(8749) Beatles

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(8749) Beatles is an asteroid that is part of the asteroid belt and was discovered by John Broughton on April 3, 1998 from the Reedy Creek Observatory, Australia.

Designation and name

The Beatles were initially designated as 1998 GJ10. Later, in 2001, he was named after the British music group The Beatles.

Orbital characteristics

Beatles orbits at an average distance of 2,254 AU from the Sun, being able to move away up to 2,678 AU and approach up to 1,831 AU. She has an eccentricity of 0.1878 and an orbital inclination of 3.365 degrees. It takes 1236 days to complete one orbit around the Sun. The movement of Beatles on the stellar background is 0.2912 degrees per day.

Physical characteristics

The absolute magnitude of Beatles is 14.2.