Events of the year 2022

From left to right and from top to bottom:

  • Protests for the death of Mahsa Amini. Massive demonstrations seek greater freedom for women.
  • Russia invades Ukraine and bombs the Kiev Tower. Millions of Ukrainians flee from the war.
  • Disproportionate increase in global inflation, the product of war and pandemic.
  • Symptoms of the seismic smallpox. A outbreak of the virus spread worldwide, awakening alarm.
  • Road stage of the live murder of former Japanese minister Shinzō Abe.
  • Repent of the English Queen, Isabel II at the Palace of Westminster, after her death.
  • Celebration in Buenos Aires after the Argentina team won the World Cup Soccer in Catar.
  • Anti-government protests in Sri Lanka against the Sinhalese government and the economic crisis.

2022 (MMXXII) was a common year beginning on a Saturday in the Gregorian calendar, the number 2022 anno Domini, in addition to the twenty-second year of the 21st century and the 3rd millennium. It was the third year of the 2020s and the second of the 3rd decade of the 21st century. The year 2022 was:

  • The Year of the Tiger, according to the Chinese horoscope.
  • The International Year of the Glass, according to the UN.
  • The International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, according to the UN.
  • The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, according to the UN.
  • The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture, according to the UN.
  • The European Year of Youth, according to the European Union.
  • The Year of Ricardo Flores Magón, according to the Government of Mexico.
  • The Year of Strengthening National Sovereignty, according to the Government of Peru.



  • 1 January:
    • Tricentennial of the Mexican Gaceta, which is considered the first printed newspaper in Mexico.
    • Twenty-first anniversary of the entry into circulation of the euro in Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Vatican City, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal and San Marino.
  • January 3: 700 years after the death of King Philip V of France.
  • 7 January: bicentennial of the colonization of Liberia by American blacks.
  • 8 January: 20 years after the death of the physicist Aleksandr Prójorov.
  • 9 January:
    • Centenary of the birth of molecular biologist Har Gobind Khorana.
    • It is 40 years after the birth of Princess Catherine of Cambridge.
  • January 10: 5 years after the death of the British geneticist Oliver Smithies.
  • January 11: 2 years after the first death of a patient with COVID-19 are completed.
  • January 13th: 10th anniversary of the Costa Concordia accident.
  • 14 January: 50 years of the rise to the Danish throne of the then Princess Margarita, to which she would be called Margarita II of Denmark, after the death of her father, King Frederick IX.
  • 15 January:
    • It is commemorated 400 years of the birth of the French playwright Molière.
    • It is 55 years from the first edition of the Super Bowl.
  • 16 January:
    • The Chapultepec Peace Agreements are 30 years old.
    • It is 5 years since the death of Eugene Cernan, the first man to step on the Moon.
  • 17 January:
    • It is 20 years after the death of writer Camilo José Cela.
    • Centenary of actress and comedian Betty White.
    • Former Mexican President Luis Echeverría Álvarez is 100 years old.
  • 20 January:
    • Trompetist Ray Anthony is 100 years old.
    • It's 10 years since the death of singer Etta James.
  • January 21st: 5 years of the March of Women in Washington.
  • January 22: centenary of the death of Pope Benedict XV and writer Fredrik Bajer.
  • 23 January:
    • It is 450 years after the birth of Santa Juana de Chantal.
    • 400 years after the death of the English explorer William Baffin.
    • It is 100 years after the death of Hungarian orchestra director Arthur Nikisch.
    • It is 20 years after the death of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu.
  • 24 January:
    • 310 years of the birth of Prussian king Frederick II the Great.
    • Five years after the death of the Butch Trucks drummer.
    • It is 60 years from the historic signature of The Beatles with Brian Epstein.
    • Fifteen years after the death of the Ecuadorian deputy and minister of defense, Guadalupe Larriva.
  • 25 January:
    • 75 years after the death of the American mafia cap, Al Capone.
    • Fifty years after the death of the Nazi criminal Erhard Milch.
  • January 26: 60 years after the death of the mafia leader Lucky Luciano.
  • 28 January:
    • 150 years after the birth of the politician Otto Braun.
    • Centenary of the birth of biochemical Robert W. Holley.
  • 29 January:
    • It is 60 years since the death of the violinist Fritz Kreisler.
    • 10 years after the death of politician Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
  • 30 January
    • It's 50 years from Bloody Sunday.
    • It is 15 years after the release of Windows Vista.
  • January 31: 5 years after the death of the musician John Wetton.


  • February 1st: 10 years after the death of Polish poet Wisława Szymborska.
  • February 2: 5 years after the death of biologist Seymour Jonathan Singer.
  • 4 February 30 years of attempted coup in Venezuela 1992
  • 5 February:
    • 5 years after the death of singer Sonny Geraci.
    • Brazilian footballer Neymar is 30 years old.
    • It is fulfilled 50 years of birth of Princess Mary of Denmark.
    • 105th anniversary of the promulgation of the Mexican Constitution by President Venustiano Carranza.
  • 6 February:
    • It is 70 years after King George VI's death, who ascended to the British throne of then Princess Elizabeth, becoming Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
    • The 2012 Cebu Earthquake is 10 years old.
    • It is 20 years after the death of the biologist Max Perutz.
    • It is 25 years after the overthrow of Ecuadorian President Abdalá Bucaram at the hands of Dr. Fabián Alarcón.
  • 7 February:
    • It is 30 years after the creation of the European Union.
    • It is 210 years after the birth of writer Charles Dickens.
  • 8 February:
    • It is 20 years after the death of footballer Zizinho.
    • Five years after the death of the physicist Peter Mansfield.
  • 9 February: 20 years of death of Princess Margarita of the United Kingdom.
  • 10 February:
    • It is 120 years after the birth of the physicist Walter Houser Brattain.
    • Five years of the Surigao Earthquake of 2017.
  • February 11: 10 years after the death of American singer Whitney Houston.
  • February 12: The Toluca Sports Club is 105 years old.
  • 14 February:
    • It is 80 years after the death of the peasant Matvéi Kuzmin.
    • It is 20 years after the death of footballer Nándor Hidegkuti.
  • 15 February:
    • It is 50 years after the overthrow of Ecuadorian President José María Velasco Ibarra at the hands of General Guillermo Rodríguez Lara.
    • It's 30 years since the murder of Maria Elena Moyano.
  • February 19: 70 years after the death of Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun.
  • 20 February:
    • It's 60 years since John Glenn became the first astronaut to orbit around the Earth.
    • 50 years after the death of physics Maria Goeppert-Mayer.
    • It is 10 years after the death of the virologist Renato Dulbecco.
    • It's 34 years old from the singer and barbarist Rihanna.
  • 21 February: 5 years after the death of economist Kenneth Arrow.
  • 22 February: 10th anniversary of the tragedy of Eleven.
  • February 24: 80 years after the death of politician Anton Drexler.
  • February 25: 10 years after the death of Saxophonist Red Holloway.
  • February 28: centenary of the independence of Egypt.


  • March 1: centenary of the birth of the military and politician Isaac Rabin.
  • 3 March:
    • It's 5 years since the release of the Nintendo Switch console.
    • Centenary of the birth of footballer Nándor Hidegkuti.
    • Five years after the death of footballer Raymond Kopa.
  • 4 March:
    • Centenary of the premiere of the silent horror movie Nosferatu.
    • It is 70 years after the death of neurophysiologist Charles Scott Sherrington.
  • 6 March: 120 years of foundation in Spain, Real Madrid CF.
  • 7 March:
    • Five years after the death of physicist Hans Georg Dehmelt.
    • It is 50 years from the first broadcast of the Argentine telenovela Rolando Rivas, taxi driver.
  • 8 March:
    • It is 80 years since the death of Cuban chess player José Raúl Capablanca.
    • Five years after the death of chemist George A. Olah.
    • 105 Years of the Russian Revolution
  • 9 March:
    • 30 years after the death of the politician Menájem Beguín.
    • It is 7 years of air accident at Villa Castelli.
    • It is 100 years from the foundation of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru.
  • 10 March:
    • It is 70 years since the coup d'état in Cuba of 1952.
    • It is 400 years after the birth of the mathematician Johann Heinrich Rahn.
    • It is 250 years after the birth of the philosopher Friedrich Schlegel.
    • It's 10 years since the death of the chemist Frank Sherwood Rowland.
  • 11 March:
    • It is 1800 years after the assassination of Emperor Heliogabalo.
    • It is 20 years after the launch of the song "Complicated" by Canadian singer Avril Lavigne, which meant her debut in music.
    • It is 20 years since the death of economist James Tobin.
    • 2 years since the international declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 12 March:
    • It is 110 years from the birth of Mexican politician and military Ignacio Comonfort, president of Mexico between 1855 and 1858.
    • It's 80 years since the death of physicist William Henry Bragg.
  • 13 March:
    • Twenty years after the death of the philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer.
    • 30 years of Irmã Dulce's death.
  • March 14: 25 years after the death of Mexican actor and comedian Manuel Medel.
  • March 15: 60 years after the death of the physicist Arthur Compton.
  • 16 March:
    • It's 700 years from the Boroughbridge Battle.
    • It is 130 years since the birth of the poet César Vallejo.
  • 17 March:
    • Thirty years of the attack on the Israeli embassy in Argentina.
    • Twenty-five years from the start of CNN broadcasts in Spanish, affiliate of the global news giant CNN
    • It is 20 years after the death of Officer Văn Tilicn Dignanng.
    • It's 10 years since the death of Nazi criminal John Demjanjuk.
    • Five years after the death of poet Derek Walcott.
  • March 18: 5 years after the death of the singer, guitarist and composer Chuck Berry.
  • 19 March:
    • It's 40 years since guitarist Randy Rhoads died.
    • Hundreds of the birth of the military Hirō Onoda.
    • It is 500 years since the foundation of the city of Toluca.
  • 20 March:
    • Centenary of the birth of saxophoneist Larry Elgart.
    • It is 5 years after the death of the American banker David Rockefeller.
    • It is 10 years from the Warrior-Oaxaca Earthquake of 2012.
  • March 21: 5 years after the death of politician Martin McGuinness.
  • 22 March: 5 years after the death of drummer Sib Hashian.
  • March 23: 30 years after the death of the Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek.
  • March 24: 20 years after the death of the chemical César Milstein.
  • March 25th: 80 years after the death of former Minister Mariano H. Cornejo Zenteno.
    • It is 10 years after the death of animator Edd Gould, creator of Eddsworld.
  • 26 March:
    • It is 250 years since the death of Charles Pinot Duclos.
    • It's 20 years since drummer Randy Castillo died.
  • 28 March:
    • It is 80 years since the death of poet Miguel Hernández.
    • Forty years after the death of the chemical William Francis Giauque.
  • 29 March:
    • 250 years after the death of the scientist Emanuel Swedenborg.
    • It is 40 years since the death of composer Carl Orff.
    • 5 years after the death of the physicist Alekséi Alekséyevich Abrikósov.
  • March 30: 20 years after the death of Queen Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, mother of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
    • It's 5 years after Club Penguin's closure.
  • 31 March:
    • It is 70 years after the death of Nazi general Walter Schellenberg.
    • Twenty-seven years after the murder of Texan singer Selena.


  • 1 April:
    • Centenary of the death of Charles I of Austria and IV of Hungary.
    • Twenty years after the death of the Finnish sniper Simo Häyhä.
    • Twenty-five years of the Hale-Bopp Comet's perihelium.
    • Thirty-five years of the visit of John Paul II to Chile.
  • 2 April:
    • 105 years of U.S. intervention on the Zimmermann Telegram, which the German Empire promised to return its land to Mexico.
    • 40 years from the beginning of the Falklands War.
    • 150 years after the death of the inventor Samuel Morse.
  • 3 April:
    • Centenary of the death of lawyer and politician Serapio Calderón.
    • Centenary of the birth of actress Doris Day.
    • It is 5 years from St. Petersburg Metro Atentate.
  • 5 April:
    • 30 years of Peru's self-governance of 1992.
    • It's 20 years since the death of singer Layne Staley.
  • April 6: 30 years after the death of writer and biochemist Isaac Asimov.
  • 7 April:
    • It is 250 years since the birth of the philosopher Charles Fourier.
    • 5 years of the 2017 Stockholm Atentate
  • 8 April:
    • Centenary of the death of German military and general Erich von Falkenhayn.
    • Thirty years after the death of the pharmacologist Daniel Bovet.
    • It is 20 years after the death of actress Maria Felix.
  • 9 April:
    • It's 50 years since the death of politician James F. Byrnes.
    • 10 years of Peruvian program premiere I am (Peru).
  • 10 April:
    • 103 years after the assassination of Emiliano Zapata.
    • It is 60 years after the death of the bassist and painter Stuart Sutcliffe.
    • Thirty years after the death of biochemical Peter Dennis Mitchell.
  • 11 April:
    • The 2012 Indian Ocean Earthquake is 10 years old.
    • It is 70 years from the premiere of the musical film singing in the rain.
    • It's 5 years since rock guitarist J. Geils died.
    • 20 years of the coup d'état in Venezuela in 2002.
  • April 15: 110 years of the Titanic's sinking, in 1912.
  • 16 April:
    • 95 years of the birth of Pope Benedict XVI.
    • It is 50 years since the death of writer Yasunari Kawabata.
  • April 17: 80 years after the death of the chemical Jean Perrin.
  • April 18: 10 years after the death of businessman Dick Clark.
  • 19 April:
    • Thirty-five years of the first "The Simpsons" short, transmitted in the "Tracey Ullman Show"in FOX in 1987.
    • It is 140 years after the death of the scientist Charles Darwin.
    • Centenary of the birth of the pilot and Commander Erich Hartmann.
    • Ten years after the death of the musician Levon Helm and the saxophoneist Greg Ham.
    • It is 80 years since the death of José María Eguren.
  • April 21: bicentennial of the battle of Tapi (in Riobamba - Ecuador).
  • 22 April:
    • Centenary of the birth of the counter-bassman Charles Mingus.
    • It's 30 years since Guadalajara's 1992 explosions.
  • 24 April:
    • It is 400 years since the death of San Fidel in Sigmaringa.
    • It is 20 years after the death of the shipper Nadezhda Zhurkina.
  • April 25: 10 years after the beginning of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Epidemic (MERS).
  • 26 April: 36 years after the accident and explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
    • It's 85 years since Guernica's bombing.
  • April 27: bicentennial of the birth of Ulysses S. Grant.
  • 30 April: 5 years after the death of the Indonesian Sodimejo, supposedly a supercentennial, are fulfilled.


  • 1 May:
    • It is 450 years since the death of Pope Pius V.
    • It is 450 years after the birth of Saint Philip of Jesus.
    • It's 40 years since General Walther Wenck's death.
    • It's 5 years since guitarist Bruce Hampton died.
  • 2nd of May: The birth of the Novalis physicist is 250 years.
  • 2 May: 40 years of the Belgrano Hundred, an Argentine cruise sunk in the Falklands War, 323 people died.
  • May 3: Fifteen years after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, Portugal, are celebrated.
  • 4 May: 50 years after the death of biochemical Edward Calvin Kendall.
  • 4 May: 40 years after the attack on the destroyer HMS Sheffield, a British vessel who participated in the Falklands War, would sink days later. First English ship to sink after World War II.
  • 5 May:
    • It is 20 years since the death of the Bolivian dictator Hugo Banzer Suárez.
    • It's 160 years since the Battle of Puebla.
  • 6 May:
    • It is 150 years after the birth of Cemal Bajá.
    • 30 years after the death of actress Marlene Dietrich.
  • May 7th: Vladimir Putin, is 10 consecutive years President of Russia.
  • May 8: The Dragon City mobile video game is 10 years since its launch on Facebook.
  • 10 May:
    • Centenary of Mothers' Day in Mexico.
    • Bicentennial of the death of mathematician Paolo Ruffini.
    • Canal 5 (Mexico), owned by Televisa, marks 70 years of uninterrupted transmissions.
  • May 11: a bicentennial of the death of Maria Parado de Bellido.
  • 13 May:
    • 105 years of the first apparition of the Virgin of Fatima, in Portugal.
  • 15 May:
    • Centenary of the birth of the shipper Khiuaz Dospanova.
    • Tenth luccious anniversary of writer Carlos Fuentes.
  • 17 May: 20 years after the death of footballer Ladislao Kubala.
  • 16 May: 80 years after the death of the anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski.
  • 18 May:
    • It is 150 years after the birth of mathematician Bertrand Russell.
    • Centenary of the death of Doctor Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran.
    • 5 years after the death of singer Chris Cornell.
  • 19 May:
    • Five years after the death of Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov.
    • 90th anniversary of the birth of the journalist, actress and Franco-Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska.
  • 20 May:
    • Bicentennial of the birth of the Frédéric Passy politician.
    • It is 120 years since the Independence of Cuba.
    • It's 10 years since the death of singer Robin Gibb.
  • May 21: 200 years of Augustine's proclamation of Iturbide as emperor of the First Mexican Empire are fulfilled.
  • 22 May: 5 years of the 2017 Manchester Atentate
  • 24 May:
    • Bicentennial of the Battle of Pichincha (in Ecuador).
    • It is 50 years from Magnavox Oddyssey's sale, the first video game console in history.
  • 25 May: 135 years of the birth of the Capuchin priest, St. Pius of Pietrelcina.
  • May 26: bicentennial of the birth of writer Edmond de Goncourt.
  • 27 May:
    • Centenary of birth of actor Christopher Lee and Commander Otto Carius.
    • It is 5 years after the death of the musician Gregg Allman.
  • 28 May:
    • Centenary of the death of composer Carl Teike.
    • The death of King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom is 50 years old.
  • 29 May:
    • Centenary of the birth of composer Iannis Xenakis.
    • 5 years after the death of dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega
  • May 30: 10 years after the death of physiologist Andrew Fielding Huxley.


