From the left, in the sense of the clock's needles: the Cypress structure collapses as a result of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake killing the motorists below; the proposal document for the World Wide Web; the Exxon Valdez U.S. oil tanker at Prince William Sound, Alaska, provoking a great oil spill; the fall of the Berlin Wall begins the fall of Panama's communism

1989 (MCMLXXXIX) was a common year beginning on a Sunday in the Gregorian calendar. In the Chinese zodiac it was the Year of the Snake.

This year marks a turning point in world history for the revolutions that overthrew the communist states of the Eastern Bloc. They are known as the 1989 Revolutions, which together with the dissolution of the Iron Curtain in Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall, symbols of the Cold War, announced the demise of the Soviet Union two years later.



  • 1 January: the Montreal Protocol, ratified by 29 countries and the EEC (European Economic Community), enters into force to protect the ozone layer.
  • 7 January: In Japan, Prince Akihito (55), receives the symbols of the succession of his father, Hirohito, as a new emperor.
  • 8 January: just a few metres from East Midlands Airport, Leicestershire, England, British Midland Flight 92 flying from London to Belfast (North Ireland) crashes into a M1 motorway loop. 47 of the 118 passengers die.
  • January 11: in Mexico, the army occupies the oil installations and jails the union leader Joaquín Hernández Galicia, "La Quina".
  • January 11: In France, the police arrested Josu Urrutikoetxea, the leading leader of the ETA terrorist gang.
  • 16-18 January: in Miami, United States, racial disturbances are unleashed.
  • January 20: in Spain the Popular Alliance is dissolved. Following the successive victories of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party in 1982 and 1986, Manuel Fraga took the reins of the party, and, at the Congress of January 1988, there was re-establishment as a single party, the new Popular Party being constituted.
    • in the United States, George H. W. Bush swears his post as a 41st president.
  • January 23: In Argentina, the battle of La Tablada begins, led by the All for the Homeland Movement (MTP).
    • in Tajikistan, an earthquake of 5.3 leaves 274 dead.
  • January 24: In La Tablada, 46 militants of the All-Patrian Movement, under the command of Enrique Gorriarán Merlo, assault the Mechanized Infantry Regiment 3 "General Belgrano", under the argument of stopping a coup attempt by a group of Carapintadas. Thirty-two guerrillas, nine military and two police officers are killed.
  • January 24: In Starke Prison (Florida), the serial killer Ted Bundy (42) is electrocuted in the electric chair.


  • February 1st: in Venezuela the airline LASER Airlines is inaugurated.
  • February 2: In Venezuela, Carlos Andrés Pérez assumes the presidency. During the first weeks of his presidency, he provided a series of liberalizing economic measures known as The Great Viraje.
  • February 3: General Alfredo Stroessner was dismissed in Paraguay as a result of a coup led by General Andrés Rodríguez Pedotti.
  • 4 February: In Spain, the surgeon and urologist Aurelio Usón successfully makes the integral change of sex to a woman through the "Shangái technique", a new surgical method.
  • February 6: Thirty thousand Soviet soldiers leave Afghanistan, while the capital, Kabul, is plunged into chaos.
  • 6 February: in Madrid, Spain, the Congress dissolves the groups of the Christian Democracy and the Liberal Party.
  • February 6: Algerian President Benyedid visits King Hassan II, after many years of critical relationships.
  • 7 February: the nationalist conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has caused 91 deaths and 1532 injuries, according to official data.
  • 7 February: In Spain, the Government breaks down negotiations with trade unions on social measures regarding the demands of the general strike of 14 December 1988.
  • February 7th: In Indianapolis (United States), Spanish José Manuel Abascal achieves the silver medal in the 1500m flat of the World Cup of Low-Team Atletism.
  • 8 February: In Arequipa (Peru), due to the heavy rains, the Chili River floods the La Marina Avenue.
  • 9 February: In Moscow, 12 candidates for the Congress of People's Deputies—the new Soviet Parliament—represent their programs for the first time to a group of Moscow voters.
  • 9 February: In the German Federal Republic, the Government prohibits the NS neo-Nazi party.
  • 10 February: In Jamaica, Social-Democrat Michael Manley wins wide in the elections.
  • 11 February: In the United States, Barbara Clementine Harris, priestess of the Episcopalian Church, becomes the first ordained woman obispa.
  • February 11: Kabul—the capital of Afghanistan—is besieged by the guerrillas and undermined by the fifth column during the departure of Soviet soldiers from the city.
  • February 11: Benazir Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan, visits Beijing.
  • 13 February: In El Salvador, a summit of Central American presidents is held in a climate of discouragement.
  • 14 February: the first of the 24 satellites that make up the GPS system is located in its orbit.
  • 14 February: In Iran, Ayatollah Jomeini appeals to Muslims around the world to murder Anglo-Indian writer Salman Rushdie, for understanding that his novel The Satanic verses offends Islam.
  • February 15: U.S. rocket Delta II orbits the first of a new generation of satellites Navstar.
  • February 16: In Venezuela, President Carlos Andrés Pérez decrees the so-called "Great Viraje", known for his detractors as "the economic paquetazo", which will lead to the Caracazo events.
  • February 16: In Paris Roger Patrice Pelat (Mitterrand's personal friend) is prosecuted for the Pechiney case.
  • 16 February: the 7th edition of the 1989 Sub-20 World Cup begins for the first time in Saudi Arabia.
  • 17 February: in Marrakech, Morocco, the second Maghreb summit concludes with a defensive pact and the birth of the Arab Maghreb Union.
  • 18 February: Marrakesh is established at the UMA (Arab Maghreb Union), an agreement between the heads of State of Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania.
  • February 19: In The Hague (Netherlands) the Spanish Cayetano Cornet gets the gold medal of 400 m in the European Athletic Championships.
  • 19 February: the birth of a pulsating star between the remains of supernova 1987 A is first detected.
  • February 22: In Italy, Arnaldo Forlani is elected new secretary of Christian Democracy, replacing Mita Ciriaco.
  • February 23: in the Autonomous Community of Aragon (Spain), the PP and the PAR sign the agreement of formation of a coalition government.
  • February 23: In Algeria, a constitutional reform that will end the single party is approved through a referendum.
  • February 23: In Japan there are many funerals by Hirohito, the recently deceased emperor.
  • February 24: In Iran, Islamist leader Ayatolá Jomeini offers a three-million-dollar reward to those who assassinate Anglo-Indian writer Salman Rushdie, for understanding that his novel The Satanic verses offends Islam.
  • February 24: a United Airlines Boeing 747 flying from Honolulu (Hawái) to Auckland (New Zealand), suffers damage to the fuselage and 9 passengers (who were not wearing the seat belt) are replaced by decompression. They survive 346 passengers after the ship lands safely at the airport. (See United Airlines Flight 811.)
  • February 24: In Algeria, a broad majority approve the new Constitution that gives way to multipartyism.
  • February 24: In Spain, the Spanish Council of Ministers approves the full incorporation of women into all weapons, bodies and scales of the Armed Forces, although it has no obligation to perform military service.
  • February 27-28: in Venezuela there is a series of strong protests, riots and looting known as Caracazo.
  • February 28: In Tarapoto (Peru), the terrorist gang MRTA (Revolutionary Movement Túpac Amaru) murders a homosexual. He abandons the victim's body with a sign that says: "So the faggots die." Announces that homosexuals must leave the city.


