Academic title

Bachelor's degree in Medicine from the University of Salerno (1916).

Academic title, academic degree or academic degree is a distinction given by an educational institution, generally after the successful completion of a program of studies; either tertiary, university or postgraduate (in the case of higher education). It consists of the recognition of the educational or professional training that a person has after completing the relevant studies, exams and tests.

It can refer to a stage of compulsory or post-compulsory education, of general or specific studies of professional training. Higher education studies are commonly called university degree, but generally the term is used preferentially to refer to certifications issued by universities after completing the corresponding studies.

Each country tends to independently regulate the type of qualifications and the way to acquire them. Each educational center also has its own catalog of academic qualifications.

Non-university studies

Non-university academic degrees cover primary and secondary education, but also non-university tertiary, that is, the so-called technical or vocational training. However, the latter is part of higher and professional education, just like university.

Studies by country


Education in Argentina is regulated by the National Education Law and is structured in various stages.

  • Initial education.
  • Primary education.
  • Secondary education.
  • Higher Education: It is integrated by:
    • Non-University Education: Institutes, Colleges and other higher and professional institutions that deliver titles called Tertiaries.
    • Universities, colleges and colleges.

Universities are autonomous, that is, they govern themselves, and have a variety of majors or disciplines, which are organized into faculties, departments, or equivalent academic units.[3]

It is important to highlight that Initial, Primary and Secondary Education in Argentina is mandatory established by the National Education Law No. 26206 where in its Art. 16 (modified by Law 27045) it is established that:

"Article 16: Compulsory schooling throughout the country extends from the age of four (4) years to the end of secondary education".

The Argentine State understands Education as a Right and assumes the main and non-delegable responsibility of providing comprehensive, permanent and quality education for all the inhabitants of the nation, guaranteeing equality, free and fairness in the exercise of this right, with the participation of social organizations and families.

To enter a university it is necessary to have completed a secondary education and meet the requirements that each university demands. If a person over 25 years of age wants to enter a university degree and lacks a secondary degree, they must demonstrate that they have sufficient preparation, work experience, aptitudes and knowledge to pursue the studies they wish to enter. The university may have leveling and orientation processes for their admission, but these processes must in no case have a selective, exclusive or discriminatory nature.

The degrees awarded by universities are nationally valid when they are recognized by the National Ministry of Education and allow the profession to be practiced throughout the country, although the provinces have the power to control professional practice.


El Salvador

The Educational System of El Salvador is given by the General Law of Education and the Constitution of the Republic, and is divided into three compulsory levels of non-higher education.

  • Parvularia education It lasts for three years from four to six years.
  1. Kinder 4
  2. Kinder 5
  3. Preparatory
  • Basic education It lasts nine years and serves children and young people from 7 to 15 years of age. It is fragmented into three cycles.
  1. First Cycles First, second and third grade.
  2. Second Cycle Quart, fifth and sixth grade.
  3. Third Seventh Cycle, eighth and ninth grade.
  • Education Media Takes young people from 16 to 18 years old. Its duration varies according to the modality applied.
  1. Vocational Technical Bachelor Duration of three years (two years of general education and one of specialization) and choice of commercial accounting, health, automotive mechanics, etc.
  2. Bachillerato General Two-year duration (only general education) and some institutions offer diplomas that are not included in the bachelor's degree.


  • Primary (Obligatory Primary Education) from 6 to 12 years.

Official qualifications and the structure of the Spanish educational system are governed by the Organic Law of Education (LOE)

  • Graduate Title in ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education). It corresponds to the end of the compulsory stage and is usually acquired at the age of 16.
  • Bachelor's Degree, after completing Bachelor's studies in one of its modalities: Arts; Science and Technology (up to 2009 divided into Nature and Health Sciences, and Technology); Humanities and Social Sciences. It's a two-year post-opening stage.
  • Official Professional Teachings: Receive the name of Training Cycles and there are 142 different titles grouped in 22 professional families, lasting one to two years (between 1300 and 2000 hours).
    • Average grade: Your overcoming allows you to obtain the degree of Specialty Technician.
    • Higher grade: Allows to obtain the degree of Senior Specialty Technician.
      • Teachings of Plastic Arts and Design:
        • Average grade: Corresponds to the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design.
      • Sports education:
        • Average grade: Corresponds to the title of Medium Degree Sports Technician.
        • Superior Degree: Corresponds to the title of Sports Technician of Higher Degree.
      • Other degrees:
        • Official Language Schools. They end with the Accreditation Certification of the level reached (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced) in the studied language.
        • Professional Teachings of Music and Dance: Finalize with the Professional Degree of the corresponding specialty
        • Higher artistic teachings: Finalize with the Superior Title of the corresponding specialty:
        • Music and Dance.
        • Plastic arts
        • Design
        • Conservation and restoration of cultural property
        • Dramatic art


