
Transbordador espacial ColumbiaEnd of the Cold WarGuerra Irán IraqCaída del Muro de BerlínLive AidIBM Personal ComputerAccidente de Chernobyl
From the top-left corner in the sense of the watch handles: the first Columbia space shuttle launch; Gorbachev together with Reagan signing the INF Treaty at the White House; the fall of the Berlin Wall; the personal computer IBM PC; Live Aid concerts; the Chernobyl Accident; the Iran-Irak War.

The decade of the 1980s began on January 1, 1980 and ended on December 31, 1989.

The start of this decade is marked by rising Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. The nuclear threat becomes more latent than ever, which is why in the middle of the decade a rapprochement between the two blocs takes place, which is favored mainly by the policies known in the West as Glásnost and Perestroika, of the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

On the economic level, the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan, presents a series of free market economic measures, popularly known as Reaganomics (Reaganomics), which lay the foundations of neoliberal economics for years to come. On the other hand, the differences in development between the different peoples of the world are evident with the famine that devastates several countries in Africa. In Ethiopia the situation becomes particularly dramatic due to the drought. Asian countries such as South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore as well as the Hong Kong region experienced rapid industrial development that would not stop for the rest of the century.

The existence of AIDS was first made public in June 1981 and would end up being presented to the world as an epidemic of enormous proportions.

Chernobyl, a Ukrainian town north of kyiv, becomes the symbol of man's inability to control the monster he has created: the continuous and unappealable risk of nuclear technology. The nuclear catastrophe contaminates an entire region and causes radioactive fallout in large parts of Europe. Mexico experienced the worst earthquake in its history, the 1985 Mexico earthquake, with a magnitude of 8.1 on the Richter Scale that left some 10,000 victims. Also in 1985, the Armero Tragedy occurred in Colombia after the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, leaving a balance of more than 30,000 deaths.

Another important aspect of this decade was the forced disappearances in Latin America that had already begun in the previous decade. Peru left the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces for eleven years and returned to democracy in a dictatorial manner, confronted the Maoist terrorist organization Sendero Luminoso, which began its armed struggle in Ayacucho and gradually made incursions in the capital.

In 1983 Argentina returns to democracy in an insecure way, after the Falklands War was the previous year and they were defeated, and Raúl Alfonsín assumes the presidency. In 1985 he condemned the military repressors of the dictatorship in a Trial against the Juntas, Argentina being the first and only country in Latin America to do so.

After fifteen years of military dictatorship, Chileans returned to the polls in 1988 to decide whether General Augusto Pinochet would continue in government. The plebiscite was adverse to him and democracy returned safely in 1990.

The international terrorism that had been taking place since the previous decade intensifies and the United States bombs the Libya of Muammar Gaddafi, in retaliation for terrorist attacks supposedly sponsored by that country.

War conflicts that began at the end of the 1970s continued as the Soviet-Afghan war (a conflict in which the Soviet Union intervened to support the Afghan government in its fight against the mujahideen, the latter supported by the United States). In Nicaragua, the Sandinista revolution has also continued since the late 1970s and its counterpart to counter it, known as the Nicaraguan contras financed by the United States. Other conflicts began in this decade such as the Invasion of Granada and Panama. In 1980, the Iraq war against Iran broke out in Asia, a conflict that would last until 1988 and in which both opposing countries declared themselves winners.

In 1989 the Soviet Union and the Soviet bloc in general are weaker than ever. In November the Berlin Wall, which embodied the division of that city since the end of World War II, was demolished by the Berliners themselves, thus giving the coup de grace to the Soviet era and becoming the symbol of the 1989 revolutions. in Eastern European countries.

Culturally, this decade has many followers of its lifestyle, such as fashion, music, and television and seventh art exhibitions, exclusive, in the opinion of many admirers, of this decade. Video games become more and more popular and start to spread as a new culture.