  • June 1: 60 years after the execution of the Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann.
  • 2 June: 140 years after the death of the military Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • 3 June:
    • It is 60 years from the first Olympic goal in the history of football World Cups, made by Marco Coll.
    • 5 Years of London's Atentate in June 2017
  • 4 June:
    • Hundreds of the birth of doctor Solomon Hakim.
    • It is 20 years since the death of politician Fernando Belaúnde Terry.
    • It is 10 years after the death of singer Herb Reed.
    • It's 80 years since the death of Nazi general Reinhard Heydrich.
  • 5 June:
    • It is 20 years since the death of bassist Dee Dee Ramone.
    • Five years after the death of Colombian footballer Marco Coll, the author of the first and only Olympic goal in a World Cup.
    • It's 55 years since the Six Day War.
  • June 6: 20 years after guitarist Robbin Crosby died.
  • June 7: 10 years after the death of the alleged supercentenary Turinah and the singer Bob Welch.
  • June 9: 350 years of the birth of Peter I of Russia.
  • 10 June:
    • Tahiti’s football team commemorates 10 years of winning its first OFC Nations Cup.
    • 20 years after the death of criminal John Gotti.
  • 12 June:
    • Tenth anniversary of the premiere of the controversial documentary "Pinochet", at the Caupolican Theatre in Santiago de Chile.
    • Ten years after the death of economist Elinor Ostrom.
    • It's 30 years from the last sketch of the "The Chavo of 8"transmitted within the humorous program"Chespirito".
    • It is 40 years since the death of the ethologist Karl von Frisch.
  • 13 June:
    • It is 50 years after the death of the physical Georg von Békésy.
    • It is 40 years since the death of Saudi king Jálid bin Abdulaziz.
    • It is 10 years after the death of the chemical William S. Knowles.
  • 14 June: centenary of the birth of architect Kevin Roche.
  • 15 June:
    • It's 70 years since the death of spy Krystyna Skarbek.
    • Forty years of the greatest prize in the history of football World Cups are fulfilled when Hungary won El Salvador for 10 to 1.
    • 10 years of the Disney animated series premiere Gravity Falls.
  • 17 June:
    • It is 140 years since the birth of the composer Igor Stravinski.
    • It is 20 years since the death of footballer Fritz Walter.
  • 18 June:
    • It is 300 years since the beginning of the Russian-Persian War between the Russian Empire and the SAFTA Empire.
    • Twenty years of the football match between South Korea and Italy of the 2002 Football World Cup, which is accused of theft.
  • 19 June:
    • 155 years of the shooting of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, Miguel Miramón and Tomás Mejía.
    • Centenary of the birth of the physicist Aage Niels Bohr.
    • Ten years of the match between Ukraine and England of the Euro Cup 2012, where an evil goal annulled Ukraine caused FIFA to propose the creation of the VAR.
  • 20 June: 185 years of the rise to the British throne of the then Princess Alexandrina Victoria, who became Victoria of the United Kingdom, after the death of his uncle, King William IV of England.
  • 21 June: 30 years after the death of Li Xiannian politician.
  • 22 June: 20 years of the football match between Spain and South Korea of the 2002 Football World Cup, accused of a match settlement.
  • June 24: 15 years after the death of the Canadian ex-launcher Chris Benoit.
  • 25 June: 25 years after the death of the French explorer and biologist, Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
  • 26 June:
    • It is 50 years after the arrival of the first oil barrel marking the beginning of the oil boom led by General Guillermo Rodríguez Lara.
    • It is 25 years since the publication of the book Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone.
  • 27 June:
    • It's 45 years since the independence of Djibouti.
    • Twenty years after the death of bassist John Entwistle.
  • 28 June:
    • It is 310 years after the birth of the polymate Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
    • It's 100 years since the beginning of the Irish Civil War.
    • It is 90 years after the birth of American actor Pat Morita.
  • 29 June:
    • It is 170 years after the birth of the Mexican poet Juan de Dios Peza.
    • The birth of Mexican politician Isidro Fabela Alfaro is 140 years old.
    • It's 15 years since the iPhone launch.
  • 30 June:
    • It is 500 years from the Battle of San Marcial in Irún.
    • It is 140 years since the execution of Charles J. Guiteau, assassin of American President James A. Garfield.
    • It is 20 years since Brazil's last triumph in a World Cup, where he rose with the penta-campeonato, in 2002, winning Germany by 2-0 with Ronaldo's double, where he would not win another world trophy again.
    • It is 20 years from the premiere of the reality show La Academia, produced by TV Azteca.


  • 1 July:
    • It's 925 years since the Battle of Dorilea.
    • 155 years after the entry into force of the British Act of 1867.
    • It is 80 years from the beginning of the First Battle of El Alamein.
    • The independence of Burundi and Rwanda is 60 years old.
    • Twenty-five years of the transfer of Hong Kong sovereignty by the United Kingdom to the People ' s Republic of China.
    • It is 20 years after the entry into force of the Rome Statute.
  • 2 July:
    • It is 500 years after the death of writer Antonio de Nebrija.
    • It is 145 years after the birth of the German writer Hermann Hesse.
    • It's 75 years since the Roswell case.
  • 3 July:
    • Ninety-five years of the Plebiscito de Cerro Chato, 1927, in which Uruguayan women first voted.
    • It's 80 years since the birth of Mexican humorist Paco Stanley.
  • 4 July:
    • It is 215 years after the birth of Giuseppe Garibaldi.
    • It is 150 years since the birth of the politician Calvin Coolidge.
    • The birth of Manolete is 105 years old.
  • 5 July:
    • 335 years of publication of the book Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica.
    • It is 305 years since the birth of King Peter III of Portugal.
  • July 6: 60 years after the death of poet William Faulkner.
  • July 7: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson resigns from office.
  • 8 July: 80 years after the death of the military Louis Franchet d'Espèrey.
  • July 9: centenary of the birth of the Spanish comedian Angelines Fernández.
  • 10 July: 60 years after the Telstar satellite was launched.
  • 13 July: 5 years after the death of Liu Xiaobo literary critic.
  • 15 July:
    • Centenary of the birth of physicist and professor Leon Max Lederman
    • The YouTube video Gangnam StyleIt's 10 years since its launch to the platform.
  • 16 July:
    • 150 years after the birth of the explorer Roald Amundsen.
    • It is 10 years since the death of pianist Jon Lord.
    • 30 years of the 1992 Tarata Atentate.
  • 17 July:
    • It is 80 years since the death of composer Daniel Alomía Robles.
    • 90th anniversary of the birth of the Argentine-Spanish Spanish hysterist Quinno, created by the comic strip Mafalda.
  • 18 July:
    • 150 years after Benito Juárez's death and the birth of composer Julius Fučík..
    • It's 20 years of death, Vince Howard.
  • 20 July
    • Bicentennial of the birth of the naturalist Gregor Mendel.
    • 5 years after the death of singer Chester Bennington.
    • It is fulfilled 10 years of the 2012 Aurora Massacre in the context of the film premiere The Dark Knight Rises (Batman: The knight rises) of the saga Batman.
    • Twenty years of the first broadcast of the animated series The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: The Genius Boy.
  • 21 July: centenary of the death of the military Cemal Bajá.
    • It's 20 years since Eagle Pennell died.
  • July 22: 40 years after the death of the Saxophonist Sonny Stitt.
  • 25 July:
    • The city of Barcelona commemorates 30 years of hosting the Olympics developed in the city in 1992.
    • It is 530 years since the death of Pope Inocencio VIII.
    • The physicist John B. Goodenough is 100 years old.
  • 26 July:
    • 440 of the Battle of Terceira Island.
    • The interview between José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar is 200 years old.
    • The independence of Liberia is 175 years old.
    • It is 150 years after the murder of politician José Balta.
    • It's 70 years since Eva Perón died.
    • It is 40 years since the death of military Ricardo Pérez Godoy.
  • 27 July:
    • It is 60 years after the death of footballer Richard Herrmann.
    • It is 10 years since the opening of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
  • July 28: 20 years after the death of the chemical Archer John Porter Martin.
  • July 29: 60 years after the death of biologist Ronald Fisher.
    • It's 20 years since Sudhir Phadke died.
  • July 31: 20 years after the death of the pornographic actress and Chinese singer Pauline Chan Bo-Lin.


  • 2 August:
    • It commemorates the centenary of the death of scientist Alexander Graham Bell.
    • It's 10 years since the death of historian John Keegan.
  • 3 August:
    • It is 150 years after the birth of King Haakon VII of Norway.
    • It's 80 years since the death of the chemist Richard Willstätter.
  • 4 August:
    • It's 60 years since the death of actress Marilyn Monroe.
    • Centenary of the death of the dictator Enver Bajá.
  • August 5: 30 years after the death of drummer Jeff Porcaro.
  • August 6th: 10 years of the mooring of the Curiosity astromovil.
  • 8 August: 5 years since BLACKPINK debut.
  • August 8: 5 years after the death of guitarist Glen Campbell.
  • 9 August:
    • It is 60 years after the death of writer and painter Hermann Hesse.
    • It is 80 years since the death of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.
  • August 10: 30 years after the death of Nazi physician Aribert Heim.
  • August 11: 50 years after the death of virologist Max Theiler.
  • August 12: 5 years of the 2017 Charlottesville Atentate
  • 13 August:
    • It's 25 years since South Park's first episode.
    • It's 150 years since the birth of the chemist Richard Willstätter.
    • It's 70 years since Officer Wilm Hosenfeld died.
  • August 14: 30 years after the death of singer Tony Williams.
  • 15 August:
    • Seventy-five years of India’s independence from Britain’s power, following many peaceful demonstrations led by Mahatma Gandhi.
    • Centenary of the birth of the Marina Chechneva shipper.
    • Bicentennial of the birth of writer Virginia Eliza Clemm.
    • Forty years after the death of the scientist Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell.
    • Centenary of the canonical coronation of the Virgin Our Lady of the Altagracia.
  • August 16: The death of Elvis Presley is 45 years.
  • 17 August:
    • Half a century of the film premiere Once upon a time there was a circus starring the clown Miliki.
    • It is 20 years from the first edition of the Women’s Under-20 World Cup held in Canada.
    • Five years of the attacks in Catalonia in 2017 have been completed.
  • 18 August:
    • Centenary of the death of historian Ernest Lavisse.
    • It is commemorated 530 years of the launch of the first Castilian Grammar.
    • It is 70 years after the start of regular broadcasts of Canal 5 (Mexico), following the opening of the XHGC-TV station in May 1952.
  • 19 August:
    • It's 410 years since Samlesbury Witch Trial.
    • It is 360 years after the death of Blaise Pascal.
    • The revolution of 1772 is 250 years old.
    • The Battle of Padierna is 175 years old.
  • 20 August:
    • It is 175 years from the Battle of Churubusco.
    • It is 140 years from the premiere of the 1812 Obertura.
    • The launch of the Voyager 2 space probe is 45 years old.
    • 5 years after the death of comedian Jerry Lewis.
  • 21 August:
    • It is 150 years after the birth of Aubrey Beardsley.
    • It is 10 years after the death of mathematician William Thurston.
  • 22 August:
    • Centenary of the murder of the revolutionary Michael Collins.
    • Five years after the death of guitarist John Abercrombie.
  • 23 August:
    • Centenary of the founding of the Peruvian Football Federation.
    • It is 80 years since the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad in the framework of the Second World War, between the forces of Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.
    • It is 60 years since the death of politician Joseph Berchtold.
    • It's 40 years since the death of biochemical Stanford Moore.
  • August 24: centenary of the birth of journalist and politician René Lévesque.
  • 25 August:
    • Bicentennial of the death of astronomer William Herschel.
    • It is 10 years since the death of astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the Moon.
  • 28 August:
    • It is 16 years after the birth of Clara María Pizzorno.
    • It is 2 years after the death of the actors Chadwick Boseman and Manuel "El Loco" Valdés and 6 years of the singer Juan Gabriel.
  • 29 August:
    • The Netflix entertainment company is 25 years old.
    • Five years after the death of saxophoneist Larry Elgart.
  • 31 August:
    • Six hundred years after King Henry V's death in England.
    • 25 years after the death of Princess Diana of Wales.
    • Twenty years after the death of chemistry professor George Porter.


  • 1 September:
    • It's 125 years since the opening of the Boston Metro Green Line.
    • It is 100 years after the birth of American actress Yvonne De Carlo.
  • 2 September:
    • Hundreds of the birth of physicist Arthur Ashkin.
    • It is 85 years after the death of the French pedagogue and historian Pierre de Coubertin.
    • The 1992 Nicaraguan Earthquake is 30 years old.
  • 3 September:
    • It is 145 years after the death of the French historian and politician Adolphe Thiers.
    • It is 80 years since the death of the military Rubén Ruiz Ibárruri.
    • It's 30 years since the death of scientist Barbara McClintock.
    • Ten years after the murder of the narco-trafficker Griselda Blanco.
  • 4 September:
    • It is 1600 years since the death of Pope Bonifacio I.
    • It is 225 years of the coup of the 18th of fructidor of the year V.
  • 5 September:
    • 165 years after the death of the French philosopher Auguste Comte.
    • 120 years after the death of the Prussian doctor Rudolf Virchow.
    • 50th anniversary of the Munich Massacre.
    • It's 45 years since the launch of Voyager 1.
    • It is 25 years since the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
    • It is 5 years after the death of the physicist Nicolaas Bloembergen.
  • 6 September:
    • 5th centenary of the end of the first circumnavigation of the globe, started in 1519 by Fernando de Magallanes and finished by Sebastián Elcano.
    • 200 years after the end of the Portuguese Inquisition.
    • It is 70 years since the Fires of September 6, 1952 in Bogotá.
    • Fifteen years after the death of the Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti.
  • 7 September:
    • It is 315 years after the birth of the French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc of Buffon.
    • It is 215 years after the end of the Second Battle of Copenhagen.
    • It's 210 years from the Battle of Borodinó.
    • Bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil.
    • It is 45 years from the signing of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties.
    • 25 years after the death of Congolese politician and military Mobutu Sese Seko.
    • Five years of the Chiapas Earthquake of 2017.
  • 8 September:
    • It is 865 years since the birth of Ricardo I of England.
    • It is 245 years since the establishment of the General Office of Venezuela.
    • The Batalla del Molino del Rey and the death of Mexican military Lucas Balderas are 175 years old.
    • It is 160 years after the death of Mexican military Ignacio Zaragoza.
    • Thirty years after the death of philosopher William Barrett.
    • Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom died at age 96.
  • 9 September: centenary of the birth of the physicist Hans Georg Dehmelt.
    • It's 20 years since Joan Bartlett died.
    • Twenty years of death are fulfilled Mikail Nersès Sétian.
    • It is 16 years since Keshavram Kashiram Shastri died.
  • 12 September: In Peru, 30 years of the capture of Abimael Guzmán are celebrated.
  • 14 September:
    • They remember 40 years of the death of the American exactor, Grace Kelly.
    • It is 210 years after the death of Juan José Crespo and Castillo.
  • September 15: 50 years of birth of the queen consort Letizia de España.
  • September 16: 30 years after the death of Gorilla Jambo.
  • September 18: 1800 years after the death of Pope Calixto I.
  • September 19: 5 years of the Puebla Earthquake in 2017 and 37 years of the 1985 Mexico Earthquake.
  • 20 September: bicentennial of the First Constituent Congress of Peru.
  • September 21: 40 years after the death of Major Ivan Bagramyan.
    • 9 years of the death of Asunta Basterra.
  • 24 September:
    • 450 years of the death of the Inca warrior Tupac Amaru I.
    • It is 70 years from the foundation of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
  • 26 September:
    • 125th anniversary of the birth of Cardinal Giovanni Montini, known with the name of the Pope, Paul VI in 1897.
    • It is 70 years after the death of the philosopher and poet George Santayana.
  • September 27: 300 years of the birth of the founding father of the United States, Samuel Adams, are commemorated.
  • September 29: 120 years after the death of writer Émile Zola


  • 1 October:
    • Chinese physicist Chen Ning Yang is 100 years old.
    • 5 years of the 2017 Referendum in Independence of Catalonia
  • 2 October: 5 years after the death of singer Tom Petty.
  • 30 years of the first cartoon network broadcast
  • October 3: 5 years after the death of Yalalal Talabani politician.
  • 4 October:
    • It's 65 years from Sputnik 1.
    • Bicentennial of the birth of politician Rutherford B. Hayes.
  • October 5: 60 years of the launch of the first song by The Beatles, Love Me Do.
  • 6 October:
    • It is 10 years since the death of poet Antonio Cisneros.
  • 8 October:
    • Forty years after the death of the politician Philip J. Noel-Baker.
    • 30 years after the death of politician Willy Brandt.
  • 9 October:
    • It's 10 years since Paddy Roy Bates died, a self-denominated Prince of Sealand.
    • Twenty years after Aileen Wuornos was killed.
  • 12 October:
    • It's 530 years since the Discovery of America.
    • Twenty years of the 2002 Bali Attacks
  • 13 October: 50th anniversary of the Tragedy and Miracle of the Andes.
  • 15 October:
    • It is 30 years from the first edition of the Confederations Cup, which was held in Saudi Arabia.
    • It is 10 years after the death of Cambodian king Norodom Sihanouk.
  • 16 October: 60 years of the Missile Crisis, the top point between the United States and the former Soviet Union, during the Cold War, is being held in the face of Soviet ships with nuclear missiles in Cuba.
  • 18 October:
    • Centenary of the BBC Foundation in 1922
    • Forty-five years of the Aztra Massacre in La Troncal, Ecuador, were fulfilled during the dictatorship of that nation.
  • October 20: 10 years after the death of Dr. Edward Donnall Thomas.
  • 21 October:
    • It is 600 years since the death of King Charles VI of France.
    • It is commemorated 40 years, that he was awarded Gabriel García Márquez, with the Nobel Prize.
    • It is commemorated 250 years after the birth of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
  • October 22: 5 years after the death of the musician George Young.
  • October 24: 5 years after the death of the singer and pianist Fats Domino.
  • October 25: 10 years after the death of the physicist Jacques Barzun.
  • October 28: centenary of the birth of composer Gershon Kingsley.
  • October 30: 10 years after the inauguration of the Metro Line 12 of Mexico City, considered to be one of the most controversial lines in the history of the metro of Mexico City.
  • 31 October:
    • Centenary that Benito Mussolini became the prime minister of Italy, which began the time of fascist Italy.
    • Centenary of the birth of Cambodian king Norodom Sihanouk.
    • It turns 20 years of the greatest and controversial goal of football history, AS Adema 149 - 0 SO de l'Emyrne.
    • 505 years of Protestant Reform are completed.


  • 1 November: 100 years after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire was ruled by the Osmani Dynasty between 1299 and 1922.
  • November 3: 20 years after the death of singer Lonnie Donegan.
  • 4 November: centenary of cantonization of Manta (in Ecuador).
    • Centennial of the beginning of the Curse of Tutankhamon, where all who discovered the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh died, which ended with the death of the leader of discovery, Howard Carter in 1939.
  • 5 November:
    • 10.th anniversary of the death of Leonardo Favio.
    • It is 80 years since the death of composer George M. Cohan.
  • 7 November: 5 years after the death of footballer Hans Schäfer.
  • November 8: centenary of the birth of the doctor Christiaan Barnard.
  • 10 November: 40 years after the death of the politician Leonid Brézhnev.
  • 11 November:
    • Centenary of the birth of writer Kurt Vonnegut and spy George Blake.
    • It's 50 years since the death of bassist Berry Oakley.
  • 13 November:
    • It's 30 years since Alcàsser's crime.
    • It is 20 years since the death of footballer Juan Alberto Schiaffino.
    • Seventeen years after the death of former glomer Eddie Guerrero.
  • 14 November: centenary of the birth of the politician Butros Butros-Ghali.
    • It's 20 years since death, Eddie Bracken.
  • 15 November:
    • The centennial of the massacre of workers of November 15, 1922, in Guayaquil in Ecuador.
    • It is 5 years after the death of anthropologist Françoise Héritier and rapper Lil Peep.
  • 16 November:
    • It is 20 years after the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic 2002-2004.
    • It is 750 years after King Henry III's death in England.
    • Centenary of the birth of writer José Saramago.
  • 17 November: centenary of the birth of biochemical Stanley Cohen.
  • 18 November:
    • Centenary of the death of novelist Marcel Proust.
    • It is 60 years after the death of the physicist Niels Bohr.
    • It's 5 years since guitarist Malcolm Young died.
  • November 19: 5 years after the death of criminal Charles Manson and singer Mel Tillis.
  • 20 November:
    • 75 years of the royal wedding between Prince Consort Philip of Edinburgh and the current Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
    • Centenary of the National Festival of Tonada developed in Tunuyán, Argentina.
  • 21 November: 30 years after the death of the Laosian dictator Kaysone Phomvihane.
  • 22 November:
    • 70 years of television in Venezuela.
    • Five years after the death of Baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky.
  • 24 November:
    • It is 150 years after the birth of the politician Gueorgui Chicherin.
    • 30 years of Queen Elizabeth II’s speech in the United Kingdom annus horribilis, speech that would mark one before and one after his reign.
  • 25 November:
  • Two years after the death of Argentine footballer Diego Armando Maradona.
  • It is 10 years after the death of mathematician Lars Hörmander.
  • 26 November: 10 years after the death of surgeon Joseph Edward Murray.
  • 27 November:
    • 30th anniversary of the death of Daniel Santos.
    • 30th anniversary of the second coup attempt in Venezuela
  • 30 November: 40 years of Michael Jackson Thriller's launch (album).


