2010 (MMX) was a common year beginning on a Friday in the Gregorian calendar. It was also the number 2010 anno Dómini or the Christian Era designation, in addition to the tenth of the 21st century and the third millennium and also the first of the 2010s.
It was designated as the Year of the Tiger, according to the Chinese horoscope; the Year of the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution, according to the Government of Mexico; the Year of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Mexico, according to the Government of Mexico, the International Year of Biological Diversity, according to the UN; the International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures, according to the UN; the Year of the Bicentennial of the beginning of the process of Independence of Argentina, according to the Government of Argentina; the Year 52 of the Revolution, according to the Government of Cuba; the Year of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Colombia, according to the Government of Colombia; the Year of the Bicentennial of the beginning of the process of the Independence of Chile, according to the Government of Chile; the Year of the 1100th anniversary of the Kingdom of León and the Year of the Marine, according to the IMO.
- 2 February: centenary of the birth of Blas Galindo.
- February 21: centenary of the birth of the Mexican Red Cross.
- March 1st: Bicentennial of the birth of Frédéric Chopin.
- March 16: centenary of the death of John of God Peza.
- March 23: centenary of the birth of Akira Kurosawa.
- April 8: centenary of the birth of Lobsang Rampa.
- April 21: centenary of Mark Twain's death.
- April 19: a bicentennial of the April 19 Revolution in Venezuela.
- 17 May: 5th centenary of the death of Sandro Botticelli.
- May 22: Fiftieth Anniversary of the Valdivia Earthquake of 1960.
- May 25: bicentennial of the May Revolution in the Argentine Republic.
- May 27: centenary of the death of Doctor Robert Koch.
- June 5: centenary of O. Henry's death.
- June 10: centenary of the birth of musician and singer Howlin' Wolf.
- June 16: centenary of the birth of politician Juan Velasco Alvarado.
- July 5: centenary of the birth of Robert K. Merton.
- July 18: fourth centenary of Caravaggio's death.
- July 20: a bicentennial of the Independence Grito in Colombia.
- August 26: centenary of the birth of Teresa de Calcutta.
- September 16: Mexico Independence Bicentennial.
- 18 September: bicentennial of the First National Board of Government of Chile.
- September 22: centenary of the foundation of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
- 28 October:
- Fifth centenary of the birth of Francisco de Borja.
- centenary of Kid Chocolate's birth.
- October 30: centenary of the birth of Miguel Hernández.
- November 6: centenary of the birth of Demetrio Vallejo.
- November 18: centenary of the death of Achilles Serdan.
- 20 November:
- centenary of the Mexican Revolution.
- centenary of the death of Leon Tolstói.
- 22 November: It is 10 years since the beginning of the 2000 Transitional Government in Peru, which ended Fujimorato.
- 19 December:
- centenary of the birth of Jean Genet.
- centenary of the birth of José Lezama Lima.
- 30 December:
- centenary of the birth of Paul Bowles.
- centenary of the death of Práxedis G. Guerrero.
- Centenary of the birth of Concha Urquiza.
- 1 January:
- The young Norwegian chess player Magnus Carlsen becomes the number one of the youngest world in history, getting this post at the age of nineteen years and a month.
- Spain assumes the presidency of the Council of the European Union, taking place in Sweden.
- The second Jacobean Holy Year of the third millennium begins, convened in May 2009.
- The second Holy Year begins at Caravaca de la Cruz, granted by the Holy See to be perpetuated every 7 years.
- It is fulfilled 10 years of the feared effect 2000 (Y2K), whose discomfort had the world in vile, especially the computer programs that were to be reset to 1980, which later did not represent a capital problem for the world.
- January 3: Bitcoin is 1 year old.
- 4 January: In Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the world's highest skyscraper, Burj Khalifa is inaugurated with 828 metres.
- January 8: Togo’s football team suffers from a terrorist attack in Cabinda, Angola causing the death of 3 members of the technical body and 8 injured, including selection players.
- January 10: Venezuelan animator Daniel Sarcos officially leaves the Venevisión channel after 14 years of work, will focus on television projects for Ecuador and the Dominican Republic.
- 12 January: In Haiti, a devastating earthquake of 7.0, with an epicentre 15 km from Port-au-Prince, leaves 316,000 dead and more than 300,000 wounded and numerous material damage.
- 15 January:
- Anular eclipse of visible sun to the north of the Indian Ocean.
- In the Sucre state (Venezuela), a slight earthquake of magnitude 5.4 in the Richter scale causes eleven minor injuries and scarce material damage.
