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From top to left, in the sense of the clock needles: the crew of STS-107 perished when the Columbia space shuttle disintegrated during its re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere; the SARS became an epidemic in China and was a precursor to the SARS-CoV-2; A building destroyed in Bam, Iran after the 2003 Bam earthquake killed 30,000 people; an Army M1 tank. The U.S. patrols the streets of Baghdad (Irak) after the city fell into the hands of U.S.-led forces; Iraqi abuse and torture prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison by U.S. personnel; demonstrations against Iraq's 2003 invasion; "Mission accomplished" became an ironic symbol of the duration of Iraq's war after President George W. Bush's speech; a statue of Sadrridam

2003 (MMIII) was a common year beginning on a Wednesday according to the Gregorian calendar of the 2000s. Was appointed:

  • The International Year of Freshwater by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
  • The year of the goatAccording to the Chinese horoscope.


  • March 18: Venezuelan Indigenous Child Day.
  • March 23: centenary of the Racing Club, Argentine sports club.
  • April 26: centenary of the Club Atlético de Madrid, Spanish football club.
  • June 15: centenary of the Sports Club Arturo Fernández Vial, Chilean football club.



  • 1 January:
    • In Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva became the 36th president of that country for the period 2003-2006.
Lula Da Silva, president of Brazil for the period 2003-2006
    • In Switzerland he is elected president Pascal Couchepin.
  • 2 January: in France, the police abort an ETA prison escape plan in the Paris prison of La Santé.
  • January 10: In Angola, Jonas Savimbi, leader of the right-wing UNITA guerrillas, was murdered.
  • January 11: The Governor of Illinois (United States) conmutes the death sentences of 161 convicted persons.
  • 12 January:
    • The British Seb Clover (15) becomes the youngest sailor who manages to cross the Atlantic alone.
    • The American singer Anastacia (1968-) is detected with breast cancer.
  • January 21: In Colima, Mexico, an earthquake of 7.6 occurs on the Richter scale.
  • January 27: in Mexico, CNI Canal 40 recovers its antennas at the Cerro del Chiquihuite taken a month earlier by TV Azteca.
  • 30 January: In Belgium, the bill on marriage between same-sex persons was passed by the House of Representatives by 91 votes in favour and 22 against.


  • 1 February:
    • The Columbia shuttle disintegrates in the re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere; its seven crew members die.
    • The Nice Treaty enters into force.
    • In Zimbabwe, 40 people die in a train crash.
  • 2 February:
    • In Lagos, the economic capital of Nigeria, 40 people die in the explosion of a building.
    • The German Social-Democratic Party (SPD) of Gerhard Schröder suffers from a severe electoral "varapalo" in the Hesse and Lower Saxony regions.
  • 3 February:
    • In Nigeria, the Government imposes a curfew in the south of the country to curb a wave of ethnic violence.
    • On the Spanish coasts of Tarifa (Cádiz), 163 immigrants are detained after crossing the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar.
    • In Spain, the fuel poured by the oil tanker Prestige continues to reach the Galician coasts and factories.
  • 4 February: Serbia and Montenegro enters into force Constitutional Charter.
  • February 5: The Hague International Court of Justice orders the United States to temporarily suspend the execution of three Mexican prisoners.
  • 6 February:
    • In Madrid, the surgeons of a hospital manage to transplant a teenager with a complete digestive system (stomach, duodenum, small intestine, pancreas and liver) as well as a kidney.
    • In the vicinity of the Department of Tolima, Colombia, the social protection minister Juan Luis Londoño and four more people lose their lives by crashing the plane they were traveling on. The bodies would be found five days later.
  • 7 February:
    • The Spanish Government approved the bill amending the Criminal Code to introduce the full increase and enforcement of sentences for those convicted of terrorism and serious crimes.
    • In Spain, the growth of the Ebro River, the most wealthy of that country, floods several municipalities and forces to evict almost a thousand people.
    • Belize, Guatemala and Honduras sign an agreement within the OAS to provide Guatemala with access to the Caribbean Sea.
    • In Bogotá, Colombia, terrorist attack on the Club El Nogal: a car bomb explodes in the club building El Nogal; 36 people die and more than 200 injured, including several children.
  • 9 February:
    • In Montenegro, the presidential elections are overturned by the high rate of abstention.
    • The Spanish athlete Alberto García bat in Ghent (Belgium) the record of Europe of 5000 smooth meters in covered track (13 min 11,39 s).
    • The U.S. Navy announces its withdrawal from Vieques Island.
  • February 10: France, Germany and Belgium block the U.S. request to NATO to plan the eventual military defense of Turkey, a border country with Iraq.
  • 11 February:
    • All opposition groups in the Spanish Parliament support a motion against Bush and Aznar's military position in the Iraq crisis.
    • In the holy city of Mecca, 14 pilgrims die in an avalanche.
  • 13 February:
    • in Belgium, King Albert II signed and promulgated the bill on marriage between persons of the same sex.
    • a Madrid medical team manages to replace the chest aorta with a prosthesis in a 64-year-old patient.
  • 14 February: the Dolly sheep, the first cloned mammal, died.
  • 15 February:
    • Around the world millions of people manifest themselves against the possibility of another U.S. war (this time against Iraq).
    • In Gaza (Palestinian Territories), Hamas members killed four Israeli soldiers.
    • The Holy See declassifies part of the documentary archives that collect their relations with the Third Reich Germany.
  • 16 February:
    • In Gaza (Palestinian), five Hamas members die in the explosion of housing. NATO activates preventive military aid plans for Turkey.
    • In Saint Moritz (Switzerland) the Austrian team, with nine medals, is confirmed as the first power of alpine skiing in the world contested.
  • February 17: The European Union calls for the utmost cooperation to Iraq to achieve a peaceful solution to the crisis.
  • 18 February:
    • In Daegu (South Korea) about 200 people die in the subway fire.
    • In Murueta (Vizcaya), the Ertzaintza deactivates a bomb with seven kilos of dynamite.
    • In Peru, Vladimiro Montesinos, former head of the Peruvian Intelligence Service, sits on the bench to respond for a crime of influence trafficking.
    • In Bolivia, the Council of Ministers presents its collective resignation from President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada.
  • 19 February:
    • The World Health Organization (WHO) confirms the death of 64 people in Congo by an outbreak of the Ebola virus.
    • The Hamburg High Court sentenced the Moroccan Mounir el Motassadek to 15 years ' imprisonment, the first convicted of the attacks of 11 September 2001 in the United States.
  • 20 February:
    • In Venezuela, a judge orders the arrest of Carlos Fernández Pérez, president of Fedecámaras (the largest business organization in Venezuela), for his performance as an instigator of the general strike against the government of Hugo Chávez.
    • In Spain, a breakdown leaves 8.7 million citizens paid to the Vodafone company without a mobile phone.
    • In Spain, the judge of the Juan del Olmo National Court ordered the closure of the newspaper Egunkaria for his alleged relationship with the ETA terrorist gang. Ten people are arrested. Nine were released on bail later.
  • 21 February:
    • In the United States, about 100 people die because of a fire during the Great White rock band concert.
    • Croatian Prime Minister Ivica Racan submits the official request for his country to become a member of the EU in 2007.
    • The Palestinian Government approved an annual truce in the Intifada.
  • 22 February:
    • The French Academy of Film awards seven Caesar awards The pianist (from Roman Polanski) and Pedro Almodóvar collects the award to the best European film for Talk to her..
    • In Seville (Belgium) the Spanish athlete Alberto García Fernández bats the record of Europe of the 3000 meters smooth on covered track (7 min, 32,98 s).
  • February 23: The British Film Academy awards two Bafta awards (better script and best foreign film) to Pedro Almodóvar for Talk to her..
  • 24 February:
    • Serbian ultra-nationalist Vojislav Šešelj is handed over to the Hague International Tribunal to respond for war crimes and against humanity.
    • Mexican writer and journalist Xavier Velasco wins the Alfaguara novel award with the work Devil guard..
    • A 6.3 earthquake shakes northwest China leaving 261 dead.