  • December 1st: 70 years after the death of the Italian diplomat Vittorio Emanuele Orlando.
  • 4 December: 5 years after the assassination of Yemeni politician Ali Abdalá Salé.
  • December 5: 10 years after the death of pianist Dave Brubeck and architect Oscar Niemeyer.
  • December 6: 350 years after Pedro Antonio Fernandez de Castro's death.
  • December 7th: centenary of the death of the painter Teofilo Castillo Guas.
  • 9 December:
    • It is 10 years after the death of astronomer Patrick Moore and singer Jenni Rivera.
    • One year after the death of actress Carmen Salinas.
  • 11 December: 10 years after the death of the musician Ravi Shankar.
  • 12 December: one year after the death of the singer Vicente Fernández.
  • 13 December:
    • Eighty-five years of the Nanking Massacre by the Japanese imperial troops.
    • It is 20 years after the death of the musician Zal Yanovsky.
    • It is 10 years since the launch of one of Taylor Swift's musical successes, I Knew You Were Trouble.
    • Five years after the death of the Nazi criminal Charles Zentai.
    • Twenty years of birth of Mari Luz are fulfilled.
  • 14 December: centenary of the birth of the physicist Nikolái Básov.
  • December 15: 20 years of death Charles E. Fraser.
    • Nine years after the death of French actress Joan Fontaine.
    • It's 18 years since Chiang Fang-liang's death.
    • Seven years after the death of journalist Licio Gelli.
  • 17 December:
    • The Megaman video game franchise (Rockman in Japan), celebrates 35 years of the launch of its first NES title.
    • It is 25 years from the premiere of the romantic Titanic film, already part of the history of world cinema.
  • December 18: centenary of the birth of the pilot María Dólina.
  • December 20th: 300 years after the death of Emperor Kangxi.
  • 21 December:
    • It's 30 years since Blues Albert King's guitarist died.
    • It's 50 years since the death of military Paul Hausser.
    • It's 16 years after Scobie Breasley's death.
    • It is 10 years since the death of bassist Lee Dorman.
    • Five years after the death of astronaut Bruce McCandless II.
  • December 22: 20 years after the death of singer Joe Strummer.
  • December 24: bicentennial of the birth of the poet Matthew Arnold.
    • 20 years of death, actress Tita Merello.
    • It's 18 years since Cherish Perrywinkle's Jacksonville was murdered.
  • 26 December:
    • It's 50 years since the death of American politician Harry S. Truman.
    • It is 150 years after the birth of the British politician Norman Angell.
  • 27 December:
    • In Mexico, 20 years of the violent seizure of the CNI Canal 40 broadcasting plant, an event known as The Chiquihuitazo.
    • The bicentennial of the birth of the chemist Louis Pasteur is commemorated.
    • It's 50 years since Lester Bowles Pearson's death.
    • It's 40 years after astronaut Jack Swigert died.
  • 28 December:
    • Centenary of the birth of the writer, actor and creator of Marvel, Stan Lee.
    • It is 400 years since the death of San Francisco de Sales.
    • It's 20 years of Kelsey Briggs' birth.
    • Twenty years after the death of Argentine actor José Cibrián.
  • December 29: In Brazil, 30 years of the resignation of Fernando Collor de Mello are commemorated.
  • 30 December:
    • Centenary of the foundation of today's former Soviet Union.
    • It is 10 years after the death of the neurologist Rita Levi-Montalcini.
    • It's 20 years since American actress Mary Brian died.
  • 31 December:
    • It is fulfilled 50 years of tragic death of the Puerto Rican baseball player of the great leagues Roberto Clemente.



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  • 1 January:
    • In a religious sanctuary in Kashmir, India, there is a stampede that leaves 12 dead and 13 wounded.
    • After 2 years of interruptions and after being canceled in 2021 by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Roses Parade is performed in Pasadena, California.
    • The President of the United States, Joe Biden and the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin have a telephone conversation about the escalation of tension between the two countries due to the Russian military presence on the border with Ukraine.
    • In the parish of Saint Charles de Borome in Gonaïves, Haiti, there is an attack on the Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, of whom he leaves unharmed, after leaving a mass commemorating the 218th anniversary of the independence of Haiti. The event leaves a balance of 1 person dead and several injuries.
    • Israel detects the first case fluronaSimultaneous flu and COVID-19 infection.
  • 2 January:
    • There are demonstrations in Baghdad, Iraq commemorating the second anniversary of the death of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
    • The jihadist Islamic State terrorist group is threatening Pope Francis and all Christians in the world.
    • A fire is recorded in the South African Parliament, without victims. A 51-year-old suspect is arrested at the site, a probable perpetrator of the fire.
  • 3 January:
    • A wave of snow and hail spans Egypt, being in 2013 the last time this phenomenon occurred.
    • The Taliban regime pour 3000 litres of alcohol into a canal in the capital of Kabul, in a rigorous ban on the production and sale of alcohol.
    • The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, is in urgent hospitalized due to an intestinal sub-oculation.
    • First cases are detected flurona in Brazil, the first cases in Latin America.
  • 4 January:
    • The Chinese real estate company Evergrande suspends its shares in the stock market, generating concern among several economists for the imminent risk of a domino effect that could generate a financial crisis around the world.
    • French scientists confirm the emergence of a new variant in the region of Marseilles to the south of the country, which is suggested to come from Cameroon, has 46 more mutations unlike the current Omicron variant, it is called B.1.640.2, although it does not enter the WHO nomenclature because it does not have enough information.
      Anti-government protests in Kazakhstan.
  • 5 January:
    • Israel begins to apply the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on its population.
    • The President of Kazakhstan, Kasim-Yomart Tokaev decrees a state of emergency due to protests initiated on 2 January for the increase in gas prices. The president authorized the entry of OTSC troops to repress the demonstrators.
  • 6 January:
    • North Korea confirms that it will not participate in the Winter Olympics in Beijing 2022 due to the "holy forces maneuvers" and the COVID-19 pandemic, as sent by the Olympic Committee and the Asian regime's Ministry of Sports to the corresponding agencies of China.
    • North Korea stated that it successfully carried out a second test launch of a hypersonic missile, suggesting that the country will continue with its plans to modernize its nuclear and missile arsenals.
  • 7 January:
    • In Colombia, a 60-year-old patient named Victor Escobar becomes the first non-term patient in Latin America to receive euthanasia.
    • In England an unusual case of H5N1 avian influenza is detected in a human, this after confirming that the person had close contact with poultry infected with the virus.
  • 8 January:
    • 8 people die after a rocky detachment occurs on 4 tourist boats of a cliff near a lake in the Municipality of Capitólio in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    • A new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus emerges, Cyprus health authorities reported that 25 cases have been detected deltacron, combination of delta and omicron, there is no information about it, nor has the World Health Organization pronounced on it.
      Daniel Ortega, president of Nicaragua since 2007, has been in power again until 2027.
    • A two-metre section of the Great Wall China collapsed as a result of the 6.9-degree earthquake on the Richter scale that shook Qinghai province, north-west of the country.
  • 9 January:
    • The 79th edition of the Golden Globes is held as a private event, without special guests and live broadcasts.
    • The first case of flurona in Mexico is detected.
    • A fire was recorded in a building in the district of El Bronx, New York, leaving 19 dead and dozens wounded.
    • The regional elections of Barinas were held in 2022, where Sergio Garrido, the first non-chavista governor of the state since the Bolivarian revolution, was surprisingly elected.
    • It began the African Cup of Nations 2021 in Cameroon, which lasted until February 6.
Hot wave in Southern Cone.
  • 10 January:
    • Daniel Ortega assumed his fourth consecutive term as president of Nicaragua, for the period 2022-2027.
  • 11 January:
    • In Argentina and Uruguay, the product of the high pressures and the phenomenon of La Niña, there is a wave of historical heat recording temperatures of up to 45 °C in the region.
  • 12 January:
    • The United States records inflation of 7%, the highest inflation in 40 years.
  • 13 January:
    • Videogame servers Halo close after 15 years being active on the Xbox 360 console. The affected video games are: Halo: ReachHalo: C.E. Anniversary, Halo 3: ODST, Halo 3 and Halo 4.
    • Russia threatens to send troops to Cuba and Venezuela if NATO does not stop its expansion into Eastern Europe in the midst of tensions between Russia and Ukraine.
Effects of the volcano in Tonga.
  • 14 January:
    • Angelo Gilardino, famous Italian composer at 80.
    • The Hunga Tonga sea volcano, located on an island in Tonga, erupts and causes a tsunami in Oceania.
  • 15 January:
    • The tsunami waves of a size of 15 meters caused by the eruption of the Hunga Tonga submarine volcano reach the coast of the countries of South America; the main affected countries were Ecuador, Peru and Chile. However, the waves also arrived in Mexico and the United States.
    • In Ventanilla, Peru, an oil spill is recorded from a ship of the Spanish company Repsol as it discharged the crude during the high oil. It is considered the biggest ecological disaster in Lima.
  • 16 January:
    • Serbian tennis player, Novak Djokovic, is deported by the Australian government for its refusal to vaccinate to participate in the Australian Open.
  • 17 January:
    • The first edition of the Esland Awards awarded for the creation of content from Spain, Latin America and Andorra, by the Spanish youtuber and streamer David Cánovas Martínez «TheGrefg».
  • 18 January:
    • The Indonesian parliament approves a bill to move its capital to Borneo Island and announces that the name of the new city will be called Nusantara, in the midst of the progressive collapse of the current Jakarta capital product of climate change.
  • 19 January:
    • Barbados ' general elections were convened since the recent republican transition, the first Minister Mia Mottley was elected.
  • 20 January:
    • In Honduras, 20 elected deputies betray the decision of elected president Xiomara Castro.
  • 21 January:
    • In Chile, at the National Museum of Natural History, elected president Gabriel Boric appointed his ministerial cabinet composed of 14 ministers and 10 ministers, being the first cabinet in the history of the country composed mainly of women, which will assume its functions on March 11, 2022.
Freedom convoy in Canada.
  • 22 January:
    • Ukraine receives 90 tons of weapons from the United States in the face of rising tensions with Russia.
    • 50 000 truckers carry out the 2022 Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, Canada protesting against the Covid-19 pandemic.
    • In Hurma, Vietnam, Buddhist monk and peace activist Thích Nh/25070/t Hignannh died at age 95, the main opponent of the Vietnam War.
  • 23 January:
    • The U.S. orders the evacuation of non-essential diplomats at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
  • 24 January:
    • A new coup d ' état occurs in Burkina Faso, deposing President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré.
      Flag of Honduras with its new turquoise blue color.
    • After a month of launch, the James Webb space telescope reaches its destination, the Lagrange L2 point.
    • Italy's presidential elections are held, however, the Italian parliament does not agree to choose the successor of Sergio Mattarella.
    • The president of the United States, Joe Biden caused a stir after insulting a Fox News journalist who asked about inflation, the next day the president expressed his apologies.
Xiomara Castro in her first official speech as the first woman president of Honduras.
  • 25 January:
    • Australia purchases the copyright of the iconic Aboriginal flag designed by the artist Harold Thomas for $20 million Australian dollars.
  • 26 January:
    • Pfizer begins the trial of the omicron vaccine.
  • 27 January:
    • In Tegucigalpa he assumes the first woman president in Honduras, Xiomara Castro, for the period 2022-2026. In turn, the Honduran national flag changes its color from dark blue to turquoise blue. A decree of 1949 established that the original flag should contain turquoise blue, however, the color remained dark blue for eight decades.
  • 28 January:
    • In Chile the outgoing president, Sebastián Piñera promulgates the law of the Universal Guaranteed Pension for persons over 65 years approved by the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies on January 3.
  • 29 January:
    • In Italy after 7 rounds of voting in the Italian Parliament and without defining a winner, President Sergio Mattarella accepts his re-election, becoming the second president of the Republic to perform it.
  • 30 January:
    • The parliamentary elections of Portugal are held, the Socialist Party being the winner with a parliamentary majority.
      On February 1, the seven Star Premium channels cease to exist.
    • Rafael Nadal wins at the end of the Australian Open getting his 21 Individual Grand Slam title, male professional tennis record.
  • 31 January:
    • In Latin America, Star Premium channels announce their transmission closures.


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  • 1 February:
Battalion in the Donetsk region, Ukraine
    • 60 people die in an attack by cooperative militia militants for the development of the Congo (CODECO) against a displaced camp in Plaine Savo, a village east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
    • An adulteration of cocaine with components derived from the fentanyl produces a seguidilla of intoxicated, where around 24 people die after consumption in several villas around the Buenos Aires in Argentina.
    • The Star Premium channel group ceases its transmissions, so the departure of this date, the Star Fun, Star Action, Star Cinema, Star Classics, Star Comedy, Star Hits and Star Series officially cease to exist and to transmit. The decision responds to an attempt to promote the Star+ streaming platform.
  • 2 February:
    • At least 24 people have died from a flood caused by heavy rainfall in Quito, Ecuador.
  • 3 February:
    • The terrorist and second califa of ISIS, Abu Ibrahim al Hashemi al Qurash, is self-exploited by being cornered during an operation in Syria.
Opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics of 2022.
  • 4 February:
    • Winter Olympics begin in Beijing, China, which spread until February 20.
    • A Cessna 207 plane crashed after taking off in Nazca, Peru, killing 7 people.
  • 5 February:
    • In Morocco, after being trapped for five days in a well of 32 meters deep, Ryan Oram, a 5-year-old boy, is rescued dead.
  • 6 February:
    • General elections were held in Costa Rica, with former president José María Figueres Olsen (PLN) and former Minister of Finance Rodrigo Chaves (PPSD).
    • In the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations, the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II was held in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of her ascension to the English throne.
  • 7 February:
    • The President of France, Emmanuel Macron met with Vladimir Putin in Moscow to solve the crisis in Ukraine.
    • In Chile, the process of vaccination began with the fourth dose against COVID-19, in the middle of the wave of contagions, being the highest since the beginning of the pandemic in that country.
  • 8 February:
    • Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI asks for forgiveness of victims of sexual abuse by admitting false testimony in a report on the abuses in the Archdiocese of Munich and Frisinga.
    • The president of Peru, Pedro Castillo designates his fourth ministerial cabinet in just 6 months.
    • In Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, virologist Luc Montagnier, one of the HIV discoverers and winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine, died at 89 years.
  • 9 February:
    • The Islamic police destroy nearly four million bottles of beer under the application of the sharia in the state of Kano, north of Nigeria.
  • 10 February:
    • Russia and Belarus carry out military exercises near the Ukrainian border. NATO repudiates the action, qualifying as the largest deployment of Russian troops since the Cold War.
  • 11 February:
    • Canada declares a state of emergency in Ontario during the 2022 Freedom Convoy protests that reject the country's vaccination requirements.
  • 12 February:
    • More than 5000 protesters protest the cry of Glory to Ukraine! in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev to demand peace in a march of nationalist unity in the face of the growing alarm of a Russian invasion from Donbás, east of the country and from the border with Belarus.
  • 13 February:
    • In Germany, presidential elections were held for the period 2022-2027, where current President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was re-elected.
    • In Castile and Leon, autonomic elections were held where the opposition party Popular Party imposes itself on the PSOE.
Juan Orlando Hernández.
  • 14 February:
    • Documents linking former Argentine president Mauricio Macri with an invasion plan to Venezuela during the US former president Donald Trump's government were revealed.
    • The president of the Congress of Peru, María del Carmen Alva is accused of plotting against Pedro Castillo, for having met with opposition figures to discuss a strategy to stop the president.
    • The international coalition headed by Saudi Arabia has ensured the bombing of a communications centre used by the Huti at the headquarters of a ministry in the capital of Sana ' a, Yemen.
    • Global stock exchanges collapse for fear of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    • The United States requests the extradition of former President Juan Orlando Hernández for drug trafficking while the Honduran Armed Forces surround their home in the capital Tegucigalpa.
  • 15 February:
    • In Honduras, former President Juan Orlando Hernández voluntarily surrenders to the Honduran National Police
    • In the midst of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, a mass cyberattack occurs in Ukraine in the media.
    • Russia guaranteed the withdrawal of its troops from the Donbás area in the face of tension with Ukraine, however it did not specify how many troops or where they left. NATO intelligence resources then warned that the declaration was a distraction, as the troop numbers remained constant.
  • 16 February:
    • The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro visits Russia, where he meets with Vladimir Putin.
    • A magnitude 6.2 earthquake shook southern Guatemala and affected parts of Mexico and El Salvador.
  • 17 February:
    • In Santiago de Chile, the construction works of the Santiago Metro Line 7 are officially begun, which will have 19 stations and will join Renca with Vitacura in approximately 37 minutes. Its opening is scheduled for 2027.
    • In Donetsk, intense skirmishes occur between Ukrainian soldiers and pro-Russian separatists.
    • In Petrópolis, Brazil, rains and landslides leave 195 people dead and hundreds of victims.
Burnt area of the Province of Corrientes.
  • 18 February:
    • In the Province of Corrientes (Argentina), Governor Gustavo Valdés declared the province "a zone of ecological and environmental catastrophe" in the context of unprecedented forest fires that burned more than 10% of the provincial area.
  • 19 February:
    • The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, sends to the Province of Corrientes (Argentina) firefighters in the framework of the unprecedented forest fires. It is the first bilateral aid between the two countries since the assumption of the current Argentine president in 2019.
  • 20 February:
    • Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is positive of COVID-19.
  • 21 February:
    • Russia recognizes the independence of the Republic of Donetsk and the Republic of Lugansk and begins to militarize the Donbas region, in the midst of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. This action is repudiated by the United Nations, resulting in the preparation of economic sanctions against Russia by several countries.
    • Colombia decriminalizes abortion, being the fifth Latin American country to do so, after Cuba (1965), Guyana (1995), Uruguay (2012) and Argentina (2020).
      Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • 22 February:
    • Germany suspends the Russian Nord Stream gas course in the framework of Russian-Ukrainian tension.
    • The President of the United States, Joe Biden, announced new sanctions against Russia and said that his latest movements in Ukraine amounted to "the principle of the invasion of Ukraine." The United Kingdom announces sanctions against three Russian individuals and five banks.
    • The three murdering white men of African-American Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, the United States, are found guilty after two years of trial.
  • 23 February:
    • Following United Kingdom and United States sanctions, the European Union applied economic sanctions against Russia, making it difficult for the country to trade in the international market.
War in Ukraine 2022 - es.svg
  • 24 February:
    • Russia invades Ukraine. In a morning statement, President Vladimir Putin warned the Ukrainian allies: "Anyone who considers intervening from the outside, if they do, will face greater consequences than they have ever found historically. All relevant decisions were already made. I hope you can hear me."
    • After the announcement, they report the entry of Russian forces in the vicinity of the cities of Mariúpol and Járkov and there are explosions in many cities such as the capital of Kiev, Melitópol, Lutsk and Odesa.
      Civils refusing in the Kiev Metro during the bombings.
      Mosque destroyed after the Sumatra earthquake.
    • Huge economic downfalls on Wall Street. International bags fall into the biggest fall since the global collapse by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The Russian bag collapses. The price of raw materials such as soy, wheat, oil and corn rise considerably.
    • At dusk in Ukraine, after a skirmish on radioactive soil, the Russian army took control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a strategic bastion towards the invasion of the capital, after having invaded from Belarusian territory.
    • Ukraine declares martial law, while ordering the general mobilization of troops and the closure of its commercial airspace. Order its inhabitants to take shelter in their homes or underground.
    • Members of the Colombian military forces kill Jorge Eliécer Martínez, head of the tenth front of the FARC's dissents in Puerto Rondón, Colombia.
  • 25 February:
    • The clashes continue in Ukraine following the Russian invasion, while the Russian troops approach Kiev. Russian forces begin the site of Mariúpol, where they cut the supply and medicine route, while bombing the city, it is compared to the site of Leningrad, inflicted by the Third Reich against the Soviet Union during the Second World War.
    • Russia threatened Finland and Sweden, which promised "political and military" consequences if both countries entered NATO.
    • Russia loses the location of the end of the UEFA 2021-22 Champions League due to the military conflict, is replaced by the Stade de France in Paris, France.
      Multitudinary protests against the war in Vancouver, Canada.
    • A 6.2-degree Richter earthquake is reported on Sumatra Island in Indonesia. He left 13 dead, 388 wounded and several destroyed religious and government buildings.
  • 26 February:
    • The European Union, the United States and its allies agree to remove the Russian banks from the SWIFT financial system, in addition to imposing restrictions against the Bank of Russia, which causes a dramatic devaluation of the ruble, triggering a financial crisis in Russia.
    • Ukraine regains control of the city of Sumy, after days of Russian control.
    • The Russian Army occupies the Ukrainian city of Melitópol, along with several towns.
    • There are many protests in many world cities in Europe, North America, Australia, South Korea, Turkey, Argentina, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Georgia, Colombia, New Zealand, India and Chile, among others, including Russians (Moscow, St.Petersburg) to protest against the war.
      Cartel exclaims "Slava Ukraini" in an anti-war protest in Washington D.C., USA.
      Ukrainians at border posts fleeing from the west of the country.
  • 27 February:
    • Russia places its nuclear forces on top alert, in response to what it calls "aggressive statements" of NATO.
    • The world's largest and heaviest aircraft, the Antonov An-225, is destroyed at the Battle of Antonov Airport. The Ukrainian government confirmed it on its Twitter account.
    • The Belarusian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko holds a constitutional referendum, in which he revokes the status of a non-nuclear country and allows Belarus to host Russian forces permanently.
  • 28 February:
    • The UN reports that more than half a million refugees have already fled from Ukraine to neighbouring countries (mainly Poland and Hungary) as a result of the war.
    • FIFA expelled Russia from the World Cup of Qatar 2022 and the Eurocopa Femenina 2022.
    • In an unprecedented decision, Monaco, Singapore and South Korea implement economic sanctions on Russia through export control and foreign currency freeze; while Sweden and Switzerland leave their status as a neutral country to support Ukraine economically and diplomatically.


