26 of February
Contenido February 26 is the 57th (fifty-seventh) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 308 days to the end of the year, 309 in leap years.
- 747 B.C. (Wednesdays): Nabonasar becomes king of Assyria. The Greek-gyptian astronomer Claudio Ptolomeo (100-170 AD) chose this date (registered by the Egyptians) as the beginning of the Nabonassar era.
- 1266: In Italy there is the battle of Benevento in which the Sicilians of Manfredo of Hohenstaufen faced with the French of Carlos I of Anjou, who would come out victorious.
- 1498: In Alcalá de Henares (Spain) Cardinal Gonzalo Jiménez de Cisneros places the first stone of the Complutense University.
- 1554: In Chile, the Araucanian leader Lautaro beats in the Battle of Marihueñu the troops of Francisco de Villagra (general front of the governorate since 1547 and head of the Spanish campaign against the Araucanians).
- 1561: on the banks of the Sutó brook – in the Chiquitos (Bolivia) serra – the Spanish conqueror Ñuflo de Chaves founded the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
- 1658: The peace of Roskilde between Sweden and Denmark is signed, ending the war of the Belts.
- 1815: In France, Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from the island of Elba, starting the Cien Days Government.
- 1817: in Chile, appears The Gaceta of the Supreme Government of Chile, first Chilean publication after independence.
- 1869: In Cuba, the Patriotic Assembly of Camagüey declared slavery abolished.
- 1871: After the Franco-Prussian war, the premises of peace between France and the new German Empire are signed.
- 1901: in Spain, the government of Marcelo Azcárraga resigns, following the bloody clashes between the armed forces and the people of Madrid on the occasion of the burial of the poet Ramón de Campoamor.
- 1902: in Seville the rains and waters of Guadalquivir continue to reach five meters above their usual level.
- 1904: In Spain, the Congress of Deputies approves the draft law on compulsory military service.
- 1909: The Spanish Courts approve a bill for the creation of a National Theatre with State subsidy.
- 1909: the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire agree on Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- 1910: at the Teatro de la Comedia in Madrid it is serene The deceasedMiguel de Unamuno.
- 1913: The United States Congress approves the costs of the Navy, which provides for the construction of new units.
- 1914: the twin ship of the RMS Titanic, the HMHS Britannic is booted from the shipyard of Harland & Wolf.
- 1916: In France, Marshal Joseph Joffre puts Philippe Pétain at the head of the Second French Army.
- 1924: In Germany the process against Adolf Hitler and Erich Ludendorff was opened as a result of the Putsch of Munich.
- 1925: In Spain, the case against Fernando de los Ríos, a Spanish professor at the University of Granada, is opened.
- 1927: In New York, the Spanish pugil Paulino Uzcudun beats Danish Hansen by points.
- 1930: In the Dominican Republic, the revolutionary movement spreads and the rebels become the owners of the north and center of the country.
- 1932: the Law of Divorce enters into force in Spain.
- 1935: the Luftwaffe (Aerial Force of the Third Reich) is founded and released.
- 1936: in Germany, Adolf Hitler implements a new vehicle, practical and low cost: the Beetle, from the factory Volkswagen (‘people’s vehicle’).
- 1936: In Japan, a frustrated coup d ' état was carried out in which Okada (Chief of the Government) and several ministers were killed.
- 1940: In the framework of World War II, the British destroyer Cossak approaches the German ship-tank Altmark and release the 300 British prisoners he was carrying.
- 1944: In Finland, the Soviets carry out an aerial attack on the civilian population of the city of Helsinki.
- 1945: Soviet forces attack Pomerania and reach the Baltic Sea.
- 1946: in Mexico, President Miguel Alemán Valdés creates the presidential agreement for which the Papaloapan Commission arises.
- 1947: In Mexico, the Congress of the Union approved the Papaloapan Commission, together with the Tesechoacán Commission.
- 1948: The Council of the Kingdom, established by the Law of Succession to the Head of State, is constituted in Francoist Spain.
- 1949: In Paraguay the president is deposed General Raimundo Rolón.
- 1951: the twenty-first amendment to the United States is ratified Constitutionwhich prohibits a president to remain in office more than two consecutive terms.
- 1952: in Barcelona the film is released Lola the beakstarring Juanita Reina.