Main summary of historical events

  • 1980 - 1984: Boycott of the Olympic Games. There were two great boycotts at the Olympic Games of the decade in the context of the Cold War, the 1980 Summer Olympics were held in Moscow, the United States as a result of the Soviet presence in the Afghanistan War, proceeded to boycott the games, where along with the United States other 65 countries abstained from participating in the games, causing the lowest presence of countries since the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne, other countries as the United Kingdom. At the 1984 Summer Olympics, in Los Angeles, it was the communist bloc allied to the Soviet Union (except Romania) decided to boycott this edition of the games.
  • 1980 - 1988: Iran War - Iraq. 22 September 1980 Iraqi troops invaded Iran, causing a war of wear that has been compared in their tactics to the First World War, for the use of trench, bayonets, barbed wires, chemical weapons and a large number of casualties on both sides. It ends on August 20, 1988, with a million dead.
  • 1981: Beginning of the Reagan era in the United States. On January 20, 1981, he agreed to the presidency of the United States, Republican Ronald Reagan. His electoral campaign, national pride, the defense of traditional values and patriotism, under the promise of redirecting the country to the role of world power. Reagan stayed in office for 8 years.
  • 1981: John Paul II suffers an attempted murder. On 13 May 1981, Karol Wojtyła was seriously injured in an attack on St. Peter ' s Square in Rome, which, however, recovered satisfactorily. The author, Mehmet Ali Agca, a young extremist of Turkish nationality, spent several years in prison in Rebibbia prison near Rome.
  • 1982: War of the Falklands and the end of the Argentine dictatorship. On 2 April, the Argentine armed forces invaded the Malvinas Islands, beginning a war between Argentina and the United Kingdom that would last until 14 June of the same year and would have a balance of 907 dead. Argentinian defeat in this war would end with the resignation of de facto President Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, would internly assume Alfredo Saint-Jean, then take the Argentine presidency Reynaldo Bignone, who would eventually call for elections for 1983.
  • 1983: Return to democracy in Argentina. The result of the Argentine defeat in the Falklands War in 1982 led to the fall of the Argentine dictatorship, with the resignation of the de facto President Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri and his successor Reynaldo Bignone who convened elections for 30 October 1983, succeeding the candidate of Civic Radical Union, Raúl Alfonsín, who assumed power on 10 December, thus returning Argentina to democracy.
  • 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the Soviet Union. On March 11, 1985, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (PCUS) appointed Mikhail Gorbachev as general secretary, with only 54 years of being the youngest to hold that position from Lenin, with his rise to power began a plan of ambitious reforms known as uskoréniyewithin them were the reform of the political system known under the name of glasnost and that of the economic system known under the name perestroika.
  • 1985: Toma del Palacio de Justicia In Bogotá, Colombia. This assault carried out in Bogotá, Colombia, on Wednesday, November 6, 1985 by a guerrilla command of the 19 April Movement (M-19) to the Palacio de Justicia, located on the north side of Bolivar Square, opposite the headquarters of the Congress and one block from the Casa de Nariño, the presidential residence. The M-19 held about 350 hostages among magistrates, state advisers, judicial servants, employees and visitors to the Justice Palace.2 This raid was followed by the reaction of the National Police and the Colombian Army, surrounding the building and initiating a retouching operation of the building that extended until Thursday, November 7, 1985.
  • 1985: Tragedy of Armero. This natural disaster from the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano on Wednesday, November 13, 1985, affected the departments of Caldas and Tolima, Colombia. After sixty-nine years of inactivity, the eruption took by surprise the nearby villages, although the Government had received warnings from multiple vulcanological organisms since the first signs of volcanic activity appeared in September 1985.1 Pyroclastic flows emitted by the crater of the volcano melted about 10% of the glacier of the mountain, sending four lahars—fluxes of mud, land and rubble products of the volcanic activity—which descended on the slopes of the Nevado at 60 km/h. The lahars increased their speed in the ravines and headed towards the six rivers that were born in the volcano. The population of Armero, located just less than 50 km from the volcano, was beaten by these lahars, dying more than 30,000 people.
  • 1986: Chernobyl nuclear deaster. This accident happened at the Vladimir Ilich Lenin nuclear power station (3 km from the city of Pripyat, present Ukraine) on Saturday, 26 April 1986. Considered, together with the Fukushima I nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, as the most serious in the International Nuclear Accidents Scale (higher incident, level 7), it is one of the greatest environmental disasters in history.
  • 1986: attempted murder of Augusto Pinochet. It happened on September 7, 1986 during the Chilean military dictatorship, against its leader, General Augusto Pinochet. The events occurred on the "Las Achupallas" road to the Cajón del Maipo, 40 kilometers from Santiago. Pinochet suffered an armed attack while returning from a weekend of rest in his residence in El Melocoton. The attack, carried out by the far-left armed organization called Frente Patriótica Manuel Rodríguez (FPMR), ended with 5 dead and 11 wounded; however, the FPMR did not achieve its goal and Pinochet remained alive.
  • 1988: Triumph of No in Chile. Chile’s 1988 national referendum was held in that country on Wednesday, 5 October 1988, during the military dictatorship. In accordance with the transitional provisions (27-29) of the 1980 Constitution, this plebiscite was held to decide whether Augusto Pinochet was still in power until 11 March 1997. The prostitute universe enabled to vote then ascended to 7 435 913 persons.1 Of the total valid votes,2 the result was 44.01 % by the "Yes" and 55.99 % by the "No"—of the total votes scrutinized, the "Yes" obtained 43.01 % and the "No", 54.71 %—3. In accordance with the transitional provisions of the Constitution, the triumph of the "No" imposed the call for 1989 for joint democratic elections of president and parliamentarians, which led both to the end of the dictatorship and to the beginning of the period called transition to democracy.
  • 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall. On Thursday night from 9 November to Friday, 10 November, the Fall of the Berlin Wall took place, which would make the end of the cold war and the reunification of Germany. This fact is consistent with the revolutions of 1989 that put an end to approximately 40 years of communist governments in Eastern Europe.