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  • 1 March:
    • The president of the United States, Joe Biden, spoke his second speech of the state of the Union.
    • Belarus joins the attack against Ukraine, reporting Belarusian troops to the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv, north of the country. However, President Aleksandr Lukashenko denied that Belarus had joined the invasion and stated that Russian troops did not attack Ukraine from its territory.
    • A Russian military convoy of more than 60 kilometres is heading for Kiev.
    • Ukraine begins to use drones manufactured in Turkey against Russian convoys, leaving numerous casualties in the Russian army.
    • The Funimation and Wakanim Svod platform merge their name to Crunchyroll.
  • 2 March:
    • Russian forces begin to siege the Ukrainian city of Zaporiyia, place of the Zaporiyia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe.
    • Airbus and Boeing suspend maintenance and support for Russian airlines, while Apple, Nike, Disney, FedEx, among other American companies suspend their businesses in Russia.
    • Chile announces the return of presence classes, after 2 years of virtual classes, and with the rejection of the College of Teachers.
  • 3 March:
    • The Russian troops bomb the Zaporiyia nuclear power plant during the battle of Zaporiyia, causing a fire, dismaying globally for the fear that the country and the European continent will explode and explode.
    • The Chilean Army promulgates a report condemning executions and crimes under the dictatorial period of Augusto Pinochet.
  • 4 March:
    • The Paralympic Games of 2022 begin, which were held in Beijing, China until March 13.
    • Russia blocks access to Twitter and Facebook.
  • 5 March:
    • The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, visits the border between Poland and Ukraine.
    • In the stadium of La Corregidora de la Ciudad de Querétaro, in Mexico, there is a riot during a match between the clubs Querétaro and Atlas, leaving unofficially 30 fans dead.
    • Antarctic researchers ensured to find on the seabed the remains of the ship Endurance, sunk in the cold waters of the Weddell Sea in 1915.
  • 6 March:
    • The president of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, promulgated the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of the Child, which had been in the process for seven years, thus providing the creation of an unprecedented system of guarantees and protection of the exercise of the rights of the child.
  • 7 March:
    • The global number of deaths per COVID-19 exceeds 6 million according to Johns Hopkins' figures, with 57 percent of the world's fully vaccinated population.
  • 8 March:
    • Iran threatens Israel to "pay the price of its actions" after a bombing in Syria where two Iranian military personnel died.
    • The Florida Senate approves the controversial bill "Parent Rights in Education," known as the "Don't Say Gay" Bill, which restricts teachers from discussing gender identity.
    • Multiple multinational companies such as McDonald's, Adidas, Coca-Cola, Shell and Starbucks suspend their sales in Russia in response to the war.
    • The U.S. citizen David Bennett, the first patient who received a successfully modified pork heart transplant.
  • 9 March:
    • In South Korea, presidential elections were held for the period 2022-2027, and conservative Yoon Suk-yeol was elected.
    • A Russian air strike destroyed a hospital, along with the maternity section and children's room in Mariúpol, Ukraine. A woman is photographed in childbirth, however neither she nor the baby survives. This fact is repudiated internationally, which fuels suspicions of war crimes by Russian forces following constant and repeated attacks on civilian areas against the Ukrainian population and violations of established humanitarian corridors.
    • The Guatemalan Congress passed Law 5272 prohibiting homosexual marriage, and in turn penalized abortion with five years in prison. Given the opposition generated by President Alejandro Giammattei to enact that law, the bill was finally filed on March 15.
    • Antarctic researchers discovered the remains of the Endurance, one of the most important sunk ships, on the seabed of the cold waters of the Weddell Sea after sunk in 1915.
  • 10 March:
    • The National Assembly of Ecuador granted amnesties to 268 demonstrators for various causes, of which 60 went to protesters in Ecuador in October 2019.
      Gabriel Boric, President of Chile 2022-2026. Being the youngest president in the country's history.
  • 11 March:
    • In the hall of honor of the National Congress of Chile, he assumes the 34th president of Chile, Gabriel Boric. The beginning of its mandate marks the end of the 16 uninterrupted years in which presidents Michelle Bachelet and Sebastián Piñera alternately ruled for 4 non-consecutive governments (between 2006 and 2022). With 36 years, Boric is the youngest ruler in the world in exercise, the youngest president in the history of the country, the first born after the coup d'etat in Chile of 1973 and, the first of the so-called milenic generation and the first president originally from the Magellan Region.
    • India accidentally shoots a missile to Pakistan.
    • Chile's President Gabriel Boric announced the withdrawal of 139 complaints by the State Security Act against protesters from the 2019 social outbreak.
  • 12 March:
    • Iran launchers against the U.S. consulate and an American military base in Erbil, Iraq.
  • 13 March:
    • In Colombia, legislative elections were held, where the Historic Covenant obtained the majority of votes.
    • Multiple Russian missiles crash into the Yavoriv Air Base, used by NATO and a few kilometres from the border with Poland, killing 35 soldiers and wounding 134.
A pacifist activist waiting for Marina's word with a bunch of flowers
  • 14 March:
    • There is a massive cyber attack on Israel's government portals.
    • The Mexican company Bimbo announced the suspension indefinitely of investments, advertising and sale of its products in Russia. This is due to Russian aggression on Ukrainian territory.
    • During a live broadcast of Channel 1 of Russia, journalist Marina Ovsiánnikova interrupted behind the back with a banner that read "Stop the war, do not believe in propaganda, here they are lying," and then be cut from the air. After leaking, there was global concern about his whereabouts, but then he came back to comment that he was in house arrest in a defenseless trial, which was the victim of false accounts and was fined. Two days later, he resigned from his work and was exiled from the country.
    • The UN reports that about 3 million Ukrainians have fled the country, mainly west of Europe.
  • 15 March:
    • Russia announces its own package of officials' sanctions, prohibiting U.S. President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former state secretary Hillary Clinton and other senior officials from entering the country.
    • The Minister of the Interior of Chile, Izkia Siches suffers an attempted murder during a joint visit of ministers in the Region of La Araucanía in southern Chile.
      The theatre destroyed by missiles
  • 16 March:
    • There are two earthquakes of magnitude 6.4 and 7.3 on the east coast of Japan causing a tsunami alert.
    • After the attack on motherhood in Mariúpol, the attacks of Russian soldiers against Ukrainian citizens are growing, after images of soldiers being killed by a Ukrainian civilian lying outside Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
    • The Mariúpol Theatre, which was used as a civilian shelter, was destroyed by several Russian missiles, killing about 300 refugees.
  • 17 March:
    • U.S. President Joe Biden calls Vladimir Putin "war criminal" for Russian attacks on civilian areas of Ukraine.
  • 18 March:
    • The Spanish journalist, Carlos Herrera, during an interview in a Chilean program insults President Gabriel Boric, after accusing King Felipe VI of the delay during the change of command of March 11.
  • 19 March:
    • The president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, announced his support for the former colony of Western Sahara to become an autonomous region within Morocco.
  • 20 March:
    • After 32 years of career, the Puerto Rican singer Daddy Yankee, announced his retirement from the stage by video on his YouTube channel, announcing his last concert tour, with a final destination in Mexico City in early December.
The plane involved in the accident
  • 21 March:
    • China Eastern Airlines flight 5735 crashes into a mountain range in Guangxi, China. No survivors.
    • Start operations at Felipe Angeles International Airport in Mexico City.
    • Russia claims that diplomatic relations with the United States are on the verge of the total rupture.
    • Russia blocks the Instagram platform by perceived "russophobia".
  • 22 March:
    • The Liberal Party of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau comes to an agreement with the New Democratic Party opponent to remain in power until 2025.
    • The American drummer Taylor Hawkins is overdose.
  • 23 March:
    • U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken states that members of the Russian armed forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine.
    • In Washington D.C., United States, the former U.S. Secretary of State died at 84. U.S. Madeleine Albright.
  • 24 March:
    • At a summit in Brussels, NATO decided to increase the number of troops across the Russian border, a total of 40,000 troops will be deployed to neighbouring Ukraine. It was also determined that the United States will provide liquefied gas to Europe to reduce its dependence on Russia.
    • The United States is the first country to reach more than 1,000,000 million deaths per COVID-19. This occurs when the U.S. continues to relax virus restrictions despite the spread of the latest omicron variant.
    • Surprising elimination of Italy, current champion of the Euro Cup 2020 and four times world champion, of Qatar 2022 at the hands of North Macedonia for 1-0 with agonizing goal of Aleksandar Trajkovski. It is the second consecutive time, after Russia 2018, to fail to classify the final phase.
  • 25 March:
    • Pope Francis consecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
    • The Russian defense minister announced that the first phase of the war is "generally complete," claiming that the Russian forces will focus on the "liberation" of the Donbas region.
  • 26 March:
    • U.S. President Joe Biden called for a regime change in Russia, stating that Russian President Vladimir Putin "can't stay in power." The White House then clarified that Biden meant that Putin cannot be allowed to continue to intimidate the neighbors of the region. In response, the Kremlin clarified that a regime change is a matter of the Russian people’s own vote.
  • 27 March:
    • El Salvador declares state of emergency after 62 people killed the previous day.
    • The 94th edition of the Oscar Awards was awarded at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles and was the winner of the award for the best film of the year.
      Protests in Lima, the Peruvian capital
  • 28 March:
    • The owner of the English club Chelsea, Román Abramóvich, along with two other negotiators, would have been poisoned with an unknown chemical during negotiations to stop the war on the border with Ukraine and Belarus.
    • Several protests began in Peru, giving way to an indefinite strike.
    • China announced a total closure in the city of Shanghai resulting from a high increase in COVID-19 cases.
      Classifieds for the 2022 World Cup Soccer
  • 29 March:
    • The eliminations of UEFA, Concacaf, CAF and Conmebol for the 2022 World Cup of Football are completed. The faults of Italy, Chile, Nigeria, Egypt and Colombia are highlighted.
    • The Russian defense minister stated that Moscow decided to "cut military activity in the direction of Kiev and Chernihiv" with the objective of "increasing mutual confidence to begin negotiating a peace agreement with Ukraine".
    • The Ukrainian guard Roman Hrybov, who refuses to surrender the Island of the Serpents and famously challenged the Russian army with the phrase "Russian military ship, who fuck you!", was released in a prison exchange. Initial reports had erroneously reported that the thirteen soldiers had died after the bombing.
    • The Democratic Republic of the Congo joined the East African Community, ensuring the organization ' s departure to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • 30 March:
    • Russia asserts that a disenfranchisement is under way around the capital of Kiev and Chernígov to regroup its troops in order to centralize itself in the Dombás region, however, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence states not to notice any massive withdrawal of troops.
  • 31 March:
    • The International Atomic Energy Agency confirms the withdrawal of Russian forces to besieging the Chernobyl nuclear power plant since February.


