23 of March


March 23 is the 82nd (eighty-second) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 83rdᵉʳ in leap years. There are 283 days left to end the year.


  • 625: The battle of Uhud between Muslims and pagans takes place in Arabia.
  • 893 (New Year's Day of 280 H on the Muslim calendar): in Sha Bandar (Province of Sind, Pakistan) and in Ardabil (50 km west of the Caspian Sea, Iran) there is an earthquake that leaves a balance of 150 000 dead.
  • 1391: At the current Swiss border, about 30 km southwest of Basel, an earthquake is recorded. The number of fatal victims is unknown.
  • 1508: In Spain, Fernando the Catholic signed some chapters with Juan Díaz de Solís and Vicente Yánez Pinzón, for which they are committed to seeking a strait between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
  • 1534: In Rome, Pope Clement VII declares that he will excommunicate Henry VIII of England if he persists in divorceing Catherine of Aragon.
  • 1536: In the Etna Volcano, about 50 km north of Catania (Sicilia) there is an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 in the seismological scale of Richter. The number of fatal victims is unknown.
  • 1568: the Peace of Longjumeau is signed, which ended the second war of religion between the Hugonotes and the French Catholics.
  • 1582: In Datong, China, 350 km west of Beijing, there is an earthquake of magnitude 5.0 in the seismological scale of Richter. The number of victims is unknown.
  • 1584: next to the river San Juan, in the Strait of Magellan, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa founded the city of Rey don Felipe.
  • 1708: Firth of Forth James Francis Edward Stuart arrives.
  • 1748: In Valencia, an earthquake kills 10,000 people and destroys the castle of Montesa, headquarters of the military order of this name.
  • 1748: In London, Händel has his work Alexander Balus.
  • 1766: In Madrid begins the Motín de Esquilache, popular revolt in protest for the politics of the minister of Carlos III.
  • 1775: In the Episcopal Church of San Juan (Richmond, Virginia, United States) Patrick Henry gets the colony of Virginia to join the United States War of Independence after a speech that ends with his famous phrase "Give me liberty or give me death" ("Denme Freedom or Death").
  • 1801: In his bedroom of the castle San Miguel (Moscow), the tsar Paul I of Russia is beaten with a sword, and then strangled.
  • 1806: In the United States, after arriving in the Pacific Ocean, explorers Lewis and Clark and their "discoverers' bodies" undertake the return journey.
  • 1808: Marshal Murat, brother-in-law of Napoleon, comes to Madrid in charge of a powerful French army with the task of attracting Bayona to the Spanish royal family, while refusing to recognize Fernando VII as king. Murat, who had been named Napoleón's place in Spain on 20 February, had already begun the occupation of the kingdom, occupying the squares of Pamplona, Barcelona, Figueras and San Sebastián.
  • 1821: In Greece, the battle and fall of the city of Kalamata takes place in the framework of its War of Independence.
  • 1839: In the United States, the use of the OK is recorded for the first time as abbreviation oll korrect in the newspaper Boston Morning Post.
  • 1844: Madrid returns after its banishment Queen Mother María Cristina.
  • 1848: In Venice, the Republic of St. Mark is liberated from Austria and proclaims its independence.
  • 1848: arrives in Port Chalmers (New Zealand) the John Wickliffe boat, carrying the first Scottish pioneers. Foundan province of Otago.
  • 1857: In New York, Elisha Otis installs the first lift on Broadway 488.
  • 1860: battle of Wad-Ras, which puts an end to the war of Africa, won by the Spanish troops, led by O'Donnell, and in which Prim was covered with glory.
  • 1868: The University of California is founded in Oakland (California).
  • 1877: In Utah, the United States, is executed by John D. Lee for his participation in the Mountain Meadows massacre, the only one brought to trial for the fact.
  • 1879: Battle of Calama or Battle of Topater, first armed confrontation of the Pacific War.
  • 1889: In the United States, President Benjamin Harrison opens the state of Oklahoma to the white settlement.
  • 1889: In East London, the free Woolwich ferri is officially opened.
  • 1889: In Qadian, India, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad establishes the Ahmadiyya Muslim community.
  • 1896: The New York State Legislature decrees the Raines Act, which restricted the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sunday except in hotels.
  • 1901: The United States gives to Spain the price of the sale of the islands of Joló (Philippines).
