Åbo Akademi University


The Åbo Akademi University, Swedish Åbo Akademi (abbreviation ÅA), is a Swedish-speaking university, based in the city of Åbo (in Swedish) or Turku (in Finnish), in Finland. It was founded in 1918. Today, it has seven faculties and several separate research institutes. It has about 7,200 students and a staff of 1,300 people. Åbo Akademi University is a member of the Coimbra Group of European Universities.

To start undergraduate studies you have to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the Swedish language. Instead, master's degrees are offered in Swedish, English and even German. In addition, Åbo Akademi University receives students from all over the globe year after year. This is because the university is part of many exchange programs, including with universities in South America.

Main building of Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland.


A building from Åbo Akademi University.

The Åbo Akademi University was founded in 1918, is the oldest in Turku and also the second oldest university founded on Finnish soil. The Swedish language was until the middle of the century XIX The language most used by academics in Finland. It was only in the century XIX , when this changed. Little by little, the Finnish won ground in academic life and the Swedish was consequently losing in importance. A reaction from the Finea Swedish minority was the foundation of the University of Swedish Language Åbo Akademi in the city of Turku (Åbo in Swedish). The university was private until 1981, it is now in the hands of the Finnish state.


There are seven faculties today at the Åbo Akademi University , of which two are not in Turku, but in Vaasa:

  • Faculty of Humanities (founded in 1918)
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (1918)
  • Technical Faculty (1920)
  • Theological Faculty (1924)
  • Faculty of Education (1974), Vaasa
  • Faculty of Economics and State Sciences (1980)
  • Faculty of Social Science (1992), Vaasa
Åbo Akademi University Observatory.

Bilateral Academic Agreements

The Åbo Akademi University has an agreement with many prestigious universities around the world, including some are:

  • Bandera de Alemania Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
  • Bandera de Alemania Technical University of Munich
  • Bandera de Argentina Universidad de Salvador
  • Bandera de Brasil University of São Paulo
  • Bandera de Bélgica KU Leuven
  • Bandera de Canadá University of Victoria
  • Bandera de Chile Universidad Diego Portales
  • Bandera de Colombia Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Bandera de Dinamarca University of Copenhagen
  • Bandera de Escocia University of Edinburgh
  • Bandera de España Complutense University of Madrid
  • Bandera de España University of Barcelona
  • Bandera de España University of Valladolid
  • Bandera de Francia University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Bandera de Italia Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
  • Bandera de Italia University of Milan
  • Bandera de Noruega University of Oslo
  • Bandera de Perú Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
  • Bandera del Reino Unido University of Cambridge
  • Bandera del Reino Unido University of Oxford
  • Bandera de Sudáfrica Stellenbosch University
  • Bandera de Suecia University of Stockholm
  • Bandera de Suecia University of Lund
  • Bandera de Uruguay University of the Republic
  • Bandera de Venezuela Universidad Simón Bolívar

Links of interest

  • Wikimedia Commons hosts a multimedia category University Åbo Akademi.
  • University Website Åbo Akademi

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