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  • Poland: Creation of the trade union Solidarność by Lech Walesa.
  • The Bologna Matanza is given at the hands of an extreme right-wing group Ordine Nuovo.
  • Iraq invaded Iran.
  • The Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero, is murdered. The civil war of El Salvador begins.
  • First video conference.
  • The first public phones appear with a card.
  • The name of the rose Umberto Eco.
  • John Lennon dies, the famous ex-integrant of the Beatles band, who was killed by a fan.


The President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, together with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and leading international ally, Margaret Thatcher in London.
  • Income from Greece to the EEC.
  • Ronald Reagan takes office as president of the United States.
  • Dimission of the President of the Spanish Government; Adolfo Suárez.
  • U.S. President Ronald Reagan is under an attempted murder.
  • The attempted coup in Spain fails.
  • Socialist François Mitterrand is elected President of the French Republic.
  • Pope John Paul II suffers an attempted murder.
  • Murder of Anwar el-Sadat, President of Egypt.
  • Deaths:
    • Jaime Roldós, President of Ecuador, in an air accident.
    • Rómulo Betancourt, founder of Venezuelan democracy.
  • Marketing of the first personal computer IBM PC.
  • Synthesis of a human gene in the UK.


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  • Israel restores Sinai to Egypt.
  • Massacre of civilians in the Chatila refugee camp and in Sabra.
  • War of the Falkland Islands between Argentina and the United Kingdom.
  • Helmut Kohl (CDU), Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • The socialist Felipe González wins by absolute majority in the general elections in Spain.
  • R. K. Jarvik: Successful implantation of the first artificial heart in the USA. U.S.
  • Americans: R. Brinster and R. Palmiter get giant mice through genetic manipulation.
  • The disk Thriller Michael Jackson becomes the best seller in history.
  • Stanley B. Prusiner discovers the prions.
  • It is done, the 1982 World Cup of Football, which was obtained by the selection of Italy.


  • The end of the coup d’état civic, military and ecclesiastical: Return to democracy. He is elected president of Argentina; Raúl Alfonsín (UCR).
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (“War of Galaxys”) by Ronald Reagan.
  • Attack on barracks in Beirut in 1983
  • It is premiered worldwide Thriller, Michael Jackson's music video, considered "the most successful music video" by the Guinness World Records association.
  • Benigno Aquinas murder in Manila (Philippines).
  • Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier identify the AIDS virus.
  • Start the GNU project.
  • In service of the JET, European reactor for the study of controlled thermonuclear fusion.


