In the sense of the needles of the clock from top to left: the central module of the Mir space station is launched by the Soviet Union; the 1986 World Cup football is played in Mexico and Argentina wins; comet Halley enters for the first time since 1910; the worst nuclear disaster in the history of mankind takes place on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the current Ukraine; the Popular Power Revolution protests against violence

1986 (MCMLXXXVI) was a common year beginning on a Wednesday in the Gregorian calendar. In the Chinese horoscope it corresponds to the year of the Tiger. The United Nations Organization declared it the International Year of Peace.



  • 1 January: Spain and Portugal enter the European Economic Community (now European Union).
  • January 1st: the Canary Islands are integrated into the European Economic Community through a differentiated model that maintains its historical economic and fiscal regime.
  • January 2, Nicaragua decrees the closure of the Radio Católica radio station, for refusing to transmit the message addressed to the country by President Daniel Ortega.
  • January 2: In Italy, the government authorizes the construction of a bridge between Sicily and the peninsula through the Strait of Mesina.
  • January 6: General Samuel Doe is inaugurated in Liberia.
  • 10 January: In Basauri (Vizcaya), the businessman Juan Pedro Guzmán, kidnapped by the terrorist group ETA 12 days earlier, is rescued by the GEOs.
  • 13 January: in Spain, the program Morning Opens the morning television.
  • January 14: In Guatemala, the demochristian Vinicio Cerezo took office as president.
  • January 16: Apple's Macintosh Plus computer model is on the market.
  • 17 January: The Hague signed the protocol establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and Spain.
  • January 18: Aerial accident in the jungles of El Petén in Guatemala, near the ruins of Tikal. The 110 people who traveled on board, of several nationalities, including Venezuelan politician Arístides Calvani and members of his family, died.
  • January 22: In Spain, the cartoonist Antonio Mingote entered the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • January 24: American spacecraft Voyager 2 passes near Uranus. 10 new satellites are discovered orbiting the planet.
  • January 27: in Honduras, José Azcona del Hoyo assumes the presidency.
The Challenger space shuttle accident is considered the worst accident in the history of the space race.
  • January 28: In the United States, the Challenger space shuttle disintegrates shortly after the take-off, throwing the cabin to the sea where their seven occupants were going, who die because of the impact.


  • February 1st: in New Delhi, India, Pope John Paul II is received between protest demonstrations and major security measures.
  • February 2: In Costa Rica, the Social Democrat Óscar Arias Sánchez is elected new president-elect.
  • February 6: In central Madrid, an ETA command murders Admiral Christopher Columbus of Carvajal and Maroto and his driver.
  • 7 February: In Haiti, dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier flees his country. That's the end of 28 years of Duvalier's government.
  • 7 February: At the Westend Hospital in Berlin (Germany), the surgeon Emil Bücherl carried out the first operation in that country with an artificial heart. The 39-year-old patient will die four days later.
  • 7 February: In Palermo the process against the mafia begins.
  • 8 February: During the coming weeks, comet Halley makes his last appearance in the centuryXX..
  • 9 February: in Lima (Peru) the psychologist Mario Poggi murders the alleged "Discoverer of Lima", detained in a police station.
  • 15 February: at the XXXVI Berlin International Festival, great success of the film Ginger and Fred, the last of Federico Fellini, starring Marcello Mastroianni and Giulietta Masina.
  • 17 February: in Chile two trains hit 80 kilometers per hour, with a balance of 58 dead and 510 wounded.
  • 17 February: in Spain, technicians of the Spanish aviation company Iberia discovered sabotage in their aircraft.
  • 18 February: Israeli troops again occupy Lebanon to free two hostages.
  • February 18: In Alexandra, the black neighborhood of Johannesburg, South Africa, the police murder 19 Black citizens.
  • February 19: The Soviet Union launches the Mir space station.
  • February 19: U.S. pilot Barry Seal was killed by the Medellin Cartel.
  • February 20: In Sicily, the police arrested Michele Greco, the mafia cape, for search since 1982.
  • February 24: In Spain it was opened at the Nuñez de Balboa station.
  • February 25: In the Philippines, President Ferdinand Marcos fled the country. Access the power Aquinas Heart.
  • 26 February: Japan is issued for the first time Dragon Ball.
  • February 28: Former Prime Minister Olof Palme was murdered in Stockholm, Sweden.


  • March 1: in Spain, Gerardo Fernández Albor took over the presidency of the Board of Galicia.
  • 1 March: Barcelona officially presents its Olympic nomination for the 1992 Olympic Games.
  • March 3: in Madrid (Spain) Francisco Rico enters the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • 7 March: in Spain, the old city of Santiago de Compostela receives the title of World Heritage City, officially granted by UNESCO on 4 December 1985.
  • March 9: The legislative elections are held in Colombia.
  • March 9: The Halley Comet orbits the Sun for the last time, will not orbit until 2061.
  • March 9: In Portugal, Mário Soares becomes president.
  • 12 March: A referendum on the country ' s stay in NATO is held in Spain.
  • 13 March:
    • the European Space Agency launches the Giotto mission to Halley comet.
    • In Colombia, agents of the Special Operations Group of the Police release Alvaro Fayad, co-founder and leader of the guerrilla movement.
  • 15 March: in space, the Soviet orbital station Mir is coupled with the Soyuz T-15.
  • 16 March: The legislative elections are held in France.
  • March 23: In Switzerland, the OPEC announces that it accepts a global crude production decline.
  • March 23: In Bolivia, the government spends 60% of the exports to pay the foreign debt.
  • March 23: in Quito, Ecuador, the government seeks to recover the socialist market.
  • March 23: in Athens (Greece), an attack was made against the statue of Harry Truman.
  • March 23: In Tokyo, Japan, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone calls for strengthening the army.
  • March 23: The Soviet Union complains to the United States about a nuclear test carried out by the latter in Nevada.
  • March 27: in Melbourne, Australia, a car bomb explodes, causing the death of a police officer.
  • March 28: in New York (United States) birth of the pop star Lady Gaga.
  • March 31: In London (United Kingdom) a fire damages the historic palace of Hampton Court.
  • March 31: Mexico's Flight 940 of Aviation falls in flames, on the Western Sierra Madre, near Maravatio, Michoacán. The 166 people they boarded died. It is the worst air accident in Mexico's aviation history, and in turn, the worst global air accident in a Boeing 727.


