From the left, in the sense of the clock needles: the 1990 World Cup is played in Italy; the Human Genome Project is launched; Voyager I takes the famous image of the pale blue point. Speaking about the fragility of humanity on Earth, astrophysicist Carl Sagan says, "That's here. That's home. That's us." West Germany and East Germany meet; the police are on duty during the U.K. electoral tax riots; Iraq under Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait, beginning the Gulf War; The 1990 Manjil-Rudbar earthquake kills between 35,000 and 50,000 people in Iran; the Hubble Space Telescope is launched from the Discovery space shuttle.
1990 (MCMXC) was a common year beginning on a Monday in the Gregorian calendar, and was designated as:
- The International Year of Literacy, by the United Nations (UNO).
- January 1st: In Peru he took office as mayor of Lima, the television businessman Ricardo Belmont, after winning the municipal elections of Peru held on November 12, 1989.
- 1 January: Univision presents a new logo presented by Chayeff " Geismar.
- 1 January: in the Thames Television (London), the television comic series is released Mr. Beanactor Rowan Atkinson.
- January 3: in Panama, Manuel Antonio Noriega surrenders to the United States forces.
- 4 January: in Sangi (Pakistan) two trains crash, leaving a balance of 300 people dead and 700 wounds.
- 7 January: the Leaning Tower of Pisa is closed to the public due to security problems.
- 9 January: In the Ormduruman hospital in Jartúm (Sudan), Lieutenant General Bazilio Olara-Okello died, who perpetrated a coup in Uganda against President Milton Obote.
- 11 January: A demonstration of 300 000 people is held in Lithuania for independence.
- January 13: In the United States, Douglas Wilder (from the state of Virginia) became the first black governor in the history of that country.
- January 15th: In the cities of Atlanta, San Luis and Detroit (United States) the telephone service – including the 911 emergency number – is dropped for nine hours, due to a software problem in the company ATUALT (Martin Luther King Day Crash).
- January 15: In Argentina Telefe, he takes over the license of Canal 11.
- January 19: In Baku, Azerbaijan, civil protests known as black January begin.
- 25 January: in Spain the broadcasts of the television channel Antena 3 begin.
- 25 January: in Cove Neck (Long Island, near New York) there was a plane from Avianca flying from Medellin (Colombia) to New York (United States). 73 people die. (See Avianca Flight 52).
- January 27: in Honduras, Rafael Leonardo Callejas assumes the presidency.
- 1 February: the RFA government adopts the resolution to negotiate with the RDA for the establishment of a monetary union.
- February 3: The Supreme Soviet approves the law of the secession of the republics of the Soviet Union.
- 4 February: in Costa Rica, the results of the presidential elections are the winner of the Social Christian Rafael Ángel Calderón.
- February 5: in Galicia (Spain), Manuel Fraga swears his position as new president of the Board of Galicia.
- 7 February: In Moscow (Soviet Union) the plenary of the central committee of the CPUS approves, with one vote against, the renunciation of its monopoly of power in the Soviet Union.
- 7 February: In Brussels, the GATT Conference fails because of discrepancies in the issue of agricultural subsidies.
- 9 February: In Germany the demolishments of the Berlin Wall begin
- February 9: In Poland, in the second round of the presidential elections, Lech Walesa won 74.2 % of the votes.
- 9 February: The Namibian Constituent Assembly unanimously approves the new Constitution.
- February 9: In Vizcaya, the Artxanda Amusement Park is closed after 16 years in operation. The maintenance of its facilities for 28 years would cause an extraordinary expense to the Foral Council.
- February 10: Volkswagen gets the award from the Czechoslovak factories of Škoda.
- 11 February: In Soweto, South Africa, Nelson Mandela is released from prison after 27 years of captivity. He will remain on the list of terrorists from the United States Government until 2008.
- February 11: James Douglas defeats Mike Tyson in battle for the world title of heavyweights.
- 11 February: In Albania, the Labour Party decides to introduce the multiparty system in the country.
- 13 February: Under the German Reunification, an agreement is reached for a two-stage plan to reunify Germany.
- 14 February: in Paris (France), the Spanish actress Núria Espert is distinguished with the title of "Personality of the Year" in the modality of theatre.
- 14 February: A general assembly of the African National Congress (ANC) was held in Johannesburg, South Africa for the first time in thirty years.
- 14 February: from 5600 million kilometers away, the ship Voyager 1 sends the photograph of the Earth as a "blue point".
- 15 February: in Madrid, Spain, representatives of Argentina and the United Kingdom came to an agreement to restore diplomatic relations after eight years since the outbreak of the Malvinas war.
- February 15: in Cartagena, Colombia, Presidents Bush (United States), Virgilio Barco (of Colombia), Alan García (of Peru) and Jaime Paz Zamora (of Bolivia) agree on a common strategy to combat drug trafficking.
- February 15: In Montevideo (Uruguay) he assumes as mayor Tabaré Vázquez, the first municipal governor of the Frente Amplio
- 16 February: In Spain, the terrorist group ETA released the industrialist Adolfo Villoslada, kidnapped on 24 November 1989, after receiving a ransom of 300 million pesetas.
- February 16: In Namibia, SWAPO leader Sam Nujoma is elected the first president of that country.
- 19 February: the plenary of the Spanish Constitutional Court decides that the elections held on 29 October 1989 will be repeated in Melilla.
- February 20: The Supreme Soviet studies the project of disintegration of the republics of the Soviet Union; likewise, the Soviet Foreign Minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, one of the most outstanding representatives of the Perestroika, announces his resignation.
- 21 February: In Spain, the Minister of the Interior, José Luis Corcuera, and the president of the Generality of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, agree on the basis for the deployment of the Catalan autonomic police (the Mossos d'Esquadra).
- 21 February: in Rabat, Morocco, the second day of the summit between Felipe González and Hassan II takes place.
- 22 February: the Ariane 4 of the European Space Agency operates with two Japanese satellites.
- 23 February: the Supreme Soviet of the Baltic Republic of Estonia adopts multi-partyism.
- February 23: at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital (in Madrid), for the first time in Europe, the American cardiologist Charles E. Mullins corrects, without surgery, a congenital heart malformation to a 4-year-old girl.
- February 23: In Thailand, the armed forces take power, arrest Prime Minister Chatichai Choonhaven, suspend the Constitution and control the country with a martial law.
- February 24: In the parliamentary elections of Lithuania, the Sajudis independence movement is overwhelmingly achieved.
- February 25: In Nicaragua, the Sandinistas are defeated in the general elections.
- February 28: In the state of California an earthquake of 5.7 leaves 30 people total wounds and losses of $12.7 million.
- March 1st: In the Antarctic, the Spanish base Juan Carlos I is expanded with four more modules.
- March 1st: in Uruguay, Luis Alberto Lacalle assumes the presidency.
- March 3: in Spain, the private Telecinco chain begins its emissions.
- 4 March: The legislative elections are held in three Soviet republics.
- March 4: In Honduras the contest program begins X-0 D Money.
- March 5: in Argentina, Telefe officially begins its transmissions, after almost 2 months of the start of the license.
- 8 March: M-19 delivers weapons at its camp in Santo Domingo, Colombia. This concludes one of the few successful peace processes in Colombia.
