31 October
Contenido October 31 is the 304th (thirty-fourth) day of the year—the 305th (thirty-fifth) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 61 days left to end the year.
- 475: Rhomulus Augustule is proclaimed Roman emperor.
- 588: In Antioch (Turkey) there is an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 in the seismological scale of Richter (I=9) that leaves a balance of 60 000 dead.
- 683: During the siege of Mecca, the Kaaba burns and is partially destroyed.
- 1512: The frescos of the Sistine Chapel of the Apostolic Palace, painted by Michelangelo, are inaugurated in Rome.
- 1517: in Wittenberg (Germany), Martin Luther claws the 95 thesis at the door of the Church of All Saints, also called Schlosskirche, being the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
- 1541: at the Sistine Chapel of the Apostolic Palace (in Rome), Michelangelo finished the mural The Final Judgment.
- 1615: in Spain, Miguel de Cervantes dedicates to the Count of Lemos the second part of The Quixote.
- 1662 (20/9/2 on the Kambun calendar): In Hyūga (Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan) an earthquake of magnitude 7.6 is recorded on the Richter seismic scale and generates a tsunami. Leave a balance of "many" dead.
- 1714: In the abbey of Westminster, George I is crowned king of Great Britain and Ireland.
- 1720: In Tainan, Taiwan and China there is an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 in the seismological scale of Richter (I=9), which leaves a balance of "many" dead.
- 1790: in Havana, Cuba Newspaper of Havana, first literary-economic newspaper published on the island.
- 1798: John Dalton discovers the disease of sight called discromatopsia or blindness of colors, commonly known as daltonism.
- 1825: The first constitution of the Western State by the First Constituent Congress is promulgated.
- 1850: in Madrid, Spain, Queen Isabel II opens in the Carrera de San Jerónimo the inaugural session of the Spanish Courts at its new headquarters, the current Congress of Deputies.
- 1861: In London, England, representatives of Spain, France and the United Kingdom sign the London Convention in response to the suspension of payments law of 1861 Mexico.
- 1863: The New Zealand Earth War resumes when British forces in New Zealand led by General Duncan Cameron begin their invasion of Waikato.
- 1864: Nevada is admitted as the 36th state of the United States.
- 1873: In the Caribbean Sea, in front of Santiago de Cuba, the Spanish government has seized the American steam Virginius, which led an expedition of Cuban independence agents.
- 1897: in Havana, Cuba, Salvador Cisneros Betancourt gives the Presidency of the Republic in Arms to Bartolomé Masó.
- 1900: in Quito (Ecuador), President Eloy Alfaro decrees the Day of the Shield of that country.
- 1904: In the UK, John Ambrose Fleming, University of London, announces the valve radio.
- 1917: the Battle of Beerseba is delivered, considered the last burden of successful cavalry in history.
- 1919: Hungary is separated from Austria, thus ending the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
- 1926: In Italy, Benito Mussolini suffered an attack by a 15-year-old man named Anteo Zamboni, but the young man died after being lynched.
- 1940: the Battle of England ends with a British victory, preventing a possible German invasion of the British Islands.
- 1942: In the UK, in the framework of World War II, a German air strike destroys the city centre of Canterbury.
- 1943: In the Soviet Union, in the framework of the Second World War, the Red Army launched Operation Kerch-Eltigen in Crimea.
- 1949: In the Philippines, a typhoon causes 975 deaths and leaves 20 000 people homeless.
- 1950: In Puerto Rico, fighting continues between U.S. troops and Puerto Rican nationalists on the second day of the Nationalist Revolution, which will extend to the United States on November 1.
- 1952: at 19:15 (world time)—or at 7:15 on 1 November (local time)—in the atoll of Enewetak, Marshall Islands, the United States detonates Ivy Mike (the first hydrogen bomb).
- 1956: during the Suez Crisis, the UK and France begin to bomb Egypt to force the reopening of the Suez Canal.
- 1956: During the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 a revolutionary headquarters is established in Hungary. Following the announcement by Imre Nagy on 30 October, the banned non-communist political parties are reformed and the MDP is replaced by the MSZMP. József Mindszenty comes out of prison. The Soviet Politburo makes the decision to intervene in the insurrection.