  • 1 April: the Aliens Act enters into force in Spain.
  • April 2nd: On the 840th flight of the Trans World Airlines between Rome and Athens, a bomb is exploded that causes 4 dead.
  • April 2 in Chile, the population leader of UDI Simón Yévenes, is murdered in his workplace by guerrillas of the Patriotic Front Manuel Rodríguez (FPMR).
  • 5 April: in The Belle (discoteca in West Berlin frequented by US military personnel) a terrorist attack was carried out, resulting in 3 deaths and 230 injuries. Liability is attributed to Libya.
  • 7 April: the second edition of WrestleMania is celebrated.
  • April 11: maximum approach of Halley's comet to Earth.
  • April 12: American television debuts the variety program Saturday Giantwith the driving of the Chilean animator Mario Kreutzberger.
  • 13 April: Pope John Paul II visits the synagogue in Rome, becoming the first Pope to visit a synagogue.
  • April 14: The United States bombs Libya as a reprisal for that nation's sponsorship of terrorism against US interests and citizens.
  • April 15: In the city of Benghazi, Libya, at least 100 civilians are killed by the American attack.
  • April 16: Argentina's President Raúl Alfonsín officially announced the Patagonia Project, which aimed to move the capital of the nation from the city of Buenos Aires to the city of Viedma.
  • April 24: The Moon passes through the shadow cone of the Earth. Total eclipse of Luna.
  • 25 April: in Spain, on Juan Bravo Street, corner to the street Príncipe de Vergara (in Madrid), ETA carried out an attack on the Guardia Civil. Five civilian guards are killed and four others injured.
  • April 26: The greatest nuclear catastrophe in history occurs in the Chernobyl nuclear power station, Ukraine. At 01:23 a.m. in reactor number 4 there is an explosion due to a safety test, performed incorrectly in addition to the insecurity of the RBMK reactors, releasing tons of nuclear fuel to the atmosphere, so in later days the inhabitants of the city of Prípiat and its surroundings were evacuated. At that time, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.
  • 26 April: in Swaziland is crowned king Mswati III.


  • 2nd of May: in Corsica, France, the Finnish rally driver Henri Toivonen and his co-driver Sergio Cresto died during the Rally Tour de Corse.
  • 3 May: in Bergen, Norway, young Sandra Kim wins for Belgium the XXXI edition of Eurovision with the song J’aime la vie.
  • 5 May: in Turkey, an earthquake of 6.1 leaves 15 dead and 100 wounded.
  • May 8: Óscar Arias Sánchez becomes president of Costa Rica.
  • May 8: Masacre de Yumare, agents of the DISIP face a contingent of guerrillas near Yumare, Venezuela.
  • May 11: In Barranquilla, Colombia the Metropolitan Stadium Roberto Meléndez is inaugurated.
  • May 15: The Italian pilot Elio de Angelis died during trials in the Paul Ricard circuit.
  • May 16: Joaquín Balaguer is elected President of the Dominican Republic for the fifth time.
  • 18 May: in the Vatican City, John Paul II publishes his fifth encyclical: Dominum et vivificantem.
  • 21 May: General elections are held in the Netherlands.
  • 24-25 May: the Esquipulas I Agreement is carried out in Guatemala.
  • May 25: Virgilio Barco Vargas is elected new president-elect of Colombia.
  • May 26: the European Economic Community adopts the European flag.
  • May 31: inauguration of the 13th edition of the 1986 World Cup of Football, which for the second time is held in Mexico.


  • 1 June: Ecuador holds the 1986 referendum.
  • June 7th: Inició del Magic Tour, last tour of Queen with singer Freddie Mercury who would die in 1991
  • June 14: In Geneva, Switzerland, Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges died.
  • June 16: In Santiago de Chile, the FPMR guerrilla group carried out an attack at the Tobalaba station in the Metro station in that city, killing one person and leaving several wounded.
  • June 17: In Madrid, ETA murders commander Ricardo Sáenz of Ynestrillas, father of the leader of the extreme right of the same name.
  • 18 June: in the Fronton prison in Lima, Peru, more than 350 prisoners of Shining Path are killed by the military forces responsible for stifling the rebellion. President Alan García accuses the heads of the Republican Guard of planning and executing the massacre, and announces severe punishments for those responsible.
  • June 21: In the United States, the flight that transported the American football team The Bears FC crashed; 56 people died and 2 wounded.
  • 22 June: in Spain, Felipe González is re-elected president by revalidaring the PSOE the absolute majority in the general elections.
  • June 25: In the tourist train that connects Cuzco with Machu Picchu (in Peru) an offensive of the Shining Path terrorist group in response to the repression of the riots in three plain prisons leaves 8 dead and 35 wounded.
  • June 27: at the Madrid airport in Barajas, more than a dozen people are injured when a bomb is blown up in a suitcase that was to be shipped on an Israeli plane.
  • June 27: In The Hague, Netherlands, the UN International Court of Justice sentenced the United States to pay US$ 17 billion to Nicaragua for having financially supported the Contras, which caused 38 000 civilian casualties and the destruction of the national economy. In September 1992, Nicaraguan President Violeta Chamorro He will forgive That debt.
  • June 29: Mexico City (Mexico) ends the World Cup. The Argentine selection is crowned champion of the tournament by winning 3-2 to the selection of West Germany.


  • 2 July: Juan Pablo II arrives in Colombia on a visit that will continue until 8 July.
  • July 8: In the state of California an earthquake of 6.0 leaves 40 people injured and financial losses of 4.5 to 6 million dollars.
  • July 11: Queen gives an unforgettable concert at Wembley Stadium (in the UK), giving another concert the next day in the same place.
  • July 12: at Wembley Stadium (United Kingdom), the British band Queen offers a concert.
  • July 14: In the Dominican Republic Square in Madrid, ETA kills twelve civilian guards.
  • 21 July: in Panama, Barbara Palacios (representative of Venezuela) wins the third crown of Miss Universe.
  • July 21: In the state of California, another 6.2 earthquake leaves 2 people injured, being the last of a series of earthquakes that affected Southern California since July 8.
  • July 24: Felipe González becomes president of the Spanish government for the second time.
  • July 24: In Colombia, the police murder the M-19 commander, Gustavo Arias Londoño "Boris".
  • 27 July: Queen presents in Hungary giving an unforgettable concert in the middle of the conflict called the Iron Curtain
  • July 31: In Colombia, the Medellin cartel murders Hernando Baquero Borda, a Supreme Court judge.


  • 4 August: In Australia, the painting by Pablo Picasso is stolen from the National Museum of Melbourne The woman cryingthat would be returned days later.
  • August 5th - August 10th: is presented for the first and only time in Peru, the singer Héctor Lavoe, for 6 consecutive days, at the Grand Star of the House Fair.
  • 6 August: in the Peruvian city of Aucayacu (province of Leoncio Prado), the Shining Path terrorist gang murders ten homosexual people, with the aim of intimidating the population.
  • August 6: In the small coastal town of Carrizal Bajo (in northern Chile), intelligence services discover an immense internment of arms of the Patriotic Front Manuel Rodríguez.
  • August 7: In Colombia, Liberal President Virgilio Barco Vargas is possessed.
  • August 9: Last Queen concert
  • August 16th. Joaquín Balaguer assumes for the fourth time the presidency of the Dominican Republic.
  • August 21: In a volcanic area near Lake Nyos, Cameroon, about 1700 people die poisoned as a result of a strange geological phenomenon (carbon dioxide emissions) from the Earth's magmatic layer.
  • August 27: In the city of Soweto, South Africa, the police are carrying out brutal repression against citizens.
  • August 31: Aeromexico Flight 498 crashes into the community of Cerritos - Los Angeles, after colliding with a Piper Cheokee PA-28 Archer. The 64 passengers of the DC-9, the 3 passengers of the Piper Cheokee PA-28 Archer, as well as 12 people on land, died.
  • August 31: On the Black Sea, the Soviet passenger ship Admiral Najimov sinks after collision with the freighter Piótr Vasev398 passengers die.