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  • Murder of Indira Gandhi, the first minister of India.
  • The Colombian Minister of Justice, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, is murdered by members of the Medellin Cartel in Bogotá.
  • 1984-1985: General strike of miners in the United Kingdom.
  • First woman walking through space: Svetlana Savitskaja.
  • Birth of the first baby of testeta from a frozen embryo (Australia).
  • A lethal gas leak at a factory in Bhopal, India, caused the death of more than 30,000 people.
  • Signature of the Peace and Friendship Treaty between Argentina and Chile, which ended the Beagle conflict.


Mexico's General Hospital collapsed.
Armero Tragedy Ruins
  • Mikhail Gorbachev is elected secretary general of the PCUS.
  • Colombia:
    • The Nevado del Ruiz eruption caused the death of more than 30,000 people.
    • The inauguration of the Palace of Justice in Colombia by the rebels of the M-19.
  • Brazil returns to democracy insecurely.
  • After 12 years of military dictatorship, democracy arrives in Uruguay in dictatorial form and assumes the presidency Julio Maria Sanguinetti.
  • Alan García of the Peruvian Aprist Party assumes the presidency of Peru after winning the General Elections with 90% of votes
  • Detection of the ozone layer hole in Antarctica.
  • Live Aid concert took place at Wembley Stadium and at J.F. Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia. He gathered several exponents from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and is considered the greatest musical event ever. With Queen's participation, Elton John, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, U2, David Bowie and Wham!
  • An earthquake in Mexico City ended the lives of more than 35 000 people.
  • Robert Ballard finds the remains of Titanic.
  • The Free Software Foundation is created by Richard Stallman and other free software activists.


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  • Spain and Portugal become full members of the EEC.
  • The Challenger space shuttle disintegrates seconds after takeoff.
  • Murder of Olof Palme, former Swedish prime minister.
  • The United States bombs Libya.
  • Nuclear catastrophe after the Chernobyl accident.
  • In July, the terrorist gang, ETA carried out the attack on the Dominican Republic Square.
  • The scandal "Go away" in the USA. U.S.
  • An earthquake in San Salvador causes the death of more than 1500 people.
  • Halley comet flying over five space probes.
  • Service of the MIR space station (Soviet Union).
  • Steen Willadsen: Cloning of a sheep embryo.

Main reference:


  • Entry into force of the European Single Act.
  • Signature of the Esquipulas agreement.
  • Financial unrest in international stock exchanges.
  • ETA terrorist escalation:
    • Matanza en el centro comercial Hipercor de Barcelona.
    • Attended at the headquarters of the Guardia Civil of Zaragoza.
  • Military uprising in Argentina against the government of Raúl Alfonsín.
  • Beginning of the first Intifada in Israel.
  • L. Kunkel: Identification of the gene of Duchenne's myopathy.
  • Michael Jackson gets the album out. Bad.
  • Discovery of a brilliant supernova in the Great Cloud of Magellan, neighbor of the Milky Way.


Protesters celebrate the day after the victory of the “No” in Alameda with Ahumada in Santiago
  • End of the Iraqi-Iraq war.
  • The Iraqi army uses chemical weapons against civilian populations in the Kurdish city of Halabja.
  • I respect Pinochet in Chile, with the victory of No, so the military dictatorship was ended.
  • Benazir Bhutto, elected Head of State, is the first woman to preside in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  • Canadian athlete Ben Johnson is dispossessed of his gold medal of the 100-metre smooth test at the Seoul Olympic Games for doping.
  • The pharmacist Roussel-Uclaf gets the approval of the abortion pill, synthesized by Georges Teutsch in 1980.
  • Kidnapping, torture, rape and murder of Junko Furuta.
  • Carlos Salinas de Gortari fraudulently wins Mexico's 1988 federal elections.


Fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • The Caracazo is produced against the newly elected president of Venezuela Carlos Andrés Pérez who left with 290 dead and 3000 disappeared.
  • Withdrawal from the Soviet troops of Afghanistan and the Vietnamese troops of Cambodia.
  • Emperor Shōwa of Japan dies. Your son Akihito happens.
  • Repression and massacre at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing, China.
  • Carlos Menem, President of Argentina (1989-1999).
  • State coup in Paraguay, with the consequent fall of the military regime of President Alfredo Stroessner, after governing almost 35 years. It returns democracy in an insecure way.
  • Political changes in Eastern Europe: Formation of the national or coalition government in Poland and Czechoslovakia.
  • Abolition of the leading role of the Communist Party in Hungary, Poland, the Democratic Republic of Germany (DRA) and Czechoslovakia.
  • About two million people star in a human chain in the three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) to demand their independence.
  • Muere Ruhollah Jomeini, the supreme leader of Iran and is succeeded by Ali Jamenei.
  • 9 November: Fall from the Berlin Wall, assuming the beginning of the end of the Cold War.
  • Václav Havel is elected president of Czechoslovakia.
  • The end of the Ceaucescu regime in Romania, who is executed with his wife, Elena.
  • Brutal terrorist offensive of the Medellín cartel in Colombia: Magnicidio of the presidential candidate, Luis Carlos Galán, killed 107 people in an attack in a Boeing 727 of Avianca and killed 60 people in a terrorist attack on the DAS building in Bogotá.
  • The drug dealer Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha, a member of the Cartel de Medellín.
  • The United States invades Panama, with the purpose of capturing General Manuel Antonio Noriega, de facto ruler of Panama.
  • Timothy Berners-Lee: Development of the World Wide Web.
  • NASA launches Galileo and Magellan space probes.
  • ARPANET disappearance and Internet development.

Other events in the world


  • Ted Turner founded the CNN.
  • Archaeological excavations begin in the ancient Agora of Athens, whose northwest corner was located on both sides and below the modern street Adrianou. The buildings known for classical literary works were identified: Stoa Poikilé and Stoa Basileios, as well as the river Erídano (Athenas) and the large drainage.
  • Gumpei Yokoi created Game & Watch portable electronic gaming platform, Game Boy precursor.
  • The naturalist Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente and two others died in an air accident.
  • The New Wave of British Heavy Metal is in its maximum period of popularity with bands such as: Iron Maiden, Saxon (band), Def Leppard, Motörhead or Judas Priest editing their best works.
  • Gwangju Massacre.
  • The Mexican architect, Luis Barragán receives the Pritzker Award.


  • First edition of the Prince of Asturias Awards.
  • In service of the TGV (Tren to Great Speed) that makes the journey from Paris to Lyon.
  • G. Binning and H. Röhrer: the tunnel effect microscope.
  • The War of the End of the World by Mario Vargas Llosa.
  • Beginning of television broadcasts MTVwhich marked the beginning of a new era in music.
  • Foundation of thrash metal bands, Overkill, Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax considered the pioneer bands of the genre.


  • Start of Madonna's musical career with the release of her album Madonna.
  • The Holy See and the United Kingdom reinstate diplomatic relations after four centuries of distance.
  • The first humorous news is issued in Spanish, Unusual Weekly.
  • It dies in plane crash Randy Rhoads, influential guitar player member of the Blizzard band or ex-integrant of Quiet Riot.
  • Mexico's president José López Portillo decrees the nationalization of the banks.


  • In Brazil, the original trophy of the Jules Rimet World Cup is stolen during an exhibition.


  • Microsoft Corporation develops Windows 1.0, the launch of this operating system occurs in November of the following year.
  • Motorola launches the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, the world's first portable cell phone.
  • Ronald Reagan is re-elected president of the United States.


  • On April 22, the Judgment began with the Boards in Argentina as an initiative of President Raúl Alfonsín to prosecute the three military boards of government accused of committing crimes against humanity.
  • Out to the market NES (NQuartermaster Entertnaiment System), the first console of the company Nintendo.
  • The Wham! musical group, consisting of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley, becomes the first Western musical group to perform a concert in China, anticipating the Rolling Stones and Queen.
  • An earthquake in the Chilean city of Algarrobo caused 178 deaths.


  • Acquino Heart agrees to the presidency of the Philippines.
  • Attentive to Augusto Pinochet (7 September).
  • Last Queen Tour with Freddie Mercury: Magic Tour


  • Oscar Arias Sánchez, Nobel Peace Prize.


