From the left, in the sense of the clock needles: The oil platform Piper Alpha explodes and collapses in the North Sea, killing 165 workers; The USS Vincennes (CG-49) mistakenly knocks down Iran Air's flight 655; Australia celebrates its Bicentennial on 26 January; The 1988 Summer Olympic Games take place in Seoul, South Korea; The troops are blown up

1988 (MCMLXXXVIII) was a leap year beginning on a Friday in the Gregorian calendar. It was the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac. In Roman numerals it was the year of the XX century that is made up of more letters (11).


1988 Universal Exhibition in Brisbane, Australia.


  • January 2: in Uruguay, the government of Dr. July María Sanguinetti suppresses what was left of the national railway network for passenger trains - not cargo- as announced on December 30 (A small part of the network will reopen between January and August 1993).
  • 13 January: in the city of Medellin (Colombia) the Cali Cartel bombs the Monaco building in retaliation of the Cartel attack of Medellin to the pharmacies La Rebaja, in the city of Cali.
  • January 16: in Alajuela (Costa Rica) the five Central American Presidents Vinicio Cerezo (of Guatemala), José Napoleón Duarte (of El Salvador), José Azcona del Hoyo (of Honduras), Daniel Ortega (of Nicaragua) and Óscar Arias (of Costa Rica) signed a peace agreement.
  • 17 January: General elections are held in Haiti.
  • January 18: Spain installs its first permanent base in Antarctica.
  • January 18: in Colombia, members of the Cartel de Medellín kidnap Andrés Pastrana, a candidate for the mayor of Bogotá.
  • January 23: In Spain, the PSOE decides that the fourth part of its party leaders are women.
  • 25 January: in Medellín (Colombia) Attorney Carlos Mauro Hoyos is murdered.
  • 25 January: in Colombia, after a week in captivity by the Cartel de Medellín, Andrés Pastrana, candidate for the municipal office of Bogotá, is released.
  • January 28: In East Berlin, the theoretical physicist Klaus Fuchs died, known for providing the USSR with information on the atomic bomb.
  • January 31: the first round of the presidential elections in Ecuador takes place.


  • 4 February: The United States Congress, by 219 votes to 211, rejects Ronald Reagan's proposal to grant $26 million to the Contras de Nicaragua (which seeks to turn the democratic government of that country).
  • February 5: In the Soviet Union, the Supreme Court claims the memory of Nikolai Bujarin and Alexei Rykov, executed by Stalin's order in 1938.
  • February 6: Argentina and Brazil invite Uruguay to join the future Argentine-Brazilian common market.
  • 7 February: In Sao Tome and Principe, the FNRSTP (the National Resistance Front of Sao Tome and Principe) gives a coup against President Da Costa, which would be suffocated.
  • 10 February: NATO accepts the model proposed by the Spanish Government to cooperate in defending the territory of the Alliance.
  • 13 February: In the Black Sea in Soviet jurisdictional waters, the collision of American warships with other Soviets occurs.
  • February 14: Alfredo Stroessner is last re-elected as president of Paraguay.
  • February 15: In Finland, Mauno Koivisto is elected president.
  • February 16: By consensual election in the Spanish Courts, the Ombudsman Alvaro Gil-Robles replaces Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez.
  • February 18: The Soviet Politburo replaces Boris Yeltsin in the struggle sustained by the implantation of perestroika.
  • 19 February: the European Monetary System proposes the ecu (European account unit) as a common currency.
  • 21 February:
    • In the U.S., Pastor Swaggart, a well-known tele-evangelist, causes a scandal on U.S. television by publicly confessing his sexual “sins”.
    • in Spain, Julio Anguita is appointed secretary general of the PCE.
  • February 23: In Israel, Jaim Herzog is elected president.
  • 24 February:
    • in Madrid, ETA kidnapped the businessman Emiliano Revilla.
    • in the United States, the Supreme Court revokes Larry Flynt, editor of the magazine HustlerTo compensate Jerry Falwell for defamation.
  • February 26: in Panama, Manuel Solís Palma became president, replacing Eric Arturo del Valle.
  • 27 February: Northern Spain is affected by strong snowfalls that leave numerous villages in Cantabria and Asturias incommunicado.


  • March 1st: In North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, an experiment with methadone begins, which is provided free of charge to heroins.
  • March 3: Fernando Hiriart Balderrama was director of the CFE and is appointed new Secretary of Energy, Mines and Parastatal Industry.
  • 5 March: in Turks and Caicos Islands the Constitution after being checked.
  • 10 March:
    • in Klosters (Austria), an avalanche hits the group of skiers among those who find Prince Charles of Wales; he is saved, but killed Major Hugh Lindsay and injured another member of the group, Patti Palmer-Tomkinson.
    • in Medellin, Colombia, the Cartel of Medellin explodes at the headquarters of the newspaper El Colombiano.
  • 13 March: In Colombia the first popular elections of mayors are held in the 1988 Colombia regional elections.
  • 13 March: In Japan the Seikan Tunnel, which unites the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido, was inaugurated.
  • 14 March: In Lima, Peru, the National Museum is inaugurated.
  • March 16: In the Iran-Contra case, the U.S. government accuses Lieutenant Oliver North and Vice Admiral John Poindexter of plotting to deceive the United States.
  • 17 March: in Colombia, near the border with Venezuela, a plane from Avianca flying from Cartagena to Cúcuta is crashed (See Flight 410 from Avianca).
  • March 20: In El Salvador, the ultra-rightist ARENA party (Nationalist Republican Alliance), headed by Alfredo Cristiani, won the legislative and municipal elections. Born Cristtiam Diaz Cardiett at 6:30am
  • March 23: in Sapoá, Nicaragua, a ceasefire agreement was signed between the Socialist Government and the Contra (organized and supported by the U.S. CIA), with programs for the country's pacification.
  • March 27: The fourth edition of WrestleMania is held from the Historic Atlantic City Hall in New Jersey.
  • 30 March: in Hungary is the Fidesz party (acronym of Fiatal Demokraták Szövetsége which means Hungarian Civic Union.


  • April 6: African American explorer Matthew Henson is taken to the Arlington National Cemetery and placed near the Robert Peary Explorer monument.
  • April 14: In the Persian Gulf—in the framework of Operation Earnest Will, in the war between Iran and Iraq—the U.S. warship Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) It is seriously damaged by impacting an Iranian naval mine.
  • April 18: the U.S. Navy—in the framework of Operation Religious Mantis, in the Iran-Iraq war—sweeps a frigate, a cannon and three Iranian boats and bombs two Iranian oil platforms as a retaliation for the damage suffered four days before by the USS Samuel B. Roberts.
  • April 20: In the city of Los Mochis (Mexico), a robbery was recorded against a bank branch where for 24 hours the assailants had 40 hostages under their command, the final balance was 4 dead, and 30 million pesos were taken by the assailants.
  • April 24: the first round of the presidential elections in France is held.
  • April 30: in Dublin, Ireland, the song Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi, by the Canadian singer Céline Dion, wins by Switzerland the XXXIII Edition of Eurovision.


  • 8 May:
    • in France the second round of presidential elections is held.
    • in Ecuador, Rodrigo Borja is elected new president.
  • 10 May: In Denmark, parliamentary elections are held.
  • May 21: In Argentina, Deportivo Mandiyú (from Corrientes is proclaimed champion of the First National B. It is the first team in the country to promote the First Division.
  • May 29: in Guayaquil (Ecuador) one of the largest stadiums in the world is inaugurated, the Isidro Romero Carbo Monumental Stadium and its maximum capacity has been 92 000 people in January 1998. The owner team is the Barcelona Sporting Club.