  • 1 March:
    • Iraq meets the demands of the UN and begins to destroy its Al Samud 2 missiles.
    • The Pakistani police and the FBI captured Jalid Sheikh Mohamed in Rawalpindi, a trusted man of Osama Bin Laden as one of the 'brains' of the September 11, 2001.
  • 8 March: Malta approves in referendum its accession to the European Union.
  • 11 March: The International Criminal Tribunal is constituted in The Hague, the Netherlands.
  • March 12: WHO alerts a coronavirus known as SARS by spreading to Vietnam and Hong Kong.
  • 15 March:
    • in Chile, National Television of Chile launches 31 Minutes.
    • in People's Republic of China, Hu Jintao is appointed president.
  • 16 March: In the Gaza Strip, an Israeli soldier crushed U.S. activist Rachel Corrie (23) with a buldozer that prevented the demolition of Palestinian homes
  • March 19: George Maxwell Richards takes office as president of Trinidad and Tobago.
  • March 20: the Iraq War or the Second Gulf War begins. U.S. troops and three other countries invade Iraq.
  • March 22: In Madrid, police and a minority of rioters are facing at the end of a new march against the war in Iraq.
  • 23 March: Slovenia approves in referendum its accession to the European Union. and NATO.


  • April 1st: Japanese gaming companies Square and Enix merge and create their corporate entity Square Enix.
  • 2 April:
    • A group of Cubans kidnap a ferry in Havana to flee the island.
    • The Israeli army reoccupied the Tulkarem refugee camp and stopped a thousand Palestinians.
  • April 6: In El Salvador, the channel VTV channel 35 opens and 5 wires start operations.
  • 7 April:
    • The Boston Globe newspaper receives the Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the sexual scandals of the Catholic Church in the United States.
    • A Chechen guerrilla attack is charged five victims in Grozni.
  • April 9: U.S. forces in Iraq conquer Baghdad.
  • April 10: 22 students and their teacher die in the fire of a school in Siberia.
  • 12 April: Hungary approves in referendum its accession to the European Union.
  • April 14: The Human Genome Project is completed, with 99% of the sequenced genome.
  • 17 April: Fourteenth Encyclical of John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia.
  • April 20: Argentina's LAPA airline broke.
  • April 24: Microsoft launches to the market for workstations and servers: Windows Server 2003
  • 27 April:
    • Justiceist Carlos Saul Menem wins presidential elections in the Argentine Republic. However, because it does not reach 45% of the votes required by the Argentine law to assume an elective position, a balotage is initiated with the also judicialist Néstor Kirchner.
    • In Paraguay, Nicanor Duarte Frutos is elected president.
  • 28 April: launch of the space observatory Galaxy Evolution Explorer.
  • 29 April: in the city of Santa Fe (Argentina), the river Salado produces a grave flood (23 dead).
    • A 4.9 earthquake is recorded in Alabama State.


  • 1 May: an earthquake of 6.4 shakes the province of Bingol leaving a balance of 177 deaths.
  • May 3: Juan Pablo II visits Spain for the fifth time. The following day he canonizes in Madrid Santa Angela de la Cruz, Santa Maravillas de Jesús, Santa Genoveva Torres, San Pedro Poveda and San José María Rubio.
  • May 5: In Colombia, the governor of the department of Antioquia, Guillermo Gaviria Correa, the former defense minister, Gilberto Echeverri Mejía, and eight soldiers, with whom they remained kidnapped by guerrillas of Front 34 of the FARC, were killed by their captors during a rescue operation carried out by special army forces. The events occurred in a rural and jungle area of the municipality of Urrao, southwest of Antioquia, in limits with the department of Chocó.
  • 9 May: launch of the Hayabusa space probe.
  • 13 May:
    • Carlos Saul Menem (beginner on first round ballotage) leaves the race for the presidency of Argentina, which is why he accesses the first Néstor Kirchner Magistrate.
    • In the Dominican Republic, the governor of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic José Lois Malkum, delivered a speech at the National Palace on the Tax Fraud of the Intercontinental Bank as a cause of the 2003 Dominican financial crisis.
  • 17 May:
    • In Kirkuk, Iraq dies 13 people in an ethnic clash between Kurds and Arabs.
    • In a bus accident in France 29 German tourists were killed who were heading to Spain.
    • The Spanish athlete Alberto García, European champion of 5000 meters, reveals his positive for EPO (eritropoietina) after a control carried out on 29 March after the short cross world.
    • Slovakia approved in referendum its accession to the European Union.
  • 20 May:
    • In Rosario, Argentina the Rosario-Victoria Bridge is inaugurated.
    • Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin, launches his seventh studio and fifth album in Spanish Souls of silenceis also the first in this language from Come back. in 1998.
  • 21 May: At 19:44 local time there is an earthquake of 6.8 in Algeria causing a tsunami that leaves about 2,200 deaths.
  • May 24: In Riga, Latvia celebrates the IIL Edition of the Eurovision Festival winning Turkey with the singer Sertab Erener and the song Everyway that I can.
  • 25 May:
    • In Buenos Aires, Argentina Néstor Kirchner assumes as president.
    • Municipal elections are held in Spain.
  • May 26: 62 Spanish soldiers die when they crashed on Turkish soil the plane in which they returned after carrying out a mission in Afghanistan.
    • an earthquake of 7.1 shakes Japan leaving 174 wounded.
  • 30 May: there is an attack by ETA in Sangüesa, Navarra.


  • June 1st: In Belgium, the Marriage of the same sex enters into force.
  • June 2: Dominican Amelia Vega is crowned Miss Universe in Panama City, Panama.
  • June 3: In the Manchega town of Chinchilla there is a serious train accident due to a human error, 19 people die.
  • 8 June: Poland approves in referendum its accession to the European Union.
  • 14 June:
    • In Mexico, the Monterrey club becomes a champion after 17 years of drought.
    • Czech Republic approves in referendum its accession to the European Union.
  • June 18: the 6th edition of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2003 begins for the first time in France.
  • June 28: in Barcelona the Harley Davidson Open Road Tour lands, celebrating 100 years of the brand. More than 15 000 motorcycles meet in Montjuïc making possible one of the biggest moteras parties in Spain.
  • June 29: in Paris (France), Ends the FIFA Confederations Cup tournament where the French are crowned for the second time champions by defeating the surprise Cameroon for 1-0.