  • March 3: In Sudan, parties and trade unions come to an agreement to end the civil war that the country has waged for almost six years.
  • March 3: at El Dorado airport in the city of Bogotá (Colombia) José Antequera (the leader of the Patriotic Union) was murdered and Ernesto Samper (the liberal leader).
  • March 3: in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) the World Championship is finished sub-20 where the Portuguese team is crowned world champion for the first time in this category by winning 2-0 in the final to the Nigerian Selection.
  • March 7: Iran breaks diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom due to the publication of the novel The Satanic versesThe Anglo-Indian writer Salman Rushdie. The reward of three million dollars to murder the writer is still standing.
  • 10 March: In Malaui an earthquake of 6.3 leaves a balance of 9 dead and several wounded.
  • March 12th and 13th: in Chile, U.S. FDA inspectors reviewing the burden of Almeria Star, with part of the production of the Julia Saavedra Exporter, of Curacaví, found in a box of grapes of the Flame Seedless variety, Crispy brand, two grains with hints of having been injected. An embargo by the United States is declared to the Chilean fruit, thus unleashing the so-called grape crisis.
  • 13 March: a solar storm hit Quebec (Canada), six million people are affected by a large blackout that lasts 90 seconds, as the Montreal power grid paralysed for more than nine hours, causing losses of hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • March 19: in El Salvador, Alfredo Cristiani, presidential candidate of the opposition party, ARENA, defeats in the presidential elections held on that same day Fidel Chávez Mena, presidential candidate of the PDC official party.
  • March 22: Clint Malarchuk of the Buffalo Sabres suffers an injury against the St. Louis Blues had accidentally cut off the carotid artery and the jugular vein in a clash with Steve Tuttle of the Blues.
  • 22 March: in Lebanon, more than one hundred thousand people leave Beirut, a city undergoing continued bombings by the Syrian army and its allies of the Druze Muslim factions, fighting against the Christian forces of General Michel Aoun.
  • 22 March: in Paraguay, the newspaper ABC Color He restarted his editions after being shut down by Alfredo Stroessner's dictatorship on March 22, 1984.
  • 23 March: the right to strike is legalized in Hungary. It is the second country in Eastern Europe that recognizes it, after Poland.
  • 23 March: asteroid 4581 Asclepius (300 m in diameter) passes to 0.7 billion km from Earth (compared to the Moon is about 0.38 million km).
  • March 24th: at Prince William Sound Bay (Alaska), the Exxon Valdez oil tanker, with a load of 1.48 million barrels of “crude” (oil unrefined), spills 37 000 tons of hydrocarbon.
  • March 26: Legislative elections are held in the Soviet Union.
  • 26 March: in Pavón (Guatemala) a group of prisoners take 300 hostages; they are killed and wounded.
  • March 29: In Paris the Louvre Pyramid is inaugurated as a new entrance to the museum.
  • March 30: In Buenos Aires, the "Museo de anatomía Juan José Naón" was inaugurated at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires.


  • 2 April: in Tunisia, the Democratic Constitutional Group obtains the 141 seats of the Legislative Assembly, in elections that renew for five years the mandate of President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali.
  • April 2: in Haiti, President Avril's personal guard strikes a coup d'etat.
  • 2 April: in Tunisia, Zine el Abidine Ben Ali wins the presidential election.
  • April 5: In Poland, the unionist Solidarity movement is legalized and thus can be presented to the general elections.
  • 7 April: In Poland, the Parliament largely approves the constitutional reform and the laws on freedom of association and electoral management, agreed by the Government and the opposition.
  • 7 April: in a hospital in Vienna, Austria, with the arrest of three assistants and a nurse a series of murders are discovered.
  • 7 April: In Poland, Parliament adopts a set of reform laws, which includes its own dissolution.
  • April 8 in Mexico, is captured by the DEA by the nicknamed “Chief of Chiefs”Miguel Angel Félix Gallardo.
  • April 9: In Tiflis (Georgia), the Red Army crushes an anti-Soviet demonstration (April 9th Tragedy).
  • April 15: In the Hillsborough Stadium (England) 96 people are killed by the security fence (Tragedia de Hillsborough).
  • April 15: In Beijing, China, the revolt of Tiananmen Square began after the death of Hu Yaobang.
  • April 15: In Peru, the Stereo 33 channel moves definitively to channel 13 and becomes Global Television.
  • April 19: in the high seas, an explosion occurs in a turret of the USS IowaKilling 47 sailors.
  • April 19: the Commission on Culture, Education and Youth of the European Parliament declares the Catalan language as an official language of more European institutions.
  • 19 April: After the end of the truce of ETA, the Spanish Government began the expulsion of earras de Algiers, starting with the negotiators.
  • April 20: Colombia: The Colombian Government approves three decrees to deal with paramilitary groups funded by drug traffickers who have sown terror in the country.
  • April 21: In Japan, Nintendo officially launches the Game Boy portable console
  • April 26: Japan issues the first episode of the animé series Dragon Ball Zcreated by Akira Toriyama.
  • April 27: In Jordan, King Hussein announced a call for elections.
  • April 28: In the Peruvian town of Molinos (Junín), the Peruvian Army achieved a decisive victory against the MRTA terrorist movement.
  • April 30: The United States and Japan cooperate in building a new combat plane, the FSX.


  • 1 May: he is elected in democratic elections, after the fall of the Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner, General Andrés Rodríguez Pedotti.
  • 2 May: Spanish ratification of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
  • 5 May: the PRD is founded in Mexico
  • May 5: a fire devastates the meeting room of the House of Deputies in Mexico. I'll die a person.
  • 6 May: the topic Rock Me, of the Yugoslav musical group Riva, is a winner in the XXXIV Edition of Eurovision held in Switzerland.
  • May 7: Jaime Paz Zamora del MIR wins Bolivia's presidential elections.
  • 7 May: General elections are held in Panama.
  • May 14, in Argentina Carlos Menem is elected new president.
  • May 15: The golden sapo is last seen. It is considered extinct.
  • 16 May: In Colombia, a terrorist attack – attributed to the Cartel de Medellin – was perpetrated with the denamitation of the headquarters of a television news station owned by Jorge Enrique Pulido.
  • May 24: Indiana Jones and the last crusade in the United States
  • May 30: In Colombia, Miguel Maza Márquez, director of the DAS, is illustrated by a car bomb terrorist attack perpetrated by the Cartel de Medellín in the Chapinero sector in Bogotá, the explosion leaves 6 dead and 50 wounded.
  • May 31: In a bar in Tarapoto (Peru), the terrorist gang MRTA (Revolutionary Tupac Amaru Movement) murders eight transvestites. A few days later, they declared that homosexuals were "social scourges used to corrupt youth."
  • May 31: In Colombia, the Atlético Nacional football team is imposing at the end of the Copa Libertadores to the Club Olimpia de Paraguay, for a score of 5-4 in penaltis, losing in the match of 2-0 and going 0-2 in the round.


  • June 1st: in El Salvador, Alfredo Cristiani, takes office as president.
  • 2 June: In Italy, a group of biologists discover the mechanism to create GM animals in the laboratory.
Tiananmen Square, China, was the center of major protests that ended in harsh repression.
  • June 3: Ayatollah and supreme leader of Iran Ruhollah Jomeiní dies.
  • June 4th: in Beijing, China, the Protests of the Plaza de Tian'anmen of 1989 take place. The protests and demonstrations of students conclude with harsh repression on the part of the Chinese government that cause a large number of deaths and injuries.
  • June 5: in Beijing, China, the "unknown rebellion" stops for about half an hour a column of tanks during the Revolt of Tiananmen Square.
  • June 15: Patrick Hillery and Charles Haughey win Ireland's general election.
  • June 15: Nirvana would release his first album called “Bleach” through the independent label Sub Pop
  • June 16: in Budapest (Hungary) in commemoration of the 31st anniversary of the execution of Imre Nagy and other martyrs of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, Viktor Orbán made a speech demanding both free elections and the withdrawal of the troops of the Soviet Union.
  • 28 June: in Kosovo, Slobodan Milošević pronounces the famous Speech by Gazimestanthe beginning of the serious war events in the Balkans.
  • June 30: In Sudan, Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir is leading a military coup to overthrow Ahmed al-Mirghani and Sadiq al-Mahdi (president and prime minister respectively) and take control of the country.


