From the left, in the sense of the needles of the clock: the film set of "Titanic", the most tachyllera film of history at that time; It is published "Harry Potter and the Philosopheric Stone"; Comet Hale-Bopp passes near the Earth and becomes one of the most observed comets of the twentieth century; Plaza Golden Bauhinia Square, where the sovereignty of the Czech Republic is transferred

1997 (MCMXCVII) was a common year beginning on a Wednesday in the Gregorian calendar. It was also the number 1997 anno Dómini or the Christian Era designation, in addition to the nine hundred and ninety-seventh of the second millennium, the ninety-seventh of the 20th century and the eighth of the 1990s.



  • January 1st: Mexico has long-distance marking changes.
  • January 2: in Puerto Rico Pedro Rossello begins his second and last term as governor.
  • January 5: the troops of the Russian Federation announce their withdrawal from Chechnya.
  • January 7: In Algiers, a car bomb causes 13 dead in front of the Senox Corporation.
  • January 8: In Madrid, ETA murders Lieutenant Colonel Jesus Cuesta, after Herri Batasuna's announcement of "a future of suffering."
  • January 9: The General Motors motor company agrees to withdraw the lawsuit against the German company Volkswagen.
  • January 10: In Nicaragua, Arnoldo Alemán took over the presidency.
  • 13 January: In Costa Rica, a total of 102 developing countries, members of the Group of 77 and the People ' s Republic of China start a three-day meeting.
  • January 14: Spanish José María Gil-Robles and Gil-Delgado is elected president of the European Parliament.
  • January 17: In all Spain, tens of thousands of people manifest themselves to demand the freedom of Cosme Delclaux and Ortega Lara, kidnapped by the armed band ETA.
  • January 18: In Rwanda three Spanish cooperants of the NGO Doctors of the World are killed: Luis Valtueña, Flors Sirera and Manuel Madrazo.
  • January 20: In the United States, Democrat Bill Clinton is sworn in for his second presidential term.
  • January 21 to April 16: a series of earthquakes from 6.0 to 6.6 leave a balance of 12 dead and 40 wounded in the Chinese county of Jiashi.
  • January 22: Madeleine Albright became the first woman to serve as the United States Secretary of State.
  • 25 January: in Pinamar (Argentina) photographer José Luis Cabezas was killed by the orders of the businessman Alfredo Yabrán.


  • February 2: In the United States, the Microcredit Summit was inaugurated, an international movement aimed at granting small economic aid to the 100 million poorest families in the world to devote them to concrete productive activities.
  • 4 February: the governments of the United States, France and the United Kingdom decide to set up a fund to compensate the victims of the Holocaust, whose basis is $68 million in in ingots.
    • an earthquake of 6.5 leaves 88 dead and nearly 2,000 wounded in Iran.
  • February 5: In the United States, stock market firms Morgan Stanley and Dean Witter announce their merger with which they will form a listed company with some $270 billion funds.
  • February 5: In Ecuador, the National Congress (at the request of the social movements and the citizenry) destitutes the lawyer and singer Abdalá Bucaram from his post as president, claiming "mental inability to govern" and appoints Fabian Alarcón, then president of the Congress. Bucaram does not accept what is dictated by the Congress and Vice President Rosalía Arteaga assumes the functions of the presidency for two days.
  • 7 February: The United States vetoes the draft of a UN Security Council resolution prepared by the European Union against the Israeli plans to build a Jewish quarter in East Jerusalem.
  • 10 February: in Madrid, ETA murders the Supreme Court judge Rafael Martínez, and in Granada the civil hairdresser of the military base of Armilla, Domingo Puente Marín.
  • 11 February: In Ecuador, the former President of Congress, Fabián Alarcón, became head of the State of Ecuador until 10 August 1998, by decision of the Parliament.
  • February 11: In Peru, the Government meets with members of an armed command of the Revolutionary Tupac Amaru Movement (MRTA).
  • 11 February: In Tolosa (Guipúzcoa), the terrorist group ETA murders the industrialist Francisco Arratibel Fuentes.
  • 11 February: Birth of the artist of k-pop Roseanne Park member of BLACKPINK
  • 13 February: In Spain, Congress approved the Telecommunications Liberalization Bill and fixed the conditions of the second telephony operator (Retevision).
  • 15 February: In Geneva, Switzerland, 67 countries signed a historic agreement to liberalize the telecommunications market within the framework of the World Trade Organization.
  • February 17: In Spain, Modesto Rico Pasaín, a 33-year-old judicial police officer, died killed by the ETA armed gang by a bomb placed under the seat of his car.
  • February 20: At the Berlin Festival, actress Kim Novak receives the Golden Bear for her entire film career.
  • 21 February: In Guatemala, the deployment of blue berets of the United Nations Organization begins to verify the demobilization of the URNG guerrillas.
  • 21 February: the International Fund for Agricultural Development, composed of 160 member countries, agrees a refinancing totalling $485 million for the next triennium.
  • February 23: Scottish scientists announce that they have achieved a chronic sheep called Dolly.
  • February 28: One of the most surprising shootings was recorded and never seen in the United States of America (USA), called North Hollywood Shooting. Acts by bank robbers named Larry Eugene Phillips, Jr. and Emil Matasareanu.
    • In the Iranian city of Ardabil, there is an earthquake of 6.1 that leaves a balance of 1,100 dead and 2,600 wounded.
    • an earthquake of 7.0 leaves more than 100 dead in Pakistan.


  • March 6: In Quito, the University Sports League Stadium (now Rodrigo Paz Delgado Stadium) was inaugurated.
  • March 9: In the United States, the rap musician Notorious B.I.G. was killed in a shooting.
  • March 17: In Atlanta (United States) the CNN cable channel is opened in Spanish.
  • March 17: In the United States, ToonamiCartoon Network block.
  • 21 March: In Poland, the Parliament adopted by majority the first democratic Constitution since the country began its process of political and economic transformations seven years ago.
  • 21 March: In the village of Havaspur, 60 km west of the sacred city of Gaya (India), the terrorist group Ranvir Sena (formed by right-wing Brazilian landowners) kill 10 dalits (low caste people). With the blood of the victims write the name of the organization on the walls of the village.
  • March 23: In San Sebastián, thousands of protesters, called by the organization Gesto for Peace, are calling for the end of ETA violence and the release of prison officials José Antonio Ortega Lara (selected for 532 days) and the businessman Cosme Delclaux (secuted for 132 days).
  • 23 March: in Madrid, the Asturian poet Angel González entered the Royal Spanish Academy with the speech «The other loneliness of Antonio Machado», to occupy the chair P, desert after the death of Navarre anthropologist and historian Julio Caro Baroja.
  • March 26: In a town of Rancho Santa Fe, north of San Diego (California), 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate sect commit collective suicide.
  • 27 March: Japan officially recognizes the Ainu ethnicity as indigenous Hokkaido Aboriginals.
  • March 27: Birth of Lalisa Manobal k-pop artist BLACKPINK
  • March 28: In the Adriatic Sea, 80 Albanian refugees die when they crashed the boat they traveled against an Italian freighter.
  • March 31: in Huarte-Araquil (Navarra), a day train covering the Barcelona-Hendaya route descarrila when entering over speed in a needle change at the Uharte-Arakil (Navarra) station causing 22 deaths and 80 injuries.


Number of Line 5 of the Santiago Metro.
  • 1 April: Comet Hale-Bopp (discovered in 1995) passes through its perihelium.
  • April 1st: in Spain, the architect Miguel Fisac unanimously gets the VII Antonio Camuñas Architecture Prize.
  • April 1st: In Japan, the anime Pókemon is first issued.
  • 2 April: Presidents Borís Yeltsin (Russia), and Aleksandr Lukashenko (Bielorrusia) sign the Treaty of the Union of their respective countries, which allows both to maintain their sovereignty and strengthen cooperation.
  • April 2: In Spain, scientists at the CSIC (the Higher Council for Scientific Research) manage to show that a drug synthesized years ago by German researchers causes the death of cancer cells without affecting healthy ones.
  • April 5: In Santiago (Chile) the first section of the Santiago Metro Line 5 is opened from Baquedano to Bellavista de La Florida.
  • 7-11 April: in Zacatecas, Mexico, the first International Congress of the Spanish Language was opened, with the presence of Juan Carlos I, President Ernesto Zedillo, and the three Nobel Prizes Gabriel García Márquez, Camilo José Cela and Octavio Paz.
  • April 22: In Lima, the Peruvian army rescues the hostages of the Japanese embassy in blood and fire and kills the guerrillas of the MRTA.


  • May 1st: In the UK, Tony Blair becomes the new prime minister.
  • 3 May: in Dublin (Ireland), the XLII Edition of Eurovision is celebrated. The song of the United Kingdom will come, Love Shine A Light Katrina & The Waves band.
  • 10 May: an earthquake of 7.3 leaves a balance of 1,567 dead and more than 2,300 wounded in northern Iran.
  • 14 May: Radiocable.com, the first Spanish radio station, directed by Fernando Berlin, begins to broadcast.
  • 16 May: President of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko, leaves power after more than 30 years of dictatorship. Laurent-Désiré Kabila proclaims the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • May 16: In Washington, United States, President Bill Clinton asks for formal apologies to the eight survivors of the Tuskegee experiment: between 1932 and 1972 the Government held 400 families from Macon County, Alabama, suffering from syphilis, providing them with placebo instead of treatment.
  • 17 May: Laurent Kabila is the head of the State of Zaire and renames the country as the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • May 17: In Northern Ireland, Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams (the political arm of the Provisional IRA) accepts the offer of British Prime Minister Tony Blair to establish a bilateral dialogue to achieve peace in that country.
  • 22 May: In India, an earthquake of 5.8 leaves 56 dead and 1,500 wounded.
  • May 23: In Iran, reformist Seyyyed Mohammad Jatamí is elected president with 20 million votes.
  • May 27: In Jarrell (Texas), the second most deadly tornado in the 1990s is recorded. 27 people die.
  • 30 May: Spain enters the military structure of NATO.


  • June 1: In Bolivia, Hugo Bánzer wins the presidential elections.
  • June 1st: In Mexico, the Chivas de Guadalajara football club breaks its 10-year drought without titles by crowning itself as the second champion in short tournaments of Mexican football, being the first team of Mexican football to reach 10 titles, accounted for since the 1956-57 tournament.
  • June 10: In Cambodia, Pol Pot (the leader of the Red Jemers) ordered the murder of his Minister of Defense, Son Sen, and 11 family members, while fleeing from his base in the north of the country. The news won't leave the country until three days later.
  • June 11: inauguration of the 38th edition of the Copa América 1997 of Bolivia.
  • June 15: The 1997 Youth Football World Cup is inaugurated in Malaysia.
  • June 20: The first book by Harry Potter is published in London
  • June 25: An unmanned Russian spacecraft Progress clashes with the Russian Mir space station during coupling manoeuvres.
  • June 28: In Vallegrande (Bolivia), a group of Cuban scientists find the remains of the Argentine-Cuban commander Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967) and several of his guerrillas.
  • June 29: in La Paz (Bolivia) finishes the Copa América and Brazil is champion for the fifth time of Copa América after winning the local selection 3 goals for 1.


  • 1 July: the United Kingdom transfers control of Hong Kong to the People ' s Republic of China, after 155 years of colonization of the territory.
  • July 1st: In Spain, the Guardia Civil released José Antonio Ortega Lara, who remained kidnapped by the ETA terrorist gang for 532 days.
  • July 4th: NASA's Mars Pathfinder Space Probe Contacts Mars' Surface.
  • 4 July: Bimenes becomes the first council to declare the officiality of the Asturian language within its territory, originating a chain reaction between several Asturian municipalities.
  • July 4: in Mexico Die the drug dealer Amado Carrillo Fuentes "El Señor de los Skys", a drug dealer who used airplane flotillas to transport the drug between Colombia and Mexico.
  • July 5: In Cambodia, Hun Sen (from the People's Party of Cambodia) defeats Norodom Ranariddh in a coup d'etat.
  • July 6: In Mexico the legislative elections are held to constitute the LVII Legislature, in which the Institutional Revolutionary Party loses for the first time in 68 years the absolute majority in the House of Deputies.
  • 7 July: In the south of Poland begins the Great Flood.
  • 9 July: In Venezuela, an earthquake of 6.9 affects the east of the country, mainly the Sucre State, where 81 people are killed, 500 wounded, as well as substantial material losses. The most affected cities were Cumaná and Cariaco.
  • July 10: In the Basque town of Ermua, the terrorist band ETA kidnapped Councilman Miguel Angel Blanco.
  • 11 July: in the village of Bathani Tola, 5 km east of the city of Siwan (India), the terrorist group Ranvir Sena (formed by right-wing Brazilian landowners) kill 21 dalits (low caste people). With the blood of the victims they write on the walls of the village:
We killed the children because when they grew up they would become naksalitas.
We kill women because they give birth to more naksalitas.
  • July 11: In the Caribbean Sea, south-east of the island of Cuba, 44 people die when an Antonov AN-24 plane from Cubana de Aviación fell.
  • July 13: In Spain, the terrorist group ETA murders Miguel Ángel Blanco (the council of the population of Ermua by the Popular Party), whose kidnapping three days earlier had generated a mobilization of the Basque people against ETA never seen until then.
  • July 15: the Italian designer Gianni Versace is killed at the door of his home in Miami.
  • July 19: The End of Gospeln animated feature film in Japan,
  • 22 July or 4 August: Japan publishes the first chapter of the sleeve One Piece.