  • 2 July:
    • In Prague, the International Olympic Committee elects Vancouver to host the 2010 Winter Olympics.
    • In Veracruz, Mexican footballer Isaac Terrazas hits and kills a child; he will be imprisoned for a few days.
  • July 3: Úbeda and Baeza are named the heritage of humanity by the Unesco.
  • 6 July: General elections are held in Mexico.
  • 8 July: in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia is recorded the greatest thermal sensation in history, when registering 42 °C combined with the relative humidity of 68 % and the dew point of 35 °C, so it was recorded 79.9 °C of thermal sensation.
  • 21 July: an earthquake of 5.9 shakes China leaving a balance of 19 dead and more than 600 wounded.
  • July 24: in Guatemala, black Thursday is held during the government of Alfonso Portillo (2000-2004).
  • 26 July: an earthquake of 6.4 shakes Japan leaving 677 wounded.
  • 27 July:
    • Henry Pease becomes President of the Congress of the Republic of Peru for the period 2003-2004.
    • Mexico is proclaimed champion of the Gold Cup 2003 to Brazil and gets its ticket to the 2005 Confederations Cup.
  • July 30: from the Volkswagen plant in Puebla, Mexico, comes the latest Volkswagen Escarabajo, the famous Siglo Motor, with more than 50 years of production. It is transported immediately to the Autostadt Museum in Wolfsburg, Germany.


  • August 1st: the Pan-Americans of Santo Domingo will open.
  • August 9th: 830th anniversary of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • August 10: The highest temperature in UK history is recorded: 38.5 °C (101.3 °F) are recorded in Brogdale near Faversham in Kent.
  • August 11: a heat wave in Paris causes temperatures up to 44 °C (112 °F).
  • 12 August: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Congress voted, at the initiative of President Néstor Kirchner, the nullity of the laws of owed obedience and final point (established in 1986 and 1987 by the radical president Raúl Alfonsín).
  • August 14: the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq is established.
  • 15 August:
    • In the northeast of the United States and the Great Lakes of Canada suffer from a blackout, the city most affected is New York and causes the most serious loss of electricity in the Great Apple since the events in 1965 and 1977, Many people are stranded on the metro and the streets and bridges of the New York metropolitan area.
    • In Paraguay, Nicanor Duarte Frutos swears as 46th president and 5th since the fall of Stroessner.
    • An earthquake of 5'8 degrees on the Ritcher scale makes itself felt in Petrel (Alicante, Spain).
  • August 19: in Honduras, former President Carlos Roberto Reina (1994-1998) committed suicide of a head shot.
  • August 22: at the Alcántara launch centre (in northern Brazil) a VLS-3 rocket explodes, killing 21 Brazilian scientists and engineers instantly.
  • August 24: in the Hungaroring (Hungary) circuit, Fernando Alonso becomes the first Spanish to win a great Formula 1 prize.
  • August 25: the scandal of the actress and singer Lucero was made by a security agent ('guarura' in the Mexican Spanish dictionary) and her gun threatening the journalists present.
  • August 28: an electric blackout cuts the supply to about half a million people living in Southeast England, and makes 60% of the London Metro stop.
  • August 29: Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis create the messaging platform called Skype
  • 31 August:
    • The Netherlands becomes the first country in the world to distribute hachís in therapeutic pharmacies.
    • Hundreds of thousands of Shiites attend the funeral of their religious leader, Mohamed Baquer al Hakim.


  • 9 September: two Hamas attacks killed 15 people in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv.
  • September 10: at the NK warehouses in Stockholm (Sweden), Minister Anna Lindh is stabbed, dying in the next morning.
  • 14 September:
    • Sweden becomes the second country that rejects in referendum the adoption of the euro (Denmark did in 2000).
    • Estonia approves in referendum its accession to the European Union
  • 20 September: Latvia approves in referendum its accession to the European Union.
  • 21 September: an earthquake of 6.6 shakes the center of Burma leaving a balance of 7 dead and 43 wounded.
  • September 22: In the Dominican Republic there is a 6.4 earthquake that leaves 3 dead and hundreds wounded.
  • 23 September: the Auditorium of Tenerife, one of the most important buildings of the Spanish architecture, is inaugurated.
  • September 26: an earthquake of 8.3 shakes the coast of Hokkaido leaving a balance of 1 dead and 800 injured.
  • 27 September: an earthquake of 7.3 shakes the republic of Altai in Russia leaving 3 dead and 5 wounded.


  • October 8: Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected governor of the state of California.
  • 11 October: Madrid, Zaragoza and Lérida are joined by the AVE (Alta Velocidad Española).
  • 17 October: in La Paz (Bolivia), due to the conflict over the export of natural gas, President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada resigns from his position and leaves the country and is held by Vice President Carlos Mesa.
  • October 19: In the Vatican, Pope John Paul II beatifies the Albanian nun Teresa of Calcutta.
  • 24 October:
    • Last flight from the Concorde aircraft from Heathrow Airport to Bristol.
    • In Lisbon (Portugal) the Stadium of Light is inaugurated.
  • October 28: California is home to the largest forest fires in the history of that state; 1,500 homes were destroyed, 16 people killed and 2,400 km2 arden. Evacuations from parts of cities are ordered in Los Angeles and San Diego counties.
  • 29 October:
    • In a coal mine in Rostov, 11 of the 13 Russian miners who were buried six days ago by accident are rescued alive.
    • In the United States, Activision launches video game for sale Call of Duty.
  • 30 October: in Baghdad, Iraq, the UN withdraws all its foreign staff from that city.


  • 3 November:
    • First centenary of Panama after its separation from Colombia.
    • Centenary of the founding of the Newell's Old Boys Athletic Club (Argentina)
  • 9 November: In Guatemala, Óscar Beger Perdomo, wins the first round beating former Efraín Ríos Montt.
  • 10 November: In Venezuela, the Masacre of Vista Hermosa occurs in Ciudad Bolivar, resulting in seven dead prisoners, while another fifteen were injured, including two custodians of the prison.
  • 14 November: Sedna is discovered, a transneptunian object.
  • 15 November: in Cruz del Aje (Argentina) the Illia Museum House is opened in memory of former president Arturo Umberto Illia, in his former private house.
  • 16 November: In Porto (Portugal) the Stadium of Dragão is inaugurated.
  • 17 November: In California, Britney Spears receives her star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, becoming the youngest singer to receive that recognition.
  • 23 November: in Georgia after the protests that led to the revolution of the Roses, President Eduard Shevardnadze resigns from power and leaves in its place a transitional government until the arrival of Mijeíl Saakashvili in January 2004
  • 26 November: Concorde is completely withdrawn from airports, ending the era of supersonic commercial and civilian flights.
  • 27 November: 14th begins Edition of the 2003 Sub-20 World Cup in the United Arab Emirates.
  • 28 and 29 November: in Uruguay the first televisive marathon Teletón, which raises 14.72 million Uruguayan pesos.