French terminology is closely related to the original meanings of the terms. The baccalauréat (cf. bachelor) is a degree conferred on French students who have successfully completed their secondary education. It is obtained after a specific exam and allows admission to the university.


Non-university education in Mexico is regulated by the General Education Law and defines that basic education (which ranges from preschool to secondary education) is compulsory, and that education is structured in the following stages:

  • Preschool education:

The preschool level lasts between two and three years; It is divided into two modalities:

-Kindergarten: Focused mainly on developing manual and emotional skills.

-Kindergarten: Focused mainly on developing academic skills, such as learning to count, knowing the alphabet, among others.

  • Primary Education:

It has a duration of six years and elementary education is taught according to the study plans approved by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) for this educational level, and may have regional variations (such as teaching an indigenous language) or include subjects such as English and Computers in certain private schools.

  • Secondary Education:

This is the level of Secondary Education, it lasts three years, and there are different modalities such as the General Secondary modality, the Technical Secondary School, Telesecundaria and the Secondary Education modality for Adults.

At this level, general knowledge that should be available to the entire population is deepened. The SEP maintains control of this educational level, and there are also many private schools dedicated to this educational level.

  • Higher secondary education:

The Higher Secondary level lasts three years and is usually the preparation for Higher Education, or, alternatively, provide students with sufficient technical education to perform in the world of work, there are high schools, high schools and technological high schools; Since 2013, the Upper Secondary level is mandatory.

The case of Technical Professional Education (such as CONALEP or CETIS) grants a Professional Technical degree (fulfilling the requirements such as providing social service, among others) in addition to being able to complete the baccalaureate training to enter any Institution Superior.

The SEP has control of almost all the Higher Secondary education institutions, however there are baccalaureates of the autonomous universities (such as the ENP and the CCH of the UNAM, or the SEMS of the University of Guadalajara) in which they are the universities that design the study plans and grant the respective certificate, without going through the SEP, but with the same validity as it.

There are many private institutions that teach this level, and may be incorporated into the SEP or a university.

University studies


The first European universities were founded in the 12th and 13th centuries. Teaching was carried out, as in other professions, by duly qualified persons. In the same way that a doctor obtained the status of master doctor when his league saw him qualified, a professor became a teacher when his league licensed his profession.

Candidates who completed three or four years of study of the prescribed texts in the trivium (grammar, rhetoric, and logic), and who passed the examinations conducted by their teachers, were awarded the bachelor's degree.. A degree was then a step on the path to becoming a qualified teacher - hence the word "graduate", based on the Latin gradus ("step").

Today the terms teacher, doctor and professor mean different levels of academic achievement, but initially they were equivalent. The University of Bologna, considered the oldest in Europe, was the first institution to award the title of Doctor of Civil Law in the last years of the century XII; it also awarded similar degrees in other subjects, including medicine. Note that today only in medicine the term doctor is applied to students who have completed their first level of academic training, considering that the original title (M.D.) means "Doctor of Medicine", and comes from Latin docere ("to teach").

The University of Paris used the term masters for its graduates, a practice that was adopted by the English universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

The names of the grades eventually became linked to the subjects studied. Scholars in the arts or grammar faculties were known as teachers, but those in philosophy, medicine, and law were known as doctors. The doctor's degree assumed a higher status than the master's degree, since the study of arts or grammar was a necessary requirement for studying philosophy, medicine, and law. This led to the modern hierarchy in which the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree is one degree higher than the Master of Arts (M.A.) degree. The practice of using the term doctor for all advanced degrees developed in German universities and spread throughout the world.

In Spain, at the end of the XVIII century, the only title that required real studies was that of bachelor. Those of graduate and doctor were obtained a few days after the first. The last Spanish bishop of Buenos Aires, Benito de Lué, graduated as Bachelor, Licenciate and Doctor of Theology on October 7, 10 and 11, 1791, at the University of Ávila. Bruno, Cayetano, History of the Church in Argentina.

