9th century BC c.


The 9th century B.C. C. or century IX a. and. c. (9th century BC) began on January 1, 900 B.C. C. and ended on December 31, 801 B.C. c.


Hebrews in an offering to the king of Assyria Salmanasar III.
  • 900 a. C. approx.: protorientalizing period in Tartessos (Spain). From the middle of the century, its expansion towards eastern Andalusia begins.
  • 900-800 B.C.: in Spain deposit of the Huelva Ría, more than 400 pieces of Atlantic metallurgy of the final Bronze.
  • 900 BC: on the Italian peninsula Etruscans begin to develop.
  • 892 B.C.: In ancient Greece, Megacles, king of Athens dies after 30 years of reign; it is his son Diogneto.
  • 891 B.C.: In Assyria, Tukulti-Ninurta II happens to his father Adad-nirari II as king.
  • 889 B.C.: In Egypt, Takelot I happens to his father Osorkon I as king.
  • 886 BC: Zhou Xiaowang, king of the Zhou dynasty dies in China.
  • 885 BC: in China, Zhou Yiwang becomes king of the Zhou dynasty.
  • 884 B.C.: In Assyria, Assurnasirpal II happens to his father Tukulti-ninurta II as king.
  • 878 BC: Zhou Yiwang, king of the Zhou dynasty dies in China.
  • 877 BC: in China, Zhou Liwang becomes king of the Zhou dynasty.
  • 874 B.C.: In Egypt, Osorkon II succeeds Takelot I as king.
  • 874 B.C. (traditional date): In Israel, Ahab becomes king.
  • 872 B.C.: in Luxor (Egypt), an exceptionally high flood in the Nile River covers the walls of Luxor Temple.
  • 870 BC: Fenicia commemorates almost three centuries of peace.
  • 865 B.C.: Kar Kalmaneser is conquered by Assyrian king Salmanasar III.
  • 864 B.C.: In ancient Greece, Diogneto, king of Athens, dies after 28 years of reign; his son Pericles happens to him.
  • 863 B.C.: In Scotland is founded the village of Bath (‘baths’), thus called for its thermal waters.
  • 860 BC: Turkey unifies the kingdom of Urartu.
  • 858 B.C.: In Assyria, Salmanasar III happens to Asurnasirpal II as king.
  • 856 B.C.: in Afek, 10 km east of the port of Ashkelon, Israel, on the Mediterranean Sea, there is an earthquake that leaves a balance of 27 000 dead.
  • 854 B.C.: In Syria, Salmanasar III defeats a Syrian coalition (which included King Ahab of the kingdom of Israel) in the battle of Carcar (probably).
  • 853 BC: King Ahab dies in Israel.
  • 853 BC: Assyria conquers Babylon.
  • 851-850 a. C.: Salmanasar III of Assyria intervenes in Babylon at the request of the Babylonian king Marduk-zakir-shumi I.
  • 850 BC: Phoenician trade is interrupted with the Red Sea. Tyre founded its first overseas colony: Kition (in Cyprus).
  • 850 BC: Takelot II happens to Osorkon II as king of Egypt.
  • 850 B.C.: Persians are established in current Iran.
  • 850 B.C.: In the current Peru, the Chavín culture begins to develop.
  • In the present Rome, Italy, a group of cabins is established permanently on the Palatine Mount, one of the seven hills of Rome.
  • 850-750 BC: On the Iberian Peninsula, Tartessos spreads its culture through Eastern Andalusia.
  • 842 a. C.: Salmanasar III rooted the territory of Damascus; the kingdom of Israel and the cities of Fenicia sent tribute to him.
  • 841 BC: Zhou Liwang, king of the Zhou dynasty dies in China.
  • 836 a. C.: Shalmaneser III of Assyria conducts an expedition against tabareni.
  • 836 B.C.: A civil war takes place in Egypt.
  • 825 to 820 BC: In North Africa, the Phoenicians founded Cartago. According to the Greek mythology, Princess Dido founded it in 813 a. C.
  • 817 BC: In Egypt begins the XXIII dynasty, which will last until 730 BC. C.
  • 817 B.C.: In Egypt, Padibastet made himself king.
  • 814 B.C. (traditional date): in North Africa, Dido founded Cartago. It is more possible that it has been founded by the Phoenicians approximately a decade earlier.
  • 811 B.C.: In Assyria, Adad-nirari III happens to his father Shamshi-Adad V as king.
  • 800 a. C. in Mexico begins the period of the greatest expansion of the Olmeca culture, which spans up to 400 a. C.
  • 800 B.C.: The first Phoenician settlers arrive on the Iberian peninsula.

Relevant people

  • Asurnasirpal II (883-859 B.C.), Assyrian king who founded the city of Kalhu, the present Nimrud, to which he became the capital of the kingdom.
  • Salmanasar III (858-824 BC), king of Assyrian who faced the states of the area of Syria, the Levante and the south of Anatolia.
  • Carano de Macedonia (808-778 BC) first king of the Kingdom of Macedonia.
  • Ahab, king of Israel.

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