7th century BC c.


The 7th century B.C. C. or century VII a. and. c. (7th century BC) began on January 1, 700 BC. C. and ended on December 31, 601 BC. c.



  • 670-657 BC (probably): Second Messenia war in Esparta.
  • 665 B.C.: the jonios founded Estagira.
  • 664 B.C.: In Greece a naval battle is waged between Corinth and Corsica.
  • 650 B.C.: On the coast of Thrace, the Greeks founded the colony of Abdera (according to the information supplied by Herodote).
  • 621 a. C.(approximately): Dracon Laws in Athens.
  • 600 BC: Esmirna is looted and destroyed.
  • c. 600 B.C.: In Ancient Greece the easternized period of jars ends.
  • c. 600 B.C.: In Ancient Greece begins the period of sculpture.
  • c. 600 BC: in Corinth, a potter makes the glass (sniffles). It is displayed at the British Museum (in London).
  • c. 600 B.C.: an attic artist performs a kuros (young statue) of 1.95 m, which is currently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York). (See photo and data)
  • c. 600 to 580 BC: the temple of Artemisa is built in Korkyra (Corfu).

Italian Peninsula

  • 600 BC: Capua Foundation (25 km north of Naples).
  • 600 BC: the Celts founded Milan (approximate date).
  • c. 600 BC: Pompeii Foundation.
  • 673 BC: After the death of Numa Pompilio, the third king of Rome is Tulo Hostilio.
  • 667 B.C.: Fight between Horatios and Curiacios.
  • 665 B.C.: Destruction of Alba Longa.
  • 641 BC: After the death of Tulo Hostilio, the fourth king of Rome is Anco Marcio.
  • 616 BC: After the death of Anco Marcio, the fifth king of Rome is Tarquinio Prisco.

Iberian Peninsula

  • 700 BC: Introduction of iron.
  • 700-675 BC: Expansion of the Phoenicians in the southeast, reaching the mining areas of what is now Almeria and Granada.
  • H. 700-h. 550 BC: Final period of Tartessos, with orientalizing traits; the deposits are found throughout the southern zone and also in Extremadura.
  • In this century and the next begins the late writing.
  • From this century to the V or the IV B.C., the stellas of the southwest of the Peninsula are developed.
  • 675-600 (approximate dates): Proto-Year phase.
  • 654 B.C.: On the island of Ibiza, the Phoenicians founded the colony of Iboshim (‘Island of [the Egyptian god] Bes’). The Romans will transcribe Ebusus. It's the first colony of Cartago.
  • H. 650 a. C.: Foundation Sexi (Almuñécar).
  • 650-630 B.C. (approximate dates): Samos to Tartessos Coleo Journey.

Rest of Europe

  • 600 BC: Estimated date of impact of the Kaali crater in Estonia.
  • 600 B.C.: Facids founded, after a battle against the Carthaginians, the Greek colony of Massalia (traditional date).
  • 600 BC: first huts in Emain Macha (in Armagh County, Northern Ireland). Datad with radiocarbon.


  • 663 BC: Begins the XXVI dynasty of Egypt, which will last up to 525 BC. C.
  • 610 B.C.: Pharaoh Necao II begins to rule Egypt.
  • 609 B.C.: In the battle of Megid (now Israel) King Josiah of the kingdom of Judah died against Pharaoh Necao II of Egypt, who was travelling north to help the Assyrian state of Ashur-uballit II.
  • 605 B.C.: in the battle of Karkemish, the Crown Prince Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon defeats the army of Necao II of Egypt, ensuring the conquest of Assyria. The Babylonian army continues to Syria and Judah, which falls before the Chaldeans.


  • 600 BC: Cartago expands through North Africa.


