Annex: Governors of the province of Buenos Aires


The governor of Buenos Aires is a citizen of the province of Buenos Aires invested with the position of governor, which allows him to administer the province for the corresponding period.

The position of governor of the Intendancy of Buenos Aires was created by King Carlos III of Spain when the Royal Ordinance of Intendants of the Army and Province of January 28, 1782 divided the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata into eight Intendencies, including that of Buenos Aires. Until May 8, 1788, the governorship of Buenos Aires was under the command of a governor, but from that date, by decision of the king, the viceroy of the Río de la Plata became the governor of the Intendancy of Buenos Aires. Aires. On May 25, 1810, the May Revolution took place in Buenos Aires, during which Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros was deposed and the First Board took office. The intendant governorship of Buenos Aires was restored by the First Triumvirate on January 13, 1812, naming Miguel de Azcuénaga as intendant governor. The Intendancy of Buenos Aires became an autonomous province in 1820 after the Battle of Cepeda, giving rise to the Province of Buenos Aires.

As the ruler of the most populous province in Argentina (repository of almost two fifths of the national population), the governor of Buenos Aires is and has always been a figure of great weight in the country's political scene. The repeated impossibility of the occupants of the position to access the presidency of the Argentine Nation throughout history has been widely documented as a phenomenon called "Curse of Alsina".

Lieutenant Governor of Buen Ayre, Corpus Christi and Good Hope (1537-1541)

Portrait Governor PeriodCommentary
Francisco Ruiz Galán 20 April 1537 – end of June 1541

Lieutenant Governors of Buenos Aires (1581-1783)

16th century

Portrait Governor PeriodCommentary
Rodrigo Ortiz de Zárate 1581 – March 1583First lieutenant of governor of Buenos Aires and lieutenant general of the governorate of Nueva Andalucía (titular), and had previously been elected since 1580 as the first ordinary mayor of the city of Buenos Aires, to again occupy him as a third party in the position simultaneously to that of lieutenant of general governor in 1582 and in 1583 until the month of March.
Juan de Torres Navarrete March 1583 – 15 March 1584Second lieutenant of governor-general (titular) and also simultaneously as ordinary mayor of the first vote of the city of Buenos Aires, and since July 17, 1583, also as lieutenant of governor of Asunción.
Rodrigo Ortiz de Zárate 16 March 1584 – 2 April 1589Third lieutenant of general governor.
Juan de Torres Navarrete 3 April 1589 – 31 December 1590Fourth lieutenant of general governor (titular).
Hernando de Mendoza 1 January 1591 – January 1596Fifth Lieutenant Governor (without the Lieutenant General of Nueva Andalucía).
Juan de Abreu January 1596 – January 1598Sixth Lieutenant Governor (without Lieutenant General).
French of Beaumont and Navarre January 1598 – 7 July 1599Seventh lieutenant of governor-general.
Francisco de Manzanares 7 July 1599 – January 1601(intern).

