Alphabet by words


A word alphabet is a set of words each representing a letter of the alphabet. Therefore, the system consists of as many words as there are letters in the alphabet, and each of these words begins with a letter of the alphabet.

Word alphabets are used for communication between two or more people by radio or telephone in cases where it is important that there are no errors in understanding data or messages. Word alphabets are widely used in all kinds of activities, and especially in sea and air navigation.

There are multiple alphabets for words in the most diverse languages. The best known is the one established by the International Civil Aviation Organization, and later the NATO phonetic alphabet, which is basically a copy of the previous one.

International correspondence table

The following examples are from various languages.

Letra ICAO British Forces 1952 RAF 1942–43 LAPD French German (DIN 5009) Dutch Italian Spanish Swedish Danish/Norway Finnish Turkish
A Alpha Able Apple Adam Anatole Anton Anna Ancona Albacete Adam Alpha Aarne Aydın
Ä - - - - - Ärger - - - Ärlig - Äiti -
B Bravo Baker. Beer Boy Berthe Berta Bernard Bologna Burgos Bertil Bravo Bertta Bekir
C Charlie. Charlie. Charlie. Charles Célestin Cäsar Cornelis Like Cadiz Caesar Charlie. Celsius Cemal
Ch - - - - - Charlotte - - Chile - - - -
D Delta Dog Dog David Désiré Dora Dirk Domodosola Denmark David Delta Daavid Deniz
E Echo Easy Edward Edward Eugène Emil Eduard Empoli Spain Erik Echo Eemeli Engin
F Foxtrot Fox Freddy. Frank François Friedrich Ferdinand Firenze France Filip Foxtrot Faarao Fener
G Golf George George George Gaston Gustav. Gerard Genova Grenada Gustav. Golf Gideon Gazi
H Hotel How Harry. Henry. Henri Heinrich Hendrik Acca Huesca Helge Hotel Heikki Halat
I India Item In Ida Irma Ida Izaak Imola Italy Ivar India Iivari İstif
J Juliet Jig Jug / Johnny John. Joseph Julius Julius I lunga Jaén Johan Juliet Jussi Jale
K Kilo King King King Kléber Kaufmann Karel Cappa Kilo Kalle Kilo Kalle Kilo
L Lima Love Love Lincoln Louis Ludwig Lodewijk Livorno Lérida Ludvig Lima Lauri Liman
M Mike. Mother Mary Marcel Martha Maria Milano Madrid Martin Mike. Matti Merih Miguel
N November Nan Nuts Nora Nicolas Nordpol Nico Napoli Navarra Niklas Niklas Niilo Neptün
Ñ - - - - - - - - Ñoño - - - -
O Oscar Oboe Orange Ocean Oscar Otto Otto Another Oviedo Olof Oscar Otto Oruç
Ö - - - - - Ökonom - - - Östen - Öljy -
P Pope Peter Peter Paul. Pierre Paula Pieter Padova Paris Petter Pope Pekka Pilot
Q Quebec Queen Queen Queen Quintal Quelle Quotiënt Quarto Quebec Quintus Quebec Kuu -
R Romeo Roger. Roger / Robert Robert Raoul Richard. Rudolf Rome Rome Rudolf Romeo Risto Roket
S Sierra Sugar Sugar Sam. Suzanne Samuel Simon Savona Sevilla Sigurd Sierra Sakari Süngü
Sch - - - - - Schule - - - - - - -
ß - - - - - Eszett - - - - - - -
T Tango Tare Tommy. Tom Thérèse Theodor Teunis Torino Toledo Tore Tango Tyyne Türk
U Uniform Uncle Uncle Union Ursule Ulrich Utrecht Udine Ubeda Urban Uniform Urho Ulu
Ü - - - - - Übermut - - - Übel - - -
V Victor Victor Vic Victor Victor Viktor Victor Venezia Valencia Viktor Victor Vihtori Vatan
W Whiskey William William William William Wilhelm Willem Vu doppia Washington Wilhelm Whiskey Wiski -
X X-ray X-ray X-ray X-ray Xavier Xanthippe Xanthippe Ics Xilófono Xerxes X-ray Äksä -
IJ - - - - - - IJmuiden - - - - - -
And Yankee Yoke Yoke / Yorker Yellow Yvonne Ypsilon Ypsilon Ipsilon Yugoslavia Yngve Yankee Yrjö Yavuz
Z Zulu Zebra Zebra Zebra Zoé Zacharias Zaandam Zara Zaragoza Zäta Zulu Tseta Zeybek
. - - - - - - - - - . Ægir/Ærlig - -
Ø - - - - - - - - - - Ødis/Ørnulf/Østen - -
Å - - - - - - - - - Åke Åse/Ågot Åke -

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