Contenido This article deals with the year 1973. For other uses of this number, see 1973 (disambiguation).
1973 (MCMLXXIII) was a common year beginning on a Monday according to the Gregorian calendar. It was designated as the Year of the Ox, according to the Chinese horoscope of the 1970s.
- 1 January: The United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Denmark enter the European Economic Community, which will later become the European Union.
- January 1st: In the United States, CBS sells the New York Yankees baseball team for 10 million US dollars (which they had purchased for 13.2 million) to a group of 12 people led by George Steinbrenner.
- 2 January: in Paris the talks on Vietnam resumed.
- 4 January: In the United Kingdom the pilot episode of the television comedy that lasted longer throughout the world is broadcast, Last of the Summer Wine.
- January 5: In the United States the American rock band Aerosmith launches his debut album.
- January 8: Mexico creates the system of Mexican television Televisa (formerly Mexican Telesystem).
- 10 January: in the province of Santa Fe (Argentina), the Tornado de San Justo occurs, carrying 63 human lives, leaving thousands of wounded and millions of dollars in lost materials. It was the strongest F5 outside the territory of the United States.
- 13 January: Eleven aviation officers involved in the attack on King Hassan II of Morocco are executed in Morocco.
- January 14: In Hawaii, Elvis Presley holds the first concert (Aloha from Hawaii) transmitted live via satellite to the whole world—except the communist bloc. It was seen by more people than the alunizaje of Apollo 11 (in 1969).
- 17 January: In the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos is appointed as the "life president" (dictator).
- January 19: the calendar of the first season of the World Rally Championship opens with the Rally de Monte Carlo.
- January 20: In Washington D.C. (United States), Republican Richard Nixon swears his second term as president. He will be expelled in 1974 for the Watergate scandal.
- 22 January: In the United States, the Supreme Court repeals state bans on abortion (with the ruling Roe v. Wade).
- January 22: George Foreman defeats Joe Frazier to win the heavyweight boxing championship.
- January 22: A Boeing 707 flight from Royal Jordann from Yeda is crashed in Kano, Nigeria; 176 people die.
- January 22: In Washington D.C., the crew of the spacecraft Apollo 17 attend a meeting at the Congress after completing the last human acceleration of History.
- January 22: In his ranch at Stonewall (Texas), former President Lyndon B. Johnson died, leaving no ex-president alive until the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974.
- January 23: On the island of Heimaey the Eldfell volcano erupted.
- January 23: In the United States, President Richard Nixon announced that a peace agreement had been reached in Vietnam.
- January 25: British actor Derren Nesbitt (37) is convicted of assaulting his wife Anne Aubrey with a leather belt (36).
- January 27: In Paris the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War ends with the signing of a Peace Treaty.
- 30 January: In the state of Colima there is an earthquake of 7.6 that leaves a balance of 56 dead and 390 wounded.
- February 1st: In Spain a war council is held against six students accused of burning the French consulate.
- 1 February: Pan Am and Trans World Airlines cancel the orders of the French-British aircraft Concorde.
- February 2: In Dublin, as a result of a shooting in the north-eastern city of Londonderry, forty thousand protesters assault the United Kingdom Embassy.
- February 3: in Dominican Republic, Playa Caracoles Landing.
- February 6: In Argentina, the dictatorship of Alejandro Agustín Lanusse prevents former constitutional president Juan Domingo Perón from returning to the country.
- February 6: In Toronto, Canada, the CN Tower Construction begins.
- February 6: An earthquake of 7.6 shakes the Chinese province of Sichuan killing 2,200 people and wounding another 2,700.
- 8 February: in Montevideo (Uruguay), a military insurrection tries to turn to President Juan María Bordaberry.
- February 11: In Vietnam, the Vietcong liberates the first American prisoners of war. (See Vietnam War.)
- 11 February: Alfredo Stroessner is re-elected president of Paraguay.
- February 12: In the United States, Ohio becomes the first state to use the decimal metric system on its signs on the road.
- February 13: In Argentina, the presidential candidate for the Justice Party Héctor Cámpora announced that if elected, he will bring to power former president Juan Domingo Perón.
- February 13: The government of Laos and Pathet Lao sign an armistice.
- February 18: In New York, (United States) the mafia italo-American Frank Costello died.
- 21 February: Israeli air force fighter aircraft suspect that a Libyan passenger plane Boeing 737 of the Libyan Arab Airlines company is an enemy aircraft and demolish it. Of 113 civilians only 5 survive (1 crew and 4 passengers). Israel's Defense Minister Moshe Dayan mentioned a "error of appreciation," and Israel paid financial compensation to the victims' families.
- February 21: In California there is a 5.8 earthquake that leaves several injuries and damages.
- February 23: In Peru, an abdominal aortic aneurysm physically limits the dictator Juan Velasco Alvarado.
- February 24: in Spain, Alejandro Agustín Lanusse (dictator of Argentina), arrives in Madrid on an official visit.
- 26 February: in Mexico, Canal 8 de la recien formada Televisa, estrena The Chavo of 8. As an independent television series to the programme Chespirito.
- February 28: in Mexico, Canal 8 de la recien formada Televisa, estrena The Chapulin Colorado. As an independent television series to the programme Chespirito.
- 1 March: the medical use of X-rays in West Germany is regulated by law. Strong criticism of the need for regulation is raised in medical circles.
- March 1st: In the United States the album is released The Dark Side of the MoonPink Floyd band. March 24 will be launched in the United Kingdom.
- 4 March: the Confederation of Democracy gets 54,78 % of the votes in the parliamentary elections of Chile retaining the majority.
- 7 March: In the Hamburg-Bergedorf Observatory (West Germany), Czech astronomer Lubos Kohoutek discovered comet Kohoutek.
- 8 March: A referendum is held in Northern Ireland to choose whether the country will continue to be part of the United Kingdom or meet with the rest of the Republic of Ireland to form the United Ireland. 98.9 % of voters prefer to remain British.
- March 8: In London (United Kingdom), the Provisional Irish Republican Army explodes bombs in Whitehall and Old Bailey.
- March 10: In Hamilton, Berlin, British Governor Richard Sharples of the Bermuda Islands is murdered outside the Government Palace by a group of Black Power African Americans.
- March 11: In Argentina, after the proscription against Peronism was lifted (vigent since 1955), the Peronist Héctor Campora won the democratic elections.
- 13 March: in Syria, a referendum approves the constitution.
- March 17: In the United States the album is released Dark side of the moonBritish progressive rock band Pink Floyd.
- 17 March: In London, UK, the new London Bridge is opened.
- March 22: In the United Nations Security Council (New York), the United States veto prevents further negotiations on the Panama Canal, occupied by the United States.
