Addendum: Magic: The Gathering Expansions


This is a table of editions and expansions of the trading card game Magic: The Gathering.

Wizards of the Coast releases Magic cards in core editions and expansion blocks. The basic editions usually have 350 cards that have already been published before. Expansion blocks add new cards to the game. Expansions since Ice Age have always come in the form of blocks or cycles of three expansions consisting of a 350-card expansion that includes the basic lands and two smaller expansions, of 143 cards, that continue the theme of the first expansion. Each cycle has the name of its first expansion, so we have, for example, the Ice Age cycle, which consists of the expansions Ice Age, Homelands and Alliances. In the Mirrodin cycle there has been a better balance in the number of cards introduced by each expansion: 306, 165 and 165 cards.

The first expansion of each cycle is released in October, while smaller expansions associated with it are released in February and June of the following year. This practice began with the publication of Alianzas in June 1996.

All expansion blocks and all basic editions starting with Sixth Edition, are identified by an expansion symbol printed on the right side of each card, below the drawing and above the text.

Base Editions

After the second version (Beta) of the first set, which included two cards that were mistakenly omitted from the first version (Alpha) >), all subsequent base sets up to Tenth Edition, consisted of reprints of cards that originally arose from a previous base set or expansion. Editions between Alpha and Fifth Edition do not even have expansion symbols printed on the cards, although they were later granted a symbol by Wizards of the Coast to be consulted on their cards. website. The latest base edition to be released is Magic: Origins (Magic: Origins),

SetSymbol of setCode of the setRelease date Size
Number of letters Common letters Uncommon letters Rare letters Mythic letters Basic land Other
Alpha Limited EditionNone A 5 August 1993 295 74 95 116 - 10 -
Beta Limited EditionNone B October 1993 3027595117-15-
UnlimitedNone U December 1993 3027595117-15-
RevisedNone R April 1994 3067595121-15-
Fourth EditionNone 4E April 1995 378121121121-15-
Fifth EditionNone / a number five Roman 5E 24 March 1997 449165132132-20-
Sixth Edition or Classical EditionA number six Romans 6E 28 April 1999 350110110110-20-
Seventh EditionNumber seven stylized 7E 11 April 2001 350110110110-20-
Octava EditionA number eight overdrafts on three swept cards 8E 28 July 2003 357110110110-207
Nivena EditionA number nine overdrafts on three swept cards 9E 29 July 2005 359110110110-209
Tenth EditionA number ten Romans 10E 14 July 2007 383121121121-20-
Magic 2010"M10" M10 17 July 2009 24910160531520-
Magic 2011"M11" M11 16 July 2010 24910160531520-
Magic 2012"M12" M12 15 July 2011 24910160531520-
Magic 2013"M13" M13 24 July 2012 24910160531520-
Magic 2014"M14" M14 19 July 2013 249 101 60 53 15 20 -
Magic 2015"M15" M15 18 July 2014 269 101 80 53 15 20 15
Magic OriginsCircle with a dawn ORI 17 July 2015 272 101 80 55 16 20 16
Core Set 2019"M19" M19 13 July 2018 280 111 80 53 16 20 -
Core Set 2020"M20" M20 12 July 2019 321 152 86 65 16 20 -
Core Set 2021"M21" M21 3 July 2020 274 111 80 53 15 15 -


Since Alianzas in June 1996, the first set of each cycle has been released in October, and the smaller sets that complete the cycle have been released in February and June. The expansions are listed below with their names in Spanish and English, a description of the symbol that identifies the expansion, the date of publication, and the number of cards it contains.