  • July 1st: the 34th edition of the Copa América 1989 in Brazil begins.
  • July 2: In Mexico, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) loses for the first time in 60 years a state election by winning the National Action Party the elections in Baja California, being its candidate Ernesto Ruffo Appel.
  • 4 July: to the west of the city of Medellin (Colombia), the Medellin Cartel murders by the explosion of a car bomb to Antonio Roldán Betancur (Anthoquia Governor) and four more people.
  • July 5: False operative in the Altos del Portal building in Bogotá, Colombia. 4 massacred by soldiers involved with Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha.
  • July 8: in Buenos Aires, Carlos Menem assumes as president of Argentina.
  • July 16: in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ends the Copa América 1989 with the same Hostess Team Campeona for Fourth Vez after winning for the minimum difference 1-0 to the Uruguayan team with the goal of Romerio. And America Champion of the League 1988-89 beats Cruz Azul.
  • July 18: In West Hollywood, actress Rebecca Schaeffer is shot dead by one of her fans
  • July 19: United Airlines Flight 232 crashes near Sioux City, Iowa, the United States died 110 of its 285 passengers and one of its 11 crew members.
  • 26 July: In Almeria, Spain, the Almeria Sports Union was founded.
  • July 28: Akbar Hashemí Rafsanyaní, elected President of Iran by a vast majority of voters. The same day reforms introduced in the Constitution of Iran are approved in plebiscite.


  • 1 August: In the Indonesian province of Papua, an earthquake of 6.0 leaves 120 dead.
  • August 6: in Bolivia, the Social Democrat Jaime Paz Zamora assumes the presidency.
  • August 14: In South Africa, President Pieter W. Botha announces his resignation, following a tough dispute with Frederik W. de Klerk, disigned his successor.
  • August 18: In Colombia, the Medellin Cartel murders Waldemar Franklin Quintero, police commander of Antioquia.
  • August 18: in the central square of the Colombian municipality of Soacha (Cundinamarca) – a town near Bogotá – the popular leader Luis Carlos Galán is murdered, at the hands of men hired by the self-denominated group Los Extraditables.
  • August 20th: in London, England, the playground Marchioness then a collision with the fisherman Bowbelle on the River Thames; 51 people die.
  • August 23: in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: the demonstration known as the Baltic Chain takes place in demand for greater autonomy for the Baltic Republics.
The ship Voyager 2 in Neptune
  • August 25: The U.S. Probe Voyager 2 realizes its maximum approach to the planet Neptune. Six new satellites on the planet are discovered.
  • August 30: Spanish Juan Antonio Samaranch, the only candidate, reelected by acclamation president of the IOC (International Olympic Committee).
  • August 31: Libya and Chad sign an agreement on the Auzu strip, ending more than 15 years of border dispute between the two countries.


  • September 1st: in Argentina, President Carlos Menem decrees the privatization of the state phone company Entel.
  • September 1st: in Panama, Francisco Rodriguez becomes president.
  • 2 September: in Bogotá, Colombia, at 6:45 a.m., a terrorist attack attributed to the Cartel de Medellín destroys the installations of the newspaper El Espectador; leaves 1 dead and 71 wounded.
  • 4 September: in Havana, Cuba, a Cuban plane crashes; 170 people die.
  • September 5: The International Athletic Federation takes away the world record of speed to the Canadian athlete Ben Johnson for doping.
  • September 6: Frederik W. de Klerk wins the general elections in South Africa.
  • 6 September: Ruud Lubbers wins general elections in the Netherlands.
  • September 7: In El Salvador, the FMLN announced a unilateral ceasefire to facilitate dialogue with the Salvadoran government.
  • September 12: In Poland, Parliament gives its confidence to the cabinet proposed by Tadeusz Mazowiecki, the first non-communist government since the Second World War.
  • September 13: Mexico begins meetings between representatives of the Salvadoran government and the FMLN guerrillas.
  • September 18: In Puerto Rico, Hurricane Hugo caused serious damage.
  • September 20: Frederik W. de Klerk becomes president of South Africa.
  • September 21: In South Carolina, Hurricane Hugo caused serious damage.


  • October 3: the failed military coup of October 3 to the regime of General Manuel Antonio Noriega, by a group of officers of the Panama Defense Forces, led by Major Moses Giroldi.
  • October 4: In Venezuela, the Caracas Football Club was founded by Dr. Guillermo Valentiner and the Crocodile Organization.
  • October 5: In Sweden, the Tibetan religious and political leader Tenzin Gyatso (who claims to be the fourteenth reincarnation of the Dalai Lama) is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • October 9: In Valencia, public television Canal Nou begins.
  • October 9: In Santiago de Chile, Canal 13 broadcasts the first presidential debate in Hispanoamérica.
  • October 9: In Leipzig, protests against the GDR government begin.
  • 16 October: in Bucaramanga, Colombia, the Cartel of Medellin carried out a terrorist bomb attack and destroyed the premises of the newspaper Liberal vanguardleaves 4 dead and 6 wounded.
  • 16 October: in Barcelona (Catalonia) SICYD is inaugurated, one of the first multi-user BBS and Internet pioneer in Spain.
  • October 16: In the United States, the Richard Sexton computer, in a message by Usenet, outlines Godwin's law ('the first participant who mentions Hitler or the Nazis asks for a discussion').
Earthquake of Loma Prieta, in the city of San Francisco (California).
  • 17 October: in San Francisco, United States, an earthquake of 6.9 leaves 63 dead and 3,757 wounded.
  • October 18: The United States launches the Galileo mission to Jupiter.
  • October 18: In the German Democratic Republic (RDA), communist leader Erich Honecker is forced to resign from office.
  • 19 October: a nuclear incident at the Vandellós Nuclear Central (Spain) is taking place at level 3.
  • October 23: Madrid founded the newspaper El Mundo del Siglo XXI.
  • 29 October: in Spain, Felipe González is re-elected president; he is the third consecutive absolute majority for the PSOE.
  • October 29: Colombian journalist Jorge Enrique Pulido is the victim of an attack against him, and dies 10 days later. The crime is attributed to the Cartel de Medellín.
  • 29 October. Two 5.9 earthquakes shake northern Algeria leaving 35 dead.
  • October 31: In Turkey, Turgut Ozal assumes the presidency.


  • 7 November: Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke creates APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum).
Fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • 9 November: the German Democratic Republic (DRA) decides to open its borders to the West. The Berlin Wall falls, where for 28 years 79 people were killed when they tried to break it.
  • 10 November: In Bulgaria, communist leader Todor Zhivkov is dismissed from office.
  • 11 November: In El Salvador, the FMLN launched a military offensive on San Salvador and other major cities in the country.
  • 12 November: In El Salvador, within the context of the insurgent offensive launched by the FMLN on the previous day, President Alfredo Cristiani ordered a military intervention to the University of El Salvador that would keep it closed until the next year.
  • 13 November: John Adam II becomes the new prince of Liechtenstein, to the death of his father, Francis Joseph II.
  • November 15: In Medellin, Colombia, football referee Alvaro Ortega is killed by hitmen paid by gamblers. The Colombian Professional Football Championship is suspended.
  • November 15: In Brazil, Fernando Collor de Mello won the first flight of the Brazilian presidential election.
  • 16 November: in San Salvador (El Salvador)—in full force of the state of siege and amid the curfew imposed by the Government—a command of the Armed Forces formed by members of the Atlacatl Battalion breaks into one of the Jesuit priests' residences of the Central American University "José Simeón Cañas" and murders six Jesuit priests and two employees (one of them younger). Among those killed is the rector of the UCA, Ignacio Ellacuría, the director of the Institute of Human Rights of that University, Segundo Montes and Ignacio Martín-Baró.
  • November 17: In Prague, Czechoslovakia, the revolution of Terciopelo began.
  • 18 November: the topic A song isn't enough., from Mexican Analí, is a winner in the 18th edition of the International OTI Festival held in the United States.
  • November 23: In Colombia, police kill Mario Henao Vallejo in an operation (alias) Paco), brother-in-law of Pablo Escobar.
  • 26 November: General elections are held in Uruguay, which will be won by Luis Alberto Lacalle.
  • 26 November: General elections are held in Honduras, which will win Rafael Leonardo Callejas.
  • 27 November: between Soacha and the town of Ciudad Bolívar de Bogotá (Colombia), a Boeing 727 from Avianca flying from Bogotá to Cali, the 107 occupants die. Pablo Escobar and Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha, heads of the Medellin Cartel, are blamed. (See Flight 203 of Avianca).