17th century

Portrait Governor PeriodCommentary
Francisco de Salas January 1601 - 1 August 1602No title of Lieutenant General of Governorship.
Pedro de Cabrera 1 August 1602 - early 1603No title of Lieutenant General.
Manuel de Frías principles – mid-1603Thirteenth lieutenant of governor.
Thomas Garay and Becerra mid – end of 1603Thirteenth Lieutenant Governor.
Pedro Martínez de Zavala 1603 – 31 December 1604No title of Lieutenant General.
Thomas Garay and Becerra 1 January – mid 1605Fourteenth Lieutenant Governor.
Víctor Casas de Mendoza mid-1605 – mid 1606No title of Lieutenant General.
Rodrigo Ortiz de Zárate mid – September 1606Sixteenth lieutenant of governor.
Simon of Valdez September 1606 – 31 December 1607No title of Lieutenant General.
Manuel de Frías 1 January 1608 – early 1609Eighteenth lieutenant of governor.
Juan de Vergara principles – end of 1609No title of Lieutenant General.
Juan Gil Zambrana 1609 - early 1611No title of Lieutenant General.
Manuel de Frías principles of 1611 - 31 December 1612Vigesimoprimer lieutenant governor (titular).
Mateo Leal de Ayala 31 December 1612 – 26 December 1613We watch another Lieutenant Governor General.
Juan de Aguinaga 26 December 1613 - 9 May 1615
Pedro García de Arredondo 9 May – end of 1615
Pedro Gutiérrez 1615 – 17 November 1618
Gil de Oscáriz Carvajal 17 November 1618 – early 1619Twenty-seventh lieutenant of governor, under the new governorate of the Rio de la Plata.
Luis de Azpeitía principles – 25 May 1619(Interino).
Gil de Oscáriz Carvajal 25 May 1619 - 1621Vigesimoctavo Lieutenant of Governor.
Gabriel Sánchez de Ojeda 1621 - 1622
Gil de Oscáriz Carvajal 1622 - 1623Thirtieth governor's lieutenant.
Diego Páez Clavijo 1623 - 1631
Juan de Tapia Vargas 1631 - 1633
Sebastián de Orduña 1633 - 1636
Francisco Velásquez Meléndez 1636 - 1638Trigesimocuarto Lieutenant Governor.
Gaspar de Gaete 1638 - 1639
Juan Bernando de la Cueva Benavides 1639 - 1641
Pedro de Rojas y Acevedo 1641 - 1642
Luis de Aresti 1642 - 1650
Juan Gutiérrez de Umanes 1650 - 1653
Francisco Velásquez Meléndez 1653 - 1657Forty-third lieutenant of governor.
Eugenio de Castro 1657 - 1661
Pedro Morales and Mercado 1661 - 1665First correcter.
Red Beloved 1665 - 1668Second correcter.
Pedro de Ocampo 1668 - 1670Third correcter.
Juan Arias de Saavedra 1670 - 1672Corrective room.
Lorenzo Flores de Santa Cruz 1672 - 1674Fifth correcter.
Cristóbal Lobatón 1674 - 1676Corrective sex.
Ignacio Fernández de Agüero 1676 - 1677Seventh and last correcter.
Luis Jofré 1677 - 1680
Juan Pacheco 1680 - 1685
José de Herrera and Sotomayor 1685 - 1688
Luis Maciel del Águila 1688 - 1693
Miguel de Riglos y de la Bastida 1693 - 1699

18th century

Portrait Governor PeriodCommentary
Jerónimo de Gaete 7 January 1705 - 1708
Mayors of Buenos Aires1708 – 23 May 1715Elected annually, the nine mayors also held the position of lieutenants of Governor General of Buenos Aires. In 1712 two were elected.
José Ruiz de Arellano 23 May 1715 – 11 July 1717
Antonio de Larrazábal 11 July 1717 - 1734
Alonso de la Vega 1754 - 1758
Francisco Moreiras 1758 – 31 December 1759
Diego de Salas 1 January 1760 - 1766

Governors of the Superintendency of Buenos Aires (1783-1820)