  • September 3: In Cape Town, South Africa, the South African bishop of the Anglican Church and Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 Desmond Tutu, is officially appointed Archbishop of El Cabo.
  • 4 September: at the Vitoria Hotel of the Alavesa capital, Eusko Alkartasuna was born as a political party, the result of a split of the Basque Nationalist Party.
  • 4 September: Yasir Arafat accepts UN resolution 242, which implies the implicit recognition of the right to the existence of the State of Israel.
  • September 5: In Pakistan, the army raids a Pan American plane, leaving a balance of 17 dead and more than a hundred wounded.
  • September 7th: In Chile, the dictator Augusto Pinochet comes from an attack against him in which five of his escorts died.
  • September 8: In Chile the state of emergency is decreed and hundreds of arrests are practised after the previous day's attack on Pinochet.
  • September 11: in the U3kz Area of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:57 (local time), the United States detonates its 0.1 kt atom bomb to 503 m underground. It is the 1049 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • September 12: In North Vietnam, 400 people die and more than 2600 are injured by the Wayne Cyclone.
  • September 20: In Seoul, South Korea starts the X Asian Games.
  • 27 September: between Stockholm and Copenhagen, the thrash metal metallic band suffers a car accident while heading for its next presentation. Move the bass player Cliff Burton.
  • 27 September: the pre-release functions begin The ghost of the operaAndrew Lloyd Webber's musical,
  • September 30: In Rome, Italy, the Israeli secret service Mossad abducts Israeli nuclear ex-technic Mordekhai Vanunu—who revealed to the British newspaper The Sunday Times that Israel has a nuclear weapons program—and transports it to Israel. He will be tried and sentenced to 18 years in prison.


  • 2 October: in Spain, the Congress of Deputies ratified the text of the 1986 European Single Act.
  • October 5: In Seoul, South Korea the X Asian Games culminate.
  • October 9: premiere The Phantom Of The OperaAndrew Lloyd Webber's musical.
  • October 10: in San Salvador, the capital city of El Salvador, a strong earthquake of 5.7 killing thousands of people.
  • 10 October: In Reikiavik (Iceland), there are Ronald Reagan (President of the United States) and Mikhail Gorbachev (President of the Soviet Union).
  • 10 October: In Asia, Alpineist Reinhold Messner is the first human being to climb all the "ochomiles" (the mountains that have more than 8000 meters of altitude).
  • 17 October: Barcelona is elected Olympic headquarters for 1992.
  • October 21: The Marshall Islands declares its independence from the United States.
  • October 30: In Colombia, assassins at the service of the Cartel de Medellín murder Judge Gustavo Zuluaga Serna.


  • November 1st: On the Wakayama Beach (West of Japan) seven women between 20 and 30 years old—known as the “girlfriends” of the Lord God—members of the Friends of Truth Church (1950) commit suicide by burning with kerosene near the house of their leader Kiyoharu Miyamoto (61), who died the day before due to illness.
  • 2 November: In southern Iran, 91 soldiers and officers die and the 7 crew members of an Iranian C-10 plane crashing.
  • 3 November: the Federated States of Micronesia declare their independence from the United States.
  • 4 November: The legislative elections are held in the United States.
  • November 6: In the United States, the press reveals that President Ronald Reagan authorized the supply of weapons to Iran, in what was called the scandal Irangate (I play words to relate to the Watergate scandal, which served to remove President Richard Nixon.)
  • 7 November: in Rosario (Argentina), psycho Walter de Giusti murders the grandmothers of the pink musician Fito Páez.
  • 13 November: the Soviet Union announces the withdrawal of all its medium-range nuclear missiles from the Kola peninsula and most of those from Leningrad and the Baltic Sea area.
  • 15 November:
    • in Brazil the legislative elections are held.
    • in Santiago, Chile, Miguel Angel Guerra, Damaris Carbaugh and Eduardo Fabián win the XV edition of the OTI Festival with the song All.
  • 17 November: France: the terrorist group Action Directe Kills French engineer Georges Besse.
  • 17 November: On the outskirts of the municipality of Sasaima, Cundinamarca (Colombia) the captain of the police Jaime Ramírez is murdered. The crime is attributed to the Cartel de Medellín.
  • 25 November: UNESCO declares World Heritage the cities of Toledo and Cáceres, the monumental Mudejar ensemble of Teruel and the Garajonay National Park.


  • December 4th: at the Pozzeto restaurant in Bogotá, Colombia, a Colombian Vietnam veteran: Campo Elías Delgado, armed with a revolver, murders several clients; the police enter shooting with Uzi machine guns and kills him along with a dozen more customers.
  • December 12: In Colombia, the Supreme Court of Justice declares the law that approves the Extradition Treaty with the United States unconstitutional.
  • 13 December: in a well 635 meters underground, in the U20ap area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 10:00 (local time) United States detonates its Bodie atomic bomb of 140 kt. It is the 1055 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • December 14: In Tokyo, the River Plate football club is crowned champion of the Intercontinental Cup by beating the Steaua Bucharest for 1 to 0, with goal of Antonio Alzamendi.
  • December 17: in the west of Bogotá, Colombia, Guillermo Cano Isaza, director of the newspaper The Spectator. The murder is attributed to members of the Medellín Cartel.
  • December 19: In Colombia there is a national 'huelga of silence' without newspapers, without radio and without television as a result of the murder of Guillermo Cano Isaza.
  • December 22: In Peru, RBC Television is created by a shareholder board, currently known as Viva TV.
  • December 23: the Congress of the Argentine Nation approves the Final Point Act.
  • December 26: In the Dominican Republic, former President Salvador Jorge Blanco is arrested on charges of corruption and defalco.
  • December 31: In a hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico a fire kills 97 people and hurts 140.



  • January 1st: Lee Sungmin, South Korean singer and actor, from the Super Junior band.
  • January 1st: Colin Morgan, a North Irish actor in theatre, film and television, known for his role in the Merlin series.
  • January 3: Nataly Umaña, Colombian actress and model.
  • January 4: James Milner, British footballer.
  • January 5: Jesse Draper, American actress.
  • January 6: Alex Turner, British singer and guitarist, of the Arctic Monkeys band.
  • January 6: Michelle Waterson, American mixed martial art fighter.
  • January 6: Irina Shayk, Russian actress and model.
  • January 8: David Silva, Spanish footballer.
  • January 12: Daniel Osvaldo, Argentine soccer player.
  • January 12: Alejandro Riaño, Colombian actor and comedian.
  • January 13: Josefine Preuß, German actress.
  • January 13: Solomon Andres Sanabria, Colombian engineer and politician.
  • January 14: Yohan Cabaye, French footballer.
  • January 19: Claudio Marchisio, Italian footballer.
  • January 19: Yui Makino, Japanese seiyū.
  • January 20: Amalia Andrade Arango, journalist and Colombian writer.
  • January 21: César Arzo, Spanish footballer.
  • January 22: Adrian Ramos, Colombian footballer.
  • January 22: Angélica Camacho, a sports host and a Colombian model.
  • January 24: Mischa Barton, an American actress of British origin.
  • January 24: Ricky Ullman, American actor.
  • January 24: Tyler Flowers, American baseball player.
  • January 24: Franklin Morales, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • January 24: Cristiano Araújo, Brazilian singer and composer (f. 2015).
  • January 25: Sebastián Monteghirfo, Peruvian actor
  • January 26: Lyudmila Bikmullina, a Ukrainian model.
  • January 26: Chiara Pinasco, presenter and Peruvian actress.
  • January 28: Jessica Ennis-Hill, British athlete.
  • January 28: Miguel Uribe Turbay, Colombian politician.
  • January 30: Ashley Buccille, American actress.
  • January 30: Juan Pablo Urrego, Colombian actor.