- March 26: In the United States the soap opera is released, The Young and the Restless.
- March 29: The last American soldiers withdraw Vietnam after the signing of the Paris Peace Agreements, ending with nearly eight and a half years of direct intervention from the US. America in the Vietnam War.
- April 1st: In the United Kingdom VAT begins to apply (British VAT).
- April 3: In New York, inventor Martin Cooper (from the Motorola company) made the first call from a cell phone.
- 4 April: the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre are inaugurated in New York. (They will be destroyed by the terrorist attack of 11 September 2001).
- April 5: In Turkey, Fahri Korutürk became the sixth president of that country.
- April 6: In El Salvador, the first color transmission of channel 6 (El Salvador) is started, being the first to transmit in this format.
- April 7: In Cabo Cañaveral, U.S. NASA launches the spacecraft Pioneer 11.
- April 7th: In Luxembourg, the song "Tu te reconnaîtras", by Anne-Marie David (with music by Claude Morgan, and lyrics by Vline Buggy) wins for Luxembourg the Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 1973.
- April 10: In Beirut, Israeli commands run the city, killing three leaders of the Palestinian Resistance Movement. The inaction of the Lebanese army leads to the resignation of Prime Minister Saib Salam, a Sunni Muslim.
- 17 April: the German counter-terrorism force GSG 9 is officially presented in West Germany.
- April 17: at Memphis International Airport, FedEx (Federal Express) began its operations with the launch of 14 aircraft, which will deliver 186 packages to 25 cities in the United States, from Rochester (New York) to Miami (Florida).
- April 22: the first LGBT demonstration is held in Chile, developed in the Plaza de Armas of Santiago.
- 25 April: in two separate artificial wells, 453 and 277 meters deep, in the U3jg and U3jk area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 16:25 (local time), the United States simultaneously detonates its atomic bombs Angus, and Velarde (9 and 8 kt respectively). It is the 789 to 790 bombs of the 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- April 26: in an artificial well, 246 meters deep, in the U3hv area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 7:15 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 791, Comor, 0.5 kt. Two hours later, 564 m deep (in the U2bs area) detonates the 90 kt Starwort pump.
- 1 May: In the United Kingdom, 1.6 million workers begin a strike against government measures to curb inflation through adjustments and "taffs."
- May 3: In Chicago (United States) the Sears Tower is finished, which becomes the highest building in the world.
- May 5: In Nepal, Shambu Tamang (18) becomes the youngest person to reach the top of Mount Everest.
- May 5: British band Led Zeppelin hits 56 800 people at Tampa Stadium, breaking the record of The Beatles, which on August 15, 1965 played at 55 600 people at Shea Stadium.
- 10 May: the Frente Polisario was founded in Western Sahara.
- May 10: In San Juan, Argentina, the National University of San Juan was founded.
- May 14: In Cabo Cañaveral NASA launches SkylabAmerica's first space station. It's the last launch of a Saturn V rocket.
- 17 May: in New York, WHO (World Health Organization) excludes homosexuality from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Other Health Problems.
- May 17: In the United States Senate, in Washington, D.C., the Watergate process begins, which will kick Richard Nixon out of the presidency.
- May 22: In London, Lord Antony Lambton renounces the British Government after a scandal with a prostitute.
- May 24: In London, Count George Jellicoe, leader of the House of Lords, resigns after a scandal with another prostitute.
- May 25: Argentina assumes the presidency Héctor Cámpora, the first president elected since the proscription of Peronism in 1955).
- May 25: In Cabo Cañaveral, United States Launches Skylab 2 (with Pete Conrad, Paul Weitz and Joseph Kerwin) to repair damage to the space station Skylab.
- 25 May: in London (England), musician Mike Oldfield launches the album Tubular Bells.
- 1 June: in Greece, a military junta abolished the monarchy and proclaimed a republic.
- June 3: in Paris (France) a star Tupolev 144 on a demonstration flight in the Aeronautical Hall. 15 spectators die.
- June 11: In the framework of the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, the 13th National Government of Spain (1973-1974) was formed, chaired by Luis Carrero Blanco.
- 17 June: near Key West (Florida), the Submersible Johnson Sea Link entangled in the shipwrecked ship Fred T. Berry. The next day he was taken to the surface, but two of the four men on board had died because of carbon dioxide poisoning.
- June 20: Juan Domingo Perón's return to Argentina, after eighteen years in exile. In the vicinity of Ezeiza International Airport, during the welcome of the leader, the Ezeiza massacre happens: snipers shoot against leftist Peronists, killing at least 13 and wounding more than 300.
- June 22: In the United States, the spy W. Mark Felt (who in the future will be known as Deep throat) withdraws from the FBI.
- June 23: in the city of Kingston upon Hull (United Kingdom) a fire burns a house; a 6-year-old boy dies. It is believed to be an accidental fire, but later it will be discovered that it was the first fire intentionally caused by the pyroman Peter Dinsdale, who in the next seven years will cause 26 deaths.
- June 24: In the Soviet Union, the leader Leonid Brézhnev made a televised speech (he is the first Soviet president to do so).
- June 27: in Uruguay, the president of the republic, Juan María Bordaberry, perpetrates a self-coup of state: with the support of the armed forces dissolves the parliament and begins a dictatorship of 12 years.
- June 30: total eclipse of Sun, with a total of more than 7 minutes. The prototype of the Concorde supersonic plane "follows" the entire area for 73 minutes. The next time such a long total will happen will be 177 years later, on June 25, 2150.
- 1 July: the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) is founded in the United States.
- July 8: The legislative elections are held in Mexico.
- July 10: The Bahamas is independent of the British Empire.
- July 10: In Rome, Italy, the grandson of J. Paul Getty is kidnapped.
- July 11: In Saulx-les-Chartreux, 5 km before your destination, Orly Airport (Paris), the 820 flight of the Brazilian company Varig, coming from Rio de Janeiro, is set on fire. 123 people die (including Argentine guerrilla José Baxter) and survive 11.
- July 13: Héctor Cámpora presents his resignation as president of Argentina and takes his place Raúl Alberto Lastiri.
- July 17: King Mohammed Zahir Shah of Afghanistan—who was in Italy doing eye operations—is deposed by his cousin Mohammed Daud Khan.
- July 20: Bruce Lee recognized and respected Martial Artist dies in Hong Kong from a brain edema caused by an allergic reaction to a drug at 32 years of age.
- 20 July: in the Mururoa atoll, France continues its testing with nuclear bombs, despite the protests of Australia and New Zealand.