  • 1 December: In Kazakhstan an earthquake of 6.0 shakes the Almatý Region leaving 10 dead and 73 wounded.
  • 4 December: in Japan, the company Polyphony Digital launches the game Gran Turismo 4 Prologue
  • December 5: In Saltillo, Mexico, the Teleton Children's Rehabilitation Centre was opened.
  • 12 December:
    • in Taknes Bay (Norway) dies the Keiko Orca, famous for being star in the trilogy Release Willy and pet of the fun park Kingdom Adventure (now Six Flags Mexico) between 1985 and 1996.
    • In Canada, Paul Martin becomes prime minister.
  • December 12th and 13th: in Mexico the Teleton is presented, with the slogan "We do it all", which will raise 247 million pesos in service.
  • 13 December:
    • In Tikrit (Irak) the dictator Saddam Hussein is arrested.
    • Die Heydar Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan.
  • 19 December: in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), the World Championship is finished sub-20 and Brazil is crowned world champion for the fourth time in this category by winning the minimum difference 0-1 to Spain.
  • December 20: In Mexico, the Pachuca club becomes a champion.
  • December 22: In the state of California there is a strong earthquake of 6.6.
  • December 25: In Puerto Armuelles (Panama), there is a 6.5 earthquake that leaves 2 dead and several damages.
  • 26 December:
    • A 6.6 earthquake occurs in the southeast of Iran; some 34 000 people die, and the citadel of Bam is ruined.
    • In Córdoba, Argentina, there is a strong F3-intensity tornado with winds of up to 300 km/h causing at least 3 dead, 2 disappeared, 45 wounded, hundreds of evacuees and numerous material damage.
  • December 28: In Guatemala, businessman Óscar Berger Perdomo is elected president.



  • January 1st: Cole Sand, American actor.
  • January 1st: Daria Trubnikova, Russian rhythm gymnast.
  • January 2: Adrien Boichis, French cyclist.
  • January 2: CJ Egan-Riley, British footballer.
  • January 2: Kai Meriluoto, Finnish footballer.
  • January 3: Greta Thunberg, a Swedish student and activist.
  • January 3: Lewis Dobbin, British footballer.
  • January 3: Luis Fernando Vásquez Díaz, a Colombian footballer.
  • January 4: Jaeden Lieberher, American actor.
  • January 4: Rodrigo Alonso Martín, Spanish footballer.
  • January 4: Yauheni Bryhi, a Belarusian athlete.
  • January 4th: Matías Segovia, Paraguayan footballer.
  • January 5: Szymon Włodarczyk, Polish footballer.
  • January 5: Gilmar Napa, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • January 6: MattyBRaps, American rapper.
  • January 7: Vicente Conelli, Chilean footballer.
  • 7 January: Félix Nzouango, French footballer.
  • January 7: Maximum Perrone, Argentine footballer.
  • January 8: Anastasiya Makárova, Russian swimmer.
  • January 9: Ricardo Pepi, American footballer.
  • January 10: Cesare Casadei, Italian footballer.
  • January 10: Matteo Spagnolo, Italian basketball player.
  • January 10: Lara-Noelle Steinbrecher, German athlete.
  • January 10: Jeison Fuentealba, Chilean footballer.
  • January 11: Mattia Zanotti, Italian footballer.
  • January 11: Manu Rico, Spanish footballer.
  • January 14: Martim Neto, Portuguese footballer.
  • January 15: Aleksander Buksa, Polish footballer.
  • January 15: Peng Xuwei, Chinese swimmer.
  • January 16: Raúl Arias Arias, Spanish footballer.
  • January 16: Javi Serrano, Spanish footballer.
  • January 16: Alec Segaert, Belgian cyclist.
  • January 18: Devyne Rensch, Dutch footballer.
  • January 18: Doryan Rodriguez, Costa Rican footballer.
  • January 19: Ilaix Moriba, a Guinean footballer.
  • January 19: Felix Afena-Gyan, Ghanaian footballer.
  • January 19: Maksim Paskotši, Estonian footballer.
  • January 19: Christian Rasmussen, Danish footballer.
  • January 20: Jack Doohan, Australian motor racing driver.
  • January 20: Darío Serra Álvarez, Spanish footballer.
  • January 22: Michael Halliday, American footballer.
  • January 23: Kim Ye-lim, South Korean ice skater.
  • January 23: Álex Oyón, Spanish footballer.
  • January 24: Anna Tarusina, an art skater on Russian ice.
  • January 24: Hugo Novoa, Spanish footballer.
  • January 25: Daniel Owusu, Ghanaian footballer.
  • January 25: Julian Halwachs, Austrian footballer.
  • January 26: David Cantero del Campo, Spanish athlete.
  • January 28: Samuel Edozie, British footballer.
  • January 30: Calvin Twigt, Dutch footballer.


  • 1 February: Daena Dyer, a Jamaican athlete.
  • February 4: Kyla Kenedy, American actress.
  • February 5: Jakub Kisiel, Polish footballer.
  • February 5: Ricard Artero Ruiz, Spanish footballer.
  • February 7: Ulysses Ciccioli, Argentine footballer.
  • February 7: Andrés García Robledo, Spanish footballer.
  • February 8: Liam Delap, British footballer.
  • February 10: Pedro Santos, Portuguese footballer.
  • February 10: Dimo Krastev, Bulgarian footballer.
  • 11 February: Marlon Perea, Peruvian footballer.
  • February 12: João Tomé, Portuguese footballer.
  • February 13: Tyler Wolff, American footballer.
  • February 14: Raphael Hofer, Austrian footballer.
  • February 15: Juan David Carabalí, Colombian footballer.
  • February 17: Federica Falzon, Maltese singer.
  • February 17: Armindo Sieb, German footballer.
  • February 17: Will Fish, British footballer.
  • February 18: Francesco Pernici, Italian athlete.
  • February 19: Ariel Mosór, Polish footballer.
  • February 19: Radosław Cielemęcki, Polish footballer.
  • February 20: Olivia Rodrigo, American actress, singer and composer.
  • February 20: Tomás Ángel, a Colombian footballer.
  • February 20: Xavier Simons, English footballer.
  • February 20: Joao Grimaldo, Peruvian footballer.
  • February 22: Karamoko Dembélé, British footballer.
  • February 22: Juan Cruz de los Santos, Uruguayan footballer.
  • February 23: Giorgia Villa, Italian art gymnast.
  • February 24: Carmen Álvarez, Spanish footballer.
  • February 26: Jamal Musiala, English-German footballer.
  • February 26: Lim Eun-soo, South Korean ice skater.
  • February 28: Brodie Young, British athlete.
  • February 28: Cian Uijtdebroeks, Belgian cyclist.
  • February 28: Tarik Muharemović, Bosnian footballer.


  • March 2: Eloise Taylor, third daughter of Timothy Taylor and his wife Helen Taylor.
  • March 4: Park Sa-rang, South Korean actress.
  • March 4: Leonardo Cerri, Italian footballer.
  • March 4: Miki Juanola, Spanish footballer.
  • March 5: Riola Xhemaili, Swiss footballer.
  • March 5: Nico Serrano, Spanish footballer.
  • March 5: Rio Hillen, Dutch footballer.
  • March 6, Millicent Simmonds, American actress.
  • March 6: Malou Prytz, Swedish singer.
  • March 12: Malina Weissman, American actress and model.
  • March 14: Rubén Iranzo, Spanish footballer.
  • March 16: Jacopo Fazzini, Italian footballer.
  • March 17: Youri Baas, Dutch footballer.
  • March 17: Dennis Hauger, Norwegian motor racing driver.
  • March 17: Arthur Augusto, Brazilian footballer.
  • March 19: Alejandro García Mejías, Spanish footballer.
  • March 21: Elisa Iorio, Italian art gymnast.
  • March 21: Paulina Gramaglia, Argentine footballer.
  • March 22: Sergio García, a Spanish bike rider.
  • March 23: Bright Arrey-Mbi, German footballer.
  • March 23: Hong Jinquan, Chinese swimmer.
  • March 23: Álvaro Fernández Carreras, Spanish footballer.
  • March 23: Tommaso Baldanzi, Italian footballer.
  • March 24: Azul Álvarez, Mexican footballer.
  • March 25: Aaron Expósito Monar, Spanish Industrial Engineer.
  • March 26: Bhad Bhabie, American rapper and influencer.
  • March 26: João Resende, Portuguese footballer.
  • March 28: Souleymane Isaak Touré, French footballer.
  • March 28: Felipe Salomoni, Argentine footballer.
  • March 31: Tiago Geralnik, Argentine footballer.


