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1983 (MCMLXXXIII) was a common year beginning on a Saturday in the Gregorian calendar. The World Communications Year was designated by the United Nations Organization.

The year 1983 saw both the official beginning of the Internet and the first call through a mobile phone.



  • 1 January: ARPANET leaves aside the NCP protocol and adopts the TCP/IP. This is an important milestone in Internet history.
  • January 2: In Venezuela the Caracas Metro is officially inaugurated.
  • 4 January: in Kabul, Afghanistan, in the area of the Russian-Afghanian war, Soviet interests are attacked in a chain of attacks. Also, Afghan soldiers are mutiny by killing about thirty officers.
  • January 19: Death of Ham, the first hominid to fly to outer space and survive.
  • January 22: The first liver transplant is performed at the Bellvitge Hospital in Barcelona (Spain).
  • January 23: The television series is first broadcast in the United States Team A.
  • January 23: Swedish tennis player Björn Borg, a champion of the Wimbledon tournament, retires from the high competition.
  • January 23: In Peru, the Latin TV TV channel is created
  • January 24: In New York, American tennis player John McEnroe beats Czechoslovak Ivan Lendl and proclaims himself champion of the Tennis Masters Cup.
  • 25 January: in the Vatican City, Pope John Paul II promulgated the new Code of Canon Law.
  • January 25: In Bolivia the German Nazi Klaus Barbie, the "Butcher of Lyon" is arrested.
  • 26 January: in the department of Ayacucho (centre of Peru), the villagers of the village of Uchuracay kill eight journalists, believing them to be hikers; the previous year, Sendero Luminoso had killed 135 men, women and children.


  • February 2nd: In Geneva the Soviet-American START negotiations resumed, referring to the reduction of the strategic armament.
  • 4 February: The Carpenter's vocalist Karen Carpenter died at 32 years of Anorexia.
  • February 4: At the Pasteur Institute, Charlie Dauguet discovers similar particles as the HTLV retrovirus discovered by Robert Gallo in 1980 in cultivation with an electronic microscope and compares it negatively. Pasteur's team has discovered a new retrovirus, the AIDS virus.
  • February 6: In France, Klaus Barbie is transferred to the fort of Montluc (Lyon) to be judged as the author of the crimes committed by German forces under his command in World War II.
  • February 6: In Paraguay, Alfredo Stroessner is re-elected as president.
  • 7 February: In Spain the first pancreas transplant is performed.
  • February 7: Iran carries out a major offensive against Iraq.
  • 7 February: Madrid opens the doors of the remodeled Palacio de El Pardo, destined in the future to residence of foreign heads of State on visit to Spain.
  • 13 February: In Turin, Italy, 64 young people die in the fire of a cinema.
  • 14 February: Ariel Sharón resigns as Minister of Defense of Israel, accused of instigating the massacre in the Palestinian camps of Sabra and Chatila (in Beirut).
  • 16 February: the population of Sagunto (Valencia) begins a general strike in defense of the survival of the Upper Horns of the Mediterranean.
  • 16 February: The alleged perpetrators of the Bologna massacre were arrested in Spain on 2 August 1980.
  • 17 February: the Statutes of Autonomy of the Balearic Islands, Castilla y León, Extremadura and Madrid are approved in Spain.
  • February 18: in Seattle, United States, 13 people die shooting. (Matanza de Wah Mee).
  • February 18: The resignation of Landelino Lavilla as president of UCD makes the end of this party prey.
  • February 18: In Venezuela, Black Friday happens: after a century of economic stability, the Central Bank announces the devaluation of the Venezuelan bolívar, starting a prolonged economic crisis in the oil country.
  • February 19: at the abandoned Moreno station—which is 66 km north of Empalme, and 75 km south of Hermosillo—a cargo train crashes into a passenger train (seasoned by technical problems) without proper signaling. About 400 people die.
  • 20 February: In the federated state of Assam, India, bloody riots are unleashed during the elections held in that state.
  • 22 February: the meeting of the Palestinian National Council ended in Algiers, with the re-election of Yasir Arafat as President of the PLO.
  • 22 February: in Spain, José María Ruiz-Mateos declared in a press conference that "[the company] Rumasa does not need money from the State to subsist".
  • February 23: in Spain, the Government of Felipe González nationalizes Rumasa.
  • February 24: In Spain, the Government approved the bill of incompatibility for senior officials.
  • February 28: the CD is launched for the first time.


  • 1 March: the statutes of autonomy of the Community of Madrid and the Balearic Islands enter into force in Spain.
  • 2-7 March: John Paul II runs through Central America.
  • March 5: Bob Hawke wins the Australian elections.
  • 6 March: elections are held in Germany and France.
  • March 7: In the United States, the TNN channel begins to broadcast, then renamed Spike TV.
  • March 8: In the United States, President Ronald Reagan calls the Soviet Union “the rule of evil”.
  • March 9: Televisa Channel 8 changes its orientation by becoming a cultural channel. 2 years later it changes its frequency to Channel 9.
  • March 11: Bob Hawke becomes Australia's prime minister.
  • March 11: The album Metal Health is published, the third studio album of Quiet Riot. It's the first heavy metal album to get to Billboard's #1 post.
  • 22 March: In Israel the Labourman Haim Herzog is appointed president.
  • March 23: Ronald Reagan announces the Strategic Defense System, known as the "War of Galaxys" (by the Star Wars film).
  • March 27: The mini-series are held on the ABC television network The thorn birds.
  • March 31: the city of Popayán (Colombia) is destroyed by an earthquake of 5.5, leaving a balance of 267 deceased.


  • April 4th: NASA's first challenger space shuttle flight.
  • April 6: in Managua (Nicaragua) the Salvadoran guerrilla leader Ana María (53), the founder of the FMLN (Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional), was murdered.
  • April 12: In Managua (Nicaragua) the commander Marcial (64), the Salvadoran guerrilla leader of the FMLN, was killed, for having been unfairly pointed out as the author of the murder of his adversary policy Commander Ana María.
  • April 14: in a well at 533 meters underground, in the U7bu area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 11:05 (local time) United States detonates its 84 kt turquoise atomic bomb. It is the 991 bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • April 17: in San Pedro Sula starts its CBC Canal 6 broadcasts in Honduras.
  • April 18: The U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, is bombed.
  • April 18: Disney Channel is launched in the United States.
  • April 18th: in Peru begins its broadcasts Andina de Televisión (ATV).
  • 23 April: in Munich (Germany), the song "If the vie est cadeau", by Corinne Hermès, wins for Luxembourg the XXVIII edition of Eurovision.
  • April 24: The German pilot Rolf Stommelen died in an accident at the Riverside airport.
  • 25 April: the elections are held in Portugal.
  • April 27: near the Ecuadorian population of Chunchi (in the province of Chimborazo) there is a mud alud. There's only one survivor left; about 100 people die.
  • April 28: Colombian guerrilla Jaime Bateman Cayón died in an air accident.


  • 2 May: In the Californian city of Coalinga there is an earthquake of 6.2 where 24 people die.
  • May 5: In Argentina there is another abduction of the Puccio: the victim is Eduardo Aulet.
  • 6 May: in Germany, Stern magazine publishes Journals of Hitler. Later it will be discovered that they are forgeries.
  • 8 May: municipal elections are held in Spain (2nd Legislature).
  • May 9: Pope John Paul II withdrew the condemnation of the Catholic Church against the astronomer Galileo Galilei.
  • May 11: In Chile, the First Day of National Protest, convened by the Confederation of Workers of the Copper, is held to express its opposition to the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
  • May 12: The first AIDS case in Peru is reported.
  • May 20: Science magazine publishes the discovery of human immunodeficiency virus by Luc Montagnier.
  • May 25th: The Return of the Jedi, the latest film of the original trilogy of Star Wars.
  • May 26: In Japan, an earthquake of 7.8 and a destructive tsunami with waves of up to 10 meters left 104 dead.
  • 28 May: the G-7 Summit of Williamsburg, United States.
  • May 30: the Parliament of the Canary Islands is established.


