
428 (CDXXVIII) was a leap year beginning on a Sunday of the Julian calendar, in force on that date.

In the Roman Empire, the year was named the year of the consulate of Felix y Toro, or less commonly, as 1181 Ab urbe condita, acquiring its name as 428 at the beginning of the Middle Ages, when the anno Domini was established.



  • The Alanos defeat Suevos and Romans in the Battle of Merida.
  • The Saxons defeat pictos and scotos, which are established on the coasts of Kent (England).
  • The francs occupy a part of the German Renania.
  • 10 April: the theologian Nestorio the Isaurus becomes the Patriarch of Constantinople.
  • Valentinian III appointed Cloddan, the son of Faramundo, king of the Frank Salios.
  • Aecio's troops force a group of riparian francs to submit, or to cross the Rhine again.
  • Genserico is king of vandals and alanos (up to 477). They occupy Seville and Cartagena. Between this year and the next, 429, they pass to Africa, invited by the Comes Bonifacio.
  • Nestorianism arises, qualified as heresy in 431.


  • John I is appointed Patriarch of Antioch, up to 442.
  • The Sashan king Bahram V conquers Armenia.


  • Gunderico, king of vandals and alanos.
  • Theodore of Antioch, bishop of Seleucia.
  • Faramundo.

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Annex: Calendar of anniversaries

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