- 1961: In the Soviet Union, the body of Iosif Stalin is removed from the Mausoleum of Lenin, also known as the Tomb of Lenin.
- 1961: It is thrown from the air, in an atmospheric test 2200 meters high, in Area C, on Corporal Sukhoy Nos, from the atomic test site in the archipelago of New Zembla, Arctic Ocean, north of Russia, at 08:29 (local time), the Soviet Union detonates a 5 megaton atomic bomb. It is number 131 of the 981 that the Soviet Union detonated between 1949 and 1991, which measures in kiloton represent 54.9 per cent of the total nuclear tests carried out in the world.
- 1961: It is thrown from the air, in an atmospheric test 1530 meters high, in Area C, on Cape Sukhoy Nos, of the atomic testing site in the archipelago of New Zembla, Arctic Ocean, north of Russia, at 08:38 (local time), the Soviet Union detonates an atomic bomb of 400 kiloton. It is No. 132 of the 981 that the Soviet Union detonated between 1949 and 1991, which measures in kiloton represent 54.9 per cent of the total nuclear tests carried out in the world.
- 1964: in Bolivia the third and last day of national general strike decreed by COB (Central Obrera Boliviana) under the direction of the miner and former vice president Juan Lechín Oquendo. With bloody repression, the Army will impose order, and Vice President René Barrientos will overthrow President Victor Paz Estenssoro and will settle in power.
- 1969: in Venezuela, raiding the Central University of Venezuela through Operation Kangaroo that causes the suspension of academic activities until 1971.
- 1975: in the UK, the rock band Queen, throws the simple Bohemian Rhapsody.
- 1978: in Spain, the Courts approve the Constitution of 1978.
- 1979: In Mexico City, the air accident of Western Airlines flight 2605 takes place.
- 1989: in Turkey, Turgut Ozal assumes the presidency.
- 1984: First Indian Minister Indira Gandhi is murdered by two Sikh security guards. There are riots in New Delhi and other cities and around 3000 sikhs die.
- 1992: in the Vatican City, Pope John Paul II acknowledges that the Church was wrong to have condemned Galileo Galilei.
- 1994: In Indiana, American Eagle flight 4184 starring 64 passengers and 4 crew members.
- 1996: In Zaire, four religious of the Congregation of the Marist Brothers were killed, due to the civil war between the Hutus and Tutsi ethnic groups.
- 1999: Regatist Jesse Martin returns to Melbourne after 11 months of circumnavigating the world, alone, without scales and without help.
- 1999: Egyptair Flight 990 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Nantucket, killing 217 people on board.
- 2000: In New York, the UN adopts United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.
- 2000: launch of Soyuz TM-31, leading the first resident crew to the International Space Station. The ISS has been crewed continuously ever since.
- 2002: in Madagascar there is the greatest score in football history; the AS ADEMA club makes 149 goals against 0 of the SOE Antananarivo club
- 2003: In Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad resigns as Prime Minister of Malaysia and is replaced by Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, which marks the end of the 22 years of Mahathir in power.
- 2004: In Uruguay, the left (Frente Amplio) wins the national elections for the first time; Tabaré Vázquez is elected in the first round.
- 2008: in Paraguay the first Teleton of the new stage is performed with its slogan "Let's grow together".
- 2010: Brazil is holding the second round of elections, in which the candidate Dilma Rousseff is elected president with more than 55 million votes.
- 2010: In the United States, the AMC chain broadcasts the first episode of The Walking Dead
- 2011: According to approximate statistical calculations, the inhabitant is born 7 billion of the planet.
- 2017: In Wittenberg, Germany, the Fifth Centennial of the Protestant Reform is celebrated.
- 2018: in Mexico, starts the megacorte water system Cutzamala.
- 2018: In Pakistan, Asia Bibi is acquitted for the crime of blasphemy against Prophet Mohammed.
- 2018: In Guyarat, India, the Statue of Unity is inaugurated, in honor of Sardar Patel, of 182 m, the highest in the world
- 2018: the Deltarune game is published.
- 2019: In Japan, Shuri Castle suffered a fire.
- 2019: American rock band My Chemical Romance announces its return after 6 years of separation.