  • 1 December: launch of the Granat International Space Observatory.
  • December 3: In Venezuela local elections are held for the first time to elect governors, mayors, councillors and members of parish boards.
  • December 3: Fernando Martín, Spanish basketball player dies in a traffic accident in Spain.
  • 6 December: In the Paloquemao sector in Bogotá, Colombia, the DAS building (Colombian intelligence) is destroyed in a terrorist attack by a truck loaded with 500 kilograms of explosives: 103 people die and another 600 are injured, in addition to hundreds of destroyed commercial sites. Miguel Alfredo Maza Márquez, director of the institution, is saved. The event was provoked by Pablo Escobar, leader of the Cartel de Medellín.
  • December 6: In Montreal, Canada, the massacre of the Polytechnic School of Montreal occurs.
  • December 11: The United States launches the Mars Climate Orbiter probe, which when arriving at Mars will be destroyed by an error of navigation.
  • December 12: at the Mayo Clinic of Rochester Minnesota the president of the Banco de Vizcaya Pedro Toledo Ugarte-
  • December 13, in Pennsylvania, Taylor Swift was born.
  • December 14: In Chile, Patricio Aylwin is elected democratic president after 17 years of military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet
  • December 15: In Tolú, Colombia, police assault Colombian drug traffickers Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha, alias El Mexicano, one of the chiefs of the Cartel of Medellin. his son Freddy Rodriguez was also beaten.
  • December 16: In Timisoara (Romania), the Romanian Revolution began against the communist regime of Nicolae Ceauşescu. The rebellion will last a week.
  • December 17th: Brazil holds the first free elections after 29 years of dictatorship.
  • December 17: The first chapter of the animated series is issued in the United States The Simpsons.
Panama invasion by US soldiers.
  • December 20: the U.S. Army invades Panama, with the aim of deposing General Manuel Antonio Noriega and establishing the government of Guillermo Endara, who had been elected in May of the same year, but whose election had been cancelled by the military government of General Noriega.
  • December 20: in a well at 197nbsp; underground meters, in the U3Lp area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 14:00 (local time) United States detonates its Whiteface 1 atomic bomb, less than 20 kt. Simultaneously, on the surface, detonates the Whiteface 2 pump, also less than 20 kt. It is the 1104 and 1105 bombs that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • December 22: the Romanian Revolution triumphs, after a week of strong protests, Nicolae Ceauşescu is overthrown and flees along with his wife Elena de Bucharest. Instead he assumes the presidency Ion Iliescu.
  • 25 December: in Romania, a group of soldiers shot ex-dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu with his wife, after a death sentence decreed by a martial court.
  • December 25: At 09:24 a.m. local time an earthquake of 6.3 shakes the north of Quebec.
  • December 28: An earthquake of 5.6 in Newcastle, Australia, leaves 13 dead and estimated damage of $4 billion.
  • December 29: In Czechoslovakia, the Federal Assembly unanimously elects the playwright Vaclav Havel new president of the country.
  • December 29: The Ibex Index is launched in the Madrid Stock Exchange 35.



  • January 3: Alex D. Linz, American actor.
  • January 5: Eduardo Escobar, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • January 6: Andy Carroll, British footballer.
  • January 6: Charles Emmanuel, Brazilian voice actor.
  • January 7: John Degenkolb, German cyclist.
  • January 7: Elizabeth Loaiza Junca, Colombian actress and model.
Nina Dobrev
  • January 8: Fabian Frei, Swiss footballer.
  • January 9: Nina Dobrev, Canadian Bulgarian actress.
  • January 9: Fely Irvine, Filipino actress.
  • January 10: Zuria Vega, Mexican actress.
  • January 11: Paola López, Colombian television presenter.
  • January 11: Camila López, Chilean actress.
  • January 13: Christine Lorentzen, Danish singer-songwriter.
  • January 14: Inna Afinogenova, a Russian journalist, press director of the Russia Today channel.
  • January 14: Frankie Bridge, British singer, actress and dancer, S Club 8 band.
  • January 14: Chino Darín, an Argentine actor.
  • January 17: Danilo Carrera, actor, model and Ecuadorian presenter.
  • January 19: Ilse Ikeda, Mexican actress and model.
  • January 20: Nadia di Cello, an Argentine actress.
  • January 22: Caio Castro, actor, model and Brazilian businessman.
  • January 23: April Pearson, British actress.
  • January 24: Ki Sung-yueng, South Korean footballer.
  • January 24: Stefan Antonijević, American footballer.
  • January 24: José María Angresola Jiménez, Spanish footballer.
  • January 24: Emiliano Albín, Uruguayan footballer.
  • January 25: Daniel Horvath, Russian-Hungarian actor.
  • January 25: Mikako Tabe, Japanese actress.
  • January 26: Hannah Arterton, English actress.
  • January 26: Matilde Lemaitre, Colombian actress.


Jeremy Sumpter
Elizabeth Olsen
Corbin Bleu
  • February 5: Jeremy Sumpter, American actor.
  • February 6: Sophie Bennett, Canadian actress and singer.
  • February 10: Scarlet Gruber, actress, model and Venezuelan dancer.
  • February 16: Elizabeth Olsen, American actress and model.
  • February 16: Eduardo Sánchez, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • February 17: Chord Overstreet, American actor, singer and musician.
  • 17 February: Albert Černý, Czech singer component of the Lake Malawi band
  • February 19: Luke Pasqualino, British actor.
  • February 21: Corbin Bleu, American actor and singer.
  • February 21: Kristin Herrera, American actress.
  • February 23: Andrés Andrade, Colombian footballer.
  • February 24: Lauren Brant, Australian actress.
  • 25 February: Milan Badelj, Croatian footballer.
  • February 25: Kana Hanazawa, a bent actress, seiyū and a Japanese singer.
  • February 28: Zhang Li Yin, Chinese singer and artist.
  • February 28: Angelababy Yeung, actress, singer and Chinese model.
  • February 28: Michiyo Murase, Japanese actress and seiyū.


Daniella Monet
Lily Collins
  • March 1st: Daniella Monet, American actress.
  • March 1st: Emeraude Toubia, American actress.
  • March 5: Jonathan Cristaldo, Argentine soccer player.
  • March 5: Sterling Knight, American actor.
  • March 5: Nicole Natalino, Chilean singer, of the Kudai band.
  • March 6: Agnieszka Radwanska, Polish tennis player.
  • March 7: Justina Bustos, an Argentine actress.
  • March 8: Ming Xi, Chinese model.
  • March 8: Eriko Matsui, Japanese voice actress.
  • March 9: Taeyeon, singer, dancer, radio DJ and South Korean model, group leader Girls' Generation.
  • March 9: Yūdai Chiba, Japanese actor and model.
  • March 9: Camilo Vargas, Colombian footballer.
  • March 10: Ivan Piris, Paraguayan footballer.
  • March 11: Anton Yelchin, Russian-American actor (f. 2016).
  • March 13: Holger Badstuber, German footballer.
  • March 13: Marko Marin, German footballer.
  • March 14: Arturo Navarro García, Spanish footballer.
  • March 16: Theo Walcott, British footballer.
  • March 17: Mason Musso, American singer.
  • March 17: Arán de las Casas, a Venezuelan actor.
  • March 17: Shinji Kagawa, Japanese footballer.
  • March 17: Juan Lagares, Dominican baseball player.
  • March 18: Lily Collins, British actress.
  • March 19: Yano Shōgo, Japanese actor and seiyū.
  • March 20: Estela García, a Spanish veiler.
  • March 21: Jordi Alba, Spanish footballer.
  • March 21: Takeru Sato, Japanese actor and singer.
  • March 22: Joselito Adame, Mexican bullfighter.
  • March 26: Simon Kjær, Danish footballer.
  • March 29: Arnold Peralta, Honduran footballer (f. 2015).