- March 9: Dr. Antonia Novello takes oath as a general surgeon of the United States, becoming the first woman and the first Hispanic woman to serve in that position.
- March 10: 18 months after taking power in a coup, Prosper Avril is expelled from Haiti.
- 11 March: Lithuania unilaterally declares its independence from the Soviet Union, recognized in August 1991.
- March 11: Patricio Aylwin took oath as the first president of Chile democratically elected since 1970, finally giving the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet to an end.
- March 11: The legislative elections are held in Colombia.
- 12-16 March: In Mexico, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) conducts the eleventh population and housing census.
- March 15: In Brazil, the liberal Fernando Collor de Mello (40) – related to the murder of the social fighter Chico Mendes (1944-1988) – assumes as president. He is the first president elected from Jânio Quadros (in 1961). He will be dismissed for corruption in September 1992.
- March 15: Mikhail Gorbachev, was elected as the first Soviet president.
- March 18: In Germany, Helmut Kohl wins the elections.
- March 18: at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, USA, two policemen steal 12 paintings, with a collective value of about 300 million US dollars. It is considered the greatest theft of art in the history of that country. The works were never recovered.
- 21 March: Namibia is independent of South Africa.
- March 22: In Colombia Bernardo Jaramillo Ossa, candidate of the Patriotic Union for the presidency, is murdered.
- 22 March: in Anchorage (Alaska) the captain of the superpetroler Exxon Valdez He's only sentenced to a cash fine. After a breakdown, the ship at its command triggered a black tide on the coast of Alaska on March 24, 1989.
- 23 March: the Spanish trapecist Pinito del Oro wins the National Circus Award 1990, awarded for the first time by the Ministry of Culture.
- March 23: Lothar de Maizière, president of the RDA CDU, accepts the commission to form the first democratic government of the country after its victory in the elections of March 18.
- March 24: In Australia, Bob Hawke wins federal elections for the fourth and last time.
- March 26: In the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the city of Los Angeles (California), the awards of the Academy, presented by actor Billy Crystal, are celebrated. Driving Miss Daisy He'll win the Oscar for the best movie.
- March 31: In Trafalgar Square (London), the police repress a demonstration against tax increases; 471 people are injured, and 341 are arrested.
- 7 April: a fire in the Danish ferry Scandinavian Star when sailing in the Skagerrak causes the death of 160 of the approximately 500 people on board.
- April 8: Alberto Fujimori (neoliberal) and Mario Vargas Llosa (conserver), win the first round of the Peruvian general elections.
- April 24: The U.S. launches Hubble Space Telescope via Discovery Space Shuttle.
- April 25: in Nicaragua, the conservative Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Assume the Presidency, being the third woman president in the American Continent.
- April 26: in Bogotá, Colombia, the terrorist group Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia murders former guerrilla Carlos Pizarro Leongómez, a presidential candidate for the M-19 Democratic Alliance.
- April 26: An earthquake of 7.0 shakes the Chinese province of Qinghai leaving 126 dead.
- 4 May: Latvia is independent of the Soviet Union.
- 5 May: in Zagreb (Croatia) the Italian Toto Cutugno wins the Eurovision Festival with the theme "Insieme: 1992".
- May 5: in the El Rodeo colony (Guatemala City), an American DC-6 cargo plane crashes within a few minutes of taking off.
- 6 May: elections are held in Italy and Germany.
- 6 May: Real Madrid pentacampeón de la Liga de la Primera Division de España 1989/90.
- 6-13 May: Pope John Paul II visits Mexico for the second time.
- May 8: in Costa Rica, Rafael Ángel Calderón assumes the presidency.
- May 16: In the Dominican Republic, Joaquín Balaguer, wins the general elections for the sixth time.
- 17 May: the World Health Organization eliminates homosexuality from its list of diseases.
- 20 May: A series of earthquakes between 6.5 and 7.2 shake South Sudan until 9 July.
- May 21, Colombia is assassinated by the liberal senator Federico Estrada Vélez. Crime is attributed to Pablo Escobar.
- May 22: Microsoft starts developing Windows 3.x versions
- May 27: In Colombia, César Gaviria is elected as the new president of Colombia.
- 28 May: in the streets of Roermond (Netherlands), the Provisional IRA mistakenly murders two Australian lawyers.
- 29 May: a series of earthquakes until 5 April 1991 leaves 189 dead in the department of San Martín in Peru.
- 30 and 31 May: Two earthquakes of 7.0 and 6.2 shake the Vrancea region in Romania leaving 14 dead and 362 wounded.
- 2 June: Namibia recognizes the Arab Democratic Saharan Republic (RASD).
- June 8: the 14th edition of the Italian World Cup 1990 is inaugurated for the second time in Italy.
- June 8: Canal + was created in Spain being the first paid channels in that country
- June 10: In Peru, right-wing independent Alberto Fujimori is elected new president, defeating writer Mario Vargas Llosa in the second round of the Peruvian general elections.
- June 13: In Colombia, the elite police force kills John Jairo Arias, alias Pinina.
- 21 June: In the northwest of Iran more than 60 000 people die in an earthquake of 7.5 degrees on the open scale of Richter.
- June 22: The Checkpoint Charlie border crossing is dismantled in unified Berlin.
- June 23: in Spain, the PSOE obtains for the third time the absolute majority in the elections to the Parliament of Andalusia.
- 25 June: in Navarre, Spain, a sergeant of the Guardia Civil and two members of ETA die during an armed confrontation (Sucesos de la Foz de Lumbier).
- 2 July: in Mecca (Arabia) 1426 people die in a stampede in a pedestrian tunnel leading to the Kaaba.
- July 6: In Somalía, during a football match, President Siad Barre's guard murders 65 protesters against the government.
- July 7: Luciano Pavarotti, Plácido Domingo and José Carreras, led by Zubin Mehta, offer an opera concert in the Caracalla Baths. It's the first in a series of performances by the Three Tenors around the world.
- 8 July: in Rome (Italy) the German team is the world champion for the third time after winning it for the minimum 1-0 difference to the Argentina team.
- July 13: An earthquake of 6.4 shakes the mountains of Hindu Kush causing an avalanche in the Lenin Pico (Tajikistan) that leaves 43 dead.
- July 16: In the Philippines, an earthquake of 7.7 degrees of the Richter scale kills more than 1600 people.
- 27 July: Belarus declares its independence from the Soviet Union, recognized on 25 August 1991.
- July 27: in Puerto España (Trinidad and Tobago) a Muslim group takes the parliament to perpetuate a coup d'etat. Thirty people die and many are injured (including Prime Minister A. N. R. Robinson, who was shot in one leg).
- July 28: In Peru, Alberto Fujimori became president for the first time.
- July 29: in Buenos Aires, the death of 15-year-old Roxana Alaimo in the Italpark fun park
- In this month, in Peru, hyperinflation reached 7469 %, becoming the world record to date.
- 2 August: the crisis between Iraq and Kuwait erupted in the night between 1 and 2 August when a powerful Iraqi army of 100,000 heavily armed men invaded in a flash attack the State of Kuwait that occupied in three hours without finding any resistance, fleeing the Amir and his government, refusing in Saudi Arabia.