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  • 1 April:
    • The legendary wrestler The Undertaker was induced at the ceremony gala at the WWE Hall of Fame.
    • The draw of the group phase of the XXII edition of the 2022 World Cup of Football was held in Doha, Qatar.
    • The Disney XD channels, Nat Geo Kids, Star Life, Nat Geo Wild and FXM stopped their broadcasts in Latin America, the decision responds to promote the Disney+ platform, the exit of these channels left Disney Latin America only with Disney Channel, Disney Junior, Star Channel, Nat Geo and ESPN channels.
    • Srilankés President Gotabaya Rajapaksa declared a state of emergency for strong protests related to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka.
    • The actor Will Smith presented his resignation to the Hollywood Academy, which awards the Oscars, after slapping comedian Chris Rock during the ceremony last Sunday.
      Minute of silence in the European Parliament for the Bucha massacre.
  • 2 April:
    • Hundreds of Ukrainian civilians were found dead in the streets of Bucha after Ukrainian forces recovered the city. Journalistic sources claim to find overwhelming evidence of war crimes and ethnic cleansing by Russian military personnel, following multiple images of bodies scattered along the streets of the city.
    • An extraordinary boreal aurora was visible in the middle of the United States, a product of a solar geomagnetic storm.
  • 3 April:
    • Human Rights Watch claimed to have evidence of mass graves perpetuated by Russian forces in Ukraine against civilians, after investigations that identified the massacre as "proper of the Chechen wars," where Chechen loyal forces would have participated in the massacre, after civilians reported that there were soldiers who did not speak Russian. NATO and the European Union repudiated the facts and demanded further sanctions, while the United States called for prosecution to Vladimir Putin.
    • Serbia ' s presidential elections were held where current President Aleksandar Vučić was reelected in the midst of electoral irregularities.
    • The second round of the Costa Rican presidential elections was held, where the candidate Rodrigo Chaves is elected president.
    • Catar forbade LGBT symbols, despite having ensured that during the World Cup of Football there would be greater freedoms for homosexuals.
    • Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan dissolved parliament and called for elections in three months, after accusing the opposition of a coup plot.
  • 4 April:
    • Chilean President Gabriel Boric made his first international trip to visit Argentine President Alberto Fernández, and emphasized greater cooperation, trade and improve the "brotherhood" between Chile and Argentina.
    • According to a report by a Cuban observatory, Cuba recorded 232 protests against the regime, a greater number in relation to last year.
    • Peruvian President Pedro Castillo declared a state of emergency, in addition to a curfew of protests and strikes against inflation caused by rising prices throughout the country that caused 8 deaths and more than 30 injured.
    • The United States announced a total blockade of all types of investments to Russian banks and the United Kingdom will stop buying oil and coal as part of a new package of sanctions in response to Russian human rights violations.
  • 5 April:
    • Uruguay puts an end to the COVID-19 health emergency declaration, which allows the abandonment of most preventive measures.
  • 6 April:
    • Russian hackers identified the author of the Bucha massacre as Azatbek Omurbekov, Russian General Lieutenant of the Uzbek territory of Karakalpakistan.
  • 7 April:
    • The UN General Assembly voted to determine the suspension of Russia as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The initiative was approved with more than half of the nations in favor, officially suspending Russia from its membership.
    • The President of Yemen, Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi, who combats the Yemeni civil war against the Huti, resigned from his post.
      Remains of a missile that attacked the train station, with a message in Russian, "for the children."
  • 8 April:
    • Russia launched a missile attack against Kramatorsk railway station, where refugees fled the city, resulting in 57 deaths and 109 injuries. After the attack, the UN confirmed war crimes, after Russia initially reported a successful attack on the train station, however, when it was confirmed that there were civilians killed, they denied their participation and held responsibility to the Ukrainian forces.
    • Food prices increased to the highest level since the UN began to measure it, with commodities such as wheat at almost 20% due to war conflict.
    • The actor Will Smith is suspended for 10 years by the Academy of Arts and Film Sciences, including the Oscar Awards, but if he can be nominated for any award he is awarding.
    • There are floods in the city of Durban, in the eastern state of South Africa causing more than 400 deaths.
  • 9 April:
    • The campaign Get up in Ukraine raises $11 billion for Ukrainian refugees.
    • Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is finally removed from office after a motion of censorship. Two days later, opponent Shehbaz Sharif was appointed as the new prime minister, which will govern the country with a coalition government until 2023.
  • 10 April:
    • In Mexico, it is held for the first time in its history revoking referendum elections to remove President Andrés Manuel López Obrador from his post, being held in office with 91 % of the votes and only 17 % of the participation.
    • France's presidential elections are held on second round, the current President Emmanuel Macron and the candidate Marine Le Pen.
  • 12 April:
    • An armed attacker enters the New York subway and attacks 29 people, then the main suspect is arrested.
    • Chile's Constitutional Convention adopted to define Chile as a state of well-being, in a change of ideology in the country.
  • 13 April:
    • Chile’s Constitutional Convention approves the elimination of its Senate to replace it with a Chamber of Regions in the article of its New Constitution.
    • The world exceeds 500 million cases of COVID-19, this figure is possibly equal to or less than the cases recorded during the 1918 flu pandemic.
    • Former Colombian footballer Freddy Rincón died in a traffic accident.
  • 14 April:
    • The Russian Moskvá emblem cruise is sunk in the Black Sea. While several sources calculate about 40 dead, Russia only reported one.
  • 15 April:
    • The Israeli police are facing Palestinian demonstrators at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, leaving about 152 wounded.
  • 16 April:
    • Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele announced that more than 12,000 gang members were arrested since the announced persecution three weeks earlier.
    • After prohibiting President Joe Biden from entering the country, Russia forbade British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, among other British officials.
  • 17 April:
    • Turkey announces Operation Claw-Lock against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), entering the territory of Iraqi Kurdistan.
    • A cyberattack attacked several public portals of the government of Costa Rica, where the pro-Russian group Conti Group adjudicated the attack for extorting purposes.
  • 18 April:
    • Argentine President Alberto Fernández called on the American countries to resume relations with the Venezuelan government, which caused criticism of Human Rights Watch, IAPA and Amnesty International, among others, after suspicion of ideological alignment with the regime of Nicolás Maduro and Vladimir Putin.
    • The so-called "second phase" of the Russian invasion of Ukraine begins, with great clashes and bombardments to large cities and the Donbas area.
    • Israel launches aerial attacks on the Gaza Strip, in response to an attempt to launch a missile by Hamas.
  • 19 April:
    • China signs a security agreement with the Solomon Islands, generating concern in Western governments, mainly the AUKUS alliance.
    • The United States is the first country to ban anti-satellite missile tests.
    • Kane Tanaka, the second longest person in recorded history, died at 119 years in his home in Fukuoka, Japan.
  • 20 April:
    • A team of the European Southern Observatory announces the discovery of a new type of supernovas, called micronovas.
  • 21 April:
    • The former President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, is extradited to the United States to face drug and arms trafficking charges.
  • 22 April:
    • A Russian general said that the aim of the invasion of Ukraine will be to annex the southern Ukraine, occupying cities such as Odessa, Jerson and Melitópol, to create a land corridor from the Crimean peninsula to the unrecognized state of Transnistria, threatening to extend the war to Moldova.
    • An environmentalist activist was immolated in front of the U.S. Capitol to raise awareness of climate change, similar to the immolation of Buddhist monk Thích Qung, whose suicide was the image of the Vietnamese Buddhist crisis in 1963.
  • 23 April:
    • Agricultural workers protested against Argentine president Alberto Fernández because of the increase in export and tax restrictions, marching towards the Plaza de Mayo and Casa Rosada using tractors to block traffic, compared with the agricultural conflict of 2008.
    • World Book and Copyright Day was celebrated.
  • 24 April:
    • The second round of France's presidential elections is held, where current President Emmanuel Macron is re-elected with 58% of the votes against 41% of the candidate Marine Le Pen.
    • Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega closed the OAS office in the capital of Managua and rushed his departure from the organization, following tensions with the results of Nicaragua's last general elections, which were not recognized by the organization for considering it fraudulent.
  • 25 April:
    • Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia, warns that there is a serious and real risk of a Third World War, while Russian troops try to enter Ukrainian territory and increase the escalation of tension in Moldova by pro-Russian transnist separatists east of the country.
  • 26 April:
    • Russia suspends the supply of Gazprom gas to Poland and Bulgaria due to the refusal of both countries to pay the supply of ruble gas, the suspension deprives the Bulgarian country of gas because of its almost total dependence on Russian gas.
    • A Moscow court imposed a fine on Wikipedia of a figure of 3 million rubles after the Russian censorship agency Roskomnadzor threatened the encyclopedia with a lawsuit to remove information that contradicts the official Kremlin narrative about the invasion of Ukraine last month, which states that the war is a "special military operation," claiming that such accusations "break a shadow of the reputation of the Russian Defense Minister."
  • 27 April:
    • After El Salvador declared bitcoin as a legal currency last September, the Central African Republic approved its use, becoming the second country in the world to allow its state use.
  • 28 April:
    • Transnistria prohibits the departure of the country to men of combat age, following an escalation of tensions in the region.
  • 29 April:
    • The U.S. state of Oklahoma approves a law that restricts abortion from six weeks.
  • 30 April:
    • Russia conducts a missile attack, destroying the airstrip of Odesa International Airport, Ukraine.


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  • 1 May:
    • In Mexico, the COVID-19 epidemic risk traffic light ceased.
  • 2 May:
    • New Zealand reopened its borders to tourists from more than 60 countries after having been closed for two years by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 3 May:
    • British automotive atonement Tony Brooks dies.
  • 4 May:
    • The United States Federal Reserve has increased interest rates since 2000, trying to combat the inflation rate.
  • 5 May:
    • In the United States, President Joe Biden appointed Karine Jean-Pierre as the White House press secretary, being the first LGBT Black person to be elected.
  • 6 May:
    • An explosion at the luxurious Saratoga Hotel in Havana, Cuba resulting from a gas leak leaves 47 people dead and more than 50 wounded.
Rodrigo Chaves, president of Costa Rica
  • 7 May:
    • In Afghanistan, the Taliban government orders the mandatory use of burka women in public.
  • 8 May:
    • Assume of Rodrigo Chaves as the 49th president of Costa Rica, successor of Carlos Alvarado Quesada for the period 2022-2026.
  • 9 May:
    • In the Philippines, the presidential elections were held for the period 2022-2028, where Bongbong Marcos, the son of former dictator Ferdinand Marcos, is elected president after defeating the current president Rodrigo Duterte.
  • 10 May:
    • He began the festival of the song of Eurovision, which was won by the Ukrainian group Kalush with his song Stefania.
  • 11 May:
    • The United Kingdom signs military assistance agreements to Sweden and Finland as they arrange to enter NATO.
  • 12 May:
    • After two years of uncertainty, the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un confirms that there is a outbreak of COVID-19 in its territory, and orders a compulsory confinement in all its cities.
    • In the department of Lima, Peru, there is an earthquake of 5.4 that causes minor damage and some victims.
  • 13 May:
    • The President of the United Arab Emirates, Jalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan, died at the age of 74.
    • Russia suspends electricity supply to Finland, in response to possible accession with NATO.
  • 14 May:
    • A young 18-year-old white supremacist shoots at a supermarket in the city of Bufalo, New York, United States as he broadcast live on the Twitch platform leaving a balance of 10 dead and 3 wounded.
  • 15 May:
    • Finnish President Sauli Niinistö decided that Finland will be applied by membership to NATO, following threats from the Russian neighbour.
    • In Lebanon, general elections were held in the midst of the political crisis caused by the protests in 2019.
  • 16 May:
    • The first Swedish minister Magdalena Andersson announced that Sweden will also run to join NATO, following her Finnish neighbor and abandoning the weak Swedish neutrality, a decision that Turkey rejects, claiming that both countries will take "terrorists" from the Kurdish rebel group PKK.
    • The multinational fast-food chain McDonald's announced that it will permanently close its operations to its name in Russia, due to the "humanitarian crisis" and an "unpredictable operating environment", projecting a progressive closure to all the premises of the company in the country, after having been one of the first US businesses to consolidate into the Russian market during the process of the fall of the rival Soviet Union.
    • The Renault automotive company also announced a closure of its business in Russian territory, selling its shares to the Russian company Lada.
  • 17 May:
    • Russia announces the surrender of 265 Ukrainian soldiers entrenched at the Azovstal steel plant in the framework of the Mariúpol site in Ukraine.
  • 18 May:
    • U.S. President Joe Biden invokes the Defense Production Act, which was recently invoked in 2020 to address the shortage of formula milk for babies throughout the country.
  • 19 May:
    • Oklahoma approves a bill prohibiting all types of abortion, making it the most restrictive state in the United States.
  • 20 May:
    • The World Health Organization (WHO) is holding an emergency meeting to discuss the spread of the monkey's smallpox in almost a dozen countries, with 100 contagiated around the world.
  • 21 May:
    • In Australia, federal elections will be held as elected Labourman Anthony Albanese as prime minister.
  • 22 May:
    • A research company publishes a report up to 700 cases of allegations of sexual abuse in churches of the Southern Baptist Convention between 2000 and 2019 in the United States.
  • 23 May:
    • The United States, India, South Korea and Japan, together with 11 other countries, create the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework in Tokyo, to seek to counter the influence of China.
  • 24 May:
    • In Uvalde, Texas, the United States, the massacre of the Robb Primary School in Uvalde, where 22 people die, including Salvador Rolando Ramos, the perpetrator of the attack.
    • On the border between Colombia and Venezuela, Colombian guerrilla Gentil Duarte dies in ambush.
  • 25 May:
    • The first final of the Conference League was held in Tirana where the AS Roma of Italy beat the Feyenoord of the Netherlands with a goal of Nicolò Zaniolo at 32 minutes of the first time, thus being the first club to win the competition.
  • 26 May:
    • The Swedish group of pop music ABBA meets after 40 years performing a virtual concert with computer-generated images of the Swedish pop band and live musicians at the Abba Arena specially built for 3000 people in London, in the UK attending the event the kings of Sweden, Carlos XVI Gustavo and Silvia of Sweden, as well as the English supermodel, Kate Moss, the English actress Keira Knightley and Australian singer Kylie.
  • 27 May:
    • Russia launches a series of bombings in the Ukrainian cities of Járkov, Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk, killing 10 people and leaving 35 wounded.
  • 28 May:
    • At least 31 people, mostly children, die in a stampede during a donation event in a church in Port Harcourt in southern Nigeria.
  • 29 May:
    • The Atlas football team crowns Mexican football champion Grita Mexico 2022, after defeating the Pachuca 2-3, being its first bi-campo and is the first team to automatically get the Champion of Champions in short tournaments and the first after 60 years of its final champion title.
    • In Colombia, the first round of the presidential elections was held, with the leftist Gustavo Petro and the central-rightist Rodolfo Hernández Suárez being shot down.
  • 30 May:
    • The European Union agrees a plan to block two thirds of Russian oil.
  • 31 May:
    • A lost city, dating from around 3400 years, is discovered by a group of archaeologists from the drought in the Tigris River, north of Iraq, in addition to 100 cuneiform tablets, it is believed that it could be the lost city of Zakhiku.


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  • 1 June:
    • Argentina is dedicated champion of the Finalissima before Italy for 3 goals to 0.
    • A shooting at St. Francis in Tulsa, Oklahoma, (United States) causes four deaths and several injuries.
  • 2 June:
    • The UN formally recognizes the new official name of Turkey as Türkiyeafter Turkey asked for change so that, according to the Turkish television network TRT, the association with the word is avoided Turkey, word translated literally in English which means both Turkey and domestic turkey.
  • 3 June:
    • Amnesty International documents human rights violations against the Nayib Bukele government because of the gang repression program in El Salvador.
  • 4 June:
    • The World Health Organization reports 780 cases of seismic smallpox in 27 countries.
  • 5 June:
    • Around 50 feligers die during an attack in a Catholic church in Owo, Nigeria.
    • Elections are held in 6 states in Mexico.
      Official photo of the Summit of the Americas
  • 6 June:
    • The 9th Summit of the Americas begins, where President Joe Biden prevented the assistance of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, invoking anti-democratic regimes, causing Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to refrain from attending while Argentina and Bolivia rejected the decision.
    • Dominican Minister of Environment Orlando Jorge Mera is murdered in his office in the capital.
  • 7 June:
    • A new study reveals that the sea grass of Shark Bay, off the coast of Western Australia, can be the largest plant in the world, covering 180 km of seabed, having cloned itself for 4,500 years.
  • 8 June:
    • Algeria suspends friendly relations with Spain and prohibits imports, following disagreements between the Spanish position with Western Sahara.
    • King Philip of Belgium apologized for the atrocities committed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by King Leopoldo II of Belgium, of which it was his private territory, denouncing the exploitation and discrimination suffered by the Congolese by the Belgian colonial forces during that period.
  • 9 June:
    • Thailand becomes the first country in Southeast Asia to legalize the cultivation and sale of cannabis.
  • 10 June:
    • FIFA rejects the accusation of the Chilean federation against the Ecuadorian federation to disqualify Ecuador from the 2022 World Cup, alluding that one of its players, Bryan Castillo, was not eligible for its nationality.
      Airplane model issued by the Argentine authorities
  • 11 June:
    • In London, the United Kingdom takes place the 1st edition of the LIV Golf, which is the winner of the first meeting, the South African Charl Schwartzel winning 4.75 million dollars for the victory in front of his countryman Hennie Du Plessis.
  • 12 June:
    • Argentina embarks on an Iranian Boeing 747 aircraft transferred last year to Venezuela, after Paraguayan authorities warned that passengers had connections with the Hezbollah terrorist group, the Triple Border and the Iranian regime.
      Vkusno menu, the Russian subsidiary of McDonald's.
    • Three months after McDonald's ceased its operations in Russia, the abandoned restaurants changed their name to Vkusno & Tochka, which in literal Russian means "sabrous and point".
  • 13 June:
    • Large indigenous demonstrations in the capital Quito, Ecuador; also known as the National Paro of Ecuador.
  • 14 June:
    • The National Assembly of Nicaragua authorizes the entry of the Russian Armed Forces to the country.
    • Canada and Denmark agreed on a treaty to divide Hans Island, ending with the Whiskey War, a 49-year pseudo-restraint where each side left a bottle of liquor on the island every time they arrived to assert their sovereignty.
  • 15 June:
    • The United States Federal Reserve increases interest rates by 0.75, the largest increase since 1994 in an attempt to control rising inflation
    • Microsoft decides to remove from the internet market Explore and Microsoft Edge, to focus on new projects, also because there were browsers using HTML5 or Chromium.
  • 16 June:
    • French President Emmanuel Macron, German Foreign Minister Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis make a visit to the Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski in Kiev as a support from the European Union.
  • 17 June:
    • In Chile, President Gabriel Boric announced the closure of the Fundición Ventanas de Codelco due to the problems of contamination caused by thermoelectric plants in the coastal towns of Quintero and Puchuncaví.
  • 18 June:
    • Lithuania establishes a blockade of goods sanctioned by the EU through its territory and the Russian enclave of Kalingrad.
  • 19 June:
    • In Colombia, the second round of presidential elections is held, where the leftist candidate Gustavo Petro is elected.
  • 20 June:
    • Following the ban on goods on Lithuanian territory, Russian Minister Serguéi Lavrov threatened Lithuania with possible military reprisals, demanding annulment of the decision deemed illegal, causing the inhabitants of Kalingrad to buy desperately in the face of the crisis.
      A house destroyed as a result of the Afghanistan earthquake in June 2022
    • Ukraine ratified the Istanbul Convention, which combats gender-based violence and domestic violence.
  • 21 June:
    • Grave floods affect southern China, including the provinces of Guangdong and Jiangxi, with areas experiencing the highest rainfall since 1961, which forces the authorities to evacuate tens of thousands.
  • 22 June:
    • There is a 6.2-degree earthquake in Afghanistan, where more than one thousand dead and more than three thousand wounded in the country.
      Abortion laws of each state prior to the Roe vs Wade ruling. Most were red states that applied in life-threatening cases, the only one in black, Pennsylvania, prohibited all kinds.
  • 23 June:
    • Ukraine and Moldova receive the status of candidates for the European Union.
  • 24 June:
    • The U.S. Supreme Court annuls the Roe vs Wade Views, which guaranteed the decision that the woman could abort without restrictions, where, after the announcements, several states such as Arkansas, Alabama, South Dakota, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Texas, among others banned abortion.
  • 25 June:
    • Two people were killed and 21 others were injured during separate shootings in the central area of Oslo, Norway, one of the shootings occurred in a gay iconic bar of the Norwegian LGBT community.
      Abortion laws of each post-judge state. Note the abundance of black states, which prohibit all types of abortion, previously the only one with a prohibitive law was Pennsylvania.
    • Gabon and Togo join the Commonwealth of Nations.
  • 26 June:
    • G7 leaders meet at a summit in Germany to discuss the situation in Ukraine, where they promise greater military, economic and humanitarian investment to the country. The ban on Russian gold imports is announced at the meeting.
  • 27 June:
    • Russian missiles bomb a mall in the city of Kremenchuk, Ukraine; killing about 13 people. The Ukrainian president reported that thousands of inhabitants were in the building at the time of the bombing.
    • Iran officially requests to join the BRICS.
    • Incidente migratorio en San Antonio de 2022.
Official photo of the NATO Summit
  • 28 June:
    • Nicola Sturgeon, first Minister of Scotland, announced an independence referendum on 19 October 2023.
  • 29 June:
    • The NATO Summit is held in Madrid, where the issue of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is concerned, and the possible accession to the alliance by Finland and Sweden, in addition to the relationship with China.
  • 30 June:
    • Ketanji Brown Jackson becomes the first black woman to exercise as an associate judge of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Thermometer marking 39 °C in Valladolid, Spain.


