Abelian group

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Abelian Group (2.2)

In mathematics, a Abelian group or switching group is a group in which the internal operation satisfies the commutative property, that is, that the result of the operation is independent of the order of arguments. More formally, a group is abelian when, in addition to group axioms, the following condition is satisfied

for any pair of items .

Abelian groups are named after the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, who used these groups in the study of algebraic equations that can be solved by radicals. Groups that are not commutative are called non-abelian or not commutative.

Abelian groups are the basis on which more complex algebraic structures such as rings and fields, vector spaces or modules are built. In category theory, abelian groups are the object of study of the category Ab.


There are two main notations for abelian groups: additive and multiplicative, described below.

Notation Operation Neutral element Powers Inverse elements Direct asthma /
Direct output
Addendum 0
Multiplication or e or 1 or

The multiplicative notation is the usual notation in group theory, while the additive is the usual notation in the study of rings, modules and vector spaces, in which there is a second operation. It is also common to use the additive notation when working only with abelian groups, as in the case of homological algebra.


All cyclical groups is abelian, for two elements whatsoever can be expressed as powers for certain integers m and n. Consequently


In particular, the additive group of integers is abelian, like the whole group module n, .

The rational numbers, the real numbers, the complex numbers, and the quaternions are each an abelian group under addition. They are also under multiplication (excluding zero from each of these sets) except for quaternions, which are a notable example of a non-commutative field. In general, every ring is an abelian group with respect to addition. If addition is a commutative ring, the invertible elements also form an abelian group under multiplication.

Given a group arbitrary, it is possible to build abelianization of , which is the quotient of by its switching subgroup: . This group is abelian, and it has the property that if given any other normal subgroup , the quotient He's abelian, then .

All group contains an abelian subgroup called the center of the group, which is formed by the elements that commut with any other group.


  • Yeah. n is a natural number and x an element of an Abelian group G (with additive notation), you can define nx = x + x +... + x (n and (−n)x = −(nx) with what G becomes a module on the ring Z of the whole. In fact, modules on Z It's not other than the Abelian groups.
  • Yeah. f, g: GH are two homomorphisms between Abelian groups, their sum (defined by (f + g)(x) = f(x+ g(x) is also a homomorphism; this is not generally fulfilled for non-Abellian groups. With this operation, the set of homomorphisms between G and H becomes, then, an Abelian group in itself.
  • Every subgroup of an Abelian group is normal, and therefore for every subgroup there is a quotient group. Subgroups, quotient groups, and direct sums of Abelian groups are also Abelians.

Classification of finitely generated abelian groups

A group is said to be finitely generated if there exists a spanning set of the group that is finite. Every finite group is finitely generated, since the group itself is a generating set of itself. Finite and finitely generated abelian groups are fully classified by the so-called structure theorem, of which there are several versions. According to this theorem, every finitely generated abelian group is the direct sum of cyclic groups, which can be of two types:

  • the infinite cyclic group, characterized by the integers under the addition, .
  • finite cyclic groups, characterized by the integer module n under the sum module n, .

Finite abelian groups

It is interesting to study first the case of finite groups, since this result applies directly to the general case. The structure theorem in the finite case states the following:

Structure Theorem for Finite Abelian Groups

All abelian finite group isomorph to Where are integers greater than 1 they verify .

Numbers called torsion coefficients of And they're invariants of the group. In particular, the order equals the product . It is said that an element of a group is an element of torsion if your order is finite. Similarly, it is said that a group in which all the elements are of torsion is a torsion group. Naturally, all finite groups are torsion.

This theorem is deducted from the following result, using which isomorph to When n and m They're coprimos:

Theorem of primary decomposition of Abelian groups

All abelian finite group G isomorph to Where are prime numbers (not necessarily different) and .
The integers They're unique except by order.

The following examples illustrate how to apply the structure theorem, from the prime factors of the order of the group:

  • Except isomorphism, there are five Abelian groups with 16 elements. From which , possible choices for torsion coefficients are . Consequently, an Abelian group of 16 elements is isomorphous to one and only one of the following:
  • Every Abelian group of order 30 is isomorph to the cyclic group . This is because there is no way to break down 30 as a product of two larger numbers of 1 such that one is dividing the other.

Finitely generated abelian groups

The set of torsion elements of an arbitrary group form a subgroup called subgroup of torsionand denotes as . If the only element of torsion is identity, then the group is said to be free torsion. In such a case, any element other than identity is of infinite order. The following result indicates how an Abelian group can be broken down into two parts: a torsion and a torsion free:

For all groups Abelian, the quotient He's free of torsion.

If the Abelian group is finitely generated then its torsion subgroup is also finitely generated, and in fact it is finite. It can therefore be classified according to the preceding section. Plus Where is a finitely generated and torsion-free abelian group. The following result allows us to characterize this group :

Every abelian group finitely generated and free of torsion is a free abelian group.

A Finnishly Generated Abelian Group is a free abelian group if it is isomorphic to the direct product for a certain positive integer , called range of . Consequently

Structure Theorem for Finitely Generated Abelian Groups

All abelian groups finitely generated is the direct sum of finite and infinite cyclical groups, and the number of sums of each class depends only on .

In summary, every finitely generated abelian group is isomorphic to the direct sum

where the number of factors is rank and numbers are the torsion coefficients of to verify that .

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