  • April 4: Carla Vall i Duran, a Spanish criminal lawyer and criminologist.
  • April 5: Lily James, British actress.
  • April 5: Lena Kelly, trans pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • April 6: Alexi Amarista, Venezuelan baseball player.
Gabriella Wilde
  • April 8: Gabriella Wilde, British actress and model.
  • April 8: Matty Healy, British singer, producer and musician, member of the British band The 1975.
  • April 9: Bianca Belair, WWE American fighter.
  • April 9: Michelle Castro, Mexican footballer.
  • April 10: Thomas Heurtel, French basketball player.
  • April 10: Cristina Mason, Mexican actress.
  • April 12: Pedro Hernández, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • April 12: Samuel de Luque Batuecas, Spanish internet star
  • April 17: Charles Aránguiz, Chilean footballer.
Jessica Jung
  • April 18: Jessica Jung, singer, actress, businessman and Korean-American model.
  • April 20: Gerardo Suero, Dominican basketball.
  • April 21: Nikki Cross, Scottish WWE Fighter.
  • April 23: Abdulaziz Al-Muqbali, Omani footballer.
  • April 25: Michael van Gerwen, Dutch dart player.
  • April 26: Daesung, a member of the South Korean band Big Bang.
  • April 27: Lars Bender, German footballer.
  • April 27: Sven Bender, German footballer.
  • April 27: Martha Hunt, American model.
  • April 28: Esteban Alvarado, Costa Rican footballer.
  • April 28: Sungkyu, singer, MC (Master of ceremonies), bent actor, model and South Korean actor.
  • April 28: Gabriele Angella, Italian footballer.
  • April 28: Rena Maeda, Japanese seiyū.
  • April 29: Sophie Charlotte, German-Brazilian actress.


Chris Brown
  • May 5: Chris Brown, American singer.
  • May 5: Larissa Wilson, British actress.
  • May 5: Yūto Suzuki, Japanese voice actor.
  • May 6: Cameron Heyward, American football player.
  • May 6: Juanita Arias, Colombian actress.
  • 7 May: Raina, South Korean singer.
  • May 8: Katy B, British singer.
  • May 10: Lindsey Shaw, American actress.
  • May 11: Prince Royce, American singer.
  • May 11: Geoffrey Royce Rojas, Dominican singer born in the United States.
  • May 15: Sunny, Korean-American singer, member of the group Girls' Generation.
  • May 17: Tessa Virtue, Canadian ice dancer.
  • May 19: Yurika Kubo, model and Japanese voice actress.
  • May 21: Jen Ledger, a drummer and a corista from the Skillet band.
  • May 21: Hal Robson-Kanu, British footballer.
  • May 21st: Brett Rossi, pornographic actress and American glamour model.
  • May 22: Lexy Panterra, American dancer.
  • May 23: Santiago Mangoni, pilot of Argentine motor racing.
  • May 24: Adel Taarabt, Moroccan footballer.
  • May 24: G-Eazy, American rapper.
  • May 25: Luna Star, pornographic actress and Cuban erotic model.
Brandon Smith
  • May 29: Brandon Smith, American actor.
  • May 29: Eva Lovia, American pornographic actress.
  • May 29: Aura Garrido, Spanish film, theatre and television actress.
  • May 30: Hyomin, South Korean singer, actress and designer, from the T-ara band.
  • May 30: Ailee, an American singer of Korean origin.
  • May 30: Yui Ishikawa, Japanese seiyū.
  • May 31: Pablo Alborán, Spanish singer.
  • May 31: Marco Reus, German footballer.


  • June 1st: Zomboy, Dj and British electronic music producer.
  • June 2: Freddy Adu, an American footballer of Ghanaian origin.
  • June 3: Elle King, singer, songwriter and American actress.
  • June 3: Oscar Duarte, Costa Rican footballer.
  • June 3: Gonzalo Peña, Spanish actor.
  • June 3: Megumi Han, Japanese seiyū.
  • June 5: Megumi Nakajima, seiyū and Japanese singer.
  • June 6: Ross Macdonald, bassist and British musician, member of the British band The 1975.
  • June 8: Minami Tsuda, Japanese voice actress.
  • June 9: Shyla Jennings, German pornographic actress of American nationality.
Alexandra Stan
  • June 10: Alexandra Stan, Romanian singer.
  • June 10: Édgar Vittorino, a Colombian actor.
  • June 13: Lisa Tucker, American singer and actress.
  • June 13: Andreas Samaris, Greek footballer.
Lucy Hale
  • June 14: Lucy Hale, American actress.
  • June 15: Bayley, American WWE fighter.
  • June 16: Hate Jude Ighalo, Nigerian footballer.
  • June 17: Simone Battle, American actress and singer (f. 2014).
  • June 18: Renee Olstead, American actress and singer.
  • June 20: Christopher Mintz-Plasse, American actor.
  • June 22: Zoran Dragic, Slovenian basketball player.
  • June 23: Billie Kay, Australian WWE fighter.
  • June 27: Matthew Lewis, British actor.
  • June 29: Ayana Taketatsu, voice actress and Japanese singer.
  • June 29: Júlia Takács, Spanish exatleta specialized in athletic march.


  • 1 July: Hannah Murray, British actress.
  • July 1st: Mitch Hewer, British actor.
  • 1 July: Daniel Ricciardo, Australian Formula 1 pilot.
  • July 1st: Whitney Wolfe Herd, American entrepreneur.
  • July 2: Alex Morgan, American footballer.
  • July 3: Pablo Gallo, Spanish actor.
  • July 5: Adam Cole, American professional fighter.
  • July 10: Carlos Augusto Zambrano, Peruvian footballer.
  • July 11: David Henrie, American actor.
  • July 12: Phoebe Tonkin, model and Australian actress.
  • July 14: Sean Flynn-Amir, American actor.
  • July 16: Gareth Bale, British footballer.
Kim Woo-bin
  • July 16: Kim Woo-bin, South Korean actor and model.
  • July 17: Izmael Pacheco, pianist and Costa Rican composer.
  • July 18: Isabel Cristina Restrepo Cárdenas, Colombian ballet dancer (f. 2008).
  • July 19: Luis Avilán, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • July 20: Brooke Candy, American rapper.
  • July 21: Rory Culkin, American actor.
  • July 21: Jamie Waylett, British actor.
  • July 21: Juno Temple, British actress.
  • July 22: Keegan Allen, American actor.
Daniel Radcliffe
  • July 23: Daniel Radcliffe, British actor.
  • July 25: Andrew Caldwell, American actor.
  • July 29: Julio Furch, Argentine footballer.
  • July 29: Narumi Takahira, Japanese voice actress.