From Till Governor Portrait
1 July 1783 8 May 1788 Francisco de Paula Sanz
(1745 - 1810)
Francisco de Paula Sanz (1745-1810).png
8 May 1788 4 December 1789 Nicolás Felipe Cristobal del Campo
II Marquis de Loreto (1725 - 1803)
Virrey Loreto.jpg
4 December 1789 16 March 1795 Nicolás de Arredondo
(1740 - 1802)
16 March 1795 15 April 1797 Pedro Melo de Portugal y Villena
Knight of the Order of James, gentle chamberman of His Majesty, first knight of the queen and general lieutenant of the Royal Armies (1734 - 1797)
Pedro Melo de Portugal.jpg
15 April 1797 2 May 1797 Real Audiencia de Buenos Aires
2 May 1797 14 May 1799 Antonio Olaguer Feliú
Knight of the Order of Charles III and Marshal of the camp of the Royal Armies (1742 - 1813)
Virrey Antonio de Olaguer Feliú y Heredia Domec.jpg
14 May 1799 20 May 1801 Gabriel Miguel de Avilés and the Fierro
IV Marquis de Avilés (1735 - 1810)
20 May 1801 11 April 1804 Joaquín del Pino Sánchez de Rozas Romero y Negrete
(1729 - 1804)
Joaquin del Pino.jpg
23 April 1804 10 February 1807 Rafael de Sobremonte y Núñez
III Marquis de Sobremonte (1745 - 1827)
Rafael de Sobremonte.jpg
10 February 1807 30 June 1809 Santiago Antonio María de Liniers and Bremont
(1753 - 1810)
Santiago de Liniers.jpg
30 June 1809 25 May 1810 Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and La Torre
(1755 - 1829)
Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros.jpg
25 May 1810 22 September 1811 First Board (internal) Primera junta por Francisco Fortuny.jpg
10 February 1812 14 February 1813 Miguel de Azcuénaga (provision),
brother-in-law Antonio Olaguer Feliú
Miguel-Azcuénaga new.png
14 February 1813 16 April 1815 Antonio González Balcarce Antonio González Balcarce.jpg
16 April 1815 19 May 1815 The Cabildo of Buenos Aires (internal) Primera foto del cabildo.jpg
19 May 1815 8 June 1818 Manuel Luis de Oliden Manuel Luis de Oliden.jpg
8 June 1818 30 July 1818 José Rondeau Jose Rondeau 2.jpg
30 July 1818 12 November 1818 Juan Ramón Balcarce JuanRamonGonzalezBalcarce.gif
13 November 1818 16 March 1819 Eustoquio Díaz Vélez (intern) General Eustoquio Díaz Vélez.jpg
17 March 1819 9 February 1820 Juan Ramón Balcarce JuanRamonGonzalezBalcarce.gif
9 February 1820 11 February 1820 Matías Miguel de Irigoyen Matiasdeirigoyen.jpg

Governors of the province of Buenos Aires and heads of the National Executive Branch (1820-1852)

Portrait Governor Home Fin Party Notes
Matiasdeirigoyen.jpgMatías Miguel de Irigoyen 11 February 1820 18 February 1820 -
Sarratea.gifManuel de Sarratea 18 February 1820 6 March 1820 - Provisory.
JuanRamonGonzalezBalcarce.gifJuan Ramón Balcarce 6 March 1820 11 March 1820 Federal Provisory.
Sarratea.gifManuel de Sarratea 11 March 1820 2 May 1820 -
Iramosmexia.jpgIldefonso Ramos Mexía 2 May 1820 20 June 1820 -
Primera foto del cabildo.jpgEl Cabildo de Buenos Aires 20 June 1820 23 June 1820 - Interino.
Soler.jpgMiguel Estanislao Soler 23 June 1820 29 June 1820 Federal Provisory.
Manuel Dorrego.jpgManuel Dorrego 29 June 1820 20 September 1820 Federal Provisory.
Martín Rodríguez 2.JPGMartín Rodríguez 20 September 1820 2 April 1824 -
Lasheras.jpgJuan Gregorio de Las Heras 2 April 1824 7 February 1826 -
Presidents of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata
(the provincial authorities)
7 February 1826 17 August 1827 -
Manuel Dorrego.jpgManuel Dorrego 17 August 1827 1 December 1828 Federal
JuanLavalle.JPGJuan Galo Lavallede facto) 1 December 1828 26 June 1829 Unit de facto. Defeated at the Battle of Marquez Bridge.
Viamonte.jpgJuan José Viamonte 26 June 1829 6 December 1829 Federal Provisory.
Juan Manuel de Rosas by Descalzi.pngJuan Manuel de Rosas 6 December 1829 5 December 1832 Federal
JuanRamonGonzalezBalcarce.gifJuan Ramón Balcarce 5 December 1832 4 November 1833 Federal
Viamonte.jpgJuan José Viamonte 4 November 1833 27 June 1834 Federal
Vicente Maza.jpgManuel Vicente Maza 27 June 1834 7 March 1835 Federal Interino.
Juan Manuel de Rosas by Descalzi.pngJuan Manuel de Rosas 7 March 1835 3 February 1852 Federal Defeated at the Caseros Battle.
Vicente Lopez 1860.jpgVicente López and Planes 3 February 1852 26 July 1852 - Provisory.
JustoJoseUrquiza.jpgJust José de Urquiza 26 July 1852 4 September 1852 Federal Provisory.
No image.svgJosé Miguel Galán 4 September 1852 11 September 1852 Federal Provisory.