- 2 August: In San Luis Obispo (California) smoking is prohibited in bars. It's the first prohibition of that kind around the world.
- August 7: In Colombia, César Gaviria Trujillo assumes the presidency of that country.
- August 7: In India, Prime Minister V. P. Singh announces his plan to reserve 49 per cent of the posts for civil servants to low caste citizens. The plan unleashes demonstrations throughout the country, leaving at least 70 dead.
- August 10: a group of Venezuelan intellectuals, in which Arturo Uslar Pietri emphasized, was organized as a civil association published an open letter addressed to President Carlos Andrés Pérez, proposing electoral and judicial reforms. The group would later begin to be known as "The Notables". The group would later require the implementation of its proposals, demand the resignation or dismissal of Carlos Andrés and criticize other state institutions. Later, it was suggested that members of the group might be involved in the subsequent conspiracy against the government of Carlos Andrés, including the first and second coup d'etat of 1992.
- August 11: In Colombia, the elite police force kills Gustavo Gaviria Rivero, cousin of Pablo Escobar.
- August 12: In Liberia, President Samuel Doe agrees to leave office for his presidency.
- August 16: In the Dominican Republic, Joaquín Balaguer assumes as president for the fourth time.
- August 20: NASA publishes images of the planet Venus surface, transmitted by the Magellan probe.
- August 26: in Puerto Hurraco, Spain, the brothers Antonio and Emilio Izquierdo kill nine people and leave wounds to another twelve (Matanza de Puerto Hurraco).
- 31 August: the Federal Republic of Germany (RFA) and the German Democratic Republic (RDA) sign the Treaty of the Union.
- September 4: Mike Moore becomes Prime Minister of New Zealand.
- September 12: Mikhail Gorbachev signed in Moscow the agreement that received the name "Treaty on Sovereignty". In the document, allies in World War II renounced their rights over Germany.
- September 19: in Colombia, members of the Cartel de Medellín kidnapped Francisco Santos Calderón and Marina Montoya.
- September 22: In Beijing the XI Asian Games begin.
- September 28: In Madrid the rock band Los Rodríguez was founded.
- 3 October: the German Democratic Republic dissolves and becomes part of the German Federal Republic, so Germany once again became a united nation.
- 4 October: the Italian magnate of the audiovisual media Giancarlo Papetti acquires the film company Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM).
- October 7th: In Beijing the XI Asian Games culminate.
- October 11: In Sweden, the Mexican writer Octavio Paz received the Nobel Prize in Literature 1990.
- 11 October: Mexico established the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), replacing the former Federal Electoral Commission.
- October 15: Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize 1990.
- October 23: In Chile, the issue of Megavision (today Mega).
- October 27: In New Zealand, Jim Bolger wins the general elections, defeating Mike Moore.
- November 1st: in New Zealand, Mike Moore resigns as prime minister.
- November 2: In New Zealand, Jim Bolger becomes prime minister.
- November 6: In the United States, George H. W. Bush wins the legislative elections.
- 7 November: In Ireland, Mary Robinson, wins the presidential elections.
- 11 November: The first flight of the general elections is held in Guatemala.
- 21 November: in Paris, the OSCE summit proclaims the end of the Cold War.
- November 28: In the UK, John Major became prime minister after the resignation of Margaret Thatcher.
- December 1st: in Las Vegas (United States) Mexican Carlos Cuevas wins the International OTI Festival with the theme "Un bolero".
- December 2: In Germany, Helmut Kohl wins the first federal elections.
- 2 December: in Santiago Atitlán (Guatemala), the federal army kills 12 people.
- 2 December: In Chad, Idriss Déby is proclaimed president after a coup.
- 2 December: Patrick Hillery resigns as president of Ireland.
- December 3: in Ireland, Mary Robinson becomes president.
- December 3: in Argentina there is an uprising in command of the “carapintada” Mohammed A. Seineldín. The democratic government orders immediate repression. Several dead.
- December 3: At Detroit Airport, Michigan, the United States crashes two planes on a rough track. As a result of the impact, eight people die.
- 4 December: closing of the XVI Central American and Caribbean Games in Mexico.
- 7 December: in the Vatican City, Pope John Paul II publishes his eighth encyclical, Redemptoris Missio.
- 7 December: at the CERN in Geneva (Switzerland), Tim Berners-Lee defines the Internet bases.
- 7 December: the Archie system is created to search for files on the Internet.
- 8 December: the Labour Party is founded.
- 14 December: in Tijuana, Mexico, twelve people (between the age of 6 and 46) of the Evangelical sect The Temple of the Midday commit suicide by ingesting industrial alcohol in a ritual manner.
- 17 December: the general elections are held in Haiti.
- 22 December: the United Nations officially recognizes the independence of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia, terminating the trusts that the United States had on these Pacific Ocean territories.
- December 24: In Suriname, President Ramsewak Shankar is overthrown by a military coup led by Desi Bouterse, takes over temporarily Ivan Graanoogst.
- December 29: In Suriname, the military Johan Ferrier takes over.
- January 1st: Bugoy Drilon, Filipino singer.
- January 1: Juan Manuel Sánchez Miño, Argentine soccer player.
- January 1st: Saul Jiménez Fortes, Spanish bullfighter.
- January 3: Nadia de Santiago, Spanish actress.
- January 4th: Toni Kroos, German footballer.
- January 4th: Alberto Paloschi, Italian footballer.
- January 5: Laura Tobón, Colombian model and presenter.
- January 6: Alex Teixeira, Brazilian footballer.
- January 6: Cristian Erbes, Argentine footballer.
- January 7: Fernando Dente, Argentine actor and singer.
- 7 January: Gregor Schlierenzauer, Austrian skier.
- January 7: Liam Aiken, American actor.
- January 7: Jack Gallagher, mixed martial artist and British professional wrestler.
- January 10: Facundo Gambandé, actor, singer and Argentine dancer.
- January 12: Serguéi Kariakin, Russian chess player.
- January 12: Marre (María del Rosario Gómez), Colombian singer.
- January 13: Liam Hemsworth, Australian actor.
- January 13: Nicolás Blandi, Argentine footballer.
- January 14: Grant Gustin, American actor and singer.
- January 15: Fernando Forestieri, Italian footballer.
- January 15: Chris Warren Jr. American actor.
- January 19: Lina Cardona, Colombian actress and model.
- January 20: Juan David Castaño Montoya "Llane", Colombian singer.
- January 21: José Ramírez, Dominican baseball player.
- January 22: Alizé Cornet, French tennis player.
- January 22: Laura Ester, Spanish waterpolo porter.
- January 25: Lee Jun-ho, South Korean singer, from the 2PM band.
- January 26: Christopher Massey, American actor.
- January 26: Peter Sagan, Slovak cyclist.
- January 26: Sergio Pérez Mendoza, Mexican driver of Formula 1.
- January 27: Andrés Gil, Argentine actor.
- January 30: Eiza González, Mexican actress and singer.
- January 30: Mitchell Starc, Australian cricket player.
- January 30: Jake Thomas, American actor and singer.
- February 1st: Laura Marling, British singer.
- 2nd of February: María Clara Alonso, actress, dancer, singer and Argentine driver.
