From the left, in the sense of the clock's needles: The 1994 Winter Olympics are held in Lillehammer, Norway; The Kaiser Permanent Building after the 1994 Northridge earthquake; A model of the Estonian MS, which sank in the Baltic Sea; Nelson Mandela casts his vote in the 1994 South African general elections, in which he was elected first president and actually signed the First Passenger Service

1994 (MCMXCIV) was a common year beginning on a Saturday of the Gregorian calendar. He was designated as:

  • The International Year of the Family.
  • The International Year of Sport and the Olympic Ideal by the United Nations.



  • January 1: In Chiapas, south of Mexico, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation rises in arms against the Mexican federal government in the so-called carpenter uprising.
  • January 1: In Peru, the political constitution sponsored by Alberto Fujimori came into force.
  • January 1: The North American Free Trade Agreement between Canada, Mexico and the United States enters into force.
  • January 3: In the city of Irkutsk (Russia), a Tupolev Tu-154 of Aeroflot crashes after taking land. 125 people die.
  • January 3: In Buenos Aires, Argentina, the television channel Crónica TV begins to broadcast.
  • January 3: fire at the Sabaneta Prison, Maracaibo, Venezuela, in which at least 108 prisoners died.
  • 4 January: The Court of Justice of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) was opened in Geneva.
  • January 6: Paraguay enters the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) as the 115th Member State.
  • January 10: The Mexican Army mobilizes fifteen thousand soldiers in the offensive against the Zapatistas.
  • January 10: Secretary of Government Patrocinio González Garrido resigns and is relieved by Jorge Carpizo MacGregor.
  • 11 January: The heads of State and Government of NATO agree in Brussels to establish the Peace Partnership, which will integrate countries of the former Warsaw Pact.
  • 13 January: The largest fire in Australia in the last 200 years, which in two weeks caused the death of 4 people, was swept up 880 hectares and destroyed 200 buildings.
  • January 17: In Los Angeles (California), there is an earthquake of 6.7 that causes 57 deaths and more than 9000 wounded.
  • January 19: The sleeve of Detective Conan, created by Gosho Aoyama, begins to be published in the magazine Shūkan Shōnen Sunday in Japan.
  • January 21: The Mexican Senate ratified the Amnesty Law for the Insurgents of Chiapas, approved by the Congress.
  • January 22: In Puerto Madryn (Argentina) the so-called "tragedy of firefighters" occurs when 25 firefighters die, between 11 and 23 years, in a field fire. It is considered the greatest tragedy of firefighters in that country.
  • 22 January: In Spain, a hundred academics from the Castilian language of 20 of the 22 institutions that exist in the world, urge their respective governments to defend the Spanish language and culture.
  • January 27: In Honduras, the liberal Carlos Roberto Reina assumes the presidency of that country.
  • January 30: A constitutional referendum is held in Guatemala during the Ramiro de León Carpio government (1993-1996).
  • January 31: In Florida (Colombia) an avalanche of the Rio Frayle leaves 14 dead, 60 disappeared and 1500 families affected.


  • 2 February: In Kasaï (Zaire) at least 200 people die when a train is derailed.
  • February 2: In Venezuela, Rafael Caldera assumes the presidency of his country for the second time.
  • February 3: The launch of the Discovery space shuttle with a Russian cosmonaut on board, the first of this nationality to crew an American space vehicle.
  • 5 February: In the central market in Sarajevo, a Serbian attack leaves a balance of 79 civilians killed and 197 injured.
  • 5 February: In Burundi, the Hutu Cyprien Ntaryamira is elected new president.
  • February 6: In Costa Rica, José María Figueres won the presidential elections.
  • February 6: In Finland, Social-Democrat Martti Ahtisaari wins presidential elections.
  • February 7: In Barcelona, members of ETA shoot at Colonel Leopoldo García Campos.
  • February 10: Brazil, Portugal and five African nations constitute the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries in Brasilia.
  • 11 February: In Spain, the Government is technically involved in the PSV housing cooperative by temporarily suspending the performance of its social bodies.
  • 11 February: In Lillehammer the 1994 Winter Olympics are held.
  • 16 February: The European Police Cooperation Agency, Europol, officially opened in The Hague.
    • on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, an earthquake of 7.0 leaves more than 200 dead and 2,000 wounded.
  • 16-21 February: The XXXV Festival of Viña del Mar takes place in Chile.
  • February 18: In Germany, Italian actress Sofia Loren receives a special Gold Bear from the Berlin Festival as a recognition of her film career.
  • February 21: In Germany, the film "In the name of the father" by Jim Sheridan receives the Golden Bear of the Berlin Festival.
  • 22 February: The Synod of the Anglican Church approves the new canons for the ordination of women.
  • February 23: The Russian State Duma granted amnesty to Valentin Pavlov and the rest of the defendants for the August 1991 coup attempt.
  • February 24: The Government of Nicaragua and the "recons" leaders agree to disarm the rebels.
  • 27 February: In Lillehammer, the 1994 Winter Olympics are closed.
  • February 27: Italian singer Laura Pausini takes the first place at the San Remo Festival.


  • 1 March: Sweden, Austria and Finland are incorporated as new partners of the European Union. The "Europe of the Fifteen" is born
  • March 1st: In Munich, Germany, the group of grunge Nirvana offers its last performance.
  • 1 March: In France a new Criminal Code is in force, replacing the Napoleonic Code of 1810.
  • March 3: In Italy the first issue of the newspaper appears The Voice.
  • 3 March: The Holy See and Jordan establish diplomatic relations.
  • March 4th: he founded Trolltech.
  • March 6: In Oracle (Arizona) the second quarantine (which will end in a failure) of one year of a team of eight scientists within the billionaire Biosfera 2 project, built as a self-sufficient ecosystem, is launched.
  • March 6: In Mexico, Luis Donaldo Colosio gives a famous speech at the Monument to the Revolution as a PRI candidate for the presidency.
  • March 11: In Chile, Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle assumes the presidency of that country.
  • 13 March: The legislative elections are held in Colombia.
  • March 14: Version 1.0.0 of the Linux kernel is published.
  • 15 March: The asteroid 1994 ES1 passes to 165 000 km from Earth, almost half the distance between our planet and the Moon.
  • March 20: In El Salvador, Armando Calderón Sol, candidate of the official ARENA party, won the first round of the presidential elections.
  • March 21: In the United States the Sedan crater (the largest artificial crater in that country) is included in the National Register of Historic Places. The radioactive rain caused by the Sedan bomb counted more American than any other nuclear test.
  • 22 March: In the Vatican City, Pope John Paul II publishes a document that prohibits priests from political and trade union militancy.
  • March 23: Luis Donaldo Colosio, PRI candidate for the presidency of Mexico, is murdered in Lomas Taurinas (city of Tijuana, state of Baja California).
  • March 23: In Oblast of Kémerovo, Aeroflot flight 593 hits a hill. 75 people die.
  • March 27: Venezuela departs from Yare prison, for pardon of President Rafael Caldera, Hugo Chávez.
  • 27 March: In Italy the general elections are held.
  • March 28: Born Jackson Wang, vocalist, rapper, dancer, MC and Chinese actor, member of the GOT7 band.
  • March 29: In Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, coordinator of the Colosio campaign, is appointed as a substitute candidate for the PRI for the presidency of the Republic.