  • 5 June: the first round of the legislative elections in France is held.
  • 10 June: the Euro Cup 1988 is inaugurated in Germany.
  • 12 June: in France the second round of the legislative elections is held.
  • June 15: rocket launches Ariane 4.
  • June 18: In London, the British band Depeche Mode releases 101, its first live album.
  • 20 June: there is a 6.2 earthquake in the Philippines that leaves 2 dead and 4 wounded.
  • 25 June: the Dutch team is the champion of the 1988 Euro Cup.
  • 26 June: In Habsheim, France, the French Air France Flight 296 crashes, leaving 3 people dead and 50 wounded.
    • in Brazil is founded the YouTube Space Rio website
    • Hector Lavoe makes a suicide attempt by throwing himself out the window of a ninth floor at the Regency Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • June 27: Mike Tyson defeats by knock out Michael Spinks in combat for the world title of heavyweights.


  • 1 July: in Genk (Belgium), the KFC Winterslag and the Waterschei Thor are merged by creating the Koninklijke Racing Club Genk.
  • 3 July:
    • the U.S. cruise Vincennes fires missiles against an Iranian civilian aircraft Airbus (Vuelo 655 of Iran Air), killing its 290 occupants. President George W. Bush will decorate the head of the cruise, and he will say: "I don't care what the facts say: I will never apologize for the United States [...] Life continues."
    • in Venezuela begins broadcasts the company Televén.
    • in Cali, Colombia, I know starts the broadcasts of the third regional television channel in the Colombian Southwest Telepacífico.
  • 6 July:
    • in Mexico's elections he wins the victory of Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
    • In the North Sea 167 people died when a major explosion destroys the oil platform Piper Alpha.
  • July 12: The European Union of Football Associations grants the "Placa de la UEFA" to the Juventus Football Club in Geneva (Switzerland) as the first club in the history of European football in having won the three main confederal competitions. The award was collected by the president of the Italian club, Giampiero Boniperti, from the hands of the president of the European Confederation of Football, Jacques Georges.
  • July 16: Michael Jackson presents himself at WEMBLEY Stadium (LONDRES)
  • July 18: declaration of peace between Iran and Iraq.
  • 20 July:
    • In Colombia, the guerrilla group M-19 liberates the conservative leader Alvaro Gómez Hurtado.
    • is captured by the Bolivian police by the Bolivian narco-trafficker and rancher Roberto Suárez Gómez.
  • 31 July: in Jordan, King Hussein resigns from the territory of the West Bank, occupied by Israel since 1967, to promote the creation of an independent Palestinian state.


  • 2 August: in Washington, United States, Vice President George H. W. Bush (father) states at a press conference: "I don't care what the facts say: I will never apologize for the United States," referring to the incident that occurred a month before (3 July 1988), in which the U.S. cruiser Vincennes shot down with a missile to the Iranian Airbus A-300 civilian aircraft, killing its 290 occupants.
  • August 6, Colombia celebrates the 450 years of the foundation of Bogotá.
    • In Burma, an earthquake leaves 35 dead and 30 wounded.
  • 10 August: in Quito, Ecuador, delegations from 70 countries and 40 international agencies attend the inauguration of Rodrigo Borja.
  • August 11: In Peshawar (Pakistan), Osama bin Laden, Aymán al Zawahirí, Sayyid Imam al Sharif and Abdula Azzam meet to found the Al Qaeda terrorist network.
  • 18 August: in Santander, Spain, the Campos de Sport de El Sardinero is inaugurated.
  • August 20: Iran-Irak War is over. (?)
  • 21 August: a earthquake shakes the border area between India and Nepal, causing more than 750 fatalities.
  • August 23: 289 m underground, in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 10:30 a.m. (local time), United States simultaneously detonates its atomic bombs Harlingen 1 and Harlingen 22 and 20 kt. It is the bombs n. 1079 and 1080 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • August 28: At the American base of Ramstein (Germany), an air accident occurs during the Flugtag air show. 67 spectators and 3 pilots lost their lives and 346 people were injured of different consideration.
  • August 30: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada, at 10:00 local time, the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 1081, Bullfrog, of 33 kt to 489 m underground.


  • September 1st: Starts ECO broadcasts, the first global news system in Spanish-speaking.
  • September 1st: Canada launches its broadcasts on the YTV channel.
  • September 3: Pope John Paul II beatifies the young Laura Vicuña.
  • September 4th: the San Carlos de Apoquindo Stadium is inaugurated.
  • 9 September: the majority of Bangladés is denied after the Brahmaputra River is overflowing. 800 people die and 25 million more are left homeless.
  • September 10: in Mexico, Carlos Salinas de Gortari is declared president.
  • 12 September: In the Peruvian city of Pucallpa (Ucayali department), the Shining Path terrorist gang murders eight “cabros, prostis and fumones” in front of a group of journalists, with the aim of intimidating the population.
  • 17 September: the 1988 Seoul Olympics are opened.
Trajectory of Hurricane Gilbert.
  • September 17: In Mexico, Hurricane Gilberto originates one of the greatest natural disasters in the history of the city of Monterrey.
  • September 17: In Pamplona, Spain, the festival of heavy metal Monsters of Rock is held, where Helloween, Metallica and Iron Maiden act.
  • September 18: A coup d ' état is perpetrated in Burma.
  • September 18: A coup d ' état is perpetrated in Haiti.
  • 18 September: General elections are held in Sweden.
  • 27 September: in the province of Malaga, Spain, Torremolinos is segregated from Malaga and is constituted as a municipality.
  • September 28: In Iceland, Steingrímur Hermansson assumes the position of prime minister.


  • 1 October: in the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev is unanimously elected president of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, and consequently head of the Soviet State.
  • 2 October: the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games are closed.
  • October 5: In Chile, Augusto Pinochet is defeated in the 1988 national plebiscite to renew his mandate, with 56% of the votes against and 44% in favor.
  • October 8: the first metro line of the city of Valencia, Line 1 in Spain is inaugurated.
  • October 10: In the United States, the video game Super Mario Bros is released. 2 (Super Mario USA in Japan).
  • October 10: In the United States, Batman (1989 film) is started in Pinewood Studios
  • October 17: Mexico inaugurated the Tampico bridge, which unites the states of Veracruz and Tamaulipas.
  • 18 October: processing of members of the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups.
  • October 20: In Spain, the Courts approve the Law on Assisted Reproduction Techniques, which prohibits mothers from making such a role in that country.
  • October 26: In the Centennial Stadium of Montevideo, Uruguay, the National Club of Football is dedicated champion of the Copa Libertadores de América by defeating 3 to 0 Newell's Old Boys de Rosario (global 3 to 1).
  • October 27th: first opening trip of the plane ATR 72.
  • October 28: France authorizes the abortive pill known as anti-gestagen RU 486.
  • October 29: in the town of El Amparo de Apure, in the municipality of Páez (Venezuela) there is the massacre of El Amparo, with the result of 14 fishermen killed.