Governors of the State of Buenos Aires (1852-1862)

Portrait Governor Home Fin Party Notes
Manuel Guillermo Pinto.jpgManuel Guillermo Pinto 11 September 1852 31 October 1852 Unit Interino.
Valentín Alsina.jpgValentine Alsina 31 October 1852 7 December 1852 Unit
Manuel Guillermo Pinto.jpgManuel Guillermo Pinto 7 December 1852 28 June 1853 Unit Interino.
Board of Ministers 28 June 1853 24 July 1853 -
Obligado.jpgObligorized Pastor 24 July 1853 27 May 1854 Unit Provisory.
27 May 1854 21 December 1858
Valentín Alsina.jpgValentine Alsina 21 December 1858 8 November 1859 Unit
Felipellavallol.pngFelipe Llavallolol 8 November 1859 3 May 1860 Unit Interino.
BartolomeMitre002.JPGBartolomé Mitre 3 May 1860 11 October 1862 Unit

Governors of the province of Buenos Aires before the Sáenz Peña Law (1862-1914)

Portrait Governor Home Fin Party Notes Deputy Governor
Vicente Cazón.JPGVicente Cazón 11 October 1862 15 October 1862 - In charge of the executive branch. Uncreated cargo
Mariano Saavedra.jpgMariano Saavedra 15 October 1862 3 May 1866 - Provisory, then elected headline.
Adolfo Alsina 02.JPGAdolfo Alsina 3 May 1866 10 October 1868 PA
Emilio Castro.JPGEmilio Castro 10 October 1868 3 May 1872 PA
Mariano Acosta.jpgMariano Acosta 3 May 1872 12 September 1874 PA
Alvaro Barros.jpgAlvaro Barros 12 September 1874 1 May 1875 - In charge of the executive branch.
Carlos Casares 01.jpgCarlos Casares 1 May 1875 1 May 1878 PANEL Luis Sáenz Peña
Carlos Tejedor.JPGCarlos Tejedor 1 May 1878 1 July 1880 - He resigned after the 1880 Revolution. José María Moreno
José María Moreno.JPGJosé María Moreno 1 July 1880 18 July 1880 - Deputy Governor, took office after the resignation of Carlos Tejedor. Vacant
José María Bustillo.jpgJosé María Bustillo 18 July 1880 11 October 1880 - Federal interventionist.
Juan José Romero.JPGJuan José Romero 11 October 1880 1 May 1881 - Federal interventionist.
Rocha, Dr. Dardo- corregido grises-.jpgDardo Rocha 1 May 1881 1 May 1884 PANEL Adolfo Gonzales Chaves
DAMICO.jpgCarlos Alfredo D'Amico 1 May 1884 1 May 1887 - Cardoso Matías
Máximo Paz, gobernador de Buenos Aires.pngMaximum Peace 1 May 1887 1 May 1890 PANEL Claudio Stegmann
(on 28 October 1887)
Julio A. Costa.jpgJuly A. Costa 1 May 1890 8 August 1893 PANEL Defeated by the Revolution of 1893. Victor del Carril
No image.svgJuan Carlos Belgrano 8 August 1893 18 August 1893 UCR Governor during the Revolution of 1893. Vacant
MonumentoEduardoOlivera.jpgEduardo Olivera 18 August 1893 21 September 1893 PANEL Federal interventionist.
Lucio Vicente López.jpgLucio Vicente López 21 September 1893 1 May 1894 PANEL Federal interventionist.
Guillermo Udaondo (Editado).jpgGuillermo Udaondo 1 May 1894 1 May 1898 UCN José Inocencio Arias
Bernardo de Irigoyen.JPGBernardo de Irigoyen 1 May 1898 1 May 1902 UCR Alfredo Demarchi
(Since 7 June 1898)
Marcelino Ugarte.JPGMarcelino Ugarte 1 May 1902 1 May 1906 PANEL Adolfo Saldías
Ignacio Darío Irigoyen.jpgIgnacio Darío Irigoyen 1 May 1906 1 May 1910 PANEL Faustino M. Lezica
José Inocencio Arias.pngJosé Inocencio Arias 1 May 1910 12 September 1912 PANEL He died in office. Ezekiel de la Serna
Ezequiel de la Serna.pngEzekiel de la Serna 12 September 1912 15 March 1913 PANEL Vice governor, took office after the death of José Inocencio Arias. He died in office. Vacant
Eduardo Arana.jpgEduardo Arana 15 March 1913 2 July 1913 PANEL President of the Senate of Buenos Aires.
Juan Manuel Ortiz de Rosas (1839 - 1913).jpgJuan Manuel Ortiz de Rosas 2 July 1913 1 September 1913 PANEL He died in office. Luis García
Luis García del Molino Guevara.jpgLuis García 1 September 1913 1 May 1914 PANEL Vice-governor, took office after the death of Juan Manuel Ortiz de Rosas. Vacant