- February 2nd: William Tesillo, Colombian footballer.
- February 2: Craig Breen, Irish rally driver.
- February 3: Sean Kingston, American singer.
- February 4: Nairo Quintana, Colombian cyclist.
- February 4: Haruka Tomatsu, Japanese double-headed actress.
- 7 February: Anna Abreu, Finnish pop singer.
- February 7: Esther Guerrero, half-funded Spanish runner.
- February 8: Duke Hudson, Australian professional fighter.
- February 9: Facundo Affranchino, Argentine footballer.
- February 10: Sooyoung, singer, actress and South Korean model, member of the group Girls' Generation.
- February 11: Q'orianka Kilcher, German actress.
- 11 February: Javier Aquino, Mexican footballer.
- 13 February: Rubén Doblas “El Rubius” Gundersen, youtuber Spanish.
- February 15: Kotori Koiwai, Japanese voice actress.
- February 15: Fidel Martínez, Ecuadorian footballer.
- February 16: The Weeknd (Abel Tesfaye), Canadian musician.
- 17 February: María José Quintanilla, Chilean singer.
- February 17: Leidy Solís, Colombian weight lifter.
- February 17: Verónica Montes, Peruvian actress and model.
- February 18: Gustavo Bou, Argentine footballer.
- February 18: Park Shin Hye, actress, model and South Korean singer.
- February 19: Karine Amaya, actress, model and presenter of Venezuelan television.
- February 20: Ciro Immobile, Italian footballer.
- February 20: Andrés Mosquera, Colombian footballer.
- February 24: Gabriella Di Grecco actress and Brazilian singer.
- February 25: Younès Belhanda, Franco-Marroquí footballer.
- February 25: Rafael Romo, Venezuelan footballer.
- February 25: Kim Min-Woo, South Korean footballer.
- February 27: Megan Young, Filipino actress, Miss Mundo 2013.
- March 2: Luis Advíncula, Peruvian footballer.
- March 3: Alexina Graham, British model.
- March 3: Elizabeth Minotta, Colombian actress.
- March 4: Andrea Bowen, American actress.
- March 5: Danny Drinkwater, British footballer.
- March 6: Esti Ginzburg, an Israeli model.
- March 6: Clara Lago, Spanish film and television actress.
- March 7: Abigail and Brittany Hensel, American Siamese.
- March 8: Petra Kvitová, Czech tennis player.
- March 8: Toshiki Masuda, voice actor and Japanese theatre actor.
- March 9: Daley Blind, Dutch footballer.
- March 13: Alec Medlock, actor, writer, film producer and American voice actor.
- March 14: Thali García, Mexican actress.
- 14 March: Anabel Angus, model and presenter of Bolivian television.
- March 17: Jean Segura, Dominican baseball player.
- March 17: Hozier, singer, producer, instrumentist and Irish activist.
- March 20: Marcos Rojo, Argentine footballer.
- March 21: Alyssa Campanella, American model, Miss United States 2011.
- March 21st: Mandy Capristo, singer, dancer and German model.
- March 21: Grayson Waller, Australian professional fighter.
- March 22: Melina Ramírez, model, presenter and queen of Colombian beauty.
- March 23: Jaime Alguersuari, Spanish Formula 1 pilot.
- March 23: George Daniel, drummer, producer and British musician, member of the British band The 1975.
- March 24: Keisha Castle-Hughes, an Australian New Zealand actress.
- March 24: Aljur Abrenica, Filipino actor.
- March 24: Starlin Castro, Dominican baseball player.
- March 24: Lacey Evans, WWE's American fighter.
- March 26: Carly Chaikin, American actress.
- March 26: Xiumin, rapper, singer, actor and South Korean model, member of the EXO group.
- March 27: Natalia Sánchez, Spanish actress.
- March 29: Timothy Chandler, American footballer.
- March 29: Carlos Peña, Mexican footballer.
- March 30: Cassie Scerbo, American actress.
- April 2: Eugenia Kanaeva, Russian rhythmic gymnast, unique twice Olympic champion in the general individual contest
- 2 April: Miralem Pjanić, Bosnian footballer.
- April 3: Karim Ansarifard, Iranian footballer.
- April 5: Haruma Miura, Japanese actor and singer (f. 2020).
- April 6: Charlie McDermott, American actor.
- April 6: Josimar Vargas, Peruvian footballer.
- April 7: Sorana Cirstea, Romanian tennis player.
- April 7: Tania Valencia, actress, model and queen of Colombian beauty.
- April 7: Yoshimar Yotún, Peruvian footballer.
- April 7: Vicky Luengo, Spanish actress.
- April 8: Jonghyun, South Korean singer (f. 2017).
- April 9: Kristen Stewart, American actress.
- April 10: Alex Pettyfer, British model and actor.
- April 10: Ben Amos, British footballer.
- April 12: Christian Ramos, Mexican actor.
- April 12: Hiroki Sakai, Japanese footballer.
- April 14: Ximena Romo, Mexican actress.
- April 15: Emma Watson, British actress of French origin.
- April 16: Lily Loveless, British actress.
- April 18: Henderson Álvarez, Venezuelan baseball player.
- April 18: Britt Robertson, American actress.
- April 18: Wojciech Szczesny, Polish footballer.
- April 19: Kim Chiu, Filipino actress.
- April 20: Lu Han, Chinese singer.
- April 23: Dev Patel, British actor.
- April 25: Germán Garmendia, Celebrities of the Internet.
- April 27: Austin Dillon, American car driver.
- April 27: Martin Kelly, British footballer.
- May 1st: Caitlin Stasey, Australian actress.
- 2 May: Paul George, American basketball player.
- May 2: Kay Panabaker, American actress.
- May 5: Hannah Jeter, American model.
- May 5: Song Ji-eun, South Korean singer and dancer.
- May 5: Matteo Ciacci, a politician and journalist from Sanmarinense, first head of state born in the 90s.
- May 6: José Altuve, Venezuelan baseball player.
- 7 May: Bassil Da Costa, Venezuelan student and protester (f. 2014).
- May 8: Kemba Walker, American basketball player.
- May 9: Jace Peterson, American baseball player.
- May 10: Salvador Pérez, Venezuelan baseball player.
- May 12: Etika, youtuber, American streamer and exmodel of African American origin (f. 2019).
- May 13: Hiromi Yamakawa, Japanese actress and gravure-idol.
- May 15: Stella Maxwell, New Zealand model.
- May 15: Sophie Cookson: British actress
- May 15: Massimiliano Ammendola, Italian footballer.
- May 16: Thomas Brodie-Sangster, British actor.
- May 17: Leven Rambin, American actress.
- May 17: Sonny Colbrelli, Italian cyclist.
- May 19: Víctor Ibarbo, Colombian footballer.
- May 24: Joey Logano, American racing pilot.
- May 24: Yūya Matsushita, Japanese singer and actor.
- May 27: Nadine Beiler, Austrian singer.
- May 27: Chris Colfer, American actor and singer, known for the television series Glee.
- May 27: Israel Fonseca, Honduran footballer.
- May 27: Leo Deluglio, actor, singer, musician and Argentine composer.
- May 28: Rohan Dennis, Australian cyclist.