Name of setSymbol of expansion Code Date of pre-launch Release date Size
Total lettersCommonsUncommonRarasMythicalBasic landOther
Arabian Nights A cimitar AR No. December 1993 92411932-1-
Antiquities A yunque AN No. March 1994 100304426---
Legends A capital of a doric column LG No. June 1994 31075114121---
The Dark A crescent moon DK No. August 1994 119404435---
Fallen Empires A crown FE No. November 1994 1871213036---
Chronicles cimitar eaque rhetoric column or A crescent moon as appropriate - - July 1995 116452546---
Homelands Globe of Ulgrotha HL 14 October 1995 October 1995 140712742---
Glacial Era Block
It was glacial (Ice Age) A snowflake IA No. June 1995 383121121121-20-
Alliances (Alliances) A standard AL 18 May 1996 10 June 1996 1991104346---
Cold wave (Coldsnap) Threesome Pendant Carambanos CSP 8 July 2006 21 July 2006 155605540---
Block of Espejismo
mirage A palm tree MY 21 September 1996 7 October 1996 350110110110-20-
Visions (Visions) Triangle stylized as a "V" VI 11 January 1997 3 February 1997 167.625550---
Windlight An open book WT 31 May 1997 9 June 1997 167.625550---
Tempestad block
Tempestad (Tempest) A storm cloud You. 4 October 1997 13 October 1997 350110110110-20-
Fortaleza (Stronghold) A rake ST 21 February 1998 2 March 1998 143554444---
Exodus (Exodus) A bridge EX 6 June 1998 15 June 1998 143554444---
Urza Block
Saga de Urza (Urza's Saga) Two gears US 3 October 1998 12 October 1998 350110110110-20-
Legacy of Urza (Urza's Legacy) A hammer UL 6 February 1999 15 February 1999 143554444---
Destination of Urza (Urza's Destiny) Matraz de Erlenmeyer UD 29 May 1999 7 June 1999 143554444---
Cycle of Masks
Masks of Mercadia (Mercadian Masques) A mask MM 25 September 1999 4 October 1999 350110110110-20-
Nemesis (Nemesis) A praise NE 5 February 2000 14 February 2000 143554444---
Prophecy Three crystals PY 27 May 2000 5 June 2000 143554444---
Cycle/Invasion Block
Invasion (Invasion) Coalition symbol1 IN 23 September 2000 2 October 2000 350110110110-20-
Transmigration (Planeshift) A swirling portal PS 27 January 2001 5 February 2001 143554444---
Revelation (Apocalypse) Yawgmoth Mask AP 26 May 2001 4 June 2001 143554444---
Cycle/Odyssey Block
Odyssey. An area on a basis OD 22 September 2001 1 October 2001 350110110110-20-
Tormento (Torment) A uroboros TO 26 January 2002 4 February 2002 143554444---
Judgment (Judgment) A bullet JU 18 May 2002 27 May 2002 143554444---
Cycle/Location Block
(Onslaught) a four-legged creature ON 28 September 2002 7 October 2002 350110110110-20-
Legions (Legions) Two cross spears behind a shield LA 26 January 2003 3 February 2003 145554545---
Azote (Scourge) A dragon mask SC 17 May 2003 26 May 2003 143554444---
Cycle/Block of Mirrodin
Mirrodin (Mirrodin) A sword MR 20 September 2003 3 October 2003 3061108888-20-
Darksteel (Darksteel) A shield DS 24 January 2004 6 February 2004 165555555---
Fifth dawn (Fifth Dawn) A Yelmo FD 2 May 2004 4 June 2004 165555555---
Kamigawa Cycle/Block
Kamigawa Champions (Champions of Kamigawa) A door torii CHK 18 September 2004 1 October 2004 3061108888-20-
Kamigawa Traitors (Betrayers of Kamigawa) A shuriken BOK 22 January 2005 4 February 2005 165555555---
Kamigawa Saviors (Saviors of Kamigawa) A Tōrō SOK 21 May 2005 3 June 2005 165555555---
Cycle/Ravnica Block
City of guilds (Ravnica: City of Guilds) A tower RAV 24 September 2005 7 October 2005 3061108888-20-
The Guild Pact Seal of the Guild Pact GPT 21 January 2006 3 February 2006 165555555---
Discordia (Dissension) Broken seal of the guild pact DIS 22 April 2006 5 May 2006 180606060---
Cycle/Time Spiral Block
Time Spiral A sand watch TSP/TSB 23 September 2006 6 October 2006 4221218080-20121
Planting chaos (Planning Chaos) A tape of möebius PLC 20 January 2007 2 February 2007 165605550---
Vision of the Future (Future Sight) One eye FUT 21 April 2007 4 May 2007 180606060---
Cycle/Lorwyn Block
Lorwyn (Lorwyn) A leaf LRW 29 September 2007 12 October 2007 3011218080-20-
Alborada (Morningtide) A dawn MOR 19 January 2008 1 February 2008 150604050---
Cycle/Small Paramour Block
Shadow paramour (Shadowmoor) Crown of the Segador King SHM 19 April 2008 2 May 2008 3011218080-20-
Twilight (Eventide) Sun eclipsed EVE 12 July 2008 25 July 2008 180606060---
Cycle/Alara Block
Fragments of Alara (Shards of Alara) Gem divided into five parts ALA 27 September 2008 3 October 2008 24910160531520-
Conflux (Conflux) Shield divided into five parts WITH 31 January 2009 6 February 2009 145 60403510--
Reborn Alara (Alara Reborn) Gem branched in five parts ARB 25 April 2009 30 April 2009 145 60403510--
Cycle/Block of Zendikar
Zendikar (Zendikar) An edro ZEN 26 September 2009 2 October 2009 24910160531520-
Wake up from the world (Worldwake) An edar opening WWK 30 January 2010 5 February 2010 14560403510--
Eldrazi Uprising (Rise of the Eldrazi) An open edar ROE 17 April 2010 23 April 2010 24810060531520-
Cycle/Cicatric Block of Mirrodin
Mirrodin Scars (Scars of Mirrodin) Silver hexagonal SOM 25 September 2010 1 October 2010 249 10160531520-