- 17 January:
- In Chile, the politician Sebastián Piñera beat the candidate of the Eduardo Frei Concertation in second round. For the first time since 1958, the Chilean right-wing centre has managed the presidency of the Republic by electoral means.
- In Ushuaia there is a magnitude 6.3 earthquake on the Richter scale.
- 19 January:
New earthquake in Argentina, this time in the province of Tucumán. There were no material or personal damages.
- January 22: it is decreed and created in Bolivia, the new plurinational state approved in the new political constitution of the state on January 22, 2009.
- January 24: Venezuela stops broadcasting the private TV channel RCTV International, for failing to comply with the resort law.
- January 25: In a Mexican Bar D. F., Paraguayan footballer Salvador Cabañas is shot in the head. It will recover after several months of internment.
- 27 January:
- The sucre, the virtual currency of ALBA, enters into force.
- Porfirio Lobo assumes the presidency of Honduras.
- 4 February: the first commercial transaction is made with the SUCRE, between Cuba and Venezuela.
- February 5: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Metropolitan Police began its activities.
- 7 February: elections in Costa Rica to elect Presidents, deputies and participants.
- 22-23 February: the 21st Rio Summit is held in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, with the participation of thirty-two Latin American and Caribbean countries.
- 27 February:
- In Chile, a strong earthquake of 8.8, with epicenter in the Biobío Region, and a devastating tsunami leaves 525 dead, several wounded and numerous material damage, the 6th strongest earthquake ever recorded in history.
- Another earthquake of 6.3 affects the Argentinian city of Salta leaving 2 dead and dozens of wounded, but without having direct connection to the first according to experts on the subject.
- March 1st: Uruguay assumes the new president José Mujica, who happens to Dr. I'll Tabar Vázquez.
- 4 March: in Chile there is a new earthquake, this time in Calama.
- 7 March:
- In Iraq, parliamentary elections are held, the second with the new Constitution, for the Council of Representatives, whose parliamentarians elect the president and the prime minister.
- Kathryn Bigelow becomes the first woman in history to win the Oscar at the best address in the Oscar Awards number 82 for the film The Hurt Locker. Tape that also became creditor of another five stats in the categories of best assembly, better sound editing, better sound mixing, better original script and better movie.
- March 8: In Turkey, a strong earthquake of 6.1 leaves half a hundred dead.
- 9 March: the deadline for the surrender of the Chilean countermemorial to the International Court of The Hague, regarding the maritime delimitation dispute between Chile and Peru, is met.
- 11 March:
- In Chile he assumes the 32nd president of Chile Sebastián Piñera for the period 2010–2014, becoming the first president (from the return to democracy in 1990) of the democratically elected political spectrum in that country since 1958, with the beginning of his mandate the term of the 20 consecutive years of the governments of the Concertación is marked.
- In Chile there are three new earthquakes of magnitudes 6,9 and 7,2 and 6,5 MW in southern Chile, leaving 2 dead and several material damage, most of them were collapsed in buildings already damaged by the earthquake of February 27.
- 14 March:
- Legislative elections are held in Colombia.
- In Chile there is a cut in the supply of electricity, from the Antofagasta Region to the Lagos Region, affecting more than 80% of the population.
- March 26: In Iraq, after a long scrutiny of almost three weeks, the final official results of the parliamentary elections are announced; the coalition led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi is won with a relative majority and a very narrow margin, but the absence of an absolute majority and the allegations of fraud of the current Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (whose coalition won the second place) will not lead the doubt about the next government.
- March 27: The time of the planet is celebrated, in more than four thousand cities in 125 countries, to raise awareness in the fight against climate change by turning off the lights for an hour.
- 29 March: terrorist attacks are taking place in Moscow (Russia) at metro stations, causing dozens of deaths and injuries.
- April 4: in the municipality of Mexicali (Mexico), a strong earthquake of 7.2 shakes the north of Baja California and the south of the state of California (United States).
- April 6: In the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a temporary heavy rainfall leaves 28.8 cm of water fallen in 24 hours causing floods and mud alludes with a balance of more than two hundred dead.
- 7 April: in Kyrgyzstan, President Kurmanbek Bakiev is overthrown by a popular uprising (Kyrgyz Revolution 2010) caused by the brutal repression of soldiers and policemen by the demonstrations called by the opposition in the capital of the country, Biskek; and which led to bloody street fighting between the security forces and heavily armed demonstrators. Following the escape of the president of the capital, an interim government formed by the opposition leaders assumed the de facto power and secured the support of the Armed Forces and the police.