  • 4 August or 22 July: Japan publishes the first chapter of the sleeve One Piece
  • August 8 Francisco de Borja Arboleya Becerra creates the Aquasella Festival in Arriondas Asturias.
  • August 12: Mexican singer Luis Miguel, launched his 12th market. studio album and third made in boleros Romances.
  • August 13: In the American television channel Comedy Central launches the animation program South park.
  • August 21: Former Colombian President Misael Pastrana died.
  • August 31: In Paris, France, Princess Diana of Wales died in a car accident.
  • 31 August: delegates from over a hundred countries meet in Oslo, Norway at an international conference on the prohibition of anti-personnel mines.


Diana's coffin, wrapped in the royal banner with a cushioning edge, crossed the streets of London on his way to the Westminster Abbey.
  • September 1st: the French prosecutor's office investigating the accident where Lady Di died confirms that the driver was driving with a higher alcohol level than allowed.
  • 1 September:K-pop artist's birth,Jeon Jung-Kook BTS member
  • 5 September: Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a Catholic nun of Albanian origin, died.
  • September 6: Lady Di's funeral takes place at the Westminster Abbey.
  • 8 September: 500 people die in the port of Montrouis (Haiti) when a ferry is shipwrecked.
  • September 9: The Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz, released his fourth studio album entitled More.
  • September 19: Venezuelan Consuelo Adler is crowned as Miss International 1997, giving the second crown to Venezuela in that contest
  • September 20: In the Monumental Stadium of Buenos Aires, Soda Stereo performs his famous “Last concert” before more than 65 000 spectators.
  • September 23: Mexican singer Alejandro Fernández, published his sixth studio album entitled I'm falling in love.
  • September 30: the city of Alicante suffers the worst floods in its history after a rain of 270.2 mm in a few hours, causing 4 deaths. The river Júcar overflowed in some areas of the province of Valencia.


  • 2 October: the Parliament of Catalonia recognizes the International University of Catalonia as a private university.
  • October 3: Bang Chan (Christopher Bang) was born in Sydney, Australia member of Stray Kids
  • 4 October: the youngest daughter of the Kings of Spain, the Infanta doña Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin are married in Barcelona.
  • October 8: In Los Angeles, the U.S. company Yahoo acquires both Four11 and its Rocketmail e-mail, which was the first competitor of Hotmail.com e-mail (network-based e-mail and not on a personal computer) free, launched on July 4, 1996.
  • October 9: In Mexico, the passage of Hurricane Paulina causes the death of 230 to 400 people and damages for 80 billion pesos (MXN 1997) after affecting the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca.
  • October 9: In the Valencian Community, public television Canal Nou Dos begins.
  • 11 October: In Madrid the Teatro Real was inaugurated after eleven years of works of reconversion in opera theatre, with a performance with works by Manuel de Falla.
  • 13 October: in Bilbao, members of ETA murder the Ertzaina José María Aguirre Larraona. The terrorists intended to place hidden bombs in potters with the intention of perpetuating an attack at the inauguration of the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, in which the maximum representatives of the Basque and Spanish institutions would be present.
  • 14 October: in the Coquimbo Region, a 7.1 sism leaves 8 dead after the fall of a wall.
  • October 17: In Canada, the second animated chain is opened in the country Teletoon, broadcasting in English and French.
  • October 18: Bilbao opens the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, which turned the city into a tourist claim, attracting visitors from around the world.
  • October 24-25: in Lima, Peru, the XXVI edition of the International OTI Festival is celebrated. Mexico's song, "Let's say what you say," will come from the interpreter Iridián.
  • October 25: Argentine soccer player Diego Armando Maradona contests his last game as a professional playing for Club Atlético Boca Juniors before Club Atlético River Plate, being replaced in the intertime by a young Juan Román Riquelme. The result would be 2:1 for Boca Juniors
  • October 30: Ireland, Mary McAleese wins presidential elections.


  • 6 November: In the city of Badajoz (Spain), during the early morning, intense rains provoke a flood that kills more than 20 people. The whole country is blown up with the city and reconstruction of the devastated areas begins.
  • 7 November: French magnate Paul Ricard died.
  • 8 November: an earthquake of 7.4 shakes the north of Tibet.
  • 9 November: on Margarita Island (Venezuela) the 7th Ibero-American Summit is closed.
    • The Montreal Betrayal in Survivor Series (1997)
  • 17 November: in Melilla a water tank is broken in the upper part of the city. A wave of 20 million litres of water washes everything you find in your way: homes, shops and vehicles. Leave 11 dead and over 40 wounded.
  • November 19: between Pereira and Dosquebradas (Colombia) the first viaduct that connects both cities in the department of Risaralda is opened.
    • in Japan ends Dragon BallThe most successful saga of anime.
  • 21 November: An earthquake of 6.1 leaves 23 dead on the border between Bangladesh, Burma and India.


  • 1 December: In the village of Laksmanpur Bathe, 125 km west of Patna—in the Indian state of Bihar—the Ranvir Seine terrorist group (formed by right-wing Hindu landowners) kill 74 dalits (low caste people)—16 children, 32 women and 26 men. With the blood of the victims they write on the walls of the village:
We killed the kids because when they grew up they'd become naxalites.
We kill women because they give birth to more naxalitas.
  • December 4th: in Marseilles, France, the 1998 World Soccer Cup Draw is held.
  • December 5: In Mexico the engineer Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano is assumed as the first Head of Government of the Federal District.
    • on the Kamchatka peninsula there is an earthquake of 7.7 and a subsequent tsunami.
  • December 7: Cruz Azul crowns champion of the 1997 Winter Tournament in front of the Lion in Mexican football. The cement team would not be champion until 23 years later, at the Guard1anes Closure 2021 (Mexico).
  • 11 December: the Kyoto Protocol on climate change is agreed in Kyoto, Japan.
  • 13 December: in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, the Fenomeno del Niño causes the only snowfall recorded in 116 years (the previous one was in 1881).
  • December 12: In Saudi Arabia, the 3rd edition of the FIFA Confederations Cup 1997 began for the third time in that country.
  • December 12th and 13th: Mexico is the first Teleton, with which it raises 138 million pesos.
  • 16 December: In Japan, 685 children are hospitalized, victims of epileptic attacks, for having witnessed the episode of Pókemon "Dennō Senshi Porygon", as the rapid change between the red and blue colors in a scene provoked convulsions that gave rise to an epilepsy photosensitive.
  • December 18th: in the Azteca Stadium the farewell of the Bronco Group takes place.
  • December 19: In the United States the film is released Titanicthat in the first weekend will raise more than $28 million.
  • December 19: SilkAir Flight 185 is crashed in the Musi River, killing more than 104 people.
  • 21 December: in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), the third edition of the FIFA Confederations Cup ends where Brazil crowned champion by winning 6-0 to Australia with triplets from Brazilians Ronaldo and Romário.
  • 22 December: in the community of Acteal, in the municipality of Chenalhó (Chiapas, Mexico), Mexican paramilitary groups (probably paid by the Government) kill 45 indigenous people.
  • 26 December: on the island of Montserrat (mar Caribe) the Soufrière Hills volcano erupted; 19 people died. A small tsunami is created, causing damage to other islands.
  • December 28: In Egypt, the CSA (Administrative Supreme Court) decides to ban clitoris from public and private hospitals, considering that in the Koran (Sacred Book of Muslims) there is no verse about the need to do it.
  • December 28: In Scotland (United Kingdom), actor Robert Carlyle (36) marries the makeup artist Anastasia Shirley.
  • 29 December: The Hong Kong Government orders to kill all chickens to prevent avian flu.
  • December 29: Russia signs an agreement to build a US$3 billion nuclear plant in China.
  • December 29: at the Blue Mountains National Park, in the state of New South Wales (Australia), actress Cate Blanchett (28) marries the writer Andrew Upton (31).
  • 30 December: The worst incident in the history of the insurgency is happening in Algeria, the Wilaya de Relizane massacres: 400 people are killed in four villages.
  • December 30: In Romania, Miguel I announced his return to Bucharest after fifty years of exile.
  • December 30: between Zambrano (Bolívar) and Plato (Magdalena) (Colombia), the Antonio Escobar Camargo bridge, the country's largest viaduct, is inaugurated.
  • December 31: In Los Angeles (United States), Indian computer Sabir Bhatia (29) sells its Hotmail website to Microsoft company for $400 million.
  • In 1997, for the first time since 1809, Swedish people died more than those who were born.



