6th of March

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March 6 is the 65th (sixty-fifth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 66th in leap years. There are 300 days left to end the year.


  • 1447: Nicholas V assumes as a pope.
  • 1479: the Treaty of Alcáçovas is signed, in which Portugal delivers to Castile, the Canary Islands in exchange for possessions in West Africa.
  • 1521: In the Pacific Ocean, the Portuguese navigator Fernando de Magallanes up to the island of Guam.
  • 1537: On the sea coast of Peru, 12 km from Lima (which was inside), the Spanish Diego Ruiz obtains the license to inaugurate a tambo in the port, thus founding the Villa del Callao.
  • 1593: In Colombia, the municipality of Tópaga (Boyacá) was founded
  • 1665: In London, the first secretary of the Royal Society, Henry Oldenburg, publishes the first number Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
  • 1714: The peace treaty is signed that puts an end to the struggles between France and Austria in the Spanish War of Succession.
  • 1728: Madrid signed El Pardo Conventionwhich means the failure of the Spanish alliance with Austria and the acceptance, again, of the Treaty of Utrecht.
  • 1788: The group of British ships known as First Fleet arrives on Norfolk Island (1400 km east of Australia) to found a penal colony.
  • 1812: In the current Venezuela, the forces of the Spanish captain Domingo de Monteverde take Caracas.
  • 1831: at the Teatro Carcano in Milan (Italy) the opera is premiered The sonnambulaVincenzo Bellini.
  • 1834: in Havana, Cuba, the Cuban Academy of Literature is officially constituted.
  • 1836: Texas ends the site of El Álamo, surrounded by 1400 Mexican soldiers. The 187 Texan volunteers die, including Davy Crockett and Colonel Jim Bowie.
  • 1845: In Ecuador there is a civil revolution of a nationalist tendency that will give Juan José Flores and lead to the presidency Vicente Ramón Roca, responsible for a new constitution.
  • 1853: in Venice the opera is premiered The TraviataGiuseppe Verdi.
  • 1854: slavery is abolished in Ecuador.
  • 1857: In the United States, the Supreme Court resolves Dred Scott case against Sandfordwhich deprives any inhabitant of African descent—whether slave or not—the right to citizenship, and removes the authority from Congress to prohibit slavery in the country's federal territories.
  • 1862: During the Second French intervention in Mexico the explosion of the colectury of San Andrés, in which more than a thousand soldiers and civilians accidentally die.
  • 1862: In Spain the Alcazar of Segovia, headquarters of the Academy of Artillery, was set on fire during the reign of Carlos III.
  • 1869: Dmitri Mendeléiev presents his first periodic table to the Russian Chemistry Society.
  • 1882: the kingdom of Serbia is refounded.
  • 1882: In Havana, the American company Edison Telephone Exchange opened the first telephone service in Cuba.
  • 1899: In Germany, the pharmaceutical company Bayer records aspirin as a trademark.
  • 1900: the canary archipelago is declared a franc port, after being ratified by law a declaration in respect of 1852.
  • 1901: in Bremen, Germany, they attack Kaiser William II.
  • 1902: in Madrid, the Real Madrid Club of Football is officially legalized, born at the end of 1900.
  • 1905: Colombia and Costa Rica sign a treaty that definitively sets the limits between the two countries.
  • 1912: in Janzur—35 km west of Tripoli (Libya)—the Italian army uses two directs at 2000 m high to throw bombs over the Turkish camp. This is the first use of air force in a war.
  • 1913: In Baltimore (United States) a hundred people die because of the explosion of a dynamite deposit.
  • 1916: In the waters of Brazil the transatlantic Prince of Asturias sinks; 338 passengers and 107 crew members perish.
  • 1920: at the National Library (Madrid) the Cervantes Room is opened.
  • 1921: In Portugal the Portuguese Communist Party is created as a Portuguese chapter of the Comintern (Communist International).
  • 1926: in Barcelona the Board of the Bar Association is dissolved in real order and a new one is named.
  • 1929: from the Teatro Español de Madrid a theatre premiere is broadcast for the first time by radio. The Hoses of San Juan (from Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena).