- In the Indonesian island of Sumatra there is an earthquake of 7.8 that emits a tsunami warning that leaves 62 wounded.
- 8 April: in Prague (Czech Republic), Dmitri Medvédev (President of Russia) and Barack Obama (President of the United States), sign the historic START III nuclear arms reduction treaty, the most ambitious to date; which sets a maximum cap of 1550 nuclear warheads for each of the two countries after a period of disarmament of a few years.
- April 10: In Russia a Tupolev Tu-154 plane crashed, during the landing manoeuvre at the Smolensk air base, all of its occupants died, including Polish President Lech Kaczyński.
- April 11: In Hungary the first round of parliamentary elections is celebrated, obtaining an overwhelming victory the right-wing party Fidesz, which will allow its leader Viktor Orbán to be the next prime minister.
- 14 April: In the Chinese province of Qinghai, an earthquake of 7.1 leaves 2,700 dead and more than 12,000 injured.
- 15 April: the eruption of the Eyjafjalla volcano in Iceland throws ashes into the atmosphere that paralyze the air traffic of northern Europe.
- April 18: In the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (de facto independent state, only recognized by Turkey) presidential elections are held and the winner is the current prime minister, the nationalist Derviş Eroğlu, who defeated the current president and aspirant of the Mehmet Ali Talat re-election; which could block negotiations for reunification with Cyprus.
- April 18: An earthquake of 5.6 shakes Afghanistan causing the death of 11 people.
- April 20: An earthquake of 5.2 shakes the Australian city of Kalgoorlie.
- April 22: In the Gulf of Mexico, the Deepwater Horizon plant of the BP sinks after a two-day fire, starting one of the oil spills in the open sea of the world.
- 25 April:
- In Austria, presidential elections are held and the current president, Social Democratic Heinz Fischer, is reelected, with an overwhelming majority.
- In Hungary the second round of parliamentary elections is held, which ratifies and expands the overwhelming majority obtained by the right-wing party Fidesz on the first round; so its leader Viktor Orbán will lead the next government.
- In Cuba, municipal elections are held.
- April 26: The United States extradites to France Panamanian ex-dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega (defeated by the 1989 U.S. Invasion of Panama), after spending more than twenty years in a U.S. federal prison (more than 17 years serving a sentence for drug trafficking and more than two and a half years awaiting extradition requested by French justice); in France it must be tried and a 10-year prison sentence could be ratified.
- 30 April: opening in Shanghai, China, the Universal Exhibition held until 31 October under the slogan "Best city, better life".
- The crisis is exacerbated in Greece and threatens to spread to the rest of Europe.
- 4 May: Former Argentine President Néstor Kirchner is appointed Secretary-General of UNASUR.
- May 5: Incidents during the general strike in Greece in opposition to the government's proposed adjustment plan to confront the crisis cause the death of 3 people following the fire of a bank branch.
- May 6: In the United Kingdom, parliamentary elections are held; the Conservative Party and its leader David Cameron win, but without reaching the absolute majority, so they begin negotiations with the Liberal Democratic Party (which arrived third in the elections) to try to form a coalition government and thus guarantee the election of Cameron as Prime Minister.
- May 8: Laura Chinchilla Miranda takes over the presidency of Costa Rica and becomes the first woman president of Costa Rica.
- May 9: Departmental and municipal elections in Uruguay.
- A 7.2 earthquake in Sumatra leaves several damage.
- 10 May:
- Presidential elections are held in the Philippines; then Senator Benigno Aquino III (son of the late former president Heart Aquinas) won the victory according to the official scrutiny.
- The largest percentage rise in IBEX 35 has occurred since its creation on 14 January 1992, with an increase of 14.43 per cent, driven by the measures taken by the European Union and the IMF to protect the euro.
- May 11: David Cameron assumes the position of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
- May 12: He crashes at the airport in Tripoli, Libya, a plane from Johannesburg, South Africa, dying one hundred three people and saving himself only a ten-year-old.
- 14 May: In Spain, judge Baltasar Garzón is suspended in a precautionary manner by the General Council of the Judiciary, after the Supreme Court judge Luciano Varela agreed to open oral proceedings against Garzón for alleged prevarication by the decision to declare himself competent to investigate the crimes of the Francoist repression from his National Court court.
- 14 May: An earthquake of 5.3 leaves 2 deaths in Algeria.