  • November 3: Naguib Mahfuz receives the 1988 Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • 6 November: An earthquake in Yunnam (South-West China) causes 939 deaths, 7,700 wounded and substantial material losses.
  • 6 November: A referendum on the Matignon agreements is held in France.
  • 6 November: In the UK, exbeatle Ringo Starr (48) enters an alcohol rehabilitation centre.
  • November 8: In the United States, Republican Vice President George H. W. Bush is elected new president by beating the Democrat Michael Dukakis by an overwhelming majority of 426 electoral votes in front of 111 Democrats.
    George H. W. Bush wins presidential elections.
  • 8 November: in Puerto Rico, Rafael Hernández Colon is reelected governor. This would be your last term. It gets 871, 858 votes front 820,342 from Baltasar Corrada del Rio.
  • 9 November: in two tunnels separated to 289 meters underground, in the U3lk and U6i areas of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 12:15 (local time), the United States simultaneously detonates its atomic bombs n.o 1083 and 1084, Monahans 1 and 2, of less than 20 kt respectively.
  • November 19: He died at the age of 37 in Tortuguitas Buenos Aires (Argentina) Christina Onassis Livanos, daughter of the Greek billionaire magnate Aristóteles Onassis because of a pulmonary edema, his body was found by his governor in the bathtub of a country club Tortugas, in Buenos Aires.
  • November 19: In Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 17th edition of the OTI Festival is held. The theme of the host country "You are still my wife" by soloist Guillermo Guido is the winner.
  • 20 November: in Madrid (Spain), the artist Antonio Mingote takes over the chair R of the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • 21 November: Federal elections are held in Canada.
  • 25 November: The Canadian province of Quebec is shaken by an earthquake of 5.9, meaning by millions of people and damaging many buildings.


  • December 1st: in Mexico, Carlos Salinas de Gortari took office as president.
  • 2 December: a cyclone in Bangladés kills several thousand people and leaves 5 million homeless.
  • 4 December: in Venezuela, Carlos Andrés Pérez wins the elections for the second time.
  • 7 December: In Armenia (then part of the Soviet Union) an earthquake of 6.8 on the Richter scale kills nearly 25 000, wounds 15 000 and leaves homeless 400 000 people.
  • 9 December: an earthquake amasses the Republic of Armenia. The earthquake causes more than 50 000 dead according to the first estimates.
  • 9 December: Spain approves the implementation of the international track width in the high-speed lines and the production of a technical report to replace the width of the Spanish railway before 2010.
  • 9 December: in the U8n area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:15 (local time) United States detonates its Kawich Blue-4 atomic bomb (less than 20 kt, on the surface) and Kawich White-3 (from 3 kt, in a well at 384 m depth). It is the bombs n. 1087 and 1088 of the 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 10 December: in a well 400 meters underground, in the U12n.23 area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 12:30 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 1089: Misty Echo, 25 kt.
  • 14 December: In Spain, 8 million workers (convoked by the UGT unions and the Workers' Commissions) paralyze the country with a general strike (14-D).
  • 15 December: the UN recognizes the existence of the Palestinian State.
  • 20 December: in Vienna, Austria, representatives of 49 countries sign a convention against drug trafficking.
  • 21 December: In Scotland, near the border with England, a Pan Am plane flying from Frankfurt to New York is crashed and exploded, killing its 259 occupants (See Pan Am Flight 103).
  • in Argentina the unified alphabet of the Mapuche language is approved.
  • in Brisbane, Australia, the 1988 Universal Exhibition is held.
  • The National Securities Market Commission is established in Spain.
  • In San Antonio, Chile, the golden generation of the Colegio Instituto del Puerto is rising.



  • 1 January: Aliya Garayeva, Azerbaijani gymnast.
  • January 1st: Dallas Keuchel, American baseball player.
  • January 1st: Alex Howes, American cyclist.
  • January 2: Satomi Akesaka, actress, seiyū and Japanese singer.
  • January 5: Alba Ribas, Spanish actress.
  • January 7: Haley Bennett, American actress.
  • January 7: Jhoulys Chacín, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • January 7: Robert Sheehan, Irish actor.
  • January 7: Hardwell, DJ and Dutch producer.
  • January 8: Carlos Borja, American footballer.
  • January 8: Lasse Nielsen, Danish footballer.
  • January 8: Jean Carlos Solórzano, a Costa Rican footballer.
  • January 8: Joel Amoroso, Argentine footballer.
  • January 9: Carlos Peña, singer and Guatemalan composer.
  • January 9: Marc Crosas, Spanish footballer.
  • January 12: Romi Rain, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • January 12: Marco Torsiglieri, Argentine footballer.
  • January 13: Tomás Rincón, Venezuelan footballer.
  • January 14th Forum Esther Borao Moros, Spanish industrial engineer.
  • January 15: Skrillex (Sonny John Moore), DJ and American producer.
  • January 16: Nicklas Bendtner, Danish footballer.
  • January 17: Mykola Morozyuk, Ukrainian footballer.
  • January 18: Angelique Kerber, German tennis player.
  • January 19: Javier Modrego, Spanish footballer.
  • January 20: Elderson Echiéjilé, Nigerian footballer.
  • January 22: Marcel Schmelzer, German footballer.
  • January 23: Semíramis González, cultural manager, historian and curator of Spanish art.
  • January 24: Jade Ewen, British singer.
  • January 24: Dorlan Pabon, Colombian footballer.
  • January 29: Gervasio Núñez, Argentine footballer.
  • January 29: Josip Iličić, a Slovenian footballer.
  • January 29: Denys Boyko, Ukrainian footballer.
  • January 29: Ryujiro Ueda, Japanese footballer.
  • January 29: Isabel García Carrión, football player Spanish room.
  • January 29: Mohamed Darwish, Egyptian york.
  • January 29: Ramadan Darwish, Egyptian york.
  • January 29: Catrin Stewart, Welsh actress.
  • January 29: Jessica Iskandar, Indonesian actress, singer and comedian.
  • January 29: Ayobami Adebayo, a Nigerian writer.
  • January 29: Johny Placide, Franco-haitian footballer.
  • January 29: Antonio Romero, Argentine footballer.
  • January 29: Joan Crespo, Spanish penguinist.
  • January 29: Tatiana Chernova, Russian athlete.
  • January 29: Stephanie Gilmore, Australian surfer.
  • January 30: Claudia Fernández, Bolivian journalist, wife of Vice President Álvaro García Linera.
  • January 30: Zulma Rey, Colombian actress and model.


  • February 1st: Andie Valentino, American pornographic actress.
  • February 3: Cho Kyuhyun South Korean singer, Super Junior band
  • February 4: Carly Patterson, American gymnast.
  • February 4: Dallas Lovato, American singer and actress.
  • February 7: Ai Kago, Japanese singer, Morning Musume band.
  • February 7: Matthew Stafford, American football player.
  • February 7: Hans Van Themsche, skinhead and Belgian racist killer.
  • February 8: Nozomi Sasaki, Japanese actress, singer and model.
  • February 10: Jeanmar Gómez, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • February 10: Asuka Nishi, Japanese voice actress.
  • February 12: Afshan Azad, British Indian-born actress.
  • February 12: Mike Posner, American singer.
  • February 12: Nicolás Otamendi, Argentine footballer.
  • February 12: Nana Eikura, Japanese actress, model and talent.
  • 13 February: Laura Londoño, Colombian actress and model.
  • February 13: Irene Montero, Spanish politician and psychologist.
Angel Di Maria
  • February 14: Angel Di María, Argentine footballer.
  • February 16: Diego Capel, Spanish footballer.
  • February 16: Kim Soo-hyun, South Korean actor.
  • February 17: Natascha Kampusch, Austrian personality.
  • February 17: Dmytro Nepogodov, Ukrainian footballer.
  • February 18: Lasso, singer, composer and Venezuelan actor.
  • February 18: Maiara Walsh, American-Brazilian actress and singer.
  • February 20: Rihanna, a barbarist.
  • February 20: Ki Bo Bae, South Korean archer.
  • February 22: Ximena Navarrete, Mexican model, Miss Universe 2010.
  • February 23: Miguel Ángel Sánchez Muñoz, Spanish footballer.
  • February 25: Gerald McCoy, American football player.
  • February 26: Héctor Rondón, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • February 26: Sven Kums Belgian footballer.
  • February 27: JD Natasha, American singer.
  • February 28: Markéta Irglová, singer, songwriter and Czech actress.
  • February 28: Candela Márquez, Spanish actress.
  • February 28: Jonas Elmer, Swiss footballer.
  • February 28: Gerardo Vonder Putten, Uruguayan footballer.
  • February 28: Kalú Gastelum, Mexican footballer.
  • February 28: Victor Hugo Melgar, Bolivian footballer.
  • February 28: Jumma Genaro, Sudanese footballer.
  • February 29: Benedikt Höwedes, German footballer.
  • February 29: Mikel Balenziaga, Spanish footballer.
  • February 29: Fredixon Elvir, Honduran footballer.
  • February 29: Fabiano, Brazilian footballer.
  • February 29: Lena Gercke, German model.
  • February 29: Mirzohid Farmonov, yudoca uzbeko.
  • February 29: Luciano Cigno, Argentine footballer.
  • February 29: Pauline Kwalea, salomon athlete.
  • February 29: Hannah Mills, British sailor.
  • February 29: Blaine Scully, American rugby player.
  • February 29: Stefania Tarenzi, Italian footballer.