  • April 1st: Gabriele Mulazzi, Italian footballer.
  • April 3: Elsie Fisher, American actress.
  • April 3: Pablo Torre, Spanish footballer.
  • April 3: Eddy Le Huitouze, French cyclist.
  • April 4: Csenge Bácskay, Hungarian art gymnast.
  • April 4: Harvey Elliott, British footballer.
  • April 4: Arnau Solà, Spanish footballer.
  • April 4: Danil Kuraksin, Estonian footballer.
  • April 5: Marcos Luna, Spanish footballer.
  • April 5: Stênio Zanetti, Brazilian footballer.
  • April 8: Alvaro Conrado was a Nicaraguan high school student who became a symbol of the 2018 protests against the government of President Daniel Ortega (f. 2018).
  • April 10: Jostin Tellería, Costa Rican footballer.
  • April 10: Hákon Arnar Haraldsson, Icelandic footballer.
  • April 11: Aksel Rykvin, Norwegian singer.
  • April 13: Olivia Sanabia, American actress and singer.
  • April 13: Brian Aguilar, Argentine soccer player.
  • April 14: Nsikak Ekpo, Dutch athlete.
  • April 16: Renato Cordero, Chilean footballer.
  • April 16: Gustav Knudsen, Danish basketball player.
  • April 16: Elias Havel, Austrian footballer.
  • April 17: Jeriel Quainoo, British athlete.
  • April 19: Zamira Manzur, Mexican footballer.
  • April 19: Hugo Redón, Spanish footballer.
  • April 20: Johan Bakayoko, Belgian footballer.
  • April 22: Ginevra Francesconi, Italian actress and model.
  • April 23: Sekou Yansané, French footballer.
  • April 26: Lukas Wallner, Austrian footballer.
  • April 27: Luis Carbonell Artajona, Spanish footballer.
  • April 28: Daniel Edelman, American footballer.
  • April 29: Maud Angélica Behn, daughter of Princess Marta Luisa of Norway and her ex-husband, writer Ari Behn.
  • April 29: Miguel Rodríguez Vidal, Spanish footballer.
  • April 29: Holger Rune, Danish tennis player.
  • April 29: Pelayo Fernández, Spanish footballer.
  • April 30: Mikhail Smirnov, Russian singer and actor.
  • April 30: Jonathan Rowe, British footballer.
  • April 30: Dorota Puzio, Polish athlete.


  • May 1st: Lizzy Greene, American actress.
  • 1 May: Robiel Yankiel Sol, Cuban athlete.
  • May 1st: Bruno Iglesias, Spanish footballer.
  • May 3: Florian Wirtz, German footballer.
  • 4 May: Saga Vanninen, Finnish athlete.
  • May 5: Kluiverth Aguilar, Peruvian footballer.
  • May 7: Carlos Tatay, a Spanish bike rider.
  • May 7: Kevin Paredes, American footballer.
  • May 8: Moulay Hassan, the eldest son of the king of Morocco, Mohamed VI, and his wife, Lalla Salma.
  • May 8: Joaquín Bondoni, Mexican actor.
  • May 8: Enyel Escoe, Costa Rican footballer.
  • May 12: Madeleine McCann, missing girl in Praia da Luz, Portugal in 2007.
  • May 13: Javier Guerra Moreno, Spanish footballer.
  • May 13: Lara van Niekerk, South African swimmer.
  • May 13: Jabari Smith Jr., American basketball player.
  • May 15: Luca Netz, German footballer.
  • May 16: Noa Fontanals, Spanish actress.
  • May 17: Isaac Tshibangu, Congolese footballer.
  • May 19: JoJo Siwa, actress, singer, dancer and American youtuber.
  • May 19: Malo Gusto, French footballer.
  • May 20: Jeon Min-seo, South Korean actress.
  • 20 May: Michel Modesto, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 21: Alena Viana, American taekwondista.
  • May 22: Emma O'Croinin, Canadian swimmer.
  • May 22: Christine Mboma, Namibia athlete.
  • May 22: Ibrahim Sulemana, Ghanaian footballer.
  • May 23: Aoto Osako, Japanese footballer.
  • May 24: Mateo Ponte, Uruguayan footballer.
  • May 25: Ariana Arias, Spanish footballer.
  • May 26: Marie Dehning, German athlete.
  • May 26: Arsen Zakharyan, Russian footballer.
  • May 26: Dominick Barlow, American basketball player.
  • May 27: Franco Colapinto, an Argentine-Italian motor racing driver.
  • May 27: Caden Clark, American footballer.
  • May 27: Xavier Artigas, a Spanish bike rider.
  • May 31: Damián Cáceres, Spanish footballer.
  • May 31: Óscar Ureña García, Spanish footballer.
  • May 31: Benjamin Šeško, Slovenian footballer.


  • June 1st: Emjay Anthony, American actor.
  • June 2: Jeremy Ray Taylor, American actor.
  • 2 June: Wang Seok-hyun, South Korean actor.
  • June 7: Federica Pansini, Italian athlete.
  • June 8: Eldin Dzogovic, Luxembourg footballer.
  • June 9: Sara Ortega, Colombian actress.
  • June 9: Anastasiya Suvalava, Belarusian swimmer.
  • June 10: Simon Koech, Kenyan athlete.
  • June 11: Breanna Yde, Australian actress.
  • June 13: Britt Veerman, a Dutch athlete.
  • June 13: Naci Ünüvar, a Dutch footballer.
  • June 14: Jenna Forrester, Australian swimmer.
  • June 15: Pablo Barrios Rivas, Spanish footballer.
  • June 17: Finley Burns, British footballer.
  • June 18: Bailey Bass, American actress.
  • June 20: Ilyes Ziani, Belgian footballer.
  • June 20: Hans Niemann, American chess player.
  • June 20: Musab Al-Juwayr, Saudi footballer.
  • June 22: Alisa Kozhikina, Russian singer.
  • June 22: Simone Cerasuolo, Italian swimmer.
  • June 23: Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, daughter of Prince Charles of Bourbon-Dos Sicilies, Duke of Castro, and Princess Camilla of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies.
  • June 24: Casper Terho, Finnish footballer.
  • June 26: Maurits Kjaergaard, Danish footballer.
  • June 27: Francisco Marco, Argentine footballer.
  • June 28: Brandon Aguilera, Costa Rican footballer.
  • June 29: Jude Bellingham, British footballer.
  • June 30: Souleyman Alaphilippe, French taekwondista.
  • June 30: Heristone Wafula, Kenyan athlete.
  • June 30: Marc Pubill, Spanish footballer.
  • June 30: Tim Iroegbunam, English footballer.


