1st century


The century I d. C. (1st century AD) or I century and. c. (first century of the Common Era) began on January 1 of the year 1 and ended on December 31 of the year 100.

World map (except America) around the centuryI.

During this century the Roman Empire completed its dominance of southern and western Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean Levant. The reforms introduced by Augustus during his principality finally stabilized the Roman world after the political and military turmoil that had characterized much of the previous century, ushering in the period of relative peace known as the Pax Romana.

Map of the world at the end of the first century.

Relevant events

Wars and Politics

  • 8-23: Wang Mang installs the ephemeral Xin dynasty.
  • 9: Three Roman legions led by the governor Publio Quintilio Varo are exterminated by the Germans in the battle of the forest of Teutobourg.
  • 14: Die Octavian Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, is succeeded by his stepson, Tiberius.
  • 41: The emperor Caligula is slain, and his uncle Claudio happens to him.
  • 43: The Romans conquer the island of Britania.
  • 44: Herod Agrippa, king of the Jews, and friend of the emperor Claudio, died.
  • 60/61: near London, a Roman army led by Governor Cayo Suetonio Paulino defeats Queen Boudica.
  • 66-73: The first Jewish-Roma war, between the Roman Empire and the Jewish people, takes place.
  • 69: Vespasian is proclaimed emperor, establishing the Flavian dynasty.
  • 70: The Romans capture Jerusalem and destroy the Temple of Jerusalem.
  • 87: The Romans are defeated by the disdain of King Decébalo in the First Battle of Tapae.
  • 96: The Domitian emperor is killed, the Roman Senate establishes the venerable Nerva as emperor that day.

Science and technology

  • The codex appears, for the first time in the Roman Empire.
  • 78: The use of calendars in South Asia begins.
  • Heron of Alexandria develops its steam machines.


  • 1: The lion is extinguished in Western Europe.
  • 64: The Great Fire of Rome occurs, Emperor Nero accuses Christians of the fire and is the first emperor to pursue them.
  • 79: The Vesuvius volcano is erupted, destroying Pompeii and Herculaneum in its passage.


  • 33: According to the Christian tradition, Jesus of Nazareth is crucified in Jerusalem.
  • 51: According to the Christian tradition, Paul of Tarsus writes First Epistle to Thessaloniansconsidered the oldest text of the New Testament.
  • 52: According to the Christian tradition, Thomas the Apostle comes to India.
  • 85: The Council of Jamnia is celebrated.


  • Years 0: The Shinto Sanctuary of Ise is built in Japan.
  • 20: The famous statue of Augustus de Prima Porta is built.
  • 50: The Tower of Hercules is built in La Coruña.
  • 80: The construction of the Colosseum of Rome is completed under the reign of Emperor Titus.

Relevant characters

Octavio Augusto, the first emperor of Rome.
  • Apollonius of Tiana (3 B.C. - 98 AD): philosopher, mathematician and mystical Greek.
  • Arminion (16/17 a. C. - 48 d. C.): German leader, known for his victory in the Battle of the Teutobourg Forest.
  • Boudica (? - AD 61): Queen of the Iceans, led a rebellion in the Britannia against the Romans.
  • Caligula (12 d.C.-41 d.C.) first murdered Roman emperor.
  • Claudio (10 B.C. - 54 AD): Roman emperor, under his reign the island of Britannia was conquered.
  • Cneo Julio Agrícola (40 AD - 93 AD): Roman military, governor of the Britannia, known for romanizing the region.
  • Give it up (81 AD - 105 AD): King of the Dats, known for defeating the Romans.
  • Domitian (51 AD - 96 AD): Roman emperor, last emperor of the Flavia dynasty.
  • Strabon (64/63 BC - 24 AD): Greek philosopher and geographer.
  • Philo of Alexandria (15/10 B.C. - 45/50 AD): Jewish philosopher.
  • Heron of Alexandria (10 B.C. - 70 AD): Greek engineer and mathematician.
  • Ignatius of Antioch (35/50 BC - 98-117 AD): Bishop of the Catholic Church in Antioch.
  • Jesus of Nazareth (6 a.C./4 a.C. - AD 30): Messiah of Christianity.
  • John the Baptist (5 BC - 30 AD?) Jewish preacher, prophet of Christianity and Islam.
  • Judas Iscariot (27 B.C. - 33 AD): an apostle of Jesus Christ, known for betraying him.
  • Julio César Germánico (15 B.C. - 19 AD): Roman military, known for his victories.
  • Liu Xiu (5 B.C. - 57 AD): Chinese emperor re-established the Han dynasty.
  • Livia Drusila (57 B.C. - 29 AD): wife of Octavio Augusto and first Empress of Rome.
  • Marco Valerio Marcial (40 AD - 104 AD): Roman poet.
  • Mary Magdalene (A. C. - AD 70): follower of Jesus of Nazareth, considered holy by the Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican churches.
  • Nero (37 AD - 68 AD): Roman emperor, first emperor to pursue Christianity.
  • Octavian Augustus (63 B.C. - 14 AD): adopted son of Julius Caesar, the first emperor of Rome.
  • Ovid (43 B.C. - AD 17): Roman poet.
  • Paul of Tarsus (- AD 67): Apostle of Jesus Christ and Christian preacher.
  • Plinio el Viejo (23 AD - 79 AD): philosopher and Roman naturalist.
  • Plutarco (- 120 AD): Roman historian.
  • Policarpo (70 AD - 155 AD): Holy of the Catholic Church.
  • Lucio Anneo Séneca (4 B.C. - 65 AD): Roman Stoic philosopher, tutor of Emperor Nero.
  • Sejan (20 B.C. - 31 AD): Roman military, was made with power in the Roman Empire in a short time.
  • Simon Peter (A. C. - AD 67): an apostle of Jesus Christ, considered by the Catholic Church as his first pope.
  • Tacitus (55 AD - 120 AD): consul, governor, senator and Roman historian.
  • Tiberius (42 B.C. - AD 37): Roman emperor, son of Octavian Augustus.
  • Titus (39 AD - 81 AD): Roman emperor, under his reign the construction of the Colosseum was completed.
  • Vespasian (9 AD - 79 AD): Roman emperor, founder of the Flavia dynasty.

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