  • 1 July:
    • Several countries declare record of abnormal weather periods, where nations such as Slovakia, France, Spain and the United Kingdom, among others, experience episodes of heat waves since the end of June, with temperatures close to 45°, while nations such as Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay experience an abnormal winter, with records of extensive periods of polar waves since the end of May.
    • Homosexual marriage enters into force in Switzerland after it has been approved by a referendum and the Swiss parliament in December 2020, it becomes the thirtieth country to pass this law.
  • 2 July:
    • There are demonstrations in the Karakalpakistan region, Uzbekistan, after the Uzbek government proposed a constitutional reform that, among other things, makes the secession of the province impossible, given a positive referendum.
    • The Argentine Minister of Finance Martin Guzmán resigns from his position, aggravating the economic and political crisis and opening the doors to a new bank run with a rapid devaluation of the Argentine peso.
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July 3:

    • Three people were killed and four others were injured after a shooting at a shopping centre in Copenhagen, in the capital of Denmark.
  • 4 July:
    • There is a massive shooting at Highland Park in the city of Chicago during a parade commemorating U.S. Independence Day, killing seven passersby and wounding 46 others. On the same day, another shooting occurs in the city of Philadelphia, but there were no casualties.
  • 5 July:
    • The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court legalizes homosexuality in Antigua and Barbuda.
Shinzo Abe was shot near the Yamato-Saidaiji station, where he lost his life.
  • 6 July:
    • He started the Feminine Euro Cup in the UK, until July 31, where he won the English selection.
  • 7 July:
    • British Prime Minister Boris Johnson relinquishes his position as leader of the Conservative Party, after a follow-up of resignations from cabinet ministers, in response to Christopher Pincher's assignment, despite several allegations of sexual harassment against him.
    • He started the World Games, in the city of Birmingham, Alabama, USA, until July 17.
  • 8 July:
    Luis Echeverría was the longest former president of Mexico, when he reached 100 years at the time of his death.
    • Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot in his back as he gave a speech at a campaign event for the legislative elections in the city of Nara at the hands of a former member of the Japanese Navy. He was taken with urgency without vital signs, where he died of a cardio-respiratory strike.
    • In Cuernavaca, Mexico, Luis Echeverría died at the age of 100. He was president of Mexico from 1970 to 1976 and was involved in the Tlatelolco Massacre in 1968 and the Halconazo in 1971. During the 2000s he was accused of repression and genocide in his government, but was acquitted of all charges in 2009.
    • In Barcelona, Spain, José Eduardo dos Santos, second president of Angola from 1992 to 2017, died, where he was involved in the Angolan Civil War (1975-2002) and the First War of the Congo (1996-1997).
    • Slovenia legalizes homosexual marriage and the adoption of children to such couples.
    • Costa Rica requests to join the Pacific Alliance.
  • 9 July:
    • Kenyan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa flees from the presidential residence of Colombo, Sri Lanka; after demonstrators confronted the police and managed to break into the palace, where they were photographed swimming in the palace pool. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe's house was also occupied, where she was set on fire.
      Mexico City Metro Line 1 is the oldest metro line in Mexico and is the second oldest in Latin America, starting works in 1967 and opening in September 1969.
  • 10 July:
    • About 124 000 Uber documents were filtered to the newspaper The Guardian, where it reveals that the company completed with several international governments, such as that of the United States, Argentina, Germany, France, among others, to obtain preferential treatment to evade local laws on public taxis.
    • The elections of the Japanese House of Counselors were held, where the ruling party is re-elected.
  • 11 July:
    • NASA publishes the first color image taken by the James Webb telescope, where it shows a segment of a galaxy 4.6 billion light years from Earth.
    • Russia will issue Russian citizenship to all Ukrainians, but it was only applied to the inhabitants of the popular republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
    • After almost 53 years of full operation, the renovation works of Line 1 of the Metro of Mexico City begin, closing the Salto del Agua-Pantitlán section in the first phase for its total rehabilitation. The renovation of the first phase is expected to be completed by March 2023.
  • 12 July:
    • The European Union formally accepts Croatia as the twentieth member of the eurozone. Croatia will accept the euro in 2023.
    • The Danish company Lego announced its departure from the Russian market for the war against Ukraine.
    • Argentina issues a diplomatic protest against Bolivia for the death of an Argentinean after a traffic accident in Cochabamba, who was denied medical care, violating a medical assistance treaty agreement between the two countries.
    • Mexico declares state of emergency by heat waves throughout the country.
  • 13 July:
    • The euro and the dollar reach the value of historical parity for the first time in 20 years; it occurs during the uncertainty of the continuity of Russian gas and the decision of the European Central Bank to maintain the interest rate, leaving Europe at the door of a possible economic recession.
  • 14 July:
    • After having been exiled from Sri Lanka following massive protests against his government, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa resigns from his post.
    • The United States and Israel sign a military agreement in Jerusalem, where it is guaranteed to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.
    • A 6.1-degree earthquake shakes the Guayas Province in Ecuador.
  • 15 July:
    • Mexican drug dealer Rafael Caro Quintero was recaptured after nearly 9 years of freedom in Sinaloa, Mexico. It is one of the most sought by the Mexican authorities and the FBI, besides being the most important catch since the capture of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, in 2016.
    • An air accident at a Mexican Navy helicopter kills 14 people in Sinaloa State. In its interior there were reinforcements for the capture of the drug dealer, however, the Mexican authorities denied that this fact is related to the fugitive.
    • Italian President Sergio Mattarella rejects the resignation request of Prime Minister Mario Draghi.
    • Spain announces that the passages halfway from the state company Renfe will be free from September to the end of the year, as a measure to alleviate the increase in the cost of living.
      The temperatures of the European continent from 10 to 17 July.
  • 16 July:
    • There are multiple demonstrations in Panama due to the high cost of living and squandering, protesting through route cutting and railroads.
    • North Macedonia recognizes the Bulgarian minority to the east of the country as an essential step for eventual accession to the European Union.
  • 17 July:
    • Iran announces that it already has capacity to develop and build a nuclear weapon but that they have not yet planned to create one. He also stated that the country will respond directly if Israel attacked him, in response to the agreement with the United States three days earlier.
  • 18 July:
    • In India, presidential elections were held for the period 2022-2027, which was won by the candidate Draupadi Murmu, the second female president.
  • 19 July:
    • Scotland records the highest recorded temperature in its history, with 35 °C; like England, with 40 °C, which caused several fires in London.
  • 20 July:
    • Vice President Ranil Wickremesinghe is elected as the new president of Sri Lanka, after the resignation of his predecessor for massive protests against him.
  • 21 July:
    • Mario Draghi finally resigns as Prime Minister of Italy, while Sergio Mattarella dissolves parliament, calling for extraordinary elections.
    • The Yangtse spatula fish was extinguished, and was considered extinct in 2020 by Chinese scientists.
    • Joe Biden is again positive for COVID-19, eight days later, for the "rebound effect".
  • 22 July:
    • The heat wave continues in Europe in several European nations, leaving an approximate 4 thousand dead, most of Germany, Spain and Portugal.
    • South Korea announces that it will allow public access to the state media in North Korea, raising a ban of decades.
    • The United States sanctioned former Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes for corruption.
Confirmed cases of monkeypox.
  • 23 July:
    • The World Health Organization declares the international health emergency for an increase in global cases of seismic smallpox.
  • 24 July:
    • It erupts the active volcano Sakurajima, which is on the island of Kyūshū, Japan.
  • 25 July:
    • Pope Francis travels to Canada to apologize for Catholic indoctrination against Canadian aborigines last century.
  • 26 July:
    • Colombian singer Darío Gómez died because of a heart attack.
  • 27 July:
    • It is discovered in Angola the pink diamond of 170 carats called Lulo Rosewhich is believed to be the biggest discovered in 300 years.
  • 28 July:
    • Multisectoral protests begin in Bolivia, rejecting government policies and arresting political activists and former President Jeanine Áñez.
    • The German Formula 1 pilot Sebastian Vettel announced his sport retreat after the end of the campaign.
    • The Community Games are held in Birmingham, England; they will last until August 8.
  • 29 July:
    • China threatened to take down the Nancy Pelosi plane, president of the U.S. House of Representatives if she traveled to Taipei, capital of Taiwan.
  • 30 July:
    • The president of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei suffers an attempted murder during a visit in the city of Huehuetenango to the east of the country.
  • 31 July:
    • The U.S. Army kills Aymán az Zawahirí, leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist group, in a drone attack in the capital Kabul in Afghanistan.


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  • 1 August:
    • He sails the first ship with Ukrainian wheat since the beginning of the war, leaving the port of Odessa towards Lebanon.
    • Large profits are obtained by oil companies against technology companies due to the increase in oil prices during the first half of the year.
President Tsai Ing-wen with Congressman Pelosi during her trip to Taiwan.
  • 2 August:
    • Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taipei despite threats, which the Chinese army announces will perform military exercises, blocking the island.
    • Former Russian President Dmitri Medvédev commented on the VK social network his intention to annex Georgia and Kazakhstan, considering them "creations artificial".
  • 3 August:
    • Peruvian Prime Minister Aníbal Torres resigns during multiple criminal investigations against President Pedro Castillo.
    • China alerts airlines to avoid flying near Taiwan, as part of the Chinese military blockade on Taiwan for the visit of Nancy Pelosi.
  • 4 August:
    • China conducts its largest military exercise in its history around Taiwan in response to the controversial visit of Congressman Nancy Pelosi.
  • 5 August:
    • Israel launches Operation Dawn in the Gaza Strip. Both combatants declared a ceasefire two days later.
    • Famous Peruvian actor and singer Diego Bertie died at 54 in Lima, Miraflores District.
  • 6 August:
    • It explodes an oil tank in the city of Matanzas, Cuba, destroying almost half of the oil storage of the communist country.
  • 7 August:
    • Gustavo Petro assumes as 61st president of Colombia, successor of Iván Duque for the period 2022-2026.
  • 8 August:
    • Australian singer and actress Olivia Newton John died of breast cancer at age 73.
    • U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland authorizes the FBI raid on the residence of former President Donald Trump on Mar-A-Lago in Florida.
  • 9 August:
    • In Kenya the presidential elections were held, in which conservative William Ruto was elected, defeating the central leftist Raila Odinga. The results were published 6 days later, with Ruto winning with 50.5 % of the votes, ending the violence of Odinga followers.
  • 10 August:
    • The Swedish multinational corporation IKEA opens its first shop in South America, in the city of Santiago de Chile.
  • 11 August:
    • Latvia declares Russia as a sponsor of terrorism for its participation in the war against Ukraine and in the Syrian civil war.
  • 12 August:
    • Anglo-Indian writer Salman Rushdie is stabbed in a public reading, he has a fatwa proclaimed by Ayatollah Ruhollah Jomeiní since 1989, after the publication of his novel The Satanic verses, which was universally condemned by the Islamic world and of which they call for their death.
    • German film director Wolfgang Petersen, director of famous films, such as Poseidon, Troy and The Perfect Storm, died.
  • 13 August:
    • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issues a notice in the state of Michigan, United States so that people boil the drinking water after a crack is opened in a critical pipe, almost a million people in twenty-three communities are affected.
  • 14 August:
    • The actress, filmmaker, scenographer and producer Anne Heche dies.
    • In the early morning of Sunday 14 August in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador recorded an explosion in the sector of Christ of Consuelo that left 5 dead and 16 wounded
  • 15 August:
    • In the Dominican Republic the Catholic Church celebrates the Centenary of the canonical coronation of the Virgin Our Lady of the Altagracia in front of thousands of parishioners at the Félix Sánchez Olympic Stadium, the Eucharist was presided over by the special envoy of Pope Francis nuncio Edgar Peña Parra.
  • 16 August:
    • U.S. President Joe Biden promulgates the Inflation Reduction Act with $370 billion in taxes and cuts to combat climate change.
  • 17 August:
    • The United Kingdom inflation rate rises to a new maximum of 40 years of 10.1%, and food costs are the largest contributor.
  • 18 August:
    • A huge megalithic complex of more than 500 menhires is discovered in a town of Huelva, south of Spain. It's over 7000 years old.
  • 19 August:
    • The coalition government of Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazović collapses after the Parliament passed a motion of almost unanimous censorship, after a dispute within the coalition about an agreement that the government signed with the Serbian Orthodox Church.
  • 20 August:
    • The United Nations Organization (UN) states in a report that 22 million are at risk of starvation in the Horn of Africa, 9 million more than in January.
  • 21 August:
    • He died in an attack, Darya Dugina, daughter of Aleksandr Duguin, an ultra-nationalist advisor to Putin. The Russian government accuses the Ukrainian forces of attempting to attack Aleksandr, however, multiple versions point to a possible Russian insurrection against the regime.
  • 22 August:
    • A prosecutor asks for a 12-year sentence of imprisonment and electoral incapacity to the current Argentine vice president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner under several charges of corruption and money laundering. It is the most important cause against him since the one presented by the prosecutor Alberto Nisman in 2015.
    • The parliament of Pakistan approves the redeployment of its national army to ensure the security of the next 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
  • 23 August:
    • The Brazilian police raids against businesspeople who are supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro, accused of planning a coup in the event that Bolsonaro lost the next presidential election in October.
    • The former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, is sentenced to 12 years in prison for his connections for money laundering in Malaysian sovereign funds.
    • The Premier League of Ukraine resumed with a very high security operation, although two clubs did not participate in the Russian occupation of their cities.
  • 24 August:
    • Italian doctors register for the first time a case of a patient with 3 different diseases: COVID-19, seismic and HIV/AIDS
    • In Angola, general elections were held where President Joao Lourenço was reelected.
  • 25 August:
    • The state of California votes to ban the sale of all new gasoline cars by 2035.
  • 26 August:
    • It takes place. political earthquake in Chile due to the resignation of the Minister of Social Development, Jeannette Vega due to the leaking of a telephone call with Héctor Llaitul, leader of the Arauco-Malleco Coordinator (CAM) accused of the crimes of wood theft, land usurpation and State Security Act.
  • 27 August:
    • Due to drought periods in European countries, several monuments of the Roman Empire emerged in Italy and sunk vessels from Nazi Germany in Serbia and Argentina in the middle of the river retreat. Meanwhile, in countries such as the United States, Laos, Chad and Pakistan, there are significant floods.
  • 28 August:
    • A concert held at the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bogotá to celebrate the peace agreement with the FARC, achieves the record of the world's greatest concert.
      Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, died on August 30, 2022.
  • 29 August:
    • The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court legalizes homosexuality in San Cristóbal and Nieves.
    • The Man of the Hole, an indigenous man who lived in absolute solitude for 26 years, is found dead in the middle of the Amazon rainforest.
    • There are clashes in Baghdad in 2022.
  • 30 August:
    • The lawyer, politician and the last president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, died.
  • 31 August:
    • 25 years after Princess Diana died. He receives several tributes on his luccious anniversary.


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  • 1 September:
    • The health authorities of Argentina investigated 10 cases of a pneumonia of unknown origin, which caused the death of 3 people in the province of Tucumán, Argentina. They clarified that the contagion is not by COVID-19, hantavirus or flu. The World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control were already notified.
    • The vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, suffers an attempted murder while entering her home. Argentinian police instantly stop the suspect identified as Fernando Montiel, a Brazilian resident. Montiel pointed and gatilated twice, however, no shot was fired.
  • 2 September:
    • The former president of Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi is sentenced to three years in prison after being convicted of electoral fraud. He has a cumulative sentence of 20 years in prison for different judicial cases. The former president was put in a coup by the military in 2021.
  • 3 September:
    • The Argentine Ministry of Health confirmed that the cases of the mysterious disease in the province of Tucumán that, so far, leaves 22 infected and 6 dead is caused by a bacterial infection of the legionella pneumophila, which produces legionelosis. One of the symptoms turns out to be pneumonia.
  • 4 September:
    • A constitutional plebiscite was held in Chile to replace the current Constitution of that country, in which 61.87 per cent of voters opposed the proposal drafted by the Constitutional Convention.
    • A multiple stabbing by two attackers leaves about 10 dead and 15 wounded in several areas of two villages in Saskatchewan, Canada. The attackers fled and then were found dead.
    • Pope John Paul I was beatified in the Vatican, a stage before canonization. He became the fourth pope to be, after the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (1962).
  • 5 September:
    • There is a 6.8-degree earthquake in Sichuan, China, where it leaves about 66 dead and more than 250 injured in the country.
The reign of Isabel was the most extensive in the history of the British crown, being in office from February 6, 1952 to 2022. He was also Head of State of 14 other independent States constituted and part of the Commonwealth of Nations.
  • 6 September:
    • In the UK, Liz Truss becomes the first minister after Boris Johnson's resignation.
    • Ukraine launches the counter-offensive of the 2022 Kharkov oblast to recover the Kharkov oblast from the Russian occupation in Kharkov.
  • 7 September:
    • Albania breaks diplomatic relations with Iran after a cyberattack.
  • 8 September:
    • Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom died at the age of 96, after 70 years of reign. His son, Carlos III, becomes a monarch of the United Kingdom and head of State of fourteen other independent states constituted in kingdom and which are part of the Commonwealth of Nations. Operation London Bridge begins, which will carry out planning, mourning and details of the state funeral.
  • 9 September:
    • The North Korean regime formalizes its status as a nuclear country, in addition to allowing for the preventive use of nuclear weapons.
  • 10 September:
    • Charles III of the United Kingdom is proclaimed as the new monarch of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
  • 11 September:
    • In Sweden, the general elections were held where the official Swedish Social Democratic Party succeeded in imposing. However, as the Swedish Democratic ultra-rightist party and the conservative Moderate Party won a majority in the Senate, three days later, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson announced his resignation.
    • The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, announced his intention to hold a referendum to become a republic, after Barbados.
    • Ukraine recaptures the city of Kharkov, where Russian troops flee to the border of Ukraine with Russia. The administrative head of the ACM of Járkov announced the defeat, in the context of harsh criticisms of Russian nationalists and a purge of opponents by the Russian government.
  • 12 September:
    • In the midst of Russian military retreats, Azerbaijan again attacks Armenia, capturing strategic points along the border.
  • 13 September:
    • Kazakh President Kasim-Yomart Tokaev changes the name of his capital Nursultan by his old name, Astana.
  • 14 September:
    • American singer R. Kelly is found guilty of more sex crimes in Chicago, including the production of child sexual abuse images.
  • 15 September:
    • In Mexico, the celebrations are held for the 212 anniversary of the cry of independence, for the first time with a public presence after 2 years of COVID-19 pandemic in which the celebrations took place virtually between 2020 and 2021.
      Students from an Iranian university protesting against the Islamic Republic.
  • 16 September:
    • Huge protests in Iran for the treatment of women, after the funeral of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old girl who died in police custody under suspicious circumstances. The protests cross over time, where to date, at least 450 people are reported dead, 900 wounded and around more than 18 thousand arrests.
  • 18 September:
    • To the north of the city of Taitung, Taiwan has a violent earthquake of 6.9° on the Richter scale, causing several material damage and at least 1 dead.
    • In Costa Rica, a landslide left at least 9 dead and more than 60 injured due to intense rain.
  • 19 September:
    • The funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom was held in the United Kingdom.
    • Hurricane Fiona plays land in Puerto Rico, causing multiple havoc in several countries of the Atlantic coast.
    • Near the city of Coalcomán, Michoacán, Mexico, there is a earthquake of magnitude 7.7 Mw, leaving a balance of 5 dead and 47 wounded, leaving serious damage to Colima and Michoacán. At the time of the earthquake, a simulation was carried out in commemoration of the 37th anniversary of the 1985 earthquake and the 5th anniversary of the 2017 earthquake, which caused multiple people not to distinguish the true earthquake from the drill.
  • 20 September:
    • Russia confirmed that it will hold a referendum so that the territories of the south Ukrainian of Zaporiyia, Jerson and Donbas can unify with the Russian territory to be held from 23 to 27 September, in the same manoeuvre in Crimea in 2014.
    • The Ukrainian army confirmed that they hacked the Wagner Group database, an allied paramilitary group in Russia, obtaining personal data, information and detailed evidence of the atrocities committed against the Ukrainian population.
  • 21 September:
    • Russian President Vladimir Putin decreed in a televised message early on Wednesday, the immediate "partial" mobilization of his army, so the men from 18 to 59 years old and the reserve conscripts are eligible for such a call to fight in the war.
    • After the announcement, massive protests were recorded against the Russian government in multiple cities such as Moscow, Kazan and St. Petersburg, which ended with more than 1400 detainees. Again, the Russian regime will punish demonstrators and rebels with imprisonment or with compulsory recruitment.
    • Former U.S. President Donald Trump was jointly charged with most of his children for tax fraud.
  • 22 September:
    • In Michoacán, Mexico, there is a new earthquake of magnitude 6.9 Mw, leaving 2 dead in Mexico City, and 3 wounded, in addition to new damage to Michoacán and Colima in structures resented by the earthquake of last Monday. This earthquake is the strongest replica of the 2022 Michoacán Earthquake.
    • In Russia finished the transmission of President Vladimir Putin, there was an important exodus of Russian citizens, through international flights to ex-Soviet countries and countries that do not require visas to their inhabitants. However, the Russian government forbade the departure of the country from the conscripted men and warn that it is only possible to leave the country by special permission from the government.
  • 23 September:
    • British Prime Minister Liz Truss and the Chancellor of the Treasury, Kwasi Kwarteng publish "the mini-budget that broke Britain" that contains the biggest tax cuts, however such a measure generates an economic crisis in the UK and the fall in popularity of both ministers.
  • 24 September:
    • The remnant of Hurricane Fiona's " tropical storm" plays land in Nova Scotia, east of Canada.
  • 25 September:
    • In Italy, the general elections were held, in which the Brothers of Italy party, led by the ultra-rightist Giorgia Meloni, will be a majority in the Senate, potentially making it a prime minister. It is the first time, since Mussolini's fall, that governs an ultra-nationalist Italian party.
    • A referendum was held in Cuba for the legalization of same-sex marriage and modification of the Family Code, in which 66.87 % of voters favoured the legalization of marriage and adoption of homosexual couples.
  • 26 September:
    • An armed man murders 17 people and wounds another 24 in a school, in Izhevsk, Russia, before committing suicide.
    • NASA manages to divert the asteroid Dimorphos, crashing a satellite to divert the course to Earth. It's the first example of planetary defense.
  • 27 September:
    • A gas leak occurs in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the waters of the Baltic Sea. Sweden declared sabotage, having recorded explosions, pouring gas distribution throughout Europe, already depleted by gas cuts. The attack occurred one day after the Baltic Way declaration, an alternative gas route running through Denmark, Norway and Poland.
      Red online regions, annexed by Russia.
    • The referendum was held in Ukrainian territory, with results greater than 90%, the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporiyia and Jerson would adhere to Russia. Under multiple testimonies of an electoral settlement, countries around the world declared the referendum fraudulent, not recognizing the result.
    • It reports in Uganda of a rare outbreak of Ebola violence, which has about 36 infected and 23 killed in the country, for which the World Health Organization begins to consider it major global concernto a new imminent pandemic.
    • Spain confirmed its first human case of the H5N1 virus, in an agricultural worker in Guadalajara.
  • 28 September:
    • Hurricane Ian, plays land in Florida, United States, after leaving devastation in Puerto Rico and Cuba, Hurricane left in both countries 2 dead and serious material damage, and at the same time leaving Cuba and the whole state of Florida without electricity supply.
  • 29 September:
    • In Cuba after the passage of Hurricane Ian, protests in the capital and several points in the country for the long days without electricity and demanding freedom.
  • 30 September:
    • Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at a televised meeting the results of the referendum, universally condemned for electoral fraud, resulting in the annexation of the disputed regions of Donetsk, Luhansk and the Ukrainian Oblates of Zaporiyia and Jerson. The lost territory is equivalent to one fifth of Ukraine, causing global alarm at the serious military escalation, particularly exacerbating the confrontation with NATO and the United States, without first causing 30 deaths in a premeditated attack on a humanitarian convoy entering the Zaporiyia Oblate.
    • Israel's intelligence has detected an "irregular presence" of Russian strategic bombers TU-60 and TU-95 in Israeli territory.
    • In Burkina Faso, a second coup took place in the year, defeated interim President Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba and took power from Captain Ibrahim Traoré.