  • June 2nd: Mexico opens the 4th Edition of the World Youth Football Cup.
  • 9 June: In the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Party wins in the general elections.
  • June 9: Mário Soares became Prime Minister of Portugal for the second time.
  • 14 June: in Chile the Second Day of National Protest is held. Two demonstrators die on the occasion.
  • June 15: In Peru the phenomenon of El Niño culminates, leaving a trail of destruction throughout the country, especially in the far north and the Andean highlands.
  • June 15: the law of linguistic normalization in Galicia is approved.
  • June 16: Yuri Andropov becomes president of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Soviet.
  • June 18: Sally Ride becomes the first woman on the American continent to travel to space as a crew member on NASA's Challenger space shuttle.
  • June 19: in Mexico City (Mexico) the 1983 Youth Football World Cup ends, where the Brazilian team won the world champion in this category for the first time by winning the Argentine National Team for 1-0.
  • 22 June: In Vatican City, the 15-year-old Emanuela Orlandi disappears in mysterious circumstances.
  • June 24: Former Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticós committed suicide in Havana.
  • 25 June: In Spain, the use of the vil garrote is formally abolished, the execution of the death penalty from 1820 to the total abolition of the death penalty with the 1978 Constitution.


  • July 5: in Turkey, an earthquake of 6.1 leaves 5 dead.
  • 7 July: the so-called language standardization law in Catalonia is passed
  • 8 July: In the town of Getafe (Madrid), the Getafe Club of Football is founded.
  • July 11: New Zealander Lorraine Downes wins the crown of the Miss Universe.
  • July 14: Nintendo releases Arcade videogame, Mario Bros.
  • 15 July: ASALA terrorist attack occurs at Orly Airport (France) leaving 8 dead and 56 wounded.
  • July 15: In Japan, Nintendo launches its second home console, the Famicom Disk System.
  • July 18: In Colombia, the M-19 confirms the accident death of its leader Jaime Bateman.
  • July 21st: The lowest temperature on our planet is recorded at the Vostok Base (Antartide): –89.2 °C. It's the record since temperatures are recorded.
  • July 22: Honduran and Nicaraguan patrols launch a brief naval battle and U.S. warships sail off the coast of Nicaragua.
  • 22 July: a partial and conditional amnesty is proclaimed in Poland, while the Diet approves numerous repressive laws.
  • 23 July: in Venezuela, Spanish king Juan Carlos I signed the Declaration of Caracas] on the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of Simon Bolivar.
  • July 24: a bicentennial of Simon Bolivar's birth.
  • July 24: Iran announces the beginning of a new offensive against Iraq, in a war that has already claimed half a million dead.
  • July 25: United States: The debut album of the Metallica band is published: "Kill 'Em All"
  • 27 July: in Gärmersdorf bei Amberg (Germany) the highest temperature is recorded in the History of that country: 40.2 °C (104,4 °F).
  • 30 July: the new labour law that establishes 40 hours of work and 30 days of annual leave enters into force in Spain.


  • August 8: In Guatemala, General Óscar Humberto Mejía Víctores perpetrates a coup d'etat overthrowing the dictator Efraín Ríos Montt.
  • August 10: Opening of the 32nd edition of Copa América without fixed headquarters.
  • August 11th: in the Nevada test camp (100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:00 local time United States detonates the atomic bomb Saturday (five kilotons), the 995 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 11th and 12th of August: Fourth National Protest Day is held in Chile. A curfew is declared at 6:30 p.m. The final balance of the protests is 27 dead.
  • 17 August: an earthquake of 6.5 shakes the Philippine island of Luzon leaving 16 dead and 47 wounded.
  • August 18: Hurricane Alicia hits the Texas coast, causing the death of 22 people and extensive material damage.
  • August 26: In the Basque Country, Navarre and Burgos are flooding, causing 39 deaths.
  • 27 August: anti-government riots enter Pakistan on its fourteenth day.
  • August 27: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates its 2 kt Jarlsberg atomic bomb to 200 m underground. It is the 996 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • August 27: Javier Ayuso was born in Madrid
  • August 30: the mayor of Santiago de Chile, General (R) Carol Urzúa, along with his two escorts, is killed by the Revolutionary Left Movement.


  • September 1st: In the Cold War, Korean Air's 007 flight wrongly enters Soviet airspace and is shot down by fighter planes; the 269 occupants die.
  • September 1st: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates to 624 m underground its 43 kt Chancellor atomic bomb. It is the 997 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 5-16 September: South Pacific Games 1983 are held in Apia.
  • September 5: DiC Entertainment premieres the Inspector Gadget.
  • September 10: in Barcelona (Spain) the Television channel of Catalonia (TV3).
  • September 15: Peruvian boxer Orlando Romero fights the American Ray Mancini.
  • September 19: Saint Kitts and Nevis is independent of the British Empire.
  • September 22: in the U4o area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 (local time) United States detonates to 533 m underground its Techado atomic bomb, 2 kt. It is the 1001 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • September 23: In the city of San Martín, in the Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, the nuclear accident of the RA-2 reactor, the most serious in the history of the nuclear development of that country, occurs within the facilities of the Constituent Atomic Center.
  • September 26: An error in a satellite puts the world just minutes away from a total nuclear war (Incidence of the Autumn Equinox), avoided by Soviet Lieutenant Stanislav Petrov.
  • September 27: Richard Stallman (39) announces the development of the GNU operating system.


  • October 3: in Japan, Mount Oyama is erupted; it destroys 400 houses, fires forests and a lake.
  • October 5: An asteroid is discovered 9007 James Bond.
  • October 9: Pedro Julio García (president of the newspaper Prensa Libre) is kidnapped in Guatemala City.
  • October 11 Air Illinois Flight 710 flying from Chicago to Carbondale (United States) crashes near Pinckneyville: all of its occupants die.
  • 13 October: the murciano municipality of Los Alcázares is independent of the municipalities of San Javier and Torre Pacheco.
  • October 20: centenary of the Treaty of Ancon: Peru yields to Chile the provinces of Arica and Tarapacá.
  • October 25: in Granada, the troops of the United States invade the island; the beginning of the invasion of Granada.
  • October 29: in Washington DC, United States, the song Paper track from Jessé, wins for Brazil the XII edition of OTI Festival.
  • October 28: An earthquake of 6.9 is recorded in the state of Idaho.
  • 30 October: an earthquake in Turkey leaves 1,340 dead.
    • first democratic elections in Argentina after seven years of the most bloody military dictatorship in his History.


  • 4 November: end of the Americas Cup in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) and Uruguay Get 12th Copa América title after winning it in two round-trip games to Brazil with a 3-1 global.
  • 7 November: In China, an earthquake of 5.7 leaves 34 dead and 2,000 wounded.
  • 9 November: The visual artist and musician Regio Alejandro Lizaola was born in (Mexico).
  • 14 November: Spain recognizes the Saharawi Democratic Arab Republic (RASD).
  • 15 November: the Turkish side of Cyprus is declared independent.
  • 16 November: There is a 6.7 earthquake in Hawaii that leaves 6 wounded and causes landslides throughout the island.
  • 17 November: the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) was founded in Mexico.
  • 17 November: in Costa Rica, President Luis Alberto Monge proclaims the perpetual, active and non-armed neutrality of his country.
  • 27 November: in Madrid, a Boeing 747 plane from the airline Avianca crashed, covering the Paris - Bogotá flight (see Flight 11 of Avianca); 181 of its 192 occupants die; among them, several writers, including Mexican Jorge Ibargüengoitia and Peruvian Manuel Scorza. Ten days later another collision will occur.
  • 30 November: in Buenos Aires, Argentina—in the framework of the bloody Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983), a military tribunal led by Cristino Nicolaides condemns Colonel Juan Jaime Cesio.
    • In the Chagos archipelago there is an earthquake of 7.7 and a tsunami.


  • 4 December: In Venezuela, Jaime Lusinchi wins the presidential elections.
  • 4 December: The GAL terrorist organization is kidnapping Second Marey.
  • 7 December: at the tracks of Barajas airport (Madrid) an Iberia plane crashes due to the fog, with another one of Aviaco, dying 93 people. Only 10 days before, another air accident had claimed 181 lives at the same airport.
  • December 8th in Argentina starts its broadcasts LRK 458 TV Canal 8 de Tucumán (Telefe).
  • 9 December: in a well 244 meters underground, in the U3Ls area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 8:00 (local time) United States detonates its 1,5 kt Muggins atomic bomb. It is the 1005 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 10 December: In Argentina, Raúl Alfonsín assumes the presidency after the military dictatorship (1976-1983).
    On December 10, Raúl Alfonsín assumed the government of Argentina restoring democracy in that country.
  • 13 December: in the United States, in a NBA party, Denver Nuggetsand Detroit Pistons ends with a result from 186 to 184 in favor of Detroit Pistons, being the match of the history of the NBA with more points (With 370 Points)
  • December 14: In Chile, the Patriotic Front Manuel Rodríguez (the armed struggle of the Communist Party) began with an electric blackout at the national level. Along with this, massive protests take place in the streets of Santiago and various cities of the country, the opposition to the Augusto Pinochet Regime will not stop.
  • December 14: in Medellín (Colombia) a Boeing 707-373C is crashed from Tampa Cargo shortly after taking off from Olaya Herrera Airport. The three crew members on board die, including 22 people on the ground.
  • 17 December: in Madrid, a fire at the Alcalá 20 discotheque causes the death of 83 people.
  • December 17th: In London, (Great Britain) a car bomb from the IRA kills 6 people and hurts 90.
  • December 20: The Constitution of the Republic adopted by a Constituent Assembly enters into force in El Salvador.
  • 21 December: Spain wins for 12 goals to 1 to Malta at the Benito Villamarín Stadium in Seville for the ranking of the Euro Cup 1984.
  • 22 December: In Guinea an earthquake of 6.3 leaves a balance of 300 dead, 1,500 wounded and 200 disappeared.
  • 31 December: Brunéi is independent of the United Kingdom.
  • December 31: Two bombs explode in France. One, on a Paris train, kills 3 people and hurts 19. The other, at a station in Marseilles, kills 2 and hurts 34.
  • December 31: An earthquake of 7.4 shakes northeast Afghanistan causing 26 deaths and hundreds of wounded.