- May 15: in Caracas, Venezuela; the Argentine rock singer and ex-vocalist of the band Soda Stereo, Gustavo Cerati suffers from a brain decompensation at the end of his presentation of the Natural Strength Tour, where he later falls into a coma by ACV.
- May 16: In the Dominican Republic, legislative elections are held.
- May 16: In Moca, Puerto Rico has an earthquake of 5.8.
- May 20: The creation of the first synthetic cell with artificial genes is announced in the United States.
- 22 May: In India, a plane crashes, during the landing manoeuvre at Mangalore airport, 158 people from its 166 occupants died.
- May 23: In Ethiopia, parliamentary elections are held, with high participation and allegations of irregularities by the opposition; a victory is seen by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, who would be reelected for a new period leading the government.
- May 25: In Suriname is elected president, former dictator and coup leader Desiré Bouterse, leader of a coalition of Left and Right parties.
- May 26: In Mojensho Daro (Pakistan), a temperature record of 53.5 °C (128.3 °F) is recorded.
- 28 May:
- In India, an attack by the Maoist communist guerrillas linked to the Naxali Movement against a passenger train leaves at least 145 dead; the attack occurred in the Indian state of West Bengal.
- In Pakistan, an attack by the Tehrik and Taliban Pakistan terrorist group against two mosques of the Ahmadi Muslim minority sect in Lahore city leaves at least 80 dead.
- May 29: In the Czech Republic the parliamentary elections that began the previous day are concluded; the results give victory to the right-wing parties led by the Civic Democratic Party, led by Petr Nečas. The 55th edition of the Eurovision Song Festival is held where Lena Meyer-Landrut from Germany stands with the victory with 246 points.
- 30 May:
- In Colombia, presidential elections are held; the official candidate Juan Manuel Santos gets the first place, with a majority higher than those who predicted the polls, but by narrow margin he does not get the absolute majority so a second round should be held.
- Ivan Basso is proclaimed champion of the Giro of Italy, finished in Verona, completing the post of David Arroyo and Vincenzo Nibali.
- 31 May:
- In international waters near the Gaza Strip, Israeli military forces attack a convoy of ships of pro-Palestinian activists who transported humanitarian aid to that Palestinian territory controlled by the Hamas group; in the attack, at least 9 Israeli soldiers who claimed to be being attacked by activists at risk for their lives are killed, while the international community condemns the massacre.
- In Germany President Horst Köhler resigns because of the controversy over his public statements about the role of Germany in the conflict in Afghanistan.
- June 1: tropical storm Agatha causes severe damage to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and causes the death of at least 179 people.
- 2 June: In Japan, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama resigns because of the collapse of his popularity in the polls and pressures of his party.
- 7 June: in Bhopal, India, a court condemns eight directors of the U.S. company Union Carbide to two years in prison and to pay about 10 600 United States dollars for their respective responsibilities in the Bhopal Disaster (a gaseous methyl issociate escape in a pesticide factory of that company, which caused the death of more than 20 000 people. The company had not responded for the damage caused).
- 9 June: In the Netherlands, parliamentary elections are held; the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (Central Right Free) led by Mark Rutte gets the first place with a very narrow difference in suffrage and a single deputy over the Labour Party (social-democratic), while the Democratic Call Party of current Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende sinks in a fourth place. Because of how far away any party of the absolute majority is predicted long negotiations to form government and choose the new prime minister.
- June 11: Opening of the 19th edition of the 2010 World Cup of Football for the first time on African continent in South Africa.
- 12 June: In Slovakia, parliamentary elections are held; the ruling party Address-Socialdemocracy gets the first place, but far from the absolute majority and also the parties that are their partners in the government are plunged, making it difficult to re-elect Prime Minister Robert Fico and opening up the possibility of a right-wing government headed by Iveta Radičová.
- 13 June:
- In Belgium, parliamentary elections are held; the Flemish Nationalist Party New Flamenca Alliance wins victory in the region of Flanders and the first place at the national level, while in Wallonia the Walloon Socialist Party (second place at the national level). These results are considered historical because the victory of the Flemish independenceists could lead the next constitutional reform process towards the independence of Flanders and the disappearance of Belgium as a country. In the meantime it is expected that months will be allowed to form a government.
- In Kyrgyzstan, thousands of people from the Uzbek minority cross the border with Uzbekistan fleeing from the bloody inter-ethnic clashes between Kyrgyz and Uzbek in the south of the country that have left at least 97 dead and threaten to trigger a civil war; while the interim government accuses the former overthrown president, Kurmanbek Bakiev, of being behind the wave of racial violence.