  • April 4: Mexico creates the television channel of Latin videos Ritmoson.
  • April 5: U.S. singer and musician Kurt Cobain, vocalist of Nirvana, committed suicide.
  • April 6: A missile knocks down the plane where Presidents Hutus Juvénal Habyarimana (of Rwanda) and Cyprien Ntaryamira (of Burundi) traveled. Their deaths trigger the genocide of Rwanda.
  • April 6: In the United States, FedEx flight 705 is in danger when a second flight engineer savagely attacks with a harpoon and hammers on the pilots.
  • April 6: John Paul II reigns the Sistine Chapel, whose restoration work has been extended for thirteen years.
  • 7 April: In Rwanda, the genocide of Rwanda was unleashed, which would continue until 15 July.
  • April 8: They found the body of the leader of the grunge band "Nirvana", Kurt Cobain apparently killed himself from a shot in the head with a shotgun.
  • 12 April: Israel and the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) conclude in Cairo the agreement on the Palestinian police to be deployed in Gaza and Jericho, with 9000 men.
  • 15 April: Representatives of 124 countries and the European Community sign the Marrakesh Agreements, which review GATT and precede the World Trade Organization (will enter into force on 1 January 1995).
  • April 19: The Guatemalan singer Ricardo Arjona released his fifth studio album entitled Stories.
  • April 19: The Rapero Nas launches his first and most influential musical album titled Illmatic.
  • April 22: U.S. politician Richard Nixon, former vice president of that country during the Dwight D. Eisenhower government (1953-1961) and also former president of that country during his government (1969-1974).
  • April 22: In Argentina, the businessman and owner of the bar Heaven Poli Armentano is murdered.
  • April 23: Discovery of the subatomic particle "high quark".
  • April 24: In El Salvador, Armando Calderón Sol, candidate of the official party, ARENA, defeats in the second round of the presidential elections to Rubén Zamora, candidate of a coalition of opposition parties led by the FMLN.
  • April 27: In South Africa, free and multi-racial elections are held, ending the period known as "apartheid", in which the National African Congress of Nelson Mandela would be won.
  • April 28: The poet Carlos Bousoño is awarded the Prince of Asturias de las Letras Prize.
  • April 29: In Spain, Luis Roldán (former director of the Guardia Civil) escaped.
  • April 29: In Spain the deputies and ex-ministers Carlos Solchaga and José Luis Corcuera resign.
  • April 30: In Dublin (Ireland) the XXXIX Eurovision Edition is held. The theme of the host country "Rock & Roll Kids" the Duo Paul Harrington & Charlie McGettigan is the winner.
  • April 30: In Spain, the Minister of the Interior, Antonio Asunción, resigns because of his political responsibility in the escape of Luis Roldán, former director general of the Guardia Civil, accused of various crimes.
  • April 30: In the circuit of Imola (Italy) dies Roland Ratzenberger, Austrian Formula 1 pilot.
  • April 30: In Spain, the Minister of the Interior, Antonio Asunción, resigns because of his political responsibility in the escape of Luis Roldán, former director general of the Guardia Civil, accused of various crimes.


  • May 1st: In the Circuit of Imola (Italy) dies Ayrton Senna, world champion of Formula 1, aboard his Williams FW16, on the Tamburello curve.
  • 1 May: In Ecuador, legislative elections are held during the administration of Sixto Durán Ballén (1992-1996).
  • 3 May: General elections are held in the Netherlands.
  • May 5: In the State Nueva Esparta (Venezuela) the Confederate Bank is created.
  • 6 May: The Eurotúnel is inaugurated.
  • May 8: In Costa Rica, José María Figueres Olsen, son of political leader José Figueres Ferrer, assumes the presidency of that country.
  • May 8: Ernesto Pérez Balladares is elected as the new president of Panama.
  • May 10: In South Africa, Nelson Mandela assumes as president in the first democratic elections.
  • May 18: At the Athens Olympics the AC Milan wins the UEFA Champions League 1993-94 following the F. C. Barcelona 4-0.
  • May 30: The news station Telenoticias (TN5) in Honduras begins its work.


  • June 3: On the island of Java there is an earthquake of 7.8 that causes a tsunami with waves of up to 14 meters that leave a balance of 200 dead.
  • 6 June: In Colombia, an earthquake of 6.8 and an avalanche in the Páez River causes the deaths of 1100 paeces indigenous people.
  • June 8: An earthquake of 8.2 shakes the northern part of Bolivia, had a depth of 630 km and its number of wounded and killed is unknown.
  • June 12: Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman die at the hands of the American Football player O.J. Simpson.
  • June 13: Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela signed the Free Trade Agreement between the Group of Three.
  • June 15: In Mexico City the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro is inaugurated.
  • 17 June: In Vienna, a total of 84 countries signed the first nuclear security agreement.
  • June 17: Inauguration of the 15th edition of the 1994 Football World Cup for the first time in the United States.
  • June 18: In Berlin (Germany) the troops of the United States, France and Great Britain, charged with defending the western sector of that city since the end of the Second World War, were fired.
  • June 19: Ernesto Samper is elected as the new president of Colombia.
  • 23 June: In Rwanda, some 600 French soldiers under the UN mandate enter that country to protect the civilian population.
  • June 25: In Berlin, Russian soldiers parade to finally leave the eastern part of the city.
  • June 25: In the United States, Argentine player Diego Armando Maradona is expelled from the world of soccer, after detecting ephedrine in an antidoping control after the match against Nigeria.
  • June 28: The Mexican singer Juan Gabriel, released his 21st studio album entitled Thank you for waiting.
  • June 28: The Cuban-American singer-songwriter Jon Secada released his fourth studio album as soloist and second album in Spanish entitled If you leave.
  • June 30: The mobile phone is opened in Colombia.


  • July 2nd: Colombia: In a restaurant in the city of Medellin, footballer Andrés Escobar was killed, after he put a autogol in the Colombia-United States party at the United States World Cup.
  • 4 July: Spain: A heat wave makes Murcia register 47 °C in the shade, the highest recorded in the capitals of Spanish province. Record also in Alicante with 41 °C in the shade.
  • July 13: Cuba: Striking of the "Remower March 13" where 72 people were trying to flee. 41 of them perished, including 10 children.
  • July 16: Rwanda: Civil war is over.
  • July 17: In Los Angeles (United States) The World Cup is finished and Brazil is a champion for the fourth time of the 1994 World Cup to Italy in criminality stews after packing 0-0 in the 90 minutes regulatory and in the 15-minute supplemental times.
  • July 18: Argentina: terrorist attack on AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelí Argentina) in Buenos Aires, leaving 85 deaths and hundreds of wounded.
  • July 20: Mexico City opens Line 8 of Mexico City Metro.
  • 22 July: In the Gambia, Yahya Jammeh took office as President of the Gambia, deposing the power of Dawda Jawara who had ruled the country for 32 years.
  • July 29: In Madrid, the ETA terrorist gang murders the explosion of a car bomb, the director-general of the Defense Police, its driver and a passerby.
  • July 29: In front of an abortion clinic in Pensacola (United States), evangelical expat Paul Jennings Hill murders abortionist John Britton (69) and his 74-year-old "clinical escort" (symbolic bodyguards). Britton had replaced Dr. David Gunn, who had been killed in 1993 by an anonymous anti-abortionist.
  • July 30: In Manizales, Colombia, the Palogrande Stadium is inaugurated.


  • August 1st: Formed the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations
  • August 7: In Colombia, Ernesto Samper assumes the presidency of that country.
  • August 9: In Bogota, a command of motorized sicarios murders parliamentarian Manuel Cepeda Vargas, last senator for the Patriotic Union Party on Avenida de Las Américas in the south of the City.
  • 14 August: The legislative elections are held in Guatemala during the Ramiro de León Carpio (1993-1996).
  • August 15: In the Aztec Stadium the first American Bowl between Houston Petroleros and Dallas Cowboys for 6-0.
  • August 16: In the Dominican Republic, Joaquín Balaguer assumes the presidency for the seventh and last time, reduced to 2 years by the Covenant for Democracy.
  • August 18: An earthquake of 5.8 on the Richter scale leaves 171 dead in Algeria.
  • 21 August: In Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo wins presidential elections
  • August 22: Argentina approves the last reform of the Argentine Constitution.
  • August 22: Wim Kok becomes Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
  • August 28: The referendum is held in Ecuador.
  • August 30: Mexican singer Luis Miguel launches his 10th studio album titled Second romance.
  • August 30: Mexican interpreter José José, released his 28th tituldo studio album Mexican greatness, produced again by the Spanish singer Manuel Alejandro, is the second time that Manuel Alejandro produced the artist's album since the release of Secrets (1983).
  • August 31: The Provisional IRA declares the ceasefire.