- 1954: In Moscow, Chinese leader Mao Zedong has talks with communist leaders.
- 1956: in Mexico City, the Arena Mexico sports palace is opened, with capacity for 18 500 people sitting.
- 1958: In Spain, the Ministry of Development orders that all motorized vehicles should be provided, on the road, with a mirror.
- 1960: In England, the aristocrat Margaret Rose, sister of Queen Elizabeth II, made known her commitment to the "photographer of the court," Anthony Armstrong-Jones.
- 1961: in Morocco, the Crown Prince Muley Hassan is appointed king of Morocco as his father Mohammed V died.
- 1963: in Munich, French special services kidnap excoronel Antoine Argoud, leader of the OAS.
- 1973. in Mexico, for the first time a chapter of The Chavo of 8.
- 1976: Spain withdrew from the invaded Western Sahara.
- 1977: in the United States, the spacecraft Space Shuttle is transported on the back of a modified Boeing 747.
- 1978: In Colombia, the liberal party won the general elections, with Julio César Turbay as a presidential candidate.
- 1978: President Léopold Sédar Senghor is re-elected in Senegal.
- 1978: In China the 5th National People's Congress is inaugurated.
- 1980: in Spain the trial for the massacre of Atocha is concluded.
- 1981: in Spain, Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo takes over the presidency.
- 1983: Russian chess player Boris Spassky beats his countryman Anatoli Kárpov and the Linares Tournament is awarded.
- 1984: elections to the Basque Parliament, in which the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) obtains 41.69 % of the votes, followed by the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), with 23.22 %.
- 1986: Spanish filmmaker Jaime Chávarri releases the film The golden riverIn addition, in Japan the Dragon Ball series, anime series based on the sleeve of the author Akira Toriyama was released.
- 1987: José Antonio Ardanza is re-elected lehendakari of the Basque Government by an absolute majority in the first vote of Parliament.
- 1989: in Sindelfingen (Federal Republic of Germany), the British Colin Jackson achieves the world record of the 60-meter waltz, with a time of 7.41 s.
- 1989: Chinese police prevent dissident astrophysicist Fang Lizhi from meeting with U.S. President George Bush during his visit to Beijing.
- 1989: at Whistler Mountain (Canada), Luxembourg’s Marc Girardelli is awarded his third Alpine Ski World Cup.
- 1990: in Nicaragua, the Sandinistas are defeated in the general elections.
- 1990: in central Europe, at least 79 people lose their lives because of hurricanes.
- 1991: In the United States, Tim Berners-Lee presents the internet browser.
- 1991: U.S. and Kuwaiti forces enter Kuwait City, abandoned by the invading Iraqi troops.
- 1991: The Bangladesh Nationalist Party wins the first free elections in this country after fourteen years of military government.
- 1991: in the Canary Islands, the Spanish police confiscate two tons of cocaine in a boat on the high seas, coming from Colombia and with a final destination in Galicia and its drug trafficking network.
- 1992: in the city of Jehoiali (in Azerbaijan), in the framework of the Nagorny Karabakh war, the Armenian and Russian armed forces kill hundreds of Azerbaijani civilians. (Masacre de Jochalí).
- 1992: In Ireland, the Supreme Court allows a girl, who became pregnant because of rape, to travel outside the country to interrupt her pregnancy.
- 1993: In New York there is an explosion in the Twin Towers.
- 1995: in Brussels, the G-7 agrees on the common principles that will lead to the global creation of “information society”.
- 1995: Selena gives her last concert at the Houston Astrodome.
- 1998: In Spain, the Supreme Court sentenced the former president of Banesto, Mario Conde, to 4.5 years in prison for an offence of misappropriation, while the National Court of Madrid condemned the former director of the Guardia Civil, Luis Roldán, to 28 years in prison for embezzlement of public flows, scam, cohecho and five crimes against the Public Treasury.
- 2001: Foreign Ministers of the fifteen member countries of the European Union subscribe to the Nice Treaty, agreed in December 2000, to enable the adaptation of community institutions to the planned expansion of the organization.
- 2001: Spanish Minister of Interior, Jaime Mayor Oreja, abandons the Ministry of Interior to present his candidacy to lehendakari.
- 2002: UNHCR and NGO Save the Children report that at least sixty co-operatives sexually abused minors while carrying out humanitarian work in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.