  • 1902: The Italian Chamber raises the legal age for the work of 9 to 12 years for children and from 11 to 15 for girls.
  • 1902: in the field of experiences of Torregorda (Madrid) the British canyon Vickers is verified, bought by the Spanish government.
  • 1903: In the United States, the Wright Brothers request a patent for their invention of fixed wing aeroplane.
  • 1909: In New York, former President Theodore Roosevelt travels to a safari in Africa. The trip is sponsored by the Smithsonian Institute and the National Geographic Society.
  • 1910: In the Canary Islands, feminists present their candidacy for the elections, even knowing that they will not be elected, as an act of denunciation towards the political exclusion to which women are subjected in Spain.
  • 1910: in certain Spanish towns, vehicles are allowed to circulate on Thursday and Good Friday.
  • 1915: in Murcia the university is created by Royal Decree.
  • 1915: the Polish city of Przemyśl capitula and the Russians make 120 000 prisoners.
  • 1918: Latvia proclaims its independence.
  • 1919: in Milan (Italy) Benito Mussolini founded the Fasci italiani di combattimento, a history of the Fascist National Party.
  • 1920: in Salzburg, Austria, the first festival is opened.
  • 1921: the German government authorizes the import of salitre from Chile.
  • 1923: in Seville the cantata El Retablo de Maese Pedro, by the Spanish composer Manuel de Falla.
  • 1924: In Berlin, Germany, the Werner Siemens Institute for Radiological Research was inaugurated.
  • 1925: The state of Tennessee prohibits the teaching of the theory of evolution.
  • 1927: poet Antonio Machado is chosen to occupy a chair at the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • 1928: José Carlos Mariátegui left the APRA and founded the Peruvian Communist Party.
  • 1929: in Santa Fe (Argentina), the Paraná River reaches 6:55 meters high, and floods the city.
  • 1931: Spanish parole is granted for the signatories of the revolutionary manifesto.
  • 1931: As part of the struggle for the independence of India, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev are sent to forced labour in the galleys. They deny their request to be shot.
  • 1933: The Reichstag approves a law granting full and exceptional powers to the Hitler government.
  • 1935: the Constitution of the Philippines is signed.
  • 1942: In the framework of the Second World War, in the Indian Ocean, Japanese forces capture the Andaman Islands.
  • 1942: The Nazis carry out the Massacre of Jews in Lublin.
  • 1945: the Allied armies cross the Rhin.
  • 1945: in Manila (Philippines), the Japanese army massacres Spanish.
  • 1948: the British John Cunningham bats a new record of height of 16 800 m with the Vampire reaction plane.
  • 1949: In the Lebanese city of Ras el-Nakura, an armistice was signed between Israel and Lebanon.
  • 1950: World Meteorology Day is celebrated for the first time by World Meteorological Organization.
  • 1955: On the Nevada Test Site, United States detonates its atomic bomb That's it.1,2 kton, seventh of 14 Teapot operation. It is the bomb number 58 of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 1956: Pakistan becomes the first Islamic republic in the world. (This is currently the Day of the Republic in that country).
  • 1956: in Hungary the posthumous rehabilitation of László Rajk, former Foreign Minister executed in 1949.
  • 1959: Günter Grass publishes the novel The Canopy drum.
  • 1960: a judgement of the German Constitutional Court of Kalsruhe grants doctors, in the future, free access to the insurance provided by the State.
  • 1965: NASA launches Gemini 3, the first ship with two astronauts (Gus Grissom and John Young).
  • 1965: Joaquín Merino gets the Café Gijón Award for his novel The island.
  • 1967: in Colombia Radio Cadena Nacional RCN radio creates its own TV programmer RCN Television today private channel.
  • 1970: In Cambodia, the destitute King Sihanouk asks his subjects to step into the resistance against the Lon Nol government.
  • 1971: In Argentina, the Board of Commanders in Chief of the Armed Forces replaces the de facto president Roberto Levingston.
  • 1971: in Europe, 100,000 peasants protest against the agrarian policy of the European Economic Community.
  • 1971: Argentina and Venezuela restore diplomatic relations.
  • 1976: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its Optional Protocol enter into force.
  • 1979: Laos and Cambodia sign a friendship treaty; it concludes the formation of an Indochina Assembly under the protection of Vietnam.
  • 1980: the Sha of Persia, exiled in Panama, travels to Egypt, where it must be hospitalized.