  • January 1: Daniel Jarque, Spanish footballer (f. 2009).
  • January 1st: Paula Castaño, Colombian actress.
  • January 2: Kate Bosworth, American actress.
  • January 3: Tyra Misoux, German pornographic actress.
  • January 4: Kasper Risgård, Danish footballer.
  • January 4: Spencer Chamberlain, American singer, Underoath.
  • January 4: Óliver Arteaga, Spanish basketball.
  • January 5: Julia Almeida, Brazilian actress.
  • January 5: Jon Moya Martín, Spanish footballer.
  • January 5: Ferrán Corominas, Spanish footballer.
  • January 5: José Aguirre, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • January 7: Aníbal Arrieta, Costa Rican footballer.
Felipe Colombo
  • January 8: Felipe Colombo, an Argentine actor and singer of Mexican origin.
  • January 8: Miguel Aceval, Chilean footballer.
  • January 9: Manasseh Ishiaku, Nigerian footballer.
  • January 9: Per Verner Vågan Rønning, Norwegian footballer.
  • January 9: Mariano Acevedo, Honduran footballer.
  • January 9: Alejandro Cañizares, Spanish golfer.
  • January 10: David Elm, Swedish footballer.
  • January 11: Adrian Sutil, German motor racing driver.
  • January 13: Julian Morris, British actor.
  • January 13: Giovanni Visconti, Italian cyclist.
  • January 13: Zé Castro, Portuguese footballer.
  • 13 January: Constantine Ibarra Navarro, Spanish footballer.
  • January 13: Raúl Ferro, Uruguayan footballer.
  • January 13: Chikau Mansale, Vanuatuian footballer.
  • January 14: Alan Bahia, Brazilian footballer.
  • January 15: Jerrod Laventure, American footballer.
  • January 16: Emanuel Pogatetz, Austrian footballer.
  • January 16: Andriy Rusol, Ukrainian footballer.
  • January 17: Alvaro Arbeloa, Spanish footballer.
  • January 17: Reinaldo Alderete, Argentine soccer player.
Hikaru Utada
  • January 19: Hikaru Utada, actress, singer-songwriter and Japanese American producer.
  • January 20: Geovany Soto, Puerto Rican baseball player.
  • January 20: Mari Yaguchi, Japanese idol.
  • January 20: Daniel Di Tomasso, Italian actor.
  • January 20: Yovanny Arrechea, Colombian footballer.
  • January 21: Alex Acker, American basketball player.
  • January 21: Maryse Ouellet, American professional fighter.
  • January 22: Jéssica Segura, Mexican actress.
  • January 24: Frankie Grande, actor and producer on Broadway. Big Ariana's older brother.
  • January 24: Shaun Maloney, British footballer.
  • January 24: Davide Biondini, Italian footballer.
  • January 24: Pablo Sánchez Alberto, Spanish footballer.
  • January 25: Gorka Azkorra, Spanish footballer.
  • January 25: Axel Cédric Konan, a footballer from Ivory.
  • January 25: Christopher Foy, Australian actor.
  • January 26: Gilberto Bibi Marín, Mexican guitarist, of the band Reik.
  • January 26: Marek Čech, Slovak footballer.
  • January 27: Michal Ordoš, Czech footballer.
  • January 28: Alessandro Gazzi, Italian footballer.
  • January 28: Gianvito Plasmati, Italian footballer.
  • January 28: Sandy Leah Lima, Brazilian actress and singer.
  • January 30: Geraldine Bazán, Mexican actress.
  • January 30: Sergi Breus, Ukrainian swimmer.
  • January 31: Fabio Quagliarella, Italian footballer.


  • February 1st: Andrew VanWyngarden, American singer of the MGMT band.
  • 1 February: Alessandro Calvi, Italian swimmer.
  • February 2: Ronny Cedeño, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • February 3: Younis Mahmoud, an Iraqi footballer.
  • February 3: Alexandra Vivas, Colombian skater.
  • February 4: Miguel Garcia, Portuguese footballer.
  • February 7: Christian Klien, Austrian Formula 1 pilot.
  • February 7: Federico Marchetti, Italian footballer.
  • 7 February: Jonathan Brison, French footballer.
  • February 8: Diego García, Argentine actor.
  • February 9: Mikel Arruabarrena, Spanish footballer.
  • 11 February: Rafael van der Vaart, a Dutch footballer.
Huang Shengyi
  • February 11: Huang Shengyi, actress, singer and Chinese model.
  • February 12: Ana Rucner, Croatian cellist.
  • February 13: Anna Watkins, British shirt.
  • 13 February: Antonio Moreno Sánchez, Spanish footballer.
  • 14 February: Estefanía Godoy, Colombian actress and model.
  • February 14: José Luis Tancredi, Uruguayan footballer.
  • February 15: Agustina Cherri, an Argentine actress.
  • February 15: Philipp Degen, Swiss footballer.
  • February 15: Rolando Bianchi, Italian footballer.
  • February 15: Don Cowie, Scottish footballer.
  • February 15: Silvia Pérez Cruz, Spanish singer and composer.
  • February 16: Agyness Deyn, British model and actress.
  • February 16: Alejandra Silva, Spanish social activist and publicist.
  • February 16: Ustaritz Aldekoaotalora, Spanish footballer.
  • February 16: Emilio de Justo, Spanish bullfighter.
  • February 17: Abbey Brooks, American porn actress.
  • February 17: Poppy Morgan, British pornographic actress.
  • February 18: Jermaine Jenas, British footballer.
  • February 18: Ander Lafuente, Spanish footballer.
  • February 19: Mika Nakashima, Japanese actress, model and singer.
  • February 20: Nanae Aoyama, Japanese writer.
  • February 21: Mélanie Laurent, actress, model and French singer.
  • February 21: Franklin Gutierrez, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • February 22: Penny Flame, erotic model and American pornographic actress.
Emily Blunt
  • February 23: Emily Blunt, British actress.
  • February 23: Mido, Egyptian footballer.
  • February 23: Aziz Ansari, American comic.
  • February 23: Ignacio Aguado, Spanish politician.
  • February 24: Ingemar Teever, Estonian footballer.
  • February 25: Mattias Moström, Swedish footballer.
  • February 26: Yamna Lobos, dancer, Chilean actress and driver.
  • February 27: Kate Mara, American actress.
  • February 27: Sandra Hernández, Colombian actress.
  • February 28: Thiago dos Santos Costa, Brazilian footballer.


