28th century BC c.


The 28th century BC began on January 1, 2800 B.C. C. and ended on December 31, 2701 a. c.

Important facts


  • 2750 B.C.: Agriculture is being developed in West Africa.


  • 2775-2650: War of the second dynasty in Egypt
  • 2773: Egypt adopts a 365-day calendar
  • 2715: The Ancient Empire of Egypt begins


  • 2800 BC: In the Amazon (Brazil-Peru), village communities are developed based on horticulture. They produce ceramics with zoomorphic motifs and decorations with modeled animals.
  • 2750 B.C.: In the Supe River Valley - (Peru) the city of (Caral) is built, one of the first examples of pyramids and monumental American architecture.


  • 2800 B.C.: on the island of Crete (up to 1150 B.C.) the great Minoic civilization, which will erect cities and palaces, such as the famous palatial complexes of Cnossos, Fastos, Malia and Zakros.
  • 2800 B.C. to 1075 B.C.: construction of Stonehenge's megalithic monument in England. The construction required some 30 million hours of labour (equal to 60 years of daily work, of 200 men).
  • 2750 BC: Silbury Hill begins.
  • 2750 BC: In Austria and Switzerland the techniques of copper metallurgy are disseminated (already invented in Iraq a few centuries ago).
  • 2750 B.C.: In the turbals of the Netherlands and Denmark, the solid wood wheel is invented (already invented in Iraq several centuries ago).


  • 2750 BC: In Sanhile (Shandong, China) copper works are performed.
  • according to Hero about 2750 is founded Tyre.


  • 2800 to 2600 BC: at some point during this period the Shuruppak flood occurs. This catastrophe coincides with the end of the supremacy of this people over Ur and Kish. It is considered one of the sources of the Babylonian myth of the universal flood.
  • 2750 BC: end of the dynastic period I.
  • 2750 to 2600 B.C.: Arcaic dynastic period II.
    • Kish Domination.
    • The existence of kings in this dynastic period is verified by inscriptions.
    • Elegant non-painted ceramics, techniques of bronze emptied to the lost wax, with inlays of precious metals.
  • 2600 BC: Sumerians invent flat-convex bricks.


  • 2800 to 2700 BC: Culture of Mehrgarh:
    • 2800 BC: male torso in terracotta
    • 2700 B.C.: statuette of a terracotta bull.
  • 2800 to 2600 BC: statuette of a ram, alabaster, first stone sculpture.
  • 2750 to 2500 BC: development of the Indo civilization. The people of the mountainous regions with intense winters (Kalat and Quetta plains, Zhob and Loralai valleys), which come from more to the north, discover the alluvial plains of the south, such as the Indo valley, where the coverage of forests and forests represented an important brake on agricultural exploitation.

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