  • 1980: In Sweden, 58.2 per cent of voters approved in referendum the construction of new nuclear power plants.
  • 1980: in El Salvador Archbishop Óscar Romero gives his famous sermon heading to the army, asking him to stop killing Salvadorans. The next day he will be killed during a mass by government agents.
  • 1980: With the participation of thousands of young liters, the National Literacy Crusade begins in Nicaragua.
  • 1980: In Italy, at the end of the A Series matches, in the stadiums some players and executives were arrested for the Totonero scandal.
  • 1981: In Bangladesh, a coup d ' état brought down the Government.
  • 1981: a single counter-terrorism command, consisting of the armed forces, the national police and the civilian guard, is established in Spain, whose priority objective is the dismantling of ETA.
  • 1982: In Guatemala, right-wing general Efraín Ríos Montt defeats Fernando Romeo Lucas García's bloody pro-American dictatorship. Mayan genocide begins.
  • 1983: Ronald Reagan announces the Strategic Defense System, known as the Galaxy War (by the film Star Wars).
  • 1984: in Rome, Italy, a group of thieves take an armoured safe with values equivalent to 3.5 billion pesetas.
  • 1986: In Switzerland, OPEC announces that it accepts a global crude production decline.
  • 1986: Mexico publishes high rates of infant mortality due to malnutrition.
  • 1986: Bolivia uses 60 per cent of exports to pay external debt.
  • 1986: in Quito (Ecuador) the government seeks to recover the socialist market.
  • 1986: in Athens (Greece) a bomb explodes against the statue of Truman.
  • 1986: In Tokyo, Japan, Nakasone calls for strengthening the army.
  • 1986: The USSR government is outraged by a nuclear test in Nevada (United States).
  • 1987: Willy Brandt resigns as president of the German socialists after the spy scandal.
  • 1987: Daimiel Tables (Spain) are threatened due to fires and excessive boreholes.
  • 1987: the Spanish prosecutor filed a complaint against Lola Flores for alleged fiscal offence.
  • 1988: In Sapoá (Nicaragua), a ceasefire agreement was signed between the government of Daniel Ortega and the Nicaraguan Contra (created by the CIA by orders of President Ronald Reagan), with programs for the country's pacification.
  • 1989: The right to strike is legalized in Hungary, the second country in Eastern Europe that recognizes it, after Poland.
  • 1989: asteroid 4581 Asclepius (300 m in diameter) passes to 0.7 billion km from Earth (compared with the Moon being around 0.38 million km).
  • 1990: the Spanish trapist Pinito del Oro wins the National Circus Award 1990, awarded for the first time by the Ministry of Culture.
  • 1990: Lothar de Maizière, president of the RDA CDU, accepts the commission to form the first democratic government of the country after its victory in the elections of 18 March.
  • 1992: Presentation to the media of the new Spanish high-speed train AVE, which runs 317 km, from Madrid to Adamuz (Córdoba), and reaches a speed of 300 km/h.
  • 1993: Norway, Austria, Finland and Sweden will begin talks for their entry into the European Community.
  • 1994: In Mexico, the then PRI candidate for the presidency of the Republic, Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, suffers an attack while he was in political campaign in the city of Tijuana, Baja California. He dies hours later at the General Hospital of the same city.
  • 1994: Aeroflot flight 593 hits a hill in Oblast of Kémerovo. 75 people die.
  • 1997: in the village of Havaspur, 60 km west of the sacred city of Gaya (India), the terrorist group Ranvir Sena (formed by Brazilian right-wing landowners) kill 10 dalits (low caste people). With the blood of the victims write the name of the organization on the walls of the village.
  • 1997: in San Sebastián, Spain, thousands of protesters – called by the organization Gesto for Peace – call for the end of ETA violence and the release of prison officer José Antonio Ortega Lara (who has been kidnapped for 431 days) and businessman Cosme Delclaux (132 days).
  • 1997: Asturian poet Ángel González enters the Spanish Royal Academy with the speech "The other solitudes of Antonio Machado", to occupy the chair P (capital), desert after the death of anthropologist and historian Julio Caro Baroja.
  • 1998: in the United States, the film Titanic receives 11 Oscar Awards.
  • 1999: In Asunción (Paraguay) three individuals in a military suit shoot the Paraguayan vice president, Luis María Argaña, the main political adversary of President Raul Cubas. The next day, the Paraguay Chamber of Deputies accuses President Cubas of the murder of Argaña, and votes to be judged and dismissed by the Senate.