  • August 1st: Tiffany, Korean-American singer, member of the group Girls' Generation.
  • August 3: Jules Bianchi, French Formula 1 pilot (f. 2015).
  • August 5: Luis Perozo Cervantes, Venezuelan poet.
  • August 9: Jason Heyward, American baseball player.
  • August 9: Andrea Iannone, Italian MotoGP rider.
  • August 10: Anna Murphy, Swedish singer, Eluveitie band.
  • August 11: Luca Ceppitelli, Italian footballer.
  • 11 August: Álex Quiñónez, Ecuadorian athlete (f. 2021).
  • August 12: Mafalda Luís de Castro, Portuguese actress.
  • August 12: SunYe, South Korean singer.
  • August 12: Sheyla García, journalist and Colombian sports host.
  • August 14: Heather Starlet, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
Joe Jonas
  • August 15: Joe Jonas, American musician, actor and singer, of the Jonas Brothers band.
  • August 15: Masaki Okada, Japanese actor.
  • August 15: Belinda Peregrín, Mexican actress and singer.
  • August 15: Carlos Pena Jr., American actor and singer, from the Big Time Rush band.
  • August 16: Antonio Di Gaudio, Italian footballer.
  • August 21: Hayden Panettiere, American actress.
  • August 22: Giacomo Bonaventura, Italian footballer.
  • August 23: Alan Ruschel, Brazilian footballer.
Rocío Igarzábal
  • August 24: Rocío Igarzábal, actress, singer and Argentine model.
  • August 26: James Harden, American basketball player.
  • August 26: Cepeda, Spanish singer.
  • August 27: Daniel Tovar, Mexican actor.
  • August 28: Valtteri Bottas, Finnish Formula 1 pilot.
  • August 28: Claudia Martin, Mexican actress and model.
  • August 30: Bebe Rexha, American singer.


  • September 1st: Bill Kaulitz, German singer, from the Tokyo Hotel band.
  • September 1st: Tom Kaulitz, German guitarist, from the Tokyo Hotel band.
  • September 1st: Jefferson Montero, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • September 1: Daniel Sturridge, British footballer.
  • September 1st: Lea Sirk, Slovenian singer.
  • September 2: Zedd, DJ and Russian producer.
  • September 2: Ronela Hajati, Albanian singer.
  • September 3: Gusttavo Lima, Brazilian singer and composer.
  • September 4th: Andrelton Simmons, priestly baseball player.
  • September 8: Esmeralda Pimentel, Mexican actress and model.
  • September 8: Avicii, DJ, producer, and Swedish remixer (f. 2018).
  • 9 September: Johnny Cecotto Jr., Venezuelan-German pilot.
  • September 12: Freddie Freeman, American baseball player.
  • 13 September: Thomas Müller, German footballer.
  • 14 September: Jessica Brown-Findlay, British actress.
  • September 14: Oier Olazábal, Spanish footballer.
  • September 14: Logan Henderson, American actor and singer, from the Big Time Rush band.
  • September 14: Lee Jong-suk, South Korean actor.
  • September 21: Jason Derulo, American singer.
  • September 21: Ben Mee, British footballer.
  • September 22: Hyoyeon, South Korean dancer and rapper, member of the group Girls' Generation.
  • September 22: Sabine Lisicki, German tennis player.
  • September 23: Dani Daniels, pornographic actress, director, erotic model and American painter.
  • September 23: Sui He, Chinese model.
  • September 24: Pia Wurtzbach, Filipino model, Miss Universe 2015.
  • September 26: Ciaran Clark, Irish footballer.
  • September 26: Débora Lyra, Brazilian model.
  • September 29: Yevhen Konoplianka, Ukrainian footballer.
  • September 29: Andrea Poli, Italian footballer.
  • September 29: Laura Perico, Colombian actress.


Brie Larson
Dakota Johnson
Jun Hyo-sung
Eliza Taylor
Carmen Aub
Mia Wasikowska
  • October 1st: Brie Larson, American actress and singer.
  • 1 October: Guido Falaschi, Argentine motor racing pilot (f. 2011).
  • October 4th: Dakota Johnson, American actress and model.
  • October 4: Lil Mama, American music.
  • October 5: Kenshō Ono, Japanese seiyū.
  • October 6: Valeria Baroni, actress, singer, dancer and Argentine driver.
  • October 8: Elimar Díaz, Venezuelan politics.
  • October 11: Henry Lau, Canadian Chinese singer, of the Super Junior-M band.
  • October 13: Jun Hyo-sung, South Korean singer and actress.
  • October 15: Anthony Joshua, British professional boxer.
  • October 18: Riisa Naka, Japanese actress.
  • October 21: Sam Vokes, British footballer.
  • October 23: Alain Baroja, Venezuelan footballer.
  • October 23: Andriy Yarmolenko, a Ukrainian footballer.
  • October 24: Eliza Taylor, Australian actress.
  • October 24: PewDiePie, youtuber Swedish.
  • October 24: Carmen Aub, Mexican actress.
  • October 24: Will Bruin, American footballer.
  • October 25: Mia Wasikowska, Australian actress.
  • October 28: Camille Muffat, French swimmer (f. 2015).
  • October 29: Primož Roglič, Slovenian cyclist.
  • October 29: Irina Karamanos, a sociologist and a Chilean feminist activist.
  • October 30: Nastia Liukin, American gymnast.


  • November 2: Katelyn Tarver, American actress and singer.
  • 2 November: Hernán Córdoba, Colombian footballer (f. 2009).
  • November 3: Manuel Alfonso Andrade Oropeza, Mexican WWE fighter.
  • 4 November: Enner Valencia, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • November 6: Jozy Altidore, American footballer.
  • November 6: Jackie Sauza, Mexican actress and model.
  • November 6: Aaron Hernandez, American football player (f. 2017).
  • November 8: Giancarlo Stanton, American baseball player.
  • 10 November: Ana Fernández García, Spanish actress.
  • 11 November: Ibai Gómez, Spanish footballer
  • November 12: Hiroshi Kiyotake, Japanese footballer.
  • November 12: Jessy Dubai, Mexican transgender pornographic actress of American nationality.
  • 14 November: Emis Killa, Italian rapper.
  • November 15: Cristinini, streamer, presenter and Spanish esports reporter.
  • 16 November: Raquel González Campos, Spanish athlete.
  • November 17: Héctor Sánchez, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 18 November: Fabio Legarda, singer, composer and youtuber Colombia (f. 2019).
Cody Linley
  • November 20: Cody Linley, American actor.
  • November 20: Eduardo Vargas, Chilean footballer.
  • 21 November: Fabian Delph, British footballer.
  • November 22: Chris Smalling, British footballer.
  • November 22: Gabriel Torje, Romanian footballer.
  • 25 November: Adrián Cervantes Pérez, Spanish rapper.


  • December 1st: Barry Bannan, British footballer.
  • December 5: Yuri, actress and South Korean singer, member of the group Girls' Generation.
  • December 5: Jennifer Ognibene, American singer-songwriter.
  • December 7th: Nicholas Hoult, British actor.
  • December 11: Jessica Sanjuan, Colombian actress, model and presenter.
Taylor Swift
  • December 13: Taylor Swift, American singer and songwriter.
  • December 14: Onew, South Korean actor and singer, member of the SHINee group.
  • December 14: Variel Sánchez, Colombian actor.
  • December 16: Lee Biran, Israeli singer, actor and composer.
  • December 16: Mirei Kiritani, Japanese actress and model.
  • December 17: Taylor York, American guitarist, from the Paramore band
  • December 18: Ashley Benson, American actress.
Jordin Sparks
  • December 21: Melissa Robles, Mexican singer.
  • December 22: Jordin Sparks, American singer.
  • December 25: Catalina Usme, Colombian footballer.
  • December 26: Yohan Blake, Jamaican athlete.
  • December 27: Maaya Uchida, Japanese voice actress.
  • December 28: Mackenzie Rosman, American actress.
  • December 28: Eva Cedeño, actress, boxer and Mexican driver.
  • December 29: Mauro Giallombardo, Argentine motor racing driver.

No known date

Tamara Tenenbaum, Argentine writer and journalist.


Art and literature

  • Miguel Argaya Roca gets the prize of poetry Rey Juan Carlos I for his book Gelibo lights.
  • Ken Follett finishes and publishes his novel The pillars of the earth.