- 2003: A military plane with 26 occupants crashes in the Colombian mountains.
- 2004: in Barcelona, Spain, all democratic parties, except the PP (People's Party), support a demonstration against the ETA terrorist gang.
- 2004: In the United States, the government eliminates a travel ban on Libya, which lasted 23 years.
- 2004: Europe and Russia agree to launch rockets Soyuz from the space base of the European Space Agency located in Kourou, French Guiana.
- 2004: In Valladolid, Spain, an exhibition was opened to commemorate the fifth centenary of the death of Isabella the Catholic.
- 2005: in Barcelona, Spain, the Squad Mozos arrest Rafaelle Amato, head of one of the clans of the Italian Camorra.
- 2005: A skyscraper is set on Taiwan; four people die.
- 2006: in Caquetá, Colombia, the FARC attacked a civilian bus; nine passengers died.
- 2006: 1,500 Taliban and Al Qaeda prisoners are housed in a high-security prison in Afghanistan.
- 2006: in Bilbao, Spain, the Spanish police arrested a member of the GRAPO wanted for the murder of an entrepreneur in Zaragoza on February 6.
- 2006: next to a bank branch in Vitoria, Spain, it explodes a homemade bomb and causes minor injuries to two people.
- 2006: A solar temple with several monumental statues, one of which could belong to Ramses II, is discovered in a market on the outskirts of Cairo.
- 2009: After a series of polemics with its inhabitants, the Chilean government decided to rebuild Chaitén, a city devastated by a volcanic eruption, in Santa Barbara, 12 km north.
- 2010: in Colombia, the Constitutional Court declares the law of re-elective referendum unenforceable, which sought to empower then President Alvaro Uribe Velez to an eventual third consecutive term.
- 2011: in New York, United States, the UN Security Council decrees Resolution 1970.
- 2013: at the international airport of the city of Toluca de Lerdo (Mexico), the police arrest Elba Esther Gordillo (National SNTE leader), for the crime of operation with resources of illicit origin.
- 2017: The 89th award is held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles (United States), where it is initially announced that the winner of this edition in the Best Film category is The Land, then the error is recognized and announces that the true winner is the film Moonlight
- 2018: In Papua New Guinea there is an earthquake of magnitude 7.5.
- 1361: Wenceslaus of Luxembourg, king Bohemian (f. 1419).
- 1517: Antonio Agustín, Spanish ecclesiastical (f. 1586).
- 1564: Christopher Marlowe, English playwright (f. 1593).
- 1671: Anthony Ashley Cooper, politician, philosopher and English writer (f. 1713).
- 1715: Claude-Adrien Helvétius, a French philosopher (f. 1771).
- 1774: William Farquhar, first resident of the Singapore colony (f. 1839).
- 1781: José María Calatrava, politician and Spanish jurist (f. 1846).
- 1786: François Arago, mathematician, physical, astronomer and French politician (f. 1853).
- 1791: Domingo Cullen, Spanish politician, governor in Argentina (f. 1839).
- 1799: Émile Clapeyron, French engineer and physicist (f. 1864).
- 1801: Alejandro Mon and Menéndez, a Spanish politician (f. 1882).
- 1802: Victor Hugo, French writer (f. 1885).
- 1808: Honoré Daumier, French painter and cartoonist (f. 1879).
- 1812: José María Chávez Alonso, Mexican politician (f. 1864).
- 1821: Felix Ziem, French painter (f. 1911).
- 1824: Carlos Calvo, jurist, diplomat and Argentine historian (f. 1906).
- 1829: Levi Strauss, American businessman (f. 1902).
- 1846: Buffalo Bill, American showman (f. 1917).
- 1852: John Harvey Kellogg, American physician (f. 1943).
- 1853: Antonio Rivas Mercado, Mexican architect (f. 1927).
- 1854: Porfirio Parra, doctor, philosopher and Mexican writer (f. 1912).
- 1856: Paul-François Choppin, French sculptor (f. 1937).
- 1857: Émile Coué, a French psychologist and pharmacologist (f. 1926).
- 1861: Fernando I, Bulgarian king (f. 1948).
- 1861: Nadezhda Krúpskaya, a Russian revolutionary (f. 1939).
- 1866: Herbert Henry Dow, American industrial chemist (f. 1930).