  • March 1st: Lupita Nyong'o, actress kenianomexicana.
  • March 1: Carlos Abellán, Spanish cyclist.
  • March 2: Numa Keneke, yudoca papu.
  • March 2: Guillermo Amoedo, director of cinema and Uruguayan screenwriter.
  • March 4: Juan Carlos Messier, Colombian actor.
  • 6 March: Tommaso Berni, Italian footballer.
  • March 7: Sebastián Viera, Uruguayan footballer.
  • March 9: Maite Perroni, Mexican actress and singer, from the RBD band.
  • March 9: Roberto Ferrari, Italian cyclist.
  • March 9: Clint Dempsey, American footballer.
Carrie Underwood
  • March 10: Carrie Underwood, American singer.
  • March 10: Nicolás Amodio, Uruguayan footballer.
  • March 10: Natasha Alam, Uzbek actress and model.
  • March 11: Melissa López, Mexican singer and driver.
  • March 12: Marisol González, journalist and Mexican model.
  • March 14: Fabrice Do Marcolino, Gabonese footballer.
Florence Bertotti
  • March 15: Florence Bertotti, Argentinean actress and singer.
  • March 15: Jean-Jacques Gosso, footballer from Ivory.
  • March 15: Danielle Dithurbide, Mexican journalist and driver.
  • March 17: Stefano Mancinelli, Italian basketball player.
  • March 18: Kyle Downes, Canadian-American actor.
  • March 18: EC3, American professional fighter.
  • March 19: Matthew Korklan, American professional fighter.
  • March 19: Ana Rezende, Brazilian filmmaker and guitarist.
  • March 19: Jenny Vargas, actress, entrepreneur and Colombian host.
  • March 20: Carolina Padrón, a Venezuelan sports journalist.
  • March 20: Eiji Kawashima, Japanese footballer.
  • March 20: Rory Fallon, New Zealand footballer.
  • March 22: Miriam Benoit, Spanish actress.
  • March 23: Arturo Arredondo, Mexican guitarist, of the Panda band.
  • March 23: Natalia Jerez, actress, presenter and Colombian model.
  • March 23: José Amador Correas, Spanish basketball player.
  • March 24: Alexei Eremenko, a Finnish footballer of Russian origin.
  • March 24: Santi Trancho, Spanish cameraman (f. 2015).
  • March 24: Álex Anwandter, Chilean singer.
  • March 24: Cristiano Del Grosso, Italian footballer.
  • March 24: Karim Saidi, Tunisian footballer.
  • March 25: Javier Gómez Noya, Spanish triathle.
  • March 26: Jonida Maliqi, Albanian singer.
  • March 27: Igor Picuşceac, Moldovan footballer.
  • March 29: Vanessa Giácomo, Brazilian actress.
  • March 29: Efstathios Aloneftis, Cypriot footballer.
  • March 29: Ryōhei Suzuki, Japanese actor
  • March 30: Yeom Ki-hun, South Korean footballer.


  • April 1: John Axford, Canadian baseball player.
  • April 1: Laura Carmine, Puerto Rican and Mexican actress.
  • April 1: Serguéi Lázarev, Russian singer and actor.
  • April 1: Christian Schulz, German footballer.
  • April 2: Arthur Boka, Ivorian footballer.
  • April 3: Ben Foster, British footballer.
  • April 3: Ludovic Butelle, French footballer.
  • April 4: Toshimitsu Asai, Japanese footballer.
  • April 7: Franck Ribéry, French footballer.
  • April 7: Marcos Angeleri, Argentine footballer.
  • April 7: Manuel Antonio Cardoso, Portuguese cyclist.
  • April 11: Eder Arias, Colombian footballer.
  • April 13: Claudio Bravo, Chilean footballer.
  • April 14: Armando Torrea, Mexican actor.
  • April 14: Simona La Mantia, Italian athlete.
  • April 15: Matt Cardle, British singer.
Alice Braga
  • April 15: Alice Braga, Brazilian actress.
  • April 16: Alex Antônio de Melo Santos, Brazilian footballer.
  • April 17: Gal Alberman, an Israeli footballer.
  • April 18: José Miguel Torres Cabrera, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • April 18: Carina Cruz, Colombian actress.
Miranda Kerr
  • April 20: Miranda Kerr, Australian model, Victoria's Secret.
  • April 21: Paweł Brożek, Polish footballer.
  • April 22: Ainhoa Garai, Spanish actress.
  • April 23: Leon Andreasen, Danish footballer.
  • April 24: Javier Jattin, Colombian actor and model.
  • April 24: Radosław Cierzniak, Polish footballer.
  • April 24: Serhiy Krávchenko, Ukrainian footballer.
  • April 24: José Carlos Ferreira Filho, Brazilian footballer.
  • April 25: Oleg Gusev, Ukrainian footballer.
  • April 26: José María López, Argentine pilot.
  • April 29: Aco Stojkov, Macedonian footballer.
  • April 29: Semih Şentürk, Turkish footballer.


  • May 2: Mon Laferte, Chilean singer.
  • 2 May: Alessandro Diamanti, Italian footballer.
Henry Cavill
  • May 5: Henry Cavill, British actor.
  • May 5: Serafín Marín, Spanish bullfighter.
  • May 6: Daniel Alves, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 6: Gabourey Sidibe, American actress.
  • May 6: Albert Acevedo, Chilean footballer.
  • 7 May: Julio dos Santos, Paraguayan footballer.
  • May 7: Milo Moiré, Swiss performance artist.
  • May 8: Matt Willis, British singer.
  • May 8: Germán "Tuto" Patiño, actor and presenter of Colombian television.
  • May 9th: Gilles Müller, tenist Luxemburgers.
  • May 9: Shinya Aoki, Japanese mixed martial art fighter.
  • May 9: Leandro Rinaudo, Italian footballer.
  • May 10: David Barral, Spanish footballer.
  • May 10: Wilmer Aguirre, Peruvian footballer.
  • May 10: Danilo Portugal, Brazilian footballer.
  • May 12: Domhnall Gleeson, Irish actor.
  • May 12: Kushida, professional wrestler and Japanese mixed martial artist.
  • May 13: Yaya Touré, footballer from Ivory.
  • 13 May: Grégory Lemarchal, French singer (f. 2007).
  • May 14: Anahí, actress, singer, model, composer and Mexican businesswoman.
  • May 14, Amber Tamblyn, American actress.
  • May 16: Paola Jara, Colombian singer.
  • May 17: Nicky Hofs, Dutch footballer.
  • May 17: Sonia Matias, Portuguese footballer.
  • May 22: Franco Niell, Argentine footballer.
  • May 22: Zajko Zeba, Bosnian footballer.
  • May 22: Jeremy Christie, New Zealand footballer.
  • May 22: Esmé Kamphuis, a Dutch bobsleigh pilot.
  • 23 May: Ante Tomić, Croatian footballer.
  • May 24: Marta González Liriano, actress, presenter, Dominican model.
  • May 24: Marco Crugnola, Italian tennis player.
  • May 26: Demy de Zeeuw, Dutch footballer.
  • May 27: Khamis Gaddafi, Libyan military (f. 2011).
  • May 27: Bobby Convey, American footballer.
  • May 28: Toby Hemingway, British actor.
  • May 28: Humberto Sánchez, Dominican baseball player.
  • May 29: Jean Makoun, Cameroonian footballer.


  • 2 June: Leandro dos Santos Branco, Brazilian footballer.
  • June 2: Leela James, American singer.
  • June 3: Javiera Mena, singer, producer and Chilean musician.
  • June 3: Paty Sirvent, Mexican singer and former member of the group Jeans.
  • June 3: Pasquale Foggia, Italian footballer.
  • June 4th: Emmanuel Eboué, footballer from Ivory.
  • June 5: Juan Carlos Adrianza, Venezuelan comedian actor (f. 2011).
  • June 6: Michael Krohn-Dehli, Danish footballer.
  • June 6: Gianna Michaels, American porn actress.
  • June 8: Kim Clijsters, Belgian tennis player.
  • June 8: Mamoru Miyano, actor, seiyū and Japanese singer.
  • June 8: Pantelis Kapetanos, Greek footballer.
  • June 9: Sergio García de la Fuente, Spanish footballer.
  • June 10: Leelee Sobieski, American television actress and film.
  • June 10: Kees Kwakman, Dutch footballer.
  • June 10: Steve Von Bergen, Swiss footballer.
  • June 12: Anja Rubik, Polish model.
  • June 14: Mattia Gavazzi, Italian cyclist.
  • June 14: Louis Garrel, French actor.
  • June 15: Sonya Chervonsky, Australian Yudoca.
  • June 15: Greg Brunner, Swiss-American basketball player.
  • June 15: Derek Anderson, American football player.
  • June 15: Fernanda Fuentes, Chilean-Spanish chef.
  • June 15: Mike Harris, American basketball player.
  • June 15: M'bar N'Diaye, French taekwondista.
  • June 15: Diego Fusaro, Italian essayist.
  • June 15: Julia Fischer, German music.
  • June 15: Rubén Sellés, Spanish football coach.
  • June 16: Jeymmy Paola Vargas, Colombian model and actress.
Kazunari Ninomiya
  • June 16: Verónica Echegui, Spanish actress.
  • June 17: Kazunari Ninomiya, Japanese actor and idol, member of the Arashi group.
  • June 17: Andreu Guerao, Spanish footballer.
  • June 18: Antonio Floro Flores, Italian footballer.
  • June 19: Macklemore, American rapper.
  • June 19: Mark Selby, British snooker player.
  • June 19: Aidan Turner, Irish actor.
  • June 19: Milan Petržela, Czech footballer.
  • June 20: Carolina Ramírez, Colombian actress and dancer.
  • June 21: Nadia, Mexican singer.
  • June 21: Edward Snowden, American character.
  • June 23: José Rojas, Chilean footballer.
  • June 23: Kari Arkivuo, Finnish footballer.
  • June 23: Juho Mäkelä, Finnish footballer.
  • June 23: Brandi Rhodes, professional fighter and American model.
  • June 24: Sofia Mulánovich, Peruvian surfer.
  • June 24: Tetsuya Abe, Japanese footballer.
  • June 25: Daniele Gastaldello, Italian footballer.
  • June 25: Mabel Moreno, Colombian actress and model.
  • June 25: Cristian Oliveira Baroni, Brazilian footballer.
  • June 26: Antonio Rosati, Italian footballer.
  • June 27: Lorik Cana, Albanian footballer.
  • June 27: Jim Johnson, American baseball player.
  • June 29: Luca Ascani, Italian cyclist.
  • June 30: Cheryl Cole, British singer.
  • June 30: Marcus Burghardt, German cyclist.