- May 28: June Valverde, Spanish actor.
- May 29: Thibaut Pinot, French cyclist.
- May 30: Dean Collins, American actor
- May 30: Matías Nocedal, Argentine basketball.
- May 30: Eury Pérez, Dominican baseball player.
- May 30: Yoona, actress, singer and South Korean model, member of the group Girls' Generation.
- May 31: Montez Ford, WWE American fighter.
- June 1st: Rie Murakawa, Japanese voice actress.
- June 2: Brittany Curran, American actress.
- June 4: Jetsun Pema, Bhutanese queen.
- June 4: Zac Farro, American drummer, of the Paramore band.
- June 7: Iggy Azalea, rapper and Australian model.
- June 9: Lauren Socha, English actress.
- June 9: LaSirena69, Venezuelan pornographic actress.
- June 11: Sherina Munaf, an Indonesian actress and singer.
- June 13: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, British actor and producer.
- June 15: Miwa, Japanese singer.
- June 17: Stevanna Jackson, American actress.
- June 18: Martín Elías, Colombian singer of vallenata music (f. 2017).
- June 18: Gia Paige, American pornographic actress.
- June 22: Sebastian Jung, German footballer.
- June 26: Alejandra García, Mexican actress.
- June 29: Subaru Kimura, Japanese voice actor.
- June 30: N, South Korean singer, from the VIXX band.
- 2 July: Roman Lob, German singer.
- 2 July: Margot Robbie, Australian actress.
- July 3 Fabio Aru, Italian cyclist.
- July 3: Carly Lauren, American model.
- July 4: Melissa Barrera, Mexican actress and singer.
- July 11: Connor Paolo, American actor.
- July 11: Adam Jezierski, a Spanish-Polish actor.
- July 11: Caroline Wozniacki, Danish tennis player.
- July 13: Emmanuel Palomares, actor and Venezuelan dancer.
- July 15: Damian Lillard, American basketball player.
- July 16: James Maslow, American actor and singer, Big Time Rush band.
- July 16: C. Tangana, Spanish singer.
- July 17: Naela, Colombian singer and composer.
- July 19: Rosie Jones, British model.
- July 20: Guilherme Leicam, Brazilian actor.
- July 24: Daveigh Chase, American actress, model and singer.
- July 24: Angelo Dawkins, WWE American fighter.
- July 25: Regina Blandón, Mexican actress.
- July 25: Raúl Ruidíaz, Peruvian footballer.
- July 27: Indiana Evans, Australian actress.
- July 28: Soulja Boy, American rapper.
- July 31: Adrian Di Monte, Cuban actor and dancer.
- August 1st: Jack O'Connell, British actor.
- 2 August: Matías Mier, Uruguayan footballer.
- August 3: Kang Min-Kyung, South Korean singer, Davichi band.
- August 6: JonBenét Ramsey, American model (f. 1996).
- August 8: Zack Gibson, British professional fighter.
- August 9: Adelaide Kane, Australian actress.
- August 9: Bill Skarsgård, Swedish actor and model.
- August 10: Lee Sung-kyung, actress, singer and South Korean model.
- August 10: Lucas Till, American actor.
- August 11: Melissa Paredes actress, model and Peruvian driver
- August 11: María José Castillo, Costa Rican pop singer.
- August 12: Mario Balotelli, Italian footballer.
- August 13: Sae Miyazawa, Japanese actress and idol.
- August 15: Jennifer Lawrence, American film and television actress.
- August 16: Adrian Sánchez, Venezuelan baseball player.
- August 16: Kōki Uchiyama, Japanese actor of bent.
- 17 August: Rachel Hurd-Wood, British actress.
- August 19: Florentin Pogba, a Guinean footballer.
- August 24: Píter Lanzani, an Argentine actor and singer.
- August 26: Viviana Serna, Colombian actress.
- August 27: Taylor Mitchell, Canadian singer (f. 2009).
- August 28: Bojan Krkić, Spanish footballer of Serbian father.
- August 29: Nicole Anderson, American actress.
- September 2: Marcus Ericsson, Swedish Formula 1 pilot.
- September 3: Bianca Bin, Brazilian actress.
- September 4: James Bay, British singer.
- September 4: Stefanía Fernández, model and Miss Universe 2009 Venezuelan.
- September 4: Danny Worsnop, British singer, We Are Harlot band.
- September 5: Angy Fernández, Spanish actress and singer.
- September 5: Kim Yu-Na, South Korean skater.
- September 15: Matt Shively, American actor.
- September 19: Kieran Trippier, British footballer.
- September 19: Saki Fukuda, Japanese actress and singer.
- September 21: Allison Scagliotti-Smith, American actress.
- September 21: Christian Serratos, American actress.
- September 22: Juan Betancourt, actor and Cuban model.
- September 23: Çağatay Ulusoy, actor and Turkish model.
- September 23: Agustín Sierra, an Argentine actor.
- September 24: Taeil, South Korean singer, from the Block B band.
- September 25: Mao Asada, Japanese skater.
- September 25: Sam Clucas, British footballer.
- September 26: Viviana Pulido, Colombian actress.
- 27 September: André Felipe Ribeiro de Souza, Brazilian footballer.
- September 28: Kirsten Prout, Canadian actress.
- September 29: Doug Brochu, American actor.
- September 29: Joel Bosqued, Spanish actor.
- September 29: Victor Coto Ortega, Costa Rican footballer.
- September 29: Joana Pastrana, Spanish boxer.
- September 30: Dominique Aegerter, Swiss motorcycle runner.
- 1 October: Hazal Kaya, Turkish actress.
- October 2nd: Samantha Barks, British actress and singer.
- October 5: Pia Pakarinen, Finnish model.
- October 6: Han Sun-hwa, South Korean singer and actress.
- October 8: Felipe Gutiérrez, Chilean footballer.
- October 8: Alejandra Villafañe, Colombian actress and model.
- October 10: Shelby Miller, American baseball player.
- October 10: Venus Lux, pornographic actress, model, producer and American transgender director.
- October 15: Tomás Vodanovic, Chilean politician.
- October 16: Amina Satō, actress, singer and Japanese seiyū.
- October 16: Yohanna, Icelandic singer.
- October 18: Melody, Spanish singer.
- October 20: Adan Zapata, Mexican rapper (f. 2012).
- October 21: Ricky Rubio, Spanish basketball player.
- October 22: Jonathan Lipnicki, American actor.
- October 25: Sara Chafak, Finnish model.
- October 29: Eric Saade, Swedish singer.
- October 29: Ender Inciarte, Venezuelan baseball player.
- October 30: Jorge López, actor, singer, dancer and Chilean model.
- October 31: Noodle, Japanese fictitious guitarist.
- November 2: Kendall Schmidt, American actor and singer, Big Time Rush band.
- November 2: Vanessa Blandón, Colombian actress.
- 4 November: Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Canadian actor.
- November 6: Valentina Nappi, Italian pornographic actress.
- November 6: Wu Yi Fan, Chinese singer and model.
- November 6: Irací Hassler, a commercial engineer, an economist and a Chilean policy.
- 7 November: David de Gea, Spanish footballer.
- 9 November: Romain Bardet, French cyclist.
