29th century BC c.

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The 29th century BC covers the period between 2900 B.C. C. until 2801 a. C., both included.


  • In Iraq the dynastic archaic period begins early.
  • Date the Hindus consider that the Rig-vedaIn India. Most current theories place it in the middle of the second millennium a. C.
  • 2900 B.C. (approx.): the construction of the first known village in America begins, which in the year 2627 B. C. (almost 300 years after its foundation) will grow giving rise to the city of Caral (182 km north of Lima, Peru), the mother city of the oldest civilization in America, the Caral-Supe Civilization. Between 2627 B.C. and 2100 B.C., this civilization will develop completely, reaching its peak stage.
  • 2900 B.C. to 2800 B.C.: Foundation of the village of Mari, in Syria (1.9 km in diameter).
  • 2900 B.C. to 2750 B.C.: Archaic Dynasty I.
  • 2900 B.C. to 2600 B.C.: Throughout these three centuries the votive statues of the Square Temple were made in Ešnunna (now Tell Ashmar, Iraq). They were preserved at the Eastern Institute of the University of Chicago (located at the Iraqi Museum in Baghdad, but were destroyed in the Iraq War.
  • 2900 B.C. to 2334 B.C.: Archaic or pre-gothic dinar period in Iraq.
  • 2890 B.C.: in Egypt: Pharaoh Qa'a dies. He ends the First Dynasty.
  • He takes power the Pharaoh Jetep Sejemuy and with him begins the Second Dynasty.
  • First traces of the invention of the phonetic value corresponding to writing signs, in the Uruk archives. Gradually the ideograms disappear.
  • Dumuzi, king of Uruk, becomes after his death a protector of the flocks, and also a god of fertility and vegetation.
  • Liberation of Our-Nina, king of Lagaš.
  • In Iraq, painted vessels are produced (called in English) Scarlet ware), with scarlet motifs painted on a beis background (Diyala, near Kiš).
  • Development of the culture of the Khabur plain in Iraq.
  • The kingdom of Elam is constituted.
  • 2874 BC: in Egypt the calendar of 365 days begins to be used, with fixed lunar months of 30 days + 5 epagomenal days.
  • 2861 B.C. to 2831 B.C.: Etana legendary king of Iraq (the myth says he reigned 1500 or 635 years after the universal flood.
  • 2852 B.C.: Fu Hsi was born, legendary king of China. (Fallece in 2738 BC).
  • 2850 B.C.: In China begins the period of the Three Augustes and the Five Emperors.
  • 2832 BC: according to Jewish mythology, estimated year of the birth of Matusalén.
  • 2831 a. C. to 2791 a. C.: Balih, legendary king of Iraq, son of Etana.
  • Egyptian pharaoh Seneferu (before the Third Dynasty) sends a maritime expedition in search of the famous cedar forests of Lebanon.
  • 2800 BC: In Biblos (Lebanon) the temple of the god Baalat Gubla is built.
  • The cultures of corded ceramics appear in the North of Europe.
  • In Greece, melting techniques are disseminated, especially in the northeastern part of the Aegean Sea. This is how the Bronze Age begins. (The Old Bronze II stage takes place from 2900 B.C. to 2300 B.C.)
  • First occupation of Micenas and Troy.
  • The anatolios (using the current Turkey) invade the island of Crete.
  • Crete: use of bronze, architecture, worship of the Mother Goddess.