Cody Simpson
  • January 1: Chidozie Awaziem, Nigerian footballer.
  • January 1st: Victor Arboleda, Colombian footballer.
  • 1 January: Kouadio-Yves Dabila, a footballer from Ivory.
  • January 1st: Kazune Kubota, Japanese footballer.
  • January 1st: Javier Navarro Rodríguez, Spanish footballer.
  • January 1st: Víctor García Raja, Spanish footballer.
  • January 1st: Adrian Ugarriza, Peruvian footballer.
  • January 1: Eli Abaev, American basketball player.
  • January 1: Gonzalo Montiel, Argentine footballer.
  • January 2: Carlos Soler, Spanish footballer.
  • January 2: Gijs Blom, Dutch actor.
  • January 2nd: David Kampman, a Dutch maid.
  • January 2: Patrick Pentz, Austrian footballer.
  • January 3: Jérémie Boga, French footballer.
  • January 3: Dmitriy Bessmertny, Belarusian footballer.
  • January 3: Bryan Heynen, Belgian footballer.
  • January 3: Anna Gasper, German footballer.
  • January 3: Ariel Zapata Pizarro, Costa Rican footballer.
  • January 3: Carlos Alberto Rodríguez, Mexican footballer.
  • January 4: Răzvan Popa, Romanian footballer.
  • January 4: Angeliño, Spanish footballer.
  • January 4: Paula Moreno, Spanish footballer.
  • 4 January: Before Žižić, Croatian basketball.
  • January 4th: Kotaro Tachikawa, Japanese footballer.
  • January 4: Hiroto Morooka, Japanese footballer.
  • January 4: Gino Mäder, Swiss cyclist.
  • January 4: Mohamed Al Shamsi, footballer Emirati.
  • January 5: Nicola Conci, Italian cyclist.
  • January 5: Agehan Arna, Turkish basketball player.
  • January 5: Jesús Vallejo, Spanish footballer.
  • January 5: Zhang Yuning, Chinese footballer.
  • January 5: Jordan Blount, Irish basketball.
  • January 6: Michel Aebischer, Swiss footballer.
  • January 6: Angelo Araos, Chilean footballer.
  • January 6: Rey Ortiz, Mexican-American footballer.
  • January 7: Ayumi Ishida, Japanese idol, of the Morning Musume band.
  • January 7: Brais Méndez, Spanish footballer.
  • January 7: Isaiah Brown, English footballer.
  • January 7: Pablo Rosario, a Dutch footballer.
  • January 8: Jack Andraka, American inventor.
  • January 8: Ronaldo Cisneros, Mexican footballer.
  • January 8: Max Llovera, Andorran footballer.
  • January 8: Fran Brodić, Croatian footballer.
  • January 8: Julen Arellano, Spanish footballer.
  • January 9: Simone Edera, Italian footballer.
  • January 9: Issa Diop, French footballer.
  • January 9: Adrian Marín Gómez, Spanish footballer.
  • January 9: Kevin Geniets, Luxembourg cyclist.
  • January 9: Tommy Rutherford, American basketball player.
  • January 10: Adrien Salenc, French bullfighter.
  • January 10: Ablaijan Zhusipov, Kazakh boxer.
  • January 11: Cody Simpson, Australian singer and composer.
  • January 11: David Carmona Sierra, Spanish footballer.
  • January 11: Nikola Vujnović, a Montenegrin footballer.
  • January 11: Erlend Blikra, Norwegian cyclist.
  • January 12: Gabriella Quevedo, Swedish guitarist.
  • January 12: Bernabé Zapata Miralles, Spanish tennis player.
  • January 13: Diego Aguilar Millán, Mexican footballer.
  • January 13: Egan Bernal, Colombian cyclist.
  • January 13: Luis Díaz, Colombian footballer.
  • January 14: Bryan Segura, Costa Rican footballer.
  • January 14: Anastasy and Maria Tolmachovy, Russian singers.
  • January 14: Evandro da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • January 14: Francesco Bagnaia, Italian bike rider.
  • January 14: Juan Tejada, Panamanian footballer.
  • January 14: Cedric Teuchert, German footballer.
  • January 14: Josh Steel, British basketball player.
  • January 14: Nikolay Obolskiy, Russian footballer.
  • January 15: Valentina Zenere, actress and Argentine model.
  • January 15: Athena Faris, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • January 15: Alex Mae, American pornographic actress.
  • January 15: Suhander Zuñiga, Costa Rican footballer.
  • January 15: Jordan Roland, American basketball player.
  • January 16: Pau Torres, Spanish footballer.
  • January 16: Jonathan Barreiro, Spanish basketball player.
  • January 16: Joan Bou, Spanish cyclist.
  • January 16: Antonio Romero, Venezuelan footballer.
  • January 16: Amanda Longan, American waterpolist.
  • January 16: Ignacio De Arruabarrena, Uruguayan footballer.
  • January 17: Jake Paul, actor, boxer and youtuber American.
  • January 17: Sondre Brunstad Fet, Norwegian footballer.
  • January 17: Charithra Chandran, British actress.
  • January 17: Sebastiano Arman, Italian curling player.
  • January 17: Andreas Hanche-Olsen, Norwegian footballer.
  • January 18: Christopher Ramos de la Flor, Spanish footballer.
  • January 18: Bong Kalo, Vanuatuian footballer.
  • January 18: Daisuke Sakai, Japanese footballer.
  • January 19: Alfredo Bifulco, Italian footballer.
  • January 19: Edin Atić, Bosnian basketball player.
  • January 20: Stanisław Aniołkowski, Polish cyclist.
  • January 21: Jeremy Shada, American actor and singer.
  • January 21: Ryuhei Oishi, Japanese footballer.
  • January 21: Giullia Buscacio, actress luso-brasileña.
  • January 21: Mikkel Honoré, Danish cyclist.
  • January 22: Jorge Lagües, Chilean footballer.
  • January 22: Bethlehem Soto, Chilean actress.
  • January 22: Sebastian Saucedo, American footballer.
  • January 22: Richard Camacho, Dominican singer
  • January 23: Javier Núñez Mendoza, Peruvian footballer.
  • January 23: Martin Arenas Jara, Chilean footballer.
  • January 23: Ramadan Sobhi, Egyptian footballer.
  • January 23: Lacy Lennon, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • January 23: Karol Świderski, Polish footballer.
  • January 24: Jonah Bobo, American actor.
  • January 24: Dylan Riley Snyder, American actor.
  • January 24: Riccardo Orsolini, Italian footballer.
  • January 24: Tommy Redding, American footballer.
  • January 24: Eldric Sella, Venezuelan boxer.
  • January 26: Julio Pleguezuelo, Spanish footballer.
  • January 26: Filip Ilic, Macedonian footballer.
  • January 26: Jakkit Wachpirom, Thai footballer.
  • January 26: Bernald Alfaro, Costa Rican footballer.
  • January 26: Gedion Zelalem, German-American footballer.
  • January 26: Alberto Pimpini, Italian curling player.
  • January 26: Zaid Al-Bawardi, Saudi footballer.
  • January 27: Shaheen Jafargholi, British actor and singer.
  • January 27: Ko Itakura, Japanese footballer.
  • January 27: Chloe Carter, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • January 27: Cédric Beullens, Belgian cyclist.
  • January 28: Dries Wouters, Belgian footballer.
  • January 28: Kerry Blackshear, American basketball player.
  • January 29: Enzo Boulom, a French bike rider.
  • January 29: Yusuf Yazıcı, Turkish footballer.
  • January 30: Unai Núñez, Spanish footballer.
  • January 30: Ryosuke Kojima, Japanese footballer.
  • January 31: Miyeon, South Korean singer, member of the group (G)I-dle.
  • January 31: Arnaut Danjuma, Nigerian-Dutch footballer.
  • January 31: Hina Sugita, Japanese footballer.
  • January 31: Anatoli Riapolov, Russian athlete.
  • January 31: Melvyn Richardson, French basketball player.
  • January 31: Jessie Lemonier, American football player (f. 2023).


Chloë Grace Moretz
  • February 1: Valeriya Aprielieva, Ukrainian swimmer.
  • February 1: Jihyo, South Korean singer, leader of the Twice group.
  • 1 February: Filip Dagerstål, Swedish footballer
  • February 1: Juan Ignacio Ramírez, Uruguayan footballer
  • February 1st: Lee Dong-jun, South Korean footballer
  • 1 February: Pedro Empis, Portuguese footballer
  • 2 February: Cameron Borthwick-Jackson, British footballer
  • 2 February: Sergi Canós, Spanish footballer
  • February 2: Paolo Ghiglione, Italian footballer
  • February 3: Lewis Cook, British footballer
  • 4 February: Henrik Bjørdal, Norwegian footballer
  • February 5: Françoise Abanda, Canadian tennis player
  • February 5: Takumi Kamijima, Japanese footballer
  • February 5: Senna Miangue, Belgian footballer
  • February 5: Marisa Viggiano, American footballer
  • February 6: Hernán Lino, Ecuadorian footballer
  • February 6: Diogo Gonçalves, Portuguese footballer
  • February 6: Cristian Jesús Martínez, Panamanian footballer
  • February 6: Djibril Sow, Swiss footballer
  • February 6: Beatrice Abati, Italian footballer
  • 6 February: Álex Petxarroman, Spanish footballer
  • 6 February: Ilse Kolkman, Dutch shirt
  • 7 February: Nicolò Barella, Italian footballer
  • 7 February: Anhelina Kalinina, Ukrainian tennis player
  • 7 February: Sami Al-Najei, Saudi footballer
  • February 8: Kathryn Newton, American actress
  • 8 February: Pascal Eenkhoorn, Dutch cyclist
  • February 8: David Santiago Agudelo Ospina, Colombian footballer
  • 8 February: Anton Walkes, English footballer (f. 2023)
  • February 10: Chloë Moretz, American actress
  • February 10: Adam Armstrong, British footballer
  • February 10: Diamond Stone, American Basketball
  • 10 February: Martina Alzini, Italian cyclist
  • February 10: Luca Covili, Italian cyclist
  • February 10: Marion Reichardt, German shirt
  • February 10: Lilly King, American swimmer
  • 11 February: Karlo Letica, Croatian footballer
  • 11 February: Filip Uremović, Croatian footballer
  • 11 February: Mateusz Wieteska, Polish footballer
  • February 11: Rosé, Korean-neo-lander singer, member of the Blackpink group.
  • 11 February: Lisa Vicari, German actress
  • 11 February: Martin Mirchevski, Macedonian footballer
  • February 12: Anna De Ville, American pornographic actress.
  • February 12: Fabio González, Spanish footballer
  • 12 February: Clayton Lewis, New Zealand footballer
  • February 12: Hina Kino, Japanese Seiyū
  • 12 February: Johanna Rytting Kaneryd, Swedish footballer
  • 13 February: Amer Gojak, Bosnian footballer
  • February 14: Breel Embolo, Cameroonian footballer
  • 14 February: Gonzalo Pereira Cejudo, Spanish footballer
  • 14 February: Manu Vallejo, Spanish footballer
  • 14 February: Jeremy Ebobisse, American footballer born in France
  • 14 February: Kike Pérez, Spanish footballer
  • 14 February: Jaehyun, South Korean singer, NCT group member
  • 14 February: Tomasz Nawotka, Polish footballer
  • 14 February: Bente Paulis, Dutch shirt
  • 14 February: István Péni, Hungarian shooter
  • 15 February: Frederikke Sofie, Danish model
  • February 15: Daihachi Okamura, Japanese footballer
  • February 15: Kai Wagner, German footballer
  • February 15: Bence Szabó, Hungarian Remero
  • February 16: Conor Chaplin, English footballer
  • 17 February: Eric Ayuk, Cameroonian footballer
  • 17 February: Zeki Çelik, Turkish footballer
  • 17 February: Gaetano Castrovilli, Italian footballer
  • 17 February: Jacopo Segre, Italian footballer
  • February 17: Yuya Asano, Japanese footballer
  • February 18: Jill Kassidy, pornographic actress and American erotic model
  • February 18: Gina Valentina, Brazilian pornographic actress
  • February 18: Manuel Frigo, Italian swimmer
  • February 19: Christopher Martins Pereira, Luxembourg footballer
  • February 19: Romaric Belemene, Congolese basketball
  • February 19: Yuya Takazawa, Japanese footballer
  • February 19: Nuno Borges, Portuguese tennis player
  • February 19: Gentile Franco, Uruguayan footballer
  • February 20: Jorge de Frutos Sebastián, Spanish footballer
  • February 20: Nils Dunkel, German art gymnast
  • February 20: Ricardo Angulo, Mexican footballer
  • February 20: Angela Romei, Italian curling player.
  • February 21: Rachele Barbieri, Italian cyclist
  • 21 February: Andrea Bondioli, Italian footballer
  • February 21: James Pantemis, Canadian footballer
  • February 22: Simone Bevilacqua, Italian cyclist
  • February 22: Jerome Robinson, American Basketball
  • February 23: José Luis Muñoz León, Spanish footballer
  • February 23: Victor Berrios, Honduran footballer
  • February 23: Oscar Linnér, Swedish footballer
  • February 23: Erick Aguirre, Mexican footballer.
  • February 24: King Manaj, Albanian footballer
  • 25 February: Santiago Ascacíbar, Argentine footballer
  • 25 February: Santiago Cáseres, Argentine footballer
  • February 25: Isabelle Fuhrman, American actress
  • 25 February: Ana Mena, Spanish singer and actress
  • 25 February: Elisabeth Mainz, German shirt
  • 25 February: Magzhan Shamshadin, yudoca Kazakh
  • February 26: Malcom, Brazilian footballer
  • 26 February: Albian Ajeti, Swiss footballer
  • 26 February: Adonis Ajeti, Swiss footballer
  • February 26: Enric Franquesa, Spanish footballer
  • February 27: Ronaldo Lucena, Venezuelan footballer
  • February 27: Kristian Dimitrov, Bulgarian footballer
  • February 28: Brayan Caicedo, Colombian footballer
  • February 28: Kathleen Baker, American swimmer
  • February 28: Andrea Falcón, Spanish footballer
  • February 28: Kyōko Yoshine, Japanese actress
  • February 28: Mady Camara, footballer from Guinea
  • February 28: Michael Storer, Australian cyclist
  • February 28: Brock Anderso, American fighter
  • February 28: American fighter Ace Austin
  • February 28: Mustapha Bundu, Sierra Leonean footballer
  • February 28: Erec Bruckert, German bobsleigh pilot.