  • September 1st: In Panama, Ernesto Pérez Balladares assumes the presidency of that country.
  • September 6: In Oracle (Arizona) the second quarantine of the team of eight scientists within the billionaire Biosfera 2 project, built as a self-sufficient ecosystem, ends abruptly.
  • September 8: In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a Boeing 737-300 operated Flight 427 from USAir crashed as he approached Pittsburgh International Airport. The 127 passengers and 5 crew members on board die.
  • September 14: The United States and Canada baseball league season is suspended due to a strike.
    • In the United States, the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is created, the video game classification system by the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) (now Entertainment Software Association).
  • 16 September: an earthquake of 6.8 in Taiwan.
  • 18 September: General elections are held in Sweden.
  • September 20: In Spain, Corta Atalaya – the largest open-air mine in Europe – closes by rising copper prices.
  • September 22: The successful Friends comedy series premiered
  • September 24: In Oran (Algeria), a Muslim fanatic murders the singer Cheb Hasni (26) because he sang romantic raï music.
  • September 27: Colombian lawyer and politician Carlos Lleras Restrepo, former president of this country (1966-1970).
  • September 28: In the Baltic Sea the M/S Estonia when he was heading to Stockholm.
  • September 28: In Mexico City the secretary general of the PRI, José Francisco Ruiz Massieu (48).


  • October 1: Palaos is independent of the United States.
  • October 1st: In a branch of the Order of the Solar Temple in Morin Heights (near Quebec, Canada), Emmanuel Dutoit, a three-month-old son of a sect member, is murdered. The baby was stabbed repeatedly with a wooden stake by order of the French rosacruz Joseph di Mambro (1924-1994), who claimed that the baby was the Antichrist described in the New Testamentwho had been born within his group to prevent Di Mambro from succeeding in his spiritual journey.
  • 2 October: In Hiroshima (Japan) the XII Asian Games begin.
  • October 3: In Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso is elected as the new president of that country.
  • October 3: In Salvan, in the Swiss canton of Valais, several followers of the cult Order of the Solar Temple commit suicide by taking tranquilizers.
  • October 5: In Cheiry, in the canton of Fribourg (in Switzerland), 48 followers of the cult Order of the Solar Temple are shot and cremated.
    • In the Kurile Islands, an earthquake of 8.3 and a tsunami leave a balance of 10 dead.
  • October 10: Kenzaburo Oé receives the Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • October 12: The ancient archbishop of Mérida is restored in a massive religious event held at the scene of the Roman theatre in the city. The temple of Santa Maria recovers its cathedral dignity.
  • 14 October: Yasir Arafat, Isaac Rabin and Shimon Peres are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1994.
  • 14-15 October: In Valencia, Spain, the XXIII edition of the OTI Festival is celebrated. The item by the representative of Argentina "Dispatch song" Claudia Carenzio is the winner.
  • October 15: La Virgen de Candelaria (Patrona de Canarias) visited the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife after thirty years.
  • 16 October: In Hiroshima, Japan, the 12th Asian Games culminate.
  • October 16: Federal elections are held in Germany.
  • 16-17 October: In the city of Valledupar (Colombia), several organized criminals take from the office of the Bank of the Republic of that city 24 075 million pesos, between tickets "without circular" of 2000, 5000 and 10000, which at that time were those of greatest denomination.
  • October 20: In the Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Parties of San Miguel, José C Paz and Malvinas Argentinas are created by Provincial Law 11.551 of the province of Buenos Aires from the division of the previous party of General Sarmiento.
  • 21 October: In Seoul, South Korea, a section of the Seongsu bridge crossing the Han River sinks; 32 people die and 15 others are injured.
  • 26 October: Isaac Rabin and Abdelsalam al-Majali, the prime ministers of Israel and Jordan, sign peace between the two countries.
  • October 29: In Chile, the “dissented driver” system (known as a multicarrier) is launched, placing itself in the second country in the world, after the United States, to implement this service.
  • October 31: United States: An American Eagle ATR 72-212 plane crashed in Indianapolis after experiencing freezing conditions, killing its 64 passengers and its 4 crew members. (See American Eagle flight 4184).


  • November 4 The Latin American Infinite Documentary Channel (today TNT Series) is created.
  • 6 November In Puerto Rico, proposals to increase the number of Supreme Court judges from 7 to 9 and limit the right to bail are rejected in Refedendum.
  • 8 November: Legislative elections are held in the United States.
  • 10 November: Die at 84, the physicist William Higginbotham, creator of Tennis for Two, the first videogame of history.
  • November 11: In California, Proposition 187 is celebrated.
  • 15 November: A 7.1 earthquake that leaves 78 dead is recorded on the Philippine island of Mindoro.
  • 19 November: Malawi recognizes the Arab Democratic Saharan Republic (RASD).
  • November 22: Mexican singer, songwriter and actor Pedro Fernandez launches his new album entitled My way of feeling.
  • 27 November: In Uruguay, Julio María Sanguinetti is elected president for the second time.
  • November 30: In New York, rapper Tupac Shakur and three components of his group are stolen and shot in a recording studio.


  • 1 December: The cable channel begins its work Telenoticias in partnership with Artear of Argentina, Antena 3 of Spain and Telemundo.
  • 1 December: In Mexico Ernesto Zedillo takes office as president of that country as a sexagesimoprimer president for the presidential term 1994-2000.
  • December 1st: In Japan, the Sarsfield Velez was crowned world champion by beating the AC Milan 2-0.
  • 1 December: In Venezuela, the television channel Globovisión began its broadcasts.
  • December 3: In Japan, the first Sony video console, the PlayStation, would become the most successful console of its generation.
  • 10 December: In Oslo, Norway, Yasir Arafat, Isaac Rabin and Shimon Peres win the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • December 11: Russian President Boris Yeltsin sends troops to Chechnya.
  • 11 December: Phillipine Airlines Flight 434 explodes in full flight when flying from Manila, Philippines, to Tokyo, Japan, and lands in Okinawa: one occupant dies and another ten are injured.
  • December 17: In the Basilica of Notre-Dame, in Montreal, Canada, the singer Céline Dion married René Angélil.
  • December 20: Jaime Serra Puche, secretary of the Mexican government of President Ernesto Zedillo, devalues the currency of 3.50 to 6.50 pesos per dollar, causing an economic crisis that affected several Latin American economies (“Tequila effect”).
  • December 21: In Mexico there is an explosion of the Popocatépetl volcano, which drives gas and ashes more than 25 km away.
  • December 24: In Algeria, four Algerian hijackers at the service of the GIA hijack Air France's 8969 flight: they kill three passengers and throw them on the track.
  • December 25: In France, Air France flight 8969 arrives at Marseille International Airport at 3:33 a.m. and immediately alerts the authorities.
  • December 26: In France, the GIGN (National Gendarmerie Intervention Group) rescues Air France's 8969 flight and kills the four GIA hijackers.
  • December 28: an earthquake of 7.7 shakes the island of Sanriku in Japan.



