2nd century BC c.

Eastern hemisphere at the end of the second century BC.

The 2nd century B.C. C. or century II a. and. c. (2nd century BC) began on January 1, 200 B.C. C. and ended on December 31, 101 BC. C. This century will see the decline of Ptolemaic Egypt and, in general, of all Hellenistic countries, favoring the expansionist policy of Rome around the Mediterranean, which managed to conquer part of Gaul, Greece, Asia Minor, the African territories of Carthage and much of Spain.


Wars and Politics


  • 196 BC: in the Hellenistic Egypt, the Rosetta stone is carved.

Roman Republic

  • 197 B.C.: Battle of Cinoscephalos, in which the Romans overcome the Macedonians.
  • 169 B.C.: Rome conquers Macedonia.
  • 154-138 B.C.: in Hispania, war of Rome against the Lusitans
  • 154-133 B.C.: In Hispania, the war of Rome against celtibers and vacceos.
  • 153 B.C.: Rome changes the seizure of consuls as of January 1.
  • 149-146 B.C.: In North Africa the third Punic War is waged and the city of Cartago is destroyed.
  • 139 B.C.: Viriato is killed after being betrayed by three of his generals.
  • 138 B.C.: In Spain is founded the village Valentia Edetanorum (current city of Valencia).
  • 133 B.C.: Emiliano Scipion Conquers Numance.
  • 135-132 B.C.: First servile war, revolt of the Sicilian slaves led by Eunoo
  • 132-122 BC: The Gracos carry out their reforms.
  • 123 a. C.: Quinto Cecilio Metelo Baleárico conquers the Balearic Islands.
  • 104-100 BC: Second servile war, revolt of the Sicilian slaves led by Trifon and Attenion.


  • 150 B.C. (approx): In the heart of Mesoamerica, debated ethnically filiated village groups settle and begin to urbanize Teotihuacán.


  • 185 B.C.: the Púsiamitra Shunga priest murders the last emperor Maurya and becomes emperor of the Shunga dynasty.
  • 140 B.C.: The Chinese expel the Huns.
  • 129 B.C.: Births take away Babylon from the seleucids.
  • Years 110 BC: in Judea, towards the end of the century, the Book of Judit and Book of Esther (which are currently part of the Bible).
  • This century develops in Japan a society of hunters and fishermen.


  • In the important area between the river Ganges and the river Iamuna (in northern India) the culture of black polished north ceramics, with little technological development.
  • 180 B.C.: In the current Turkey is performed the Altar of Pergam.
  • Hellenistic sculpture: Victory of Samotracia and the Venus of Milo.

Relevant people

Cayo Mario, military and Roman politician, member of the faction popular of the Senate and reformist army.
  • Perge Apolonium (262-190 BC): Father of Ancient Grammar
  • Antiochus IV Epiphanes (215-163 BC): Seleucid king.
  • Apoldore of Athens (180-119 BC): grammar, historian and Greek mythographer.
  • Asdrúbal el Beotarca: Carthaginian military commander in the third Punic war.
  • Boiorix, king of the scents.
  • Charitable, Greek philosopher.
  • Caton the Old (234-149 BC): Roman senator.
  • Cayo Mario (157-86 BC): Roman military and political.
  • Cayo Sempronio Graco (154-121 BC): Roman politician.
  • Cicero (106-43 BC): Roman speaker and politician.
  • Hiparco de Nicea (190-120 a. C.): astronomer, geographer and Greek mathematician.
  • Judas Macabeo, leader of the Jewish rebellion against the Greeks.
  • Liu An (179-122 BC), Chinese geographer, Tofu inventor.
  • Lucio Cornelio Cinna (130-84 BC): Roman politician.
  • Marco Emilio Escauro (163-89 a. C.): Roman politician.
  • Masinisa (238-148 B.C.): Numicide king and ally of Rome.
  • Plauto, Roman playwright.
  • Polyb (200-118 BC): Greek historian.
  • Publio Cornelio Emiliano Scipion (185-129 BC): Roman military and political, conqueror of Cartago and Numancia.
  • Fifth Cecilio Metelo el Numídico (190-91 a. C.): Roman military and political.
  • Fifth Lutacio Cátulo (m. 87 a.C.): Roman military and political.
  • Sima Qian (145-90 BC): Chinese historian.
  • Terencio (190-159 BC): Roman comediagraph.
  • Teutobod, king of teutons.
  • Tiberius Sempronio Graco (164-133 BC): Roman politician.
  • Tito Quincio Flaminino (228-174 BC): Roman military and political winner of the Battle of Cinoscephalos.
  • Viriato (m. 139 B.C.): Head of the Spanish Lusitan tribe.
  • Wu de Han (156-87 B.C.): Chinese emperor of the Han dynasty.
  • Zhang Qian (150-113 BC): Chinese military and explorer.

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