Becky G
Camila Cabello
  • March 1: Johan Jacobs, Swiss cyclist.
  • March 1st: Christian Boudet, Argentine basketball.
  • March 2: Becky G, American singer.
  • March 2: Arike Ogunbowale, American basketball player.
  • March 3: Camila Cabello, Cuban singer.
  • March 3: Juan Andrés Balanta, Colombian footballer.
  • March 3: David Neres, Brazilian footballer.
  • March 3: Juan Carlos Corbalan, a Maltese footballer.
  • March 3: Mario Rodríguez Ruiz, Spanish footballer.
  • March 3: Maximiliano Villa, Uruguayan footballer.
  • March 3: Elia Alessandrini, Swiss footballer (f. 2022).
  • March 4: Xabier Santos, Chilean footballer.
  • March 4: Freddie Woodman, English footballer.
  • March 4: Martin Terrier, French footballer.
  • March 4: Ali Al-Hassan, Saudi footballer.
  • March 5: Javier Bustillos, Argentine soccer player.
  • March 5: Lluis López Mármol, Spanish footballer.
  • March 5: Rodolfo Tito de Moraes, Brazilian footballer.
  • March 6: Felix Komolong, papuano footballer.
  • March 6: Felipe Barrientos, Chilean footballer.
  • March 7: Luke Maye, American basketball player.
  • 7 March: Angel Rodado Jareño, Spanish footballer.
  • March 7: Bad Gyal, Spanish singer.
  • March 7: Tyler Bate, British professional fighter.
  • March 9: João Carvalho, Portuguese footballer.
  • March 9: Jesús Barco, Peruvian footballer.
  • March 9: Alaa Salah, a Sudanese activist.
  • March 10: Belinda Bencic, Swiss tennis player
  • March 10: Nahikari García, Spanish footballer.
  • March 10: Sina Zamehran, an Iranian footballer.
  • March 11: Matreya Fedor, Canadian actress.
  • March 11: Javier Jiménez García, Spanish footballer.
  • March 11: Guillermo Campra, Spanish actor.
  • March 11: Giovanni Lombardi, Italian footballer.
  • March 12: Felipe Vizeu, Brazilian footballer.
  • March 12: Aubrey Gold, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • March 12: Dean Henderson, British footballer.
  • 13 March: Iñigo Córdoba, Spanish footballer.
  • March 13: Bruno Barranco, Argentine footballer.
  • March 13: Ruben Neves, Portuguese footballer.
  • March 13: Danylo Ihnatenko, Ukrainian footballer.
  • March 14: Alfred García, Spanish singer.
  • March 14: Simone Biles, an American art gymnast.
  • March 14: Dawid Kownacki, Polish footballer.
  • March 14: Javier Sánchez de Felipe, Spanish footballer.
  • March 14: Miles Robinson, American footballer.
  • March 14: Fashion Sakala, Zambian footballer.
  • March 14: Harrie Lavreysen, Dutch cyclist.
  • March 15: Sheila García Gómez, Spanish footballer.
  • March 16: Fede San Emeterio, Spanish footballer.
  • March 16: Borja San Emeterio, Spanish footballer.
  • March 16: Brandonn Almeida, Brazilian swimmer.
  • March 16: Dario Cavaliere, Italian farmer.
  • March 16: Miriam Vece, Italian cyclist.
  • March 16: Xande Silva, Portuguese footballer
  • March 16: Tyrel Jackson Williams, American actor.
  • March 17: Katie Ledecky, American swimmer.
  • March 17: Paik Seung-ho, South Korean footballer.
  • March 17: Pablo Aránguiz, Chilean footballer.
  • 17 March: Konrad Bukowiecki, Polish athlete.
  • 17 March: Alejandro Bustos, Spanish waterpolista.
  • March 17: Tommaso Fantacci, Italian footballer.
  • March 18: Grace Elizabeth: American model and philanthropist and Victoria's Secret Angel.
  • March 18: Ciara Bravo, American actress.
  • March 18: Maximilian Mittelstädt, German footballer.
  • March 19: Katarina Zec, Serbian basketball.
  • March 20: Bryan Cabezas, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • March 20: Malik Benlevi, American basketball player.
  • March 21: Martina Stoessel, Argentine singer and actress.
  • March 21: Moses Dyer, New Zealand footballer.
  • March 21: Bogdan Mykhaylichenko, Ukrainian footballer.
  • March 22: Alex Meret, Italian footballer.
  • March 22: Eliza Ibarra, American pornographic actress.
  • March 22: Luiz Felipe Ramos Marchi, Brazilian footballer.
  • March 22: Daniel Amador, Mexican footballer.
  • March 22: Harry Wilson, Welsh footballer.
  • March 23: Sebas Moyano, Spanish footballer.
  • March 23: Thiago Maia, Brazilian footballer.
  • March 23: Iago Amaral Borduchi, Brazilian footballer.
  • March 23: Milagros Menéndez, Argentine footballer.
  • March 24: Mina, Nipo-American singer and dancer, member of the Twice group.
  • March 25: Mathieu Cafaro, French footballer.
  • March 26: Kōji Miyoshi, Japanese footballer.
  • March 27: Lisa, Thai rapper and dancer, member of the Blackpink group.
  • March 27: Muhsen Al-Ghassani, a Omani footballer.
  • March 28: Ginés Marín, Spanish bullfighter.
  • March 28: Thierry Ambrose, French footballer.
  • March 28: Yaw Yeboah, Ghanaian footballer.
  • March 28: Giuseppe Di Mare, Italian remero.
  • March 29: Ezequiel Ponce, Argentine footballer.
  • March 29: Arón Piper, Spanish-German actor and musician.
  • 29 March: Tidjani Anaane, Beninese footballer
  • March 29: Bram Welten, Dutch cyclist.
  • March 29: Leah Williamson, English footballer.
  • March 30: Igor Zubeldia, Spanish footballer.
  • March 30: Astemir Gordyushenko, Russian footballer.
  • March 30: Cha Eun-woo, South Korean singer and actor, member of the Astro group.
  • March 30: Bruno Tabata, Brazilian footballer.
  • March 30: Gideon Adlon, American actress.
  • March 31: Abdulrahman Ghareeb, Saudi footballer.
  • March 31: Mārtiņš ⋅igurs, Latvian footballer.


Asa Butterfield
Maisie Williams
  • April 1st: Asa Butterfield, British actor
  • April 1st: Edgar González Estrada, Spanish footballer
  • April 1: Liudmyla Babak, Ukrainian Penagüista
  • 1 April: Morten Behrens, German footballer
  • April 2: Thomas Bolte, American basketball player
  • April 3: Gabriel Jesus, Brazilian footballer
  • April 3: Carlos Corts Valdivia, Spanish basketball
  • April 3: Vahid Selimović, Luxembourg footballer
  • April 3: Julio Recoba, Uruguayan footballer
  • April 4: Enrique Barja, Spanish footballer
  • April 4: Émilien Chassat, French shooter
  • 4 April: Mujammadkarim Jurramov, yudoca uzbeko
  • April 5: David Mayoral Lastras, Spanish footballer
  • April 5: Cristina Hidalgo: Ecuadorian model and philanthropist and Miss Ecuador 2019
  • April 5: Borja Mayoral, Spanish footballer
  • April 5: Danel Sinani, Luxembourg footballer
  • April 5: Roger Figueras, Spanish footballer
  • April 5: Dominik Mysterio, American Professional Fighter
  • April 5: Kalif Young, Canadian basketball
  • April 5: Sophie Sinclair, British curling juagtor
  • April 6: Dominik Greif, Slovak footballer
  • April 6: Léa Labrousse, French trampoline gymnast
  • April 7: Oliver Burke, Scottish footballer
  • April 7: Lipe Veloso, Brazilian footballer
  • April 8: Keira Walsh, English footballer
  • April 9: Omid Noorafkan, Iranian footballer
  • April 9: Shogo Hayashi, Japanese footballer
  • April 9: Facundo Waller, Uruguayan footballer
  • April 9: Roni Peiponen, Finnish footballer (f. 2022)
  • April 10: Matheus Jesus, Brazilian footballer
  • April 10: Vladislav Vasiliev, Kazakh footballer
  • April 10: Meinhard Olsen, ferocious footballer
  • April 12: Andrejs Cigaņiks, Latvian footballer
  • April 13: Keisuke Kurokawa, Japanese footballer
  • 13 April: Fanny Velásquez, Chilean footballer
  • April 14: Guilherme Arana, Brazilian footballer
  • 14 April: Ante Ćorić, Croatian footballer
  • April 14: Gerard Blat, Spanish basketball
  • April 14: Cal Roberts, English footballer
  • April 14: Mizuki Arai, Japanese footballer
  • April 15: Maisie Williams, British actress
  • April 15: Rocío Gálvez, Spanish footballer
  • April 15: Matheus Sávio, Brazilian footballer
  • April 16: Arttu Hoskonen, Finnish footballer
  • April 17: Martin Samuelsen, Norwegian footballer
  • April 17: Jorge Meré, Spanish footballer
  • April 17: Arturo Segado, Spanish footballer
  • April 17: Lautaro Arellano, Argentine footballer
  • April 18: Donny van de Beek, Dutch footballer
  • April 18: Taiki Hirato, Japanese footballer
  • April 18: Paul Bernardoni, French footballer
  • April 18: Lukas Boeder, German footballer
  • April 18: Dominykas Barauskas, Lithuanian footballer
  • 19 April: Khojiakbar Alijonov, Uzbek footballer
  • April 19: Victoria Ortiz, Colombian actress.
  • April 20: Alexander Zverev, German tennis player
  • April 20: Takuya Koyama, Japanese footballer
  • April 21: Sydney Sierota, American singer
  • April 21: Desheun Ryo Yamakawa, Japanese footballer
  • April 21: Mikel Oyarzabal, Spanish footballer
  • April 21: Juan Pablo Arguedas, Costa Rican footballer
  • April 21: Matteo Pessina, Italian footballer
  • April 22: Aaron Martin, Spanish footballer
  • April 22: Jill Roord, Dutch footballer
  • April 22: Louis Delétraz, Swiss motor racing driver
  • April 22: Matt Haarms, Dutch basketball player.
  • April 23: Myer Bevan, New Zealand footballer
  • April 23: Sarah Banks, American pornographic actress
  • April 23: Vlatko Stojanovski, Macedonian footballer
  • April 23: Tobi Amusan, Nigerian athlete
  • April 24: Fabio Depaoli, Italian footballer
  • April 24: Erik Palmer-Brown, American footballer
  • April 24: Yuta Kamiya, Japanese footballer
  • April 24: Pier-André Coté, Canadian cyclist
  • April 25: Molly Bair, American model
  • April 28: Olivia Nova, pornographic actress (f. 2018)
  • April 28: Kevin Balanta, Colombian footballer
  • April 28: Solomon Sakala, Zambian footballer
  • April 28: Santiago Yusta, Spanish basketball
  • April 28: Amaia Aberasturi, Spanish actress
  • April 29: Lucas Tousart, French footballer
  • April 29: Sebastián Cal, Uruguayan footballer
  • April 30: Sam Lammers, Dutch footballer
  • April 30: Adam Ryczkowski, Polish footballer
  • April 30: Joan Sastre Vanrell, Spanish footballer
  • April 30: Xavi Vierge, Spanish motorcycling pilot
  • April 30: Lamar Morgan, American basketball player
  • April 30: Eric Magnus Paul, German Remero
  • 30 arbil: Dana Moffat, American shirt.


  • 1 May: Xabi Auzmendi, Spanish footballer.
  • 2 May: BamBam, Thai rapper, member of the Got7 group.
  • May 2: Kota Ogino, Japanese footballer.
  • 2 May: Nicole Koller, Swiss cyclist.
  • May 3: Desiigner, American rapper.
  • May 3: Carmen Vento, Spanish singer.
  • May 3: Bartal Wardum, ferocious footballer.
  • 4 May: Nathalie Björn, Swedish footballer.
  • May 5: Anna Gúshchina, Russian Yudoca.
  • May 6: Francisco Ilarregui, Argentine footballer.
  • May 7: Youri Tielemans, Belgian footballer.
  • 7 May: Oleksandr Pikhalyonok, Ukrainian footballer.
  • May 8: Alex Gersbach, Australian footballer.
  • May 8: Mizuki Ichimaru, Japanese footballer.
  • May 8th: Alexander Maderner, Austrian counterpart.
  • May 8: Guillermo Mulero, Spanish basketball player.
  • 10 May: Enes Ünal, Turkish footballer.
  • May 10: Richarlison, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 10: Anna Anvegård, Swedish footballer.
  • May 10: Julian Kristoffersen, Norwegian footballer.
  • May 11: Morgan Baker, Australian actor.
  • May 11: Juan Moreno Fernández, Spanish footballer.
  • 11 May: Clément Michelin, French footballer.
  • May 12: Víctor López Ibáñez, Spanish footballer.
  • May 12: Frenkie de Jong, Dutch footballer.
  • May 12: Ismael Díaz de León, Panamanian footballer.
  • May 12: Gianna Dior, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • May 13: Samuel Mráz, Slovak footballer.
  • May 13: Ren Yamamoto, Japanese footballer.
  • May 13: Kazuki Egashira, Japanese footballer.
  • May 13: Giancarlo Bianchini, Argentine footballer.
  • 13 May: Ramón Miérez, Argentine soccer player.
  • May 13: Jade Baker, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • May 13: Marius Adamonis, Lithuanian footballer.
  • May 14: Sergio González Martínez, Spanish footballer.
  • May 14: Stefan Posch, Austrian footballer.
  • May 14: Ruben Dias, Portuguese footballer.
  • May 14: Manushi Chhillar, Indian model.
  • 14 May: Roxana Parașcanu, Romanian counter.
  • May 15: Ousmane Dembélé, French footballer.
  • May 15: Javier Díaz Sánchez, Spanish footballer.
  • May 15: Lorena Brandl, German taekwondista.
  • May 16: Gaizka Campos Bahillo, Spanish footballer.
  • May 16: Malena Narvay, Argentine actress and singer.
  • 17 May: Andrea Favilli, Italian footballer.
  • May 17: Alessio Castro-Montes, Belgian footballer.
  • 17 May: Daniel Asenov, Bulgarian boxer.
  • May 18: Rafa Mir, Spanish footballer.
  • May 18: Heroid Gjoshi, Albanian footballer.
  • May 19: Maxxine Dupri, American professional fighter.
  • May 20: Hidde ter Avest, Dutch footballer.
  • May 20: Joakim Mæhle, Danish footballer.
  • May 21: Kevin Quinn, American actor.
  • 21 May: Timur Zhamaletdinov, Russian footballer.
  • May 21: Federico Bonazzoli, Italian footballer.
  • May 21: Victoria Petryk, Ukrainian singer.
  • May 21, Sisca Folkertsma, a Dutch footballer.
  • 21 May: Dieuwertje den Besten, a Dutch shirt.
  • May 22: Roland Sallai, Hungarian footballer.
  • May 22: Ayman Al-Khulaif, Saudi footballer.
  • May 22: Adriel Tadeu Ferreira da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 22: Rebecca Sartori, Italian athlete.
  • May 23: Pedro Chirivella, Spanish footballer.
  • May 23: Joe Gomez, British footballer.
  • May 23: Rui Tanabe, Japanese singer and dancer.
  • May 23: Kiana James, American professional fighter.
  • May 23: Daichi Hayashi, Japanese footballer.
  • May 23: Edmilson Pedro, Angolan Yudoca.
  • May 24: Mads Bonde Sturup, Danish basketball player.
  • May 24: Olivia Podmore, New Zealand cyclist (f. 2021).
  • May 24: Yves, South Korean singer and member of LOONA
  • May 24: Visar Bekaj, kosovar footballer.
  • May 25: Cristina Valdivielso, Spanish actress.
  • May 25: Víctor Martínez Manrique, Spanish footballer.
  • May 25: Sandra Hernández Rodríguez, Spanish footballer.
  • May 25: Federico Andueza, Uruguayan footballer.
  • May 25: Rodrigo Amaral, Uruguayan footballer.
  • May 26: Leo Appelt, German cyclist.
  • May 26: Yago César da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 26: Filippo Romagna, Italian footballer.
  • May 26: Andri Struzina, Swiss remero.
  • May 27: Konrad Laimer, Austrian footballer.
  • May 27: Ignacio Bastian, Argentine basketball.
  • May 27: Théo Chendri, French footballer.
  • May 28: Jacob Vandsø Rasmussen, Danish footballer.
  • May 28: Leonardo Nascimento Lopes de Souza, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 28: Wang Yu-wen, Chinese actress.
  • May 30: Jake Short, American actor.
  • May 30: Reinaldo Ahumada, Mexican footballer.
  • May 30: Eunha, South Korean actress and singer, member of the GFriend group.
  • May 30: Sebastian Nađ, Serbian fighter.
  • May 30: Agustín Cardozo, Argentine footballer.
  • May 31: Víctor Campuzano, Spanish footballer.
  • May 31: Anastasios Chatzigiovanis, Greek footballer.
  • May 31: Inês Murta, Portuguese tennis player.