- November 10: Leo, South Korean singer, from the VIXX band.
- November 10: Mireia Belmonte, Spanish swimmer.
- 11 November: Tom Dumoulin, Dutch cyclist.
- November 12: Florent Manaudou, French swimmer.
- November 12: James McCarthy, Irish footballer.
- 13 November: Arodys Vizcaíno, Dominican baseball player.
- November 14: Malcolm Muggeridge, British writer.
- 15 November: Sofia Rudieva, Russian model.
- November 15: Kanata Hongō, actor, seiyū and Japanese model.
- November 20:Zack Martin, American football player.
- November 24: Sarah Hyland, American actress.
- 26 November: Michał Szpak, Polish singer
- 26 November: Rita Ora, singer, model and British actress.
- November 26: Danny Welbeck, British footballer.
- November 27: Blackbear, American rapper.
- 28 November: Sara Uribe, Colombian model and presenter.
- November 29: Diego Boneta, Mexican singer and actor.
- November 30: Magnus Carlsen, Norwegian chess.
- November 30: Hannah Richings, British singer, actress and dancer, S Club 8 band.
- December 1: Darío Yazbek, Mexican actor.
- December 3: Christian Benteke, Belgian footballer.
- 4 December: Angel Nesbitt, Venezuelan baseball player.
- December 4th: Skye Stracke, Australian model.
- December 7: David Goffin, Belgian tennis player.
- December 7: Yasiel Puig, Cuban baseball player.
- December 7: Urszula Radwanska, Polish tennis player.
- December 7: Ana Carolina Grajales, American-Columbian actress.
- December 10: Shoya Tomizawa, a Japanese bike rider (f. 2010).
- December 10: Joss Favela, Mexican singer.
- December 12: Victor Moses, Nigerian footballer.
- December 12: SeungRi, former South Korean singer.
- December 12: Tyron Smith, American football player.
- December 12: Andrea Ribelles, Colombian actress.
- December 20: JoJo (Joanna Noëlle Levesque), American singer and actress.
- December 22: Jean-Baptiste Maunier, French singer and actor.
- December 23: Anna María Pérez de Tagle, actress, model and American singer.
- December 26: Andy Biersack, American singer, from the Black Veil Brides band.
- December 26: Aaron Ramsey, British footballer.
- December 27: Zelina Vega, American WWE fighter.
- December 28: David Archuleta, American singer.
- December 28: Yago Muñoz, Mexican singer and actor.
- December 31: Patrick Chan, Canadian skater.
Art and literature
- January 6: Juan José Millás gets the Nadal Award for his novel Loneliness was this.
- Arturo Pérez-Reverte publica The table of Flanders.
- Miguel Argaya publishes Gelibo lights.
- Montserrat del Amo publica The painted house.
- Madonna throws her simple Vogue and goes on tour with your Blond Ambition Tour.
Science and technology
- January 24: launch of the Japanese lunar probe Hiten.
- February 28: ARPANET hardware is deactivated but the Internet is still working.
- April 24: Hubble space telescope is launched.
- October 6: launch of the Ulysses probe in order to study the Sun.
- February: the first Caribbean Series is held in the city of Miami, United States, won by the Lions of the Dominican Republic Chosen. It is worth noting that it was held at the Orange Bowl Stadium of American football.
- June - Italy: 1990 Football World Cup: Germany wins over the defeat of 1986 and wins its third Football World Cup by winning in the final to Argentina for 1-0.
- Golden Ball: The German Lothar Matthäus, of the Inter Milan, is appointed best footballer in the world of the year by the magazine France Football.
- Copa Libertadores de América: the Paraguayan football team Olimpia wins for the second time the Copa Libertadores, on Wednesday, October 10 when winning the Barcelona Sporting Club of Guayaquil.
- First Argentinian Division: River Plate
- Decentralized Championship: Campeón University
- Recopa Sudamericana: Boca Juniors, after winning in the final, disputed in Miami, United States, 1-0 to Atlético Nacional de Medellín.
- The Club Atlético Newell's Old Boys of Argentina gets the Opening Tour, which enables you to dispute the end of 1990/1991 Integration Tournament in front of the Club Atlético Boca Juniors, to whom he would defeat in that instance.
- Professional Colombian Football: America of Cali (7th time).
- Quito League is dedicated champion of the A Series of Ecuador for 4.a time.
- Mexico Club Puebla First Division for 2.
Motor Racing
- Ayrton Senna crowns Formula 1 world champion on board a McLaren.
- WRC: Carlos Sainz wins the title aboard a Toyota Celica
- Rally Dakar: Ari Vatanen wins competition on board a Peugeot 405 T16
- NASCAR: Dale Earnhardt wins the title on board a Chevrolet Lumina
- CART: Al Unser Jr. wins the title on board a Lola-Chevrolet
- 500 Miles from Indianapolis: Arie Luyendyk wins the competition
- Road Tourism: Emilio Satriano wins the title on board a Coupé Chevy
- Tourism Competition 2000: Juan María Traverso wins the title on board a Renault Fuego
- League ACB: Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the ACB league.
In the World Cup held in Argentina, Yugoslavia defeated the Soviet Union in the final, initiating the farewell of these two European powers, from international competitions, since both countries would soon disintegrate.
- World Trial Championship: Jordi Tarrés (Spain), world champion.
World Speed Championship: 125cc: Loris Capirossi, ITA, Honda RS 125 250cc: John Kocinski, USA. Yamaha YZR250 500cc: Waine Rainey, USA, Yamaha YZR 500
- Central Chilean rugby Championship: Catholic Champion University.
- Wimbledon: Men: Stefan Edberg to Boris Becker. Women: Martina Navratilova to Zina Garrison.
- Roland Garros: Men: Andrés Gómez to Andre Agassi. Women: Monica Seles to Steffi Graf.
- US Open: Men: Pete Sampras to Andre Agassi. Women: Gabriela Sabatini to Steffi Graf.
- Australian Open: Men: Ivan Lendl to Stefan Edberg. Women: Monica Seles to Jana Novotná.
- 37 Desperate hours Michael Cimino, with Mickey Rourke, Mimi Rogers, Anthony Hopkins, David Morse, Elias Koteas, Lindsay Crouse and Kelly Lynch.
- 48 more hours Walter Hill, with Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte.
- Air America by Roger Spottiswoode, with Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr..
- Business Mike Figgis, Richard Gere and Andy Garcia.
- Attack me! by Pedro Almodóvar, Victoria Abril and Antonio Banderas.
- Dances with Wolves Kevin Costner, with Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell and Graham Greene.
- Kiss me before I die James Dearden, with Matt Dillon, Sean Young, James Russo and Max von Sydow.
- Welcome to paradise Alan Parker, with Dennis Quaid and Tamlin Tomita.
- White Hunter, Black Heart Clint Eastwood, Clint Eastwood and Jeff Fahey.
- Blue Code John Mackenzie, Brian Dennehy, Joe Pantoliano, Jeff Fahey and Bill Paxton.
- Wild heart by David Lynch, with Nicolas Cage, Laura Dern, Diane Ladd, Harry Dean Stanton, Isabella Rossellini and Willem Dafoe.
- Cry-Baby. John Waters, Johnny Depp.