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  • 1 October:
    • In Indonesia, during a Indonesian first league football match between the Arema FC football club with the Persebaya Surabaya there is a confrontation at Kanjuruhan stadium between fans and the local police leaving at least 125 dead and more than 200 injured.
    • In the Mexican state of Tabasco, there was a collapse of a Semar helicopter, leaving 3 dead and 2 wounded.
    • In Barrancabermeja, Colombia recorded an explosion in a liquefied gas tank leaving at least 9 dead and 26 wounded.
  • 2 October:
    • In Brazil, presidential elections were held, in the midst of the most polarized election in Brazilian history, where the leftist candidate Lula da Silva imposed for 48% on the current president Jair Bolsonaro with 43 %, however, both candidates will face second round at the end of the month.
    • Regional elections were held in Peru.
    • American activist Sacheen Littlefeather died, after having severe breast cancer, at the age of 75.
  • 3 October:
    • North Korea launches a missile that overflew Japan's island territory, the Japanese government asked the inhabitants of Hokkaidō and Aomori to seek refuge, causing enormous alarm in the world already damaged by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The missile would then fall in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
    • In Ecuador, there is again a prison riot in the city of Latacunga, where it leaves a balance of 15 dead and 20 wounded.
  • 4 October:
    • In response to the missile launched by North Korea, the United States and South Korea launched four missiles to the Japan Sea as a sign of unity in the face of the fact committed by the North Korean military to overflew a missile on Japan.
    • In the United States, the country singer and songwriter, Loretta Lynn, died.
  • 5 October:
    • The North Korean regime again launches 2 missiles on the Japan Sea, increasing tensions in the region enormously. The United States sends the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, to guard the region, with this action, the United States and South Korea can perform military manoeuvres with real fire in the face of repeated threats from the North Korean government.
    • In the village of San Miguel Totolapan, Guerrero, Mexico, there is a massacre where the municipal president of the municipality, along with 18 other people, are killed. This is one of the biggest massacres in Guerrero by a criminal group in recent years.
    • A strong 5.8° earthquake on the Richter scale, according to the United States Geological Service, shook in the early morning of October 5, the city of Sullana on the border between Peru and Ecuador, leaving 2 wounded.
    • China sends to the Taiwan Strait, thirty planes and a fleet of ships, for which it has alerted Taiwan.
    • In Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, she is murdered by a local deputy, following an attack by an armed group on an avenue of that city.
    • At a meeting in Vienna, Austria held an OPEC meeting, which approved a production cut equal to 2 million barrels of oil.
  • 6 October:
    • An ex-cop broke into a nursery in Nongbua Lamphu Province in Thailand, killing 37 people and wounding 10 others. The vast majority of their victims were minors, in addition to their wife and child, before committing suicide. It's the most deadly attack in Thai history.
    • In Argentina, during a football match of the Superliga Argentina, between the football club Gimnasia and Esgrima and the Boca Juniors, there is an episode of police repression among fans who could not enter the police, who responded with tear gas, in the midst of the incidents, a bloated person died.
  • 7 October:
    • Belarusian Democratic activist Alés Bialiatski, the Russian human rights group Memorial and the Ukrainian human rights organization Civil Liberties Centre are decorated with the Nobel Peace Prize 2022.
  • 8 October:
    • The Crimea Bridge is hit by several explosions, resulting in the fire and partial collapse of a route, killing 3 people. The event is under investigation, however, multiple sources affirm the interest of Ukraine to fly the bridge to weaken the Russian military supply in Crimea.
    • More than 100 students were poisoned with cocaine at a school in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, for food combined with drugs.
  • 9 October:
    • The 45th edition of the Chicago Marathon won for the second consecutive year by the Kenyan Ruth Chepngetich with a record of 2 hours, 14 minutes and 18 seconds.
  • 10 October:
    • The Russian armed forces launched a missile attack on numerous Ukrainian cities, including Kiev, Kharkov, Dnipró and Lviv, against their civilian areas, leaving at least 19 dead and wounding hundreds. Russia claimed that the attack is in retaliation to the bridge attack two days earlier.
  • 11 October:
    • Hurricane Julia causes destruction in almost the whole area of Central America, leaving more than 57 deaths.
    • Actress Angela Lansbury died at 96 years of natural causes, five days after she was 97 years old.
  • 12 October:
    • The UN General Assembly largely rejects the referendum held by Russia in the Ukrainian regions occupied by Russian troops, with 143 votes in favour, 35 abstentions (including China, India, Cuba and South Africa) and 5 votes against (Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Nicaragua and Syria).
  • 13 October:
    • The U.S. jury recommends life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for Nikolas Cruz, the perpetrator of the Tyre at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland 2018.
  • 14 October:
    • The psychedelic rock band Jefferson Airplane is honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  • 15 October:
    • A gang of criminals with weapons of war raid the Mall Piedra Roja telephony stores in the Chicureo commune, in Chile stealing more than 130 million pesos, in the framework of the increase of crime at the national level since the 2019 social outbreak.
  • 17 October:
    • The K-pop BTS band announces that the seven members will serve in the South Korean army for the required minimum of 18 months.
  • 18 October:
    • In Chile, riots and vandalistic acts take place in Santiago de Chile, Antofagasta and Valparaiso within the framework of the 3rd anniversary of the social explosion.
  • 19 October:
    • In the state of Massachusetts, USA, podokesaurus holyokensis, which means "Holyoke's fast legs lizard" is named as the state's official dinosaur, being discovered this dinosaur in that place in 1910.
The first British minister announced his resignation.
  • 20 October:
    • In the UK, Liz Truss resigns from the position of prime minister, after 45 days in front of the government, the shortest in the country's history.
  • 22 October:
    • Austrian businessman Dietrich Mateschitz died.
    • In Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia begins an indefinite strike, called by the Censal Inter-Agency Committee in rejection of Decree 4760, which delays the census and redistribution of resources in 2024 imposed by the government, generating disturbances that leave 1 dead.
  • 23 October:
    • Chinese Prime Minister Xi Jinping obtains a third record term as secretary-general of the Chinese Communist Party, presenting a new Standing Committee of the Seven-member Politburo at the Chinese National Congress in Beijing.
  • 24 October:
    • In the UK, Rishi Sunak becomes prime minister, after the resignation of Liz Truss.
  • 25 October:
    • Chilean President Gabriel Boric announces a series of pension system reforms, including the end of the AFPs.
  • 26 October:
    • Mexico becomes the 34th country at the international level to adopt equal marriage throughout its territory, after more than 12 years of intermittent sessions between its States to legislate and approve, the first federal entity was Mexico City in 2010, with Tamaulipas being the last state to approve it.
  • 27 October:
    • The businessman Elon Musk makes the purchase of Twitter, Inc. for $44 billion, where he fires Parag Agrawal, CEO of the company.
  • 28 October:
    • A neo-fascist breaks into Congressman Nancy Pelosi's residence, demanding her presence, where she meets her husband, businessman Paul Pelosi. Uncovering that Nancy was not present, the attacker attacks Paul with a hammer, leaving him seriously wounded.
  • 29 October:
    • In Seoul, South Korea there is a stampede in a popular neighborhood alley where a Halloween party was held. The partial balance is 156 persons killed and more than 173 injured.
  • 30 October:
    • The second round of the Brazilian presidential elections is held. Former President Lula Da Silva is elected for the third time.
    • In the city of Morvi, in India, there is a collapse of a bridge that comes out with the death of more than 141 people.
    • In Mexico the summer schedule is definitely eliminated.
  • 31 October:
    • American singer Taylor Swift becomes the first artist in history to claim the top 10 places on the American Billboard Hot 100 list thanks to her Midnights album.


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  • 1 November:
    • The parliamentary elections are held in Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu's party is elected by a majority vote.
    • The defeated president Jair Bolsonaro authorizes the transfer of power to the electo Lula da Silva, however, does not concede defeat. After the elections, bagarist followers perform multiple routes in protest, some even demanding a seizure of power by the armed forces.
    • Attacks occur in the cities of Guayaquil and Esmeraldas by car bombing at several points in their cities between 3 days, killing 5 agents and a civilian. The fact is linked to the transfer of more than 500 reindeer from several pavilions, in which most are part of the Los Choneros band.
  • 2 November:
    • North Korea launches 23 ballistic missiles to the Sea of Japan, where one crosses the maritime border of South Korea, triggering anti-aircraft alarms.
    • Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in Esmeraldas and Guayas after the attacks.
    • Ethiopia and Tigray sign a permanent peace agreement to cease the hostilities of the Tigray War, one of the most bloody wars on the continent.
  • 3 November:
    • Spanish footballer Gerard Piqué announces his retirement as a professional after 18 years of career, highlighting his stage at F.C. Barcelona. He played his last match as a blaugrana to the U.D. Almeria at Camp Nou two days later.
    • Former Pakistani President Imran Khan is under an attempted murder during a visit in Punjab, where he is shot in his leg.
  • 4 November:
    • In Chile, Teleton 2022 is performed, the first without the presence of Don Francisco and with the collection of $ 37.327.475.057.
  • 5 November:
    • The Guardia Civil performs a raid on a number of farms in Asturias, Valencia, Ciudad Real and Toledo, which reveals the largest shipment of marijuana in history, an equivalent of approximately 1.1 million plants, weighing a total of 32 tons.
  • 6 November:
    • Due to bad weather, a plane crashes on Lake Victoria killing 19 of its 42 passengers on board.
  • 7 November:
    • In the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies of Chile a vote was made to elect its next president, after the resignation of Raúl Soto on September 6, resulting in the election of the Liberal, Vlado Mirosevic, a supporter of President Gabriel Boric and former activist and spokesman of the option Apruebo.
  • 8 November:
    • In the United States, half-term elections are held to the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Republican Party gets 48 seats in the Senate, as well as 208 seats in the House of Representatives and 24 states won in the governor's election.
    • The previous president of FIFA, Joseph Blatter, states that choosing Catar as the host of the next World Cup was a "error," alluding the country's small territory and the human rights violations. Blatter was the president of FIFA at the time that Catar controversially got the location.
  • 9 November:
    • Archaeologists announce the discovery of the oldest decipherable prayer in a ivory comb "Let this chop remove the lice of the hair and the beard" in Canaanite writing from 1700 to C. of the archaeological site of Tel Lachish (Laquis), Israel.
  • 10 November:
    • Hurricane Nicole crosses the U.S. state of Florida, with 120/h winds, killing 2 people in their advance to the north.
  • 11 November:
    • In the United States the film Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Black Panther's sequel of 2018, is premiered, and without the presence of the actor Chadwick Boseman, due to his death in 2020.
  • 12 November:
    • In the framework of the mid-term elections in the United States, the victory of Catherine Cortez Masto in the state of Nevada takes place, so the Democrats retain the control of the Senate with a 50-49 lead against the weakened Red wave of the Republicans, because of the vote of women and Latinos against conservative policies and the Donald Trump factor.
  • 13 November:
    • The mythical Hotel Deauville in Miami Beach, built in 1957 and where personalities such as John F. Kennedy, Frank Sinatra and The Beatles were accommodated because of an electric fire in 2017.
    • The Iranian Revolutionary Court promulgates the first death sentence in connection with Iran's protests. The defendant was convicted of vandalism.
    • In approximately 60 cities in Mexico, hundreds of thousands of people go to the streets to demand President López Obrador to desist from reforming the National Electoral Institute (INE), as it would put democracy in the country at risk. Shortly afterwards the president decried and disqualified the march: was a political stripptease. He also hit the demonstrators racists, classicists, anti-democratic and sold.
  • 14 November:
    • U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping met in person for the first time as national leaders at a G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia.
      G7 and NATO emergency meeting following the missile incident in Polish territory.
  • 15 November:
    • Starts the 17th edition of the G-20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia.
    • Humanity reaches 8,000,000,000 people, according to the UN.
    • Two missiles fall into Polish territory within the framework of the Russian-Ukrainian war, killing two civilians, causing great global dismay because it could escalate the conflict globally, however, it is suspected that it was a misguided accident.
    • Former U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he will run for president to re-election for the 2024 presidential elections, even though many of the candidates he promoted failed to win the mid-term elections.
  • 16 November:
    • From the state of Florida it is launched, NASA's Artemis 1 mission that transports the unmanned spacecraft Orion in a test mission around the Moon, to see the possibility of a possible return of man to the Moon by 2024.
  • 17 November:
    • In Aguascalientes, Mexico, a public safety helicopter from that state collapsed, while performing a routine operation. Five people die, including the public security secretary of such a state.
    • The president of the U.S. House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, announced her resignation from office.
  • 18 November:
    • A plane from Latam crashed with a fire truck while landing on the track of Jorge Chávez airport in Lima. The accident left 2 firefighters dead and the suspension of all flights until 20 November.
    • Catar prohibits alcohol in the stadiums of the next World Cup, again despite having assured that it would be possible, two days before the start.
  • 19 November:
    • Federal elections are held in Malaysia where the Pakatan Harapan Central Left coalition gets a majority in the Dewan Rakyat with 82 seats and 37.46% of the votes.
    • A man shoots at a LGBT nightclub in Colorado Springs, in the state of Colorado, west of the United States, killing 5 people and wounding 19 others.
FIFA 2022 World Cup.
  • 20 November:
    • Start the XXII edition of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, which ended on December 18.
  • 21 November:
    • An earthquake of 5.6 hits the province of Western Java in Indonesia, leaving a balance of 268 dead and hundreds wounded, in addition to serious damage and breakdown of structures. The most affected areas are the cities of Cianjur, Bogor, Bandugn and the capital of the country Jakarta, Cianjur, which concentrates most damages and victims.
    • China reports new outbreaks of COVID-19, with 28,127 new cases, half in Guangzhou and the municipality of Chongqing and announcing the closure of public places in the cities of Beijing and Shanghai.
    • Iran's football team protests against the Iranian regime, refusing to sing the national anthem, in the midst of massive protests against the government.
  • 22 November:
    • A manager performs a shooting at a warehouse at a Walmart supermarket in the city of Chesapeake, east of the state of Virginia, in the United States.
  • 23 November:
    • Saudi Arabia decrees national holiday as a celebration for its football victory in front of Argentina for the minimum, for its selection the previous day.
    • In the middle of a stoppage of truckers in the north of the country, the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric takes a tour of Mexico where he invites President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1973 coup de Estado.
  • 24 November:
    • In Chile, the government of Gabriel Boric promulgates the State Security Act because of the blockade and cut of roads and routes by truckers in the North, as well as the announcement of 27 complaints.
  • 25 November:
    • Within the framework of the International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women, the feminist collective, Not a Less, and 80 other social organizations, hold a demonstration in Plaza Lavalle, in front of the Palacio de Justicia de la Nación in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina demanding the end of the Patriarchal and Racist Justice as well as gender-sensitive reforms, "the democratization of the judiciary" and demands for greater work, freedom of imprisoned Mapuche women and the adoption of a comprehensive law Trans, among other demands.
    • The United States announced the ban on the import and sale of telecommunications equipment and services from half a dozen companies in China, including Huawei and ZTE.
    • During the Qatar World Cup 2022, the Qatar Soccer Team falls to its similar Senegal by a 1-3 marker, meaning the elimination of the Asian assemblage of its own world fair, something that had only happened with South Africa in 2010.
  • 26 November:
    • A group of 2500 people pose naked in a photo taken by the American photographer of Jewish origin, Spencer Tunick at Bondi Beach, in Sydney, Australia as a way of raising awareness about skin cancer.
  • 27 November:
    • Thousands of people marched in favor of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico City.
    • Multitudinary and historic protests take place in China following a fire that killed 10 people in a block of apartments in Urumqi, capital of the Uigur autonomous region of Sinkiang, along with the Beijing and Shanghai confining further demanding the resignation of Xi Jinping.
    • In Hawaii, the Mauna Loa volcano erupted after nearly 40 years of inactivity.
  • 28 November:
    • The head of the World Cup of Catar, Hassan Al-Thawadi, admits that between 400 and 5 thousand migrant workers died during the construction of World Cup headquarters.
    • A violent day of protest takes place in Iran in the context of the protests against the death of Mahsa Amini initiated on 14 September following the death of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian woman of Kurdish origin who was killed by the police for not wearing her hiyab correctly, the violent day left a balance of 510 dead, 1160 wounded and 18,173 arrested.
  • 29 November:
    • Singapore revokes a law criminalizing male homosexuality, at the same time in parallel armoured marriage as an exclusively heterosexual union.
    • Malaui begins a historic campaign against malaria by vaccinating children under the age of five.
    • Three polyzones are rescued by the Spanish Coast Guard after 11 days in the sea swinging over the rudder of a boat from Nigeria to the Canary Islands.
  • 30 November:
    • Chinese politician and engineer Jiang Zemin died, who ruled China from 1989 to 2002.
    • The Chinese authorities soften some COVID-19 restrictions in several of their cities, as in the case of Guangzhou after 4 days of protests.
    • The Democrats of the U.S. House of Representatives elect Hakeem Jeffries as the first African-American leader of the minority of the camera, to replace Nancy Pelosi.
    • In Chile, President Gabriel Boric erected a statue dedicated to former president Patricio Aylwin who ruled the country between 1990 and 1994, this being his first memorial of honor to almost 30 years after finishing his term.