- 16 June: In the Indonesian province of Papua, an earthquake of 7.0 is recorded.
- 18 June: in Kyrgyzstan, the United Nations Organization numbered in one million persons affected by ethnic violence between Kyrgyz and Uzbek, while the interim president of the country Rosa Otunbáeva acknowledged that the deaths of the conflict could be 2000.
- 20 June:
- In Colombia, the second round of the presidential elections is held and the official candidate Juan Manuel Santos is the winner with an overwhelming majority (he is the most voted president in Colombia's history in terms of absolute numbers of popular suffrages).
- In Poland, presidential elections will be held, but a second round will be required as the winner of this first round, Bronisław Komorowski, did not reach the absolute majority.
- June 23: An earthquake of 5.0 shakes Canada.
- 25-27 June: two international summits are held in Canada, both in the province of Ontario: the 36th G8 Summit in the Muskoka region (25 and 26 June), and the fourth G20 summit in Toronto (26 and 27 June)
- June 30: Christian Wulff is elected president of Germany.
- June 30: In the Mexican state of Oaxaca there is an earthquake of 6.3 that leaves 1 dead and several wounded.
- 1 July:
- Belgium takes the relay of Spain in the semi-annual shift presidency at the head of the European Union.
- In Pakistan, two suicide bombers commit a terrorist attack on an important Sufi Islamic shrine in the city of Lahore, leaving at least 43 dead.
- 4 July:
- In Poland the second round of the presidential elections is held; the right-wing liberal Bronisław Komorowski wins the victory with a tighter margin than expected.
- The program More Roberto, led by Dominican communicator, actor and producer Roberto Ángel Salcedo, is premiered in Telesystem 11 and is the spiritual successor of the former 9X9 Roberto variety space.
- 9 July: In Pakistan the terrorist group Tehrik and Taliban Pakistan committed the most bloody attack in the country since last year when members of a command detonate one or more bombs in the middle of a market near a government building in the Mohmand district, in the conflicting region of the Federally Managed Tribal Areas, near the city of Peshawar; there were at least 102 deaths.
- 10 July:
- The Rosetta probe flies over the asteroid (21) Lutetia.
- 1.5 million people manifest in Barcelona in defense of Estatut.
- 11 July:
- In Uganda, at least 74 people die in two bomb attacks, in the capital city of Kampala, as they watched the end of the FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010; the attacks were committed by the Somali terrorist group Al-Shabbaab, an Islamist organization linked to Al Qaeda, who so revenged Uganda for the participation of its military forces in the African multinational force that assists the Somali government in its fight against Alhab.
- Total visible sun eclipse in the South Pacific Ocean and part of South America.
- In Johannesburg, South Africa, the 2010 World Cup of Football is over and Spain is the world champion for the first time on African soil to win in supplementary time 0-1 to the Netherlands with a goal of Andrés Iniesta at the 116th minute.
- July 23: Creation of the band One Direction formed by Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Niall Horan.
- July 24: A stampede at the Love Parade leaves at least 19 dead and more than 100 wounded.
- A series of earthquakes from 6.0 to 7.7 shake the Philippine island of Mindanao.
- July 25: Alberto Contador is proclaimed champion of the Tour de France, finished in the Champs-Elysées, although he was finally disqualified and awarded the prize to Andy Schleck.
- 28 July:
- The Parliament of Catalonia prohibits bullfighting throughout the autonomous territory from 1 January 2012.
- In Orense a fire destroys the inside of the Remedies Chapel.
- July 29: In Guadalajara, Jalisco opened the Omnilife Stadium.
- July 30: An earthquake of 5.6 in Iran leaves 170 people injured.
- 5 August: there is a collapse in a mine located near the city of Copiapó, Atacama, Chile, being trapped thirty-three miners at seven hundred meters deep.
- August 7: Colombia: the newly elected President Juan Manuel Santos is possessed.
- August 8: It is premiered in Color Visión, the variety program Here is spoken Spanish led by the Venezuelan communicator Daniel Sarcos, for 2012 the program was moved to Antena Latina.
- 12 August:
- There is a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in the east of Ecuador. Because the depth was 235 km, there was no disaster in the country. There was 1 wounded and minor damage. It was sense in most of the country, Colombia and part of Peru.
- In Suriname the former dictator and coupist Dési Bouterse assumes the presidency.