Governors of the province of Buenos Aires after the Sáenz Peña Law (1914-present)

A federal comptroller appointed by a democratic government. A federal comptroller appointed by a de facto government.

Portrait Governor Home Fin Party Election Notes Deputy Governor
Ugarte Marcelino 2.jpgMarcelino Ugarte1 May 1914 24 April 1917 PANEL 1913 Vicente Peralta Alvear
Cantilo.jpgJosé Luis Cantilo 24 April 1917 1 May 1918 UCR - Federal interventionist.
(Hiply Yrigoyen)
José Camilo Crotto.JPGJosé Camilo Crotto1 May 1918 20 May 1921 UCR 1918 He quit. Luis Monteverde
Luis Monteverde.jpgLuis Monteverde20 May 1921 1 May 1922 UCR Deputy Governor, took office after the resignation of José Camilo Crotto. Vacant
Cantilo.jpgJosé Luis Cantilo1 May 1922 1 May 1926 UCR 1921 Pedro Solanet
Valentin Vergara.jpgValentín Vergara1 May 1926 1 May 1930 UCR 1925 Victorian of Ortuzar
Nereo Crovetto.jpgNereo Crovetto1 May 1930 9 September 1930 UCR 1929 Juan Garralda
Carlos Meyer Pellegrini.jpgCarlos Meyer Pellegrini 9 September 1930 31 December 1930 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Golpe de Estado de 1930)
Clodomiro Zavalía.jpgClodomiro Zavalía 31 December 1930 19 January 1931 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Golpe de Estado de 1930)
Carlos Meyer Pellegrini.jpgCarlos Meyer Pellegrini 19 January 1931 4 May 1931 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Golpe de Estado de 1930)
No image.svgMariano Vedia (H) 4 May 1931 12 May 1931 - - Delegate.
(Golpe de Estado de 1930)
Manuel Ramón Alvarado.jpgManuel Ramón Alvarado 12 May 1931 2 October 1931 PDN - Federal intervention de facto.
(Golpe de Estado de 1930)
Raimundo Meabe Fernández.jpgRaymundo Meabe 2 October 1931 18 February 1932 PLCo - Federal intervention de facto.
(Golpe de Estado de 1930)
Honorio Pueyrredon LCCN2014717011.jpgHonorio PueyrredónElect, cancelled electionsUCR April1931 Mario Guido
Federico Martínez de Hoz.jpgFederico Martínez de Hoz18 February 1932 15 March 1935 PDN Nov.1931 He quit. Raúl Díaz
Raúl Diaz, gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires.pngRaúl Díaz15 March 1935 20 January 1936 PDN Deputy Governor, took office after the resignation of Federico Martínez de Hoz. Vacant
Edgardo J. Miguez.JPGEdgardo J. Míguez20 January 1936 29 January 1936 PDN - President of the Senate of Buenos Aires.
Raúl Diaz, gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires.pngRaúl Díaz29 January 1936 18 February 1936 PDN -
Manuel Fresco HD.pngManuel Fresco18 February 1936 7 March 1940 PDN 1935 Aurelio Amoedo
Alberto Barceló.jpgAlberto BarcelóElect, cancelled electionsPDN 1940 Edgardo J. Míguez
Luis Ángel Cassinelli.pngLuis Ángel Cassinelli 7 March 1940 13 March 1940 - - National Commissioner.
(Roberto M. Ortiz)
Octavio R. Amadeo.pngOctavio R. Amadeo 13 March 1940 27 May 1940 - - Federal interventionist.
(Roberto M. Ortiz)
No image.svgCarlos Herrera 27 May 1940 4 June 1940 - - Delegate.
Octavio R. Amadeo.pngOctavio R. Amadeo 4 June 1940 1 February 1941 - - Federal interventionist.
(Roberto M. Ortiz)
No image.svgEduardo T. López 1 February 1941 3 February 1941 - - Federal interventionist.
(Ramón Castillo)
Eleazar Videla.pngEleazar Videla 3 February 1941 2 September 1941 - - National Commissioner.
(Ramón Castillo)