  • 1 June: Volodymyr Shepelyev, Ukrainian footballer
  • June 1: Dan Agyei, English footballer
  • June 1: Guillermo Vázquez Maradiaga, Mexican footballer
  • 1 June: Alberto Toril Domingo, Spanish footballer
  • June 1: Nicolás de la Cruz Arcosa, Uruguayan footballer
  • June 1st: Julia Tolofua, French Yudoca
  • 1 June: Youssef En-Nesyri, Moroccan footballer
  • 2 June: Alejandro López Moreno, Spanish footballer
  • 2 June: Roxana Popa, Spanish Olympic swimmer
  • 2 June: Michel Vlap, Dutch footballer
  • June 3: Patrick William Sá de Oliveira, Brazilian footballer
  • June 4: Lin Liangming, Chinese footballer
  • June 4: Sergio Pérez Jaén, Spanish footballer
  • 4 June: Lauri Ala-Myllymäki, Finnish footballer
  • June 4: Jonathan Lewis, American footballer
  • June 5: Henry Onyekuru, Nigerian footballer
  • June 5: David Del Pozo Guillén, Spanish footballer
  • June 5: Kieran Tierney, British footballer
  • 7 June: Luise Wanser, German sailor
  • 7 June: Davlat Bobonov, Uzbek Yudoca
  • June 8: Francesc Colomer, Spanish actor
  • June 8: Antonio Perera Calderón, Spanish footballer
  • June 9: Ken Yamura, Japanese footballer
  • June 9: Kregor Hermet, Estonian basketball
  • 10 June: Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk, Ukrainian basketball
  • June 10: Jordan Tell, French footballer
  • June 10: Sophia Leone, pornographic actress and American erotic model
  • June 10: Wiggins Damage, U.S. Basketball
  • June 10: Jordan Geist, American basketball player
  • 10 June: Adi Agashé, Indian singer
  • June 10: Jordan Larmour, Irish rugby player
  • June 11: Unai Simón, Spanish footballer
  • June 11: Andre Shinyashiki, Brazilian footballer
  • June 11: MaCio Teague, U.S. basketball
  • June 11: María de Nati, Spanish actress
  • 12 June: Dimitris Katsimitros, Greek footballer
  • June 12: Michiel Mantel, Dutch Remero
  • June 13: JinSoul, South Korean singer and member of the LOONA group
  • June 14: Andrea La Torre, Italian basketball
  • June 14: Takumu Fujinuma, Japanese footballer
  • June 14: Orles Aragón, Colombian footballer
  • June 15: Albert Guðmundsson, Icelandic footballer
  • June 15: Vitali Shepel, Ukrainian Yudoca
  • June 16: Jean-Kévin Augustin, French footballer
  • June 16: Jiang Xuke, Chinese Remero
  • June 16: Paulina Dudek, Polish footballer
  • June 17: KJ Apa, New Zealand actor
  • 17 June: Harm Vanhoucke, Belgian cyclist
  • June 17: Alexander Bublik, Kazakh tennis player
  • 17 June: Sofia Pozdniakova, Russian
  • June 18: Eduard Atuesta, Colombian footballer
  • June 18: Owusu Kwabena, Ghanaian footballer
  • June 20: Giuseppe Bausilio, Swiss dancer
  • June 20: Takeaki Hommura, Japanese footballer
  • June 20: Jordan Larsson, Swedish footballer
  • June 20: Pedro Guilherme Abreu dos Santos, Brazilian footballer
  • June 20: Michael Lilander, Estonian footballer
  • June 21: Rebecca Black, American singer
  • June 22: Dinah Jane, American singer
  • June 23: Bozhidar Kraev, Bulgarian footballer
  • June 23: Carlos Redruello Nimo, Spanish footballer
  • June 23: Nouhou Tolo, Cameroonian footballer
  • June 24: Jasurbek Yakhshiboev, Uzbek footballer
  • June 25: Rodrigo Bentancur, Uruguayan footballer
  • June 25: Curwin Bosch, South African Rubist
  • June 25: Jacquie Lee, American singer
  • June 26: Jacob Elordi. Australian actor
  • June 27: Felipe Cruzat, Chilean patient (f. 2009)
  • June 27: Shannon Purser, American actress
  • June 27: Paulino de la Fuente Gómez, Spanish footballer
  • June 28: Aleix García, Spanish footballer
  • June 28: Jean-Philippe Mateta, French footballer
  • June 28: Benjamin Canham, Australian Remero
  • 29 June: Mikkel Duelund, Danish footballer
  • 29 June: Rolando Mandragora, Italian footballer
  • June 29: Christos Wheeler, Cypriot footballer
  • June 30: Toni Martínez, Spanish footballer


Erina Ikuta
  • 1 July: Mahir Madatov, Azerbaijani footballer.
  • 1 July: Anthony Caci, French footballer.
  • July 1: Mohamed El Hankouri, a Dutch footballer.
  • 2 July: Ivan Quaresma da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • 2 July: Tessa Dullemans, a Dutch shirt.
  • July 3: Giacomo Gentili, Italian Remero.
  • July 3: Christopher Reinhardt, German Remero.
  • 4 July: Vincent Marchetti, French footballer.
  • July 4th: Daniela Nieves, American actress.
  • 4 July: Kyrian Nwoko, Nigerian footballer.
  • July 4: Chirag Shetty, Indian Badminton player.
  • July 5: Mariana Garzón, Colombian actress.
  • July 6: Gueorgui Yomov, Bulgarian footballer.
  • July 6: Quentin Braat, French footballer.
  • July 7: Kento Haneda, Japanese footballer.
  • July 7: Kenzie Reeves, porn actress and American erotic model.
  • 7 July: Ander Guevara, Spanish footballer.
  • July 7: Stefania Buttignon, Italian shirt.
  • July 8: David Brooks, English footballer.
  • July 9: Ivan Villar, Spanish footballer.
  • July 9: Kento Kawata, Japanese footballer.
  • July 9: Luca Clemenza, Italian footballer.
  • July 9: Habitam Alemu, Ethiopian athlete.
  • July 9: Lamar Stevens, American basketball player.
  • July 10: Ryo Hatsuse, Japanese footballer.
  • July 10: Ebba Andersson, Swedish skier.
  • July 10: Alba Baptista, Portuguese actress and model.
  • July 11: Rasmus Nissen Kristensen, Danish footballer.
  • July 11: Kazuya Konno, Japanese footballer.
  • July 11: Darío Loureiro, Spanish actor.
  • July 11: Abigaíl Chaves, Argentine footballer.
  • July 12: Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani activist, Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.
  • July 12: Pablo Maffeo, Spanish footballer.
  • July 12: Ander Vidorreta, Spanish footballer.
  • July 12: Jean-Kévin Duverne, French footballer.
  • July 12: Aaron Piñán, Spanish footballer.
  • July 13: Leo Howard, American actor.
  • 13 July: Filip Benković, Croatian footballer.
  • July 13: Yhojan Arenas Valbuena, a Colombian footballer.
  • 14 July: Cengiz Ünder, Turkish footballer.
  • July 14: Yuki Kakita, Japanese footballer.
  • July 14: Miguel San Román Ferrándiz, Spanish footballer.
  • July 14: Filippa Angeldal, Swedish footballer.
  • July 15: Joseph Mbong, Nigerian footballer.
  • July 16: Francesco Cassata, Italian footballer.
  • July 16: Marián Shved, Ukrainian footballer.
  • July 16: Takeru Kishimoto, Japanese footballer.
  • July 16: David Tijanić, Slovenian footballer.
  • July 16: Matthew Bostock, British cyclist.
  • July 16: Rafael Ramos Jiménez, Spanish footballer.
  • July 17: Amadou Diawara, footballer from Guineo-Italian.
  • July 18: Bam Adebayo, American basketball player.
  • July 18: Alejandro Vergara, Spanish actor.
  • July 18: Elisabetta Oliviero, Italian footballer.
  • July 18: Fionn Whitehead, British actor.
  • July 18: Ed Polite, Jr., American basketball player.
  • July 18: Sina Frei, Swiss cyclist.
  • July 19: Shay Ben David, Israeli footballer.
  • July 21: Shugo Tsuji, Japanese footballer.
  • July 21: Fahrudin Manjgafic, Bosnian basketball player.
  • July 22: Walter Bracamonte, Argentine footballer.
  • July 22: María Torres García, karateca española.
  • July 24: Emre Mor, Danish footballer.
  • July 24: Julia Zigiotti Olme, Swedish footballer.
  • July 24: Rebecka Blomqvist, Swedish footballer.
  • July 24: Aybar Zhaksylykov, Kazakh footballer.
  • July 24: Roman Yuzepchuk, Belarusian footballer.
  • July 25: Julián Barajas, Mexican footballer.
  • July 27: Gracin Bakumanya, Congolese basketball.
  • July 27: Hiroki Noda, Japanese footballer.
  • July 28: Terrence Bieshaar, Dutch basketball.
  • July 29: Abiljan Amankul, Kazakh boxer.
  • July 29: José Antonio Martínez Álvarez, Spanish footballer.
  • July 29: Moritz Malcharek, German cyclist.
  • July 30: Emanuel Cate, Romanian basketball player.
  • July 30: Steven Nicanor Prieto Morales, Spanish footballer.
  • July 30: Takuro Kaneko, Japanese footballer.
  • July 31: Thomas Bryant, American basketball player.
  • July 31: Caio Henrique, Brazilian footballer.
  • July 31: Rodrigo Rey Henche, Spanish cyclist.