  • February 1: Johan Vonlanthen, a Swiss footballer of Colombian origin.
  • February 1: Lauren Conrad, American TV character.
Gemma Arterton
  • February 2: Gemma Arterton, British actress.
  • February 5: Julieta Manoukian, Instagramer.
  • February 6: Dane DeHaan, American actor.
  • February 6: Carlos Alberto Sánchez, Colombian footballer.
  • February 10: Radamel Falcao García, Colombian footballer.
  • February 10: Alejandra Pinzón, Colombian actress, model and presenter.
  • February 10: Vanessa Goncalves, Venezuelan model winner of Miss Venezuela 2010.
  • 11 February: Gabriel Boric Font, Chilean politician, president-elect of Chile in 2021
  • February 14: Tiffany Thornton, American actress and singer.
  • February 14: María León, actress, singer and Mexican dancer.
  • February 15: Johnny Cueto, Dominican baseball player.
  • February 16: Julio César Chávez, Jr., Mexican boxer.
  • February 19: Marta Vieira da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • February 21: Charlotte Church, British singer.
  • February 22: Enzo Pérez, Argentine footballer.
  • February 22: Tatiana Arango, Colombian actress and model.
  • February 22: Catalina García, Colombian singer and actress.
  • February 23: Kamenashi Kazuya, Japanese singer and actor.
  • February 25: James and Oliver Phelps, British actors.
  • February 25: Justin Berfield, American actor.
  • February 26: Teresa Palmer, Australian actress and model.
  • February 26: Mariluz Bermúdez, Costa Rican actress and singer.
  • February 27: Yovani Gallardo, Mexican baseball player.
  • February 28: Grenddy Perozo, Venezuelan footballer.
  • February 28: Yūko Sanpei, Japanese seiyū.


  • March 1st: Big E, American professional fighter.
  • March 3: Stacie Orrico, American singer and composer.
  • March 4: Margo Harshman, American actress.
  • 4 March: Park Min-young, South Korean actress
  • March 6: Paul Aguilar, Mexican footballer.
  • March 6: Jake Arrieta, American baseball player.
  • March 6: Francisco Cervelli, ielo-venezolano baseball player.
  • March 7: Nicole Santamaría, Colombian actress and businesswoman.
  • March 9: Brittany Snow, American actress.
  • March 9: Fátima Molina, Mexican actress and singer.
  • March 11: Mariko Shinoda, Japanese actress, singer and model.
  • March 12: Danny Jones, British singer, McFly band.
  • March 14: Jamie Bell, British actor.
  • March 15: Carlos Rivera, Mexican singer.
  • March 16: Alexandra Daddario, American actress.
  • March 17: Chris Davis, American baseball player.
  • March 17: Edin Džeko, Bosnian footballer.
  • March 20: Alberto Dogre, Mexican actor.
  • March 21st: Scott Eastwood, American actor.
  • March 24: Lucie Lucas, French actress.
  • March 25: Leonardo Astorga, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • March 25: Marco Belinelli, Italian basketball player.
  • March 27: Manuel Neuer, German footballer.
Lady Gaga
  • March 28: Lady Gaga (Stéfani Germanotta), American singer.
  • March 28: Amaia Salamanca, Spanish actress.
  • March 28: Mustafa Ali, American professional fighter.
Sergio Ramos
  • March 30: Sergio Ramos, Spanish footballer.
  • March 30: Ramón Espinar Merino, Spanish politician.
  • March 31: Mónica Uribe, actress, singer, model and Colombian host.
  • March 31: Mayella Lloclla, Peruvian actress


  • April 2: R3hab, DJ and Dutch producer.
Amanda Bynes
  • April 3: Amanda Bynes, American actress.
  • April 4: Eunhyuk, South Korean singer and actor, from the Super Junior band.
  • April 5: Charlotte Flair, American WWE fighter.
  • April 7: Choi Siwon, South Korean singer and actor, from the Super Junior band.
  • April 7: Jack Duarte, Mexican singer and actor.
  • April 8: Félix Hernández, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • April 8: Erika Sawajiri, Japanese actress and singer.
  • April 9: Leighton Meester, American actress and singer.
  • April 10: Fernando Gago, Argentine footballer.
  • April 10: Corey Kluber, American baseball player.
  • April 10: Vincent Kompany, Belgian footballer.
  • April 11: Ana Isabelle, actress, singer and Puerto Rican dancer.
  • April 15: Tom Heaton, British footballer.
  • April 16: Shinji Okazaki, Japanese footballer.
  • 17 April: Romain Grosjean, French Formula 1 pilot.
  • April 19: Zhou Mi, Chinese singer and actor, of the Super Junior-M band.
  • April 22: Amber Heard, American actress
  • April 22: Chuck Taylor, American professional fighter.
  • April 24: Tahyna Tozzi, Australian actress and model.
  • April 24: Eva Marree Kullander Smith, prostitute and sex worker rights activist.
  • April 24: Kellin Quinn, American singer of Sleeping With Sirens.
  • April 25: Daniel Sharman, British actor.
Jenna Coleman
  • April 27: Jenna Coleman, British actress.
  • April 28: Keri Sable, American porn actress.
  • April 28: Jennifer Palm Lundberg, Swedish model.
  • April 28: Jenna Ushkowitz, American actress and singer.
  • April 29: Zoran Korach, American actor.
  • April 30: Dianna Agron, American actress.


  • 1 May: Christian Benítez, Ecuadorian footballer (f. 2013).
  • May 12: Thomas McDonell, Canadian actor.
  • 6 May: Goran Dragić, Slovenian basketball player.
  • May 7: Matt Helders, British drummer, Arctic Monkeys.
  • May 8: Satomi Satō, voice actress and Japanese singer.
  • May 9: Grace Gummer, Canadian actress.
  • May 12: Emily VanCamp, Canadian actress.
  • May 12: Jonathan Orozco, Mexican footballer.
Robert Pattinson
  • 13 May: Robert Pattinson, British actor.
  • 13 May: Alexander Rybak, Norwegian singer.
  • May 14: Camila Sodi, Mexican actress.
  • 14 May: Rodolfo González, Venezuelan pilot.
  • May 15: Matías Fernández, Chilean footballer.
  • May 15: Welcome Marañón, Spanish footballer.
Megan Fox
  • May 16: Megan Fox, American actress and model.
  • May 16: Drew Roy, American actor.
  • May 17: Tahj Mowry, American actor.
  • May 18: Liss Pereira, actress, comedian and Colombian speaker.
  • May 20: Yon González, Spanish actor.
  • 21 May: Mario Mandžukić, Croatian footballer.
  • May 23: Natálya Anderle, Brazilian model.
  • May 26: Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey, French actress and model.
  • May 28: Seth Rollins, American professional fighter.
  • May 28: Ana Payo Payo, oceanografa, airplant, scientific divulner and Spanish environmental activist.
  • May 29: Eleazar Gómez, Mexican actor and singer.