No image.svgEnrique I. Rottjer 2 September 1941 9 September 1941 - - Federal interventionist.
(Ramón Castillo)
No image.svgDimas González Gowland 9 September 1941 7 January 1942 - - National Commissioner.
(Ramón Castillo)
Rodolfo Moreno.jpgRodolfo Moreno7 January 1942 13 April 1943 PDN 1941 He quit. Edgardo J. Míguez
Edgardo J. Miguez.JPGEdgardo J. Míguez13 April 1943 12 June 1943 PDN Vice-governor, took office after the resignation of Rodolfo Moreno. Vacant
No image.svgOscar Cazalas 12 June 1943 17 June 1943 - - National Commissioner de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgArmando Verdaguer 17 June 1943 22 December 1943 - - National Commissioner de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgFaustino J. Legón 22 December 1943 31 December 1943 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgJulio Oscar Ojea 31 December 1943 5 May 1944 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgLuis García Mata 5 May 1944 19 July 1944 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
Tte. Grl Juan Carlos Sanguinetti.jpgJuan Carlos Sanguinetti 19 July 1944 27 December 1944 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgRoberto M. Vanetta 27 December 1944 12 January 1945 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
Juan atilio bramuglia 16.jpgJuan Atilio Bramuglia 12 January 1945 19 September 1945 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgRamon del Río 19 September 1945 28 September 1945 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgAlberto H. Reales 28 September 1945 17 October 1945 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgFrancisco Arturo Sainz Kelly 17 October 1945 25 October 1945 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
Ramón Albariño.pngRamón Albariño 25 October 1945 22 January 1946 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgJuan Enrique Coronas 22 January 1946 24 January 1946 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
No image.svgFrancisco Arturo Sainz Kelly 24 January 1946 16 May 1946 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution of 43)
Domingo A Mercante.jpgMerchant Sunday16 May 1946 4 June 1950 PL 1946 John the Baptist Machado
4 June 1950 4 June 1952 P 1950 José Luis Passerini
Copia de Aloé Carlos Vicente.jpgCarlos Aloé4 June 1952 24 September 1955 P 1951 Carlos Antonio Díaz
Arturo Ossorio Arana.jpgArturo Ossorio Arana 24 September 1955 9 November 1955 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Liberating Revolution)
No image.svgJuan María Mathet 9 November 1955 14 November 1955 - - Delegate.
(Liberating Revolution)
No image.svgEmilio A. Bonnecarre 14 November 1955 2 May 1958 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Liberating Revolution)
Oscar Alende.pngOscar Alende2 May 1958 19 March 1962 UCRI 1958 Arturo Crosetti
Andrés Framini-1955-IIA-CEAL-10-37(1976).jpgAndrés FraminiElect, he never got to assumeUP 1962 Francisco Marcos Anglada
No image.svgGuillermo Vicente Salas Martínez 19 March 1962 20 March 1962 - - Federal interventionist.
(Arturo Frondizi)
Jorge Bermúdez Emparanza.jpgJorge Bermúdez Emparanza 20 March 1962 12 April 1962 - - Federal interventionist.
(Arturo Frondizi)
ETCHEPAREBORDA Roberto.jpgRoberto Etchepareborda 12 April 1962 1 June 1962 UCRI - National Commissioner de facto.
(1962 coup d ' état)