  • March 2: James Arthur, British singer.
  • March 6: Paloma Bloyd, Spanish actress.
  • March 6: Agnes Carlsson, Swedish singer.
  • March 8: Jahmir Hyka, Albanian footballer.
  • March 9: Elena Furiase, Spanish actress.
  • March 10: Ivan Rakitić, Croatian-Swiss footballer of Bosnian descent.
  • March 10: Andrés Felipe Muñoz Franco, Colombian skater.
  • March 11: Fábio Coentrão, Portuguese footballer.
  • March 11: Canserbero, Venezuelan rapper (f. 2015).
  • March 14: Stephen Curry, American basketball player.
  • March 15: Sebastián Blanco, Argentine soccer player.
  • March 16: Chigeira Sang, Dominican economist.
  • March 17: Grimes (Claire Boucher), Canadian singer.
  • March 18: María Teresa Barreto, Colombian actress.
  • March 19: Clayton Kershaw, American baseball player.
  • March 19: José Montiel, Paraguayan footballer.
  • March 20: Alberto Bueno, Spanish footballer.

Cristtiam Diaz Cardiett, Venezuelan physician

  • March 21: Gabriela Isler, model, queen of beauty and seventh Miss Universe Venezuelan 2013.
Brenda Song
  • March 27: Brenda Song, an American actress of Thai origin.
Jessie J
  • March 27: Jessie J, British composer and singer.
  • March 28: Geno Atkins, American football player.


  • April 1: Abel Azcona, Spanish artist and writer.
  • April 4: Mauro Formica, Argentine footballer.
  • April 5: Daniela Luján, Mexican actress and singer.
  • April 5: Violeta Bergonzi, presenter and colombo-francesa model.
  • April 7: Edward Speleers, British film actor and producer.
  • April 8: Joel Berghult, singer, composer, youtuber and Swedish comedian.
  • April 8: Stephanie Cayo, Peruvian actress, singer and model.
  • April 9: Uee, South Korean singer and actress.
Haley Joel Osment
  • April 10: Haley Joel Osment, American actor.
  • April 10: Alicia Sanz, Spanish actress.
  • April 12: Pierre Bengtsson, Swedish footballer.
  • April 13: Anderson Luis de Abreu Oliveira, Brazilian footballer.
  • April 13: Quavas Kirk, American footballer.
  • April 15: Eliza Doolittle, British singer.
  • April 15: Manami Numakura, seiyū and Japanese singer.
  • April 16: Jullie, singer and Brazilian actress.
  • April 17: Takahiro Morita, Japanese band vocalist One Ok Rock.
  • April 18: Pierrick Valdivia, French footballer.
  • April 19: Raúl Mérida, Spanish actor.
  • April 19: Haruna Kojima, actress, model and former Japanese idol.
  • April 21: Robbie Amell, Canadian actor.
  • April 21: Jencarlos Canela, Cuban-American actor and singer.
Sara Paxton
  • April 25: Sara Paxton, American actress.
  • April 26: Macarena García, Spanish actress and singer.
  • April 28: Juan Mata, Spanish footballer.
  • April 30: Ana de Armas, Cuban actress.


  • 4 May: Llimoo, comic and Spanish actor.
  • May 5: Adele, British singer.
  • May 10: Adam Lallana, English footballer.
  • May 12: Marcelo Vieira, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 15: Skye Sweetnam, Canadian singer.
  • May 17: Monica Ojeda, Ecuadorian writer.
  • May 18: Koji Seto, actor, model and Japanese singer.
  • May 18: Taeyang, singer, rapper, dancer, model, composer and South Korean choreographer, member of the Big Bang group.
  • May 21: Jonny Howson, British footballer.
  • May 24: Billy Gilman, American singer and composer.
  • May 24: Daniella Álvarez, Colombian model and presenter.
  • May 25: Adrián González, Spanish footballer.
  • May 26: Juan Guillermo Cuadrado, Colombian footballer.
  • May 28: Craig Kimbrel, American baseball player.
  • May 29: Ridge Holland, football player of the rugby league and British professional fighter.


  • June 1st: Nami Tamaki, Japanese singer.
  • June 1st: Javier Hernández Balcázar, Mexican footballer.
  • June 1st: Domagoj Duvnjak, Croatian basketball.
  • 2 June: Sergio Agüero, Argentine footballer.
  • June 2: Abigail Mac, American pornographic actress.
  • June 3: Tomomi Nakagawa, Japanese gravure-idol.
  • June 3: Kerry King, Slayer guitarist.
  • June 7: Michael Cera, Canadian actor.
  • June 8: Reinaldo Zavarce, actor, singer and Venezuelan model.
Mae Whitman
  • June 9: Mae Whitman, American actress.
  • June 9: Cinthya Calderón, Peruvian model.
  • June 10: Susana Abril, Spanish porn actress.
  • June 11: Claire Holt, Australian actress.
  • June 11: Yui Aragaki, actress, model, singer and Japanese seiyū.
  • June 13: Cody Walker, American actor.
  • June 14: Adrian Aldrete, Mexican footballer.
  • June 15: Cristopher Toselli, Chilean footballer.
  • June 15: Rosanna Zanetti, Venezuelan actress and model.
Josh Dune
  • June 18: Josh Dun, Twenty One Pilots Battery.
  • June 19: Jacob deGrom, American baseball player.
  • June 20: Adam Hann, British guitarist and musician, member of the British band The 1975.
  • June 21: Isaac Vorsah, Ghanaian footballer.
  • June 22: Miguel Layún, Mexican footballer.
  • June 23: Chellsie Memmel, American gymnast.
  • June 24: Nichkhun, rapper, actor, singer and American dancer of Thai origin, member of the 2PM group.
  • June 26: Remy LaCroix, American pornographic actress.
  • June 27: Alanna Masterson, American actress.
  • June 27: Ivan Kovačec, Croatian footballer.
  • June 29: Troy Deeney, British footballer.
  • June 30: Sean Marquette, American actor.