- 14 August: The first 2010 Youth Olympic Games begin in Singapore
- August 19: The U.S. withdraws, two weeks before the planned, most of its Iraqi combat troops in what is considered the end of the war; with the next withdrawal of the remnant will be only about fifty thousand troops to assist in the formation of Iraqi forces.
- 21 August: In Australia, parliamentary elections are held; neither the official Australian Labour Party (social democrat) nor the opposition coalition formed by the Australian Liberal Party and the Australian National Party (centred right) achieved absolute majority. The Labourers would later form a minority government with the support of independent deputies.
- August 23: The Mexican Ximena Navarrete is crowned, winner of the Miss Universe 2010 contest.
- August 26: The 2010 Olympic Youth Games ended, China won the first position of the medallion with 30 gold medals, 16 silver and 5 bronze.
- August 27: In Iran, an earthquake of 5.8 leaves 4 dead and 40 wounded.
- August 30: Hurricane Earl hits the Sotavento Islands.
- August 31: The United States withdraws its last troops from Iraq and officially terminates its combat mission in the war waged in that country; however, 50 thousand U.S. military personnel will remain in missions of intelligence and logistical and training support to Iraqi security forces.
- 4 September: In Santiago, the first stage of the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center (GAM), which occupies the units of the former Diego Portales Building, affected by a fire on 5 March 2006 and from where it was designed to rebuild. There is a second stage of the project pending and the second half of 2015 would be built (after several postponements).
- September 5: the terrorist organization ETA announces in a statement to the British television network BBC through a video, an end to the "arm offensive actions".
- 7 September: the third centenary of the Albacete Fair begins.
- September 12: In Santiago, Chile, after a remodeling, the former Chilean National Stadium was inaugurated, and Julio Martínez Prádanos was called the National Stadium of Chile.
- September 17: Hurricane Karl hit the eastern coast of Mexico.
- 18 September: In Afghanistan, parliamentary elections are held; overshadowed by the poor participation of the electorate, allegations of electoral fraud throughout the country and terrorist attacks from the Taliban movement that sought to sabotage the electoral process and left at least 14 dead.
- WHO announced the end of the influenza A pandemic (H1N1). More than 600,000 infected people were registered, and more than 18,000 people died.
- 19 September:
- In Sweden, parliamentary elections are held; the central-right coalition in power led by Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt wins, but by narrow margin it does not achieve the absolute majority. The opposition Swedish Social Democratic Party suffers from one of the worst results in its history and the extreme right-wing party Swedish Democrats is experiencing a strong advance that allows it to enter Parliament with a great representation and to become an arbitrator of the country's political situation.
- Vincenzo Nibali is proclaimed champion of the Vuelta to Spain, finished in Madrid, after a dispute until the last day with Ezequiel Mosquera.
- September 23: Colombia: members of the Army and the Police release the FARC leader Mono Jojoy. (See Operation Sodom.)
- September 24: Bicentennial of the First Meeting of the Spanish General Courts in San Fernando (Cádiz), charged with drafting the Spanish Constitution of 1812.
- September 26: parliamentary elections in Venezuela to elect representatives of the National Assembly.
- 29 September: in Spain there is a day of general strike called by the two main trade union centers, Labor Commissions and General Workers' Union.
- September 30: Ecuador’s political crisis of 2010
- October 3: The first extrasolar planet with living conditions is public, the Gliese 581 c located 20 light years from Earth.
- October 4th: MS Queen Elizabeth was released from the cunard line.
- 10 October:
- Sci Fi Channel closes its broadcasts in Latin America.
- The Netherlands Antilles are dissolved.
- It is released on the Hub Network channel (known as Discovery Kids in Latin America) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust, who will create a movement on the internet and attract many young fans and adults, self-denominated bronies.
- October 12: start of the inaugural journey of MS Queen Elizabeth.
- 13 October: the rescue of the thirty-three miners trapped, for sixty-nine days, in the San José mine in Chile, is successfully completed.
- October 14: In the Netherlands, Mark Rutte becomes Prime Minister.
- October 15: Spanish government president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero reaches a parliamentary pact with the PNV and with the Canary Islands Coalition for the rest of the legislature.
- October 20: militant Mariano Ferreyra is killed in a demonstration of railway workers.
- 21 October: the new government named by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero took office in Spain, in which Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba assumed the vice president.
- October 22: WikiLeaks reveals reports of crimes and offences committed by the U.S. Armed Forces in the Iraq War.
- October 25: An earthquake of 7.8 shakes the Mentawai Islands on the Indonesian island of Sumatra causing a tsunami that leaves more than 700 dead.