  • July 1st: Leeteuk, South Korean singer and actor, group leader Super Junior.
  • July 1st: Nedzad Sinanovic, Bosnian basketball.
  • July 1: María Inés Guerra, TV presenter and Mexican singer.
  • July 2nd: Michelle Branch, American musician.
  • July 4: Isabeli Fontana, Brazilian model.
Marcela Kloosterboer
  • July 5: Marcela Kloosterboer, Argentine actress.
  • July 5: Raphael Nuzzolo, Swiss footballer.
  • July 7: Jakub Wawrzyniak, Polish footballer.
  • July 8: Jon Jönsson, Swedish footballer.
  • July 8: Antonio Mirante, Italian footballer.
  • July 9: Miguel Montero, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • July 9: Carmelo González, Spanish footballer.
  • July 10: Heechul, South Korean actor and singer, member of the Super Junior group.
  • July 10: Gabi Fernández, Spanish footballer.
  • July 10: Jacobo Sanz, Spanish footballer.
  • July 10: Gemma Sanderson, Australian model.
  • July 11: Marie Eleonor Serneholt, Swedish singer, A-Teens.
  • July 12: Sandi Gbandi, Liberian footballer.
  • July 12: Reiichi Ikegami, Japanese footballer.
  • July 12: Ghasem Hadadifar, Iranian footballer.
  • July 12: Mirsad Terzić, Bosnian basketball.
  • July 12: Libania Grenot, an Italian athlete of Cuban origin.
  • July 12: David Muntaner Juaneda, Spanish cyclist.
  • July 12: Jesus Tato, Spanish footballer.
  • July 13: Rebeca Linares, Spanish porn actress.
  • July 13: Carmen Villalobos, Colombian actress.
  • July 13: Andrea Ablasser, German immunologist.
  • July 14: Igor Andreev, Russian tennis player.
  • July 14: Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • July 14: Milena Torres, actress, singer, model, youtuber and Venezuelan host.
  • July 16: Katrina Kaif, British actress.
  • July 16: Annie Lööf, Swedish politics.
  • July 16: Moussa Sanogo, Belgian-Marfilian footballer.
  • July 17: Joker Xue, singer.
  • July 17: Marco Né, Ivorian footballer.
  • July 18: Carlos Diogo, Uruguayan footballer.
  • July 21: Johnny Acosta, Costa Rican footballer.
  • July 21: Karolina Kowalczyk, Polish shooter.
  • July 22: Arsenie Todiraş, Moldovan singer.
  • July 22: Ander Murillo, Spanish footballer.
  • July 22: Aldo de Nigris, Mexican footballer.
  • July 22: Igone Arribas, Spanish rhythm gymnast.
  • July 22: Aldemar Correa, Colombian actor.
  • July 24: Daniele De Rossi, Italian footballer.
  • July 24: Ivan Stoyanov, Bulgarian footballer.
  • July 24: Asami Mizukawa, Japanese actress.
  • July 26: Shinya Aikawa, Japanese footballer.
  • July 26: Juan Andrés Tejera, Uruguayan soccer player.
  • July 27: Lorik Cana, Albanian footballer.
  • July 27: Goran Pandev, Macedonian footballer.
  • July 27: Kubbra Sait, actress, TV presenter and Indian model
  • July 30: Cristian Molinaro, Italian footballer.
  • July 30: Mariano Andújar, Argentine soccer player.
  • July 30: Daniel Giménez Hernández, Spanish footballer.
  • July 30: André Luiz Tavares, Brazilian footballer.


  • August 1st: Nesmith, Japanese singer and dancer, J Soul Brothers.
  • August 1st: Natalia Siwiec, Polish model.
  • 2 August: Michel Bastos, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 2nd: Amílcar Henríquez, Panamanian footballer (f. 2017).
  • August 3: Mamie Gummer, American actress.
  • August 4: Yuka Terasaki, Japanese voice actress.
  • August 4th: Benjamin Donegan, Australian york.
  • 4 August: Nathaniel Buzolic, Australian actor
  • August 5: Kara Tointon, British actress.
  • August 5: Gabriel Frías-Sánchez Seco, Spanish footballer.
  • August 5: Hicham Mahdoufi, Moroccan footballer.
  • August 5: Jeff Larentowicz, American footballer.
  • August 5: Gláuber, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 6: Robin van Persie, Dutch footballer.
  • August 6: Loreto Aravena, Chilean actress.
  • August 7: Christian Chávez, Mexican actor and singer, from the RBD band.
  • August 7: Andri Hrivko, Ukrainian cyclist.
  • August 7: Mario Camacho, Costa Rican footballer.
  • August 7: Danny Alves, Venezuelan footballer.
  • August 7: Jan Hajek, Czech tennis player.
  • 7 August: Tina O'Brien, English actress.
  • August 7: Dalidaivis Rodriguez, Cuban Yudoca.
  • August 7: Diana Aguavil, Cuban politics.
  • August 7: Leandro Guilheiro, Brazilian yudoca.
  • August 8: Mario D'Amico, Italian model.
  • August 8: Ryan Cochrane, American footballer.
  • August 8: Bastian Knittel, German tennis player.
  • August 9: Issoumaila Dao, footballer from Ivory.
  • August 9: Ashley Johnson, American actress.
  • August 10: Alessandro Viana da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 10: Jonathan Maicelo, Peruvian boxer.
Chris Hemsworth
  • August 11: Chris Hemsworth, Australian actor.
  • August 12: Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, Dutch footballer.
  • August 13: Loris Facci, Italian swimmer.
  • 13 August: Čubomír Michalík, Slovak footballer.
  • August 13: Diego Cervero, Spanish footballer.
  • August 14: Manuela Bolivar, Venezuelan politics.
  • August 14: Marimar Vega, Mexican actress.
  • August 14: Mila Kunis, an American actress of Ukrainian origin.
  • 14 August: Elena Baltacha, British tennis player of Ukrainian origin (f. 2014).
  • August 14: Heiko Westermann, German footballer.
  • August 14: Lu Yen-hsun, Taiwanese tennis player.
  • August 16: Francini Amaral, Brazilian dancer.
  • August 16: Dante López, Paraguayan footballer.
  • August 18: Mika, Lebanese singer.
  • August 18: Kris Boyd, British footballer.
  • August 19: Kassaly Daouda, Nigerian footballer.
  • August 19: Peter Mooney, Canadian actor.
  • August 20: Andrew Garfield, British actor.
  • August 20: Yuri Zhirkov, Russian footballer.
  • August 21: Aaron Bueno, Spanish footballer.
  • August 21: Juan Álvez, Uruguayan footballer.
  • August 23: Camila Rodrigues, Brazilian actress.
  • August 24: Martha Higareda, Mexican actress.
  • August 24: Leandro Domingues Barbosa, Brazilian footballer.
  • August 24: Marcela Gándara, Mexican singer of Christian music.
  • August 25: Jairo Arrieta, Costa Rican footballer.
  • August 25: Marcelo Aguirre, Argentine soccer player.
  • August 26: Mattia Cassani, Italian footballer.
  • August 27: Felice Piccolo, Italian footballer.
  • August 27: Jamala, Ukrainian singer of Tatar Crimean origin, winner of the 2016 Eurovision Festival.
  • August 28: Alfonso Herrera, Mexican actor and singer.
  • August 28: Christian Pander, German footballer.
  • August 29: Xabi Prieto, Spanish footballer.
  • August 30: Jonne Aaron, Finnish singer, from the Negative band.
  • August 30: Jun Matsumoto, Japanese singer and actor.
  • August 30: Simone Pepe, Italian footballer.