- Cyrano de Bergerac (1990 film) by Jean-Paul Rappeneau with Gérard Depardieu
- Child's Play 2 by Don Mancini, with Brad Dourif, Alex Vincent and Christine Elise
- Darkman Sam Raimi, with Liam Neeson and Frances McDormand.
- Predator 2 Stephen Hopkins, with Danny Glover, Bill Paxton, Rubén Blades, Maria Conchita Alonso and Gary Busey.
- Suddenly, a stranger John Schlesinger, Matthew Modine, Melanie Griffith, Michael Keaton and Mako.
- Total Recall by Paul Verhoeven, with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sharon Stone, Rachel Ticotin and Michael Ironside.
- Days of Thunder Tony Scott, with Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and Robert Duvall
- Death Warrant Deran Serafian, with Jean-Claude Van Damme.
- Wake-up Penny Marshall, with Robert De Niro and Robin Williams.
- Die Hard 2 Renny Harlin, Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia, William Sadler and John Amos.
- Two birds shot John Badham, Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn, Bill Duke and David Carradine.
- Sleeping with your enemy by Joseph Ruben, with Julia Roberts, Kevin Anderson and Patrick Bergin.
- Edward Scissorhands Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder.
- Executive Officer Jan Egleson, Michael Caine and Elizabeth McGovern.
- The Von Bulow Mystery Barbet Schroeder, Glenn Close and Jeremy Irons.
- The godfather Part III by Francis Ford Coppola, with Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Andy Garcia and Sofia Coppola.
- The beginner Clint Eastwood, Clint Eastwood, Charlie Sheen, Sônia Braga and Raúl Juliá.
- Intruder flight John Milius, with Willem Dafoe, Danny Glover and Brad Johnson.
- Furia Ciega Phillip Noyce, with Rutger Hauer.
- Ghost (beyond love) Jerry Zucker, with Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Tony Goldwyn and Whoopi Goldberg.
- Hamlet Franco Zeffirelli, with Mel Gibson, Glenn Close and Alan Bates.
- Hard to Kill Bruce Malmuth, Steven Seagal and Kelly LeBrock.
- Henry and June by Philip Kaufman, with Fred Ward, Maria De Medeiros, Uma Thurman, Richard E. Grant and Kevin Spacey.
- Intrepid Forajidos Geoff Murphy, with Emilio Estévez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips and Christian Slater.
- It (That) Tommy Lee Wallace, with Tim Curry.
- Kindergarten Cop by Ivan Reitman, with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Penelope Ann Miller, Pamela Reed and Linda Hunt.
- Burning lips Dennis Hopper, with Don Johnson, Virginia Madsen and Jennifer Connelly.
- The Hunt of the Red October John McTiernan, Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, Sam Neil and James Earl Jones.
- The Common Fous Ralph S. Singleton, Brad Dourif and Andrew Divoff.
- The Treasure Island by Fraser C. Heston, with Charlton Heston, Christian Bale and Christopher Lee.
- The TutoraWilliam Friedkin, Jenny Seagrove, Dwier Brown and Carey Lowell.
- Mortal line by Joel Schumacher, with Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon, Julia Roberts, William Baldwin and Oliver Platt.
- Called by Ron Howard, with Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Robert De Niro, Donald Sutherland, Rebecca De Mornay, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Scott Glenn.
- Beyond ambition Gary Sinise, Richard Gere and Kevin Anderson.
- Marriage of convenience Peter Weir, with Gérard Depardieu and Andie MacDowell.
- Memphis Belle Michael Caton-Jones, Matthew Modine, Billy Zane, David Strathairn, Harry Connick Jr., Sean Astin and John Lithgow.
- Misery Rob Reiner, with James Caan, Kathy Bates, Richard Farnsworth and Lauren Bacall.
- Family business Sidney Lumet, Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman and Matthew Broderick.
- Wild Orchid by Zalman King, with Mickey Rourke, Carré Otis, Jacqueline Bisset, Bruce Greenwood and Assumpta Serna.
- Innocent suspect by Alan J. Pakula, with Harrison Ford, Greta Scacchi, Bonnie Bedelia, Brian Dennehy and Raúl Juliá.
- Pretty Woman Garry Marshal, Richard Gere and Julia Roberts.
- Rafi, a king of weight David S. Ward, John Goodman, Peter O'Toole and John Hurt.
- Back to the Future Part III Robert Zemeckis, Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd.
- Robocop 2 Irvin Kershner, with Peter Weller and Nancy Allen.
- Rocky V by John G. Avildsen, with Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire and Burt Young.
- Signed by death Dwight H. Little, Steven Seagal.
- Home Alone Chris Columbus, Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern.
- Accidental witness Peter Hyams, with Gene Hackman and Anne Archer.
- The Comfort of Strangersled by Paul Schrader.
- The Doors Oliver Stone, with Val Kilmer, Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Madsen, Meg Ryan and Kevin Dillon.
- A cowboy without course Simon Wincer, Tom Selleck, Alan Rickman and Laura San Giacomo.
- Goodfellas Martin Scorsese, with Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta and Joe Pesci.
- Best movie: Dances with Wolves -- Jim Wilson and Kevin Costner, Producers
- Address: Dances with Wolves -- Kevin Costner
- Best actor: Jeremy Irons -- Reversal of Fortune (The Mystery Von Bulow) on the role of Claus Von Bulow, accused of killing his wealthy wife.
- Best cast actor: Joe Pesci - Good Fellas (Good boys) as "Tommy DeVito". The big surprise of this category was Bruce Davison's nomination -- Longtime Companion on the role of "David", the first Hollywood Sistem film that dealt with the AIDS theme, though in a veiled way.
- Best actress: Kathy Bates en Misery like Annie Wilkes. She was a favorite sentimental Joanne Woodward by Mr. & Mrs. Bridge in his role as "India Bridge." The film met her with her husband Paul Newman.
- Best cast actress: Whoopi Goldberg -- Ghost for his role as the charlatan medium "Oda Mae Brown". A Hollywood psychic predicted a year before Whoopi would win an Oscar, and everyone made fun of him and the actress.
- Soundtrack: Dances with Wolves -- John Barry
- Original song: Sooner or Later (I Always Get My Man) of “Dick Tracy” -- Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim interpreted by Madonna.
- Sound Effects Editing: The Hunt for Red October -- Cecelia Hall, George Watters II. One of the first films in which the character of Jack Ryan appears, considered the James Bond of the end of the Cold War.
- Guion adapted: Dances with Wolves -- Michael Blake
- Original GuionGhost. -Bruce Joel Rubin
- Honorary Oscars a Sophia Loren, whom the Academy defined as a true treasure of cinema, and for Myrna Loy, for his career inside and outside the screens.
- In Argentina the rock band Vilma Palma e Vampiros is formed.
- In Brazil the axé and eurodance group Axé Bahia is formed.
- In Madrid, on September 28, the rock band Los Rodríguez was founded.
- In Berlin, on 21 July, British singer Roger Waters organizes a massive concert at the Potsdamer Platz to present his work in concert The Wall in celebration for the collapse of the Berlin Wall, with several guest artists such as Scorpions, Bryan Adams, Van Morrison, Cyndi Lauper, Sinéad O'Connor, among many others, counting with an attendance of 300,000 people.