Olivia Holt
Adam Irigoyen
Kylie Jenner
Greyson Chance
  • August 1st: María Araújo, Spanish basketball.
  • August 1: Aleksandra Wólczyńska, Polish fighter.
  • 2 August: Ivan Šaponjić, Serbian footballer.
  • 2 August: Samuel Rodríguez Ramos, Spanish basketball player.
  • 2 August: Klara Apotekar, Slovenian Yudoca.
  • 2 August: Hilmar Leon Jakobsen, a ferocious footballer.
  • August 3: Shion Inoue, Japanese footballer.
  • August 3: Javier Fernández Hernández, Spanish footballer.
  • August 3: Kaja Ziomek, Polish skater.
  • August 3: Patrick Bahanack, Cameroonian footballer.
  • August 3: Derek Gee, Canadian cyclist.
  • 4 August: Yekaterina Riábova, Russian singer.
  • August 4th: Cinzia Zehnder, Swiss footballer.
  • 4 August: Facundo Kidd, Uruguayan footballer.
  • August 4th: Natalia Strzałka, Polish fighter.
  • August 4th: Tuva Hansen, Norwegian footballer.
  • August 5: Olivia Holt American actress and singer.
  • August 5: Adam Irigoyen, actor, dancer and American rapper.
  • August 5: Luther Singh, South African footballer.
  • August 5: Takahiro Yanagi, Japanese footballer.
  • August 5: Wang Yibo, Chinese actor and rapper.
  • August 5: Alejandro Arana, Mexican footballer.
  • August 6: Noah Billingsley, New Zealand footballer.
  • August 6: Marcus Thuram, French-Italian footballer.
  • August 6: Keaton Parks, American footballer.
  • August 7: Evaluna Montaner, Venezuelan singer.
  • August 7: Juninho Bacuna, Dutch footballer.
  • August 7: Marilena Widmer, Swiss footballer.
  • August 8: Abel Casquete, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • August 8: Pape Cheikh Diop, Senegalese footballer.
  • August 8: Carlos Taberner, Spanish tennis player.
  • August 8: Kōki Ogawa, Japanese footballer.
  • August 8: Irvin Cardona, French footballer.
  • August 8: José Cotrina, Peruvian footballer.
  • August 8: Filip Jagieło, Polish footballer.
  • August 8: Panipak Wongpattanakit, Thai taekwondista.
  • August 9: Gabriel Suazo, Chilean footballer.
  • August 9: Leon Bailey, Jamaican footballer.
  • August 9: Elia Meschack, Congolese footballer.
  • August 9: Sergio Córdova, Venezuelan footballer.
  • August 9: Luisa Stefani, Brazilian tennis player.
  • August 9: Rikke Madsen, Danish footballer.
  • August 10: Kylie Jenner, American model.
  • August 10: Saad Agouzoul, Moroccan footballer.
  • 11 August: Andrija Balić, Croatian footballer.
  • August 11: Nicholas Opoku, Ghanaian footballer.
  • August 11: Kevin Zonzini, a Sanmarinian footballer.
  • August 11: Yinka Ajayi, Nigerian athlete.
  • August 11: Lily Beckford, British athlete.
  • August 11: Amy Bilquist, American swimmer.
  • August 11: Gabriel Neves, Uruguayan footballer.
  • August 12: Yota Maejima, Japanese footballer.
  • August 12: Taiwo Awoniyi, Nigerian footballer.
  • August 13: Pol Lirola, Spanish footballer.
  • August 13: Daniel Matsuzaka, Japanese footballer.
  • August 13: José Ortega Soriano, Spanish basketball player.
  • August 13: Yeo Jin-goo, South Korean actor.
  • August 13: Saskia Feige, German athlete.
  • August 13: Zach Jackson, American basketball player.
  • August 13: Miguel Benítez, Paraguayan footballer.
  • August 14: Julia Bergshoeff, a Dutch model.
  • August 14: Greet Minnen, Belgian tennis player.
  • August 14: Tiffany Tatum, porn actress and Hungarian erotic model.
  • August 14: Mfiondu Kabengele, Canadian basketball player.
  • August 14: Rodrigo Mathiola, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 14: Mohammed Al Rubaie, Saudi footballer.
  • August 14: Grad Damen, Dutch footballer.
  • August 14: Marko Mijailović, Serbian footballer.
  • August 14: Maksat Taykenov, Kazakh footballer.
  • August 14: Renaida Braun, Swedish singer.
  • August 14: Lucia Marte León, Spanish-Dominican footballer.
  • August 15: Catalina Castelblanco, Chilean actress.
  • August 15: Nicoline Sørensen, Danish footballer.
  • August 15: Olivier Mbaizo, Cameroonian footballer.
  • August 15: Arianna Castiglioni, Italian swimmer.
  • August 15: Adrian Mora Barraza, Mexican footballer.
  • August 15: Sebastian Kabas, Austrian remero.
  • August 16: Joao Joshimar Rojas, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • August 16: Piper Curda, American actress.
  • August 16: Greyson Chance, American singer.
  • August 16: Aihen Muñoz, Spanish footballer.
  • August 16: Sabina Rouge, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • August 17: Sergio Bermejo, Spanish footballer.
  • August 17: Javier Avilés Cortés, Spanish footballer.
  • August 17: Jeison Quiñónes, Colombian footballer.
  • August 17: Guillermo Paiva, Paraguayan footballer.
  • August 18: Renato Sanches, Portuguese footballer.
  • August 18: Jean-Armel Drolé, a puppet footballer.
  • August 18: Manuela Giugliano, Italian footballer.
  • August 18: Josephine Langford, Australian actress.
  • August 18: Javier Lliso, Spanish acrobatic skier.
  • August 18: Kálmán Furkó, Hungarian Remero.
  • August 19: Bartłomiej Drągowski, Polish footballer.
  • August 19: Thibault Vlietinck, Belgian footballer.
  • August 19: Florian Wellbrock, German swimmer.
  • August 20: Vasyl Kravets, Ukrainian footballer.
  • August 20: Gabriel Morbeck, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 20: John Bell, British actor.
  • August 21: Uriel Antuna, Mexican footballer.
  • August 21st: Amber Hill, British shooter.
  • August 22: Chae Bin, South Korean actress.
  • August 22: Lautaro Martínez, Argentine footballer.
  • August 22: Braian Álvarez, Argentine footballer.
  • August 23: Juan Soriano Oropesa, Spanish footballer.
  • August 23: Oscar Melendo, Spanish footballer.
  • August 23: Lazaros Rota, Greek footballer.
  • August 24: Alan Walker, DJ and Norwegian producer.
  • August 24: Han Hye-ri, South Korean singer and actress.
  • August 24: Karol Robak, Polish taekwondista.
  • August 24: Szymon Sajnok, Polish cyclist.
  • August 24: Nicla Mosetti, Italian athlete.
  • August 24: Miki Yanagi, Japanese actress and model.
  • August 24: Gabi Kanichowsky, an Israeli footballer.
  • August 24: Luis Diego Rivas, Costa Rican footballer.
  • August 24: Philipp Kellner, Austrian family.
  • August 25: Luis Perea Hernández, Spanish footballer.
  • August 25: Diego Alende, Spanish footballer.
  • August 26: Hugo Magallanes, Uruguayan footballer.
  • August 26: Yan Brice Eteki, Cameroonian footballer.
  • August 26: Kylor Kelley, American basketball player.
  • August 27: Lucas Paquetá, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 27: Kári Jónsson, Icelandic basketball.
  • August 27: Laurynas Birutis, Lithuanian basketball.
  • August 27: Stjepan Salapić, Croatian footballer.
  • August 27: Kijell Medina, Costa Rican footballer.
  • August 27: Isak Danielson, Swedish singer.
  • August 27: Kaito Miyake, Japanese footballer.
  • August 27: Kiril Beliáyev, Russian swimmer.
  • August 27: Willian Pozo, Cuban footballer.
  • August 28: Emilia McCarthy, Canadian actress.
  • August 28: Reilly Opelka, American tennis player.
  • August 28: Keidi Baré, Albanian footballer.
  • August 28: Wendel, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 29: Saul Salcedo, Paraguayan footballer.
  • August 29: Rocío García, Spanish cyclist.
  • August 29: Ainsley Maitland-Niles, British footballer.
  • August 29: Ravanelli Ferreira dos Santos, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 29: Maarten Hurkmans, Dutch reverber.
  • August 30: Dael Fry, British footballer.
  • August 30: Alfa Semedo, a British footballer.
  • August 30: Kasper Nissen, Danish footballer.
  • August 30: Aga Wojtasik, Polish model and designer.
  • August 31: Maximilian Göppel, footballer from the city.
  • August 31: Arkadiusz Moryto, Polish basketball player.
  • August 31: Brandon Childress, American basketball player.
  • August 31: Avalon Wasteneys, Canadian shirt.


  • September 1st: Jungkook, South Korean singer, member of the BTS group.
  • September 1: Joan Mir, bike rider, current Moto3 champion
  • 1 September: Andrea Schera, Italian penguinist
  • 2 September: Raúl Lozano, Argentine footballer
  • September 2: Brandon Ingram, U.S. Basketball
  • September 2: Chucho Rivas, Mexican singer
  • September 2: Jairo Ortiz, Venezuelan student (f. 2017)
  • 2 September: Mireia Vilapuig, Spanish actress
  • September 3: Bernard Tekpetey, Ghanaian footballer
  • September 3: Javi Areso, Spanish footballer
  • September 3: Hikmatullah Zain, taekwondista Afghan
  • September 3: Hana Kimura, professional fighter joshi pureresu Japanese (f. 2020).
  • September 4: Brody Clarke, Canadian basketball
  • September 4: Isiah Brown, American Basketball
  • September 5: Maartje Verhoef, Dutch model
  • September 5: Skylar Mays, U.S. Basketball
  • September 5: Luis Annese, Venezuelan footballer
  • September 5: Nordin Jackers, Belgian footballer
  • September 5: Maximilian Silvera, Uruguayan footballer
  • September 7: Dean-Charles Chapman, British actor
  • September 8: David Cuéllar García, Spanish basketball
  • September 9: Javier Ontiveros Parra, Spanish footballer
  • 9 September: Blue, Slovak footballer
  • 9 September: Skander Zaïdi, Tunisian basketball
  • September 10: Alberto Rodríguez Baró, Spanish footballer
  • September 11: Hiromu Kori, Japanese footballer
  • 11 September: Ramón Vila Soley, Spanish basketball
  • September 12: Phakamani Mahlambi, South African footballer
  • September 12: Sydney Sweeney, American actress
  • September 12: Shunsuke Takeuchi, Japanese voice actor
  • September 12: Guilherme Appeared Silverio, Brazilian footballer
  • September 13: Sarah Maietta, American shirt
  • September 15: Àlex Carbonell, Spanish footballer
  • September 15: Leonardo Candellone, Italian footballer
  • September 15: Anna-Maria Alexandri, Austrian swimmer
  • September 15: Eirini-Marina Alexandri, Austrian swimmer
  • September 16: Víctor Álvarez Rozada, Spanish footballer
  • September 16: Guillermo Padula, Uruguayan footballer
  • September 16: Rasmus Byriel Iversen, Danish cyclist
  • September 16: José Manuel Núñez Martín, Spanish footballer
  • September 16: Lea Meyer, German athlete
  • September 17: Chavany Willis, Jamaican footballer
  • September 17: Derrick Alston Jr., U.S. basketball
  • September 18: Jonathan Schreiber, German reverber
  • September 19: Giovanny, Brazilian footballer
  • September 19: Luis Bonilla, Colombian footballer
  • September 19: Konrad Michalak, Polish footballer
  • September 19: Erik Jirka, Slovak footballer
  • September 20: Assane Dioussé, Senegalese footballer
  • September 22: Jake Clarke-Salter, English footballer
  • September 22: Brittany Wilson, American footballer
  • September 23: Ralf Rienks, Dutch Remero
  • September 24: Tosin Adarabioyo, British footballer
  • September 24: Leandro Suhr, Uruguayan footballer
  • September 25: Szymon Żurkowski, Polish footballer
  • September 26: Reinis Reinholds, Latvian footballer
  • September 26: Juan Manuel Restrepo, Colombian actor
  • September 28: Xaver Schlager, Austrian footballer
  • September 29: Yumiri Hanamori, Japanese actress
  • September 30: Asier Villalibre, Spanish footballer
  • September 30: Max Verstappen, Dutch Formula 1 pilot
  • September 30: Simon Andreassen, Danish cyclist