  • First telescope with active optics, in Chile.
  • Famous Mexican actor Ramón Valdés is considered one of the great actors in Mexico and famous in the world for his performance in the 8th Chavo series.
  • Carlos Salinas de Gortari becomes president of Mexico after controversial elections.


  • The Game Boy, Nintendo's portable console, is on sale.
  • Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, from SEGA.
  • Premiere of the generalist chains Antena 3 and telecinco in Spain.

Outstanding Characters and Leaders of the Decade

Armed conflicts

  • War of Afghanistan (1978-1992)
  • Sandinista Revolution (1979-1990)
  • Iran-Irak War (1980-1988)
  • Civil War of El Salvador (1980-1992)
  • Falklands War (1982)
  • War of Lebanon (1982)
  • Invasion of Granada (1983)
  • Sudan Civil War II (1983 - 2005)
  • Operation El Dorado Canyon (1986)
  • First Intifada (1987-1993)
  • American invasion of Panama (1989-1990)
  • Internal armed conflict in Colombia between 1974-1990 (1960-present)


Natural disasters

  • Eruption of Mount Saint Helena, 1980
  • Monoun Lake lymonic eruption, 1984
  • Earthquake of Chile, 1985
  • Earthquake of Mexico, 1985
  • Tragedy of Armero, 1985
  • Earthquake in Ecuador 1987
  • El Salvador Earthquake, 1986
  • Yellowstone Fire, 1988
  • Armenian Earthquake, 1988

Man-made disasters

  • Colza toxic oil disease, 1981
  • Bhopal Disaster, 1984
  • Chernobyl accident, 1986
  • Disaster of Exxon Valdez, 1989



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  • Celebration of the twenty-first edition of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow, marked by the boycott of the United States seconded by 65 countries by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
  • In the village of Lake Placid, New York, the 13th Winter Olympics took place.
    • Miracle on ice


  • Muhammad Ali performs his last professional boxing fight, 1981. It is defeated by the future fullweight world champion Trevor Berbick in the Bahamas.


  • In Spain the 1982 World Cup of Football was held, 24 national football teams participated. In the final match the Italy of Paolo Rossi was crowned tricampeona by beating the German Federal Republic for 3-1.


  • Celebration of the XXIII edition of the Summer Olympic Games
  • The XIV Winter Olympics of Sarajevo 1984
  • The French selection rises its first Eurocopa by winning in the final as local to the Spanish selection by 2-0.
  • Battle camp at the end of the King's Cup,
  • Multitudinaria presentation of Diego Armando Maradona as a Naples player at the stadium—which in 2009 would surpass Cristiano Ronaldo.
  • September 16: Julio César Chávez conquers his first world championship of boxing, noting in eight assaults also Mexican Mario Martínez. Both Chávez and Wilfred Benitez, Alexis Arguello, Roberto Duran, Wilfredo Gomez, Thomas Hearns, Sugar Ray Leonard and Hector Camacho enter the list of world boxing champions by conquering their third world titles during this decade.


  • Heysel Tragedy


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  • The selection of Argentina, led by a star Diego Armando Maradona conquers its second football World, after defeating in the end the selection of the Federal Republic of Germany for 3-2 in the Aztec stadium of Mexico.
  • The Steaua de Bucharest becomes the first team of communist Europe to win the European Cup, after beating the Barça in the Sanchez Pizjuán stadium in Seville.
  • Judge Thierry Sabine


  • Jesús Gil is elected president of the Atlético de Madrid, arrived with the tab of Paolo Futre.
  • He died of a traffic accident in Fraga (Huesca), the Spanish referee José Emilio Guruceta and the linier Eduardo Vidal.
  • The entire Peruvian Alliance team in Lima died, after a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean.


  • Celebration of the XXIV edition of the Summer Olympic Games in Seoul (South Korea).
  • The Dutch selection conquers its first Euro Cup — only an international title in its palm groves to date — by winning the Soviet Union by 2-0.
  • Steffi Graf, the only player or tennis player to achieve the Golden Slam in the same year.


