Alphanumeric code


With a one-bit code we can represent 21=2 combinations. To represent the ten digits (0-9) and the 26 lowercase letters we need at least 6 bits (25=32, 26=64 combinations). If we also want to represent capital letters and other useful symbols, we will need a greater number of bits. In general, the term character or alphanumeric code includes:

  • The letters: a-z and A-Z.
  • Numbers: from 0 to 9
  • Symbols: @ ! # $ + - * / = % () [ ] etc.
  • Control Characters: ≤CFR, ≥LF-give, etc.

The information that the computer must process consists of letters, numbers, and special symbols.

Computers work with fixed voltages that are represented by the numbers 0 and 1 that form the basis of a binary system. With the presence or absence of electrical voltage, not only numbers can be represented, but also the states of a logic variable. With a set of logic variables, any logic system can be defined.

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