  • 1929: in Madrid the metro line Cuatro Caminos-Tetuán is inaugurated.
  • 1930: worldwide, at the initiative of the Comintern (Communist International), the International Day of Unemployed is celebrated.
  • 1933: In Greece, General Plastiras, when he learned that the elections give him a small majority, gave him a coup d'etat and established a dictatorship.
  • 1933: In the United States, Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago, died for the wounds received on 15 February in the attack on President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • 1934: In the United Kingdom, the Labour Party has won for the first time in the general elections.
  • 1938: in Cartagena, Spain, the republican squadron sinks the warship of the Balearic Francoist side. In the shipwreck, 788 men of their crew perish.
  • 1940: Finland and the Soviet Union sign an armistice within the framework of the Winter War.
  • 1943: In the United States, Norman Rockwell publishes “Freedom from want” in the magazine The Saturday Evening Post with an essay by Carlos Bulosan.
  • 1945: in Germany—in the framework of the Second World War—the American army occupies the city of Cologne.
  • 1946: HINO Chí Minh signs an agreement by which France recognizes Vietnam as a "free" state within the French Community (statetus superior to a mere colony).
  • 1951: In the United States the trial for treason against Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins.
  • 1953: In the Soviet Union, Gueorgui Malenkov assumes as successor to Iosif Stalin.
  • 1957: Ghana is independent of the British Empire.
  • 1957: Israel withdraws its troops from the Sinai Peninsula.
  • 1959: in Havana, the Cuban government approves the 50 % reduction of housing rentals.* 1964: the leader of the group Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad, officially renames boxer Cassius Clay with the name "Muhammad Ali".
  • 1964: in Greece, Constantine II assumes the title of king.
  • 1965: In South Australia, Prime Minister Tom Playford lost the election after 27 years in power.
  • 1967: In New Delhi, India, the Soviet writer Svetlana Alilúieva Stálina (1926-2011), the only daughter of Iosif Stalin (1878-1953), takes refuge in the US embassy (country where she will live several years). He will return to the Soviet Union in 1984 and regain his citizenship.
  • 1970: In the UK, The Beatles publish their penultimate single, Let It Be.
  • 1972: in Barcelona, an explosion takes place in a building (in Calle Capitán Arenas corner Santa Amelia) that causes the death of 19 people. Initially it was attributed to a natural gas exhaust, but later reports of the Official College of Engineers of Barcelona removed it.
  • 1980: in Paris, writer Marguerite Yourcenar is elected a member of the French Academy.
  • 1983: in Germany, Helmut Kohl and his party regain power.
  • 1984: In the United Kingdom the strike of miners begins.
  • 1986: Last sighting of Halley comet in the vicinity of the Earth orbit; the next visit is estimated to be in 2061.
  • 1987: British ferry Herald of Free Enterprise sinks into the waters of Belgium; 193 passengers perish.
  • 1990: Pope John Paul II accepts the resignation of the Bishop of the Diocese of Estelí, Monsignor Rubén López Ardón.
  • 1994: In Oracle (Arizona) the second quarantine (which will end in a failure) of one year of a team of eight scientists within the billionaire Biosfera 2 project, built as a self-sufficient ecosystem.
  • 1994: In Mexico, Luis Donaldo Colosio gave a famous speech at the Monument to the Revolution as the PRI candidate for the presidency.
  • 1997: in Quito, Ecuador, the University Sports League Stadium is inaugurated.
  • 1999: in a forest just outside Denver (United States), Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold recorded in their video camera a shooting practice with friends (these don't know it's a general essay of what would happen a month later in the Columbine massacre).
  • 1999: In Chile, FM Dos radio broadcasts begin.
  • 2002: in Spain, the Real Club Deportivo de la Coruña wins the Copa del Rey on the day of the centenary to Real Madrid.
  • 2005: Bolivian President Carlos Mesa announced his resignation.
  • 2008: in Jerusalem (Israel) a Palestinian shot dead eight Israeli students on the plasterhiva (religious school) Mercaz HaRav.