- July 23: In the Netherlands, Japan Airlines flight 404 is hijacked shortly after taking off from Amsterdam airport. The next day the plane will be destroyed by a bomb at Bengasi Airport (Libya). They saved their passengers and crew.
- July 23: in Bogotá, Colombia, there is a large fire in the Avianca building, the highest in that city, causing 4 deaths and 63 serious injuries.
- July 25: The Soviet Union launches the space probe Mars 5.
- July 28: United States launches Skylab 3 (with astronauts Alan Bean, Owen Garriott and Jack Lousma) to perform several medical and scientific experiments on board the space station Skylab.
- 30 July: In the United States, an 11-year trial ends for victims of talidomide to receive an economic recovery.
- July 31st: in Boston (United States) a DC9-31 aircraft from the Delta Air Lines company crashes into a trunk. The 6 crew members and 83 passengers die.
- 1 August: The United States opens the CARICOM (Caribbean Community and Common Market).
- 2nd of August: in the Summerland entertainment center, in Douglas (capital of the Isle of Man) there is a fire. Since it was not attempted to evacuate the 3000 people inside, and since the fire doors were blocked, 51 people die.
- August 5: At the airport of Athens (Greece), members of the terrorist band September Negro open fire against the public; 3 people die and 55 are wounded.
- August 8: In Tokyo, Japan, KCIA (South Korea National Intelligence Service) kidnap South Korean politician Kim Dae-jung, who had criticized the dictator Park Chung-Hee.
- August 8: In Houston (Texas), the death of serial killer Dean Corll leads to the discovery of Houston's murders: in three years, 28 teenagers were killed by three men.
- August 15: The U.S. Army—obeying the new Case-Church Amendmentwhich prohibits the military from carrying out military operations in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam—forever ends the bombing of civilians in Cambodia, after 12 years of combat activities.
- 23-28 August: In Stockholm (Sweden), Kreditbanken bank was robbed, which by mistake would name the so-called Stockholm syndrome.
- August 28: in Mexico, an earthquake of 7.1 hits the cities of Orizaba, Córdoba, Río Blanco, Ciudad Serdan and Ixtaczoquitlán, leaving a total of 1200 dead.
- September 11: In Chile, General Augusto Pinochet perpetrates a coup d'etat and bombs the Palacio de la Moneda, where then President Salvador Allende committed suicide. Pinochet will govern the country for 17 years in a dictatorial way, changing the political-economic course of the time in the country.
- September 12: In Santiago de Chile, the newspaper La Segunda publishes that the singer Victor Jara has died in a nonviolent way, and that his sepelio has been of a private character. Actually, Jara was being tortured and would be killed four days later.
- September 18: in Sweden, the current king Carlos XVI Gustavo cranks to the death of his grandfather, Gustavo VI Adolfo.
- September 22: In the United States, Henry Kissinger, the national security advisor—one of the creators of the Condor Plan for Latin America—is beginning his term as secretary of state.
- September 23: in Argentina, Juan Domingo Perón is elected president for the third time not consecutive.
- September 24: Guinea-Bisáu—leadered by Luís Cabral—is independent of Portugal—at that time dominated by the Novo State dictatorship. This was an antecedent of the Clavel Revolution that occurred on April 25, 1974.
- September 27: The Soviet Union launches the Soyuz 12the first Soviet manned flight since the tragedy Soyuz 11 on 30 June 1971.
- September 28: In the central building of the ITT company in New York, a bomb attack occurs in protest against the involvement of the company in the coup d'etat of September 11 in Chile.
- 2 October: 213 meters underground, in the U2by area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:30 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 802: Polygonum, less than 20 kt; and 45 minutes later, 311 meters underground, detonates the bomb n.o 803: Waller, Waller.
- October 3: in San Nicolás de los Arroyos (Argentina) two terrorists from the right-wing organization Triple A enter the headquarters of the newspaper The North and write down the editor, José Domingo Colombo.
- October 6: Egypt and Syria begin a joint attack against Israel in what is known as the Yom Kipur War.
- October 7: In the Watkins Glen circuit, United States, the French pilot François Cevert died in accident.
- 10 October: in Washington, D. C. (United States) Spiro T. Agnew resigns as Vice President. A federal court in Baltimore (Maryland) condemns him to pay $10 000 and to spend three years in tax evasion testing while he was governor of Maryland.
- October 12: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Juan Domingo Perón assumes his third term as president, with 63 % of the votes.
- October 12: 416 meters underground, in the U12n.07 area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time) United States detonates its 8 kt Roanoke atomic bomb.
- October 14: In Bangkok, Thailand, university students unleash a revolution.
- October 15: in the Philippines, typhoon Ruth crossing Luzon, leaving a balance of 27 dead people.
- 19 October: in La Rábita, Spain, there is a serious flood. The number of victims is unknown.
- October 20: In Washington, D.C., President Richard Nixon orders Attorney General Elliot Richardson to evict the special prosecutor responsible for the Watergate scandal, Archibald Cox. Richardson refuses to commit an illegal act and resigns along with his second, William Ruckelshaus. The third in the command line, Robert Bork, accepts Nixon's order and casts Cox (the Saturday night Massacre). This event will lead to the process of destitution against Nixon.
- October 20: Australia opens the Sydney Opera.
- 26 October: Israel wins the war of Yom Kippur.
- 26 October: the United Nations recognizes the independence of Guinea-Bissau.
- October 27th: in Fremont County (Colorado State) there is a 1.4 kg meteorite, of a condrita type.
- October 30: In Istanbul, Turkey, the Bosphorus Bridge opened, which connects the continents of Europe and Asia on the Bosphorus for the first time in History.
- October 31: In Dublin, Ireland, three members of the Interim Irish Republican Army escape from Mountjoy prison after a stolen helicopter lands in the exercise yard.
- 2 November: the Latin American OLADE Energy Organization is created, with the signing of the Lima Convention.
- 10 November: in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), Imelda Miller's song "How Joyful Mary" (with music and lyrics by Sergio Esquivel) won the OTI Festival of 1973 for Mexico.
- 16 November: in Corporal Cañaveral (Florida), NASA launches the ship Skylab 4 (with astronauts Gerald Carr, William Pogue and Edward Gibson) on a 84-day mission in Skylab.
- 17 November: in Athens (Greece) the uprising of Polytechnic Athens against the military regime takes place.
- 17 November: in Orlando (Florida), President Richard Nixon told 400 editors of the Associated Press “I am not a crook” (‘I am not a thief’). He will have to resign from the presidency on 8 August 1974.
- November 19: An earthquake of 5.6 shakes the Province of Salta in Argentina.
- 25 November: In Greece, the dictator George Papadopoulos is charged with a military coup led by Brigadier General Dimitrios Ioannidis.