  • Tragedy of Hillsborough
  • The Spanish basketball player Fernando Martin died in a traffic accident at the M-30 in Madrid.
  • In the match back of the semi-finals of the European Cup, the AC Milan wins Real Madrid for 5-0.
  • Withdraw from Abdul Jabbar basketball.


Successful Solo Artists and Music Icons

  • Michael Jackson
  • Madonna
  • July Churches
  • Frank Sinatra
  • John Lennon
  • Paul McCartney
  • Freddie Mercury
  • George Michael
  • Cyndi Lauper
  • Kylie Minogue
  • Cher
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • France Gall
  • Rick Astley
  • Tina Turner
  • Toni Braxton
  • Divine
  • Sting
  • Chris de Burgh
  • Brian Adams
  • Donna Summer
  • Kim Carnes
  • Janet Jackson
  • Bonnie Tyler
  • Prince
  • David Bowie
  • Laura Branigan
  • Kim Wilde
  • Sandra
  • Enya
  • Billy Idol
  • Luis Miguel
  • Juan Gabriel
  • Yuri
  • Phil Collins
  • Ramonci

Bands that succeeded

  • Queen
  • The Police
  • Guns N Roses
  • U2
  • Roxette
  • Bon Jovi
  • Wham!
  • Culture Club
  • Bananarama
  • Aerosmith
  • The Cure
  • Radio Futura
  • The Clash
  • Dire Straits
  • Scorpions
  • Pink Floyd
  • Mecano
  • Depeche Mode
  • Metallica
  • Men G
  • Prisoners
  • La Polla Records
  • Iron Maiden
  • Duran Duran
  • Mötley Crüe
  • Def Leppard
  • Blondie
  • Europe
  • Journey
  • The Cure
  • Eskorbuto
  • Kiss
  • The Cult
  • The Last of the Row
  • The Union
  • Poison
  • The Smiths
  • Eurythmics
  • Green dwarfs
  • Soda Stereo
  • Virus
  • A-ha
  • Alphaville
  • Total sinister
  • Pet Shop Boys
  • Judas Priest
  • Alaska and Dinarama
  • Men At Work
  • UB40
  • Berlin
  • Modern Talking
  • New Order
  • Survivor
  • Toto
  • The Bangles
  • Foreigner
  • Van Halen
  • Indochine
  • Starship
  • Genesis
  • The Cult
  • Red Baron (band)
  • Bus (banda)
  • Los Angeles del Infierno (banda)
  • The Suaves
  • Leño
  • Ñu (banda)
  • Aviator Dro and his specialized workers
  • Geometric Splendor
  • Blue and Black
  • Loquillo (sing)
  • Bauhaus (band)
  • The Sisters of Mercy
  • The Cramps
  • The Chichos
  • Motörhead
  • Cinderella


From 1980 to 1984

  • 1980: Friday 13.
  • 1980: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.
  • 1980: The glow.
  • 1980: Superman II.
  • 1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  • 1981: Superman 2.
  • 1982: Blade Runner.
  • 1982: E.T., the alien.
  • 1982: Dark crystal.
  • 1982: La Cosa.
  • 1982: Conan the barbarian.
  • 1982: Rambo: First Blood.
  • 1982: Poltergeist.
  • 1983: Scarface.
  • 1983: Flashdance.
  • 1983: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.
  • 1983: Christine.
  • 1984: Nightmare on Elm Street.
  • 1984: Gremlins
  • 1984: Karate Kid.
  • 1984: The Terminator.
  • 1984: Ghostbusters.

From 1985 to 1989

  • 1985: The Goonies.
  • 1985: Back to the Future.
  • 1985: Out of Africa.
  • 1986: Sacrifice.
  • 1986: Inside the maze.
  • 1986: Aliens: The Return.
  • 1987: Dirty Dancing.
  • 1987: Full Metal Jacket.
  • 1988: In search of the enchanted valley.
  • 1988: Women on the verge of a nerve attack.
  • 1988: Die Hard
  • 1988: Who tricked Roger Rabbit?
  • 1988: Akira.
  • 1988: My neighbor Totoro.
  • 1989: Batman
  • 1989: The sirenite.
  • 1989: Indiana Jones and the last crusade.
  • 1989: Back to the Future 2.

