

Amimitl (from Nahuatl: water dart) was a Mexica god of lakes and fishermen who calmed storms and thus protected fishermen.

Amimitl was, according to Torquemada, especially worshiped in Cuitlahuac (present-day Tláhuac) an island in Lake Chalco. This god of fishing expressed his discontent to his subjects with diseases of a dropsical or watery nature.In reduced contexts, the Mexican Jesuit Clavigero identifies him with Opochtli, the god of artisans and net fishermen.

Hymn to Amimitl

According to the attached gloss, the hymn is of ancient Chichimeca origin and its translation into Nahua was not complete. Its message is cryptic, but it was evident as a song for dances.

  1. Cotiuana, cotiuana, cali totoch maca huiya yyalimanico, oquixanimanico, tlacochcalico, oua, yya yya, matonicaya, matonicalico, oua yya yo, çana, çana, ayoueca niuia, çana canoya, ueca niuia, yya
  2. Ye necuiliyaya, niuaya, niuaya, niuaya, ay ca nauh niuahuaya, niuaya, niuaya, ay ca nauh.
  3. Tlaixtoca ye ca nauhtzini, tlaixtoca ye ca nauhtzini, ayoaya, yoaya, ye ca nauhtzini.
  4. Aueya itzipana nomauilia, aueya itzipana nomauilia, aueya itzipana nomauilia.
Var. i. Manca. Matinicaya.

  1. Put your hands together, put your hands together, in the house, take your hands to repeat this rhythm, and separate them again, separate them from the place of the arrows. Put your hands together, put your hands in the house, so I came, I came.
  2. Yes, I have come, bringing four with me, yes I have come, four are with me.
  3. Four nobles, well-selected, four nobles, well-selected, yes, four nobles.
  4. They personally precede their face, they personally precede their face, they personally precede their face.

Gloss: In amimitl icuic yuh mitoa in ueli chichimeca cuic amo uel caquizti in quein quitoa in tonauatlatol ypa.

The four nobles mentioned in the 3rd and 4th verses may refer to the so-called, in the Mexica sacred dances, "four auroras", four actors dressed in white, green, yellow and red each one of a different color.

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