- 28 November: In Colombia, the National Territory of Casanare was established, separating it from the department of Boyacá.
- 28 November in Rome, the Independent Football Club is crowned champion of the Intercontinental Cup by beating the Juventus for 1 to 0, with goal of Ricardo Enrique Bochini
- 29 November: In the city of Kumamoto (South Japan) 104 people die in a fire in a department store.
- 29 November: on Ivory Coast, a moteado vulture crashes with a plane flying 11 277 meters. This makes it the bird capable of flying at higher altitudes all over the world.
- 1 December: Papua New Guinea is independent of Australia.
- 3 December: the spacecraft Pioneer 10 transmits the first near images of the planet Jupiter.
- December 6: In the United States, Gerald Ford becomes Vice President.
- December 9: In Venezuela, Carlos Andrés Pérez is elected president.
- December 12: in a well at 278 meters underground, in the U3ji area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 11:00 (local time) United States detonates its 5 kt Pajara atomic bomb. It is the 808 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- December 15: The American Psychiatry Association removes homosexuality from the list of diseases DSM-II.
- December 17: In the United States, the hard rock band Kiss is formed.
- December 20: Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco, president of the Spanish Government, died in Madrid in an attack by the terrorist organization ETA.
- December 20: European Union expansion with the incorporation of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom.
- 22 December: OPEC doubles its prices for the 1973 oil crisis.
- December 25: In New York the film is released The blowstarring Robert Redford and Paul Newman.
- December 30: the terrorist Carlos (Ilich Ramírez Sánchez) fails in his attempt to assassinate the British businessman Joseph Sieff.
- December 31: In Spain, Carlos Arias Navarro is appointed president of the Government.
No known date
- In West Germany, the custom of abducting Gypsy children (in German: Kinder der Landstrasse) to educate them among non-Gypsies. This traditional German practice had been legalized in Prussia in 1926 and was banned (only in East Germany) in 1945.
- In the northern autumn (September-December), in the American town of Columbine (Colorado) the Columbine Institute is inaugurated, which on 20 April 1999 will be sadly famous as the site of the Columbine massacre.
- January 2: Víctor Javier Müller, Argentine footballer.
- January 3: Antonio Filippini, Italian footballer.
- January 3: Pepín Banzo, Spanish musician.
- January 3: Carlos Nicola, Uruguayan footballer.
- January 4: Laia Marull, Spanish actress.
- January 4: Rosen Kirilov, Bulgarian footballer.
- January 4: Rickard Hallström, Swedish curling player.
- January 5: Diamond Foxxx, American porn actress.
- January 7: Jonna Tervomaa, Finnish singer.
- January 7: Jesus Emilio Díez de Mier, Spanish footballer.
- January 7: Rafael Dudamel, Venezuelan footballer and coach.
- January 9: Sean Paul, Jamaican singer.
- January 9: Jaime Ramos Hernández, Spanish footballer.
- January 10: Ryan Drummond, American actor.
- January 10: Lorena Álvarez, Mexican actress of theater, cinema and television.
- January 10: Iker Jiménez, Spanish journalist.
- January 10: Félix Tito Trinidad, Puerto Rican boxer.
- January 11: Gisella Bayona: Ecuadorian television presenter.
- January 12: Joaquín Enrique Valerio, Spanish footballer.
- January 12: Hande Yener, Turkish singer.
- January 12: Giuseppe Giunta, Italian fighter.
- January 13: Juan Diego Flórez, Peruvian tenor.
- January 14: Giancarlo Fisichella, Italian motor racing driver of Formula 1.
- January 15: Essam El-Hadary, Egyptian footballer.
- January 15: Tomáš Galásek, Czech footballer.
- January 15: Miguel Joven, Spanish actor.
- January 15: Roberto Fresnedoso, footballer and Spanish coach.
- January 16: Josie Davis, American actress.
- January 17: Cuauhtémoc Blanco, footballer and Mexican politician.
- January 17: Juan Manuel Peña, Bolivian footballer.
- January 18: Crispian Mills, British musician, of the Kula Shaker band.
- January 18: Xiomara Xibille, actress and Colombian television presenter.
- January 18: Rolando Schiavi, Argentine footballer.
- January 19: Karen Lancaume, French actress (f. 2005).
- January 19: Antero Manninen, a Finnish cellist.
- January 19: Margarita Ortega Cadavid, Colombian actress and journalist.
- January 19: Yevgeny Sadovyi, Russian swimmer.
- January 19: Thomas Myhre, Norwegian footballer.
- January 19: Oswaldo Mackenzie, Colombian footballer.
- January 19: Ann Kristin Aarønes, Norwegian footballer.
- January 19: Eduardo Arancibia Guzmán, a Chilean chessist.
- January 20: Benjamin Biolay, singer and French record producer.
- January 20: Stephen Crabb, British politician.
- January 20: Mauricio Pastrana, Colombian boxer.
- January 20: Hideaki Hagino, Japanese footballer.
- January 21: Chris Kilmore, American rock DJ, from the Indian band.
- January 21: Alpha Acosta, Mexican actress.
- January 22: Abi Tucker, Australian singer and actress.
- January 22: Rogério Ceni, footballer and Brazilian coach.
- January 23: Carlos Lovera, Argentine soccer player.
- January 24: Juan Carlos Alcalá, Mexican playwright.
- January 27: Edith Márquez, Mexican singer and actress.
- January 27: Valentine Belkevich, Belarusian footballer (f. 2014).
- January 27: Juris Silovs, Latvian cyclist.
- January 27: Gorazd Stangelj, Slovenian cyclist.
- January 28: Jason Aaron, American comic book writer.
- January 28: Elena Alfaro, Spanish speaker.
- January 30: Jalen Rose, American basketball player.
- January 30: Yoshihiro Nishida, Japanese footballer.
- February 1: Yuri Landman, artist, musician, lutier and Dutch musicologist.
- February 1: Nick Mitchell, American fighter.
- February 1st: Makiko Îmoto, Japanese seiyū.
- February 2: Aleksander Tammert, record launcher and Estonian athlete.
- February 3: Ilana Sod, Mexican journalist.
- February 4: Oscar de la Hoya, American boxer.
- 4 February: Martín Machón, a Guatemalan footballer.
- February 5: Carme Chaparro, Spanish journalist.
- February 5: Roberto Cano, Colombian actor.
- February 6: Ildikó Szekeres, Hungarian curling player.
- February 7: Mie Sonozaki, Japanese voice actress.
- 7 February: Andrea Ballerini, Italian motorcyclist.
- February 7: Juwan Howard, American basketball player.
- February 8: Fanny Lu, Colombian singer.