  • 1999: in Vienna, the (OPEP) ratifies the new global production cut of 2.1 million barrels of crude daily to force an increase in its price.
  • 2001: the Russian Mir space station reenters the Earth's atmosphere and disintegrates before touching the Earth's surface.
  • 2005: Pristina Parliament appoints the leader of the Kosovo Partnership for the Future, Bajram Kosumi, the new executive head.
  • 2005: the French police arrest two alleged members of ETA, one of whom can be the chief of the commands of the band, Joseba Segurola.
  • 2005: Guadalajara City Hall (Spain) removes the statues of the dictator Francisco Franco and the founder of Falange, José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
  • 2005: Spanish scientists describe for the first time the structure of the smallpox virus.
  • 2005: For the first time astronomers see light from extra-solar planets.
  • 2006: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Néstor Kirchner replaces his military degree and goes to general to Colonel Juan Jaime Cesio (79), to whom the Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983) had condemned dishonestly in 1983 for having denounced the disappearances.
  • 2006: The PSOne desktop video console ceases its worldwide manufacturing.
  • 2009: FedEx Express Flight 80 crashes when landing on track 34 left at Narita International Airport was the worst accident at that airport.
  • 2018: in Lima, Martín Vizcarra assumes the presidency of Peru in response to the resignation of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.
  • 2021: Brazil, with 3251 deaths in one day by COVID-19, surpassed its own world record.


  • 603: Pachal II, Maya ruler (f. 683).
  • 1429: Margaret of Anjou, queen consort english (f. 1482).
  • 1645: William Kidd, legendary Scottish pirate (f. 1701).
  • 1699: John Bartram, American botanist (f. 1777).
  • 1732: Maria Adelaide de France, aristocrat (f. 1800).
  • 1749: Pierre Simon Laplace, mathematician and French astronomer (f. 1827).
  • 1754: Jurij Bartolomej Vega, mathematician, physical and official Slovenian artillery (f. 1802).
  • 1769: William Smith, British geologist and cartographer (f. 1839).
  • 1813: Anselme Bellegarrigue, a French anarchist (f. 1869).
  • 1814: Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Cuban poet and writer (f. 1873).
  • 1833: Franz Bendel, bohemian composer and pianist (f. 1874).
  • 1834: Julius Reubke, composer, pianist and German organist (f. 1858).
  • 1845: Victoriano Huerta, Mexican military and political (f. 1916).
  • 1847: Theodore Roussel, a British painter of French origin (f. 1926).
  • 1852: Domingo Rivero, Spanish poet (f. 1929).
  • 1858: Ludwig Quidde, a German historian and pacifist, a Nobel Peace Prize in 1927 (f. 1941).
  • 1868: Dietrich Eckart, a German politician and ideologist (f. 1923).
  • 1870: Sofia Martins de Sousa, Portuguese painter (f. 1960).
  • 1878: Franz Schreker, director of Austrian orchestra and composer (f. 1934).
  • 1881: Roger Martin du Gard, French novelist, Nobel Literature Prize in 1937 (f. 1958).
  • 1881: Hermann Staudinger, a German chemistry prize in 1953 (f. 1965).
  • 1881: Egon Petri, a German pianist (f. 1962).
  • 1882: Emmy Noether, German mathematics (f. 1935).
  • 1885: Adelardo Covarsi, painter, teacher and historian of Spanish Art (f. 1951).
  • 1885: Roque González Garza, Mexican politician (f. 1962).
  • 1887: Juan Gris (José Victoriano González-Pérez), a Spanish painter (f. 1927).
  • 1887: Felix Yusúpov, Russian aristocrat (f. 1967).
  • 1888: Roberto Cruz, Mexican military and political (f. 1989).
  • 1893: Angel Cruchaga, Chilean poet, National Literature Prize of Chile in 1948 (f. 1964).
  • 1893: Cedric Gibbons, American Artistic Director of Film (f. 1960).
  • 1895: Alejandro Goicoechea, Spanish engineer (f. 1984).
  • 1896: Manuel Suárez and Suárez, a businessman and a Mexican patron (f. 1987).
  • 1897: Raúl Porras Barrenechea, a Peruvian historian and diplomat (f. 1960).