Bella Thorne
  • October 1st: Mattia Vitale, Italian footballer
  • October 1st: Jade Bird, British singer
  • 1 October: Irek Rizayev, Russian cyclist
  • October 2nd: Nicolás Delgadillo, Argentine footballer
  • 2 October: Tammy Abraham, English footballer
  • 2 October: Tom Blaser, Swiss cyclist.
  • October 3: Bang Chan, South Korean singer, group member Stray Kids
  • 4 October: Nikola Vlašić, Croatian footballer
  • October 4: Yuju, South Korean singer, member of the GFriend group.
  • October 4: David Koenders, German shooter
  • October 4: Ben Shungu, U.S. Basketball
  • October 5: Florian Faber, Swiss archer
  • October 5: Walter Chigüila, Salvadoran footballer
  • 6 October: Justas Lasickas, Lithuanian footballer
  • 6 October: Sara Olaizola, Spanish footballer
  • October 7: Kira Kosarin, American actress
  • October 8: Bella Thorne, American actress, model and dancer
  • October 8: Steven Bergwijn, Dutch footballer
  • October 8: Nathan de Medina, Belgian footballer
  • October 8: Raúl Uche, Spanish footballer
  • October 10: Grace Rolek, American actress and singer
  • 10 October: Majeed Ashimeru, Ghanaian footballer
  • October 10: Kieran Dowell, English footballer
  • October 10: Liu Hao-ran, Chinese actor and singer
  • October 11: Georg Zimmermann, German cyclist
  • 11 October: Jeando Fuchs, Cameroonian footballer
  • October 12: Nikola Milenković, Serbian footballer
  • 14 October: Advan Kadušić, Bosnian footballer
  • October 16: Charles Leclerc, Monegasque motor racing driver
  • 17 October: Václav Černý, Czech footballer
  • October 19: Edoardo Soleri, Italian footballer
  • October 20: Ademola Lookman, Anglo-Nigerian footballer
  • October 22: Max Kanter, German cyclist.
  • October 22: O'Showen Williams, American basketball player.
  • October 23: Zach Callison, American actor and voice actor
  • 23 October: Tin Matić, Croatian footballer
  • October 23: Simon Birgander, Swedish basketball player
  • October 23: Néider Batalla, Colombian footballer
  • 23 October: Minnie, member of the group (G)I-dle
  • October 23: Ma Yule, Chinese Remero
  • October 24: Christ González Pérez, Spanish footballer
  • October 24: Edson Álvarez, Mexican footballer
  • October 24: Raye, British singer
  • October 24: Carloalberto Giordani, Italian cyclist
  • October 24: Bron Breakker, American Football Player and American Professional Fighter
  • 25 October: Federico Chiesa, Italian footballer
  • October 25: Michael Rice, British singer
  • October 25: Silvan Hefti, Swiss footballer
  • October 27: Lonzo Ball, American Basketball
  • October 27: Paulina Paszek, Polish penguinist
  • October 27: Mattia Giovanella, Italian curling player
  • October 28: Sierra McCormick, American actress
  • October 28: Tryggvi Hlinason, Icelandic basketball
  • October 28: So Fujitani, Japanese footballer
  • October 28:Winwin, Chinese singer, member of the South Korean group NCT
  • October 29: Rawle Alkins, American basketball player
  • October 29: Alejandra Müller, actress, singer and Mexican model
  • October 29: Imerio Cima, Italian cyclist
  • October 30: Alan Banaszek, Polish cyclist
  • October 30: Emanuel Hernández, Uruguayan footballer
  • October 31: Marcus Rashford, British footballer
  • October 31: Magnus Ditlev, Danish triathlet


  • November 1: Alex Wolff, American actor and drummer, from the band The Naked Brothers Band
  • 1 November: Max Burkholder, American actor
  • 2 November: Damir Ceter, Colombian footballer
  • 2 November: Teona Dzhandzhgava, Georgian trampoline gymnast
  • 3 November: Takumi Kitamura, Japanese actor
  • 5 November: Anthony Kalik, Australian footballer
  • November 5: Chris Mepham, Welsh footballer
  • 5 November: Mihail Ghecev, Moldovan footballer
  • 5 November: Kenta Kawanaka, Japanese footballer
  • 5 November: Kalia Prescott, American actress
  • 5 November: José Alejandro Reyes, Honduran footballer
  • 5 November: Pavlo Korostylov, Ukrainian shooter
  • 6 November: Elena-Gabriela Ruse, Romanian tennis player
  • 6 November: Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, British actor and model
  • 7 November: Christian Sivodedov, Swedish footballer
  • 7th of November: Fabienne Wohlwend, driver of motorsports of liechtensteiniana.
  • 8 November: Akram Tawfik, Egyptian footballer
  • 9 November: Florian Bohnert, luxembourgeois footballer
  • 9 November: Hancel Batalla, Ecuadorian footballer
  • 9 November: Matías Viña, Uruguayan footballer
  • 10 November: Federico Dimarco, Italian footballer
  • 12 November: Robson Bambu, Brazilian footballer
  • 13 November: Junya Higashi, Japanese footballer
  • 13 November: Joey Brunk, American basketball player
  • 14 November: Christopher Nkunku, French footballer
  • 14 November: Noussair Mazraoui, Dutch-Marrochi footballer
  • 15 November: Aaron Leya Iseka, Belgian footballer
  • 15 November: Emmanuel Dennis, Nigerian footballer
  • 15 November: Luis Haquin, Bolivian footballer
  • 15 November: Paula Badosa, Spanish tennis player
  • November 16: Bruno Guimarães, Brazilian footballer
  • 17 November: Kim Yu-gyeom, South Korean singer and dancer
  • 17 November: Dragan Bender, Croatian basketball
  • 17 November: Ruay Yebabli, Tunisian athlete
  • 17 November: Julian Ryerson, Norwegian footballer
  • 18 November: Jordy Caicedo, Ecuadorian footballer
  • November 18: Jake Grech, Maltese footballer
  • November 19: Yaroslav Kotlyarov, Ukrainian footballer
  • November 19: Zach Collins, American basketball player
  • November 19: Salomé Afonso, Portuguese athlete
  • November 19: Yale Steinepreis, Australian penguinist
  • 19 November: Luca Chiumento, Italian remero
  • November 20: Levi García, footballer trinitense
  • November 20: Kostas Antetokounmpo, Greek basketball
  • 21 November: Toni Lato, Spanish footballer
  • 21 November: Reo Hatate, Japanese footballer
  • 22 November: Pedro Perotti, Brazilian footballer
  • November 22: Keita Endō, Japanese footballer
  • November 23: Vitor Gabriel, Brazilian footballer
  • November 24: Julian Lelieveld, Dutch footballer
  • November 24: Patrick Berg, Norwegian footballer
  • 26 November: Aaron Wan-Bissaka, English footballer
  • 26 November: Robeilys Peinado, Venezuelan athlete
  • November 28: Rebecca Volpetti, pornographic actress and Italian model
  • November 28: Urko Berrade, Spanish cyclist
  • 28 November: Thor Salden, Belgian singer
  • 29 November: Giuseppe Pezzella, Italian footballer
  • November 30: Camila Fernández, Mexican singer


Suzuka Nakamoto
  • 1 December: Sarah Brannon, American model
  • 2 December: Luis Javier Suárez, Colombian footballer
  • 2 December: Xadas, Portuguese footballer
  • 2 December: Ibrahim Sangaré, Ivorian footballer
  • December 4: Ryan Nyambe, Namibian footballer
  • December 5: Tarek Salman, Catalan footballer
  • 5 December: Shuto Abe, Japanese footballer
  • December 6: Christian Kouamé, footballer
  • December 6: Sabrina Ionescu, U.S. Basketball
  • December 6: Dereck Kutesa, Swiss footballer
  • December 6: Gregor Kobel, Swiss footballer
  • December 9: Gaspar Panadero Zamora, Spanish footballer
  • December 9: Harvey Barnes, English footballer
  • 10 December: Beatriz Beltrán Sanz, Spanish footballer
  • 11 December: Konstantinos Mavropanos, Greek footballer
  • 11 December: Aly Abeid, Mauritanian footballer
  • December 11: James Bree, English footballer
  • December 13: Dávid Hancko, Slovak footballer
  • 13 December: Zabdiel de Jesus, Puerto Rican singer
  • 14 December: Arianna Noseda, Italian shirt
  • December 15: Maude Apatow, American actress
  • December 16: Zara Larsson, Swedish singer
  • 16 December: Sergio Akieme Rodríguez, Ecuadorian soccer player
  • 16 December: Bassam Al-Rawi, Iraqi footballer
  • December 17: Bambo Diaby, Senegalese footballer
  • 17 December: Gaizka Larrazabal, Spanish footballer
  • December 20: Stan Dewulf, Belgian cyclist
  • December 20: Suzuka Nakamoto, Japanese singer and dancer, member of the Babymetal group.
  • December 20: Hilde Jager, Dutch Yudoca
  • 21 December: Junior Kobon, Ivorian footballer
  • December 23: Aidan Alexander, British actor
  • 23 December: Luka Jović, Serbian footballer
  • December 25: Ayumu Nagato, Japanese footballer
  • December 28: Konstantinos Galanopoulos, Greek footballer
  • December 28: Lucas Buadés, French footballer
  • December 29: Aimee Richardson, British actress
  • December 29: Michael Vogt, Swiss bobsleigh pilot
  • 31 December: Ludovic Blas, French footballer
  • December 31: Moctar Sidi El Don, Mauritanian footballer
  • December 31: Admir dos Santos Ferreira, Brazilian footballer


Art and literature

  • January 6: Carlos Cañeque gets the Nadal award for his novel Who?.
  • Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Blood cleaning, second delivery of the series The Adventures of Captain Alatriste.
  • José Saramago: publication of his novel All names.
  • Miguel Argaya publishes Course, flow and sources of Omarambo.
  • Curro Romero gets the Gold Medal of Fine Arts, awarded for the first time to a bullfighter.
  • J. K. Rowling publishes Harry Potter and Philosopher Stone UK.
  • One Piece starts publishing in Japan.

Science and technology


  • February 12: launch of the Japanese radioastronomy observatory Haruka.
  • April 21: launch of the Spanish Minisat 01 satellite within Minisat program.
  • 4 July: NASA's space probe Mars Pathfinder poses on Mars' surface.
  • October 15: Cassini-Huygens probe launch to Saturn.


  • February 22: In Roslin (Scotland) it is announced that an adult sheep named Dolly, born in July 1996, has been cloned.
  • March 4: U.S. President Bill Clinton prohibits federal funding for any human cloning investigation.

Consoles and video games

  • Nintendo pulls out its last table console based on cartridges on the Nintendo 64 in April.
  • For sale in Spain one of the most acclaimed video games in history: Final Fantasy VII for PlayStation.
  • In October, the Age of Empires (AOE) sale for pc is the first game of one of the best real time strategy series ever.
  • Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (14 September).

On September 30, Claw (video game), an outstanding 2D action and platform game developed by Monolith Productions, is released exclusively for PC.

  • Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (31 October).
  • Tomb Raider II (1 November).
  • Grand Theft Auto (1 November).
  • Namco and Klonoa Works are on sale Klonoa: Door to Phantomile for PlayStation
  • Sale to sale Sonic Jam game that collects the first Sonic games for Sega Saturn
  • SEGA Takes Out Sonic R For Sega Saturn
  • It is released for Arcades the video game Mortal Kombat 4 being the first of the saga to adapt to new technologies



  • World Athletic Championship: The sixth edition is held in Athens (Greece).

Motor Racing

  • Jacques Villeneuve is the world champion of Formula 1.
  • Tommi Mäkinen is a world champion of WRC
  • Jeff Gordon is dedicated NASCAR champion
  • Alex Zanardi is the champion of CART
  • Arie Luyendyk wins 500 miles from Indianapolis
  • Juan María Traverso Consecrates Champion of Road Tourism
  • Henry Martin consecrates TC2000 champion


  • NBA: The Chicago Bulls win their 5th ring defeating Utah Jazz for 4-2.
  • ACB: FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion.
  • Argentine National Basketball League: Boca Juniors is a champion for the first time in his history in the League. It beats in the end to Independent General Pico (La Pampa) in the final series by 4-1 and generates a very emotional celebration at the Luis Conde stadium. The coach was Julio Lamas and the figure, Byron Wilson.


  • FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the Balonmano European Cup.


  • January 2nd: cyclist Miguel Induráin announces the final point of his career.


  • The FC Barcelona, champion of the European Hockey Cup on skates.


International Tournaments
  • European Champions League: Borussia Dortmund (Germany) is proclaimed champion defeating Juventus (Italy) in the final.
  • Copa Libertadores de América: Cruzeiro Esporte Clube (Brazil) is proclaimed champion defeating Sporting Cristal (Peru) in the final.
  • FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the European football team by defeating the Paris Saint-Germain for 1-0 in the final contested in Rotterdam (Netherlands). The goal of the blue ensemble is Ronaldo, of penalti.
  • The Atlético Vélez Sarsfield Club is the champion of the South American Recoup.
  • Borussia Dortmund is the champion of the Intercontinental Cup.
  • National athletic; champion of the Inter-American Cup.
  • South American Super Cup: The Atlético River Plate Club is a champion in front of São Paulo. This was the last edition of that tournament.
National Tournaments
  • Spanish League: Real Madrid wins the Spanish League.
  • Balón de Oro: the Brazilian Ronaldo, FC Barcelona and Inter in Milan, is appointed best footballer of the World of the year by the magazine France Football.
  • Football: Chilean Marcelo Salas becomes the best player in South America.
  • Mexican League: Summer Tournament Champion: Chivas. Winter Tournament Champion: Blue Cross.
  • Chilean National Football Championship: Catholic University Opening Tournament Champion and Colo-Colo Closing Tournament Champion.
  • Professional Colombian Football: America of Cali.
  • Ecuadorian Football Championship: Barcelona SC.
  • Peruvian Football League: After 18 years, the Club Alianza Lima is proclaimed national champion.
  • Uruguayan Championship: Club Atlético Peñarol is dedicated champion for the fifth consecutive time, achieving the second quinquennium of its history.
  • First Division of Argentine Soccer: River Plate is dedicated champion of the Closing Tournament and the Opening Tournament. This is how he reached his third tricampus.