- 2019: coinciding with the period of this festive day, Nintendo, in partnership with Next Level Games, estrena Luigi's Mansion 3, a platform video game for Nintendo Switch.
- 1291: Philippe de Vitrý, French composer (f. 1361).
- 1345: Fernando I, Portuguese king (f. 1383).
- 1391: Edward I, Portuguese king (f. 1438).
- 1424: Vladislao III Jagellón, Polish king (f. 1444).
- 1618: Mariana de Jesus, holy Ecuadorian (f. 1645).
- 1620: John Evelyn, English writer and gardener (f. 1706).
- 1632: Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch painter (f. 1675).
- 1705: Clemente XIV, Italian Pope since 1769 (f. 1774).
- 1711: Laura Bassi, Italian scientist (f. 1778).
- 1748: José Iglesias de la Casa, a Spanish poet (f. 1791).
- 1760: Hokusai, Japanese painter and illustrator (f. 1849).
- 1768: María Isidra de Guzmán y de la Cerda, a Spanish teacher (f. 1803).
- 1790: Francisco Javier de Istúriz, Spanish politician (f. 1871).
- 1795: John Keats, British poet (f. 1821).
- 1815: Karl Weierstrass, German mathematician (f. 1897).
- 1827: Richard Morris Hunt, American architect (f. 1895).
- 1828: Joseph Wilson Swan, British inventor (f. 1914).
- 1835: Krisianis Barons, writer and Latvian folklorist (f. 1923).
- 1835: Adolf von Baeyer, German chemistry, nobel chemistry award in 1905 (f. 1917).
- 1838: Louis I, Portuguese king (f. 1889).
- 1841: Lavinia Warren, American Fair Attraction Actress (f. 1919).
- 1849: Marie Louise Andrews, American writer and journalist (f. 1891).
- 1856: Carlos Antonio Mendoza, a Panamanian politician (f. 1916).
- 1864: Einar Benediktsson, Icelandic poet, lawyer and businessman (f. 1940).
- 1865: Wilfrid Voynich, Lithuanian Bible, discoverer of Manuscript Voynich (f. 1930).
- 1883: Marie Laurencín, French painter and engraver (f. 1956).
- 1887: Chiang Kai-shek, a Chinese military and statesman (f. 1975).
- 1892: Alexander Alekhine, Russian chessman (f. 1946).
- 1892: Enrique Claverol Estrada, Claverol, asturian singer of tonada who was part of the group Los Cuatro Ases (f. 1950).
- 1895: Basil Liddell Hart, British military historian (f. 1970).
- 1896: the Petiso Orejudo (Cayetano Godino), an Argentine serial killer (f. 1944).
- 1896: Ethel Waters, African American actress and singer (f. 1977).
- 1902: Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Brazilian poet, writer and journalist (f. 1987).
- 1902: Abraham Wald, Hungarian mathematician (f. 1950).
- 1903: María Teresa León, a Spanish writer (f. 1988).
- 1906: José María Iribarren, lawyer, journalist, lexicographer, paremiologist and Spanish writer (f. 1971).
- 1910: Catrano Catrani, cineasta and producer íloargentino (f. 1974).
- 1910: Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri, doctor and Spanish professor (f. 1985).
- 1911: Juan Manzano and Manzano, Spanish historian (f. 2004).
- 1912: Dale Evans (Lucille Wood Smith), American actress, writer and songwriter (f. 2001).
- 1912: Ollie Johnston, American animator (f. 2008).
- 1912: Antonio Vilar, Portuguese actor (f. 1995).
- 1913: Inés Gebhard, pianist, teacher and Chilean professor (f. 2007).
- 1914: Robert Smylie, American politician, governor of Idaho (f. 2004).
- 1916: Carlos Juan Bernadotte, Swedish prince (f. 2012).
- 1920: Gunnar Gren, Swedish footballer (f. 1991).
- 1920: Helmut Newton, German photographer (f. 2004).
- 1920: Fritz Walter, German footballer (f. 2002).
- 1922: Barbara Bel Geddes, American actress (f. 2005).
- 1922: Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian king (f. 2012).
- 1922: Illinois Jacquet, American saxophoneist (f. 2004).
- 1923: Arturo Alessandri Besa, Chilean politician.
- 1924: Cleo Moore, American actress (f. 1973).