  • 1900: Erich Fromm, German-American psychoanalyst (f. 1980).
  • 1900: Alexander Luchinsky, Soviet military (f. 1990)
  • 1903: Alejandro Casona, Spanish playwright (f. 1965).
  • 1903: Germán Busch Becerra, militar y política boliviano (f. 1939).
  • 1904: Joan Crawford, American actress (f. 1977).
  • 1905: Lale Andersen, German singer (f. 1972).
  • 1907: Daniel Bovet, Swiss pharmacologist, nobel medical prize in 1957 (f. 1992).
  • 1908: Jóvito Villalba Gutiérrez, Venezuelan politician (f. 1989).
  • 1910: Akira Kurosawa, Japanese filmmaker (f. 1998).
  • 1912: Werner von Braun, German space engineer (f. 1977).
  • 1913: Hildegard Baum Rosenthal, Brazilian Swiss photojournalist (f. 1990).
  • 1915: Vasili Záitsev, Soviet military (f. 1991).
  • 1917: Víctor Alcocer, Mexican actor (f. 1984).
  • 1920: Milton Castellanos Everardo, Mexican politician (f. 2011).
  • 1920: Nybia Mariño, Uruguayan pianist of classical music (f. 2014).
  • 1922: Ugo Tognazzi, Italian actor and filmmaker (f. 1990).
  • 1929: Roger Bannister, British athlete (f. 2018).
  • 1931: Víktor Korchnói, Russian chess player (f. 2016).
  • 1932: Larry Evans, American chessman (f. 2010).
  • 1932: Louisiana Red, American blues singer and guitarist (f. 2012).
  • 1933: Rolando Cárdenas, Chilean poet (f. 1990).
  • 1933: Philip Zimbardo, American psychologist.
  • 1934: Mark Rydell, American filmmaker.
  • 1935: María Vaner, an Argentine actress (f. 2008).
  • 1937: Robert Gallo, American biologist.
  • 1937: Moacyr Scliar, Brazilian writer (f. 2011).
  • 1942: Michael Haneke, Austrian filmmaker.
  • 1943: Nils-Aslak Valkeapäää, a Finnish writer (f. 2001).
  • 1944: Michael Nyman, pianist, musicologist and British composer.
  • 1945: Franco Battiato, singer, musician and Italian film director (f. 2021).
  • 1946: Adrian Ghio, an Argentine actor (f. 1991).
  • 1949: Ric Ocasek, American singer, of the band The Cars (f. 2019).
  • 1951: Corinne Clery, French actress.
  • 1952: Kim Stanley Robinson, American writer.
  • 1952: Rex Tillerson, American engineer, businessman and politician
  • 1953: Baudilio Díaz, Venezuelan baseball player (f. 1990).
  • 1953: Chaka Khan, American singer.
  • 1955: Moses Malone, American basketball player (f. 2015).
  • 1955: Verónica Miriel, film and television actress born in Chile.
  • 1956: José Manuel Durão Barroso, politician, Portuguese Prime Minister (2002-2004) and European President (2004-2014).
  • 1957: Lucio Gutiérrez, Ecuadorian military and civil engineer, president of Ecuador between 2003 and 2005.
  • 1957: Amanda Plummer, American actress.
  • 1957: Nieves Herrero, a Spanish journalist.
  • 1958: Alexander Chuprian, Russian politician and military commander
  • 1959: Catherine Keener, American actress.
  • 1959: Philippe Volter, Belgian actor (f. 2005).
  • 1960: Rafael Ferrer, American actor.
  • 1962: Steve Redgrave, British Remero.
  • 1962: Jenny Wright, American actress.
  • 1963:Michel (José Miguel González), Spanish footballer.
  • 1963: Jorge Rinaldi, Argentine footballer.
  • 1965: Richard Grieco, American actor.
  • 1968: Damon Albarn, British singer, Blur and Gorillaz bands.
  • 1968: Fernando Hierro, Spanish footballer.
  • 1969: Juan Ramón López Caro, Spanish football coach.
  • 1970: Gianni Infantino, Swiss-Italian lawyer, FIFA president.
  • 1971: Karen McDougal, American model.
  • 1972: Joe Calzaghe, British boxer.
  • 1973: Jerzy Dudek, Polish footballer.
  • 1973: Jason Kidd, American basketball player.
  • 1976: Chris Hoy, British cyclist.