Dayana Mendoza
  • June 1st: Dayana Mendoza, Venezuelan model and actress, fifth Miss Universe in 2008.
  • June 1: Ricardo Abarca, Mexican actor and singer.
  • June 3: Rafael Nadal, Spanish tennis player.
  • June 6: Kim Hyun Joong, South Korean singer and actor, SS501 band.
  • June 7: Adelaida Searched, Colombian actress.
  • June 10: Marco Andreolli, Italian footballer.
Shia LaBeouf
  • June 11: Shia LaBeouf, American actor.
  • June 12: Mario Casas, Spanish actor.
  • June 13: Ashley Olsen, American actress and businesswoman.
  • June 13: Mary-Kate Olsen, American actress and businesswoman.
  • June 13: Kat Dennings, American actress.
  • June 13: Keisuke Honda, Japanese footballer.
  • June 16: Fernando Muslera, Uruguayan footballer.
  • June 17: Marie Avgeropoulos, American actress.
  • June 18: Richard Gasquet, French tennis player.
  • June 18: Richard Madden, British actor.
  • June 20: Joy Huerta, Mexican singer, from the duo Jesse & Joy.
  • June 22: Isabela Córdoba, Colombian actress.
  • June 24: Solange Knowles, American actress and singer.
  • June 26: Duvier Riascos, Colombian footballer.
Drake Bell
  • June 27: Drake Bell, American actor and singer.
Sam Claflin
  • June 27: Sam Claflin, British actor.
  • June 27: Mike Bahia, Colombian singer.
  • June 29: Nikko Ponce, Peruvian actor and singer.
  • June 30: Freddy Guarin, Colombian footballer.


Lindsay Lohan
  • 2 July: Lindsay Lohan, American actress, model and singer.
  • July 5: Piermario Morosini, Italian footballer (f. 2012).
  • July 8: Jaime García, Mexican baseball player.
  • July 9: Jesús Navarro Rosas, Mexican singer, from the band Reik.
  • July 9: Sébastien Bassong, Cameroonian footballer.
  • July 9: Kiely Williams, American actress and singer.
  • July 9: Antonio Díaz (El Mago Pop), Spanish illusionist.
  • July 10: Guillermo Reyes, Uruguayan footballer.
  • July 11: Yoann Gourcuff, French footballer.
  • July 15: Josephine Onyia Nnkiruka, a Spanish athlete.
  • July 16: Laura Carmichael, British actress.
Brando Eaton
  • July 17: Brando Eaton, American actor.
  • July 19: Jinder Mahal, Indo-Canadian professional fighter.
  • 21 July: Livia Brito, Cuban actress.
  • July 24: Megan Park, Canadian actress and singer.
  • July 25: Hulk, Brazilian footballer.
  • July 28: Alexandra Chando, American actress.
  • July 28: Nolan Gerard Funk, actor, singer and Canadian dancer.
  • July 28: Georgina Orellano, an Argentine prostitute.
  • July 31: Carolina Guerra, actress, model, singer and Colombian host.


  • August 2: Ryōta flexionsaka, Japanese seiyū.
  • August 3: Brandon Peniche, Mexican actor.
  • August 3: Carlotta de Monaco, aristocrat monegasque.
  • August 3: Sabina Asenjo, Spanish athlete.
  • August 7: Altair Jarabo, Mexican actress.
  • August 8: Kelly Ximena Martínez Taborda, Colombian skater.
  • August 11: Fabián Maidana, Argentine writer.
  • August 11: Pablo Sandoval, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • August 16: Ariadne Díaz, Mexican actress.
  • August 16: Martin Maldonado, Puerto Rican baseball player.
  • August 16: Shawn Pyfrom, American actor.
  • August 17: Marcus Berg, Swedish footballer.
  • August 17: Luis Fernando Mosquera, Colombian footballer.
  • August 17: Juliet Itoya, a Spanish-language jumper of Nigerian origin.
  • August 18: Evan Gattis, American baseball player.
  • August 19: Christina Perri, American singer-songwriter.
  • August 20: Ryō Katsuji, Japanese actor and voice actor.
Usain Bolt
  • August 21: Usain Bolt, a Jamaican athlete.
  • August 21: Juliette Pardau, actress, speaker and Venezuelan singer.
  • August 22: Keiko Kitagawa, Japanese actress.
  • August 23: Sky Blu, American singer, from the LMFAO band.
  • August 27: Andrés Mercado, actor and Colombian singer.
  • August 28: Florence Welch, British singer.
  • August 28: Nicolás Copano, journalist, radio announcer and Chilean television presenter.
  • August 28: Massimiliano Carlini, Italian footballer.
  • August 29: Hajime Isayama, Japanese hysterist, author of Shingeki no Kyojin.
Lea Michele
  • August 29: Lea Michele, American actress and singer.
  • August 29: Margarita Reyes, Colombian actress and model.
  • August 30: Ryan Ross, American guitarist.
  • August 30: Carla Giraldo, Colombian actress.
  • August 31: Ryan Kelley, American actor.
  • August 31: Gianella Marengo, a Chilean television model and driver.


  • September 1st: Calais Campbell, American football player.
  • September 2: Ryuji Imaichi, Japanese singer and dancer, from the J Soul Brothers band.
  • September 4th: Xavier Woods, American professional fighter.
  • September 5: Francis Ngannou, Cameroonian fighter of mixed martial arts
  • September 5: Davida Williams, American actress and producer.
  • September 5: Florence Benítez, actress and Argentine singer.
  • September 8: Carlos Bacca, Colombian footballer.
  • September 10: Roberto Carlo, Mexican actor and driver.
  • September 10: Carlos Paparoni, Venezuelan politician.
  • September 12: Ana Ibáñez, Panamanian model.
  • September 12: Yuto Nagatomo, Japanese footballer.
  • September 12: Emmy Rossum, American actress.
  • September 13: Kamui Kobayashi, Japanese motor racing driver.
  • September 15: Heidi Montag, American actress, singer and designer.
  • September 16: Gordon Beckham, American baseball player.
  • September 16: Michelle Jenner, Spanish actress.
  • September 16: Farina, Colombian singer.
Kyla Pratt
  • September 16: Kyla Pratt, American actress.
  • September 17: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, voice actor and Japanese singer.
  • September 19: Mandy Musgrave, American actress.
  • September 19: Martín Bravo, Argentine soccer player, naturalized Mexican.
  • September 20: Aldis Hodge, American actor.
  • September 21st: Lindsey Stirling, violinist, dancer and American composer.
  • September 24: Nanda Costa, Brazilian actress.
  • September 25: Steve Forrest, American drummer, from the Placebo band.
  • September 25: Albert Subirats, Venezuelan swimmer.
  • September 26: Eileen Roca, actress and colombo-Brazilian model.
  • September 28: Andrés Guardado, Mexican footballer.
  • September 30: Takahiro Nishijima, actor, dancer and Japanese singer, from the AAA band.
  • September 30: Olivier Giroud, French footballer.