  • September 1st: José Antonio Reyes, Spanish footballer (f. 2019).
  • September 1st: Paul Verhaegh, Dutch footballer.
  • September 2: Daniela Stracchi, Italian footballer.
  • September 2: Roberto Urbina, Colombian actor and model.
  • September 2: Vanessa Claudio, model, driver and queen of Puerto Rican beauty.
  • September 3: Alexander Klaws, German singer.
  • September 3: Aida Oset, Spanish actress.
  • September 3: Cristian Fabbiani, Argentine footballer.
  • September 3: Augusto Farfus, Brazilian motor racing driver.
  • September 3: Nicky Hunt, British footballer.
  • September 5: Jimena Araya, Venezuelan actress.
  • September 6: Pejman Montazeri, Iranian footballer.
  • September 6: Braun Strowman, American professional fighter.
  • September 7, Andre Silva, actor and singer of the Peruvian moonlight soap opera
  • September 8: Diego Benaglio, Swiss footballer.
  • September 9: Alex Romero, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • September 9: Vitolo Añino, Spanish footballer.
  • September 9: Jana Miartusova, Czech pornographic model and actress.
  • September 9: Iñaki Aguilar, Spanish waterpolista.
  • September 9: Eleidy Aparicio, model and Venezuelan actress.
  • September 10: Jérémy Toulalan, French footballer.
  • September 10: Joey Votto, Canadian baseball player.
  • September 12: Antonio Ayala Soler, Spanish footballer.
  • September 12: Francisco Arévalo, Honduran footballer.
  • September 13: James Bourne, British singer and composer, from the band Son of Dork.
  • September 13: François Zoko, Ivorian footballer.
  • September 14: Cristina Hurtado, model, presenter and Colombian businessman.
Amy Winehouse
  • September 14: Amy Winehouse, British singer and composer (f. 2011).
  • September 14: Francisco Javier Solar González, Spanish footballer.
  • 14 September: Mohammad Reza Khalatbari, Iranian footballer.
  • September 15: Tomáš Sivok, Czech footballer.
  • September 16: Marina San José, Spanish actress.
  • September 17: Jennifer Peña, American singer.
  • September 17: Knox Cameron, American footballer.
  • September 17: Christian Yeladian, Uruguayan footballer.
  • September 19: Ryosuke Amo, Japanese footballer.
  • September 20: Carolina Jaramillo, Colombian actress.
  • September 20: Jessica Alonso, Spanish basketball player.
  • September 20: Joël Retornaz, Italian curling player.
  • September 21st: Maggie Grace, American actress.
  • September 21: Anna Favella, Italian actress.
  • September 21: Cristian Hidalgo, Spanish footballer.
  • September 22: William Xavier Barbosa, Brazilian footballer.
  • September 22: William Xavier Barbosa, Brazilian footballer.
  • September 22: Glenn Loovens, Dutch footballer.
  • September 23: Richard Spong, Swedish footballer.
  • September 25: Donald Glover, actor, comedian, singer, dancer, director, writer and producer.
  • September 26: Ricardo Quaresma, Portuguese footballer.
  • September 27: Germán Alemanno, Argentine footballer.
  • September 28: Alessandra Galiotto, Italian penguinist.
  • September 28: Brooke Banner, American pornographic actress.
  • September 29: Bryan Aldave, Uruguayan footballer.


  • October 1: Eliseu Pereira, Brazilian footballer.
  • October 3: Kim Jae-sung, South Korean footballer.
  • October 3: Tessa Thompson, American actress.
  • October 4th: Kurt Suzuki, American baseball player.
Jesse Eisenberg
  • October 5: Jesse Eisenberg, American actor.
  • October 5: Nicky Hilton, social (Social woman), American professional model and designer.
  • October 5: Alexi O Ganga, Dominican baseball player.
  • October 5: Noot Seear, Canadian model and actress.
  • October 5: Juan Manuel Vargas, Peruvian footballer.
  • October 5: Ebert William Amâncio, Brazilian footballer.
  • October 5: Jadson, Brazilian footballer.
  • October 6: Asier Risk, Spanish footballer.
  • October 6: David Limberský, Czech footballer.
  • October 8: Eduardo Ferreira, Brazilian footballer.
  • October 9: Ana Katalina Torres, Colombian model and presenter.
  • October 10: Lzzy Hale, American singer.
  • October 11: Bradley James, British actor.
  • October 15: Bruno Senna, Brazilian pilot.
  • October 15: Andreas Ivanschitz, Austrian footballer.
  • October 16: Loreen, Swedish singer.
  • October 16: Kenny Omega, Canadian professional fighter.
  • October 17: Felicity Jones, British actress.
  • October 17: Yu Eto, Japanese footballer.
  • October 19: Rebecca Ferguson, Swedish actress.
  • October 19: Adrie Visser, a Dutch cyclist.
Takayuki Yamada
  • October 20: Takayuki Yamada, Japanese actor and singer.
  • October 20: Flavio Cipolla, Italian tennis player.
  • October 20: Michel Vorm, Dutch footballer.
  • October 21: Zack Greinke, American baseball player.
  • October 21: Aaron Tveit, American actor.
  • October 22: Je-Vaughn Watson, Jamaican footballer.
  • October 22: David Barlow, Australian basketball player.
  • October 24: Katie McGrath, Irish actress.
Adrienne Bailon
  • October 24: Adrienne Bailon, American actress and singer, by The Cheetah Girls.
  • October 24: Mario Espitia, Colombian actor and presenter.
  • October 24: Laura Rojas Godoy, Colombian actress.
  • October 24: Shiva N'Zigou, Gabonese footballer.
  • October 25: Daniele Mannini, Italian footballer.
  • October 25: Stanislav Bohush, Ukrainian footballer.
  • October 26: Dmitri Sychov, Russian footballer.
  • October 27: Martín Prado, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • October 27: Tanya James, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • October 28: Taras Mijálik, Ukrainian footballer.
  • October 28: Reinier Honig, Dutch cyclist.
  • October 29: Dana Eveland, American baseball player.
  • October 29: Jérémy Mathieu, French footballer.
  • October 29: Johnny Lewis, American actor (f. 2012).
  • October 30: Chelsea Cooley, American model.
  • October 30: Ahmad Hayel, Jordanian footballer.
  • October 31: Jorge Miguel Dias Gonçalves, Portuguese footballer.