- 1925: John Pople, British chemistry chemistry prize in 1998 (f. 2004).
- 1926: Alfonso Baella Tuesta, journalist, lawyer and politician (f. 2017).
- 1927: Lee Grant, American actress.
- 1929: Bud Spencer, Italian actor (f. 2016).
- 1930: Michael Collins, American astronaut and aviator (f. 2021).
- 1932: Godofredo Garabito, writer, academic and Spanish politician (f. 2012).
- 1935: Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Egyptian military and political president of Egypt between 2011 and 2012 (f. 2021).
- 1935: Ronald Graham, American mathematician (f. 2020).
- 1936: Michael Landon, American actor and director (f. 1991).
- 1937: Rodolfo Ranni, Argentine actor.
- 1938: Jaime Arana Campero, Bolivian revolutionary, a member of the Che guerrillas (f. 1967).
- 1939: Alejandro Gertz Manero, Mexican lawyer and politician.
- 1939: Ron Rifkin, American actor.
- 1940: Jorge Schussheim, singer, author and Argentine humorist (f. 2020).
- 1941: Derek Bell, a British motor racing driver.
- 1941: Abel Matutes, Spanish politician.
- 1941: Sally Kirkland, American actress.
- 1942: David Ogden Stiers, an American actor.
- 1945: Gustavo Álvarez Gardeazábal, a Colombian writer and politician.
- 1945: Russ Ballard, British musician.
- 1945: Berugo Carámbula, actor and Uruguayan comedian (f. 2015).
- 1945: Brian Doyle-Murray, American actor and comedian, brother of actor Bill Murray.
- 1946: Stephen Rea, Irish actor.
- 1947: Carmen Alborch, Spanish politician and writer.
- 1947: Frank Shorter, American athlete.
- 1947: Herman van Rompuy, Belgian politician.
- 1948: Juan Carlos Pugliese, Argentine lawyer.
- 1949: Jaime Murrell, singer and composer of Panamanian Christian music (f. 2021).
- 1949: Bob Siebenberg, American musician, of the Supertramp band.
- 1950: John Candy, Canadian actor (f. 1994).
- 1950: Zaha Hadid, an Iraqi architect (f. 2016).
- 1951: Luis Antonio de Villena, Spanish writer.
- 1952: Bernard Edwards, U.S. bassist, of the Chic band (f. 1996).
- 1953: John Lucas, ex-player and American basketball coach.
- 1957: Jesús Caldera, Spanish politician.
- 1958: Eduardo Feinmann, Argentine journalist.
- 1958: Jeannie Longo, French cyclist.
- 1959: Neal Stephenson, American science fiction writer.
- 1960: Arnaud Desplechin, French filmmaker.
- 1960: Luis Fortuño, Puerto Rican politician, governor of Puerto Rico between 2009 and 2013.
- 1961: Alonzo Babers, American athlete.
- 1961: Peter Jackson, New Zealand filmmaker.
- 1961: Larry Mullen Jr., Irish drummer, U2 band.
- 1963: Mikkey Dee, Swedish musician, from the Motörhead band.
- 1963: Dunga, Brazilian footballer.
- 1963: Johnny Marr, British guitarist and composer, of the band The Smiths.
- 1963: Fred McGriff, American baseball player.
- 1963: Dermot Mulroney, American actor.
- 1963: Rob Schneider, American actor and comedian.
- 1964: Marco van Basten, Dutch footballer.
- 1964: Marty Wright, American professional fighter.
- 1965: Julio César de Andrade Moura, Brazilian footballer.
- 1965: Ruud Hesp, Dutch footballer.
- 1966: Adam Horovitz, American musician, Beastie Boys.
- 1967: Vanilla Ice, American rapper.
- 1968: Antonio Davis, American basketball player.
- 1969: Kim Rossi Stuart, Italian actor and filmmaker.
- 1970: Linn Berggren, Swedish singer, Ace of Base.
- 1971: Rafael Novoa, Colombian actor.
- 1971: Alphonso Ford, American basketball player.
- 1971: Ian Walker, British footballer.
- 1972: Shaun Bartlett, South African footballer.
- 1972: Matt Dawson, British rugby player.
- 1973: Beverly Lynne, American actress.