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  • 1 December:
    • The president of France, Emmanuel Macron makes a state visit to the United States being received by President Joe Biden at the White House.
  • 2 December:
    • After 13 days of activity, the Catar 2022 group phase ends. It becomes the first World Cup, since the United States 1994, in which no team managed to win all their games. The eliminations of Germany, Belgium, Uruguay, Saudi Arabia and Mexico are highlighted in the first round.
  • 3 December:
    • In London, the United Kingdom takes place the end of the 2nd edition of the Cycling Champions League in Pista, launched on November 12 in Mallorca, Spain.
  • 4 December:
    • A delave occurred on Sunday morning in the department of Risaralda, Colombia, resulting in 34 deaths.
    • The famous tennis coach, the American Nick Bollettieri, known for training the Williams sisters and María Sharápova, died.
    • French ex-pilot Patrick Tambay dies.
  • 5 December:
    • American actress Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer.
    • In Bogotá, Colombia held the 87th edition of the Halterophilia World Championship, which was to be originally proposed in the Chinese city of Chongqing but moved due to the rebuttals by COVID-19.
  • 6 December:
    • Argentine vice president and former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is sentenced to 6 years in prison on charges of corruption, in addition to an inability to hold public office.
    • In the U.S., the second round of the Senate elections in the state of Georgia between Democrat Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker, winning the headline, thus the U.S. Senate, remains under Democratic control.
Protest in Huancayo, after the attempt of self-coup in Peru.
  • 7 December:
    • In Peru in the midst of a process of dismissal, President Pedro Castillo dissolves the Congress and declares state of emergency and curfew, 4 ministers resigned from opposing these measures and both the opposition and sectors of the officialism accused Castillo of an attempt to self-govern the state, to 30 years of the Fujimorazo, then 101 congressmen voted in favor of his dismissal, being subsequently arrested together with his family when trying to escape the Mexican embassy.
    • 25 conspirators of a suspected terrorist group are arrested, including the monarchist Enrique Reuss, for allegedly planning a coup in Germany. The group called the Patriotic Union allegedly seeks to overthrow the German federal government to restore the German Empire.
    • Former Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina and Vice President Roxana Baldetti were sentenced to 16 years in prison for the La Línea Case.
  • 8 December:
    • In Ecuador, the Ministry of Health of Ecuador sacrifices more than 180 000 chickens to stop the strong advance of the avian flu outbreak.
    • The European Union accepts Croatia within the Schengen Space to be effective on 1 January 2023. Austria denied access to Bulgaria and Romania, due to fears of increased illegal immigration.
  • 9 December:
    • In Catar, an apparent infarction died, American journalist Grant Wahl, after the meeting of Argentina and the Netherlands.
    • Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić warned that Serbia is close to deploying its army, after claiming that the Serbs in northern Kosovo are "threat" and that NATO was "feeling to protect them."
  • 10 December:
    • Tens of thousands protest in the capital of Daca, Bangladesh against the government, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and new elections in the midst of the crisis for the high cost of life.
    • Morocco surprisingly defeats 1-0 to Portugal with the goal of Youssef En-Nesyri, making them the first African selection and the first Arab to access the semifinals of the World Cup.
  • 11 December:
    • The Junior Eurovision Song Festival was held in Yerevan, Armenia, won by the French Lissandro Formica and his song Oh, Maman!.
  • 12 December:
    • In Chile, after 3 months of discussion, an agreement is reached between the political parties to continue the constituent process; for this purpose a new mixed body called the Constitutional Council will be created which will be composed of 50 members elected by popular vote, which will be accompanied by a group of 24 experts (12 of the Chamber of Deputies and 12 of the Senate) appointed by the National Congress for a total of 74 drafters.
    • 491 years of the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe were celebrated in Latin America.
  • 13 December:
    • In Mexico City, the governor of Puebla Miguel Barbosa Huerta died at 63 years of age, after suffering complications in his state of health. The deceased governor was in office since August 2019, after extraordinary elections for the death of the governor of that state Martha Érika Alonso in an air accident in December 2018. His post was planned to end in December 2024.
    • A group of Azerbaijani citizens block the Lachín Corridor and the access of gas to Artsaj, in the framework of renewed tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
  • 14 December:
    • Peru declares a state of national emergency for 30 days, after a week of political protests following the dismissal and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo, who have left 15 dead and 56 wounded.
  • 15 December:
    • Tens of thousands of nurses are on strike in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on the biggest strike in the history of the National Health Service.
    • Twitter suspends the accounts of numerous journalists who reported negative opinions against Elon Musk and the new Twitter administration, in an action qualified as a personalist.
  • 16 December:
    • In Chile, a wave of forest fires occurs at several points in the Valparaíso Region and the Metropolitan Region, which led to the decreation of state of emergency after the fire clouds covered several communes of Santiago, the fires reported the death of a firefighter and the arrest of a person for causing similar forest fires in the Biobío Region.
    • The AquaDom Aquarium in Berlin, Germany, home to 1500 tropical fish, explodes, flooding local streets. Most fish die in the incident, which left two wounded.
  • 17 December:
    • At the International Khalifa Stadium in Doha, Qatar, the match is played for the third place of the World Cup of Qatar Soccer 2022 where the Croatian selection defeats the Moroccan selection by a score of 2-1 thus remaining at the third place of the tournament.
  • 18 December:
    • Argentina becomes for the third time in its history as a champion of the World Cup of Football after winning 4-2 in a round of criminals to France and thus breaking a 36-year drought without winning the contest, after the last hit in Mexico 1986. It is the first South American country to win it since 2002. Total celebrations are reported in all cities of the country, in addition to foreign countries such as Bangladés, Egypt, Peru, the United States, among others.
  • 19 December:
    • The committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on 6 January votes to refer the criminal charges to the Justice Department against former President Donald Trump accused of the crime of insurrection and of incite to the Capitol assault.
      Festivals in the Obelisk after the Argentinian coronation in the World of Catar.
  • 20 December:
    • There are many celebrations in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, after the Argentine cartel arrived in Ezeiza after having won the World Cup of Catar. About five million people gather to celebrate, the greatest manifestation of Argentine history, however, the difficulties of logistics and the massivity of people, caused the players to be taken by helicopter, from where they celebrated with the population.
    • He is sentenced to two years of probation for his complicity of the death of more than 10,000 people the former Nazi secretary Irmgard Furchner.
      Pelé was considered one of the greatest football players in the history of world football for his career, scored goals and the cups won throughout his career
  • 21 December:
    • Meeting at the White House of the President of the United States Joe Biden and the President of Ukraine Volodimir Zelenski.
    • In North America, a strong winter storm hits the entire northern part of the North American continent, causing more than 65 deaths, hundreds of animals killed by the cold and consequently thousands of collapsed flights and transports and threatened supply chains.
  • December 22: A fire hits the city of Viña del Mar in Chile, destroying hundreds of homes and causing 2 deaths and more than one thousand victims.
  • 23 December:
    • A man performs a racially motivated shooting in the X Paris District, France to three Kurdish concentration sites, killing 3 people and wounding 4 more, in the context of an increase in racial extremist violence in French territory.
  • 28 December:
    • Several countries in the world, led by the United States, re-establish flight restrictions from China and Japan, after a strong outbreak of COVID-19, for terror that a new virus, which causes hundreds of deaths a day in China, ends up generating a scenario equal to 2020.
    • A global Twitter fall is reported.
      Pope Benedict XVI ruled eight years and was the first Pope in six centuries to give up the post.
  • 29 December:
    • Brazilian former football player Pelé died at the age of 82 in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, because of a colorectal cancer in which he remained in hospital last month. Pelé is the only player in the history of football that was consecrated in 3 different world cups; Sweden 1958, Chile 1962 and Mexico 1970.
  • 30 December:
    • The American presenter and journalist of the NBC and ABC, Barbara Walters, died.
  • 31 December:
    • Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died in his home of Vatican City, who served as Pope since the death of his predecessor John Paul II in 2005 until his resignation in 2013, where he was the first Pope, from Gregorio XII in 1415, to resign.
    • The total cessation of emissions by analogue signal is expected in Colombia, giving way to terrestrial digital television.



Olympic Games

  • Winter Olympics: February 4-20 in Beijing, China.
  • Paralympic Games: from 4 to 13 March in Beijing, China.


  • XVIII World Championship in Pista Cubierta: from 18 to 20 March in Belgrade, Serbia.
  • XVIII World Championship: from 15 to 24 July in Eugene, United States.
  • XXV European Championship: from 15 to 21 August in Munich, Germany.

Extreme Sports

  • Winter X Games 2022: January 20-23 in Aspen, Colorado, United States.
  • X Games Chiba 2022: from April 22 to 24 at Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

Motor Sports

  • Rally Dakar: developed between 1 and 14 January, won by Nasser Al-Attiyah in cars, Sam Sunderland on motorcycles, Alexandre Giroud on quad, Dmitry Sotnikov on trucks, Francisco López Contardo on light prototypes, Austin Jones in specials and Serge Mogno in classics.
  • 2022 World Resistance Championship: from 18 March to 11 November.
  • Formula 1 Season 2022 developed on March 20 to November 20, won by Max Verstappen.
  • MotoGP Season 2022: developed between March 4th and November 6th, won by the Italian Francesco Bagnaia.

American Football

  • Super Bowl LVI: develops on 13 February at SoFi Stadium, California, United States with win from Los Angeles Rams to the Cincinnati Bengals for 23-20.


Men's Soccer

  • African Cup of Nations 2021: developed from 9 January to 6 February with the victory of the selected Senegalese in the face of their similar from Egypt for 4-2 in criminal cases, after the tie to 0 in regulatory and supplementary times.
  • Spain's Super Cup of Soccer 2022: from January 12 to January 16, with victory of Real Madrid before the Athletic Bilbao by 2-0.
  • Supercopa de Chile 2022: 23 January.
  • FIFA 2021 World Club Cup: from February 3 to 12 in the United Arab Emirates, with victory of Chelsea FC to Palmeiras for 2-1 in extra times.
  • Supercopa de Brasil de 2022: developed on 20 February with victory of the Flamengo for 6-5 in penal to the Palmeiras, after being 2-2 in regulatory and supplementary times.
  • Recopa Sudamericana 2022: February 23 in Curitiba, Brazil and March 2 in São Paulo, Brazil, won by Palmeiras to Club Athletico Paranaense for 4-2.
  • Supercopa de la UEFA 2022: played on August 10, with victory of Real Madrid on the Eintracht Frankfurt for 2-0, with this victory the Spanish team tied to 5 crowns to FC Barcelona and AC Milan, who have the same amount of titles.
  • Final of the UEFA Champions League 2021-22: May 28 in France, won by Real Madrid to Liverpool FC for 1-0.
  • Final of the Copa Libertadores 2022: played on October 29, won by the Flamengo to the Club Athletico Paranaense for the minimum.
  • Champions Cup Conmebol-UEFA 2022: June 1 in London, won by the football team from Argentina to its similar from Italy by 3-1.
  • 2022 World Cup Soccer: from November 20 to December 18 in Catar, won by Argentina Soccer Team to its similar in France by 4-2 in penal, after being tied to 3.

Women's soccer

  • Supercopa de España feminine 2022: from 19 to 23 January, won by F. C. Barcelona to Atlético de Madrid, by a blunt 7-0.
  • Costa Rica Women's Cup Tournament 2022: from January 16 to July 16, won by Sporting F.C for 6-3 to Club Sport Herediano.
  • Eurocopa Femenina 2022: from 6 to 31 July in England, won by the local female selected to the German football team for 2-1 in extra times.
  • Women's Concacacaf Championship from 4 to 18 July in Mexico.
  • Copa América Femenina 2022: from 8 to 30 July in Colombia.
  • Women's Cup of 2022 Sub-20 Football: from 10 to 28 August in Costa Rica.
  • Women's Under-17 World Cup of 2022: from 11 to 30 October in India.
  • Copa Libertadores Femenina 2022: from 13 to 28 October in Ecuador, won by the Palmeiras for 4-1 to Boca Juniors.


  • Return to the Táchira: from 16 to 23 January in Venezuela.
  • UAE Tour: from 20 to 26 February in the United Arab Emirates.
  • Giro de Italia: from 6 to 29 May Hungary, Slovenia and ends in Italy.
  • Tour de France: from 1 to 24 July in Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland and finishes in France.
  • Return to Spain: from August 19 to September 11 in the Netherlands and end in Spain.

Horse riding

  • El Gran Premio Latinoamericano en el Hipódromo Chile 2 de abril del 2022.


  • Wrestle Kingdom 16: January 4, 5 and 8 at Tokyo Dome and Yokohama Arena, Tokyo, Yokohama, Japan.
  • WrestleMania 38: April 2 and 3 at ATUALT Stadium, Texas, USA.
  • Triplemanía XXX: April 30 at the Monterrey Baseball Stadium, Monterrey, Nuevo León, June 18 at Estadio Caliente Xoloitzcuintles, Tijuana, Baja California and October 15 at the Arena Ciudad de México, Mexico City.


  • Open from Australia: developed between 17 and 30 January, won by Rafael Nadal al Daniil Medvédev by 2-6, 6-7(5-7), 6-4, 6-4, 7-5 in male individual and Ashleigh Barty to Danielle Collins by 6-3, 7-6(7-2) in female individual.
  • Roland Garros 2022 Tournament: developed from 22 May to 5 June, won by Rafael Nadal to Casper Ruud for a double 6-3 and 6-0 in men and Iga Świątek to Cori Gauff for 6-1, 6-3 in women.
  • Wimbledon 2022 Championship: developed from 27 June to 10 July won by Novak Djokovic to Nick Kyrgios by 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, 7-6(7-3) in men and Elena Rybakina to Ons Jabeur in women by 3-6, 6-2, 6-2, here return for this year to tournaments of Grand Slam of the Serbian tennis player, after in Australia and France were vetoed
  • Open from the United States 2022: developed from August 29 to September 11, won by Carlos Alcaraz to Casper Ruud by 6-4, 2-6, 7-6(7-1), 6-3 in men and Iga Świątek to Ons Jabeur by 6-2, 7-6(7-5) in women, this was when the Spanish tennis player positioned himself as the newest #1 of the ATP raking,

Arts and shows

  • 12 February: the 36th edition of the Goya Awards was held.
  • March 27: the 94th edition of the Oscar Awards was held.
  • April 3: the 64th edition of the Grammy Awards was developed.
  • 14 May: the LXVI edition of the Eurovision Song Festival was developed.


  • Aftersun, British film directed by Charlotte Wells.
  • Stories of Inisherin, British film directed by Martin McDonagh.
  • Argentina, 1985, Argentine film directed by Santiago Mitre.
  • As bestas, Spanish film directed by Rodrigo Sorogoyen.
  • Avatar: The sense of water, an American film directed by James Cameron.
  • Babylon, American film directed by Damien Chazelle.
  • Bardo, false chronicle of a few truths, Mexican film directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, American film directed by Ryan Coogler.
  • Bones and All, Italian film directed by Luca Guadagnino.
  • Bullet Train, American film directed by David Leitch
  • Five lobes, Spanish film directed by Alauda Ruiz de Azúa.
  • Close, Belgian film directed by Lukas Dhont
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of the Madness, American film directed by Sam Raimi.
  • The Cat with Boots: the last desire, American animation film directed by Joel Crawford.
  • They talk, American film directed by Sarah Polley.
  • Eo, Polish film directed by Jerzy Skolimowski.
  • The triangle of sadness, Swedish film directed by Ruben Östlund
  • Elvis, Australian film directed by Baz Luhrmann
  • Fire of Love, American documentary film directed by Sara Dosa.
  • The whale, American film directed by Darren Aronofsky.
  • The Fabelmans, an American film directed by Steven Spilberg.
  • Mantícora, Spanish film directed by Carlos Vermut.
  • Model 77, Spanish film directed by Alberto Rodríguez Librero
  • Pearl, American film directed by Ti West.
  • Red, American animation film directed by Domee Shi.
  • No novelty on the front, German film directed by Edward Berger.
  • Ta, American film directed by Todd Field.
  • All at once everywhere, American film directed by Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert.
  • Top Gun: Maverick, American film directed by Joseph Kosinski.
  • The Batman, American film directed by Matt Reeves.
  • The Quiet Girl, Irish film directed by Colm Bairéad.
  • The Quintessential Quintuplets: The film, Japanese animation film directed by Masato Jinbo.
  • Thirteen lives, British film directed by Ron Howard.
  • X, American film directed by Ti West.



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