American Football

  • June 22: (European League) World Bowl '97 (or World Bowl V). Final of the European League called World League that confronted the Barcelona Dragons against the Rhein Fire. The Barcelona Dragons won for 38 to 24. This was the first and only final of the Catalan team.
  • Superbowl: Patriots vs. Green Bay.

Chilean Rodeo

  • National Rodeo Championship: Alejandro Alvariño and Héctor Navarro (Osorno), champions of Chile.


  • Central Chilean rugby Championship: Catholic Champion University.


  • Wimbledon: Men: Pete Sampras to Cédric Pioline. Women: Martina Hingis to Jana Novotná.
  • Roland Garros: Men: Gustavo Kuerten a Sergi Bruguera. Women: Iva Majoli to Martina Hingis.
  • US Open: Men: Patrick Rafter to Greg Rusedski. Women: Martina Hingis to Venus Williams.
  • Australian Open: Men: Pete Sampras to Carlos Moyá. Women: Martina Hingis to Mary Pierce.



  • 1 January: Shooting fish (As a fish in the water, In love with others) by Stefan Schwartz.
  • 21 March: Liar Liar Tom Shadyac.
  • 22 March: Selena of Gregory Nava.
  • 16 April: Ana Karenina Bernard Rose.
  • 9 May: The fifth element from Luc Besson.
  • 23 May: The Lost World: Jurassic Park II Steven Spielberg.
  • 27 June: Hercules by Ron Clements and John Musker.
  • 2 July: Black men Barry Sonnenfeld.
  • 12 July: Princess Mononoke of Hayao Miyazaki.
  • 19 July: The End of Gospeln of Hideaki Anno and Kazuya Tsurumaki.
  • 1 August: Bean from Mel Smith.
  • 9 September: Cube from Vincenzo Natali.
  • 17 October: The devil’s advocate Taylor Hackford.
  • 26 November: Flubber Les Mayfield.
  • 12 December: The Boys Louis Saïa.
  • 19 December: Open your eyes of Alexander Amenábar.
  • 19 December: Better... impossible. James L. Brooks.
  • 19 December: Titanic James Cameron.
  • 20 December: Life is beautiful by Roberto Benigni.
  • 25 December: Jackie Brown Quentin Tarantino.
  • 25 December: An American werewolf in Paris Anthony Waller.
  • 26 December: Spice World by Bob Spiers
  • Martin (Hache) by Adolfo Aristarain.
  • Starship Troopers by Paul Verhoeven.
  • Adrian Lyne directs his film Lolitaadaptation of the novel by Vladimir Nabokov

All dates belong to the official premieres of their countries of origin, unless otherwise indicated.


  • Aerosmith: Nine Lives
  • Adriana Lucía: Fall in love like me
  • Marine Water: Vol. 11: Forbidden Love or Your love was a lie
  • Alejandra Guzmán: La Guzmán
  • Alejandro Fernández: I'm falling in love
  • Alejandro Lerner: Back to Start
  • Alejandro Sanz: More
  • Aleks Syntek and the Normal People: Secret Place
  • Alphaville: Salvation
  • Ana Bethlehem: Look at me.
  • Ana Gabriel: With a Heart Self
  • Ana Torroja: Cardinal Points
  • Andrés Calamaro: High dirt (9 September)
  • Aqua: Aquarium
  • Babasónicos: Babasónica
  • Backyard Babies: Total 13
  • Barney: The Songs of Barney and The Songs of Barney 2
  • Barricada: Health and Rocanrol
  • Backstreet Boys: Backstreet’s Back
  • Bee Gees: Still Waters
  • Björk: Homogenic
  • Blink 182: Dude Ranch
  • Gold Binomial of America: We're on our way.
  • Blonde Redhead: Fake Can Be Just As Good
  • Blur: Blur
  • Bob Dylan: Time Out of Mind
  • Bobby Pulido: You came to My Life
  • Boquinha da Garrafa: To Tremidinha
  • Buena Vista Social Club: Buena Vista Social Club
  • Bronco: The Last Footprint (last album)
  • BSO: Evita.
  • Buena Vista Social Club: World Circuit
  • B'z: Survive (19 November).
  • Café Chorale: Latin American Ritmos
  • Camilo Sesto: Camilo Superstar
  • Celia Cruz: Duets
  • Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love
  • Chay Vdvoëm: OLD
  • Cheap Trick: Cheap Trick
  • Children Of Bodom: Something Wild (16 February)
  • Christina Rosenvinge: Closed
  • Chumbawamba: Tubthumper
    • Tubthumping
  • Collective Soul: Disciplined Breakdown
  • Creed: My Own Prison (18 June)
  • Cristian Castro: The Best Of Me
  • Cyndi Lauper: Sisters of Avalon
  • Daft Punk: Homework
  • David Bowie: Earthling
  • David Bryan: Lunar Eclipse
  • Deftones: Around the Fur
  • Depeche Mode: Ultra
  • From the South of Europe: Prints (Tomas Bohórquez).
  • Diddy: No Way Out
    • I'll Be Missing You with Faith Evans and 112
  • Diomedes Díaz: My biography
  • Dover: Devil Came To Me
  • Duran Duran: Medazzaland
  • Eagle-Eye Cherry: Desireless
  • Enrique Bunbury: Radical Sonora
  • Enrique Iglesias: Living
  • Ekhymosis: Ekhymosis
  • Eros Ramazzotti: Eros
  • Eva Ayllón: Landó, Festejo and Vals
  • Fobia: Fobia On Ice
  • Flaming Lips Zaireeka.
  • Fluke: Risotto.
  • Foo Fighters: The Colour and The Shape
  • Gilda: Between Heaven and Earth
  • Green Day: Nimrod
  • Nectar Group: Embry me Suavecito
  • Red Group: The Color of Your Heart
  • Guardians of Love: I love you.
  • Hanson: Middle of Nowhere
  • Hugo Blanco: And his New Round
  • Incubus: S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
  • Ivan Villazón: Time of Vallenato
  • Janet Jackson: The Velvet Rope
  • Jean-Michel Jarre: Oxygene 7-13
  • Jean Pierre Magnet: Jean Pierre Magnet and the Big Band Live
  • Jerry Rivera: Right. I'm not the child.
  • Jon Bon Jovi: Destination Anywhere
  • John Frusciante: Smile From the Streets You Hold
  • José: Treasures
  • José María Cano: Moon
  • Juan Gabriel: Celebrating 25 years in concert at the Palace of Fine Arts
  • Juan Gabriel and Rocío Dúrcal: Together Another Vez
  • Judas Priest: Jugulator
  • Julieta Venegas: Here.
  • Karina and Timothy: Karina and Timothy and Merry Christmas
  • Kōshi Inaba: Magma (29 January)
  • La Charanga Habanera: Tremendous Delirio
  • Limp Bizkit: Three Dollar Bill, Yall$
  • Lorenna Schlebach: With you It's Love
  • Los Chiches del Vallenato: More Romantic
  • The Devils: Universal language
  • Los Inquietos del Vallenato: Rested by the World
  • The Jaivas: Trilogy: The Reunion
  • The Northern Rieleros: The Machinist
  • The Northern Tigers: Like you
  • The Northern Tigers: Chief
  • The Pirates: Manual for the Faithful
  • The Three: Fome
  • La Barranca: Season
  • La Barranca: Black Day
  • The Humildes: Sensational
  • The Yonic's: Don't cut my wings
  • Lucero: Angel Piel
  • Luis Miguel: Romances (12 August)
  • Madonna: Evita.
  • Motherdeus: O Paradise
  • Mägo de Oz: The Witch
  • Malice Mizer: Bel air ~Kuhaku no shunkan no naka de~ (19 July)
  • Malice Mizer: Au revoir (3 December)
  • Mana: Liquid Dreams
  • Sea of Cups: III
  • Marcela Morelo: Spring
  • Mariah Carey: Butterfly
  • Marilyn Manson: Remix and Repent
  • Martika: The Best of Martika: More Than You Know
  • Marco Antonio Solís: Framework
  • Megadeth: Cryptic Writings
  • Metallica: ReLoad
  • Michael Jackson: Blood On The Dance Floor
  • Miguel Bosé: Labyrinth 2
  • Miguel Morales: Authentic
  • Misfits: American Psycho (13 May).
  • Miss Rosi: Singing with Miss Rosi, Volume 5
  • Molotov: Where will the girls play?
  • Mötley Crüe: Generation Swine
  • Monica Naranjo: Women's Word
  • Murder City Devils: Murder City Devils
  • Nek: Lei, gli amici e tutto il resto
    • Laura's not here.
  • Nicole: Dreams in transit
  • Nightwish: Angels Fall First
  • Onda Vaselina: Total
  • Oasis: Be Here Now
  • Otpetye Moshenniki: idiom
  • Our Lady Peace: Clumsy
  • Papa Roach: Old Friends From Young Years
  • Pedro Fernández: Tribute to José Alfredo Jiménez'
  • Pedro Guerra: So Near Me
  • Paul McCartney: Flaming Pie
  • Pink Martini: Sympathique
  • Portishead: Portishead
  • Primal Scream: Vanishing Point.
  • Puffy AmiYumi: Just
  • Radiohead: OK Computer
  • Rammstein: Sehnsucht
  • White Rat: White rat VII
  • Ratt: Collage
  • Reset: No Worries
  • Rhapsody: Songs I love
  • Ricardo Montaner: That's right.
  • Rosendo: Give me something. and Thankful... Rosendo (tribute)
  • Salserin: Between You and Me
  • Sasha Sokol: 11:11
  • Savage Garden: Savage Garden
  • Shakira: The Remixes
  • Shania Twain: Come On Over
  • Silverchair: Freak Show
  • Simple Minds: The Promised
  • Sinéad O'Connor: So Far... the Best of Sinéad O'Connor
  • Total sinister: Cat by hare, Popular culture, That's how the fights start. and Vermu session
  • Soda Stereo: Last concert
  • Soraya: Ivory Tower
  • Spice Girls: Spiceworld
  • Mr. Chinarro: The Why of My Peinated
  • Sugar Ray: Floored
  • Supertramp: Some Things Never Change
  • Symphony X: The Divine Wings of Tragedy
  • Testament: Demonic
  • Tarkan: Ölürüm Sana
  • Texas: Say What You Want
  • Thalía: Love of the Mexican
  • Thalía: Nandito Ako
  • Tatiana: Follow the magic and Magic Christmas/Merry Christmas
  • The Chemical Brothers: Dig Your Own Hole
  • The Corrs: Talk On Corners
  • The Crystal Method: Vegas
  • The Misfits: American Psycho
  • The Notorious B.I.G.: Life After Death
  • The Offspring: Ixnay on the Man
  • The Prodigy: The Fat of the Land
  • The Rasmus: Playboys
  • The Verve: Urban Hymns
  • Holy Land: Medieval
  • Travis: Good Feeling
  • U2: Pop
  • Vader: Black to the Blind
  • Several Artists: We sing to Maria Elena Walsh
  • Voz Veis: The Best Still To Come
  • Whigfield: Whigfield II
  • I got it. I Can Hear the Heart Beating As One


Video games

  • January 28: SNK launches Royal Bout Fatal Fury Special video game for the Arcade Neo Geo system.
  • Mario Kart 64 sales in the United States and worldwide.
  • June 25: Capcom launches the video game Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter for arcade CPS2.
  • August 25: Rare launches GoldenEye 007 and distributed by Nintendo.
  • November 21: Nintendo and Rare released the Diddy Kong Racing video game for Nintendo 64.
  • November 27: Nintendo and HAL Laboratory released Kirby's Dream Land 3 in addition to being the latest video game for the Super Nintendo console.
  • 30 November: Quake II Initial Release in the United States


  • Colombia: Pereira-Dosquebradas viaduct.

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and William D. Phillips.
  • Chemistry: Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker and Jens C. Skou.
  • Medicine: Stanley B. Prusiner.
  • Literature: Dario Fo.
  • Peace: International Campaign for the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines (ICBL) and Jody Williams.
  • Economy: Robert C. Merton and Myron Scholes.

Prince of Asturias Awards

  • Arts: Vittorio Gassman.
  • Social Sciences: Martin de Riquer Morera.
  • Communication and Humanities: Václav Havel and Cable News Network (CNN).
  • Concordia: Yehudi Menuhin and Mstislav Rostropóvich.
  • International cooperation: the Government of Guatemala and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca.
  • Sports: Spanish Marathon Team.
  • Scientific and Technical Research: research team of Atapuerca sites.
  • Letras: Alvaro Mutis.

Cervantes Award

  • Guillermo Cabrera Infante.

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