).
  • 24: Christmas Eve.
  • 28: Innocent Saints Day.
  • 31: Old Year (New Year's Eve)


These are holidays that have an official holiday character in some regions and cities:


  • Carnival of Blacks and Whites: Celebrated in Nariño, mainly in Pasto, between 2 and 7 January. Declared as an Intangible World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
  • Barranquilla Carnival: Celebrated in February or early March. Declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
  • Carnival in Colombia

Category:Colombian festivals and fairs

Other parties

  • Feasts of the Sweet Name of Jesus or January 20: Sincere.
  • Fiestas de San Pacho - Quibdó.
  • National Beauty Queen: Celebrated in Cartagena in November.
  • Cali Fair: Celebrated in Santiago de Cali from 25 to 30 December.
  • Manizales Fair: Celebrated in Manizales in January.
  • Feria de las Flores: Celebrated in Medellín in August.
  • Vallenata Legend Festival: Celebrated in Valledupar.
  • Summer Festival - Bogotá: Celebrated in August.

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