- 1876: Augustine Pedro Justo, Argentinian military, president of the Decade Infame (f. 1943).
- 1880: Nicolaas Wilhelmus Posthumus, a Dutch economist (f. 1960).
- 1883: Eugenio Hermoso, a Spanish painter (f. 1963).
- 1883: Pierre Mac Orlan, French writer (f. 1970).
- 1885: José de la Riva Agüero y Osma, politician, historian and Peruvian essayist (f. 1944).
- 1893: Guillermo Fernández-Shaw Iturralde, Spanish litrist (f. 1965).
- 1893: Roberto José Tavella, a religious writer and an Argentine teacher (f. 1963).
- 1894: Iván Papanin, scientist, polar explorer and Soviet counter admiral (f. 1986).
- 1895: Claire Bauroff, dancer, choreographer, ballet teacher, actress, model and German writer (f. 1984).
- 1896: Guillermo Chaves Chaves, politician, senator and Colombian thinker (f. 1956).
- 1896: Alfonso Junco, Mexican writer and academic (f. 1974).
- 1900: Jean Negulesco, American filmmaker of Romanian origin (f. 1993).
- 1902: Rudolf Moralt, director of German orchestra (f. 1958).
- 1903: Augustine de Foxá, writer, journalist and Spanish diplomat (f. 1959).
- 1903: Giulio Natta, Italian chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1963 (f. 1979).
- 1904: Manuel Lozano Guillén, anarchist and Spanish military (f. 1945).
- 1908: Tex Avery, American animator and filmmaker (f. 1980).
- 1908: Nestor Mesta Chayres, Mexican tenor and Bolero vocalist (f. 1971).
- 1908: Leela Majumdar, Bengali writer (f. 2007).
- 1912: Dane Clark, American actor (f. 1998).
- 1915: Raúl Anguiano, painter, muralist and Mexican engraver (f. 2006).
- 1916: Jackie Gleason, American actor (f. 1987).
- 1918: Theodore Sturgeon, American writer (f. 1985).
- 1918: Víctor Licandro, journalist, politician and military Uruguayan (f. 2011).
- 1918: Osmar Maderna, musician, pianist and Argentine composer (f. 1951).
- 1918: Nikolái Gulayev, Soviet military aviator, one of the main aces of aviation during World War II (f. 1985)
- 1919: Mason Adams, American actor (f. 2005).
- 1919: Piotr Masherov, a Soviet politician of Belarusian origin (f. 1980).
- 1920: Henri Crolla, Italian guitarist (f. 1960).
- 1920: Tony Randall, American actor (f. 2004).
- 1920: José Mauro de Vasconcelos, Brazilian novelist (f. 1984).
- 1921: Eulalio Ferrer, a Mexican entrepreneur and publicist of Spanish origin (f. 2009).
- 1921: Betty Hutton, American actress (f. 2007).
- 1922: Víctor González Maertens, a Chilean businessman and politician (f. 2012).
- 1922: Karl Aage Præst, Danish footballer (f. 2011).
- 1925: Ivan Yampolski, Soviet military (f. 1983).
- 1925: Miroslava Stern, a Mexican actress of Czechoslovak origin (f. 1955).
- 1926: Verne Gagne, American football player and coach (f. 2015).
- 1927: Manuel Conde-Pumpido Ferreiro, a Spanish magistrate (f. 2020).
- 1927: James Jimmy Kantor, South African lawyer, victim of apartheid (f. 1974).
- 1928: Fats Dómino, American musician (f. 2017).
- 1928: Ariel Sharon, Israeli prime minister (f. 2014).
- 1931: Robert Novak, American conservative political commentator (f. 2009).
- 1932: Johnny Cash, American country music singer (f. 2003).
- 1934: José Luis Cuevas, Mexican painter (f. 2017).
- 1936: José Yudica, footballer and Argentine coach (f. 2021).
- 1937: Eduardo Arroyo, Spanish painter and sculptor (f. 2018).
- 1937: Alejandra Meyer, Mexican actress (f. 2007).
- 1941: Sandy Brown Wyeth, American actress.
- 1941: Guillermina Motta, Spanish singer.
- 1943: Dante Ferretti, director of Italian art.
- 1944: Maria Creuza, Brazilian singer.
- 1945: Bob Hite, Canadian musician, of the band Canned Heat (f. 1981).