  • 2 July: Porta, Spanish rap singer.
  • July 3: Laura Redondo, Spanish athlete.
  • July 4: Angelique Boyer, Franco-Mexican actress.
  • July 7: Rodolfo Zelaya, Salvadoran footballer.
  • July 9: Kimberly Reyes, Colombian actress and model.
  • July 10: Miracle Valero, Venezuelan politics.
  • July 12: Natalie La Rose, Dutch singer and model.
  • July 12: Risa Taneda, Japanese seiyū.
  • July 13: Colton Haynes, American actor
  • July 13: DJ LeMahieu, American baseball player.
  • July 14: Conor McGregor Joint Martial Artist of UFC and Irish businessman.
  • July 14: Lorena del Castillo, Mexican actress.
  • July 16: Sergio Busquets, Spanish footballer.
  • July 19: Shane Dawson, American comedian.
  • July 19: Trent Williams, American football player.
  • July 20: Julianne Hough American dancer.
Yuriko Yoshitaka
  • July 22: Yuriko Yoshitaka, Japanese actress.
  • July 22: Lorent Saleh, Venezuelan activist
  • July 23: Yuri Vargas, Colombian actress.
  • July 23: Pablo Holman, singer, musician, guitarist and Chilean composer, of the Kudai band.
  • July 25: Paulinho, Brazilian footballer.
  • July 26: Sayaka Akimoto, Japanese actress, singer and model, AKB48 graduate.


  • August 4th: Tom Parker, British singer, The Wanted band.
  • August 5: Federica Pellegrini, Italian swimmer.
  • August 6, Spencer Matthews, British television personality.
  • August 8: Flavia Bujor, French writer.
  • August 8: Veer Mahaan, professional fighter and Indian baseball player.
  • August 9: Nozomi Yamamoto, Japanese voice actress.
  • August 10: Daniela Pachón, a Colombian journalist.
  • 13 August: MØ, Danish singer.
  • August 16: Kevin Schmidt, American actor.
  • 17 August: Erika Toda, Japanese actress.
  • August 18: G-Dragon, South Korean hip-hop singer, Big Bang band.
  • August 19: Veronica Roth, American writer, author of the saga Divergent.
Robert Lewandowski
  • August 21: Robert Lewandowski, Polish footballer.
Rupert Grint
  • August 24: Rupert Grint, British actor.
  • August 26: Elvis Andrus, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • August 27: Alexa Vega, American actress.
  • August 28: María Laura Quintero, Colombian actress and model.
  • August 30: Víctor Claver, Spanish basketball player.
  • August 31: David Ospina, Colombian footballer.


  • September 2nd: Javier Martínez Aguinaga, Spanish footballer.
  • September 3: Jérôme Boateng, German footballer of Ghanaian origin.
  • September 5: Nuri Sahin, Turkish footballer.
  • September 5: Felipe Caicedo, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • September 6: Max George, British singer, The Wanted band.
  • September 7: Kevin Love, American basketball player.
  • September 7: Isabel Burr, Mexican actress.
  • September 8: Gustav Schäfer, German drummer, from the Tokyo Hotel band.
  • September 9: Michelle Renaud, Mexican actress.
  • September 9: Ai Kakuma, Japanese seiyū.
  • 11 September: Angela Leiva, Argentinean singer.
  • September 14: Shizuka Ishigami, Japanese voice actress.
  • September 14: Geri Hoops, Chilean dancer.
  • September 15: Zena Grey, American actress.
  • September 15: Chelsea Kane, American actress and singer.
  • September 16: Darlan Cunha, Brazilian actor.
  • September 17: Stephen Sunday, Nigerian footballer.
  • September 19: Faye Reagan, American pornographic actress.
Ayano ⋅moto
  • September 20: Ayano ⋅moto, Japanese singer and dancer, from the Perfume band.
  • September 20: Jabib Nurmagomedov, Russian mixed martial art fighter.
  • September 20: Carlos Torres, Colombian actor.
  • September 21: Daniela Camaiora, Peruvian actress and singer.
  • September 23: Juan Martín del Potro, Argentine tennis player.
  • September 23: Kairi Sane, Japanese professional fighter.
  • September 25: Mariya Ise, Japanese actress and voice actress.
  • September 26: Guillermo Burdisso, Argentine footballer.
  • September 26: Buddy Matthews, Australian professional fighter.
  • 28 September: Marin Čilić, Bosnian tennis player, Croatian nationalized.
  • September 28: Olivia Jordan, American model, Miss Usa 2015.
  • September 28: Caio Cardoso de Melo, actor of bent and Brazilian police (f. 2015).
  • September 29: Grigor Stoyanovich, fictional character of the video game Empire Earth.
  • September 29: Kevin Durant, American basketball player.


  • October 1st: Cariba Heine, South African actress.
  • October 4: Junior Fernandes, Chilean footballer.
  • October 4: Derrick Rose, American basketball player.
  • October 4: Melissa Benoist, American actress.
  • October 6: KSHMR, American Indian DJ.
  • October 7: Diego Costa, Brazilian nationalized Spanish footballer.
  • October 11: Omar González, American footballer.
  • October 11: Ricochet, American professional fighter.
  • October 14: Ceyda Ateş, Turkish actress.
  • October 15: Mesut Özil, German footballer.
  • October 17: Marina Salas, Spanish actress.
  • October 17: Tori Matsuzaka, Japanese actor and model.
  • October 17: Yüko Oshima, Japanese actress and singer, graduated member of AKB48.
Candice Swanepoel
  • October 19: Irene Escolar, Spanish film, theatre and television actress.
  • October 20: Candice Swanepoel, South African model.
  • October 21: Blanca Suárez, Spanish actress.
  • October 21: Elías Viñoles, an Argentine actor.
  • October 22: Katherine David, Bolivian model.
  • October 28: Edd Gould, British animator (f. 2012).
  • October 29: Andy King, British footballer.
  • October 30: Cristina Pedroche, model, actress and presenter.
  • October 30: Janel Parrish, American actress.
  • October 31: Sébastien Buemi, Swiss Formula 1 pilot.


  • 1 November: Masahiro Tanaka, Japanese baseball player.
  • November 2: Eddy Vilard, Mexican actor of Spanish origin.
  • November 2: Anupam Tripathi, Indian actor.
  • November 3: Angus McLaren, Australian actor.
  • 5 November: Auronplay, youtuber Spanish.
Emma Stone
  • November 6: Emma Stone, American actress.
  • 6 November: Conchita Wurst (Tom Neuwirth), Austrian singer.
  • 7 November: Alexander Mejía, Colombian footballer.
  • November 8: Silvia Núñez del Arco, a Peruvian writer.
  • November 12: Russell Westbrook, American basketball player.
  • 13 November: Beto Villa Jr, Colombian actor and singer.
  • 14 November: Nanase Hoshii, Japanese actress, singer and talent.
  • November 16: Siva Kaneswaran, Irish singer, The Wanted band.
  • November 17: Justin Cooper, American actor.
  • November 22: Jamie Campbell Bower, British actor.
  • November 22: Jessica Vall, Spanish swimmer.
  • November 23: Dmytro Lyopa, Ukrainian footballer.
  • November 26: Tamsin Egerton, British actress and model.
  • November 26: Yumi Kobayashi, Japanese model.
  • November 29: Damon Harrison, American football player.
  • November 29: Dana Brooke, American professional fighter.