- February 9: Svetlana Boginskaya, a Soviet gymnast.
- February 10: Nuria Añó, Catalan writer.
- February 11: Varg Vikernes, Norwegian rock musician from the Burzum band.
- 11 February: Javier Veiga, Spanish actor.
- February 11: Piotr Wadecki, Polish cyclist.
- February 12: Tara Strong, Canadian voice actress.
- 13 February: Miguel Poveda, Spanish singer.
- February 13: Bas Roorda, Dutch footballer.
- 13 February: Mikel Antía, footballer and Spanish coach.
- February 14: Unai Elorriaga, a Spanish writer.
- February 14: Steve McNair, American football player (f. 2009).
- February 15: Alex Borstein, American actress.
- February 15: Kateřina Neumannová, Czech skier.
- February 15: Amy Van Dyken, American swimmer.
- February 16: Cathy Freeman, Australian athlete.
- February 16: Christian Bassedas, Argentine footballer.
- February 16: Monty, Spanish footballer.
- February 16: Yoon Jong-hwan, footballer and South Korean coach.
- February 17: David McIntosh, Venezuelan footballer.
- February 17: Lluis Codina, Spanish footballer.
- February 17: Osvaldo Canobbio, Uruguayan footballer.
- 17 February: Goran Bunjevčević, Serbian footballer (f. 2018).
- February 18: Claude Makélélé, French footballer.
- February 18: Melani Olivares, Spanish actress.
- February 18: Patrizia Spuri, Italian athlete.
- February 18: Yolanda Moliné Rodríguez, Spanish basketball.
- February 18: María de los Angeles Ortiz, a Mexican athlete.
- February 18: Martin Bojowald, German physicist.
- February 19: Eva Golinger, lawyer, writer and Venezuelan-American researcher.
- February 19: Hassan Kachloul, Moroccan footballer.
- February 20: Kimberley Davies, Australian actress.
- February 20: Andrea Savage, American actress.
- February 22: Juninho Paulista, Brazilian footballer.
- February 22: Shota Arveladze, Georgian footballer.
- February 22: Masato, Japanese footballer.
- February 22: Claus Lundekvam, Norwegian footballer.
- February 24: Vsevolods Zeonijs, yudoca letón.
- 26 February: ATB (André Tanneberger), German dynoquey.
- February 26: Ole Gunnar Solskjær, Norwegian footballer.
- February 26: Jenny Thompson, American swimmer.
- February 26: Miguel Simão, Portuguese footballer.
- February 26: Juancho De la Espriella, accordioner and Colombian musician.
- February 27: Ali Tabatabaee, Iraqi vocalist, of the Zebrahead band.
- February 27: Li Bingbing, Chinese actress and singer.
- February 28: Masato Tanaka, Japanese fighter.
- February 28: Raúl Rodrigo Lara, Mexican footballer.
- February 28: Xavi Valero, Spanish footballer.
- February 28: Zigor Aranalde, Spanish footballer.
- February 28: Rodger Corser, Australian actor.
- March 1st: Jack Davenport, British actor.
- March 1st: Ryan Peake, Canadian guitarist, from the Nickelback band.
- March 1st: Chris Webber, American basketball player.
- March 2: Emerson Orlando de Melo, Brazilian footballer.
- March 3: Leave Bodiroga, Serbian basketball.
- 4 March: Berta Cáceres, an indigenous leader and a Honduran environmental activist (f. 2016).
- March 5: Yannis Anastasiou, Greek footballer.
- March 6: Rumi Ochiai, Japanese voice actress.
- March 6: Regis Felisberto Masarim, Brazilian footballer.
- March 6: Yasushi Fukunaga, Japanese footballer.
- 6 March: Amina Abdellatif, French yudoca.
- 7 March: Sébastien Izambard, French singer of the vocal quartet Il Divo.
- March 7: Álex O'Dogherty, Spanish actor.
- March 7: Tomasz Kłos, Polish footballer.
- March 7: Eiji Takemoto, Japanese Seiyu.
- March 7: César Farías, Venezuelan football coach.
- March 9: Matteo Salvini, Italian politician.
- March 9: Aaron Boone, American baseball player.
- March 10: Dan Swanö, Swedish musician.
- March 10: Eva Herzigova, Czech model and actress.
- March 10: John LeCompt, American musician.
- March 10: Geert Verheyen, Belgian cyclist.
- March 11: Tomasz Rząsa, Polish footballer.
- March 11: Vedin Musić, Bosnian footballer.
- March 11: Vicky Martin Berrocal, Spanish fashion designer.
- March 13: Edgar Davids, Dutch trainer and former footballer.
- March 13: David Draiman, American vocalist, of the Disturbed band.
- March 15: Agustín Aranzabal, Spanish footballer.
- March 15: Carla Hidalgo, Spanish actress.
- March 15: Nelson Velásquez, Colombian singer of vallenata music.
- March 16: Fernando Platas, Mexican bullfighter.
- March 16: Naky Soto, Venezuelan journalist and writer.
- March 16: Valberto Amorim dos Santos, Brazilian footballer.
- March 17: Caroline Corr, Irish music, The Corrs band.
- 17 March: Daniel Ballart, Spanish sportsman.
- March 17: Luis Alberto Martínez, Uruguayan cyclist.
- March 18: Raúl Chávez, Venezuelan baseball player.
- March 18: Ânderson Lima, Brazilian footballer.
- March 19: Magnus Hedman, Swedish footballer.
- March 19: Simmone Jade Mackinnon, Australian actress.
- March 19: Meritxell Batet, Spanish politics.
- March 20: Jaime Sánchez Fernández, Spanish footballer.
- March 21: Christian Nerlinger, German footballer.
- March 22: Alessandro Pierini, Italian footballer.
- March 23: Jason Kidd, American basketball player.
- March 23: Jerzy Dudek, Polish footballer.
- March 23: Stefano Casagranda, Italian cyclist.
- March 24: Jacek Bąk, Polish footballer.
- March 24: Jim Parsons, American actor, The Big Bang Theory.
- March 24: Sakura Tange, Japanese voice actress.
- March 24: Steve Corica, Australian footballer.
- March 24: Roger Pera, Spanish actor.
- March 25: Anders Fridén, Swedish musician.
- March 26: T. R. Knight, American actor.
- March 26: Larry Page, American computer entrepreneur.
- March 27: Imanol Etxeberria, Spanish footballer.
- March 28: Toti Pasman, journalist and Argentine lawyer.
- March 28: Emmanuel Dorado, French footballer.
- March 29: Marc Overmars, Dutch footballer.
- March 29: Sebastiano Siviglia, Italian footballer.
- March 30: Adam Goldstein, American DJ (f. 2009).