- October 27: In Argentina, former Argentine President Néstor Kirchner died.
- 1 November: the young Colombian Luis Andrés Colmenares appears dead, beginning the Colmenares Case.
- 7 November: Venezuelan Elizabeth Mosquera is crowned as Miss International 2010, giving the sixth crown to Venezuela in that contest.
- 14 November: Sebastian Vettel, becomes the youngest driver to get the title of Formula 1 World Champion after winning the victory at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
- November 18: He dies in New York City, the popular communicator, humorist and Dominican producer Freddy Beras Goico of a cancer in the stomach.
- 22 November:
- Filtration of United States diplomatic documents by WikiLeaks
- Starts the new CNN in Spanish
- 29 November-10 December: XVI Climate Change Conference, also known as 16.a Climate Summit or COP 16 (16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which also serves as the sixth Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
- December 2nd: FIFA announces the headquarters of the 2018 World Cup of Football, choosing Russia and the 2022 World Cup of Soccer designating Catar.
- 3-4 December: Teleton Mexico took place, where 446 million pesos were raised in posts for children with disabilities.
- 4 December:
- In Spain the government declared the state of alarm for the abandonment of its jobs of the air controllers.
- Brazil recognizes the Palestinian State at its 1967 borders.
- NASA scientists discover a bacterium capable of synthesizing arsenic, a chemical element that was believed to be poisonous for any form of life.
- December 5: In Bello, an alud buried 82 people in a commune and left 225 survivors for the winter in the region.
- 10 December: in Liúbertsi, 20 km from Moscow (Russia), the amateur astronomer Leonid Yelenin discovers the comet C/2010 X1, which will be called comet Elenín.*10th December* the Mexican rock groupJaguares and their original alignment announce their withdrawal from the scenes after 14 years of being together and also offer their last concert as a group; to retreat and separate;
- December 16: U.S. House of Representatives. U.S. approves the repeal of the law 'do not ask, do not say'
- 17 December:
- Montenegro is accepted as a candidate for membership in the European Union.
- In Tunisia, the Tunisian Revolution began, when young Mohamed Bouazizi burned to death as a protest, causing a series of strong protests to begin in the country. The movement would also be mecha for the Arab world to begin a series of protests in 2011.
- December 20: Europe faces a time of cold and snow. Britain is isolated from air traffic.
- In Iran, an earthquake of 6.6 leaves 11 dead and more than 100 wounded.
- December 24: earthquakes occur in Vanuatu, of magnitude 7.5, and in Puerto Rico, of magnitude 5,1, both without producing victims.
- December 26: in Bolivia with the approval of a decree promulgated by the government of Evo Morales, there is a leveling in the price of the carburantes in Bolivia arising strong demands from the population.
- December 31: Lula Da Silva is dismissed from the presidency of Brazil.
No specific date
- Fundación de la empresa Visual Blasters, headquartered in Orlando, Florida.
- May 20: Cosima Windsor, the daughter of the Earl and the Countess of Ulster.
- May 28: Alfonso de Borbón and Vargas and Luis de Borbón and Vargas, French princes, sons of Luis Alfonso de Borbón.
- December 29: Savannah Phillips UK's greatest granddaughter of Elizabeth II, the first daughter of Peter Phillips the eldest grandson of the Queen of England, and Autumn Patricia Kelly.
Art and literature
Cervantes Award
Nadal Award
Planet Award
Other Voices, Other Areas Award
- Winner: Aurora Venturini by Las Primas, 2007
Science and technology
- April 2: In Spain, within the national plan of transition to Digital Terrestrial Television (TDT) there was analog blackout.
- 14 June: The Japanese Hayabusa space probe, after a seven-year journey, lands in Woomera, Australia, having collected samples of the asteroid's Itokawa soil in November 2005.
- End of the space shuttle program.
Video games
- 23 February: Launch Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing.
- 1 March: Launch Mega Man 10.
- 1 March: The launch of the online virtual world World Gaturro.
- 18 March: Launch of God of War III.
- 21 April: Launch Fruit Ninja.
- 29 April: Launch Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.
- 23 May: Launch Super Mario Galaxy 2 in the United States, in other countries it leaves the market on later dates.
- 14 July: Launch LEGO Mixels.
- July 22: Outfit7 launches for the first time Talking Tom.
- August 10: Ubisoft in partnership with Universal Pictures launches Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game as a means to publish the comic-based film.
