Alexfloydia repens


Alexfloydia is a monotypic genus of herbaceous plant in the family Poaceae. Its only species, Alexfloydia repens B.K.Simon is native to the east coast of Australia.


It is a perennial herbaceous plant; stoloniferous, with stems 18–24 cm tall; unarmed; without multicellular glands; not aromatic. Leaves not basally aggregated; not auriculate; without ear setae. Linear leaf blades; wide; 1–2 mm wide; flat; no cross venation; persistent. Ligulate with hairs. Bisexual plants, with bisexual spikes; hermaphrodite spikelet.


Alexfloydia repens was described by Bryan Kenneth Simón and published in Austrobaileya 3(4): 670, f. 1. 1992.


Alexfloydia: A generic name that was named in honor of the discoverer of the species, Alexander Floyd.

repens: Latin epithet meaning "creeping".

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