Mirrodin besieged (Mirodin Besieged) Mirrodin and Phyrexia superimposed symbols MBS 29 January 2011 4 February 2011 155 6040351010-
New Phyrexia (New Phyrexia) The letter Fi, symbol of Phyrexia NPH 7 May 2011 13 May 2011 175 6060351010-
Cycle/Innistrad Block
Innistrad (Innistrad) Two claws ISD 24 September 2011 30 September 2011 264 10767591615-
Sinister Ascension (Dark Ascension) Murciélago DKA 28 January 2012 3 February 2012 158 64443812--
Replaced Avacyn (Avacyn Restored) Avacyn symbol AVR 28 April 2012 4 May 2012 244 10160531515-
Cycle/Back to Ravnica
Return to Rávnica (Return to Ravnica) Mitra RTR 29 September 2012 5 October 2012 274 10180531525-
Intrusion (Gatecrash) Arc of a portal GTC 26 January 2013 1 February 2013 249 101805315--
Dragon Maze The two previous symbols combined DGM 27 April 2013 3 May 2013 156. 70403511--
Cycle/Theros Block
Theros (Theros) Arch with column THS 21 September 2013 27 September 2013 249 10160531520-
Born of the Gods (Born of the Gods) Horns of Xenagos BNG 1 February 2014 7 February 2014 165 60603510--
Transfer to Nyx (Journey into Nyx) The two previous symbols combined JOU 26 April 2014 2 May 2014 165 60603510--
Cycle/Block of Khans of Tarkir
Kans de Tarkir (Khans of Tarkir) A shield and two scimitar KTK 20 September 2014 26 September 2014 269 10180531520-
Rewritten destination (Fate Reforged) Two clear claws FRF 17 January 2015 23 January 2015 185. 7060351010-
Tarkir Dragons (Dragons of Tarkir) A dragon-shaped shield DTK 21 March 2015 27 March 2015 264 10180531515-
Cycle/Battle Block by Zendikar
Battle for Zendikar (Battle for Zendikar) An edro with a twisted N-shaped crack BFZ 26 September 2015 2 October 2015 274 101 80 53 15 25 25
Guardians' (Oath of the Gatewatch) Edros pointing up OGW 16 January 2016 22 January 2016 184 68 60 42 12 4 20
Cycle/Location of Shadows on Innistrad
Shadows about Innistrad (Shadows over Innistrad) Avacyn symbol backwards whose tips are twisted down SOI 8 April 2016 15 April 2016 297 105 100 59 18 15 -
Horror Moon (Edritch Moon) Emrakul silhouette EMN 16-17 July 2016 22 July 2016 205 74 70 47 14 - -
Kaladesh Cycle/Block
Kaladesh (Kaladesh) Kaladesh Emblem KLD September 2016 October 2016 264 101 80 53 15 20 -
Ether Revolt Kaladesh Emblem invested AER January 2017 February 2017 264 184 70 60 42 12 -
Cycle/Amonkhet Block
Amonkhet (Amonkhet) Pyramid AKH 22 April 2017 28 April 2017 269 101 80 53 15 20 -
The time of devastation (Hour of Devastation) Horns of Nicol Balls HOU 8 July 2017 14 July 2017 199 70 60 42 12 15 -
Cycle/Ixalan Block
Ixalan Rose of the winds with the side directions XLN 23 September 2017 29 September 2017 279 101 80 63 15 20 -
Rivales de Ixalan (Rivals of Ixalan) Wind rose in half heading north RIX 13 January 2018 19 January 2018 196 70 60 48 13 5 -
Dominary (Dominary) Benal shield DOM April 21, 2018 April 27, 2018 269 101 80 53 15 20 -
Gremios de Ravnica (Guilds of Ravnica) The profile of a city or a crown with seven elements GRN 29 September 2018 5 October 2018 256 111 80 53 15 - -
The loyalty of Ravnica (Ravnica Allegiance) Inverted version of the Ravnica Guilds symbol RNA 19 January 2018 25 January 2018 256 111 80 53 15 - -
The Chispa War (War of the Spark) Symbol planswalker symbol with horns of Nicol Balls WAR April 27, 2019 May 3, 2019 264 101 80 53 15 15 -
The throne of Eldraine (Throne of Eldraine) Sword ELD 28 September 2019 4 October 2019 269 101 80 53 15 20 -
Theros: Beyond Death Mask of returnees THB 17 January 2020 24 January 2020 254 101 80 53 15 5 -
Ikoria: World of Behemots (Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths) Monster Eye IKO 17 April 2020 15 May 2020 274 111 80 52 14 15 -
The Resurrection of Zendikar (Zendikar Rising) A polyhedron on an X ZNR September 2020 25 September 2020 280 101 80 64 20 15 -
Kaldheim Battlefield KHM January 2021 2 February 2021 285 111 80 64 20 15 -
Strixhaven: Academy of Magicians (Strixhaven: School of Mages) A spice STX 16 April 2021 23 April 2021 275 105 80 69 21 10 -
Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Dragon head AFR 16-22 July 2021 23 July 2021 281 101 80 60 20 20 -
Innistrad: midnight hunt (Innistrad: Crimson Vow) Wolf lulling the moon MID 17-23 September 2021 17 September 2021 277 100 83 64 20 10 -
Innistrad: Scarlet Commitment (Innistrad: Crimson Vow) Stylized bat VOW 12-18 November 2021 19 November 2021 277 100 83 64 20 10 -
Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty (Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty) Sun rising after a mountain NEO 11-17 February 2022 18 February 2022 302 119 87 58 18 20 -
Streets of New Capenna (Streets of New Capenna) Nudillera with angel wings SNC 22 April 2022 29 April 2022 281 99 81 62 19 20 -
Dominaria unida (Dominaria United) Symbol of the overlapping Coalition on a Benite Shield DMU 2 September 2022 9 September 2022 281 101 80 60 20 20 -
The Brothers' War A match gear BRORO 11-17 November 2022 18 November 2022 Not published

