

The Alismatidae is the group of angiosperm plants, which in Heywood's classification includes four orders with 16 families.

  • Alismatales Order
    • Butomaceae
    • Limnocharitaceae
    • Alismataceae
  • Hydrocharital Order
    • Hydrocharitaceae
  • Order Najadales
    • Aponogetonaceae
    • Scheuchzeriaceae
    • Juncaginaceae
    • Potamogetonaceae
    • Ruppiaceae
    • Najadaceae
    • Zannichelliaceae
    • Posidoniaceae
    • Cymodoceaceae
    • Zosteraceae
  • Order Triuridales
    • Petrosaviaceae
    • Triuridaceae

Alismatidae in the Takhtajan system

The Takhtajan system treats them as one of six subclasses in the class Liliopsida (=monocots). It consists of:

  • subclass Alismatidae
    superorden Alismatanae
    order Butomales
    order Hydrocharitals
    order Najadales
    order Alismatales
    order Aponogetonales
    order Juncaginales
    order Potamogetonales
    order Posidoniales
    order Cymodoceales
    order Zosterales

Alismatidae in the Cronquist system

The Cronquist system treats them as one of four subclasses in the class Liliopsida (=monocots). Consists of (1981):

  • subclass Alismatidae
    order Alismatales
    order Hydrocharitals
    order Najadales
    order Triuridales

This subclass comprises fewer than five hundred species in all: many of them are aquatic or semi-aquatic (see Information on Alismatidae).

APG II System

The APG II system does not use formal botanical names above the order rank; and assigns many of the plants in the (expanded) order Alismatales, in the clade 'monocots', although the species in the Cronquist order Triuridales are assigned to almost different places.

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