Main reference:

Mention to other films of the decade

From 1980 to 1984
  • 1981: 1997 Rescue in New York.
  • 1981: Arthur.
  • 1981: Chariots of Fire.
  • 1981: Heavy Metal.
  • 1981: Possession (1981 film).
  • 1981: Halloween II.
  • 1982: NIMH, the secret world of Mrs. Brisby.
  • 1982: Missing.
  • 1982: Halloween III: Season of the Witch.
  • 1982: Gandhi.
  • 1982: Fanny and Alexander.
  • 1983: War games.
  • 1983: Flashdance.
  • 1983: Christine.
  • 1984: Indiana Jones and the damn temple.
  • 1984: Amadeus.
  • 1984: Terminator.
  • 1984" Once Upon a Time in America
  • 1984" Nausicaä del Valle del Viento
  • 1984: Footloose.
From 1985 to 1989
  • 1985: Rambo: First Blood Part II.
  • 1985: Rocky IV.
  • 1985: The affections: the film.
  • 1985: Ran.
  • 1985: Shoah (film)
  • 1985: Back to the Future
  • 1986: Cortocircuit.
  • 1986: Golpe in the China Pequena.
  • 1986: Mission.
  • 1986: Platoon.
  • 1986: Fievel and the New World.
  • 1986: The castle in the sky.
  • 1986: Basil, the superdetective mouse.
  • 1986: Transformers: the film.
  • 1986: Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
  • 1986: Crossroads (small).
  • 1987: The last emperor.
  • 1987: The brave toaster.
  • 1987: Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise.
  • 1988: Cinema Paradiso.
  • 1988: Rambo III.
  • 1988: Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers.
  • 1988: Rain Man.
  • 1989: Steel Magnolias.
  • 1989: Do what you should.
  • 1989: Back to the Future II
  • 1989: Wallace and Gromit.
  • 1989: Halloween 5: Michael Myers’ Revenge.

TV series and shows

TV Shows

  • Time is gold

TV series

  • McGyver
  • Team A
  • V
  • ALF
  • Family Matters
    Cosmos A personal journey
  • Baywatch
  • The Wonderful Years
  • Saved by the bell
  • Seinfeld
  • Knight Rider
  • Full House
  • World War III
  • Who is the supreme universal king?

Animated series

  • Transformes
  • My Little Pony
  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • She-Ra: Princess of Power
  • Thundercats
  • The Galactic Hawks
  • The True Ghosts
  • The Ninja Turtles
  • Bravestarr
  • Saint Seiya
  • Dragon Ball
  • Beetlejuice
  • The Simpsons

Video games

From 1980 to 1984

  • 1980: Pac-Man
  • 1981: Galaga
  • 1981: Donkey Kong
  • 1981: Frogger
  • 1982: E.T
  • 1983: Mario Bros.
  • 1983: Dragon's Lair
  • 1984: Tetris
  • 1984: Knight Lore

From 1985 to 1989

  • 1985: Super Mario Bros.
  • 1985: Paperboy (videogame)
  • 1986: Metroid
  • 1986: Arkanoid
  • 1986: Out Run
  • 1986: The Legend of Zelda
  • 1987: Mega Man
  • 1987: After Burner
  • 1987: Contract
  • 1987: Street Fighter
  • 1987: The Abbey of Crime
  • 1988: Mega Man 2
  • 1988: Super Mario Bros. 2
  • 1988: Splatterhouse
  • 1988: Super Contra
  • 1989: Golden Axe
  • 1989: The Revenge of Shinobi
  • 1989: Final Fight
  • 1989: Super Mario Land
  • 1989: Prince of Persia


  • Chronicle of an announced deathGabriel García Márquez.
  • The name of the roseUmberto Eco.
  • The House of SpiritsIsabel Allende.
  • "It"from Stephen King.
  • The pillars of the earthKen Follett.
  • The unbearable mildness of beingMilan Kandera.
  • The story of the maidMargaret Atwood.
  • The Silence of the LambsTomas Harris.

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