- March 30: Jan Koller, Czech footballer.
- April 1st: Rachel Maddow, American political commentator.
- April 1: Christian Doni, Italian footballer.
- April 1st: Oscar Moens, Dutch footballer.
- April 2: Roselyn Sánchez, Puerto Rican actress.
- April 2: Germán Villa, Mexican footballer.
- April 3: Jamie Bamber, British actor.
- April 3: Prabhu Deva, Indian actor.
- April 3: Igor Simuténkov, Russian footballer.
- April 4: David Blaine, American magician.
- April 4: Loris Capirossi, Italian motorcyclist.
- April 4: Sven Vermant, Belgian footballer.
- April 5: Pharrell Williams, American musician and producer, from the band The Neptunes.
- April 5: Elodie Bouchez, French actress.
- April 5: Fernando del Solar, Mexican-Argentine actor and driver. (f. 2022).
- April 6: Rie Miyazawa, Japanese actress and singer.
- April 6: Maurizia Cacciatori, Italian volleyballist.
- April 6: Edith van Dijk, Dutch swimmer.
- April 7: Marco Delvecchio, Italian footballer.
- April 8: Emma Caulfield, American actress.
- April 9: Carmen Alcayde, a Spanish journalist and presenter.
- April 9: Luis Roberto Guzmán, Puerto Rican actor.
- April 9: Lucio Angulo, Spanish basketball player.
- April 9: Bart Goor, Belgian footballer.
- April 10: Magdalena Adamowicz, Polish activist and politics.
- April 10: Guillaume Canet, French actor.
- April 10: Roberto Carlos, Brazilian footballer.
- April 10: Aidan Moffat, British musician, from the Arab Strap band.
- April 10: Cynthia Ottaviano, journalist, teacher and writer from Argentina.
- April 10: Tony Vairelles, French footballer.
- April 10: Shinichi Fujita, Japanese footballer.
- April 11: Jennifer Esposito, American actress.
- April 11: Barbara Torres, Argentine actress and comedian.
- April 12: Christian Panucci, footballer and Italian coach.
- April 12: Christina Moore, American actress.
- April 13: Serguéi Shnurov, Russian singer.
- April 13: David Miller, American singer, current member of the Il Divo Operating Group.
- April 13: Gustavo Adrián López, Argentine soccer player.
- April 14: Adrien Brody, American actor.
- April 14: Roberto Ayala, Argentine footballer.
- April 14: Wells Tower, American writer.
- April 15: Emanuel Rego, Brazilian volleyballist.
- April 15: Teddy Lučić, Swedish footballer.
- April 15: Pedro Dólera Corpas, footballer and Spanish coach.
- April 16: Akon (Aliuane Badara Thiam), American rapper, singer and musical producer.
- April 17: Ross Aloisi, Australian footballer.
- April 18: Haile Gebrselassie, long-distance Ethiopian corridor.
- April 19: George Gregan, Australian rugby player.
- April 19: Alessandro Preziosi, Italian actor.
- April 21: Katsuyuki Konishi, Japanese seiyū.
- April 23: Iñaki Berruet, Spanish footballer.
- April 23: Agmeth Escaf, actor and Colombian television presenter.
- April 23: Peter Aluma, Nigerian basketball player (f. 2020).
- April 23: Montserrat Calleja, Spanish physics specializing in Bionanomecánica.
- April 24: Sachin Tendulkar, Indian cricket player.
- April 24: Lee Westwood, British golfer.
- April 25: Fredrik Larzon, Swedish rock musician from the Millencolin band.
- April 26: Lee Woon-jae, South Korean footballer.
- April 26: Andres Gerber, Swiss footballer.
- April 27: Sharlee D'Angelo, Swedish guitarist.
- April 28: Jorge García, American actor.
- April 28: Francisco Palencia, soccer player and Mexican coach.
- April 28: Pauleta, Portuguese footballer.
- April 28: Serge Zwikker, Dutch basketball.
- April 29: Welcome from Arriba, Spanish politician.
- May 1st: Oliver Neuville, German footballer.
- 2 May: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, German director.
- May 3: Michael Reiziger, Dutch footballer.
- May 3: Lourdes Maldonado, Spanish journalist.
- May 3: Ivaylo Petrov, Bulgarian footballer.
- May 4: Guillermo Barros Schelotto and Gustavo Barros Schelotto, Argentine soccer players.
- 4 May: Giuseppe Zappella, Italian footballer.
- May 4: Sonia Medina, Venezuelan politics.
- May 5: David Janer, Spanish actor.
- May 5: Juanma Alamillos, Spanish footballer.
- May 6: Andreas Norlén, Swedish politician.
- 7 May: Paolo Savoldelli, Italian cyclist.
- May 8: Hiromu Arakawa, Japanese mangaka.
- May 8: Jesús Arellano, Mexican footballer.
- May 8: Marcus Brigstocke, British comedian.
- May 10: Rüştü Reçber, Turkish footballer.
- May 11: Almir, Brazilian footballer.
- May 11: Noriaki Asakura, Japanese footballer.
- May 12: Antonio Conde Ruiz, Spanish basketball referee.
- May 13: Mercedes Ambrus, pornographic actress and Hungarian model.
- May 14: Voshon Lenard, American basketball player
- May 14: Shanice, African American singer.
- May 15: Juan José Rodríguez Aguado, footballer and Spanish coach.
- May 15: Ramón Ruiz, Spanish footballer.
- May 16: Jason Acuña, skateboarder and American actor.
- May 16: Tori Spelling, American actress.
- May 17: Sasha Alexander, American actress.
- May 17: Joshua Homme, American musician.
- May 18: Pegguy Arphexad, French footballer.
- May 18: Sérgio Henrique Saboia Bernardes, Brazilian footballer.
- May 19: Dario Franchitti, British pilot.
- May 19: Kaoru Asano, Japanese footballer.
- May 19: Sandro Chaves de Assis Rosa, Brazilian footballer.
- May 19: Vicky Rueda, Colombian actress.
- May 20: Patricia Christmas, Mexican actress and singer.
- May 21: Alberto León Herranz, Spanish cyclist (f. 2011).
- May 22: Fatima Baeza, Spanish actress.
- May 22: Alfonso Albert, Spanish basketball player.
- May 22: Emilio Alzamora, a Spanish bike rider.
- May 23: Santiago Eximeno, Spanish writer.
- May 23: Juan José Padilla, Spanish bullfighter.
- May 23: Angelina Jensen, Danish curling player.
- May 24: Ruslana, Ukrainian singer.
- May 24: Rodrigo Bueno, Argentine quartet singer (f. 2000).