- September 10: EasyGameStation from CarpeFulgur's hand launch the Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale game, which set a precedent in the industry as the first soft dōjin style to be exported from Japan.
- September 14: Microsoft in partnership with Bungie launch Halo Reach for the Xbox 360 being the last game to be developed for the series.
- 28 September: Launch of Last Window: The Secret of Cape West.
- 7 October: Launch of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1.
- 19 October: Launch Fallout New Vegas for Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks.
- 16 November: Launch Sonic Colors.
- 21 November: Launch Donkey Kong Country Returns.
- 25 November: Launches in Japan Mario Sports Mix.
- Konami public DanceDanceRevolution X2, that would be the arcade version n.o 12.
- Red Dead Redemption Rockstar Games.
- Cuphead starts its development; 7 years later the game would be released by StudioMDHR.
Olympic Games
- Vancouver Olympics from 12 to 28 February.
- I Summer Youth Olympics from 14 to 26 August in Singapore.
International Games
- IX South American Sports Games from March 19 to March 30 in Medellín, Colombia.
- IX Central American Sports Games from 9 to 19 April at headquarters in Panama and El Salvador.
- XXI Central American and Caribbean Games from 18 July to 1 August in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.
- XVI Asian Games from 12 to 27 November in Canton, China.
- European Championship of Athletics:
- Ibero-American Athletic Championshipin San Fernando (Cádiz).
Motor Racing
- Formula 1: from 14 March to 14 November.
- World Rally Championship: from 12 February to 14 November.
- Rally Dakar: from 1 to 17 January.
Cyril Despres (motos);
Carlos Sainz (coches);
Vladimir Chagin (camiions);
Marcos Patronelli.
- World Championship: from August 28 to September 12 in Turkey.
- Euroliga: from 7 to 9 May in Paris:
FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion for the second time.
- National Basketball League: Cañeros de La Romana are proclaimed champions by defeating the Tiburones of Puerto Plata 4-1.
- May 23: All Boys returns to the First Division of Argentina, after 30 years, defeating Rosario Central in the promotion.
- 16 July: 60 years of the Maracanazo
Championships by national teams
- African Cup of Nations: from 10 to 31 January in Angola.
Egypt gets the title by beating
Ghana for 1 to 0.
- World Cup Soccer: from 11 June to 11 July in South Africa.
Spain gets the title by winning in the final, extension included, to
Netherlands for 1 to 0.
- Women's World Cup Football Sub-20: from July 13 to August 1 in Germany.
Germany gets the title by winning in the end
Nigeria for 2 to 0.
International Championships
National Championships
- First Division of Chile: Catholic University
- Copa ChileMunicipal Iquique
- Opening Tour: Junior
- Finalization Tournament: Once Caldas
- Closure 2010: Caracas Soccer Club
- 1.a champion 2009/10: Caracas Soccer Club
- Opening 2010: Deportivo Táchira
American Football
- Super Bowl: New Orleans Saints.
World Motorcycling Championship
European Motorcycling Championship
Other sports
- VIII Youth World Championship: from 6 to 9 March in Tijuana, Mexico.
- Male Volleyball World Championship: from 25 September to 10 October in Italy.
- October 29: The Latin American television special without humans is released in History Latin America.
* December 12: Ecuadorian channel RTS is 50 years old from being broadcast for Ecuador. - December 18: Channel 8 (currently Telefe Mar del Plata) meets its 50 years of being broadcast for Mar del Plata.
Fictional events
In the television series The Simpsons, Seymour Skinner's death is dated this year.
Nobel laureates
- Physics: Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov.
- Chemistry: Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki.
- Medicine: Robert Edwards.
- Literature: Mario Vargas Llosa.
- Peace: Liu Xiaobo.
- Economy: Peter A. Diamond, Dale Mortensen and Christopher A. Pissarides.
Prince of Asturias Awards
- Arts: Richard Serra.
- Social Sciences: Archaeological equipment discovered by the Terracotta Warriors.
- Communication and Humanities: Zygmunt Bauman and Alain Touraine.
- Concord: United Hands.
- International Cooperation: National Transplant Organization (ONT) and The Transplantation Society (TTS).
- Sports: Spanish football team.
- Scientific and Technical Research: David Julius, Linda R. Watkins and Baruch Minke.
- Letters: Amin Maalouf.
Prize Goncourt
- Michel Houellebecq
Xavier Villaurrutia Award
- Sergio Mondragón
Charlemagne Prize
Commemorations and parties
- 14 December: fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
Contenido relacionado
X century
Classical antiquity