  • 2011: In Hays County (Texas), Indian krysnaist guru Prakashanand Sáraswati escapes from the United States aided by some disciples. Two days earlier he had been convicted of abusing minors in the 1980s and 1990s.
  • 2020: The first cases of COVID-19 are confirmed in Costa Rica, Colombia and Peru.


  • 1340: John of Ghent, English aristocrat (f. 1399).
  • 1405: John II of Castile, Castilian king between 1406 and 1454 (f. 1454).
  • 1459: Jakob Fugger, German banker and merchant.
Miguel Angel
  • 1475: Michelangelo, Italian painter and sculptor.
  • 1481: Baldassare Peruzzi, Italian painter and architect.
Juan Luis Vives
  • 1492: Juan Luis Vives, humanist, philosopher and Spanish pedagogue.
  • 1508: Humayun, Mogol emperor.
Cyrano de Bergerac
  • 1619: Cyrano de Bergerac, French writer.
  • 1714: Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre, French painter and engraver.
  • 1716: Pehr Kalm, botanist and Swedish explorer.
  • 1779: Antoine-Henri Jomini, French general.
  • 1785: Karol Kurpiński, Polish composer (f. 1856).
  • 1787: Joseph von Fraunhofer, German astronomer.
  • 1798: Jasmin, French poet.
  • 1803: José Víctor Jiménez, Mexican politician (f. 1885).
  • 1805: Guillermo Schulz, a Spanish-German engineer (f. 1877).
  • 1806: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, British poet.
  • 1839: Olegario Víctor Andrade, Argentine poet, journalist and politician.
  • 1862: Guerrita, Spanish bullfighter.
  • 1866: Mariana Álvarez Bollo Carretero, pedagogue and Spanish writer.
  • 1870: Oscar Straus, Austrian composer (f. 1954).
  • 1871: Udón Pérez, writer, playwright and Venezuelan poet (f. 1926).
  • 1881: María Blanchard, a Spanish painter (f. 1932).
  • 1885: Rosario Bourdon, director of orchestra and Canadian cellist.
  • 1885: Ring Lardner, American journalist and writer.
  • 1891: Victoria Kent, Spanish politician and activist.
  • 1900: Lefty Grove, American baseball player.
  • 1900: Gina Cigna, Italian soprano (f. 2001).
  • 1900: Abraham Shlonsky, Ukrainian-Israeli poet and editor (f. 1973).
  • 1902: Germán Vergara Donoso, Chilean lawyer and politician.
  • 1903: Kōjun, Japanese Empress.
  • 1904: José Antonio Aguirre, Spanish politician.
  • 1905: Enrique García Sayán, a Peruvian politician (f. 1978).
  • 1905: Bob Wills, American singer and actor (f. 1975).
  • 1906: Lou Costello, American actor (f. 1959).
  • 1910: Eduardo Caballero Calderón, a Colombian novelist and politician (f. 1993).
  • 1910: Ejler Bille, Danish artist (f. 2004).
  • 1913: Ana María Barrenechea, writer, linguist and literary critic of Argentina. (f. 2010).
  • 1917: Will Eisner, American cartoonist and graphic novelist (f. 2005).
  • 1917: Donald Davidson, American philosopher (f. 2003).
  • 1917: Samael Aun Weor (Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez), writer, philosopher and Colombian Gnostic Leader (f. 1977).
  • 1917: Frankie Howerd, British actor (f. 1992).
  • 1920: María Maluenda, Chilean actress and politics (f. 2011).
  • 1920: Victor Humareda, Peruvian painter (f. 1986).
Wes Montgomery
  • 1924: Ottmar Walter, German footballer (f. 2013).
  • 1925: Wes Montgomery, American jazz guitarist (f. 1968).
  • 1926: Alan Greenspan, an American economist.
Andrzej Wajda
  • 1926: Andrzej Wajda, Polish filmmaker (f. 2016).
Gabriel García Márquez
  • 1927: Gabriel García Márquez, Colombian writer, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982 (f. 2014).
  • 1928: Tom Foley, American politician (f. 2014).
  • 1928: Zoe Ducós, an Argentine actress (f. 2002).