  • 1 July: Reshad de Gerus, a French motor racing driver.
  • 1 July: Tate McRae, Canadian singer.
  • July 2: Hugo Álvarez Antúnez, Spanish footballer.
  • 2 July: Adam Karabec, Czech footballer.
  • July 3: Ivan Luengo, actor, voice-door and Spanish footballer.
  • July 3: Pablo Marín, Spanish footballer.
  • July 4: Polina Bogusevich, Russian singer.
  • July 5: Augustine Venezia, Argentine footballer.
  • July 5: Kian Fitz-Jim, Dutch footballer.
  • July 5: Aline Friess, French art gymnast.
  • July 5: Erko Tõugjas, Estonian footballer.
  • July 6: Nurhen Belhaj Salem, Tunisian athlete.
  • 7 July: Celeste D’Arcángelo, an Argentine rhythm gymnast.
  • July 7: Jack McGlynn, American footballer.
  • July 8: Diby Keita, Spanish footballer.
  • July 9: Conor Bradley, British footballer.
  • July 10: Carla Domínguez, Spanish athlete.
  • July 10: Matteo Nannini, an Iolo-Argentine motor racing driver.
  • July 11: Toni Naspler, Spanish basketball player.
  • July 13: Wyatt Oleff, American actor.
  • July 14: Noemi Cesarano, Italian swimmer.
  • July 14: Rocco Robert Shein, Estonian footballer.
  • July 16: Anthony Ammirati, French athlete.
  • July 16: Leonardo Okeke, Italian basketball player.
  • July 16: Noah Persson, Swedish footballer.
  • July 18: Diego Sánchez Pérez, Spanish footballer.
  • July 19: Augustine Ubal, Uruguayan basketball player.
  • July 21: Anthony Valencia, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • July 21: Reon Nozawa, Japanese footballer.
  • July 24: Mexx Meerdink, Dutch footballer.
  • July 24: Jader Barbosa Da Silva Gentil, Brazilian footballer.
  • July 26: Can Öncü, Turkish bike rider.
  • July 26: Deniz Öncü, Turkish bike rider.
  • July 26: Fabricio Alemán, a Costa Rican footballer.
  • July 27: Louis Foster, British motor racing pilot.
  • July 28: Esmee Brugts, Dutch footballer.
  • July 28: Matthew Sates, South African swimmer.
  • July 29: Mariano Penepil, Argentine footballer.
  • July 31: Christian Leyva, Mexican footballer.


  • August 3: Dylan Bibic, Canadian cyclist.
  • August 3: Fabio Miretti, Italian footballer.
  • August 4: Anastasiya Bachynska, Ukrainian art gymnast.
  • August 4: Marko Milovanović, Serbian footballer.
  • August 5: Lucas Gourna-Douath, French footballer.
  • August 6: Lukas Ibertsberger, Austrian footballer.
  • August 7: Prisca Chesang, Ugandan athlete.
  • August 7: Savannah Sutherland, Canadian athlete.
  • August 7: Anastasia Gorbenko, Israeli swimmer.
  • August 9: Etham Hazard, Belgian footballer.
  • August 13: Chiara France, an Argentine actress.
  • August 14: Kojiro Yasuda, Japanese footballer.
  • August 14: Soledad Belotto, Paraguayan footballer.
  • August 14: Chiara Tarantino, Italian swimmer.
  • 14 August: Kornelia Lesiewicz, Polish athlete.
  • August 15: Juan Luis Sánchez Velasco, Spanish footballer.
  • August 17: The Kid Laroi, Australian singer.
  • August 17: Rayan Cherki, French footballer.
  • August 17: Melchie Dumornay, Haitian footballer.
  • August 18: Max Charles, American actor.
  • August 18: Rustam Karimov, azeri singer.
  • August 18: Youri Regeer, Dutch footballer.
  • August 19: Solomon Bonnah, Dutch footballer.
  • August 20: Hayley Faith Negrin, American actress.
  • August 20: Gabriel of Belgium, the second son of the Belgian king Philip of Belgium and his wife, Countess Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz.
  • August 20: Max Woltman, British footballer.
  • August 20: Théo Pourchaire, a French motor racing driver.
  • August 20: Cristian Santander, Colombian footballer.
  • August 21st: Alex Scott, British footballer.
  • August 24: Alyona Kostornaya, an art skater on Russian ice.
  • August 24: Estanis Pedrola, Spanish footballer.
  • August 25: Roberto Arroyo Gregorio, Spanish footballer.
  • August 25: Álex Suárez Cardero, Spanish footballer.
  • August 28: Quvenzhané Wallis, American actress.
  • August 28: Filippo Distefano, Italian footballer.
  • August 28: Francisco Porto, Brazilian motor racing driver.
  • August 29: Krzysztof Różnicki, Polish athlete.
  • August 30: Claudia Iglesias, Spanish footballer.


  • September 1: An Yu-jin, South Korean singer, member of Ive.
  • September 3: Jack Dylan Grazer, American actor.
  • September 4: Debanhi Escobar, Mexican victim of femicide (f. 2022)
  • September 4: Malcolm Ebiowei, British footballer.
  • September 4th: Dávid Betlehem, Hungarian swimmer.
  • September 4: Pablo Muñoz Crespo, Spanish footballer.
  • September 8: Arne Engels, Belgian footballer.
  • September 9: Thea Hail, American professional fighter.
  • September 11: Harvey Vale, British footballer.
  • September 14: Betty, Armenian singer.
  • September 14: Harvey Blair, British footballer.
  • September 16: Enrique Fernández López, Spanish footballer.
  • September 18: Aidan Gallagher, American actor.
  • September 19: Reece Welch, British footballer.
  • September 19: Alejo Véliz, Argentine soccer player.
  • September 19: Franco Herrera, Argentine footballer.


  • October 8: Angela Aguilar, Mexican singer.
  • October 8: Alexsander Christian Gomes da Costa, Brazilian footballer.
  • October 14: Cade Cowell, American footballer.
  • October 15: Emma Vuitton, French penguin.
  • October 17: Santiago Torres, Mexican actor.
  • October 17: Patrickson Delgado, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • October 17: Charlie Patino, British footballer.
  • October 18: Alejandro Balde, Spanish footballer.
  • October 20: Isaiah Violante, Mexican footballer.
  • October 24: Zeno Debast, Belgian footballer.
  • October 24: Bastián Roco, Chilean footballer.
  • October 30: Pau Casadesús, Spanish footballer.
  • October 31: António Silva, Portuguese footballer.


  • 1 November: Ernest Nuamah, Ghanaian footballer.
  • 5 November: Shea Charles, British footballer.
  • 5 November: Wilfried Gnonto, Italian footballer.
  • November 6: Vania Villalobos, Mexican footballer.
  • 8 November: Luisa Mountbatten-Windsor, the first daughter of Prince Edward, Count of Wessex and Sofia, Countess of Wessex and the twelfth in the line of succession to the British throne and is a member of the British Royal Family.
  • 11 November: Jamal Baptiste, British footballer.
  • 13 November: Sofia Åstedt, Swedish swimmer.
  • 17 November: Luce Douady, French climber (f. 2020).
  • November 18: Jalen Duren, American basketball player.
  • November 19: Yaser Asprilla, Colombian footballer.
  • November 20: Anna Tóth, Hungarian athlete.
  • November 22: Ina Haugen, Norwegian athlete.
  • November 23: Lawrence Agyekum, Ghanaian footballer.
  • November 23: Gonzalo Álvez, Argentine soccer player.
  • November 24: Adriana Cerezo, Spanish taekwondista.
  • November 24: Giovane Santana, Brazilian footballer.
  • November 25: Jonas Krumrey, German footballer.


