Administrative procedural law


The administrative procedural law is a branch of administrative law that aims to regulate the organization and powers of the courts of justice and the actions of the different people involved in the judicial processes in the matter. of administrative law, understood as those that confront individuals with the administration of the State, or different administrations against each other.


Administrative procedural law is mainly characterized by the asymmetry in rights and obligations existing between the parties involved in the process. The administration always starts in the administrative procedure from a position of strength with respect to the administered party, but this is reversed in the procedural situation, at the level of the administrative litigation process.


The main regulation of the administrative procedure, including the administrative procedure, is currently found in Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

The contentious-administrative procedure is regulated in Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction.


In Venezuela, the main regulation of the administrative procedure is found in the recently created Law of Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction (LOJCA), of July 2010, which regulates the actions of the procedural subjects and the public administration itself in judicial proceedings. Well, let us remember that in Venezuela the actions of the public administration are subject to judicial control and not to other administrative bodies as occurs in other legislations. This in turn establishes the jurisdiction of the contentious-administrative courts, as well as the new distribution that arises from the Municipal Courts, State Courts and National Courts with Contentious-Administrative jurisdiction, in addition to the Political-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice as the maximum judicial instance in this matter.