  • European Cup: AC Milan is proclaimed champion by defeating the Steaua Bucharest for 4-0 in the final contested at the Camp Nou in Barcelona.
  • UEFA Cup: Napoli is a champion in defeating Stuttgart by a 5-4 global score (2–1 round, 3–3 back).
  • European football team: FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion by defeating Sampdoria for 2-0, in the final contested in Bern (Switzerland). The goals of the blue ensemble are marked by Julio Salinas and López Rekarte.
  • Spanish Football League: Real Madrid, champion.
  • Copa del Rey: Real Madrid, champion in defeating Real Valladolid for 1-0 at the end.
  • Golden Ball: the Dutchman Marco Van Basten, of the AC Milan, is appointed best footballer in the world of the year by the magazine France Football.
  • Copa Libertadores de América: the Colombian club Atlético Nacional He proclaims himself champion of the Cup from the instance of the criminals thanks to the figure René Higuita, his archer, about the Olimpia of Paraguay.
  • First Division Argentina: Independent is proclaimed Argentine champion by defeating the Armenian Deportivo by 2-1.
  • First National B: Union achieves the rise to first division after defeating its historic rival Colon in the end of the round and round of the octogonal by 2-0 and 1-0 respectively.
  • South American Super Cup: In the end of Argentinian teams, Boca Juniors beats Independent for criminals and proclaims himself a champion.
  • Inter-American Cup: National is dedicated champion for the second time, defeating in the end the Olympics of Honduras, thus obtaining its eighth international title.
  • Recopa Sudamericana: National is dedicated champion for the first time winning the Avellaneda Racing Club at the end, thus obtaining its ninth international title (loving to be the Uruguayan team with more international titles).
  • Chilean Football: he consecrated Colo-Colo champion, obtaining the sixth title in his story.
  • Ecuadorian Football: Barcelona is dedicated champion achieving its tenth national title in its palmarés.
  • Mexican football: America gets the title by beating the Blue Cross.
  • First Colombian: Tournament suspended as a result of the assassination of arbitrator Álvaro Ortega.
  • Colombia Cup: Independent Santa Fe wins the end in front of the Magdalena 2-0 local Union and 2-1 visitor.


  • League ACB: FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion.

Motor Racing

  • Formula 1: Alain Prost wins the world championship on board a McLaren.
  • WRC: Massimo Biasion wins its second consecutive title on board a Lancia Delta Integrale
  • Rally Dakar: Ari Vatanen wins competition on board a Peugeot 405 T16
  • NASCAR: Rusty Wallace wins title on board a Pontiac Grand Prix
  • CART: Emerson Fittipaldi wins the title on board a Penske-Chevrolet
  • 500 Miles from Indianapolis: Emerson Fittipaldi wins the competition
  • Road Tourism: Oscar Castellano wins his third consecutive title on board a Ford Falcon
  • Tourism Competition 2000: Miguel Angel Guerra wins the title on board a Renault Fuego


  • May 16: Ricardo Torres Nava is the first Mexican to summit on Mount Everest.


  • World Trial Championship: Jordi Tarrés (Spain), world champion.
  • Motocycling World Championship 80 c.c.: Manuel "Champi" Herreros (Spain), world champion.
  • Motocycling World Championship 250 c.c.:Sito Pons (Spain), world champion.


  • Central Chilean rugby Championship: Catholic Champion University.


  • Open from Australia: Men: Ivan Lendl to Miroslav Mecir. Women: Steffi Graf to Helena Suková.
  • Roland Garros: Men: Michael Chang to Stefan Edberg. Women: Arantxa Sánchez Vicario a Steffi Graf.
  • Wimbledon: Men: Boris Becker to Stefan Edberg. Women: Steffi Graf to Martina Navratilova.
  • US Open: Men: Boris Becker to Ivan Lendl. Women: Steffi Graf to Martina Navratilova.


  • Tour de France: Greg LeMond.
  • Return to Spain: Pedro Delgado.
  • Giro de Italia: Laurent Fignon.
  • World Cycling Championship on Route: Greg LeMond.
  • Dauphiné Libéré: Charly Mottet.
  • Return to Aragón: Iñaki Gastón.
  • Return to Switzerland: Beat Breu.
  • Tour de l'Avenir: Pascal Lino.

Video games and technology

  • April 21st: the Nintendo Game Boy comes out for sale in Japan.
  • Sale for sale the first video game of the saga of SimCity.
  • Nintendo and Gunpei Yokoi bring out the game Super Mario Land for the Game Boy.
  • 29 October: sale in Japan the Mega Drive of Sega
  • Sale of the video game DuckTales developed by Capcom for NES
  • The video game appears Searches for Microsoft Windows and Linux
  • The first video game appears Prince of Persia of his franchise


  • License to kill John Glen, Timothy Dalton, Carey Lowell, Robert Davi and Talisa Soto.
  • The Abyss James Cameron, with Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and Michael Biehn.
  • Always (forever) Steven Spielberg, Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter and John Goodman.
  • Arma Letal 2 Richard Donner, with Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci and Patsy Kensit.
  • Back to the Future Part II Robert Zemeckis, Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd.
  • Batman Tim Burton, Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton and Kim Basinger.
  • Black Rain Ridley Scott, Michael Douglas and Andy Garcia.
  • Total calm Phillip Noice, with Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill and Billy Zane.
  • Dream FieldPhil Alden Robinson, with Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta and Burt Lancaster.
  • Cinema Paradiso by Giuseppe Tornatore.
  • With your own law John Irvin, with Patrick Swayze, Adam Baldwin, Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Ben Stiller and Liam Neeson.
  • Iron Hearts Brian De Palma, with Michael J. Fox and Sean Penn.
  • Shadow creators Roland Joffé, with Paul Newman, Dwight Schultz, Bonnie Bedelia, John Cusack, Laura Dern and John C. McGinley.
  • Offences and offences Woody Allen, with Martin Landau, Woody Allen, Anjelica Huston, Alan Alda and Mia Farrow.
  • Driving Miss Daisy Bruce Beresford, Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy.
  • The sky was wrong Emile Ardolino, with Robert Downey Jr., Cybill Shepherd, Ryan O'Neal and Mary Stuart Masterson.
  • The Cadillac Rosa Buddy Van Horn, with Clint Eastwood.
  • The Dead Poet Club Peter Weir, with Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard and Ethan Hawke.
  • Francesco by Liliana Cavani, with Mickey Rourke and Helena Bonham Carter.
  • Great Ball of Fire Jim McBride, Dennis Quaid, Winona Ryder and Alec Baldwin.
  • Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers by Dominique Othenin-Girard, with Danielle Harris, Donald Pleasence and Ellie Cornell.
  • Indiana Jones and the last crusade Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford and Sean Connery.
  • Johnny the Guapo Walter Hill, with Mickey Rourke, Ellen Barkin, Elizabeth McGovern and Morgan Freeman.
  • The Music Box from Costa-Gavras, with Jessica Lange, Armin Mueller-Stahl and Lukas Haas.
  • The endless story 2George Miller.
  • The Sirenite by Ron Clements and John Musker.
  • Ghostbusters II by Ivan Reitman, with Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis and Rick Moranis.
  • Born on 4 July Oliver Stone, with Tom Cruise, Kyra Sedgwick and Willem Dafoe.
  • Harlem Nights Eddie Murphy, with Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor and Danny Aiello.
  • We're No Angels Neil Jordan, with Robert De Niro, Sean Penn and Demi Moore.
  • Road House (De Profession Duro) Rowdy Herrington, with Patrick Swayze, Ben Gazzara, Kelly Lynch and Sam Elliott.
  • Romero John Duigan, with Raúl Juliá and Richard Jordan.
  • Star Trek V: The Last Border William Shatner, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley.
  • Your alibi Bruce Beresford, Tom Selleck and Paulina Porizkova.
  • Tango and Cash Andrei Konchalovsky, with Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell.
  • Times of Glory by Edward Zwick, with Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington, Cary Elwes and Morgan Freeman.
  • Mortal Tyre John Frankenheimer, with Don Johnson, Penelope Ann Miller and William Forsythe.
  • Tremors Ron Underwood, with Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward.