  • December 1st: Robert Irwin, Australian photographer.
  • December 2: Carolann Héduit, French art gymnast.
  • December 4: Lauren Boles, American actress.
  • 4 December: Heidi Salminen, Finnish athlete.
  • December 6: Oscar Fraulo, Danish footballer.
  • 7 December: Catherine Amalia of Orange, is Princess of Orange, Princess of the Netherlands and Princess of Orange-Nassau, heir to the throne of the Netherlands as the eldest daughter of King William Alexander I and Queen Max.
  • 9 December: Shin Yu-Na South Korean singer member of the K-Pop Itzy group
  • December 10: Rebeca Martínez, was a Dominican baby born with two heads (f. 2004).
  • December 11: Giorgio Scalvini, Italian footballer.
  • December 13: Jhon Jáder Durán, a Colombian footballer.
  • December 14: Marlon Gomes, Brazilian footballer.
  • December 15: Joey Antonioli, Dutch footballer.
  • December 19: Hugo Sotelo, Spanish footballer.
  • December 20: Ramil Mustafaev, Russian footballer.
  • December 22: Neel Sethi, American actor.
  • December 27: Cesare Caiani, an Italian athlete.
  • December 31: Erika Fairweather, New Zealand swimmer.

Unknown date

  • Rufo Chacón, Venezuelan student.
  • Zulaikha Patel, student and activist against South African racism.



  • January 6: Andrés Trapiello gets the Nadal Award for his novel The perfect crime friends.
  • Arturo Pérez-Reverte: The Knight of the Yellow Bumble, fifth delivery of the series The Adventures of Captain Alatriste.
  • Rosa Montero: The crazy house.
  • Dan Brown: The code Da Vinci.
  • Miguel Argaya: History of the Falangists in the Franco regime.
  • Mark Haddon: The curious incident of the dog at midnight.

Culture and fiction

  • The animated series UnderWorld recounts the beginning of the "Nuclear Armageddon" (World War III) on August 25, 2003

Science and technology

  • 14 February: Dolly sheep dies, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell.
  • 1 March: WHO subscribes to the first international tobacco treaty.
  • In March, in Hong Kong, a group of doctors states that they have identified the SARS causative agent (several acute respiratory syndrome) as belonging to the paramixovirus family.
  • April 11: In Madrid the Metrosur is inaugurated, which connects with the metro.
  • April 24: the genome sequence is completed.
  • In September, in the cave of Liang Bua, west of the island of Flores (Indonesia), there is a kind of hominid known as Man of Flowers. (Homo floriensis).


  • January 6: launch of the American Earth Observation Satellite Coriolis.
  • 2 June: launch of the European probe to Mars Mars Express.
  • 14 November: discovery of the planetoid Sedna
  • 21 September: Galileo ends, after eight years of exploration of the Jupiter system.
  • September 27: launch of the European lunar probe Smart 1.

Game Consoles

  • September 13: Steam is launched into the market as an online gaming store.
  • 14 February (Japan) / 23 March (United States) / 28 March (Europe): the successful Nintendo console, the Game Boy Advance SP (very improved Game Boy Advance review) is released for sale.
  • Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
  • Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed
  • Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
  • Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
  • The PC edition of the game GTA: Vice City comes out for sale.

Video games

  • June 17: Microsoft Game Studios and Digital Illusions CE released the Midtown Madness 3 video game for the Xbox console,
  • July 24: SNK Playmore and Capcom launch the video game SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom for the Neo Geo Arcade System.
  • September 28: Vivendi Universal and Vicarious Visions released Crash Nitro Kart video game for PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo Gamecube and Game Boy Advance.
  • November 18: Rockstar Games launches Manhunt for PlayStation 2 and Xbox consoles, and later launch for Microsoft Windows.
  • December 12: SNK Playmore launches The King of Fighters 2003 in addition to being the latest video game of the KOF series to appear in the Arcade Neo Geo system.



  • Women's World Cup Soccer: Germany is proclaimed world champion for the first time after defeating Sweden by 2:1.
  • Intercontinental Cup: Boca Juniors (Argentina), champion after beating AC Milan.
  • Champions League (Champions League): The AC Milan, champion.
  • UEFA Cup: FC Porto wins the UEFA Cup.
  • Copa Libertadores de América: Boca Juniors (Argentina), champion.
  • South American Cup: Scientist of Cusco is proclaimed champion of the South American Cup of soccer after beating 1:0 in Arequipa, Peru to the River Plate of Argentina.
  • Recopa Sudamericana: Club Olimpia (Paraguay), champion.
  • Spanish Football League: Real Madrid, champion.
  • Copa del Rey: June 28: Real Mallorca is proclaimed a champion by 3:0 to the Recreative of Huelva. The end was played in Elche.
  • English League: Manchester United, champion.
  • League Argentina:
    • Closure: River Plate.
    • Opening: Boca Juniors.
  • Colombian League:
    • Opening: Once Caldas
    • Finalization: Sports Tolima
  • Chilean League :
    • Opening: Copperloa.
    • Closure: Copperloa.
  • Mexican League:
    • Closure: The Monterrey gets its second championship after 17 years, beating the Morelia for a 3-1 global score.
    • Opening: Pachuca crowns champion defeating the Tigers with a 3-2 global.
  • Italian League Turin Juventus, champ.
  • German League Munich Bayern, champ.
  • Golden Ball: Czech Pavel Nedvěd (Juventus de Turin), named best footballer in the world of the year according to the magazine France Football.
  • Ecuadorian Football Championship: Quito League, champion.


  • July 5: Sergio Agüero becomes the youngest footballer to debut in a first division tournament in Argentina.
  • In Argentina the Unique Stadium of La Plata is inaugurated


  • NBA: San Antonio Spurs, champion.
  • Euroliga: April- F. C. Barcelona is proclaimed, for the first time, champion of the Euroleague of basketball, whose "Final Four" was played in Barcelona. The Serbian player of Barcelona, Dejan Bodiroga, is appointed the most valuable player of the tournament.
  • ULEB Cup: Pamesa Valencia, champion.
  • League ACB: F. C. Barcelona, champion.
  • Basketball King Cup: F. C. Barcelona, champion, at the end of Valencia to the TAU Baskonia by 84-78.
  • South American League of Clubs: This year has been the only one in which this tournament has not been held since its inception in 1996.


  • Copa de Europa de Balonmano: Montpellier HB (France), champion.
  • Recopa de Europa de Balonmano: Balonmano Ciudad Real (Spain), champion.
  • EHF Cup: F. C. Barcelona, champion.
  • ASOBAL League(Spain): F. C. Barcelona, champion.


  • World Athletic Championship: The ninth edition is held in Paris (France).