  • October 2: Camilla Belle, American actress.
  • October 3: Jackson Martínez, Colombian footballer.
  • October 4: Yuridia, Mexican singer.
  • October 7: Kaitlyn, American professional fighter.
  • October 10: Andrew McCutchen, American baseball player.
  • October 10: Karent Hinestroza, Colombian actress.
  • October 10: Cecilia Baena, Colombian skater.
  • October 12: Tyler Blackburn, American actor.
  • October 13: Gabriel Agbonlahor, British footballer.
  • October 15: Lee Donghae, South Korean singer and actor, of the Super Junior band.
  • October 16: Inna, Romanian singer and composer.
  • October 17: Toni Bou, Spanish trial pilot.
  • October 21st: Christopher Uckermann, Mexican actor and singer, from the RBD band.
  • October 22: Kyle Gallner, American actor.
  • October 22: Ştefan Radu, Romanian footballer.
  • October 23: Emilia Clarke, British actress.
  • October 23: Jessica Stroup, American actress and model.
  • October 24: Drake, rapper and Canadian actor.
  • October 26: John Ruddy, British footballer.
  • October 27: Pedro Beato, Dominican baseball player.
  • October 27: Alba Flores, Spanish actress.
  • October 27: Monte Money, American guitarist of hard rock.
  • October 28: Aki Toyosaki, Japanese singer and seiyu.
  • October 28: Michelle Rouillard, Colombian actress and model.
  • October 31: David Saiz, Spanish musician and composer.
  • October 31: Brent Corrigan, American porn actor.
  • October 31: Germán Sánchez Barahona, Spanish footballer.


  • November 1st: Penn Badgley, American actor.
  • November 2nd: Pablo Armero, Colombian footballer.
  • November 3: Heo Young Saeng, South Korean singer and actor, SS501 band.
  • November 4: Alexz Johnson, American actress and singer.
  • November 5: BoA, South Korean singer.
  • 6 November: Katie Leclerc, American actress.
  • 7 November: Jorge Armando Soto, Colombian actor.
Josh Peck
  • November 10: Josh Peck, American actor.
  • November 11: Mark Sanchez, Mexican American football player.
  • November 17: Everth Cabrera, Nicaraguan baseball player.
  • November 17: Nani, Portuguese footballer.
  • November 18: Pablo Lyle, Mexican actor.
  • November 20: Oliver Sykes, British singer of the Bring Me The Horizon band.
  • November 20: Ashley Fink, American actress.
  • November 20: Kōhei Horikoshi, Japanese cartoonist (creator of My Hero Academy)
  • November 22: Sebastián Zurita, Mexican actor.
  • November 22: Tatiana Arango, Colombian actress and model.
  • November 23: Alejandro Alfaro, Spanish footballer.
Katie Cassidy
  • November 24: Micaela Vázquez, actress, dancer and Argentine television driver.
  • November 24: Aida Folch, Spanish actress.
  • 25 November: Katie Cassidy, American film and television actress and singer.
  • 25 November: Adriana Birolli, Brazilian actress.
  • November 27: Diego Fainello, Italian singer of the Sonohra duo


  • December 7: Tomasa del Real, singer, tattooist and Chilean fashion designer.
  • December 8: Enzo Amore, professional fighter and American rapper.
  • December 10: Natti Natasha, Dominican singer.
  • December 15: Keylor Navas, Spanish-Colorish footballer.
  • December 15: Tania Rincón, driver and Mexican model.
  • December 16: Alcides Escobar, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • December 19: Julieth Restrepo, Colombian actress.
  • December 21: Maritza Aristizábal, presenter and Colombian journalist.
  • December 24: Ana Brenda Contreras, actress and Mexican singer.
  • December 24: Satomi Ishihara, Japanese actress.
  • December 26: Hugo Lloris, French footballer.
  • December 26: Kit Harington, British actor.
Lali González
  • December 27: Lali González, Paraguayan actress.
  • December 28: Tom Huddlestone, British footballer.
  • December 29: Claudio Cataño, Colombian actor.
  • December 29: Carla Simón, director of Spanish film and screenwriter.
  • December 30: Ellie Goulding, British singer.



  • The U.S. Coin House launches the gold and silver coin American Eagle Coin to the market.
  • The Perth Coin House (Australia) launches to the market the gold coin Australian Gold Nugget in denominations of 1/20 oz., 1/10 oz., 1/2 oz., 1 oz., 2 oz., 10 oz. and 1 kg of 24 carat gold. They have a legal course in Australia and is one of the few legal course coins that changes their design every year. The Gold Nugget series was introduced in 1986 by the Gold Corporation, a society fully controlled by the Western Australian government.
  • The currency of $500 pesos is inserted into the Mexican currency cone, on the back of it is the bust of Francisco I. Wood, the initial stabbing was 20,000,000 pieces.
  • It enters into circulation The Rainbow Florin, replacing the Dutch Antilles Florin, as Aruba gets its Autonomy from the Netherlands Antilles. The currency has a exchange rate with the US dollar of $1 = 1.79 guilders since 1986.

Art and literature

  • January 6: Manuel Vicent gets the Nadal award for his novel Balada de Caín.
  • Anne Rice: Belinda.
  • Arturo Pérez-Reverte: The humsar.
  • The novel Don't say it was a dream.Terenci Moix wins the Planet Award.
  • Amin Maalouf: Lion the African.
  • Clive Barker: The Hellbound Heart.
  • Stephen King: It.

Science and technology

  • March 1st: In the atmosphere on Antarctica a hole is discovered in the ozone layer.
  • In Japan, Honda laboratories begin testing of the ASIMO biped robot, which will continue to be perfected until the year 2000.


  • August 12: Japan launches geodetic satellite Ajisai.

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer.
  • Chemistry: Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee and John C. Polanyi.
  • Medicine: Stanley Cohen and Rita Levi-Montalcini.
  • Literature: Wole Soyinka.
  • Peace: Elie Wiesel.
  • Economy: James M. Buchanan.

Kyoto Awards

The Kyoto Awards (京都賞?) are prizes awarded since 1984 by the Japanese Inamori Foundation, in recognition of work in the areas of philosophy, arts, sciences, and technology. The awards are given not only to the best exponents of each area but also to those who have contributed to humanity with their work. This award is the Japanese equivalent of the Nobel Prizes. The awards are given in the field of technological advances, basic sciences, arts and philosophy. In each of the categories, the award rotates to cover different branches of the main area: for example, the technology award rotates between electronics, biotechnology, materials sciences, and engineering and computer sciences. The foundation was created by Japanese millionaire Kazuo Inamori, a ceramics industrialist. The prize is endowed with 50 million yen and Kyocera brand products.

Awarded 1986
  • Biology: George Evelyn Hutchinson (1903-1991), from the United States.
  • Biotechnology and medical technology: Nicole Marthe Le Douarin (1930-) from France.
  • Arts: Isamu Noguchi (1904-1998), from the United States.

Michael Faraday Prize

The Michael Faraday Prize (The Royal Society Michael Faraday Prize) is an annual award given by the Royal Society of London for "excellence in communicating science to a UK audience." Created in 1986 under the name of British scientist Michael Faraday, the award consists of a silver-gilt medal and £2,500 in cash. The delivery of the medal and the remuneration is carried out by the president of the Royal Society in the "Faraday lecture", an act in which the winners must give an original conference, and which usually takes place in the month of January of the year following the of the election. The first prize was awarded in 1986 to Charles Taylor, and the last, in 2012, to Brian Cox. Unlike other Royal Society awards such as the Hughes Medal, it has never been forfeited, and the nominating committee is not required to make its reasons public, which has been the case for all recent awards.