- 1945: Pedro Carcuro, Chilean journalist
- 1945: Marta Kristen, Norwegian actress.
- 1945: Tina Sáinz, Spanish actress.
- 1946: Ahmed H. Zewail, Egyptian chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1999.
- 1947: Sandie Shaw, British singer.
- 1948: Cristina Banegas, Argentine actress.
- 1948: Ruy Castro, writer, journalist, translator and Brazilian biographer.
- 1949: Emma Kirkby, British soprano.
- 1950: Jonathan Cain, American musician, Journey and Bad English bands.
- 1950: Helen Clark, first New Zealand minister.
- 1951: Lee Atwater, American politician (f. 1991).
- 1953: Michael Bolton, American singer.
- 1953: Hubert Linard, French cyclist.
- 1954: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkish politician.
- 1955: Eusebio Unzué, Spanish cycling coach.
- 1958: Michel Houellebecq, French writer.
- 1958: Silvio Oltra, driver of motorism and Argentine singer (f. 1995).
- 1959: Ahmet Davutoğlu, Turkish diplomat, academic and political.
- 1959: Rolando Blackman, Panamanian basketball player.
- 1962: Greg Germann, American actor.
- 1963: Nacho Cano, Spanish musician, of the Mecano band.
- 1963: Fabian Gianola, Argentine actor and comedian.
- 1963: Jorge Suárez, Argentine actor.
- 1964: Mark Dacascos, actor and American martial artist.
- 1964: David Summers, Spanish musician.
- 1964: Naoto ⋅shima, Japanese graphic designer, creator of Sonic the Hedgehog along with Yuji Naka.
- 1965: Hernán Díaz, Argentine soccer player.
- 1966: Carlos Fernando Navarro Montoya, is a Colombian former footballer and current Argentine coach.
- 1967: Currie Graham, Canadian actor.
- 1967: Paulo Pires, model and Portuguese actor.
- 1968: Mauricio Daza Castillo, Colombian counterpart.
- 1968: Tim Commerford, American bassist, of the Rage Against the Machine band.
- 1969: Ander Garitano, footballer and Spanish coach.
- 1971: Erykah Badu, American singer.
- 1971: Max Martin, Swedish composer.
- 1971: Hélène Segara, French singer.
- 1971: Sean Baker, American filmmaker.
- 1971: Simone Zucchi, Italian cyclist.
- 1973: ATB (André Tanneberger), German dynoquey.
- 1973: Ole Gunnar Solskjær, Norwegian footballer.
- 1973: Jenny Thompson, American swimmer.
- 1973: Miguel Simão, Portuguese footballer.
- 1973: Juancho De la Espriella, Colombian musician.
- 1974: Carolina Gómez, actress, presenter and Colombian model.
- 1974: Sébastien Loeb, French pilot of rallies.
- 1974: Carlos Manuel de Oliveira Magalhaes, Portuguese footballer.
- 1975: Sergio de la Puente, pianist and Spanish composer.
- 1975: Drew Goddard, American filmmaker.
- 1975: Carolina Gómez, Colombian actress and model.
- 1976: Ky-Mani Marley, Jamaican musician.
- 1976: Mauro Lustrinelli, Swiss footballer.
- 1977: Calli Cox, American pornographic actress.
- 1977: Oh Jung-se, South Korean actor.
- 1977: Léider Preciado, Colombian footballer.
- 1977: Tim Thomas, American basketball player.
- 1977: Syria, Italian singer.
- 1977: Yanuario Paz, a Honduran journalist.
- 1977: Jadiya El-Hamdaui, yudoca Moroccan.
- 1977: Shane Williams, British rugby player.
- 1977: Boris Bernaskoni, Russian architect.
- 1978: Tom Beck, German actor and singer.
- 1978: Abdoulaye Diagne-Faye, Senegalese footballer.
- 1978: Mohammed Noor, Saudi footballer.
- 1979: Shalim Ortiz, Puerto Rican singer and actor.
- 1979: Corinne Bailey Rae, British singer.
- 1979: Jesús López Velázquez, Spanish footballer.
- 1979: Shauntay Hinton, American model.
- 1979: Richard Egington, British Remero.
- 1981: Pamela Díaz, Chilean model.
- 1982: Nate Ruess, American singer.
- 1983: Pepe, Portuguese footballer.