  • 700 B.C.: In southern Lebanon, the city of Tyre rebelled against Assyria and formed an independent state.
  • 691 B.C.: Battle of Jalule between Assyrian Senaquerib and Mushezib-Marduk of Babylon.
  • 689 B.C.: In the present Iraq, King Senaquerib of Assyria plundered Babylon.
  • 676 BC: Tyre becomes province of Assyria.
  • 667 B.C.: In the current Turkey, Greek colonists of Megara founded Byzantium.
  • February 11, 660 B.C.: a traditional date when Emperor Jinmu founded Japan and became the first emperor of his country.
  • 650 BC: Assyria expands.
  • 646 B.C.: Battle between Asurbanipal Assyrian and Khumma-Khaldash III of Elam.
  • 645 a. C.: Assyria and Media conquer Elam.
  • 640 B.C.: In the present Iraq, Asurbanipal king founded his library, which includes our oldest copy of the book. Poem of Gilgamesh.
  • 639 or 624 BC: in Mileto (Aydin, Turkey) the philosopher and physicist Tales (m. 547 BC).
  • 628 BC: the prophet Zoroastro is born.
  • 626 BC: Asurbanipal dies, last great king Assyrian
  • 625 BC: Medes and Babylonians reaffirm their independence from Assyria and attack Nineveh.
  • The village of Samarkanda is founded in Uzbekistan.
  • 622 or 621 BC: in the temple of Jerusalem is the text of the Deuteronomy.
  • 614 B.C.: Nabopolassar of Babylon takes Assur with the help of the Mede Ciaxares.
  • 612 a. C.: Nineveh, the Assyrian capital, falls before the Babylonians and the Medes.
  • 609 B.C.: The Babylonians defeat the Assyrian army of Asurubalit II and capture Harrán. Ashur-uballit, the last Assyrian king, disappears from history.
  • 609 B.C.: Joachaz happens to his father Josiah as king of Judah, but quickly the Pharaoh Nekao deposes him, and installs Joaquim (brother of Joachaz).
  • 607 BC: Zhou Kuangwang dies in China (Zhou dynasty).
  • 606 BC: In China, Zhou Dingwang becomes king of the Zhou dynasty.
  • 609 B.C.: Invasions of cymers in Frigia, probably related to the fall of the Hittite Empire.
  • 605 BC: Nabopolasar of Babylon takes Karkemish.
  • 605 a. C.: Nebuchadnezzar II happens to his father Nabopolasar as king of Babylon.
  • 604 B.C.: Babylon manages to have coast in the Mediterranean.
  • 600 B.C.: Phoenician expedition sent by Pharaoh Necho II. First circumnavigation of Africa.
  • 600 B.C.: Nebuchadnezzar II builds the Babylonian Hanging Gardens.
  • 600 BC: foundation of the kingdom of Armenia.
  • c. 600 B.C.: In Persia zoroastrism becomes popular.


  • In Mexico, Olmeca culture is developed.
  • In the current Oaxaca de Juárez (Mexico), the Zapotecos founded the village of Monte Albán.

Science and Technology

  • In Lidia (Turkey) the use of gold and silver coins and exchange stores are introduced.
  • On April 6, 648 BC, the oldest solar eclipse documented by the Greeks is produced.

Relevant people

Assurbanipal (British Museum)
  • Licurgo, legendary legislator of Sparta.
  • Tesalia Dracon.
  • Giges de Lidia
  • Anaximandro (610-546 BC), Greek philosopher.
  • Senaquerib (704-681 BC), king of Assyria.
  • Asarhaddon (680-669 BC), king of Assyria.
  • Asurbanipal (668-631 BC), the last great king of Assyria.
  • Psamético I
  • Ciaxares
  • Nabopolasar (625-605 BC), Chaldean king of Babylon, founder of the Neo-Babylonian Empire and creator of the fall of the Assyrian Empire.
  • Nebuchadnezzar II
  • Tales de Mileto (625-547 BC), Greek philosopher.
  • Tirteo, Spartan poet.
  • Zaratustra (in Greek Zoroastro)
  • Safo de Lesbos, (630-580 BC), Greek poet.

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