  • December 1st: Tyler Joseph, singer of the group Twenty One Pilots.
  • December 1st: Presley Hart, American pornographic actress.
  • December 5: Ross Bagley, American actor.
  • December 7: Emily Browning, Australian actress.
  • December 7: Nathan Adrian, American swimmer.
  • December 9: María Nela Sinisterra, Colombian actress and model.
  • December 12: María Belén Potassa, Argentine footballer.
Vanessa Hudgens
  • December 14: Vanessa Hudgens, American actress and singer.
  • December 16: Anna Popplewell, British actress.
  • December 16: Park Seo-joon, South Korean actor and singer.
  • December 16: Mats Hummels, German footballer.
  • December 19: Alexis Sánchez, Chilean footballer
  • December 19: Casey Burgess, Australian actress
  • December 23: Eri Kamei, Japanese singer.
Yuka Kashino
  • December 23: Yuka Kashino, Japanese singer and dancer, from the Perfume band.
  • December 23: Georgina Latre, Spanish actress.
  • December 23: Eliana Ramos, Uruguayan model victim of anorexia with his sister model Luisel Ramos (f. 2007).
  • December 27: Hayley Williams, American singer.
  • December 27: Ok Taecyeon, South Korean rapper.
  • December 30: Mariano Werner, Argentine motor racing driver.
  • December 31: Edvin Kanka Cudic, Bosnian activist.

Unknown dates

  • Yendry Sánchez, Venezuelan schizophrenic.



  • Seoul Olympics 1988 (South Korea).
  • Calgary Winter Olympics (Canada). Qualified as one of the best in history.
  • Three Spaniards crown Everest on October 15.


  • Bandera de Alemania Bandera de los Países Bajos Euro Cup: The Netherlands proclaims itself champion defeating the Soviet Union by 2:0. The headquarters was the German Federal Republic, which got the third place next to Italy. Marco Van Basten was the scorer with five so many.
  • Bandera de Corea del Sur Bandera de la Unión Soviética Football in the JJOOs of Seoul: the Soviet Union won the gold medal, followed by Brazil (Plata) and Federal Germany (Bronce).
  • Bandera de Catar Bandera de Arabia Saudita Asian Cup: Saudi Arabia won South Korea in prison (4:3) in Qatar.
  • Bandera de Marruecos Bandera de Camerún African Cup of Nations: Cameroon defeated Nigeria on the minimum account, in the championship developed in Morocco.
  • Bandera de los Países Bajos UEFA Champions League: PSV Eindhoven earned the Benfica in a criminal definition (6:5).
  • Bandera de Uruguay Copa Libertadores de América: Nacional de Montevideo defeated Newell's Old Boys of Argentina.
  • Bandera de Uruguay Intercontinental Cup: National of Montevideo defeated PSV Eindhoven by means of criminals (7:6).
  • Bandera de Alemania UEFA Cup: Bayer Leverkusen won in Barcelona’s Spanish penaltis tanda after packing 3:3 in the overall elimination to double match.
  • Bandera de Bélgica European Super Cup: KV Mechelen by 3:1 to PSV Endhoven.
  • Bandera de Bélgica Coup Europe: KV Mechelen 1:0 to Ajax in Amsterdam.
  • Bandera de Argentina Supercopa Sudamericana: Racing Club de Avellaneda was crowned champion in front of the Cruzeiro de Brasil.

Champions by country in Europe:

  • Bandera de España Spain: Real Madrid
  • Bandera de Italia Italy: Football Club Internazionale Milano
  • Bandera de Inglaterra England: Liverpool
  • Bandera de Alemania Germany: Werder Bremen
  • Bandera de Francia France: AS Monaco
  • Bandera de los Países Bajos Netherlands: PSV Eindhoven
  • Bandera de Portugal Portugal: Porto
  • Bandera de la Unión Soviética Soviet Union: Dnipropetrovsk
  • Bandera de Escocia Scotland: Celtic
  • Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg Yugoslavia: Crvena Zvezda
  • Bandera de Rumania Romania: Steaua Bucuresti
  • Bandera de República Checa Czech Republic: Sparta Prague
  • Bandera de Bélgica Belgium: Brugge
  • Bandera de Suecia Sweden: Malmö FF
  • Bandera de Noruega Norway: Rosenborg

Champions by country in Latin America:

  • Bandera de Brasil Brazil: Esporte Clube Bahia, Bahia
  • Bandera de Argentina Argentina: Newell's Old Boys
  • Bandera de Uruguay Uruguay: Danubio
  • Bandera de Ecuador Ecuador: Emelec
  • Bandera de Bolivia Bolivia: Bolívar
  • Bandera de Chile Chile: Cobreloa
  • Bandera de Colombia *Colombian Professional Soccer: Millionaires (13th time).
  • Bandera de Paraguay Paraguay: Olimpia
  • Bandera de Perú Peru: Sporting Crystal
  • Bandera de México Mexico: America
  • Bandera de Costa Rica Costa Rica: Saprissa
  • Bandera de Venezuela Venezuela: CS Marítimo
  • Bandera de Surinam Suriname: Robinhood
  • Bandera de Francia French Guiana: Le Geldar


Golden Ball Marco Van BastenBandera de los Países BajosAC Milan Italy
King of America Ruben PazBandera de UruguayRacing Club Argentina
Pichichi Hugo SánchezBandera de MéxicoReal Madrid Spain
Eleven Gold Marco Van BastenBandera de los Países BajosAC Milan Italy
Trophy Bravo Eli OhanaBandera de IsraelKV Mechelen Belgium
Trofeo Zamora Paco BuyoBandera de EspañaReal Madrid Spain
Best World Player Marco Van BastenBandera de los Países BajosAC Milan Italy
Best Coach of the World Rinus MichelsBandera de los Países BajosNetherlands
Best World Team NetherlandsBandera de los Países Bajos
Spanish footballer "The League" Juan Antonio LarrañagaBandera de EspañaReal Society
Foreign Football "The League" AlemãoBandera de BrasilAtletico de Madrid
Football player Revelation "The League" Sebastian LosadaBandera de EspañaRCD English
Coach "The League" Leo BeenhakkerBandera de los Países BajosReal Madrid
South American DT of the Year Roberto FleitasBandera de UruguayNational Uruguay


  • Paris-Dakar: in cars, wins the Finnish Juha Kankkunen (Peugeot), and on motorcycles, the Italian Edi Orioli (Honda). Six people lost their lives among participants and spectators.
Ayrton Senna, Formula 1 champion in 1988.
  • Formula 1: Ayrton Senna is a world champion.
  • WRC: Massimo Biasion wins the title aboard a Lancia Delta Integrale
  • NASCAR: Bill Elliott wins title on board a Ford Thunderbird
  • CART: Danny Sullivan wins the title on board a Penske-Chevrolet
  • 500 Miles from Indianapolis: Rick Mears wins the competition
  • Motorcycle World Cup in 500 cc: American Eddie Lawson is proclaimed champion with Yamaha.
  • Motorcycle World Championship in 250 cc.: Spanish Sito Pons is proclaimed champion with Honda.
  • Road Tourism: Oscar Castellano wins his second championship on board a Dodge GTX
  • Tourism Competition 2000: Juan María Traverso wins his second championship on board a Renault Fuego


  • ACB League (Spain): FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion.
  • FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the Copa del Rey de Baloncesto (Spain).
  • FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the Prince of Asturias Cup of basketball (Spain).
  • NBA: Los Angeles Lakers proclaim themselves champions.


  • Tour de France:Pedro Delgado wins, after finishing second in 1987.
  • Giro de Italia: earned by American cyclist Andrew Hampsten.
  • Return cyclist to Spain: Irish cyclist Sean Kelly wins it.