- 1974: Cristian Zermatten, Argentine footballer.
- 1975: Fabio Celestini, Swiss footballer.
- 1976: Piper Perabo, American actress.
- 1978: Martin Verkerk, Dutch tennis player.
- 1978: Marek Saganowski, Polish footballer.
- 1979: Simão Sabrosa, Portuguese footballer.
- 1980: Samaire Armstrong, American actress.
- 1980: Andre Owens, American basketball player.
- 1980: Massimo Gobbi, Italian footballer.
- 1980: Eddie Kaye Thomas, American actor.
- 1981: Frank Iero, American guitarist, from the My Chemical Romance band.
- 1983: Jorge Miguel Dias Gonçalves, Portuguese footballer.
- 1986: Elsad Zverotić, a Montenegrin footballer.
- 1987: Xabier Etxeita, Spanish footballer.
- 1988: Ben Bruce, British musician.
- 1989: Mirko Ivanovski, Macedonian footballer.
- 1990: J.I.D., American rapper.
- 1990: Emiliano Sala, Argentine footballer (f. 2019).
- 1992: Vanessa Marano, American actress.
- 1995: Matthew Arias, an American actor.
- 2000: Alisa Ozhogina, Spanish Olympic swimmer.
- 2000: Willow Smith, American actress, model and singer.
- 2001: Gidas Umbri, Italian cyclist.
- 2002: Ansu Fati, Spanish footballer.
- 2003: António Silva, Portuguese footballer.
- 2005: Leonor de Borbón, Princess of Asturias, Spanish aristocrat.
- 1147: Robert of Gloucester, English aristocrat, bastard son of King Henry I (n. 1090).
- 1214: Leonor Plantagenet, queen consorte de Castilla (n. 1160).
- 1326: Juan de Haro, Spanish aristocrat (n.?).
- 1448: John VIII, the Paleologist, Byzantine emperor (f. 1448).
- 1517: Fray Bartolomeo, Italian painter (n. 1472).
- 1654: Francisco Correa de Arauxo, composer and Spanish organist (n. 1584).
- 1793: Jacques Pierre Brissot, French writer and political leader, character of the French Revolution (n. 1754).
- 1793: Claude Fauchet, French revolutionary priest, character of the French Revolution (n. 1744).
- 1830: Pachi Gorriti (José Francisco Gorriti), Argentinean military (n. 1780).
- 1833: Johann Friedrich Meckel, German anatomist (n. 1781).
- 1858: Karl Thomas Mozart, composer of classical German music (n. 1784).
- 1860: Thomas Cochrane, politician and British naval adventurer (n. 1775).
- 1867: William Parsons, aristocrat and Irish astronomer (n. 1800).
- 1892: Joseph Hooker, American military (n. 1814).
- 1916: Charles Taze Russell, American religious leader, founder of Jehovah's Witnesses (n. 1852).
- 1918: Egon Schiele, Austrian painter (n. 1890).
- 1922: César Canevaro, a Peruvian military and politician (n. 1846).
- 1925: José Ingenieros, médico, historiador, sociologist, educador and Argentine writer (n. 1877).
- 1925: Max Linder, French comic actor (n. 1883).
- 1926: Charles Vance Millar, Canadian lawyer (n. 1853).
- 1926: Harry Houdini, known as the great Houdini, magician, escapist, illusionist and medium-hunting.
- 1926: Anteo Zamboni, an anarchist Italian boy who attacked Mussolini (n. 1911).
- 1928: José de la Caridad Méndez, El Diamante Negro, Cuban expatriate baseballist, who stood out in the United States Black Leagues (n. 1887).
- 1939: Otto Rank, an Austrian psychoanalyst (n. 1884).
- 1942: Elisar von Kupffer, Estonian writer and artist (n. 1872).
- 1943: Ramón de Cárdenas, lawyer and Spanish sports leader (n. 1884).
- 1943: Manuel Pérez Beato, a Cuban bibliographer and doctor born in Spain (n. 1855).
- 1943: Max Reinhardt, film producer and director of American theatre and cinema of Austro-Hungarian origin (n. 1873).
- 1945: Ignacio Zuloaga, a Spanish painter (n. 1870).