  • 1930: Lorin Maazel, director of Franco-American orchestra and musician (f. 2014).
  • 1931: Chun Doo-hwan, South Korean military and political, South Korean president between 1980 and 1988 (f. 2021).
  • 1931: Everett Rogers, American sociologist (f. 2004).
  • 1932: Bronisław Geremek, Polish historian and politician (f. 2008).
  • 1932: Gladys de Lastra, Panamanian composer and educator (f. 2005)
  • 1933: Mariano Arana, Uruguayan politician.
  • 1933: Héctor Luis Gradassi, Argentine motorist (f. 2003).
  • 1936: Angelino Fons, Spanish writer and filmmaker (f. 2011).
  • 1936: Choummaly Sayasone, President of Laos.
  • 1937: José Francisco Peña Gómez, a Dominican politician and lawyer (f. 1998).
  • 1937: Valentina Tereshkova, Soviet cosmonaut.
  • 1938: Pauline Boty, British painter (f. 1966).
  • 1939: Canelita Medina, Venezuelan singer.
  • 1939: Margarita de Borbón, aristocrat of Spain.
  • 1942: Paco Cepero, guitarist and Spanish composer.
  • 1944: Kiri Te Kanawa, New Zealand soprano.
  • 1944: Mary Wilson, American singer, of the band The Supremes (f. 2021).
  • 1944: Luis González de Alba, writer, journalist, psychologist, intellectual and divultor of Mexican science. (f. 2016).
  • 1944: Mary Wilson, American soul singer (f. 2021).
  • 1946: Martin Kove, American actor.
  • 1946: David Gilmour, British guitarist, of the Pink Floyd band.
  • 1946: Elsa Cross, poet, literary translator and Mexican essayist.
  • 1947: Dick Fosbury, American athlete.
  • 1947: Rob Reiner, American actor and filmmaker.
  • 1951: Gerrie Knetemann, Dutch cyclist.
  • 1951: Jon Juaristi, Spanish writer.
  • 1953: Carolyn Porco, American planetary scientist.
  • 1954: Harald Schumacher, German footballer.
  • 1956: Jorge Nisco, filmmaker and director of Argentine television.
  • 1957: Juan Domingo Roldán, Argentine fighter (f. 2020).
  • 1957: Yoshiyuki Matsuoka, Japanese yudoca.
  • 1959: Lobo Carrasco, professional footballer.
  • 1959: Tom Arnold, actor, writer and American comic.
  • 1960: Walter Giardino, Argentine guitarist, from the band Rata Blanca.
  • 1962: Ignacio Santos, journalist and presenter of Cuban-Costa Rican television.
  • 1964: Madonna Wayne Gacy, American musician.
  • 1964: Sandro Rosell i Feliu, Spanish President of the Barcelona Football Club.
  • 1967: Julio Bocca, Argentine dancer.
  • 1968: Moira Kelly, American actress.
  • 1968: Carlos Mac Allister, footballer and Argentine politician.
  • 1968: Michael Romeo, American guitarist, of the band Symphony X.
  • 1969: Andrea Elson, American actress.
  • 1969: Alvaro Fernández Armero, Spanish filmmaker.
  • 1969: Chela Ceballos, singer, acordoenist and Colombian composer (f. 2016).
  • 1970: Chris Broderick, American guitarist, from the Megadeth band.
  • 1971: Darrick Martin, American basketball player.
  • 1971: Sean Morley, Canadian professional fighter.
  • 1972: Shaquille O'Neal, American basketball player.
  • 1973: Michael Finley, American basketball player.
  • 1973: Peter Lindgren, Swedish guitarist, of the Opeth band.
  • 1975: Aracely Arámbula, Mexican actress and singer.
  • 1976: Kenneth Anderson, American professional fighter.
  • 1977: Ernesto D'Alessio, Mexican actor and singer.
  • 1977: Paquillo Fernández, Spanish runner.
  • 1978: Ms. Triniti, English singer.
  • 1979: Klovis Herboso, Bolivian singer.
  • 1979: Tim Howard, American footballer.