  • 1976: Dougie Lampkin, British trial pilot.
  • 1976: Michelle Monaghan, American actress.
  • 1976: Keri Russell, American actress.
  • 1976: Ricardo Zonta, Brazilian Formula 1 pilot.
  • 1977: Alejandro de la Madrid, Mexican actor.
  • 1978: Walter Samuel, Argentine footballer.
  • 1978: Nicholle Tom, American actress.
  • 1979: Ray Gordy, American professional fighter.
  • 1980: Natalia Jerez, actress, presenter and Colombian model.
  • 1981: Brett Young, American singer and composer.
  • 1983: Mohamed Farah, a British athlete of Somali origin.
  • 1983: Jerome Thomas, British footballer.
  • 1984: Lazhar Hadj Aïssa, Algerian footballer.
  • 1985: Manuel Fortuna, Dominican basketball player.
  • 1985: Maryana Spivak, Russian actress
  • 1986: Steven Strait, American actor.
  • 1986: Andrea Dovizioso, Italian motorbike pilot.
  • 1986: Fabian Assmann, Argentine footballer.
  • 1989: Formose Mendy, Senegalese footballer.
  • 1990: Jaime Alguersuari, Spanish Formula 1 pilot.
  • 1990: Eugenia de York, princess of the United Kingdom.
  • 1991: Facundo Campazzo, Argentine basketball.
  • 1992: Kyrie Irving, American basketball player.
  • 1994: Arkano, rapper and Spanish freestyler.
  • 1994: Marlon Hairston, American footballer.
  • 1995: Victoria Pedretti, American film and television actress.
  • 1996: Alexander Albon, Thai Formula 1 pilot.
  • 1996: Antonio Romano, Italian footballer.


  • 1022: Zhenzong, Chinese emperor (n. 968).
  • 1369: Peter I of Castile, king of Castile (n. 1334).
  • 1555: July III, Italian Catholic Pope (n. 1487).
  • 1606: Justo Lipsio, humanist flamenco (n. 1547).
  • 1606: Toribio de Mogrovejo, Peruvian bishop (n. 1538).
  • 1613: Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beaumont, militar e inventor española (f. 1553).
  • 1627: Ludovico Zacconi, Italian composer (n. 1555).
  • 1748: Johann Gottfried Walther, German composer (n. 1684).
  • 1779: Antonio Gómez, Spanish bishop (n. 1711).
  • 1813: Augusta de Hannover, British aristocrat (n. 1737).
  • 1842: Stendhal (Henrí Beyle), French writer (n. 1783).
  • 1849: Andrés Manuel del Río, Spanish scientist (n. 1764).
  • 1866: Juan José Lerena and Barry, a Spanish navy (n. 1796).
  • 1879: Eduardo Abaroa Hidalgo, Bolivian engineer and military (n. 1838).
  • 1884: Henry C. Lord, American businessman (n. 1824)
  • 1900: Lorenzo Casanova Ruiz, Spanish painter (n. 1844).
  • 1901: Konstantin Stoilov, Bulgarian politician (n. 1853).
  • 1904: Apolinário Porto-Alegre, writer, historiographer, Brazilian poet and journalist (n. 1844).
  • 1917: Carolina Muzzilli, an Argentine socialist activist (n. 1889).
  • 1923: Marcos Mateo Conesa, a Spanish military and one of the Latest from the Philippines (n. 1876).
  • 1942: Marcelo T. de Alvear, Argentine president (n. 1868).
  • 1943: Joseph Schillinger, Russian-Ukrainian composer and theorist (n. 1895).
  • 1943: Anastasio Treviño Martínez, Mexican politician (n. 1870).
  • 1946: Alberto Ghiraldo, Argentine anarchist writer (n. 1875).
  • 1946: Francisco Largo Caballero, politician and Spanish president between 1936 and 1937 (n. 1869).
  • 1947: Ferdinand Zecca, French filmmaker (n. 1864).
  • 1953: Raoul Dufy, painter, graphic artist and French textile designer (n. 1877).
  • 1955: Artur Bernardes, a Brazilian politician, president between 1922 and 1926 (n. 1875).
  • 1964: Peter Lorre, Hungarian-American actor (n. 1904).
  • 1965: Mae Murray, American actress (n. 1885).
  • 1969: Arthur Lismer, Canadian painter (n. 1895).
