Aimée Antoinette Camus


Aimée Antoinette Camus (1879-1965) was a French botanist who lived near the Isle of Adam about fifty kilometers north of Paris. Numerous varieties of orchids grew in her surroundings, which, together with the positive influence of her father Edmond Gustave Camus (1852-1915), orchidologist and botanist, gave rise to her love for botany in general and orchids. especially. She named a total of 677 plant species throughout her life.


Later, Aimée Camus (preparing the anatomical part of the works) and in collaboration with her father Edmond Camus and other botanists such as P. Bergon and H. Lecomte in the taxonomic part would publish several works on European orchids.

Aimée Camus, shortly after her father's death, completed and published a work by her father, which she had left unfinished and unpublished. This is Iconographie des Orchidées d'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen , Paris (1921-1929), in which she has the collaboration of the botanist H. Lecomte in the taxonomic part.

Aimée Camus specialized above all in the study of European orchids and their natural hybridizations, of which she described and reclassified several species that bear her abbreviation in the name:

  • Cephalanthera damasonium × Cephalanthera longifolia = Cephalanthera schulzei E.G.Camus " Bergon " A.Camus 1908
  • Coeloglossum viride × Dactylorhiza incarnata = Dactyloglossum guilhotii E.G.Camus " Bergon " A.Camus 1908
  • Coeloglossum viride × Dactylorhiza maculata = Dactyloglossum dominianum E.G.Camus " Bergon " A.Camus 1908
  • Coeloglossum viride × Dactylorhiza majalis = Dactyloglossum drucei A.Camus 1928
  • Coeloglossum viride × Gymnadenia conopsea = Gymnaglossum quirkii A.Camus 1928


  • Première partie: Atlas de la monographie des saules de France / Deuxième partie: Principaux insectes nuisibles aux saules/ (suivi de:) Atlas A.Camus. J. Mersch, Paris (1904).
  • Classification de saules d ́Europe et monographie des saules de France A.Camus & E.G.Camus, Paris (1905).
  • Monographie des Orchidées de l ́Europe, de l ́Afrique Nortee... E.G.Camus " A.Camus " P. Bergon, Paris (1908).
  • Florule de Saint-Tropez et de ses environs immédiats A.Camus. Paul Lechevalier. Paris. (1912).
  • Les Cyprès (Genre Cupressus): Monographie, Systématique, Anatomie, Culture, Principaux usages A.Camus. Paul Lechevalier. Paris (1914).
  • Atlas. Les Châtaigniers: Monographie des genres Castanea et Castanopsis. A.Camus. Paul Lechevalier. Paris (1928).
  • Iconographie des Orchidées d ́Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen E.G.Camus " A.Camus " H. Lecomte, Paris (1921-1929).
  • Les Chênes: monographie du genre Quercus A.Camus. Paul Lechevalier. Paris (1938).
  • The abbreviation "A.Camus" is used to indicate Aimée Antoinette Camus as an authority in the description and scientific classification of vegetables.

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