  • January 1st: Lucas Pugh, Argentine footballer.
  • January 3: Juan Cruz Mascia, Uruguayan footballer.
  • January 3: Megan Williams, British model.
  • January 6: Denis Suárez, Spanish footballer.
  • January 6: JB, South Korean singer, group leader Got7.
  • January 6: Catalan Gray, Filipino model and Miss Universe 2018.
  • January 7: Nadine Leopold, Austrian model.
  • January 11: Virginia Limongi, model and Miss Ecuador 2018.
  • January 14: Kai, actor, South Korean singer and dancer, member of the EXO and SuperM groups.
  • January 14: Gisela Pulido, Spanish kitesurf sportsman.
  • January 15: Hyungwon, singer, dancer, model and DJ. Monsta X member
  • January 15: Jonathan Cubero, Uruguayan footballer.
  • January 15: Monika Jagaciak, Polish model.
  • January 16: Charlotte Best, Australian actress.
  • January 17: Lucy Boynton, British actress.
  • January 17: Queen Ueda, Japanese seiyū.
  • January 18: Minzy, South Korean singer and rapper
  • January 20: Lucas Piazón, Brazilian footballer.
Booboo Stewart
  • January 20: Juan San Martín, Uruguayan footballer.
  • January 21: Amin Affane, Swedish footballer.
  • January 21: Laura Robson, British tennis player.
  • January 21, Marny Kennedy, Australian actress.
  • January 21: Booboo Stewart, American actor.
  • January 24: Juanpi Añor, Venezuelan footballer.
  • January 27: Georgina Rodriguez, Spanish-Argentine model.
  • January 28: Maluma, singer and Colombian artist.
  • January 29: Ayane Sakura, Japanese voice actress.


Harry Styles
  • February 1st: Harry Styles, British singer and actor.
  • February 1: Ryō Yoshizawa, Japanese actor.
  • February 3: Rougned Odor, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • February 4: Hector Judges, Spanish actor.
  • February 4: Miguel Ángel López, Colombian cyclist.
  • February 4: Valeria Emiliani, Colombian actress and singer.
  • February 6: Charlie Heaton, British actor and musician.
  • February 10: Makenzie Vega, American actress.
  • February 10: Seulgi, South Korean singer, member of the Red Velvet group.
  • February 11: Dansby Swanson, American baseball player.
  • February 13: Memphis Depay, Dutch footballer.
  • 13 February: Sofia Aragón, TV presenter Azteca and Mexicana Universal 2019
  • February 14: Paul Butcher, American actor and singer.
  • February 14: Allie Grant, American film and television actress.
  • February 15: Rodolfo Pizarro, Mexican footballer.
  • 17 February: Camila Silva, Chilean composer.
  • February 18: Danny Stenning, British footballer.
  • February 18: J-Hope, South Korean rapper and dancer, member of the BTS group.
  • February 18: Ana Guerra, Spanish singer.
  • February 21: Hayley Orrantia, American actress.
  • February 21: Wendy, South Korean singer, member of the Red Velvet group.
  • February 22: Yaiza Esteve, Spanish actress and singer.
  • February 23: Derlis González Galeano, Paraguayan footballer.
  • February 23: Dakota Fanning, American actress.
  • February 25: Eugenie Bouchard, Canadian tennis player.
  • February 25: Ricardo Gómez, Spanish actor.
  • February 25: Victoria Tanco, Argentine golfer.
  • February 27: Hou Yifan, Chinese chess player.
  • February 28: Jake Bugg, British singer.


Justin Bieber
  • March 1st: Justin Bieber, Canadian singer.
  • March 1st: Tyreek Hill, American football player.
  • March 3: Federico Andrada, Argentine footballer.
  • March 4: José Mena, Colombian halterophile.
  • March 5: Aislinn Paul, Canadian actress.
  • March 5: Sara Luvv, American pornographic actress.
  • March 7: Devon Windsor, American model.
  • March 10: Bad Bunny, Puerto Rican singer.
  • March 12: Christina Grimmie, American singer (f. 2016).
  • March 12: Tyler Patrick Jones, American actor.
  • March 13: Gerard Deulofeu, Spanish footballer.
  • March 14: Ansel Elgort, American actor.
  • March 15: Alejandro Furia, Uruguayan footballer.
  • March 16: Camilo, Colombian singer.
  • March 20: Derlis González, Paraguayan footballer.
  • March 22: Ha Sung-woon, South Korean singer.
  • March 23: Arkano, Spanish freestyler.
  • March 26: Mayu Watanabe, Japanese actress and singer.
  • March 26: Paige VanZant, American mixed martial art fighter.
  • March 27: Oihana Paniagua, Spanish actress.
  • March 28: Jackson Wang, Chinese singer, member of the Got7 group.
  • March 28: Blair Williams, American pornographic actress.
  • March 29: Sulli, South Korean actress and singer (f. 2019).
  • March 30: Jetro Willems, Dutch footballer.


  • April 1: Nicolás Oróz, Argentine footballer.
  • April 2: Alexander Fransson, Swedish footballer.
  • April 4: Chris O'Neal, American actor.
  • April 5: Ignacio Ratti, Uruguayan footballer.
  • April 5: Richard Sánchez, Mexican-American footballer.
  • April 6: Adrian Alonso, Mexican actor.
  • April 8: László Kleinheisler, Hungarian footballer.
  • April 11: Dakota Blue Richards, British actress.
  • April 12: Guido Rodríguez, Argentine footballer.
  • April 12: Saorse Ronan, American actress.
  • April 12: Airi Suzuki, Japanese actress, singer and model.
  • April 12: Sehun, actor, South Korean singer and rapper, member of the EXO group.
  • April 12: Isabelle Drummond, Brazilian actress and model.
  • April 13: Angelo Henríquez, Chilean footballer.
  • April 14: Skyler Samuels, American actress.
  • April 17: Dakota Skye, American pornographic actress (f. 2021).
  • April 17: Sascha Hannig, Chilean writer.
Moises Arias
  • April 18: Moises Arias, an American actor.
  • April 18: Martin Rønning Ovenstad, Norwegian footballer.
  • April 21: Ludwig Augustinsson, Swedish footballer.
  • April 26: Daniil Kvyat, a Russian motor racing pilot.
  • April 27: Corey Seager, American baseball player.
  • April 30: José Peraza, Venezuelan baseball player.


  • 4 May: Alexander Gould, American actor of television and voice.
  • May 5: Bethlehem Toimil, Spanish athlete.
  • May 7: Andrés Robles, Chilean footballer.
  • May 9: Alexandra Tyler, American model.
  • May 14: Marcos Aoás Corrêa, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 14: Edison Flores, Peruvian footballer.
  • May 16: Reika Sakurai, Japanese idol, of the Nogizaka46 band.
  • May 16: Bryan Rabello, Chilean footballer.
  • May 16: Omos, a Nigerian professional fighter.
  • May 17: Elettra Lamborghini, singer and Italian television character.
  • May 17: Julie Anne San José, Filipino actress and singer.
Laura Esquivel
  • May 18: Laura Esquivel, Argentine actress and singer.
  • May 20: Alex Høgh Andersen, Danish actor.
  • May 21: Thomas Daley, British trampoline jumper.
  • May 23: Albert Homs, Spanish basketball player.
  • May 24: Brian Ferreira, Argentine soccer player.
  • May 24: Rodrigo De Paul, Argentine footballer.
  • May 24: Cayden Boyd, American actor.
  • May 25: Aly Raisman, an American art gymnast.
  • May 25: Nanase Nishino, Japanese idol, of the Nogizaka46 band.
  • May 28: Alec Benjamin, American singer.


  • June 1st: Giorgian de Arrascaeta, Uruguayan footballer.
  • June 2: Jemma McKenzie-Brown, British actress.
  • June 4: Tiago da Rocha Vieira, Brazilian footballer of Chapecoense (f. 2016).
  • June 4: Chiaki Kobayashi, Japanese seiyū.
  • June 7: Majo Aguilar, Mexican singer.
  • June 8: Liv Morgan, American professional model and wrestler from WWE.
  • June 8: Zelá Brambillé, a Mexican writer and novelist (f. 2021).
  • June 11: Ivana Baquero, Spanish actress.
  • June 12: Lindsay Daenenen, Belgian singer.
  • June 13: Elbio Alvarez, Uruguayan footballer.
  • June 14: Moon Taeil, South Korean singer, member of NCT.
  • June 14: Federico Di Francesco, Italian footballer.
  • June 16: Caitlyn Taylor Love, American actress and singer.
  • June 17: Didier Ndong, Gabonese footballer.
  • June 20: Joemar Guarecuco, Venezuelan footballer.
  • June 21: Başak Eraydın, Turkish tennis player.
  • June 23: Connor Jessup, Canadian actor.
  • June 24: Erin Moriarty, American actress.
  • June 25: Oleksandr Andriyevskyi, Ukrainian footballer.
  • June 27: Dennys Hurtado, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • June 29: Leandro Paredes, Argentine soccer player.
  • June 29: Camila Mendes, American actress.