- 1957: Lea Conti, an Argentine actress (n. 1883).
- 1962: Gabrielle Renaudot, French astronomer (n. 1877)
- 1963: Henry Daniell, British actor (n. 1894).
- 1969: Carlos Arroyo del Río, Ecuadorian politician (n. 1893).
- 1969: Lola Membrives, an Argentine actress (n. 1888).
- 1970: Francisco Gómez de Llano, Spanish politician (n. 1896).
- 1973: Lucha Reyes, Peruvian singer of Creole Wales (n. 1936).
- 1975: Gabino Coria Peñaloza, Argentine poet and writer, tango author Caminito (n. 1881).
- 1980: Edelmiro Farrell, military and Argentine dictator (n. 1887).
- 1983: Sharof Rashidov, Soviet politician (n. 1917).
- 1984: Eduardo De Filippo, Italian actor (n. 1900).
- 1984: Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister and Indian Policy (n. 1917).
- 1987: Joseph Campbell, American writer (n. 1904).
- 1993: Federico Fellini, Italian filmmaker (n. 1920).
- 1993: River Phoenix, American actor (n. 1970).
- 1996: Marcel Carné, French filmmaker (n. 1906).
- 1999: Greg Moore, Canadian racing car driver (n. 1975).
- 2000: Ring Lardner Jr., American journalist and screenwriter (n. 1915).
- 2002: Michail Stasinopulos, Greek politician (n. 1903).
- 2002: Raf Vallone, an Italian actor (n. 1916).
- 2003: Kamato Hongo, Japanese supercentenary. (n. 1887/1893)
- 2006: Pieter Willem Botha, former South African President (n. 1916).
- 2007: Modest Cuixart, Spanish painter, founder of the group Dau al Set (n. 1925).
- 2007: Robert Goulet, American singer and actor (n. 1933).
- 2009: Claude Lévi-Strauss, an anthropologist, philosopher and linguist Belgian-French (n. 1908).
- 2010: Maurice Lucas, American basketball player (n. 1952).
- 2011: Alberto Anchart, Argentine actor and comedian (n. 1931).
- 2011: Florián Albert, footballer and Hungarian coach (n. 1941).
- 2012: Fernando Díaz-Plaja, journalist and Spanish historian (n. 1918).
- 2012: Mitch Lucker, American singer (n. 1984).
- 2014: José Manuel Briceño Guerrero, philosopher, writer and Venezuelan university professor (n. 1929).
- 2015: Gregg Palmer, American actor (n. 1927).
- 2017: Mario Das Neves, Argentine politician (n.1951).
- 2018: Willie McCovey, American baseball player (n. 1938).
- 2019: Alfredo Molano, sociologist, journalist and Colombian writer (n. 1944).
- 2020: Sean Connery, British film actor and producer (n. 1930).
- 2020: MF DOOM (Daniel Dumile), rapper and British composer of Trinitense and Zimbabwean origin (n. 1971)
- 2021: Catherine Tizard, New Zealand policy (n. 1931).
- 2022: D.H. Danger, Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer (n. 1931).
- World Savings Day
- World Cities Day
- Virtual Poet Day
- International Rice Day
- Day of the Masquerades
- Ecuador
- National Shield Day
- El Salvador
El Salvador:
- Salvadoran Trade Union Day
United States:
- Girl Scouts Day
- National Unity Day
- Peru
- Criolla Song Day
- Spain
- Day of Remembrance and Tribute to all the victims of the military coup, war and the Franco dictatorship
Catholic saints list
- San Alonso Rodríguez
- San Enlarged, martyr
- San Antonino de Milan, Italian bishop.
- San Epimaco
- San Foilán de Fosses
- San Quintin de Vermand
- San Wolfgango de Ratisbona
- Blessed Christopher of Romegna
- Beato Domingo Collins
- Blessed Lion Nowakowski
In aviation
Interestingly, October 31st is the date of the year in which the most serious air accidents have occurred. Some examples are:
- Flight 2605 from Western Airlines
- Flight 4184 from American Eagle
- TAM Linhas Air Flight 402
- Flight 990 from Egyptair
- Flight 006 from Singapore Airlines
- Virgin Galactic Air Accident 2014
- Flight 9268 of Metrojet
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February 14th
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