Administrative Corporation of the Judicial Branch of Chile


The Administrative Corporation of the Judicial Branch of Chile is an organization with legal personality, which depends exclusively on the Supreme Court, through which it exercises the administration of human, financial, technological and materials intended for the operation of the courts that make up the Judicial Branch.

This body, created in 1990 (as successor to the Judicial Services Board and the Budget Office for the Judiciary), is made up of a Superior Council, a director, a deputy director, a head of finance and budgets, a head of acquisitions and maintenance, a head of information technology and computing, a head of human resources and an internal controller.


The management of the Administrative Corporation of the Judicial Branch of Chile corresponds to the Superior Council, which is made up of:

  • The President of the Supreme Court (he chairs);
  • Four ministers of the Supreme Court, elected by the Supreme Court for a period of two years (more two alternate counselors, elected from among the members of the same court).

In addition, the director of the Administrative Corporation serves as secretary of the Superior Council, with the right to speak at its meetings.

All personnel of the Administrative Corporation are governed, in general, by the rules applicable to employees of the Judicial Branch, however, their appointment is made directly by the Supreme Court, after a background check and opposition examination, in his case, which is called by the Superior Council. Likewise, they are exclusively trusted by the Supreme Court and it can remove them at its discretion.

In addition, more than 60% of officials of the Administrative Corporation of the Judiciary work as Honoraria, not having the rights of the worker and applying the same obligations as contract and permanent officials. Every year an Institutional and Individual management Bonus is delivered that does not include these officials, that is, it does not consider them part of the Corporation.


It is especially the responsibility of the Administrative Corporation of the Judicial Branch:

  • The development of budgets and the administration, investment and control of funds allocated to the judiciary by the Budget Act.
  • The administration, acquisition, construction, maintenance and repair of movable and immovable property for the operation of the courts and the judicial services or for tax houses for judges.
  • Technically advise the Supreme Court on the design and analysis of statistical information, on the development and application of computer systems and, in general, on the allocation, increase and administration of all resources of the Judiciary, to obtain their optimal use or performance.
  • The organization of courses and conferences for the development of judicial personnel.
  • The creation, implementation and maintenance of cot rooms in those places where necessary in accordance with the law, for the children of the staff of the Judiciary.
  • Dictate, in accordance with the general guidelines provided to it by the Supreme Court, personnel selection, evaluation, material and personnel resource management, management indicators, design and analysis of statistical information, and approval of the budgets submitted to it by the courts.

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