  • 1 November: Pedro López Muñoz, Spanish footballer.
  • November 1st: Václav Svěrkoš, Czech footballer.
  • 1 November: Micaela Schäfer, German model.
  • 2 November: Andreas Bourani, German singer.
  • November 2: Pia Miller, Australian model and actress.
  • 2 November: Marianne Schaller, Colombian actress and singer.
  • November 3: Cho Yong-hyung, South Korean footballer.
  • November 3: Fininho, Brazilian footballer.
  • November 3: Jorge Martínez Ramos, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 4 November: Javito, Spanish footballer.
  • 4 November: Ibrahim Aldatov, Ukrainian fighter.
  • 5 November: Iñaki Astiz, Spanish footballer.
  • November 5: Mike Hanke, German footballer.
  • November 6: Ubay Luzardo, Spanish footballer.
  • 6 November: Francisca Almeida, Portuguese politics.
  • November 6: Monica Mattos, Brazilian pornographic actress.
  • November 6: Shōma Yamamoto, Japanese actor.
  • November 6: Gisela João, Portuguese singer.
  • November 6: Konstantinos Konstantinidis, German taekwondista of Greek origin.
  • November 6: Sheryl Morgan, a Jamaican athlete.
  • November 6: Jon Hume, Australian-Dutch musician.
  • November 6: Nicole Hosp, Austrian skier.
  • 6 November: Jana Šmidáková, a Spanish penguinist.
  • 7 November: Alberto Casado, Spanish comic.
  • 7 November: Ibson Barreto da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • 7 November: Julián Kartun, actor, singer and Argentine humorist.
  • 8 November: Remko Pasveer, Dutch footballer.
  • November 8: Pável Pogrebniak, Russian footballer.
  • 8 November: Blanka Vlašić, Croatian athlete.
  • November 8: Sebastián Soria, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 9 November: Tuuli Petäjä, Finnish regatist.
  • November 10: Marius Žaliūkas, Lithuanian footballer (f. 2020).
  • 10 November: Konstantīns Ovčiņikovs, yudoca letón.
  • November 11: Philipp Lahm, German footballer.
  • 11 November: Matteo Bono, Italian cyclist.
  • 11 November: Arouna Koné, a footballer from Morocco.
  • 11 November: Leon Benko, Croatian footballer.
  • 11 November: Dinei, Brazilian footballer.
  • November 11: Yōhei Nakada, Japanese footballer.
  • 12 November: Angelo da Costa Júnior, Brazilian footballer.
  • November 12: Leonardo Rivero, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 13 November: Kalle Kriit, Estonian cyclist.
  • 14 November: Kevon Carter, footballer trinitense (f. 2014).
  • 14 November: Michala Hartigová, Czech basketball player.
  • November 15: Arnold Origi, a keniata footballer.
  • November 15: John Heitinga, Dutch footballer.
  • November 17: Ryan Braun, American baseball player.
  • 17 November: Viva Bianca, Australian actress.
  • November 17: Nick Markakis, American baseball player.
  • 17 November: Christopher Paolini, American writer.
  • 17 November: Luis Alberto, Brazilian footballer.
  • November 17: Shannan Click, American model.
  • November 17: Julián Vara, Spanish footballer.
  • November 17: Harry Lloyd, British actor.
  • 17 November: Pablo Barzola, Argentine footballer.
  • November 17: Dimity-Lee Duke, Australian triathlet.
  • November 18: Anetta Keys, Czech pornographic actress.
  • November 19: Yoon A-jung, South Korean actress.
  • November 20: Future, rapper, composer, singer and American producer.
  • November 20: Dele Aiyenugba, Nigerian footballer.
  • November 20: Luis Augusto Osório Romão, Brazilian footballer.
  • November 20: Lucia Klocová, Slovak athlete.
  • November 20: Muhammad Essa, Pakistani footballer.
  • November 21: The Bella Twins, American professional fighters.
  • November 22: Miguel Escalona, Spanish footballer.
  • November 22: Yuya Funatsu, Japanese footballer.
  • November 22: Peter Niemeyer, German footballer.
  • November 23: Gastón Dalmau, Argentine actor.
  • November 23: Yoichi Akiba, Japanese footballer.
  • November 23: Nasser Al-Shamrani, Saudi footballer.
  • November 24: Dean Ashton, British footballer.
  • November 24: José Celestino López, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • November 24: André Bahia, Brazilian footballer.
  • November 24: Pitu Comadevall, Spanish footballer.
  • November 25: Paty Cantú, Mexican singer.
  • November 25: Cássio Vargas, Brazilian footballer.
  • 25 November: Andrius Pojavis, Lithuanian singer.
  • 25 November: Fernando Henrique dos Anjos, Brazilian footballer.
  • 26 November: Banaken Bassoken, Cameroonian footballer (f. 2023).
  • November 27: Professor Green, British rapper.
  • November 27: Miloš Pavlović, Serbian footballer.
  • November 27: Miguel Angel Perera, Spanish bullfighter.
  • November 28: Nelson Haedo Valdez, Paraguayan footballer.
  • November 28: Carlos Villanueva, Dominican baseball player.
  • November 28: Carlos Rafael do Amaral, Brazilian footballer.
  • November 28: Suzie Carina, pornographic actress and Czech erotic model.
  • November 28: Deniss Kozlovs, yudoca letón.
  • November 29: Albert Bunjaku, footballer kosovar.
  • November 30: Carla Nieto, Spanish actress.
  • November 30: Adrian Cristea, Romanian footballer.
  • November 30: David Carney, Australian footballer.
  • November 30: Marquem Gonçalves Ferreira, Brazilian footballer.


  • December 1st: Alex Snowden, American player and guitarist, from the Doll Skin band.
  • December 1st: Michelle Rodriguez, Mexican actress and singer.
  • December 1st: Shōhei Abe, Japanese footballer.
  • December 2: Ana Lucia Domínguez, Colombian actress and model.
  • December 2: Emerson Rodríguez, Colombian actor.
  • December 4: Irene Schori, Swiss curling player.
  • December 7: Andrés Díaz, Colombian priest.
  • December 7: Jacopo Giachetti, Italian basketball player.
  • December 8: Valéry Mézague, Cameroonian footballer (f. 2014).
  • December 8: Ana Victoria, American singer, songwriter and producer.
  • December 8: Marco Padalino, Swiss footballer.
  • December 8: Andrea Guerrero, journalist and presenter of Colombian sportsman.
  • December 8: Shingo Akamine, Japanese footballer.
  • December 8: Neel Jani, Swiss motor racing driver.
  • December 9: Dariusz Dudka, Polish footballer.
  • December 9: Adolphe Tohoua, Ivorian footballer.
  • December 9: Jermaine Beckford, English footballer.
  • December 10: Zé Kalanga, Angolan footballer.
  • December 10: Noah Acosta, Spanish footballer.
  • December 10: Katrin Siska, model and Estonian singer.
  • December 10: Derek Malas, Vanuatuian footballer.
  • 10 December: Mahdi Karim, Iraqi footballer.
  • December 10: Shefali Alvares, Indian singer.
  • December 12: Johan Audel, French footballer.
  • December 12: Thomas Rabou, Dutch cyclist.
  • December 13: Douglas David Fernandes, Brazilian footballer.
  • December 13: Otylia Jedrzejczak, Polish swimmer.
  • December 13: Yusuke Inuzuka, Japanese footballer.
  • December 13: Kenji Tanaka, Japanese footballer.
  • December 13: Janeth Jepkosgei, Kenyan athlete.
  • December 14: Íñigo Errejón, Spanish politician.
  • 14 December: Stéphanie Frappart, French arbitra.
  • December 15: Ronnie Radke, American vocalist, of the Falling in Reverse band.
  • December 15: René Román Hinojo, Spanish footballer.
  • December 15: Daniel Mariano Bueno, Brazilian footballer.
  • December 15: Zlatan Ljubijankić, Slovenian footballer.
  • December 16: Francesco Failli, Italian cyclist.
  • December 17: Chelsea Manning, American military.
  • 17 December: Phara Anacharsis, French athlete.
  • December 18: Janez Brajkovič, Slovenian cyclist.
  • December 19: Mia Rosing, Danish model.
  • December 19: Benjamin De Ceulaer, Belgian footballer.
  • December 19: Nektarios Alexandrou, Cypriot footballer.
  • December 20: Jonah Hill, American actor.
  • December 20: Lucy Pinder, British model and actress.
  • December 20: Lara Stone, a Dutch model.
  • December 20: Takuma Terashima, Japanese voice actor.
  • December 20: Ognjen Vukojević, Croatian footballer.
  • December 21: Luis Ernesto Franco, Mexican actor.
  • December 21, Mass Uehara, Japanese actress.
  • December 21, Steven Yeun, South Korean actor.
  • December 22: Laura Caro, singer, presenter and Mexican model.
  • December 22: Tatsunori Arai, Japanese footballer.
  • December 22: José Fonte, Portuguese footballer.
  • December 22: Jennifer Hawkins, Australian model.
  • December 22: Luke Gallows, American professional fighter.
  • December 22: Ignacio González Barón, Uruguayan footballer.
  • December 23: Mili Jay, Slovak pornographic actress.
  • December 23: Lisa Dobriskey, British athlete.
  • December 24: Valeria Bringas, Peruvian actress.
  • December 24: Gregor Blanco, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • December 24: Irene Fornaciari, Italian singer.
  • December 24: Alla Lyshafay, Ukrainian footballer.
  • December 24: Ariel Bogado, Paraguayan soccer player.
  • December 27: Matúš Kozáčik, Slovak footballer.
  • December 28: Alvaro Antón, Spanish footballer.
  • December 29: Gonzalo Olave, Chilean actor (f. 2009).
  • December 29: Anderson Gonzaga, Brazilian footballer.
  • December 29: Jessica Andrews, American singer.
  • December 30: Yussif Chibsah, Ghanaian footballer.

No known date

  • Uxúa López, a telecommunications engineer, a Spanish environmental activist and scientist.


Art and literature

  • January 6: Salvador García Aguilar gets the Nadal Award for his novel Rejoice in man.
  • Publication The color of magic, first saga novel MundodiscoBritish writer Terry Pratchett.
  • Publication Beetles fly at sunsetof Swedish writer Maria Gripe.

Science and technology

  • Start using computer graphics on television
  • January 10: British astronomers discover a new pulsar with an energy capacity greater than the Sun.
  • July 21st: At the Vostok Base of Antarctica is reached at –89.2 °C, the lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth.
  • 10 November: In the United States, Microsoft announces the first version of Windows called Windows 1.0, not published until 1985.
  • The W and Z Bones are discovered at the CERN.
  • In the United States, the Sequential Circuits company presents and implements the MIDI system (digital interface of musical instruments).
  • In the United States, Microsoft presented the MSX system.

