Abel prize

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The Abel Prize is an award given by the King of Norway to an outstanding mathematician. It is delivered annually.

The Norwegian government created the Abel Prize in 2002, on the bicentenary of the birth of Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, who died prematurely at the age of 26 from tuberculosis.

The Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters proclaims each year the recipient of the Abel Prize, after a selection made by a committee of five mathematicians from various countries. The economic reward for the winner is €770,000, similar to that of the Nobel Prize, which does not award any prize to mathematicians. The prize is intended to publicize mathematics and increase its prestige, especially among young people.

Sophus Lie was the first to propose the creation of the Abel Prize when he learned in 1897 that Alfred Nobel had no intention of creating a prize for mathematics. King Oscar II agreed to fund a mathematics prize in Abel's honour, and mathematicians Ludwig Sylow and Carl Størmer designed the prize's statutes and rules. However, the dissolution of the Union between Sweden and Norway in 1905 derailed the first attempt to create the Abel Prize.

In April 2003 it was announced that Jean Pierre Serre was the first candidate to win the Abel Prize; Finally, he was awarded said award in June of that year.

Selection Criteria

The Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters declares the winner of the Abel Prize each March at a press conference chaired by the Academy's president (Dr. Ole M. Sejersted) after a selection by a committee of five international mathematicians. This commission is currently headed by Dr. John Rognes. The International Mathematical Union and the European Mathematical Society are responsible for appointing the members of the Abel Committee every 2 years (with the exception of the president of the committee whose permanence is fixed for 4 years, said members can be renewed only one more time, so that its presence extends to 4 years at the most). In 2001 the Norwegian government provided the Abel Foundation with initial funding of NOK 200 million (about US$23 million). Funding is controlled by a Board, which is made up of members elected by the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters and Norwegian Government authorities, chaired by the Norwegian Minister of Education.

The Academies of Sciences, Universities, Research Organizations, Public or Private Institutions and Renowned Scientific Personalities, etc. from all over the world, can nominate a candidate, with a maximum term of up to the month of September of the year prior to the election. At the end of September, the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters begins to meet with the members of the Abel Committee, which on the basis of their recommendations chooses the laureate, (The candidate must be alive at the time of the deliberations, however, if the successful bidder dies after being declared as the winner, receives the award posthumously) said decision to be carried out is kept in reserve until the following March in which the winner is named. Among the restrictions for the eligibility of the award, the executive members of the IMU cannot be candidates until three years after leaving office. The award ceremony takes place in the Atrium of the University of Oslo in the month of May of the same year, in the Ceremony the King of Norway presents the honoree with a Commemorative Plaque, a Medal and a Diploma, before an audience made up of by the members of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, personal guests of the winner, authorities of his country of origin, academic personalities, professors and students, foreign press and the general public.


Year Country Names Institution Mention
2003 Bandera de FranciaFrance Jean-Pierre Serre Collège de France "to play a key role in conforming the modern form of many parts of mathematics, including topology, algebraic geometry and number theory."
2004 Bandera del Reino UnidoUnited Kingdom
Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States
Michael Atiyah
Isadore Singer
University of Edinburgh
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"by his discovery and proof of the theorem of the index, which unites topology, geometry and analysis, and his outstanding role in building new bridges between mathematics and theoretical physics."
2005 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States
Bandera de HungríaHungary
Peter Lax Courant Institute of Mathematics Sciences, University of New York "for their pioneering contributions to the theory and application of the partial differential equations and the calculation of their solutions."
2006 Bandera de SueciaSweden Lennart Carleson Royal Stockholm Institute of Technology "for their deep and decisive contributions to harmonic analysis and to the theory of continuous dynamic systems."
2007 Bandera de la IndiaIndia Srinivasa Varadhan Courant Institute of Mathematics Sciences, University of New York "for their fundamental contributions to the theory of probability and in particular for the creation of a unified theory of great deviations."
2008 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States
Bandera de FranciaFrance
John Griggs Thompson
Jacques Tits
University of Florida
Collège de France
"for their profound achievements in algebra and in particular by the formation of the modern theory of the group."
2009 Bandera de RusiaRussia
Bandera de FranciaFrance
Mikhail Leonídovich Grómov Institut des hautes études scientifiques "for their revolutionary contributions to geometry."
2010 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States John Tate- University of Texas in Austin "for its wide and lasting impact on the theory of numbers."
2011 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States John Milnor University of Stony Brook "for their pioneering discoveries in topology, geometry and algebra."
2012 Bandera de HungríaHungary Endre Szemerédi Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics of Hungary
Rutgers University of New Jersey
"for their fundamental contributions to discreet mathematics and the science of theoretical computing, and in recognition of the profound and lasting impact of these contributions on the additive theory of numbers and ergodic theory."
2013 Bandera de BélgicaBelgium Pierre Deligne Institute for Advanced Study "for their seminal contributions to algebraic geometry and its transformative impact on the theory of numbers, representation theory, and other related."
2014 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States
Bandera de RusiaRussia
Yákov Grigórievich Sinai Princeton University of New Jersey
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of Russia
"for their fundamental contributions to dynamic systems, ergodic theory and mathematical physics."
2015 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States
Bandera de CanadáCanada
John Forbes Nash
Louis Nirenberg
Princeton University
New York University
"for his work in partial differential equations, a tool used to describe all kinds of scientific phenomena, from the fields of thermodynamics to quantum physics."
2016 Bandera del Reino UnidoUnited Kingdom Andrew Wiles Oxford University "by its impressive demonstration of the Last Theorem of Fermat through the modularity conjecture for the semi-estable elliptical curves, starting a new era in the theory of numbers."
2017 Bandera de FranciaFrance Yves Meyer Escuela Normal Superior de Cachan "for its fundamental role in the development of the mathematical theory of the waves."
2018 Bandera de CanadáCanada Robert Langlands Institute for Advanced Study "by his visionary program that connects the theory of representations with the theory of numbers."
2019 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States Karen Uhlenbeck University of Texas in Austin "for his research with equations in partial derivatives of the forms of space in various dimensions."
2020 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States
Bandera de IsraelIsrael
Hillel Furstenberg
Grigory Margulis
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Yale University
"For being pioneers in the use of methods of probability and dynamics in group theory, number theory and combination"
2021 Bandera de HungríaHungary
Bandera de IsraelIsrael
Laszló Lovász
Avi Wigderson
Eötvös Loránd University
Institute for Advanced Study
"For their fundamental contributions to theoretical computing and discrete mathematics, and their main role in shaping them in the central fields of modern mathematics."
2022 Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States Dennis Sullivan University of Stony Brook
CUNY Graduate Center
"For their innovative contributions to topology in the broadest sense, particularly in algebraic, geometric and dynamic aspects."
2023 Bandera de ArgentinaArgentina Luis Caffarelli University of Texas in Austin "For their fundamental contributions to the theory of the regularity of nonlinear equations in partial derivatives, including the problems of free edges and the equation of Monge-Ampère."
Tamaño del texto:
Academia Lab. (2025). Abel prize. Enciclopedia. Revisado el 2 de marzo del 2025. https://academia-lab.com/encyclopedia/abel-prize/