  • 1981: Ellen Muth, American actress.
  • 1983: Andranik Teymourian, Iranian footballer.
  • 1984: Daniel de Ridder, Dutch footballer.
  • 1986: Jake Arrieta, American baseball player.
  • 1986: Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, an Argentine actor.
  • 1986: Francisco Cervelli, italo-Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 1987: Kevin-Prince Boateng, Ghanaian footballer.
  • 1988: Paloma Bloyd, Hispanic American actress.
  • 1988: Agnes Carlsson, Swedish singer.
  • 1989: Agnieszka Radwańska, Polish tennis player.
  • 1990: Clara Lago, Spanish actress.
  • 1991: Rodrigo Moreno Machado, Spanish-Brazilian footballer.
  • 1993: Kevin Holtz, Luxembourg footballer.
  • 1994: Marcus Smart, American basketball player.
  • 1996: Timo Werner, German footballer.
  • 1996: Antonino La Gumina, Italian footballer.
  • 2000: Jacob Bertrand, an American actor.
  • 2001: Milo Manheim, American actor and singer.
  • 2002: Héctor Alderete, Spanish basketball player.


  • 190: Liu Bian, Chinese emperor (n. 176).
  • 653: Li Ke, Chinese prince.
  • 903: His Jian, a Chinese official and foreign minister.
  • 1447: Saint Colette, French religious.
  • 1531: Pedrarias Dávila, governor of Panama and Nicaragua.
  • 1606: Toribio de Mogrovejo, Peruvian bishop.
  • 1683: Guarino Guarini, architect, philosopher and Italian mathematician.
  • 1755: Pier Leone Ghezzi, Italian painter (n. 1674).
  • 1836: James Bonham, American lawyer and soldier (n. 1807).
  • 1836: James Bowie, American colonel (n. 1796).
  • 1836: Davy Crockett, an American and political soldier (n. 1786).
  • 1836: William B. Travis, U.S. Lieutenant Colonel and Attorney (n. 1809).
  • 1842: Constanze Mozart, German personality.
  • 1845: Melitón Pérez del Camino, Spanish admiral.
  • 1854: Charles Vane, Irish colonel and diplomat, Assistant Secretary of State for War and Colonies (n. 1778).
  • 1866: William Whewell, theologian, philosopher and British scientist.
  • 1867: Peter von Cornelius, German painter (n. 1783).
  • 1870: José Rodríguez Losada, Spanish watchmaker.
  • 1878: Harald Jerichau, a Danish painter (n. 1852).
  • 1888: Louisa May Alcott, American novelist.
  • 1899: Victoria Ka'iulani, Hawaiian princess (n. 1875).
  • 1900: Gottlieb Daimler, German car manufacturer.
  • 1902: Antonio Vico and Pintos, Spanish actor.
  • 1902: Moritz Kaposi, Hungarian dermatologist.
  • 1924: Augusto Font Carreras, Spanish architect (n. 1846).
  • 1926: Constant Chatenier, a French biologist (n. 1849).
  • 1930: Alfred von Tirpitz, German admiral (n. 1849).
  • 1932: John Philip Sousa, marcher, American (n. 1854).
  • 1938: Pachín de Melás, a Spanish writer (n. 1877).
  • 1939: Ferdinand von Lindemann, German mathematician and academic (n. 1852).
  • 1943: Helene Kullman, Soviet intelligence officer of Estonian origin and Heroin of the Soviet Union (n. 1920).
  • 1946: Antonio Caso, Mexican philosopher (n. 1883).
  • 1950: Albert Lebrun, a French politician (n. 1871).
  • 1951: Ivor Novello, British actor (n. 1893).
  • 1952: Jürgen Stroop, SS Nazi General (n. 1895).
  • 1958: Teodoro Bardají Mas, culinary writer and Spanish cook (n. 1882).
  • 1964: Enrique Molina Garmendia, educator and Chilean philosopher (n. 1871).
  • 1964: Edward Van Sloan, American actor.
  • 1964: Paul I, Greek aristocrat, king between 1947 and 1964.
  • 1965: Margaret Dumont, American actress (n. 1882).