The last Spanish bishop of Córdoba, today in Argentina, Rodrigo de Orellana, graduated with a Bachelor of Philosophy and Theology on July 18, 1783. On September 7 of the same year he became a Licenciado, and on September 21 from 1783 he was Doctor of Theology. Tonda, Americo. Bishop Orellana and the Revolution.

Until the end of the XIX century, this practice continued in Argentina. On November 24, 1880, Raimundo Wilmart and Tomás García Montaño graduated as Bachelors and Graduates in Civil Law. On December 8 of the same year they became Doctors in Civil Law. Taborda Varela, Juan Cruz, Ambidextrous.

Studies by country

Each country tends to independently regulate the type of qualifications and the way to acquire them. Each educational center also has its own catalog of academic qualifications.

In Europe there is a process of homogenization of degrees within the framework of the Bologna process, resembling them in duration and name to those existing in the United Kingdom and the United States. This has given rise to a degree structure made up of three levels:

  • Degree
  • Master
  • Doctor

Studies leading to the Degree are called "undergraduate studies", and those for masters and doctorates "postgraduate studies". As a general rule, to access postgraduate studies, it is necessary to have completed undergraduate studies.

When there are two academic degrees in the same branch, they normally provide graduates with different professional attributions, some of them being reserved for those who have obtained the most advanced degree.

To regulate the recognition of studies from one country to another, the Council of Europe promoted the signing of the Lisbon Recognition Agreement, signed by the vast majority of European countries, joined by some others.


In Germany, the doctorate is the highest degree awarded; additions to the title that specify the area of study may be included, such as Dr.rer.nat. (Doktor rerum naturalium) in the natural sciences), Dr. phil (philosophiae) in philosophy, which includes the specialties traditionally included in the faculties of philosophy (philology, sociology, political science, history, psychology, pedagogy) or (Doktor medicinae) in medicine. However, there is a higher rank in the academic hierarchy, which is obtained through Habilitation.


Most public and private universities offer undergraduate and graduate programs, granting academic and professional degrees. In general, the programs degree take at least 5 years of study. In many areas, students graduate as Bachelors, for example, Bachelor of Political Science. Teachers and technical training institutes grant professional titles, although they are not considered degree studies.

Postgraduate studies can be

  • Title of Doctor
  • Magister title
  • Diploma degree

In particular, unlike those undergraduate degrees that qualify to practice different professions, undergraduate degrees grant particular denominations that qualify for different professions, such as the following cases:

  • Public Accountant Title: This is granted to the Economics student after a regulated career of 5 or 6 years of regular study. By obtaining the same, the student has the right to use the C.P. prefix; Cr. or at times C.P.N. in his own name.
  • Title of Lawyer: This is granted to the law student after a regulated career of 5 or 6 years of regular study. By obtaining the same, the student has the right to use the Abog prefix in his own name.
  • Medical Title: The student of Medicine is granted after a regulated career of 6 years of regular study. By obtaining the same, the student has the right to use the Med prefix in his own name.
  • Title of Engineer: It is awarded to the Engineering student after a regulated 6-year regular study career, 5 for certain very defined specialities. By obtaining the same, the student has the right to use the Ing prefix in his own name.
  • Title of Architect: This is granted to the student of Architecture after a regulated career of 5 years of regular study. By obtaining the same, the student has the right to use the Arq prefix in his own name.
  • Industrial Designer Title: This is granted to the industrial design student after a regulated career of 4 or 5 years of regular study. By obtaining the same, the student has the right to use the DI prefix in his own name.
  • Bachelor's Degree: The student is granted a career considered to be a regulated degree after 5 or 6 years of regular study. By obtaining the same student has the right to use the Lic prefix in his own name.

In Argentina, the university institutions legally authorized to function are the only ones authorized to offer careers, degrees and training paths with university level certification.[4]

You can disseminate the university degrees informing the name of the degree, the admission requirements, the degree granted, the academic degree of the degree: undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate, the ministerial resolution that validates the title and the modality: face-to-face or distance education.