Consoles and video games

  • Nintendo brings out its new Famicom desktop console in Japan (known as NES outside that country).
  • In the UK is launched Bugaboo (The Flea) also known as La Pulga, video game that starts the golden age of Spanish software.
  • Nintendo launches the revolutionary video game Mario Bros along with Donkey Kong 3.


  • The German Hamburg wins the European Cup winning at the 1-0 end to the Juventus.
  • 1983 Pan American Games in Caracas (Venezuela).
  • FC Barcelona, champion of the Spanish League of Basketball (1957-1983).
  • FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the King of Basketball Cup.
  • The Athletic Club of Bilbao wins the Spanish League again.
  • World Athletic Championship: The first edition is held in Helsinki (Finland).
  • The FC Barcelona, champion of the European Hockey Cup on skates.
  • Golden BallThis year's French magazine France Football designates the Frenchman Michel Platini, from the Juventus.
  • Sporting Cristal is crowned for the eighth time as a champion of the Peruvian football league.
  • Uruguayan Football Championship: National is dedicated champion for the thirtieth time.
  • Argentine Football Championship: Club Students La Plata is dedicated champion of the 83rd National Tournament.
  • Argentine Football Championship: December 22, Independent Atletic Club is dedicated champion of the Metropolitan Tournament ’83. His classic rival, Racing Club, descends for the only time in his story.
  • Professional Colombian Football: America of Cali (3.a time).
  • Ecuadorian Football Championship: The National gets its seventh title and in turn the bi-campeonate (1982-1983).
  • First Division of Chile: Colo-Colo champion for fourteenth time.
  • Chilean Basketball Major Division: Universidad Católica Champion.
  • In Mexico the Club Santos Laguna is founded.
  • Spain wins the world of row in the modality of mobile bank with an 8+.

Motor Racing

  • Formula 1: Nelson Piquet is a world champion. Ferrari wins the builder championship.
  • WRC: Hannu Mikkola wins the title on board a Audi Quattro
  • Rally Dakar: Jacky Ickx wins competition on board a Mercedes 280G
  • NASCAR: Bobby Allison wins the title aboard a Buick Regal
  • Champ Car:: Al Unser wins the title on board a Penske Cosworth
  • 500 Miles from Indianapolis: Tom Sneva wins competition on board a March Cosworth
  • Tourism Road:: Roberto Mouras wins the title on board a Dodge GTX
  • Competition 2000: Luis Rubén Di Palma wins the title aboard a VW 1500


  • Open from Australia: Men: Mats Wilander beats Ivan Lendl. Women: Martina Navratilova beats Kathy Jordan.
  • Roland Garros: Men: Yannick Noah beats Mats Wilander. Women: Chris Evert beats Mima Jausovec.
  • Wimbledon: Men: John McEnroe beats Chris Lewis. Women: Martina Navratilova beats Andrea Jaeger.
  • US Open: Men: Jimmy Connors beats Ivan Lendl. Women: Martina Navratilova beats Chris Evert.


  • The strength of love by James L. Brooks, Oscar winner to better movie. Act Shirley MacLaine and Jack Nicholson.
  • The War of the galaxies «The return of the Jedi», third film Star Wars and last of the first trilogy of the saga.
  • The meaning of life of the Monty Python
  • Zelig Woody Allen.
  • The fourth man by Paul Verhoeven.
  • Octopussy Fourteenth James Bond Film and the Sixth Film by Roger Moore
  • Superman III Richard Lester. They act Christopher Reeve and Richard Pryor.
  • April 8: The British Film Gandhi wins 8 Oscars.
  • Scarfacestarring Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer.



  • The American band Stryper is created.
  • The American band Bon Jovi is created.
  • The Spanish Peor Impossible band is created.
  • The American thrash metal Megadeth band is created.
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers is created
  • The American band NOFX is created.


  • AC/DC: Flick of the Switch
  • Accept: Balls To The Wall
  • Air Supply: Greatest Hits and Making Love Out of Nothing at All
  • Alan Parsons Project: Ammonia Avenue.
  • Alaska and Dinarama: Profana Songs
  • Alejandro Lerner: All in the lung
  • Asia: Alpha
  • Bad Brains: Rock for Light
  • Bad Religion: Into the Unknown
  • Red Baron: Metalmorphosis
  • Barricada: Night of Rock fakeRoll
  • Billy Idol: Rebel Yell
  • Billy Joel: An Innocent Man
  • Bob Dylan: Infidels
  • Bryan Adams: Cuts Like a Knife
  • Cadillac: One more day, I lost my chance.
  • Camilo Sesto: You win.
  • Chaos UK: Chaos UK
  • Charly García: Modern Clix
  • Cheap Trick: Next Position Please
  • Culture Club: Karma Chameleon
  • Cyndi Lauper: She's So Unusual
  • Daniela Romo: Daniela Romo
  • David Bowie: Let's Dance
  • Def Leppard: Pyromania
  • Depeche Mode: Construction Time Again
  • Die Toten Hosen: Opel-Gang
  • Dio: Holy Diver
  • Dirty Rotten Imbeciles: Dirty Rotten EP
  • Donna Summer: She Works Hard for the Money
  • Duran Duran: Seven And The Ragged Tiger
  • Eskorbuto: Fucking everything. And a lot of police, little fun.
  • Eurythmics: Sweet dreams are made of this
  • Eva Ayllón: Eva Ayllón
  • Flashdance: Original Soundtrack from The Motion Picture
  • Gato Pérez: Music
  • Genesis: Genesis
  • Iron Maiden: Piece of mind
  • Jean-Michel Jarre: Music for supermarket (one printed copy).
  • Joan Manuel Serrat: Every fool with his theme
  • José: Secrets
  • Journey: Frontiers
  • Julio Iglesias: In concert
  • Kiss: Lick it up
  • La Polla Records: What now?
  • Les Luthiers: Volume VII
  • Lionel Richie: Can’t slow down
  • The Chichos: Leave me alone.
  • Violators: Violators
  • Lucia Méndez: In love
  • Madonna: Madonna
  • María Jiménez: For the first time
  • Mazapán: I'm here to invite you!
  • Mecano: Where's the fairy country?
  • Melissa: Melissa I
  • Metallica: Kill 'Em All (25 July)
  • Misfits: Beware EP
  • Miami Sound Machine: Every machine
  • Mike Oldfield: Crises
  • Minor Threat: Out of Step
  • Mötley Crüe: Shout at the Devil
  • Baby: 99 Luftballons
  • New Order: Power, Corruption & Lies.
  • Ozzy Osbourne: Bark at the moon
  • Paul McCartney: Pipes of peace
  • Peter Schilling: Major Tom (Coming Home)
  • Pink Floyd: The final cut,
  • Pink Floyd: Works
  • Quiet Riot: Metal Health
  • Richard Clayderman: Ein Traum Von Liebe and The music of
  • Righeira: Righeira
  • Ringo Starr: Old Wave
  • Ritchie: Vôo de coração
  • Roberto Blades and Orchestra Inmensity: Joy, Tears
  • Roberto Carlos: Love and fashion
  • Rod Stewart: Body Whishes
  • Dead feeling: Love no longer exists
  • Total sinister: Total Sinister II: Return
  • Siouxsie And The Banshees- Nocturne (concert at the Royal Albert Hall)
  • Slayer: Show no Mercy
  • Stevie Ray Vaughan: Texas flood
  • Suicide Tendencies: Suicidal tendencies
  • Talking Heads: Speaking in Tongues
  • The Police: Synchronicity
  • The Rolling Stones: Undercover
  • The Misfits: Earth A.D.
  • UB40: Labour of Love
  • Uriah Heep: Head First
  • U2: War
  • V8: Fighting for metal
  • Vangelis: Antarctica
  • Yazoo: You and Me Both
  • Yola Polastry: Yola Discoteque
  • Yuri: I love you, I love you
  • ZZ Top: Eliminator


  • On April 23 the XXVIII edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in Munich, Bandera de Alemania OccidentalWest Germany.
    • Winner: The singer Corinne Hermèscon the song «If the vie est cadeau» representing Luxembourg Bandera de Luxemburgo.


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar and William Alfred Fowler.
  • Chemistry: Henry Taube.
  • Medicine: Barbara McClintock.
  • Literature: William Golding.
  • Peace: Lech Wałęsa.
  • Economy: Gerard Debreu.

Prince of Asturias Awards

  • Arts: Eusebio Sempere.
  • Social Sciences: Julio Caro Baroja.
  • Communication and Humanities: El País newspaper.
  • International cooperation: Belisario Betancur.
  • Scientific and Technical Research: Luis Antonio Santaló Sors.
  • Letras: Juan Rulfo.

Cervantes Award

  • Rafael Alberti.

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