Annex: Amino acids

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The amino acids are organic molecules that make up proteins —known as protein amino acids—, in addition to performing functions in various biological processes. Below is a list of the twenty protein amino acids and their biochemical properties.

Protein amino acids

Amino acid Side chain Genetic code Masa molar Radio de Van der Waals Polarity Hydrophobic interaction Isoelectric point pI pK1




protein (%)
Essential amino acids Comments
NameOpen up.Symbol
AlaninaAlaA -CH3GCN89.094 67 nickname 1.8 6.01 2.35 9.87 8.76 -
ArginineArgR -(CH)2)3NH-C(NH)NH2MGN, CGY174.203 148 polar -4.5 10.76 1.82 8.99 5.78 semi
AsparagineAsnN -CH2CONH2AAY132.119 96 polar -3,5 5.41 2.14 8.72 3.93 - Also called asparragine and even asparraguina in some sources.
Asparian acidAspD -CH2COOHGAY133.104 91 polar -3.5 2.85 1.99 9.90 5.49 -
CisteinCysC -CH2SHUGY121.154 86 polar 2.5 5.05 1.92 10.70 1.38 -Two cysteine molecules can form a disulfuriate link, forming a cystine molecule.
GlutamineGlnQ -CH2CH2CONH2CAR146.146 114 polar -3.5 5.65 2.17 9.13 3.90 -
Glutamic acidGluE -CH2CH2COOHGAR147.131 109 polar -3.5 3.15 2.10 9.47 6.32 -
GlicinaGlyG -HGGN75.067 48 nickname -0.4 6.06 2.35 9.78 7.03 - Because of the two hydrogen atoms in alpha carbon, glycine does not have asymmetric carbons and therefore is not optically active, being the only amino acid with this characteristic.
HistidinaHisH -CH2- C3H3N2CAY155.156 118 polar -3.2 7.60 1.80 9.33 2.26 semi
IsoleucinaIleI -CH(CH)3)CH2CH3AUH131.175 124 nickname 4.5 6.05 2.32 9.76 5.49 +
LeucinaLeuL -CH2CH(CH3)2YUR, CUY131.175 124 nickname 3.8 6.01 2.33 9.74 9.68 + The Cotton CUG It is also the initiation codon for one of the two alternative products of the human c-myc gene (Hann et al., 1987).
LisinaLysK -(CH)2)4NH2AAR146.189 135 polar -3.9 9.60 2.16 9.06 5.19 +
MetioninaMetM -CH2CH2SCH3AUG149.208 124 nickname 1.9 5.74 2.13 9.28 2.32 + The AUG Cotton also serves as an initiation site; the first AUG in a RNA encodes the site where protein translation is started.
FenilalaninaPheF -CH2C6H5UUY165.192 135 nickname 2.8 5.49 2.20 9.31 3.87 +
ProlinaProP -CH2CH2CH2-CCN115.132 90 nickname -1.6 6.30 1.95 10.64 5.02 - It usually interrupts sections of secondary structure such as alpha propeller or beta sheet.
SerinaBeingS -CH2OHUCN, AGY105.093 73 polar -0.8 5.68 2.19 9.21 7.14 -
TreoninaThrT -CH(OH)CH3ACN119.119 93 polar -0.7 5.60 2.09 9.10 5.53 +
TriptófanoTrpW -CH2C8H6NUGG204.228 163 nickname -0.9 5.89 2.46 9.41 1.25 +
TyrosineTyrAnd -CH2- C6H4OHUAY181.191 141 polar -1.3 5.64 2.20 9.21 2.91 -
ValinaValV -CH(CH)3)2GUN117.148 105 nickname 4.2 6.00 2.39 9.7 6.73 +
Essential for pregnant children and women.
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