No image.svgCeferino Merbilhaa 1 June 1962 23 October 1962 - - National Commissioner de facto.
(1962 coup d ' état)
No image.svgFelix Trigo Viera 23 October 1962 24 April 1963 - - National Commissioner de facto.
(1962 coup d ' état)
Francisco A. Imaz 1968.jpgFrancisco A. Imaz 24 April 1963 12 October 1963 - - National Commissioner de facto.
(1962 coup d ' état)
Anselmo Marini.jpgAnselmo Marini12 October 1963 28 June 1966 UCRP 1963 Ricardo Lavalle
No image.svgJorge Federico Von Stecher 28 June 1966 4 July 1966 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution Argentina)
Francisco A. Imaz 1968.jpgFrancisco A. Imaz 4 July 1966 11 June 1969 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution Argentina)
Saturnino Llorente.jpgSaturnino Llorente 16 June 1969 10 June 1970 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution Argentina)
No image.svgHoracio Carlos Rivara 10 June 1970 7 September 1971 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution Argentina)
BrigMoragues.jpgMiguel Moragues 7 September 1971 25 May 1973 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Revolution Argentina)
Oscar R. Bidegain.JPGOscar Bidegain25 May 1973 26 January 1974 PJ 1973 He quit. Victorio Calabró
Victorio Calabro.jpgVictorio Calabró26 January 1974 24 March 1976 PJ Vice-governor, assumed office after the resignation of Oscar Bidegain. Vacant
Adolfo Sigwald.pngAdolfo Sigwald 24 March 1976 7 April 1976 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Process of National Reorganization)
Saint-Jean-Ibérico.jpgIbérico Saint-Jean 7 April 1976 29 March 1981 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Process of National Reorganization)
Oscar Bartolomé Gallino.jpgOscar Bartolomé Gallino 29 March 1981 8 January 1982 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Process of National Reorganization)
Jorge Aguado.jpgJorge Aguado 8 January 1982 10 December 1983 - - Federal intervention de facto.
(Process of National Reorganization)
Gobernador Armendáriz.jpgAlejandro Armendáriz10 December 1983 10 December 1987 UCR 1983 Elva Roulet
Gobernador Antonio Cafiero (cropped).jpgAntonio Cafiero10 December 1987 10 December 1991 PJ 1987 Luis María Macaya
Duhalde 1992.jpgEduardo Duhalde10 December 1991 10 December 1995 PJ 1991 Rafael Romá
10 December 1995 10 December 1999 1995
Carlos Ruckauf (cropped).pngCarlos Ruckauf10 December 1999 3 January 2002 PJ 1999 He resigned to assume as Chancellor. Felipe Solá
Felipe Solá.jpgFelipe Solá3 January 2002 10 December 2003 PJ Deputy Governor, took office after the resignation of Carlos Ruckauf. Vacant
10 December 2003 10 December 2007 2003 Graciela Giannettasio
Daniel Scioli October 2015.jpgDaniel Scioli10 December 2007 10 December 2011 PJ 2007 Alberto Balestrini
10 December 2011 10 December 2015 2011 Gabriel Mariotto
MEVidal.jpgMaría Eugenia Vidal10 December 2015 10 December 2019 PRO 2015 First woman in office. Daniel Salvador
Axel Kicillof 20190328.jpgAxel KicillofDecember 11, 2019 PositionInd.
(up to 2021)
2019 Veronica Magario

Temporary line of governors of Buenos Aires since 1983

Axel KicillofMaría Eugenia VidalDaniel ScioliFelipe SoláCarlos RuckaufEduardo DuhaldeAntonio CafieroAlejandro Armendáriz

Living ex-governors

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