Turing Awards

The Turing Award is a computer science prize that is awarded annually by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to those who have made significant contributions to the field of computer science. The award pays tribute to Alan Turing.

Awarded 1986
  • John Hopcroft and Robert Tarjan, for their achievements in analyzing and designing algorithms and data structures.

Cervantes Award

  • Antonio Buero Vallejo

Prince of Asturias Awards

  • Arts: Luis García Berlanga.
  • Social Sciences: José Luis Pinillos.
  • Communication and Humanities: O Globo.
  • Concordia: Vicar of Solidarity.
  • International Cooperation: Universities of Salamanca and Coimbra.
  • Scientific and Technical Research: Antonio González González.
  • Letras: Mario Vargas Llosa and Rafael Lapesa Melgar.

Video games

  • The first delivery of the video games series comes to the world The Legend of Zelda by the designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma.
  • The first delivery of the action and adventure video games to the market Metroidproduced by Gunpei Yokoi.
  • The first installment of the Vampire platform and adventure saga is launched to the market Castlevaniaproduced by Konami.
  • The game Gauntlet of Atari Games wins the "game of the year" award at the Golden Joystick Awards.
  • Taito Company Launches Market Bubble Bobble.
  • The Sega company launches the game Outrun.
  • The companies Acclaim, Majesco, Ubisoft and Bethesda Softworks are created.
  • The events of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City take place.


  • Aliens, return: from James Cameron, with Sigourney Weaver. Second delivery of the Alien saga.
  • Blue Velvet is one of David Lynch's most disturbing films, with Kyle MacLachlan and Isabella Rossellini.
  • Count on me., film by director Rob Reiner based on Stephen King's work The body. It relates the escape of four children, and how, in it, they lose innocence.
  • The Halley Generation, Venezuelan film of Thaelman Urgelles, with Melissa.
  • Hannah and her sistersWoody Allen, is one of the most successful films of the director, giving Oscar to actress Dianne Wiest.
  • HouseSteve Miner.
  • Killerfrom Pedro Almodóvar.
  • The flyDavid Cronenberg, with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis. It is a new version of the 1958 classic about a scientist who, by accident mixing his DNA with that of a fly, becomes a horrible monster. It was the most tachyllera of the year, also winner of the Oscar for better makeup.
  • Nine weeks and a halfAdrian Lyne, Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger.
  • Star Trek IV: mission: to save the EarthLeonard Nimoy, William Shatner.
  • Top GunTony Scott, with Tom Cruise.
  • Transformers: the filmNelson Shin, with Judd Nelson and Leonard Nimoy.
  • Tenue de soiréeBertrand Blier, with Gérard Depardieu, Miou Miou and Michel Blanc.


    • Movie: Platoon, produced by Arnold Kopelson, not only rooted but brings to the debate between the American people for the first time in more than 15 years the real reaches of the war in Vietnam.
    • Director: Oliver Stone for Platoon
    • Actor: Paul Newman, The color of money (like billiard player Eddie Felson).
    • Castor Actor: Michael Caine, Hannah and her sisters (in Elliot's paper).
    • Actress: Marlee Matlin, Children of a Lesser God (like deafness Sarah).
    • Distribution Actress: Dianne Wiest, Hannah and her sisters (like Holly).
    • Foreign film: The Assault (The assault) About the trauma that a man accompanies in life, as a child witness of the Nazi occupation in his block.
    • Song: Take my breath away of Top Gun (music by Giorgio Moroder, letter by Tom Whitlock).
    • Visual effects: AliensRobert Skotak, Stan Winston, John Richardson and Suzanne Benson. Sigourney Weaver was nominated in the best actress category for her role as Lieutenant Ripley. Her image as a space mother protecting Queen Alien's Neut girl was greeted by the world press as a new style of woman.


Motor Racing

  • Formula 1: Alain Prost is a world champion. WilliamsF1 wins the builder championship.
  • WSC: Derek Bell, Hans-Joachim Stuck and Al Holbert win 24 hours of mans aboard Porsche 962C
  • WRC: Juha Kankkunen wins the title on board a Peugeot 205 Turbo 16
  • Rally Dakar: René Metge wins the competition on board a Porsche 959
  • NASCAR: Dale Earnhardt wins the title aboard a Chevrolet Monte Carlo
  • Champ Car: Bobby Rahal wins the title aboard a March Cosworth
  • 500 Miles from Indianapolis: Bobby Rahal wins the competition
  • Tourism: Oscar Angeletti wins the title at the edge of a Dodge GTX
  • Competition 2000: Juan María Traverso wins the title aboard a Renault Fuego


  • Mike Tyson becomes the youngest boxing world champion in history.


  • World Football Championship: On June 29, Argentina wins its second World Cup of Football by Diego Armando Maradona, winning in the final to Federal Germany for 3-2 with goals by José Luis Brown, Jorge Valdano and Jorge Burruchaga; Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Rudi Voeller had tied for the team teutón, party held at the Aztec Stadium of Mexico City.
  • Copa Libertadores de América: On October 29, River Plate wins the cup by defeating the Americas of Cali by 2:1 as a visitor (Alonso and Funes goals). One week later he won as a local for 1:0 in the game back.
  • European Cup: On 7 May, Steaua Bucharest (Romania) is proclaimed champion, against all prognosis, by defeating the F. C. Barcelona in the final contested at the Sanchez Pizjuán stadium in Seville (Spain). The party had concluded (including extension) with 0:0 tie. The Steaua Duckadam doorman stopped the four launches of the F. C. Barcelona in the tanda de penaltis.
  • King of Football Cup: Real Zaragoza is proclaimed champion by defeating F. C. Barcelona for 1-0 (Rubén Sosa's crown) in the final contested at the Vicente Calderón stadium in Madrid.
  • Golden Ball: the Soviet Igor Belánov, of the Dinamo of Kiev, is appointed best footballer of the world of the year by the magazine France Football.
  • Intercontinental Cup: On December 14, the Club Atlético River Plate of Argentina beat 1-0 to the Steaua de Bucharest, with the goal of Antonio Alzamendi at 28 minutes of the first time and got the Toyota Cup.
  • Professional Colombian Football: America of Cali (6th time).
  • Ecuadorian Football Championship: The National (new time).
  • First Division of Mexico: Monterrey (1.a time).
  • First Division of Argentina 1985/86: River Plate (21st time).


  • Open from Australia: not played.
  • Roland Garros: Men: Ivan Lendl to Mikel Pernfors. Women: Chris Evert-Lloyd to Martina Navratilova.
  • Wimbledon: Men: Boris Becker to Ivan Lendl. Women: Martina Navratilova to Hana Mandlíková.
  • US Open: Men: Ivan Lendl to Miroslav Mecir. Women: Martina Navratilova to Helena Suková.