Kanako Momota
  • 2 July: Darvinson Rojas, Venezuelan journalist.
  • July 3: Chris Jones, American football player.
  • July 6: Camilla and Rebecca Rosso, British actresses and singers.
  • July 7: Ashton Irwin, drummer and singer of the Australian band 5 Seconds of Summer.
  • July 7: Mattheus Oliveira, Brazilian footballer.
  • 7 July: Ole Selnæs, Norwegian footballer.
  • 7 July: Albert Rusnák, Czech footballer.
  • July 7: Piotr Havik, Dutch cyclist.
  • July 7: Leonardo Pais, Uruguayan footballer.
  • July 7: Robert Wilkowiecki, Polish triathle.
  • July 7: Chris Ingram, British rally pilot.
  • July 8: Timothy Sherry, American shooter.
  • July 8: Brayan Valdivia, Chilean footballer.
  • July 9: Akiane Kramarik, American poet.
  • July 9: Samuel George Lewis, British musician.
  • July 9: Hugh Carthy, British cyclist.
  • July 9: Jonathan Bijimine, Congolese footballer.
  • July 10: Niklas Ajo, Finnish professional Moto3 driver.
  • July 10: Iuri Medeiros, Portuguese footballer.
  • July 10: Lucas Höler, German footballer.
  • July 10: Kwasi Okyere Wriedt, Ghanaian footballer.
  • July 10: Chae Soo-bin, South Korean actress.
  • July 11: Lucas Ocampos, Argentine soccer player.
  • July 11: Ben Llewellin, British shooter.
  • July 11: Nina Nesbitt, Scottish singer.
  • July 11: Masayoshi Takayanagi, Japanese footballer.
  • July 11: Tijomir Ivanov, Bulgarian athlete.
  • July 11: Milton Poblete, Chilean footballer.
  • July 11th: Skylar Spencer, American basketball player.
  • July 11: Isaiah Taylor, American basketball player.
  • July 12: Kanako Momota, Japanese idol, from the Momoiro Clover Z band.
  • July 12: Jamie Herrell, Filipino model, Miss Earth 2014.
  • July 12: Pavel Savitskiy, Belarusian footballer.
  • 12 July: Dino Perić, Croatian footballer.
  • July 13: Jere Uronen, Finnish footballer.
  • July 13: Ivana Andrés, Spanish footballer.
  • July 14: Takuya Iwata, Japanese footballer.
  • July 14: Yu Nakasato, Japanese footballer.
  • July 15: Anthony Limbombe, Belgian footballer.
  • July 15: Stefan Pot, Serbian basketball player.
  • July 15: Gera MX, rapper and Mexican composer.
  • July 16: Mark Indelicate, American actor and singer.
  • July 16: Shericka Jackson, Jamaican athlete.
  • July 16: Jackie Kiddle, New Zealand shirt.
  • July 17: Jesús Tamayo Tapia, Spanish footballer.
  • July 17: Victor Lindelöf, Swedish footballer.
  • July 17: Diamantis Chouchoumis, Greek footballer.
  • July 17: Aldjon Pashaj, Albanian footballer.
  • July 17: Kali Uchis, Colombian-American singer and composer.
  • July 18: Ernesto Gómez Muñoz, Spanish footballer.
  • July 18: Alvas Powell, Jamaican footballer.
  • July 18: Matthias Versluis, Finnish art skater.
  • July 19: Luan Peres, Brazilian footballer.
  • July 19: Eugeni Valderrama, Spanish footballer.
  • July 19: Derwin Martina, Dutch-curazole footballer.
  • July 19: Hermine Drenth, a Dutch shirt.
  • July 20: Nora Heroum, Finnish footballer.
  • July 20: Caroline Corinth, Danish model.
  • July 20: Ricardo Correa Duarte, Uruguayan soccer player.
  • July 20: Andrea Vendrame, Italian cyclist.
  • July 20: Brenda Graff, Argentina volleyball player.
  • July 20: Brogan Crowley, British skeleton pilot.
  • July 21: Lucas Olaza, Uruguayan footballer.
  • July 22: Sigurd Rosted, Norwegian footballer.
  • July 22: Ayrton Statie, a priest footballer.
  • July 22: Álvaro Rodríguez Pérez, Spanish footballer.
  • July 23: Wilson Manafá, Portuguese footballer.
  • July 23: Khaled Narey, German footballer.
  • July 24: Michael Goolaerts, Belgian cyclist (f. 2018).
  • July 24: Carlos Fierro, Mexican footballer.
  • July 24: Andriy Bliznichenko, Ukrainian footballer.
  • July 25: Alexandra Huynh, Australian footballer.
  • July 25: Jordan Lukaku, Belgian footballer.
  • July 26: Guro Reiten, Norwegian footballer.
  • July 26: Lorrenzo Manzin, French cyclist.
  • July 27: Lukas Spalvis, Lithuanian footballer.
  • July 27: Winnie Harlow, Canadian model.
  • July 27: John Felagha, Nigerian footballer (f. 2020).
  • July 28: José Manuel García Naranjo, Spanish footballer.
  • July 28: Sven van Beek, Dutch footballer.
  • July 28: Dominik Holec, Slovak footballer.
  • July 28: Dario Kurbjeweit, German Yudoca.
  • July 29: Daniele Rugani, Italian footballer.
  • July 29: Erica Musso, Italian swimmer.
  • July 29: Raphaela Lukudo, Italian athlete.
  • July 30: Álex Muñoz, Spanish footballer.
  • July 30: Jordan Silva, Mexican footballer.
  • July 30: Olfa Saudi, Tunisian Yudoca.


  • August 2: Emil Krafth, Swedish footballer.
  • August 3: Younghoe Koo, South Korean football player.
  • August 3: Ashley Honey, Puerto Rican-American model.
  • August 3: Emerson Palmieri, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 4: Orlando Arcia, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • August 4: Alejandra Lara, Colombian fighter.
  • 4 August: Kristian Pedersen, Danish footballer.
  • August 5: Felipe de Oliveira Barros, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 5: Yuri Oliveira Lima, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 5: Raymond Gyasi, Dutch footballer.
  • August 8: Lauv, American musician.
  • August 8: Joris Kayembe, Belgian footballer.
  • August 9: Forrest Landis, American actor.
  • August 10: Bernardo Silva, Portuguese footballer.
  • August 13: Andrea Meza, Mexican model and Miss Universe 2020.
  • August 13: Allan Morante, French trampoline gymnast.
  • August 14: Junki Hata, Japanese footballer.
  • August 14: Pier Graziani, Colombian footballer.
  • August 15: Alice Englert, Australian actress.
  • August 16: Eili Harboe, Norwegian actress.
  • August 17: Taissa Farmiga, American actress.
  • August 17: Phoebe Bridgers, American singer.
  • August 18: Madelaine Petsch, South African-American actress.
  • August 18: Liam Jacob, Australian footballer.
  • August 18: Morgan Sanson, French footballer.
  • August 18: Federico Haberkorn, Argentine footballer.
  • August 18: Mohammed Djetei, Cameroonian footballer.
  • August 18: Samantha Redgrave, British shirt.
  • August 18: Krists Neilands, Latvian cyclist.
  • August 19: Yuan Xiaoyu, Chinese shirt.
  • August 20: Oscar Valentín, Spanish footballer.
  • August 21st: Ione Basterra, Spanish cyclist (f. 2019).
  • August 21, Wilhelm Næss, Norwegian curling player.
  • August 23: August Ames, Canadian pornographic actress (f. 2017).
  • August 26: Guillermo Andrés Méndez, Uruguayan footballer.
  • August 27: Alex Crognale, American footballer.
  • August 28: Junior Malanda, Belgian footballer (f. 2015).
  • August 30: Mateus Caramelo, Brazilian footballer of Chapecoense (f. 2016).
  • August 30: Tommaso Augello, Italian footballer.