- May 24: Vladimir Šmicer, Czech footballer.
- May 24: Jill Johnson, Swedish singer.
- May 24: Karim Alami, Moroccan tennis player.
- May 24: Steffen Kjærgaard, Norwegian cyclist.
- May 25: Demetri Martin, American actor and comedian.
- May 26: Clementine Autain, French politics.
- May 26: Jesule, Spanish footballer.
- May 26: Leave Marković, Serbian footballer.
- May 27: Jack McBrayer, American actor and comedian.
- May 27: Daniel da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
- May 27: Alessandro Cambalhota, Brazilian footballer.
- May 29: Alpay Özalan, Turkish footballer.
- May 30: Vicky Dávila, Colombian journalist.
- May 30: Marina Garcés, Spanish philosopher and essayist.
- June 1: Heidi Klum, German model.
- June 2: Neifi Pérez, Dominican baseball player.
- June 2: Marko Kristal, Estonian footballer.
- June 3: Sebastián Teysera, Uruguayan singer and vocalist of the band of ska and rock La Vela Puerca.
- June 4: Daisuke Hirakawa, Japanese voice actor.
- June 4: Jordi Lardín, Spanish footballer.
- June 6: Kat Swift, US policy.
- June 6: Coraima Torres, Venezuelan actress.
- June 6: Patrick Rothfuss, American writer.
- June 7: Toñi Moreno, Spanish presenter.
- June 8: Gennaro Iezzo, Italian footballer.
- June 8: Lexa Doig, Canadian actress.
- June 10: Faith Evans, American singer.
- June 10: Antônio Marcos Tobias, Brazilian footballer.
- June 11: José Manuel Abundis, Mexican footballer.
- June 11: Arílson, Brazilian footballer.
- June 12: Mitsuki Saiga, Japanese voice actress.
- June 12: Takis Fyssas, Greek footballer.
- June 12: Thomas Pereira, Norwegian footballer.
- June 12: Alyson Annan, Australian lawn hockey player.
- June 13: Álex Calatrava, Spanish tennis player of German origin.
- June 13: Hasier Arraiz, Spanish politician.
- June 13: Kasia Kowalska, Polish singer and actress.
- June 15: Neil Patrick Harris, American actor.
- June 15: Tore André Flo, Norwegian footballer.
- June 15: Greg Vaughan, American actor.
- June 16: Eddie Cibrian, American actor.
- June 16: Federica Mogherini, Italian politics.
- June 16: Nikos Machlas, Greek footballer.
- June 17: Leander Paes, Indian tennis player.
- June 18: Yumi Kakazu, Japanese voice actress.
- June 19: Yuko Nakazawa, Japanese singer.
- June 19: Daði Lárusson, Icelandic footballer.
- June 19: Letícia Spiller, Brazilian actress.
- June 20: Chino Moreno, American musician.
- June 20: Chino Moreno, American singer, from the Deftones band.
- June 20: Jenílson Angelo de Souza, Brazilian footballer.
- June 20: Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, Mexican politician.
- June 21: Roxana Carabajal, Argentine folklore singer.
- June 21: Juliette Lewis, American actress.
- June 22: Cory Alexander, American basketball player.
- June 23: Marie N, Lithuanian singer.
- June 23: Ana María Hoyos, actress, model and Colombian presenter.
- June 25: Zoran Njeguš, footballer and Serbian coach.
- June 26: Guille Giménez, Spanish journalist.
- June 27: Olve Eikemo, Norwegian musician.
- June 27: Manuel Sarmiento, Colombian actor.
- June 28: Regillio Simons, Dutch footballer.
- June 28: Brian Maisonneuve, American footballer.
- June 28: Alberto Berasategui, Spanish tennis player.
- June 28: Eduardo Aldan, actor and presenter of Spanish television.
- June 30: Robert Bales, U.S. military, suspected of the Kandahar massacre.
- June 30: Chan Ho Park, Korean baseball player.
- June 30: Frank Rost, German footballer.
- June 30: Monica Aragón, Hispanic-Mexican actress and clown.
- July 4: Ana María Orozco, Colombian actress.
- July 4th: Gackt, Japanese singer and actor.
- July 4th: Tony Popovic, Australian footballer.
- July 5: Marcus Allbäck, Swedish footballer.
- July 5: Luca De Dominicis, Italian actor.
- July 5: Rwandan Murphy, Irish singer.
- July 5: Camilla Andersen, Danish basketball player.
- July 5: Allison Pottinger, American curling player.
- July 6: Txeroki, a Spanish terrorist.
- July 7: Andrés Cepeda, Colombian rock singer.
- July 7: Natsuki Takaya, Japanese mangaka.
- 8 July: Adjetey Anang, Ghanaian actor.
- July 10: David Sesa, Swiss footballer.
- July 12: Christian Vieri, Italian footballer.
- July 12: Juan Luis Mora, Spanish footballer.
- July 12: Fran Caínzos, Spanish footballer.
- July 13: Dmitro Mijaylenko, Ukrainian footballer.
- July 14: Candela Peña, Spanish actress.
- July 15: Buju Banton singer from reggae Jamaican.
- July 15: John Dolmayan, Lebanese rock drummer, from the System of a Down band.
- July 15: Brian Austin Green, American actor.
- July 16: Stefano Garzelli, Italian cyclist.
- July 19: Aílton Gonçalves da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
- July 20: Claudio Reyna, American footballer.
- July 20: Haakon Magnus of Norway, the Crown Prince of Norway.
- July 20: Omar Epps, American singer and actor.
- July 20: Macarena Berlin, Spanish journalist.
- July 21: María Fernanda Blázquez Gil "Fey", Mexican singer.
- July 22: Jaime Camil, Mexican actor, singer and driver.
- July 22: Jaime Cantizano, Spanish presenter.
- July 22: Rufus Wainwright, Canadian musician.
- July 23: Dani Filth, British singer, of the band Cradle of Filth.
- July 23: Monica Lewinsky, American intern.
- July 23: Kathryn Hahn, American actress.
- July 23: Gunn Margit Andreassen, Norwegian biathle.
- July 24: Ana Cristina Oliveira, Portuguese model and actress.
- July 24: Johan Micoud, French footballer.
- July 25: Guillermo Mota, Dominican baseball player.
- July 25: Zé María, Brazilian footballer.
- July 25: David Denman, American actor.
- July 26: Kate Beckinsale, British actress.
- July 26: Jussi Sydänmaa, a Finnish actor and musician of the Lordi band.
- July 26: Vaniity, Mexican pornographic actress.
- July 27: David Oteo, Mexican footballer.
- July 28: Émerson Luiz Firmino, Brazilian footballer.