  • 1965: Eduardo Hernández-Pacheco, Spanish geologist and archaeologist (n. 1872).
  • 1967: Zoltán Kodály, Hungarian composer (n. 1882).
  • 1969: Óscar Osorio, militar y político salvadoreño (n. 1910).
  • 1973: Pearl S. Buck, American writer, nobel literature award in 1938 (n. 1892).
  • 1974: Lucio Demare, composer, musician, director of Argentine orchestra and musicalizer (n. 1906).
  • 1982: Ayn Rand, American novelist and philosopher of Russian origin (n. 1905).
  • 1983: Cathy Berberian, American singer and composer (n. 1925).
  • 1986: Georgia O'Keeffe, American artist (n. 1887).
  • 1986: Carlos Vial Infante, Chilean engineer and politician (n. 1892).
  • 1986: Keith Whinnom, British historian (n. 1927).
  • 1987: Ramón Andino, Argentine journalist (n. 1936).
  • 1989: Harry Andrews, British actor (n. 1911).
  • 1989: Agustin Millares Sall, Spanish poet (n. 1917).
  • 1992: Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, French painter and sculptor of Portuguese origin (n. 1908).
  • 1992: Hugh Gibb, drummer and British orchestra director, father of British musicians Barry, Robin, Maurice and Andy Gibb (n. 1916).
  • 1994: Melina Mercouri, Greek actress and politics (n. 1920).
  • 1996: José de Magalhães Pinto, a Brazilian banker and diplomat (n. 1909).
  • 1997: Cheddi Jagan, Guyanese politician, first head of government between 1957 and 1964 (n. 1918).
  • 1999: Dennis Viollet, British footballer (n. 1931).
  • 2003: Ramón Mestre, odontologist and Argentine politician (n. 1937).
  • 2003: Luděk Pachman, Czechoslovak-German chess player (n. 1924).
  • 2004: Frances Dee, American actress (n. 1909).
  • 2005: Gladys Marín Millie, Chilean politician, secretary general of the Communist Party of Chile (n. 1941).
  • 2005: Teresa Wright, American actress (n. 1918).
  • 2005: Hans Albrecht Bethe, American physicist, nobel physical award in 1967 (n. 1906).
  • 2007: Jean Baudrillard, a French sociologist and philosopher (n. 1929).
  • 2007: José Luis Coll, actor, humorist and Spanish writer (n. 1931).
  • 2011: Kippy Casado, Mexican actress and producer (n. 1939).
  • 2012: Marquitos, Spanish footballer (n. 1933).
  • 2013: Alvin Lee, British guitarist, Ten Years After band (n. 1944).
  • 2016: Nancy Reagan, first American lady between 1981 and 1989 (n. 1921).
  • 2016: Maria Rostworowski, Peruvian historian and researcher (n. 1915).
  • 2017: Alberto Zedda, director of Italian orchestra (n. 1928).
  • 2017: Jesús Silva-Herzog Flores, a Mexican official and politician (n. 1935).
  • 2018: John E. Sulston, British chemist, nobel prize for physiology in 2002 (n. 1942).
  • 2019: José Pedro Pérez-Llorca, politician, diplomat and Spanish jurist (n. 1940).
  • 2019: Carolee Schneemann, American visual artist (n. 1939).
  • 2021: Lou Ottens, Dutch engineer and inventor (n. 1926).


  • European Day of Logopedia
  • Family Day in Mexico.

Catholic saints list

  • San Marciano de TortonaBishop and martyr
  • Saint Victorino of Nicomediamartyr
  • San Quirico de Tréveris, presbyter (s. IV)
  • Blood of Constantinople, bishop (c. 378)
  • San Julián de Toledo, bishop (f. 690)
  • San Fridolino de Säckingenabad (s. VIII)
  • San Crodegango de Metz, bishop (f. 766)
  • Saint Martyrs of Syria (f. 848)
  • San Olegario de Barcelona, bishop (f. 1137)
  • Rose of Viterbo, virgin (f. 1253)
  • Santa Coleta Boylet(f. 1447)

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