  • Bandera de Alemania Steffi Graf won the United States Open with only 19 years. He also won Roland Garros, the Australian Open, Wimbledon and the Olympic Games, thus achieving a Golden Slam.
  • Bandera de Suecia Mats Wilander won the Roland Garros tennis tournament, the Australian Open and the United States Open.
  • Bandera de Suecia Stefan Edberg crowned Wimbledon champion by beating the German Boris Becker.
  • Bandera de Alemania Boris Becker won the Masters Cup after defeating Ivan Lendl for 5-7, 7-6, 3-6, 6-2, 7-6.
  • Bandera de Alemania The German Federal Republic crowned the Davis Cup champion by winning a 5-0 marker to Yugoslavia.
  • Open from Australia: Men: Mats Wilander to Pat Cash. Women: Steffi Graf to Chris Evert-Lloyd.
  • Roland Garros: Men: Mats Wilander to Henri Leconte. Women: Steffi Graf a Natasha Zvereva.
  • Wimbledon: Men: Stefan Edberg to Boris Becker. Women: Steffi Graf to Martina Navratilova.
  • US Open: Men: Mats Wilander to Ivan Lendl. Women: Steffi Graf to Gabriela Sabatini.


  • Bandera de Chile Central Chilean rugby Championship: Catholic Champion University.

Science and technology

1988 convertible cars.
  • January 9: scientists at the Whitehead Institute in Boston manage to isolate the gene responsible for human sex (TDF), located in chromosome Y, which is present only in men.
  • 7 July: Mission launch Phobos 1 a Mars.
  • 12 July: Mission launch Phobos 2 a Mars.
  • October 3: in the United States, the perfect landing of the Discovery space shuttle, successfully culminating in NASA's first mission since the Challenger's fatal crash in 1986.
  • 15 November: in the Soviet Union, the first and only flight of the Burán ferry, which turned two rounds to the Earth and landed in Baikonur on automatic regime
  • Andrew Tannenbaum brings out the Minix operating system.
  • Fundación de la ASI (Italian Space Agency).
  • Establishment of Juan Carlos I Base in Antarctica.
  • The World Health Organization begins a campaign to eradicate polio.
  • Peter Grünberg of Jülich Research Centre and Albert Fert of the University of Paris-Sud they discover the giant magnetorreistance in layers of pure crystal.
  • Ivan Sutherland wins the Turing Prize.
  • Michael Francis Atiyah wins Copley Medal.
  • The two ships Phobos Soviets are lost before reaching the planet Mars.
  • Engineers of the University of Berkeley (California) achieve, through the use of techniques very similar to those used for the manufacture of chips silicon, the construction of tiny engines.
  • Researchers attached to the University of Cambridge have managed to develop the first transistors based on the use of organic compounds.
  • The Karlsruhe nuclear research centre (RFA) develops a new technique for the storage of radioactive wastes based on the mixing of such wastes with concrete.
  • The Soviet strategic bomber capable of evading radar detection is presented to the press, baptized with the name Black Jackwhose long phase of development has been kept secret.
  • The world's longest submarine tunnel, between the islands of Honshū and Hokkaidō, is opened in Japan.
  • The installation work of the Digital Network of Integrated Services (RDSI) is initiated in Europe, a telecommunications network that can be used for the transmission of all types of digitalized information.
  • The fiber optics, the most modern system of cable transmission, made of very fine crystal threads that guide the light and allow to communicate the information almost without distortions.
  • In Culgoora, Australia, a group of 6 antennas of 22 meters of diameter is opened that can be moved east-west by means of a rail system.

Art and literature


  • Japan's Seikan Tunnel.
  • Scotia Plaza de Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Perth BankWest Tower, Western Australia, Australia.
  • The Wells Fargo Center sw Mineapolis, Minesota, United States.
  • The Pitampura TV Tower of New Delhi, India.
  • The Washington Mutual Tower of Seattle, Washington, United States.
  • Central Square 1 of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
  • One Kansas City Place de Kansas City, Missouri, United States.
World Financial Center skyscrapers, in front of the World Trade Center in New York.
  • World Financial Center in New York, New York, United States.
  • The Picasso Tower of Madrid, Spain.

Essays and philosophical works

  • The writer and the cinema and My room with swordsFrancisco Ayala.


  • Monument to peace (Zaragoza), by Francisca Bella Martín-Cano Abreu.

Literary publications

  • Songs for AltairRafael Alberti.
  • Christ versus Arizonafrom Camilo José Cela.
  • Axis on RilkeAntonio Martínez Sarrión.
  • The alchemistPaulo Coelho.
  • The garden of malicesFrancisco Ayala.
  • The teacher of fencingArturo Pérez-Reverte.
  • Foucault pendulum (Il pendolo di Foucault)Umberto Eco.
  • ElphistoneWhite Andreu.
  • Orpheus GardenAntonio Colinas.
  • The last move of Felipe CarilloAlfredo Bryce Echenique.
  • Memory of silenceby Luis Ernesto Luna Suárez, poet belonging to Los Traspolas.
  • Satanic VersesSalman Rushdie.



  • MotorAlvaro del Amo.
  • OperaSergi Belbel.


  • You won't kill Krzysztof Kieslowski.
  • A fish called Wanda brings together several members of the original cast of Monty Python.
  • Arde Mississippi by Alan Parker exposes racial problems in this sector of the United States.
  • Rain Man Barry Levinson's moves for Dustin Hoffman's performance and wins the Oscar for the best movie.
Sylvester Stallone, actor in Rambo III.
  • Rambo III
  • Laura, a great love
  • Crocodile Dundee II
  • The last emperor
  • Akira
  • Decalogue Krzysztof Kieslowski.
  • Hot young (Fresh Horses)David Anspaugh.
  • Women on the verge of a nerve attackfrom Pedro Almodóvar.
  • Onassis, the richest man in the worldWaris Hussein.
  • Another woman (Another woman)Woody Allen.
  • Passion of man José Antonio de la Loma.
  • Prison (Prison)Renny Harlin.
  • Red slang (Hong Gaoliang)Zhang Yimou.
  • WillowRon Howard.
  • Who tricked Roger Rabbit? (Who framed Roger Rabbit)Robert Zemeckis.
  • BeetlejuiceTim Burton.
  • Child's Play by Don Mancini
  • HairsprayJohn Waters.
  • Poltergeist IIIGary Sherman
  • Halloween 4: The Return of Michael MyersDwight H. Little

1988 Oscars Gala

  • Oscar the best movie: Rain Man.
  • Oscar the best director: Barry Levinson, by Rain Man.
Jodie Foster, Oscar-winning actress to the best actress in 1988.
  • Oscar the best actress: Jodie Foster, by Accused.
  • Oscar the best actor: Dustin Hoffman, by Rain Man.

III edition of the Goya Awards

  • Best movie: Women on the verge of a nerve attack.
  • Best director: Gonzalo Suárez (per Remaining to the wind).
  • Best actress: Carmen Maura (by Women on the verge of a nerve attack).
  • Best actor: Fernando Rey (by Winter Journal).




  • The 30th of April is celebrated the XXXIII edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in Dublin, Bandera de IrlandaIreland.
    • Winner: The singer Céline Dion with the song «Ne partez pas sans moi» representing Switzerland Bandera de Suiza.


  • Miguel Grandpa, singer of Los Abuelos de la Nada and pioneer of Argentine rock, dies victim of HIV/AIDS.
  • It forms the Peruvian band Nose who and Los Nose how many.
  • Andy Gibb, pop disc singer, youth idol and the youngest of the Gibb brothers (Los Bee Gees) died from acute heart inflammation on March 10. It's caused by her cocaine problems.
  • Bobby McFerrin arrives at Billboard's American lists for his song "Don't Worry, Be Happy". The theme made him win a Grammy.
  • Tracy Chapman gets Grammy in the category Best Vocal Interpretation Pop Femenina for his Fast Car song. Included in his eponymous debut.
  • Federico Moura, vocalist of the Argentine new wave band Virus, dies from the HIV/AIDS virus.