Other sports

  • F. C. Barcelona, champion of the European Basketball Cup.
  • F. C. Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the Recopa de Europa de Balonmano.
  • The fifth edition of the World Swimming Championships in Madrid, Spain.
  • Chilean Basketball Major Division: Universidad Católica Champion.
  • A one-minute commercial from Super Bowl XX cost $1.1 million to perform.
  • Mark Callaway debuts as a professional fighter.


  • In Berkeley (California) the punk rock band Green Day is formed.
  • Japanese singer Yukiko Okada died on April 8 in Shinjuku at age 18.
  • Death of the Metallica bass player, Cliff Burton, on September 27 in Kronoberg at age 24.


  • A-ha: Scoundrel Days
  • ABBA: ABBA Live
  • AC/DC: Who Made Who
  • Ana Gabriel: Sagittarius
  • Air Supply: Hearts In Motion
  • Alaska and Dinarama: It's not sin.
  • Ana Belén and Víctor Manuel: For tenderness there is always time
  • Alvaro Torres: Three.
  • Barricada: No truce.
  • Bathory: Under the Sign of the Black Mark
  • Berlin: Country Three & Play
  • Billy Idol: Whiplash Smile
  • Billy Joel: The Bridge
  • Gold Binomial: The Gold Binomial 1986 (2 December)
  • Bob Dylan: Knocked Out Loaded
  • Bon Jovi: Slippery When Wet
  • Camilo Sesto: Dance agenda
  • Carlos Mata: Again
  • Carlos Vives: Outside and inside
  • Cepillin: Cepillin
  • Chacalón and the New Cream: I'm happy! He tells us...
  • Chayanne: Latin blood
  • Chicago: Chicago 18
  • Cheap Trick: The Doctor
  • Chick Korea: The Elektric Band
  • Cinderella: Night Songs
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival: Chronicle, Vol. 2
  • Crowded House: Crowded House
  • Cutting Crew: Boardcast
  • Cyndi Lauper: True Colors
  • Daniela Romo: Woman of all, woman of no one
  • Invisible Dance: Smuggling music
  • David Knopfler: Cut The Wire
  • Depeche Mode: Black Celebration
  • Diomedes Díaz: Brindo with the soul
  • Duran Duran: Notorious
  • Destruction: Eternal Devastation
  • Dyango: Every day I remember more about you
  • Ednita Nazario: You without me
  • The Last of the Row: Enemies of others
  • Elton John: Leather Jackets
  • Emmanuel: Naked
  • Green dwarfs: Counterreloj.
  • Enya: Enya.
  • Europe: The Final Countdown
  • Eva Ayllón: For all
  • Fito Páez: Clanstine heart
  • Flans: 20 miles
  • Franco De Vita: Fantasy
  • Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Liverpool
  • Strawberries with cream: Not so strawberries
  • Genesis: Invisible Touch
  • Glass Tiger: The Thin Red Line
  • Gravestone: Creating a monster
  • Niche Group: I smell like marriage.
  • Men G: You fucked up... Burt Lancaster
  • Iron Maiden: Somewhere in Time
  • Jean-Michel Jarre: Rendez-vous
  • Joaquín Sabina: Joaquín Sabina and vice versa
  • John Lennon: Menlove Avenue
  • José: Always with you
  • José Feliciano: I'll love you
  • José Luis Perales: Over time
  • Judas Priest: Turbo
  • Juan Gabriel: Thoughts
  • Kenny G: Duotons
  • King Diamond: Fatal Portrait
  • Kreator: Pleasure to kill
  • Kraftwerk: Electric
  • The Union: 4x4
  • Lalo Guerrero: 14 successes of the Ardillitas of Lalo Guerrero
  • Can Girls: Singing fire
  • Laureano Brizuela: Just
  • Lionel Richie: Dancing on the Ceiling
  • The Bukis: Your Jail
  • The Charges: Silence
  • The Fabulous Cadillacs: Bars and Fondas
  • The Iracundos: The Iracundos 86
  • The Nikis: Marines in full sun
  • Prisoners: Kicking stones
  • The Dead Toreros: 30 years of success
  • Lorenzo Antonio: Twelve roses
  • Luis Angel: Love to death
  • Lucia Méndez: Cast me
  • Luzbel: Passport to Hell
  • Madonna: True Blue
  • Magneto: Tremendous
  • María Jiménez: Keep living
  • Marisela: Because I feel like
  • Mazapán: Singing with Mazapán... let's play and I'll dance tonight.
  • Mecano: Between the sky and the ground
  • Menudo: Refrescante
  • Megadeth: Peace sells... but who’s buying?
  • Metallica: Master of Puppets
  • Michael Jackson: Anthology
  • Miguel Mateos / Zas: Solos in América
  • Miguel Bosé: Salamandra
  • Mijares: Dreamer
  • Miki González: It can be you.
  • Modern Talking: In the Middle of Nowhere
  • Modern Talking: Ready for Romance
  • Motörhead: Orgasmatron
  • New Order: Brotherhood
  • Nuclear Assault: Game over
  • Ozzy Osbourne: The Ultimate Without
  • Pastor Lopez: For my Colombia/Always ready., The magnificent Indian/Friend
  • Pandora: Again.
  • Patricio Rey and his Redonditos de Ricota: Oktubre
  • Paul McCartney: Press to play
  • Pet Shop Boys: Please
  • Pet Shop Boys: Disco
  • Peter Gabriel: So
  • Pimpinela: The blue elve
  • Poison: Look What the Cat Dragged In.
  • Queen: A Kind of Magic
  • Queen: Live Magic
  • Ramoncín: Ramoncin
  • Ramones: Animal Boy.
  • Raphael: A lifetime
  • Ratt: Dancing Undercover
  • The Red Hot Chili Peppers: Freaky Styley
  • Ricardo Montaner: Ricardo Montaner
  • Rio: Worst of all
  • Rocío Dúrcal: Always
  • Rodolfo Aicardi: Out of the contest
  • Roxette: Pearls of passion
  • Run-DMC: Raising Hell
  • Sandra: Mirrors
  • Saxon: Rock the Nations
  • Sepulture: Morbid Visions
  • Sergio Fachelli: Long live love
  • Siouxsie And The Banshees: Tinderbox
  • Slayer: Reign in Blood
  • Soda Stereo: Signs
  • Sodom: Obsessed by cruelty
  • Spandau Ballet: Through the Barricades
  • Sting: Bring on the Night
  • Stryper: To hell with the devil
  • The Bangles: Different light
  • The Cure: The Head on the Door and Standing on the Beach: the Singles
  • The Latin Brothers: To dance!
  • The Police: Every Breath You Take: The Singles
  • The Smiths: The queen is dead
  • Tony MacAlpine: Edge of Insanity
  • Toto: Fahrenheit
  • Van Halen: 5150
  • Several Artists: Eternal Christmas
  • Vinnie Vincent Invasion: Vinnie Vincent Invasion
  • Viuda e Hijas de Roque Enroll: Okay, four.
  • Yngwie J. Malmsteen: Trilogy
  • Yola Polastry: Yola a Todo Ritmo/Sabor a Miel
  • Yuri: A wounded heart


  • On May 3, the XXXI edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in Bergen, Bandera de Noruega.
    • Winner: The singer Sandra Kim with the song "J'aime la vie" representing Belgium Bandera de Bélgica.


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