  • September 1: Carlos Sainz Jr., Spanish pilot.
  • September 1st: Bianca Ryan, American singer.
  • September 2: Alejandra López, Colombian model.
  • September 5: Diamond Crispino, Italian footballer.
  • September 9: Sergio Cortelezzi, Uruguayan footballer.
  • September 10: MHD, French rapper.
  • September 11: Jordi el Niño Polla, Spanish porn actor.
  • September 12: RM, South Korean rapper, leader of the BTS group.
  • 14 September: Oumar Tourade Bangoura, footballer from Guinea (f. 2014).
  • September 15: Wout van Aert, Belgian cyclist.
  • September 16: Stéfano de Gregorio, an Argentine actor.
  • September 17: Nora Cano, Mexican actress and singer.
  • September 17: Denyse Tontz, American actress and singer.
  • September 18: Žan Karničnik, Slovenian footballer.
  • September 21: Fumi Nikaidō, Japanese actress and model.
  • September 22: Jinyoung, South Korean actor and singer, member of the Got7 group.
  • September 23: Yerry Mina, Colombian footballer.
  • September 24: Guillermo Hassan, Argentine actor and singer.
  • September 24: Sonya Deville, WWE American fighter.
  • September 25: Jansen Panettiere, American actor.
  • September 25: Tesha Price, American professional fighter.
  • September 27: Anya Olsen, American pornographic actress.
  • September 29: Halsey, American singer.
  • September 29: Andy Polo, Peruvian footballer.


  • October 1: Alfredo Olivas, Mexican singer.
  • October 6: Joohoney, rapper and South Korean composer. Monsta X member.
  • October 9: Jodelle Ferland, Canadian actress.
  • October 10: Suzy, actress, singer and South Korean model.
  • October 10: Adrian Solano, Venezuelan background skier.
  • October 13: Noah Crawford, American actor.
Sebastian Yatra
  • October 15: Sebastián Yatra, Colombian singer.
  • October 16: Jim Varela, Uruguayan footballer.
Krystal Jung
  • October 24: Krystal Jung, actress, model and Korean-American singer.
  • October 24: Sean O'Malley, American mixed martial art fighter.
  • October 26: Andy Rivera, Colombian singer.
  • October 26: Camila Riveros, an Argentine actress.
  • 29 October: Ilira, Swiss singer and composer of Albanian origin
  • October 31: Amaya Coppens, Belgian activist, Nicaraguan nationalized


  • 1 November: Rocky Lynch, guitarist, singer and songwriter of the band pop/rock R5.
  • 7 November: Haruna Iikubo, Japanese idol, of the Morning Musume band.
  • 11 November: Lio Rush, American musician and professional fighter.
  • 13 November: Visar Musliu, footballer Macedonian.
  • November 15: Tegan Nox, WWE NXT's Welsh Professional Fighter.
Raquel Castro
  • 17 November: Raquel Castro, American actress.
  • 17 November: Ariadna Castellano, Spanish actress.
  • 21 November: Saul Ñíguez, Spanish professional footballer.
Dacre Montgomery
  • November 22: Dacre Montgomery, Australian actor.
  • November 23: Aliyah, Canadian professional fighter.
  • 25 November: Anastasia Kvitko, Russian model.
  • November 29: Carolina Oliveira, Brazilian actress.
  • November 30: William Melling, British actor.


Jake T. Austin
  • December 3: Jake T. Austin, American actor.
  • December 5: Alexandra Beaton, Canadian actress and dancer.
  • December 6: Giannis Antetokounmpo, Greek basketball player.
  • December 8: Raheem Sterling, British footballer.
  • December 11: Alice Hirose, Japanese actress and model.
  • December 12: Nathaniel Chalobah, a British nationalized Sierra Leonean footballer.
  • 13 December: Andrey Solovey, Belarusian footballer.
  • December 15: Elisabet Casanovas, Spanish actress.
Nat Wolff
  • December 17: Nat Wolff, American actor, composer and singer.
  • December 23: Isabella Castillo, actress, singer, model and presenter Cuban-American.
  • December 24: LaShawn Tináh Jefferies, American actress.
  • December 24: Leandro Semedo, Caboverdian basketball player.
  • December 26: Samantha Boscarino, American actress.
  • December 28: Adam Peaty, British swimmer.
  • December 29: Kako of Akishino, Japanese aristocrat.


Art and literature

  • January 6: Rosa Regás gets the Nadal award for her novel Blue.
  • Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Comanche territory.

Science and technology


  • January 25: The United States launches the lunar probe Clementine.
  • 10 May: Solar eclipse
  • February 19: The American Probe Clementine enters lunar orbit.

Video games

Important Facts

  • February 2: Sale for sale, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive who introduces a new character of the series, Knuckles the Echidna.
  • March 19: Super Metroid launches for the Super Nintendo, distributed in a 24-bit cartridge. Electronic Gaming Monthly declared the "Best Video Game of History" in 2002.
  • April: Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) (today, Entertainment Software Association) is created.
  • April 2: The sixth game of the Squaresoft saga, Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy III in American territories) for the Super Nintendo comes out for sale in Japan. He later launched on October 11 in North America.
  • August 27: It is launched in Japan Mother 2 for the Super Nintendo, known in the West as EarthBound. Ness is the character who debuts in trilogy.
  • August 31: On sale, the Electronic Arts video game, The Need for Speed for the 3DO console, this game marks the beginning of one of the most successful driving franchises of the video games.
  • September 22: Launch the market for the PC, the title of Origin Systems and Looking Glass Studios, System Shock.
  • October 17: Sale for sale Sonic & Knuckles, being the only video game with Lock On technology that allows connecting with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 where Knuckles is a playable character.
  • 21 November: Nintendo in partnership with Rare, comes out for the Super Nintendo Donkey Kong Country, with pre-rendered three-dimensional graphics. They also mark the debut of Diddy Kong and King K. Rool in the game.
  • November 23: Blizzard Entertainment launches Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, starting the popular Warcraft franchise.
  • December 10: The Nintendo Entertainment System console launches its latest Wario's Woods game in the USA. U.S.
  • December 10: Nintendo Australia Pty, Ltd. was founded, opened by the president of the company Hiroshi Yamauchi, ending the construction agreement with the US company Mattel Inc. for the Australian territory.
  • December 10: Nintendo reveals the Ultra 64, the console was released in the spring of 1994.


  • Mosaic Netscape 0.9 is launched, a web browser, on 13 October 1994. It was later renamed as Netscape Navigator. The company changed its name to Netscape Communications Corporation on 14 November 1994.


  • June: Nintendo releases its Super Game Boy peripheral for the Super Nintendo.
  • September 9: SNK launches its video console Neo Geo CD to market.
  • September 23: Sale for sale in Japan, Bandai video console, Playdia.
  • December 3: In Japan, the first Sony Computer Entertainment console, the first PlayStation, would be the first to exceed 100 million units sold, and would gain the recognition of the people regarding the other fifth generation systems.
  • December 3: The Sega Multi-Mega/CDX console is on sale, as a compact unit between Sega CD and Sega Genesis.