All dates belong to the official premieres of their countries of origin, unless otherwise indicated.



  • On May 6, the XXXIV edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in Lausanne, SwitzerlandFlag of Switzerland.svgSwitzerland.
    • Winner: The Riva group with the song "Rock me" representing Yugoslavia Bandera de Yugoslavia.


  • Aerosmith: Pump
  • Alaska and Dinarama: Fatal
  • Alexander the Great (Alejandro Sanz): The pimps are to take care of them.
  • Alejandra Guzmán: Give me your love
  • Álex " Christina: The angel and the devil
  • Alux Nahual: The trap
  • Ana Gabriel: Who like you
  • Annihilator: Alice in Hell
  • Anthrax: Penikufesin (EP).
  • Attack 77: Sweet Christmas
  • B'z: Off the Lock (21 May).
  • Bad Religion: No Control
  • Badlands: Badlands
  • Barricada: Noise passion
  • Bee Gees: One
  • Billy Joel: Storm Front
  • Gold Binomial: Export.
  • Black Sabbath: Headless Cross
  • Blind Guardian: Follow The Blind
  • Bob Dylan: Dylan " The Dead
  • Bob Dylan: Oh Mercy
  • Braulio: Cut for the healthy
  • Bronco: All of galope
  • Bryan Adams: Live!
  • Singing Learning to Speak: Singing I learn to speak (Vol. 1)
  • Charges: Symphonies of Sickness
  • Carlos Vives: To the city center
  • Cher: Heart of Stone
  • Chris Rea: The Road to Hell
  • Cinderella: Long Cold Winter
  • Cyndi Lauper: A Night to Remember
  • Daniela Romo: I want to dawn with someone.
  • Death Angel: Frolic Through the Park
  • Debbie Gibson: Electric Youth
  • Depeche Mode: 101
  • Diomedes Díaz: The wounded condor
  • Dream Theater: When Day and Dream Unite
  • Duran Duran: Decade:Greatest Hits
  • Dyango: Sighs
  • The Great Combo of Puerto Rico: Love me.
  • The Great Combo of Puerto Rico: Latin Up
  • The Tri: 21 Years later
  • The Super Show of the Vaskez: Chicken with potatoes
  • Eminem records one of his first "Foolish Pryde" songs when he was about 16 years old. [chuckles]required]
  • Emmanuel: I wish.
  • Enanitos Verdes: There was once...
  • Erasure: Wild!
  • Clear: From behind to you
  • Faith No More: The Real Thing
  • Flans: Tell me Dum-Dum
  • Franco De Vita: North of the South
  • Germán Coppini: Black arrows
  • Gloria Trevi: What am I doing here?
  • Niche Group: Covering the gap
  • Hermetics: Hermetic
  • Men G: I'll have a good time.
  • Iced Earth: Enter the Realm (EP).
  • Jean-Michel Jarre: Jarre Live
  • Jerry Rivera: Starting to live
  • Joe Vasconcellos: This is just a song
  • José: What is love?
  • Juan Luis Guerra and 440: I wish it rained coffee.
  • Julio Iglesias: Roots
  • Karina: From my dream
  • King Diamond: Conspiracy
  • Kiss: Hot in the Shade
  • Can Girls: Juana the Cuban
  • Laureano Brizuela: 4 - Griten
  • Laureano Brizuela: Time traveler
  • Lenny Kravitz: Let Love Rule
  • Linda Jo Rizzo: Passion / Perfect Love
  • Lisa Stansfield: Affection
  • Liza Minnelli: Results
  • Loco Mía: Taiyo
  • Los Chiches del Vallenato: One A.
  • The Devils: Our music.
  • The Jaivas: If you're not
  • The Nikis: The murderous hormigon
  • The Palmeras: Help us, sir.
  • The Northern Tigers: Prohibited corrections
  • The solid Northern Tigers: My good luck
  • The Dead Toreros: Caracol World
  • Lucero: Tell me
  • Lucia Méndez: Lucia is Dark Moon
  • Luis Angel: Signs of life
  • Luis Enrique: My World
  • Madonna: Like a Prayer
  • Magneto: 40 degrees
  • Mägo de Oz: And what else?
  • Manuel Mijares: A discreet man
  • Martika: Martika
  • Mazapán: The instruments
  • Melissa: Losing control
  • Miguel Gallardo: America
  • Minor Threat: Complete Discography
  • Mike Oldfield: Earth Moving
  • Miki González: I never believed them.
  • Morbid Angel: Altars of Madness
  • Mötley Crüe: Dr. Feelgood
  • Motörhead: No Sleep at All
  • N.W.A.: Straight Outta Compton
  • New Order: Technique
  • Nicole: I'm in love
  • Nine Inch Íails: Pretty Hate Machine
  • Nirvana: Bleach
  • NOFX: S luminousM Airlines
  • I know who and the Nose how many: We're nothing.
  • Onda Vaselina: The Vaseline Wave
  • Ozzy Osbourne: No Rest for the Wicked
  • Pablo Ruiz: Ocean
  • Pandora: 999 reasons
  • Patricio Rey and his Redonditos de Ricota: Bang! You're liquidated.
  • Paul McCartney: Flowers In The Dirt
  • Phil Collins: ...but Seriously
  • Pixies: Doolittle
  • Queen: The Miracle
  • Raphael: Wonderful, heart, wonderful
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers: Mother's Milk
  • Richard Marx: Repeat Offender
  • Rio: Revolution
  • Roberto Carlos: Smile
  • Rocío Jurado: Starting point
  • Rolling Stones: Steel Wheels
  • Rush: A Show of Hands
  • Rush: Budget
  • Sasha Sokol: Light traps
  • Sepulture: Beneath the Remains
  • Sergio Dalma: That girl is mine.
  • Simple Minds: Street Fighting Years
  • Simply Red: A New Flame
  • Skid Row: Skid Row
  • Soda Stereo: Languis
  • Soundgarden: Louder than love
  • Luis Alberto Spinetta: Don Lucero
  • Suicide Tendencies: Controlled By Hatred/Feel Like Shit...
  • Tatiana: The things I've seen
  • Tears for Fears: The Seeds of Love
  • Testament: Practice What You Preach
  • The B-52's: Cosmic Thing
  • The Beach Boys: Still Cruisin
  • The Creatures: Boomerang
  • The Cure: Disintegration
  • The Ramones: Brain Drain
  • The Stone Roses: The Stone Roses
  • The Sugarcubes: Here Today, Tomorrow, Next Week!
  • Timbiriche: The classics of Timbiriche
  • Tina Turner: Foreigh Affair
  • Several Artists: Eternal Christmas (version USA)
  • Uriah Heep: Raging Silence
  • X Japan: Blue Blood
  • Yola Polastry: Hi, Yola Rocker.
  • Yuri: Sui Generis


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Norman Foster Ramsey, Hans Georg Dehmelt and Wolfgang Paul.
  • Chemistry: Sidney Altman and Thomas R. Cech.
  • Medicine: John Michael Bishop and Harold E. Varmus.
  • Literature: Camilo José Cela.
  • Peace: Tenzin Gyatso (fourth incarnation of the Dalai Lama).
  • Economy: Trygve Haavelmo.

Prince of Asturias Awards

  • Arts: Oscar Niemeyer.
  • Social Sciences: Enrique Fuentes Quintana.
  • Communication and Humanities: Pedro Laín Entralgo.
  • Concord: Stephen Hawking.
  • International cooperation: Jacques Delors and Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • Sports: Severiano Ballesteros.
  • Scientific and Technical Research: Guido Münch.
  • Letras: Ricardo Gullón.

Cervantes Award

  • Augusto Roa Bastos.

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