  • 1970: Skull Murphy, Canadian professional fighter (n. 1930).
  • 1971: Simon Vestdijk, a Dutch writer (n. 1898).
  • 1972: Cristóbal Balenciaga, Spanish modist (n. 1895).
  • 1979: Antonio Brosa, Spanish violinist (n. 1894).
  • 1979: Chano Urueta, Mexican filmmaker (n. 1904).
  • 1981: Claude Auchinleck, British military (n. 1884).
  • 1981: Mike Hailwood, British motorcycling and motor racing pilot (n. 1940).
  • 1981: José María Moreno Galván, intellectual, Spanish journalist (n. 1923).
  • 1985: Zoot Sims, American jazz saxophoneist (n. 1925).
  • 1992: Friedrich Hayek, Austrian philosopher, Prize in Economics in memory of Alfred Nobel in 1974 (n. 1899).
  • 1993: Nabucodonosorcito, Spanish clown (n. 1912).
  • 1994: Luis Donaldo Colosio, Mexican politician (n. 1950).
  • 1994: Giulietta Masina, Italian actress (n. 1921).
  • 1994: Alvaro del Portillo, Spanish bishop (n. 1914).
  • 1995: Alfons Deloor, Belgian cyclist (n. 1910).
  • 1996: Alfredo Gracia, Mexican cultural promoter of Spanish origin (n. 1910).
  • 1999: Luis María Argaña, Paraguayan politician (n. 1932).
  • 2002: Gabriel Betancourt, Colombian politician (n. 1918).
  • 2003: Daniel Estrada Pérez, Peruvian lawyer and politician (n. 1947).
  • 2006: Eloy de la Iglesia, cineasta español (n. 1944).
  • 2006: Desmond Doss, American soldier, conscientious objector (n. 1919).
  • 2007: Paul Cohen, American mathematician (n. 1934).
  • 2008: Hugo Correa, a Chilean journalist and writer (n. 1926).
  • 2008: Vaino Vahing, psychiatrist, author and Estonian playwright (n. 1940).
  • 2009: Carlos Semprún Maura, writer, playwright and Spanish journalist (n. 1926).
  • 2009: Raúl Macías, "Rato Macías", Mexican boxer (n. 1934).
  • 2009: Alvaro Ugaz Otoya, a Peruvian journalist (n. 1968).
  • 2009: Ghukas Chubaryan, Armenian sculptor (n. 1923).
  • 2011: Elizabeth Taylor, British actress (n. 1932).
  • 2011: Juan Carlos Eguillor Uribarri, historietist, Spanish painter and engraver (n. 1947).
  • 2012: Chico Anysio, Brazilian actor and comedian (n. 1931).
  • 2014: Adolfo Suárez, Spanish lawyer and politician, president of the Spanish Government between 1976 and 1981 (n. 1932).
  • 2015: Lee Kuan Yew, Singaporean politician (n. 1923).
  • 2017: Lola Albright, American actress. (n. 1925).
  • 2019: César Lévano, Peruvian writer and journalist (n. 1926).
  • 2020: Santiago García Pinzón, actor, director and Colombian playwright (n. 1928).
  • 2021: George Segal, American actor (n. 1934).
  • 2022: Madeleine Albright, Czech-American diplomat and policy (n. 1937).


  • World Meteorological Day
  • Spain: Family and Professional Conciliation Day.
  • Bolivia: Mar Day, the loss of the Litoral department is remembered.
  • 21-27 March: Week of Solidarity with Peoples Fighting Racism and Racial Discrimination

Catholic saints list

  • san Fingar o Guignero de Cornuallesmartyr (c. 460).
  • Victorian saints and Frumencio de Cartagomartyrs (f. 484).
  • San Gualterio de Pontoiseabad (f. c. 1095).
  • San Otón de Ariano, hermit (f. c. 1120).
  • Blessed Pedro de Gubbio, priest (f. c. 1306).
  • Beato Edmundo Sykes, priest and martyr (f. 1587).
  • Toribio de Mogrovejo, bishop (f. 1606).
  • Blessed Pedro Higgins, priest and martyr (f. 1642).
  • San José Oriol, presbyter (f. 1702).
  • beata Anunciata Cocchetti, virgin (f. 1882).
  • Saint Rebekah of Himlaya(f. 1914).
  • beato Metodio Domingo Trcka, priest and martyr (f. 1959).

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