Featured Games

  • Castlevania: Bloodllines
  • Donkey Kong Country
  • Daytona USA (Arcades)
  • Donkey Kong (Game Boy)
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • Super Street Fighter II Turbo
  • The Elder Scrolls: Arena
  • Tekken
  • International Superstar Soccer
  • Mega Man X2
  • System Shock
  • Ecco: The Tides of Time
  • Marathon
  • Mortal Kombat II (Version for consoles)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3
  • Darkstalkers
  • Sonic " Knuckles
  • Streets Of Rage 3
  • Super Bomberman 2
  • Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (SNES and Sega Genesis)
  • Bubsy II
  • Wario's Woods
  • EarthBound
  • Rise of the Robots
  • Killer Instinct (Arcades)
  • Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
  • King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride
  • Doom II
  • Jazz Jackrabbit
  • Earthworm Jim
  • Master of Magic
  • Super Metroid
  • Super Punch-Out!
  • Urban Strike
  • Heretic
  • The King of Fighters '94
  • The Need for Speed


American Football

  • Super Bowl XXVIII: Dallas Cowboys Champion.

1994 Winter Olympics

The XVII Winter Olympic Games were held between February 12 and 27 in the city of Lillehammer, Norway.


  • June: World Football Championship (United States): The selection of Brazil, led by Dunga, wins for the fourth time the World Cup of Football by defeating in the final to Italy in penaltis 3-2 after the 0-0 tie in the 120 regulatory minutes. Following the rulings of Baresi and Massaro by the Italians and Marcio Santos by the Brazilians, Roberto Baggio failed the final penalty.
  • Copa Libertadores de América: Club Atlético Vélez Sarsfield champion.
  • Intercontinental Cup: Club Atlético Vélez Sarsfield champion.
  • Inter-American Cup: Catholic University champion.
  • Champions League: The AC Milan, champion at the end of Athens to the F. C. Barcelona for 4-0.
  • Mexican League: UAG Tecos Champion of the season 1993-94.
  • Spanish Football League: 14 May: F. C. Barcelona is proclaimed champion in the last day of the league, winning in Camp Nou to Sevilla FC for 5-2, and in front of the zero tie between the Deportivo de La Coruña and Valencia CF in Riazor. The Depor, leader all season, takes advantage of a penalty in his favor, launched by Djukic in the last minute. The Brazilian player of F. C. Barcelona Romário wins the Pichichi trophy, with 30 goals. Liaño, porter of the Deportivo de La Coruña, wins the Trofeo Zamora, after having joined only 18 goals.
  • King's Cup: Real Zaragoza, champion in defeating the Celta de Vigo in the round of criminals, after finishing the match to zero.
  • Golden Ball: The Bulgarian Hristo Stoichkov, of F. C. Barcelona, is appointed best player of the World of 1994 by the magazine France Football.
  • Chilean League: The club Universidad de Chile departs champion, after 25 years, after the tie to the Cobresal club in El Cobre Stadium.
  • Professional Colombian Football: National athletic.
  • Ecuadorian Football Championship: Emelec achieves the first bi-campeonate in his history (1993-1994), in turn the eighth national title in his palm.
  • Peruvian League: Sporting Crystal, champion.
  • January 30: The Argentine club Gimnasia and Esgrima La Plata is proclaimed champion of the Centenary Cup.
  • League Argentina: Independent Atletic Club, AFA Closure Tournament Champion. River Plate, AFA Open Tournament Champion.
  • Sanwa Bank Cup: He played at the National Stadium of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the match between Gimnasia and La Plata (ARG), and Verdy Kawasaki (JPN). The party stayed 2 to 2, but in the criminals, the Verdy won 4 to 2.


  • World Basketball Championship: The 12th edition is held in Canada. The United States proclaims itself a champion by defeating Russia in the end by 137-91. Croatia gets third place.
  • April: The Joventut de Badalona (Spain), champion of the European Basketball Cup, for the first time in its history.
  • F. C. Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the King of Basketball Cup.
  • After Michael Jordan's retirement. The Houston Rockets led by Hakeem Olajuwon win the NBA finals (4-3) at Patrick Ewing's New York Knicks


  • The Club Balonmano Cantabria is proclaimed champion of the European Cup.
  • F. C. Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the European Recoup.


  • Open from Australia: Men: Pete Sampras to Todd Martin. Women: Steffi Graf a Arantxa Sánchez Vicario.
  • Roland Garros: Men: Sergi Bruguera to Alberto Berasategui. Women: Arantxa Sánchez Vicario to Mary Pierce.
  • Wimbledon: Men: Pete Sampras to Goran Ivanišević. Women: Conchita Martínez a Martina Navratilova.
  • US Open: Men: Andre Agassi to Michael Stich. Women: Arantxa Sánchez Vicario a Steffi Graf.
  • Masters: Pete Sampras (men) and Gabriela Sabatini (Argentina), champions.
  • Davis Cup: Sweden, champion.
  • Copa: Spain, champion.
  • ATP 1994 classification: Pete Sampras, best tennis player of the year.
  • WTA 1994 classification: Steffi Graf, best tennis player of the year.


  • Tour de France: Miguel Induráin (Spain) wins its fourth consecutive Tour.
  • Giro de Italia: Eugeni Berzin (Russia), winner.
  • Return to Spain: Tony Rominger (Switzerland), winner.


  • World Motocycling Championship:
    • 500cc: Michael Doohan (United States), Honda champion.
    • 250cc: Max Biaggi (Italy), from Aprilia, champion.
    • 125cc: Kazuto Sakata (Japan), Aprilia champion.
  • World Trial Championship: Jordi Tarrés, champion for the sixth time.

Motor Racing

  • Formula 1: Michael Schumacher wins his first title on board a Benetton. Tricampion Ayrton Senna dies in a tough accident at the San Marino Grand Prix, at the Enzo and Dino Ferrari Autodrome
  • WRC: Didier Auriol wins the title aboard a Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD
  • Rally Dakar:Pierre Lartigue wins competition on board a Citroën ZX
  • NASCAR: Dale Earnhardt wins the title on board a Chevrolet Lumina
  • CART: Unser Jr. wins the title on board a Penske-Ilmor
  • 500 Miles from Indianapolis: Al Unser Jr. wins the competition
  • Road Tourism: Eduardo Ramos wins the title on board a Ford Falcon
  • Tourism Competition 2000: Juan María Traverso wins the title on board a Coupé Fuego


  • Masters of Augusta: José María Olazábal (Spain), champion.
  • United States Golf Open: Ernie Els (South Africa), champion.
  • Open British Golf: Nick Price (Zimbawe), champion.
  • PGA Championship: Nick Price (Zimbawe), champion.


  • National Rodeo Championship: Juan Carlos Loaiza champion for the third time.

Other sports

  • Celebrate European Athletic Championships summer in Helsinki, Finland. Russia is the country that harvests the most medals: 24 (10 gold, 8 silver and 6 bronze).
  • The seventh edition of the World Swimming Championships in Rome, Italy.
  • The Taekwondo International Day was declared in memory of the date on which it began to be recognized as an official Olympic sport.


  • Kurt Cobain's death on April 5 in Seattle at 27 years.
  • The Rammstein group is created
  • Form the Muse group
  • The Hunger group formed
  • The Garbage group is formed
  • Selena: Second Presentation at the Astrodome in Houston, Texas.