Bolivian universities offer degree programs that generally last 5 years; Students who successfully complete the academic program obtain a Bachelor's degree in the specific area. In medicine, until 2016 the degree lasted 7 years; The student was in 5 years of university, 1 year as an intern in a hospital, rotating 3 months for each basic specialty (internal medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics and surgery) and 3 months as an intern doing social health service in a health center first level or health unit designated by the Departmental Health Service. After finishing the social health service, you should wait a minimum of 6 months to obtain the academic diploma granted by the university and the professional title granted by the Ministry of Health certifying the degree of Surgeon and allowing the right to use the prefix Dr. with own name. Currently, the internship time in hospitals as an internal doctor has been reduced to include the social health service in the year of the rotating internship and thus shorten the duration of the degree to 6 years.



The degree refers to a certification related to the area of application or work of the discipline under study.

  • Senior Technical
  • Professional
Academic degrees

The degree corresponds to a distinction referring to the academic area.

  • Bachelor
  • Licensed
  • Magister
  • Doctor.

El Salvador

  1. Higher education

1. technicians: with a duration of 3 years, they include nursing technicians, computer technicians and electricians.

2. Technologists: in nursing or other careers lasting 4 years.

3. Bachelor's degrees: 6-year university degrees in the areas of health, education, humanities, law, and others.

4. Doctorates: with a duration of 8 years doctorates in medicine or dentistry.

5. Master's or Master's degree: its duration is 2 years and it is the highest-ranking academic degree to which bachelor's or doctoral degrees opt.

6. Postgraduate: it is a specialization in a certain area, such as health, humanities, education or languages, etc.


The traditional university degrees, which became extinct with the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, were:

  • Medium, short-cycle or first-degree careers: To obtain diplomas, technical architecture or technical engineering (between 3 and 4 years).
  • Higher, long-cycle or second-degree careers: To obtain bachelor's degrees, engineering or architecture (between 4 and 6 years).
  • University or third-degree careers: To get the PhD degree.

Currently, the university degrees are homologated with those of the rest of the countries of the European Union, according to the agreements emanating from the Bologna Process that led to the creation of the European Space for Higher Education, and are:

  • Grade (from 3 to 6 years, lasting 4 most);
  • Master (between 1 and 2 years): There is a need for a degree;
  • Doctorate: You need to complete a degree and a master's degree to access the doctoral program.


Prior to the Bologna process, there were various university-type academic degrees. Among the shortest were the DEUG, which lasted 2 years, and the licence, which lasted 3 years. The latter enabled access to certain professions, such as secondary education.


The superior type is the one that is taught after the terminal baccalaureate or its equivalents. It is made up of the bachelor's degree, the specialty, the master's degree and the doctorate, as well as terminal options prior to the conclusion of the degree. It includes normal education at all its levels and specialties.

