

Alphaherpesvirinae is a subfamily of viruses in the family Herpesviridae, fast growing (the replication cycle is relatively short), effectively cytolytic with the peculiarity of living latently in neurons, and sensitive ganglia of a wide variety of hosts. It includes the following species that cause herpes:

Herpesvirus Bovino 2
Herpesvirus Canino 1
Herpesvirus del Cercopiteco 1
Herpesvirus Equine 1
Herpesvirus Equine 2
Herpesvirus Equine 3
Herpesvirus Felino 1
Human Herpesvirus (alpha) 1
Herpesvirus Human 2
Herpesvirus Humano 3 (Varicola, Herpes Zóster)
Herpesvirus Porcino 1

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