- On May 13, the singer and legend Mariah Carey debuts with her first single Vision of Love.
- a-ha: East of the Sun, West of the Moon.
- ABC: Absolutely..
- Alejandra Ávalos: Love fascinate me.
- Alejandra Guzmán: Eternally beautiful.
- Alejandro Lerner: Entrelines
- AC/DC: The Razors Edge.
- Alice in Chains: Facelift.
- Anthrax: Persistence of Time.
- Anything Box: Peace.
- Arena Hash: Ah, ah, ah.
- Armando Hernández: Tropical music with flavor.
- Atheist: Piece of Time.
- Atrophy: Violent by Nature.
- Alvaro Torres: If you were with me.
- Barricada: Direct double.
- Billy Idol: Charmed Life
- Billy Ocean: Suddenly.
- Gold Binomial: Party with The Golden Binomial.
- Black Sabbath: Tyr.
- Bob Dylan: Under the Red Sky.
- Braulio: Survivors of love.
- Witchcraft: Demoniac!.
- B'z: Break Trough (21 February).
- B'z: Risky (7 November).
- Caifanes: Volume IIAlso called The devil.
- Carlos Mata: Caution.
- Short Celts: Unpresentable people
- Céline Dion: Unison (11 September).
- Chantal Andere: Come back.
- Chayanne: Time of Waltz.
- Cheap Trick: Busted.
- Cocteau Twins: Heaven Or Las Vegas.
- Compliments: The Dance of the City.
- David Bowie: Changesbowie.
- Death: Spiritual Healing.
- Death Angel: Act III.
- Depeche Mode: Violator.
- Deep Purple: Slaves & Masters
- Diomedes Díaz: Sing with me
- Duran Duran: Liberty.
- Elton John: The Very Best of Elton John.
- The Last of the Row: New small catalog of beings and bees.
- Emmanuel: Life
- Enigma: MCMXC a.D.
- Eric Johnson: Ah Via Musicom.
- Eros Ramazzotti: In every way.
- Eva Ayllón: Eva, always Eva.
- Fangoria: Mortal salt
- Fobia: Fobia.
- Fito Páez: Third world.
- Flans: Bye..
- Franco De Vita: Aliens.
- George Michael: Listen Without Prejudice.
- Gian Marco: Gian Marco.
- Niche Group: Subtle and blunt.
- Guillermo Dávila: Yours.
- Heroes of Silence: Tradition paths.
- Iced Earth: Iced Earth.
- Ilan Chester: Opus n.o 10.
- INXS: X.
- Iron Maiden: No Prayer for the Dying.
- Jane's Addiction: Ritual of the usual.
- Jean Michel Jarre: Waiting for Cousteau.
- Jerry Rivera: Opening doors.
- Jon Bon Jovi: Blaze of Glory.
- José: In the good... and in the bad.
- José Feliciano: Girl.
- José Luis Perales: To my friends.
- José Luis Rodríguez: This time.
- Juan Luis Guerra 4.40: Pink Bachata.
- Judas Priest: Painkiller.
- Julio Iglesias: Starry Night.
- Kiara: Looking for a fight.
- La Polla Records: They say shit, we amen.
- Lisa Stansfield: Afecction.
- Lisandro Meza: I am Colombian.
- The Chichos: This is what there is.
- The Devils: Future.
- The Melodics: Leaders!.
- The Pericos: Rab A Dab Stail.
- Prisoners: Hearts.
- The Northern Tigers: For adoring.
- Lucero: With my feeling.
- Luis Miguel: 20 years (18 May).
- Luzbel: Again? (4 April).
- Madonna: I'm Breathless.
- Madonna: The Immaculate Collection.
- Malagata: Malagata Group.
- Marisela: Let's talk clear..
- Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey.
- Mazapán: Anthology 10.
- MC Hammer: Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em.
- Melissa: Melissa VI.
- Megadeth: Rust in Peace.
- Miguel Bosé: The boys don't cry.
- Miguel Mateos: Obsession.
- Mike Oldfield: Amarok.
- Ministry: The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste.
- Myriam Hernández: Two..
- Negu Gorriak: Negu Gorriak.
- New Kids on the Block: Step by Step.
- November: Goodbye to arms.
- Nubeluz: Nubeluz.
- Olé Olé: 1990.
- Panther: Cowboys from Hell.
- Pastor Lopez: With tropical heat.
- Pet Shop Boys: Behaviour.
- Peter Gabriel: Shaking the Tree. Sixteen Golden Greats.
- Phil Collins: Serious Hits... Live!.
- Public Enemy: Fear of a Black Planet.
- Queensrÿche: Empire.
- Radio Futura: Poison on the skin.
- White Rat: Magicians, Swords and Roses.
- Ricardo Montaner: A touch of mystery.
- Richie Sambora: Stranger in This Town.
- Rodolfo Aicardi: The last thing in dance.
- Roger Waters: The Wall - Live in Berlin.
- Rosendo: Direct.
- Roxette: It Must Have Been Love (I don't know if it's love)
- Rudy La Scala: When I love.
- Sandra: Paintings in Yellow.
- Purple Blood: Dreams.
- Saxon: Solid Ball of Rock.
- Scorpions: Crazy World.
- Sinéad O'Connor: I do not want what I haven't got
- Total sinister: For the benefit of all.
- Total sinister: Heroes of the 1980s.
- Slayer: Seasons in the Abyss.
- Snap!: World Power.
- Social Distortion: Social Distortion.
- Soda Stereo: Animal song.
- Stevie B: Love & Emotion.
- Stryper: Against the Law.
- Tatiana: Winds at liberty.
- Testament: Souls of Black.
- Thalía: Thalía.
- The Cure: Mixed Up.
- The Sisters of Mercy: Vision Thing.
- They Might Be Giants: Flood.
- Timbiriche: Timbiriche 10.
- Toto: Past to Present 1977-1990
- Traveling Wilburys: Traveling Wilburys Vol. III.
- Vanilla Ice: To the Extreme.
- Vico C: Mission: the top.
- Several: Knebworth.
- V.A.: The most disc.
Video games
- January 30: SNK launches the Neo-Geo system
- August 13: Nintendo puts on sale the fourth generation Super Nintendo Entertainment System console and the Super Mario World video game, developed for that console.
- November 12 Club penguin United Kingdom for all old computers.
Nobel laureates
- Physics: Jerome Isaac Friedman, Henry Way Kendall and Richard Edward Taylor.
- Chemistry: Elias James Corey.
- Medicine: E. Donnall Thomas and Joseph E. Murray.
- Literature: Octavio Paz.
- Peace: Mikhail Gorbachev.
- Economy: Harry Markowitz, Merton Miller, William Sharpe.
Prince of Asturias Awards
- Arts: Antoni Tàpies.
- Social Sciences: Rodrigo Uría González.
- Communication and Humanities: Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas.
- Concord: Sefardi communities.
- International cooperation: Hans Dietrich Genscher.
- Sports: Sito Pons.
- Scientific and Technical Research: Santiago Grisolía and Salvador Moncada.
- Letters: Arturo Uslar Pietri.
Cervantes Award
- Adolfo Bioy Casares.
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