Albanian language


The Albanian (in Albanian: gjuha shqipë, Albanian language; /ˈɟuˌha ˈʃciˌpə/) is an Indo-European macrolanguage spoken by some 5 to 6 million people, most of them in Albania, North Macedonia and in the partially recognized country of Kosovo, since in both countries Albanian is their majority language. There are also Albanian communities that speak it in Montenegro, Greece and Italy. The dialect spoken in the latter country is known as "arbëreshë".


The earliest known surviving written book in Albanian is Meshari ('Missary'), written by Catholic cleric Gjon Buzuku in 1555.

Albanian was shown to be an Adriatic language in the 1850s, and is now its own branch within the Indo-European language family.

It was initially suggested to be the only surviving of the Illyrian languages formerly spoken in the southwestern Balkans. However, there is now stronger evidence of its kinship with the ancient Dacian spoken in Moesia and Dacia. The main evidence is pre-Roman loanwords in modern Romanian, presumably from Dacian, which are clearly related to modern Albanian. It is also not clear whether the Dacian language and the Illyrian branch belonged to different branches of Indo-European, although most scholars think that they did.

Phylogenetic network for Indo-European languages, which shows a possible linguistic relationship between Albanian and Germanic. Red lines indicate not closely related linguistic contact branches.

On the other hand, studies of vocabulary derived from Proto-Indo-European and using techniques of quantum linguistics found that Albanian may be closely related to the Germanic languages and that together they would form a broader group called "German-Albanian" similar to the Italo-Celtic group that unites the Italic languages with the Celtic languages. This broad group may also include the Illyrian languages related to Albanian. However these "broad" they are generally not accepted by many linguists as they require more linguistic evidence to prove them.

Official Status

The rough dialect is the official language of Albania. Albanian is also one of the official languages of the partially recognized Republic of Kosovo, some cantons in North Macedonia, and some communes in southern Italy.


Guego, cough, arbanite and arbërésh varieties.

Albanian is a language that is divided into various dialects grouped into two dialect groups: the gego (gheg) and the tosco (tosk), the latter official in Albania. The traditional border between both dialect groups has been the Shkumbin River: Guego is spoken to the north of the river and Tosco to the south.

Both groups differ in both phonological and lexical features. In Italy, ethnic Albanian communities established since the late 15th century speak a sub-dialect of Rough called arbëreshë. Also Arbanite, widespread in the XIX century in Greece, is a coarse subdialect.


Albanian has seven vowels: /i ɛ a ə ɔ and u/ and 29 consonantal phonemes. The guego dialect has long vowels and nasals.


previous central post
closed i [i] and [and] u [u]
average ë [ scrolls]
almost open e [ or []]
open a [a]
Phenotic picture of the Albanian vowels
FonemasWritten as...Pronunciation as in...
/eFrench mère
/^ëEnglish about (schwa)
///orI do.
/y/andFrench du or ü in German Müller


Below is a table with the phonetic description of the Albanian consonants. The orthography and comparative pronunciation are shown in italics between square brackets:

Table of Albanian consonants according to IPA
Labial Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Gloss
Nasal m [m]n [chuckles]n] nj [chuckles] ]
Occlusive sorda p [chuckles]p] t [chuckles]t] q [chuckles]c] k [chuckles]k]
Sonora b [chuckles]b] d [chuckles]d] gj [chuckles]͡ offset͡] g [chuckles]g]
Africada sorda c [chuckles]t] ç [chuckles]t offset]
Sonora x [chuckles]d] xh [chuckles]d]
Fridge sorda f [chuckles]f] th [chuckles]θ] s [chuckles]s] sh [chuckles]MIN] h [chuckles]h]
Sonora v [chuckles]v] dh [chuckles]ð] z [chuckles]z] zh [chuckles]]
Approximately side l [chuckles]l] ll [chuckles]l]
central j [chuckles]j]
Vibrante Simple. r [chuckles]]
multiple rr [chuckles]r]


  • The Africans are pronounced as a sound (an occlusive and a fricative at the same point).
  • The palatal occlusives q and gj are also found in Hungarian (although with the digits gy and ty respectively).
  • The palatal nasal nj corresponds to the sound of the letter ñ Spanish.
  • The sound ll is a side guarded, similar to the Catalan ele or the English "dark l" in the word million.
  • The contrast between the vibrant r and rr It's identical to Spanish.

Vocabulary and pronunciation samples

  • Albanés: shqip /・cip/ (shkip)
  • Hi. Tungjatjeta /tun 'at 'j transformation ta(tun-gya-TIE-ta)
  • Goodbye. Mirupafshim /my ≤3(mi-ru-PAF-shim)
  • Please: Ju lutem /ju 'lu t(iU LU-tem) Hear
  • Thank you: Faleminderit /fa l transformation min d shifting(fa-le-min-de-rit)
  • That one. at /a(A-t(e))
  • How much?: Sa është? /'sa θ/ (SA esh-t)
  • English: anglisht /an 'gli impliedt(an-GLISHT)
  • Yes: po /(PO) Hear
  • No: /(iÓ) Hear
  • Sorry. më fal /mě 'fal/ (me FAL) Hear
  • I don't understand: nuk kuptoj /nuk 'kup tjj(nuk kup-TOi)
  • Where is the bathroom?: Ku është banjoja? /ku θ 't 'ba ja ja(ku ESH-t ba-ÑO-ia)
  • Brindis: gëzuar /gø zu a conscious(gue-SU-ar) Hear
  • Do you speak English?: Flisni Anglisht? /flis ni an 'gliьt(flis-ni an-GLISHT)
  • Snow: dëborë (devore)

Lexical comparison

Numerals in various varieties of Albanian are:

GLOSAGuego Tosco Albanés
Qosaj MandritsaAlbanés
'1'Nji, njâandnjë
^ /a・tě / /a meantt
русскийtatě / ・ta supportt
・t transformationtaxis / t transformation
ε / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
хðj-teaching/ ðj-tem
dhjetëðjetë♪ Of course ♪

Illustrious Albanologists

Some eminent linguists who have focused their studies on Albanian have included Johann Georg von Hahn, Franz Bopp, Gustav Meyer, Norbert Jokl, Eqrem Çabej, Stuart Edward Mann, Carlo Tagliavini, Wacław Cimochowski, Eric Pratt Hamp, Agnija Desnickaja and the sociolinguist Gjovalin Shkurtaj, director of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Tirana.

Other representations

  • Braille Albanian
aBraille A1.svgbBraille B2.svgcBraille C3.svgçBraille SH.svgdBraille D4.svgdhBraille Ô.svgeBraille E5.svgëBraille Å.svgfBraille F6.svg
gBraille G7.svggjBraille Ï.svghBraille H8.svgiBraille I9.svgjBraille J0.svgkBraille K.svglBraille L.svgllBraille À.svgmBraille M.svg
nBraille N.svgnjBraille Ë.svgorBraille O.svgpBraille P.svgqBraille AND.svgrBraille R.svgrrBraille Q.svgsBraille S.svgshBraille Û.svg
tBraille T.svgthBraille Ù.svguBraille U.svgvBraille V.svgxBraille X.svgxhBraille È.svgandBraille Y.svgzBraille Z.svgzhBraille Ü.svg

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