1: A group assembled by Urza to defend Dominaria from the invasion of the Phyrexians.

Expansions not allowed in DCI tournaments

  • Unglued, Unhinged, Unstable and Unsactioned are satellite expansions published by Wizards of the Coast. They are easily recognized for being the only cards with the silver-colored edges (gris), although their expanded basic art lands are legal in tournaments.
    • Unglued (broken egg) (August 1998), 94 letters.
    • Unhinged (short) (November 2004), 141 letters.
    • Unstable (moulding call) (December 2017), 268 letters.
    • Unsanctioned (a hybrid of the previous three: horseshoe coming out of an egg with two diagonally crossed plumber keys) (February 2020), 96 cards.
  • World Championship Decks (WCD): Replicas of the winners of the world’s every year. They are published since 1996, they have the golden edge, a signature at the bottom right of the winner and the reverse with the tournament logo.
  • Oversized (OS): commemorative cards larger than the legal for tournaments (most 6x9 inches), which serve more as decoration.
  • Happy Hollidays Promos (HHO): Edited every Christmas since 2006, these limited edition letters are delivered to the workforce, being parodies that congratulate the new year. They are distinguished by writing the legend "Happy Holidays" at the bottom right of the illustration. They are rare to see and can reach very high prices among collectors.

Other publications

  • Premium Deck Series: Slivers (fragmented). Inside the series of bars premiumwhich was launched on 20 November 2009 Slivers or fragmented, which stands out for presenting sixty letters in format foil, black edge, only in English and limited edition that include five rare and a mythical.

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