  • Open from Australia: Men: Andre Agassi to Rainer Schüttler. Women: Serena Williams to Venus Williams.
  • Roland Garros: Men: Juan Carlos Ferrero to Martin Verkerk. Women: Justine Henin-Hardenne to Kim Clijsters.
  • Wimbledon: Men: Roger Federer to Mark Philippoussis. Women: Serena Williams to Venus Williams.
  • US Open: Men: Andy Roddick to Juan Carlos Ferrero. Women: Justine Henin-Hardenne to Kim Clijsters.
  • Masters: Roger Federer (men) and Kim Clijsters (women).
  • Davis Cup: Australia, champion.
  • Copa: France, champion.
  • World Cup: Chile is proclaimed world champion of tennis thanks to the team composed by Marcelo Rios, Nicolás Massú and Fernando González in Düsseldorf, Germany.


  • Masters of Augusta: Mike Weir, champion.
  • United States Golf Open: Jim Furyk, champion.
  • Open British Golf: Ben Curtis, champion.
  • PGA Championship: Shaun Micheel, champion.
  • PGA Grand Slam Golf: Jim Furyk, champion.

Motor Racing

  • Formula 1: Michael Schumacher gets his sixth title of Formula 1 World Champion. Fernando Alonso gets in the Hungarian GP the first victory of a Spaniard in Formula 1, becoming the youngest driver to win a Grand Prix, and to get a pole position in the Malaysian GP.
  • NASCAR: Matt Kenseth, champion of Winston Cup Series with 1 win.
  • World Rally Championship: Petter Solberg, champion.
  • Paris-Dakar Rally: Hiroshi Masuoka, champion.


  • World Motocycling Championship:
    • MotoGP: Valentino Rossi, champion.
    • 250 cc: Manuel Poggiali, champion.
    • 125 cc: Daniel Pedrosa, champion.
  • Paris-Dakar Rally: Richard Sainct, champion.


  • Tour de France: Lance Armstrong wins his fifth Tour of France in a row. (these 5 and the other two that won, are removed by the anti-doping tests that came out positive.)
  • Return to Spain: September 26: Roberto Heras is the winner of the 59th edition of the Vuelta to Spain for the second time.
  • Giro de Italia: Gilberto Simoni, Italian, winner.
  • World Cycling Championship: Igor Astarloa (Spain), champion.


  • Central Chilean rugby Championship: Catholic Champion University.
  • Rugby World Championship: England Champion (first Champion Team of the Northern Hemisphere).
  • URBA Championship: SIC Champion.
  • Tournament of the Litoral: GER Champion.


  • Rodeo National Championship: Sebastián Walker and Camilo Padilla achieved the title of the 2003 National Rodeo Championship.



  • 9 January: Monster Patty Jenkins.
  • 29 January: The mystery of Ginostra Manuel Pradal.
  • 17 January: Kitchen stories Bent Hamer.
  • 7 February: The Great Adventure of Mortadelo and Philemon by Javier Fesser.
  • 5 March: Astronauts Santi Amodeo.
  • 14 March: Superager Cody Banks of Frankie Muniz and Hilary Duff.
  • March 16: Francis Glebas's Big Piglet Film
  • 14 March: Willard Glen Morgan.
  • 21 March: Utopia Maria Ripoll.
  • 31 March: Mixels (2003): The Movie .
  • 4 April: Japan of Carlos Reygadas.
  • 4 April: A dream for her Dennie Gordon.
  • 2 May: Salinui chueok (Memories of MurderBong Joon-ho.
  • 9 May: Down with love Peyton Reed.
  • 15 May: The Matrix Reloaded Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski.
  • 23 May: Bruce Almighty of Tom Shadyac
  • 30 May: Looking for Nemo Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich.
  • 30 May: Km. 666 Rob Schmidt.
  • 9 June: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Gore Verbinski.
  • 13 June: Two sisters Kim Jee-Woon.
  • 18 June: High voltage Alexandre Aja.
  • 26 June: Live tried Thomas Yankelevich.
  • 2 July: Simbad: The Legend of the Seven Seas from Patrick Gilmore and Tim Johnson.
  • 25 July: Seabiscuit Gary Ross.
  • 1 August: American foot. Jesse Dylan.
  • 8 August: S.W.A.T. The men of Harrelson Clark Johnson.
  • 15 August: A good lawyer's wife Im Sang-soo.
  • 23 August: The Curse 2 Takashi Shimizu.
  • 6 September: Zatōichi Takeshi Kitano.
  • 12 September: American splendor by Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini.
  • 19 September: Spring, summer, autumn, winter... and spring Kim Ki-duk.
  • 19 September: Underworld Len Wiseman.
  • 25 September: Japanese Story by Sue Brooks.
  • 26 September: Human stain Robert Benton.
  • 26 September: Under the sun of Tuscany Audrey Wells.
  • 3 October: A contrarreloj Carl Franklin.
  • 3 October: Rock School Richard Linklater.
  • 3 October: Lost in Translation from Sofia Coppola.
  • 10 October: Kill Bill Vol. 1 Quentin Tarantino.
  • 17 October: The Texas Matanza Marcus Nispel.
  • 24 October: Final destination 2 of David R. Ellis.
  • 24 October: Caterina va in città by Paolo Virzì.
  • 24 October: Mystic River Clint Eastwood.
  • 24 October: Scary Movie 3 David Zucker.
  • 1 November: Brother Bear Aaron Blaise and Bob Walker.
  • 5 November: Bad milk by Patrick Alessandrin.
  • 5 November: The Matrix Revolutions Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski.
  • 14 November: Master and commander Peter Weir.
  • 21 November: 21 grams of Alejandro González Iñárritu.
  • 21 November: Oldboy Park Chan-wook.
  • 21 November: The cat
  • 26 November: Lovely mansion Rob Minkoff.
  • 1 December: Saraband by Ingmar Bergman.
  • 5 December: The last samurai from Edward Zwick.
  • 5 December: Peter Pan from P. J. Hogan.
  • 12 December: When you least expect it... Nancy Meyers.
  • 17 December: The Lord of the Rings: the return of the King by Peter Jackson (world star).
  • 19 December: The Cid: The Legend by Josep Pozo.
  • 19 December: The smile of Mona Lisa Mike Newell.
  • 19 December: The girls on the calendar from Nigel Cole.
  • 25 December: Cold Mountain Anthony Minghella.
  • 25 December: Big Fish Tim Burton.

All dates belong to the official premieres of their countries of origin, unless otherwise indicated.


  • The Spanish Pedro Almodóvar receives Oscar the best script for his film Talk to her..



Nobel Prize

  • Physics: Aleksey Alekséyevich Abrikósov, Vitaly L. Ginzburg, Anthony J. Leggett
  • Chemistry: Peter Agre, Roderick MacKinnon
  • Medicine: Paul Christian Lauterbur, Sir Peter Mansfield
  • Literature: John Maxwell Coetzee
  • Peace: Shirin Ebadi
  • Economy: Robert F. Engle, Clive W. J. Granger

Prince of Asturias Awards

  • Arts: Miquel Barceló.
  • Social Sciences: Jürgen Habermas.
  • Communication and Humanities: Ryszard Kapuscinski and Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino.
  • Concordia: Joanne Kathleen Rowling.
  • International cooperation: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
  • Sports: Tour de France.
  • Scientific and Technical Research: Jane Goodall.
  • Letters: Fatima Mernissi and Susan Sontag.

Cervantes Award

  • Gonzalo Rojas.

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