  • a-ha: Stay on These Roads
  • AC/DC: Blow Up Your Video
  • Airwolf: Victory Bells
  • Alberto Plaza: Black and white
  • Alejandra Guzmán: Bye mom
  • Alejandro Lerner: Songs
  • Ana Gabriel: Land of no one (13 September)
  • Andy Montañez: The eternal lover
  • Anthrax: State of Euphoria
  • Arena Hash: Arena Hash
  • Attacker: The Second Coming
  • The Beatles: Past Masters
  • B'z: B'z (21 September)
  • Bad Religion: Suffer
  • Barricada: Red
  • Gold Binomial: International (29 September)
  • Blind Guardian: Battalions of Fear
  • Bob Dylan: Down in the Groove
  • Bolt Thrower: In Battle There Is No Law
  • Bon Jovi: New Jersey
  • Helm Brocks: Black Death
  • Caifanes: Caifan (disco debut, also called Volume 1).
  • Carlos Mata: In love with you
  • Charges: Reek of Putrefaction
  • Celia Cruz & Ray Barretto: Ritmus in the heart
  • Chayanne: Chayanne II (1 November)
  • Cheap Trick: Lap of Luxury
  • Chicago: Chicago 19
  • Cloven Hoof: Dominator
  • Crimson Glory: Trascendence
  • Invisible Dance: In your reach
  • Death: Leprosy
  • Diomedes Díaz: He won the folklore.
  • Dire Straits: Money for Nothing (recopilatory).
  • Drive: Characters In Time
  • He hesitated: Dudo
  • Duran Duran: Big Thing
  • Dyango: Fall the night, Tango
  • Eric Clapton: "Crossroads" (recopilatory).
  • The Last of the Row: Like head to hat
  • Enya: "Watermark"
  • Europe: Out of This World
  • Eva Ayllón: He landed from life and I
  • Fania All-Stars: Bamboleo
  • Fito Páez: Hey!
  • Flans: Soul mate
  • Freddie Mercury: Barcelona
  • Glass Tiger: Diamond Sun
  • Guillermo Dávila: V
  • Guns N' Roses: G N' R Lies
  • Helloween: Keeper of the seven Keys Pt 2
  • Helstar: A Distant Thunder
  • Heretic: Breaking Point
  • Heroes of Silence: The sea does not cease
  • Men G: Shake before use
  • Iron Maiden: Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
  • Isabel Pantoja: From Andalusia
  • Jane's Addiction: Nothing's Shocking
  • Jean-Michel Jarre: Revolutions
  • Joaquín Sabina: The man in the grey suit
  • Joan Jett " The Blackhearts: Up Your Alley
  • José: Original Music of the movie "Sabor to Me"
  • José Luis Perales: Wait.
  • Judas Priest: Ram it Down
  • Julio Iglesias: Non Stop
  • Kenny G: Silhouette
  • Kiara: Kiara-How beautiful
  • Kiss: Smashes, Thrashes and Hits
  • Kraken: II
  • Kylie Minogue: Kylie
  • Can Girls: Caribbean
  • Liege Lord: Master Control
  • Los Chiches del Vallenato: In love with love
  • The Chichos: Black eyes
  • The Devils: First class
  • The Northern Tigers: 16 super hits
  • The Northern Tigers: Idols of the people
  • Lucero: Lucerne
  • Lucia Méndez: My intimate reasons
  • Luis Miguel: Find a woman (25 November)
  • Manowar: Kings of Metal
  • María Jiménez: Rocíos
  • Mazapán: From north to south
  • MC Shan: Born to Be Wild (25 October)
  • Mecano: Sunday rest
  • Menudo: Shadows and figures
  • Megadeth: So Far, So Good... So What!
  • Metallica: ...And Justice for All.
  • Mijares: One in a thousand
  • Ministry: The Land of Rape and Honey
  • Mylène Farmer: Ainsi soit je...
  • Myriam Hernández: Myriam Hernández
  • New Kids on the Block: Hangin' Tough
  • NWA: Straight Outta Compton
  • NOFX: "Liberation Animation"
  • Pablo Milanés: Proposed
  • Pablo Ruiz: An angel
  • Pandora: Good luck.
  • Panther: Power Metal
  • Pet Shop Boys: Introspective
  • Poison: Open Up and Say...
  • Patricia Tehran: With a woman's soul
  • Public Enemy: It Takes a Nation of Millions to Us Hold Back
  • Queensrÿche Operation: Mindcrime
  • Rage: Perfect Man
  • Ramses: Metal Warriors
  • White Rat: White rat
  • Ratt: Reach for the Sky
  • Realm: Endless War
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers: The Abbey Road E.P.
  • Ricardo Arjona: Jesus, not substantive verb
  • Ricardo Montaner: Ricardo Montaner 2
  • Rio: Where are we going to stop
  • Riot: Thundersteel
  • Rocío Dúrcal: Like your wife. (29 October)
  • Rod Stewart: Out Of Order
  • Rosendo: Play the cool
  • Hidden Faces: Open your heart
  • Roxette: Look Sharp!
  • Running Wild: Port Royal
  • Sade: Stronger Than Pride
  • Sandra: I urge Secret Land
  • Sasha Sokol: Diamond
  • Saxon: Destiny
  • Scanner: Hypertrance
  • Scorpions: Savage Amusement
  • Total sinister: I like how you walk.
  • The Outfield: Play Deep
  • Siouxsie And The Banshees: Peepshow
  • Slayer: South of Heaven
  • Soda Stereo: Double life
  • Stryper: In God We Trust
  • Suicide Tendencies: How Will I Laugh Tomorrow...If I Can't Even Smile Today?
  • Tatiana: A wolf at night
  • Testament: The New Order
  • The Beach Boys edit the "Kokomo" success
  • The Bangles: Everything (18 October)
  • The Ramones: Halfway to Sanity, Ramones Mania
  • Timbiriche: Timbiriche VIII and IX
  • Toto: The Seventh One
  • Traveling Wilburys: Traveling Wilburys Vol.1
  • U2: Rattle and Hum
  • Van Halen: OU812
  • Vangelis: Direct
  • Vicious Rumours: Digital Dictator
  • Vixen: Vixen
  • Yanni: Chameleon Days


  • Francisco Ayala wins the National Prize for Spanish Letters.
  • January 6: Juan Pedro Aparicio gets the Nadal Award for his novel Ambiguous Portraits.

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger.
  • Chemistry: Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber and Hartmut Michel.
  • Medicine: James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion and George H. Hitchings.
  • Literature: Naguib Mahfouz.
  • Peace: Blue Helmets, United Nations peace forces.
  • Economy: Maurice Allais.

Prince of Asturias Awards

  • Arts: Jorge Oteiza
  • Social Sciences: Luis Díez del Corral and Luis Sánchez Agesta
  • Communication and Humanities: Horacio Saénz Guerrero
  • Concordia: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and Global Fund for Nature
  • International cooperation: Óscar Arias Sánchez
  • Sports: Juan Antonio Samaranch
  • Scientific and Technical Research: Manuel Cardona and Marcos Moshinsky
  • Letters: Carmen Martín Gaite and José Ángel Valente

Cervantes Award

  • Maria Zambrano.

Pritzker Prize

Oscar Niemeyer, winner of the Pritzker Prize in 1988.
  • Oscar Niemeyer (Brazil) and Gordon Bunshaft (United States).

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