- 1983: Yamna Lobos, dancer, Chilean actress and driver.
- 1984: Emmanuel Adebayor, Togolese footballer.
- 1984: Natalia Lafourcade, Mexican singer.
- 1984: Beren Saat, Turkish actress.
- 1985: Fernando Llorente, Spanish footballer.
- 1985: Miki Fujimoto, Japanese actress and idol.
- 1986: Crystal Kay, Japanese singer.
- 1986: Leila Lopes, Angolan model.
- 1986: Nacho Monreal, Spanish footballer.
- 1987: Ricardo Noir, Argentine soccer player.
- 1988: Héctor Rondon, Venezuelan baseball player.
- 1988: Sven Kums Belgian footballer.
- 1990: Guido Pizarro, Argentine footballer.
- 1990: Alessio Lava, Italian footballer.
- 1990: Edson dos Santos Reis, Brazilian footballer.
- 1991: CL, South Korean singer and rapper.
- 1991: Hélène Lefebvre, a French shirt.
- 1991: Anton Tinnerholm, Swedish footballer.
- 1991: Björn Sigurðarson, Icelandic footballer.
- 1992: Matz Sels, Belgian footballer.
- 1992: Florence Ponce De León, Argentine basketball.
- 1993: Jesé Rodríguez, Spanish footballer.
- 1994: Daniel Pearson, British cyclist.
- 1997: Malcom, Brazilian footballer.
- 1997: Albian Ajeti, Swiss footballer.
- 1997: Adonis Ajeti, Swiss footballer.
- 1997: Enric Franquesa, Spanish footballer.
- 1998: Joanna Arida, actress and Jordanian model.
- 1999: Albert Alavedra, Andorran footballer.
- 1999: Adrian de la Fuente, Spanish footballer.
- 1999: Thomas Carrique, French footballer.
- 1999: Hannes Agnarsson, a ferocious footballer.
- 1999: Adolfo Gaich, Argentine footballer.
- 1999: Elvira Öberg, Swedish biathle.
- 1999: Hirokazu Ishihara, Japanese footballer.
- 1999: Raúl Guzmán, a Mexican motor vehicle pilot.
- 1999: Luan Silva dos Santos, Brazilian footballer.
- 1999: Miguel Navarro, Venezuelan footballer.
- 1999: Josh Carlton, American basketball player.
- 2000: David Santiago Barrero, Colombian footballer.
- 2000: Alexis Gutiérrez, Mexican footballer.
- 2000: Margaret MacNeil, Canadian swimmer.
- 2000: Lea Novak, Slovenian penguin.
- 2000: Francisco Álvarez, Argentine soccer player.
- 2000: Facundo Santiago Rodríguez, Argentine soccer player.
- 2003: Jamal Musiala, English-German footballer.
- 2003: Lim Eun-soo, South Korean ice skater.
- 2007: Juan José Mañosca, Colombian cyclist.
- 420: Porfirio de Gaza, Greek anacoreta (n. 352).
- 1154: Rogelio II of Sicily, Sicilian king (n. 1093).
- 1561: Jorge de Montemayor, Portuguese writer (n. ca. 1520).
- 1577: Erico XIV, Swedish king (n. 1533).
- 1638: Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac, French mathematician (n. 1581).
- 1770: Giuseppe Tartini, Italian composer and violinist (n. 1692).
- 1792: José Cadalso, a Spanish writer (n. 1741).
- 1802: Esek Hopkins, American admiral (n. 1718).
- 1811: Mateo de Toro y Zambrano, militar, politician Chilean, president of the First Board (n. 1727).
- 1815: Augustine de Pedrayes, Spanish mathematician (n. 1744).
- 1821: Joseph de Maistre, the political theorist of the Sahel (n. 1753).
- 1834: Aloys Senefelder, Austrian engineer, inventor of lithography (n. 1771).
- 1849: Mariano Rivera Paz, a Guatemalan politician (n. 1804).
- 1861: Taras Shevchenko, Ukrainian poet and painter (n. 1814).
- 1878: Juan María Gutiérrez, Argentine writer and politician (n. 1809).
- 1883: Miguel Ângelo Lupi, Portuguese painter (n. 1826).
- 1889: Karl Davidov, Russian composer (n. 1838).
- 1889: Paula Montal, a Spanish religious (n. 1799).