  • ABBA: Thank you for the Music
  • Alberto Plaza: Music and verses of love
  • Alejandro Fernández: Great successes in the manner of Alejandro Fernández
  • Alejandro Lerner: Permit to fly
  • Alejandra Guzmán: Enorme
  • Aleks Syntek and the Normal People: Stronger than I thought
  • Ana Barbara: Barbara
  • Ana Gabriel: Yesterday and today
  • Alphaville: Prostitute
  • Babasónicos: Trance Zomba
  • Backyard Babies: Diesel & Power
  • Bad Religion: Stranger Than Fiction
  • Barricada: The Spider
  • Beck: Mellow Gold
  • Benny Ibarra: Time
  • Bibi Gaytan: Green apple
  • Big Mountain: Baby, I Love Your Way
  • Gold Binomial of America: Hand with the people
  • Black Sabbath: Cross Purposes
  • Blink-182: Cheshire Cat
  • Blur: Parklife
  • Bob Dylan: Greatest Hits Vol. III
  • Bon Jovi: Cross Road
  • Bruce Dickinson: Balls to Picasso
  • B'z: The 7th Blues (2 March).
  • Café Tacvba: Re
  • Caifanes: The nerve of the volcano
  • Camilo Sesto: Love without vertigo
  • Cannibal Corpse: The Bleeding
  • Singing Learning to Speak: Singing Talking Better, Vol. 1
  • Carlos Vives: Classics of the province
  • Chayanne: Influences
  • Cheap Trick: Woke Up with a Monster
  • Christina and the Undergrounds: My little animal
  • Claudio Bermúdez: Fresh air
  • Collective Soul: Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid
  • Craig Chaquico: Acoustic Planet
  • Cristian Castro: The Way of the Soul
  • Diego Torres: Trying to be better
  • Diomedes Díaz: 26 May
  • Dream Theater: Awake
  • Ednita Nazario: Passions
  • The Tri: A thread for the disabled
  • Emmanuel: This adventure
  • Fito Páez: Circus beat
  • Francesc Picas: Blessing.
  • Gilda: Passito a pasito
  • Gillette: On the attack
  • Gloria Trevi: More troubled than ever
  • Green Day: Dookie
  • Helmet: Betty
  • Hermetics: Empty victims
  • Hole: Live Through This
  • In Flames: Lunar Strain
  • Untouchable:Eternal fire
  • Ivan Villazón: News
  • Jamiroquai: The Return of the Space Cowboy
  • Joaquín Sabina: This mouth is mine.
  • John Frusciante: Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt
  • Jorge González: The Future is gone
  • Jeff Buckley: Grace.
  • José: Mexican greatness
  • Juan Gabriel: Thank you for waiting
  • Juan Luis Guerra and 440: Fogaraté
  • Julio Iglesias: Crazy
  • Kabah: Kabah
  • Kairo: Time sign
  • Korn: Korn
  • Laura Pausini: Laura Pausini
  • L'Arc~en~Ciel: Earth
  • The Devils: Touching the sky
  • The Northern Tigers: The Two Plebes
  • The Chichos: Guys, it's not happening.
  • The Piojos: Ay!
  • Lucero: Sweetheart of my affections And always with you.
  • Lucia Méndez: Lady temptation
  • Luis Enrique: Luis Enrique
  • Luis Miguel: Second romance (30 August).
  • Luzbel: Rebelion of the unfortunate
  • Madonna: Bedtime Stories
  • Mägo de Oz: Mägo de Oz
  • Malice Mizer: Memoire (24 July).
  • Sea of Cups: Between the trees
  • Mariah Carey: Merry Xmas
  • Marilyn Manson: Portrait of an American Family
  • Massive Attack: Protection (26 September).
  • Mayhem: From Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
  • Megadeth: Youthanasia
  • Melissa: Always Melissa.
  • Miguel Morales: Advancing
  • Mike Oldfield: The Songs of Distant Earth.
  • Miki González: Hatun Exitokuna, Great Successes
  • Miss Rosi: Singing with Miss Rosi, Volume 2
  • Monica Naranjo: Monica Naranjo
  • Myriam Hernández: Myriam Hernández IV
  • Nacho Cano: A world separated by God himself
  • Nas: Illmatic
  • Nicky Jam: ...distinct the demas
  • Nicole: Waiting for nothing
  • Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral
  • Nirvana: MTV Unplugged in New York
  • NOFX: Punk in Drublic
  • Oasis: Definitely Maybe
  • Pablo Milanés: Origins
  • Panther: Far Beyond Driven
  • Patricia Manterola: Hunger of love
  • Paul McCartney: Paul Is Live (live).
  • Pearl Jam: Vitalogy
  • Pedro Fernández: My way of feeling
  • Heavy: Love came
  • Pet Shop Boys: Disco 2
  • Pink Floyd: The Division Bell
  • Plácido Domingo: From my Latin soul
  • P.O.D.: Snuff the Punk
  • Prong: Clansing
  • Public Enemy: Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age
  • Pulp: Masters of the Universe
  • Rancid: Let's Go!
  • White Rat: Between Heaven and Hell
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers: Out in L.A.
  • Ricardo Arjona: Stories
  • Ricardo Montaner: One morning and one way
  • Roberto Carlos: Alone
  • Rosario: I'm sorry.
  • Rosendo: For evil or for good
  • Savage Garden: Savage Garden
  • Seal: Seal
  • Selena: Unlawful love
  • Sinéad O'Connor: Universal mother
  • Ska-P: Ska-p.
  • Slayer: Divine Intervention
  • Soundgarden: Superunknown
  • Mr. Chinarro: Mr. Chinarro
  • Suicide Tendencies: Suicidal for Life
  • Stone Temple Pilots: Purple
  • Tarkan: A-Acayipsin
  • Tatiana: A naked soul
  • Testament: Low
  • The Cranberries: No Need to Argue (3 October)
  • The Notorious B.I.G.: Ready to Die
  • The Offspring: Smash
  • The Prodigy: Music for the Jilted Generation
  • The Smashing Pumpkins: Pisces Iscariot
  • The Smashing Pumpkins: Earphoria
  • Weezer: The Blue Album


  • 30 March: PulgaritasDon Bluth.
  • 13 May: The raven with Brandon Lee.
  • 27 May: Picapiedra (film) Brian Levant.
  • 10 June: Speed with Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock and Dennis Hopper.
  • 24 June: King Lion Rob Minkoff and Roger Allers.
  • 6 July: Forrest Gump Robert Zemeckis with Tom Hanks.
  • 20 July: The client Joel Schumacher.
  • 29 July: The Maskwith Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz
  • 29 September: Astrology in AméricaGerhard Hahn.
  • 14 October: Pulp FictionWith John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis and Uma Thurman.
  • 14 October: The Shawshank Redemption (Life imprisonmentWith Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman.
  • 28 October: Stargate, Stargatewith Kurt Russell and James Spader
  • 4 November: Frankenstein of Mary ShelleyFor Kenneth Branagh.
  • 11 November (United States) and 16 December (Spain): Interview with Vampire (Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles), is the cinematographic adaptation directed by Neil Jordan of the novel of the same name Anne Rice, from the saga The Vampire Chronicles,

All dates belong to the official premieres of their countries of origin, unless otherwise indicated.


  • The flight of the eagleErnesto Alonso.

Oscar Awards

  • Best movie: Forrest Gump.
  • Best actor: Tom Hanks, by Forrest Gump.
  • Best actress: Jessica Lange, by Blue Sky.
  • Best non-English speaking film: Belle ÉpoqueFernando Trueba.
  • Best original music: "Rey León" by Hans Zimmer

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Bertram N. Brockhouse, Clifford G. Shull.
  • Chemistry: George A. Olah.
  • Medicine: Alfred G Gilman, Martin Rodbell.
  • Literature: Kenzaburo Oe.
  • Peace: Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Isaac Rabin.
  • Economy: Reinhard Selten, John Forbes Nash, John Harsanyi.

Prince of Asturias Awards

  • Arts: Alicia de Larrocha.
  • Social Sciences: Aurelio Menéndez.
  • Communication and Humanities: Spanish missions in Rwanda and Burundi.
  • Concordia: National Movement of Meninos and Meninas de Rua, Messengers of Peace and Save the Children.
  • International cooperation: Yasir Arafat and Isaac Rabin.
  • Sports: Martina Navratilova.
  • Scientific and Technical Research: Manuel Elkin Patarroyo.
  • Letters: Carlos Fuentes.

Cervantes Award

  • Mario Vargas Llosa.

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