  • Technical. The level of technical degree studies forms technically trained professionals for the work in a specific discipline, its curricula are two or three years, is of a terminal character and can manage a professional cédula. The precedent is the secondary certificate. As long as it is done, baccalaureate is also done. Examples of institutions with this type of study are: CONALEP, CECYTEs, CETIS, CEBETAS. Accreditation document: Academic Degree.
  • Associate. The level of professional degree studies associated form technically trained professionals for work in a specific discipline, their study programs are two years, is terminal in character and does not reach the level of bachelor's degree. Its background is the baccalaureate certificate and has been used to give grade to education professionals who studied and obtained a place of teachers with full basic education. Some universities in the system of technological and polytechnic universities use it instead of the university top technician.Accreditation document: Academic Degree.
  • Senior university technician. The level of higher technical grade studies university form technically trained professionals for work in a specific discipline, their study programs are two years, is of terminal character and does not reach the level of bachelor's degree. Accreditation document: Academic Degree.
  • Bachelor. The bachelor ' s degree is provided in technological, university and teacher training institutions (normal); vocational training in the various areas of knowledge with four-year or more curricula. Background: Certificate of baccalaureate. Accreditation document: Academic title.
    • Licensing and Engineering. This educational level has a duration of just over three years for short careers, six years in the case of surgeons, having a typical duration of between four and five years for other bachelor's and engineering. It is accessed with the certificate of the upper middle level and approved the examination that each university determines for the degree or engineering chosen by the student. By legislation, the future profession must meet at least 480 hours of social service, eliminated in 2018, a final work should also be presented (thesis, tesine, design of a project, design of a system, academic stay, professional practices, diplomats, seminars, exchanges, expansion of knowledge, among other options) and a professional (oral or written) examination should be presented at the end of such work; additionally, each university is required to demonstrate the Spanish domain of a different language. The offer in private universities is usually limited to the most demanded careers by students (right, accounting, administration, computer science, psychology, among others), although the most prestigious private universities (and the most expensive) offer excellent professional career options, which can become specialized or novel. Public universities offer a variety of university degrees, without neglecting any specific area, despite their entry usually requires important merits in knowledge and preparation, because the ability of the university's semi-annual or annual enrollment is lower than the demand, and the selection of candidates (students) is to obtain the highest number of successes in the knowledge exams that apply for admission. This is a common practice in universities that have gained prestige, a situation that is common in several countries.
    • Normal: It is accessed with the completed baccalaureate, at this level the new teachers who have as their goal are formed, they will enter the National Education System, or join private institutions of basic or upper secondary education levels (mainly at primary and secondary levels [Mexico]). Background: Certificate of baccalaureate. Accreditation document: Academic title.
  • Masters. The immediate academic degree higher than the Bachelor's degree is the Master's degree, usually for two years, which may last a little longer or a little less, this postgraduate course is common as a terminal option for the careers focused on the Industry. Private universities often offer some master's degree, but as with bachelor's degrees, they offer the most demanded master's degrees, such as MBA, Master's in Finance, Master's in IT Management, among others. In the case of public universities, their approach is to give greater depth to the knowledge of a specific area, leaving the original research part to the doctorate. Background: License Certificate. Accreditation document: Academic Degree. Master courses in other countries rarely obtain the equivalent of DGAIR SEP studies to Masters in Mexico.
  • Doctors. The Doctorate is the highest academic degree of the Mexican Educational System, its duration is between two and four years, being able to extend by the complexity of the doctoral thesis; before presenting the defense of the thesis it is necessary to become a doctor's candidate, the curricula are personalized and the students of PhD have a lot of freedom about their training. Not many private universities offer PhDs, mostly offered by public universities that specialize in scientific and humanistic research. The Doctorate is an eminently academic departure, has an almost zero demand in the Mexican industry.
  • Specializations and others. The specialties are common in medicine, law, among others; for the case of medicine their duration is between three and five years, being able to take subspecialities and to enter some, the general doctors must approve the National Examination for Aspirants to Medical Residences with the score required by the desired specialty. There are also diplomas, courses, certificates and seminars whose duration and academic validity is very variable.

Post COVID-19 impact: Since June 2020 (New Normal defined by COVID-19 or sars-cov-2), the vast majority of study centers, from basic to university levels, have chosen to continue the transmission of knowledge through the use of platforms. digital. The adaptation was slow and progressive. It was observed that 100% of the teachers of basic and secondary education (elementary, secondary and high school) had to experience various platform options and combinations with social networks, to adapt to the virtual teaching modality. The higher, technical and university levels suffered less adaptation, but disorganization was still perceived. The adaptation of virtual teaching came to last up to a year. By mid-2021 the concept of "hybrid classes" where half of the students attended a classroom in person while the other half did so virtually behind a computer or mobile device from their homes. The titles and academic degrees did not stop being issued despite the difficulties in recognizing an optimal transmission of knowledge, however it is recognized that there is a 6 or 9-month delay for their issuance due to health measures not only of sars-cov- 2, but also because of the recent arrival of "monkey pox".

Examples of University Ranking Degrees

  • Associate Degree (United States): AA, AS
  • Foundation Degree (United Kingdom): FdA, FdEd, FdEng, FdMus, FdSc, FdTech
  • Degree Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BS, BSc), Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL), Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Bachelor of Medicine (MB, Chir), Bachelor of Civil Law (Lic.), Lectorate (Lect.; today practically in disuse), Professorship (Prof.; qualification in some countries).
  • Master's Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Science (MS, MSc), Master in Philosophy (MPhil, MRes), Master in Business Administration and Management (MBA), Master in Counseling (LLM).
  • Ph.D. (Dr.): Ph.D. Philosophiæ (PhD), Ph.D. in Business Administration (DBA), Ph.D. in Science (DSc).

When the student passes a university degree, he or she obtains a higher degree (or higher degree). This certificate is also called a higher university degree, a higher university degree, a higher university degree or a higher university degree (in these four forms, intermediate degrees are sometimes excluded or doctorates are included).

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