- 1903: Richard J. Gatling, American engineer and inventor (n. 1818).
- 1906: Manuel Fernández Caballero, Spanish composer (n. 1835).
- 1909: Caran d'Ache, French drawer (n. 1858).
- 1913: Felix Draeseke, German composer (n. 1835).
- 1921: Carl Menger, Austrian economist (n. 1840).
- 1930: Rafael Merry del Val, Spanish cardinal (n. 1865).
- 1931: Otto Wallach, German chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1910 (n. 1847).
- 1943: Theodor Eicke, Nazi German general of the SS (n. 1892).
- 1959: Francisco de Alvear, Spanish aristocrat (n. 1869).
- 1961: Miguel Nicolás Lira, writer, public official and Mexican teacher (n. 1905).
- 1961: Mohammed V, Moroccan king (n. 1909).
- 1966: Gino Severini, Italian painter (n. 1883).
- 1966: Nicolás Rodríguez, Mexican actor of Spanish origin (n. 1898).
- 1969: Levi Eshkol, politician and Israeli prime minister (n. 1895).
- 1969: Karl Jaspers, a German psychiatrist and philosopher (n. 1883).
- 1970: Angel María de Rosa, Argentine sculptor (n. 1888).
- 1971: Fernandel (Fernand Joseph Desiré Constandin), a French actor (n. 1903).
- 1974: Ignacio Agustí, Spanish writer and journalist (n. 1913).
- 1974: Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen, Dutch physics (n. 1887).
- 1980: Dringue Farías, Argentine actor (n. 1914).
- 1981: Robert Aickman, British writer (n. 1914).
- 1982: Paco Martínez Soria, Spanish actor (n. 1902).
- 1982: Queen Torres de Araúz, teacher and anthropologist from Panama (nian 1932).
- 1982: Gábor Szabó, Hungarian guitarist (n. 1936).
- 1983: Aaron Sáenz, lawyer, military, political, businessman and Mexican diplomat (n. 1891).
- 1985: Tjalling Koopmans, an American economist of Dutch origin (n. 1910).
- 1989: Pablo Palitos, an Argentine actor of Spanish origin (n. 1906).
- 1991: El Torete (Angel Franco), famous Spanish delinquent (n. 1960).
- 1994: Bill Hicks, American comedian (n. 1961).
- 1996: Mieczyslaw Vainberg, Soviet composer of Polish origin (n. 1919).
- 1998: Theodore Schultz, US economist (n. 1902).
- 2001: Arturo Uslar Pietri, Venezuelan writer (n. 1906).
- 2002: Helen Dick Megaw, Irish mineralogist (n. 1907).
- 2003: Jaime Ramírez Banda, Chilean footballer (n. 1931).
- 2004: Boris Trajkovski, Macedonian President (n. 1956).
- 2005: Francisco de Asís Cabrero, Spanish architect (n. 1912).
- 2005: Jef Raskin, American mathematician and computer (n. 1943).
- 2005: Enrique Ortúzar, a Chilean jurist and politician (n. 1914).
- 2010: Francisco Cabrera Santos, Venezuelan politician (n. 1946).
- 2010: Nujabes, Japanese composer and DJ (n. 1974).
- 2011: María Azambuya, Uruguayan actress and theatre director (n. 1944).
- 2012: Arpad Fekete, footballer and Hungarian coach (n. 1921).
- 2012: Antonio Pérez Sánchez, Spanish entrepreneur (n. 1918).
- 2013: Dale Robertson, American actor (n. 1923).
- 2016: Mario Poggi, celebrity and Peruvian psychologist (n. 1943).
- 2019: Christian Bach, Argentine lawyer, actress and producer (n. 1959).
- 2020: José Félix Patiño, a Colombian doctor (n. 1927).
- El Salvador
El Salvador: Professional Day in Clinical Laboratory.
- World Pistacho Day.
Catholic saints list
- Nevers Agricultural San
- San Alejandro de Alejandría
- San Andrés de Florence
- San Diodoro
- San Faustiniano de Bologna
- Santa Paula Montal
- San Porfirio de Gaza
- St. Victor Eremite.
- Beata Piedad de la Cruz
- Beato Roberto Dru cubrory.
- San Néstor de Magido
Contenido relacionado
44 a.m. c.
128 BC c.
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