- July 29: Wanya Morris, African American singer, Boyz II Men.
- July 29: Marian Hristov, Bulgarian footballer.
- July 29: Eddy Mazzoleni, Italian cyclist
- July 30: Sonu Nigam, Indian singer.
- July 30: Andrea Gaudenzi, Italian tennis player.
- July 31: Abdulaziz Khathran, Saudi footballer.
- July 31: Jerry Rivera, Puerto Rican singer.
- July 31: Jacob Aagaard, an Anglo-Danish chess player.
- August 1st: Eduardo Noriega, Spanish actor.
- August 1st: Gregg Berhalter, American footballer.
- August 1st: Antonio Gómez Pérez, footballer and Spanish coach.
- August 1st: Heberley Sosa, Uruguayan footballer.
- August 2: Éric Deflandre, Belgian footballer.
- 2 August: Yousef Al-Dokhi, a Kuwaiti footballer.
- August 3: Nikos Dabizas, Greek footballer.
- 4 August: Marcos Roberto Silveira Reis, Brazilian footballer.
- August 4: Javi de Pedro, Spanish footballer.
- August 6, Asia Carrera, American actress.
- August 6, Vera Farmiga, American actress.
- August 6, Stuart O'Grady, Australian cyclist.
- August 6: Shintetsu Gen, Japanese footballer.
- August 8: Scott Stapp, American musician, Creed band.
- August 8: Sandro Sotilli, Brazilian footballer.
- August 9: Filippo Inzaghi, Italian footballer.
- August 9: Hideki Tsukamoto, Japanese footballer.
- August 10: Javier Zanetti, Argentine soccer player.
- August 10: Daijirō Takakuwa, Japanese footballer.
- August 11: Carolyn Murphy, American model.
- August 11: Vitaliy Kosovskiy, Ukrainian footballer.
- August 11: Antônio Monteiro Dutra, Brazilian footballer.
- August 11: Mario Amorós, journalist and Spanish historian.
- August 12: Carlos Chamarro, Spanish actor.
- August 12: Natalia Paris, Colombian model.
- August 12: Joseba Beloki, Spanish cyclist.
- August 12: Emma Roca Rodríguez, Spanish mountain skier and runner (f. 2021).
- 12 August: Muqtada al-Sadr, Iraqi clergy.
- August 13: Brittany Andrews, American pornographic actress.
- August 14: Jared Borgetti, Mexican footballer.
- August 14: Jay-Jay Okocha, Nigerian footballer.
- August 14: Paulino Martínez, footballer and Spanish coach.
- August 14: Sebastián Ortega, Argentine television producer.
- 14 August: Romane Bohringer, French actress.
- 14 August: Timuçin Esen, Turkish actor.
- August 14: Mariano Hood, Argentine tennis player.
- August 15: Juan Gil Navarro, Argentine actor.
- August 15: Adnan Sami, composer, pianist and British singer.
- August 15: José Alexandre Alves Lindo, Brazilian footballer.
- August 15: Jon Ander Lambea, footballer and Spanish coach.
- August 16: Mauricio Islas, Mexican actor.
- 16 August: Milan Rapaić, Croatian footballer.
- August 16: Osamu Umeyama, Japanese footballer.
- August 17: Lionel Ugalde, Argentine pilot.
- August 19: Marco Materazzi, Italian footballer.
- August 19: Ahmed Best, American actor.
- August 19: Mette-Marit of Norway, Norwegian princess.
- August 19: Ján Valach, Slovak cyclist.
- August 21: Serguéi Brin, an American computer entrepreneur of Russian origin.
- August 21: Nikolai Valuev, Russian heavyweight boxing champion.
- August 22: Howie Dorough, American singer, from the Backstreet Boys band.
- August 22: Kristen Wiig, American actress and comedian.
- August 22: Okkert Brits, South African athlete.
- August 23: Mariela Celis, TV presenter, editor, actress and Venezuelan humorist.
- August 24: Grey DeLisle, American voice actress.
- August 24: Inge de Bruijn, a Dutch swimmer.
- August 24: Carmine Giovinazzo, American actor.
- August 24: Fabio Pecchia, footballer and Italian coach.
- August 24: Alberto Barrera Zurita, Mexican politician.
- August 25: Fatih Akın, German filmmaker.
- August 25: Felipe Ibáñez, Argentine designer.
- August 25: Gianluca Rocchi, Italian referee.
- August 25: Rafael Henzel, Brazilian announcer (f. 2019).
- August 25: Bas van Dooren, Dutch cyclist.
- August 25: Bernard Inom, French boxer.
- August 26: Andrés Muschietti, director of Argentine television.
- August 27: Danny Coyne, Welsh footballer.
- August 27: Dietmar Hamann, German footballer.
- August 27: Christian Zübert, German film director and screenwriter.
- August 27: Tetsuya Okayama, Japanese footballer.
- August 27: Alexander Fedorovich, Belarusian footballer (f. 2022).
- August 27: María Belén Cueto Martín, Spanish volleyballist.
- August 27: Eva Parera, a Spanish lawyer and politics.
- August 27: Catherine Scott, Jamaican athlete.
- August 27: Robert Harrison, Spanish sports leader.
- August 27: Johan Norberg, Swedish writer.
- August 28: Maria Barnas, a Dutch writer.
- August 29: Thomas Tuchel, footballer and German coach.
- August 31: Gustavo Cañizares, Spanish footballer.
- September 1st: Oscar Avendaño, Spanish musician.
- September 1st: Paola De Micheli, Italian politics.
- 2 September: Savo Milošević, Serbian footballer.
- September 2nd: Pedro Arquero, Spanish footballer.
- September 4: Jason David Frank, American martial actor and artist (f. 2022).
- September 4: Eduardo Arroyuelo, Mexican actor.
- September 4th: Stacy Sanches, American model and actress.
- September 5: Rose McGowan, American actress.
- September 6: Carlo Cudicini, Italian footballer.
- September 6: Greg Rusedski, Anglo-Canadian tennis player.
- September 6: Pepa Aniorte, Spanish actress.
- September 6: Alessandro Troncon, Italian rugby player.
- 7 September: Giuseppe Di Grande, Italian cyclist.
- September 7: Shannon Elizabeth, American actress.
- September 7: Laura Pamplona, Spanish actress.
- September 9: Laura Ponte, Spanish model.
- September 9: Frode Andresen, Norwegian biathlet.
- September 10: Víctor González, Mexican actor.
- September 11: Roberto Chiappa, Italian cyclist.
- September 11: Wagneau Eloi, Franco-haitian footballer.
- September 11: Johann Lonfat, Swiss footballer.
- September 11: Volker Ordowski, German cyclist.
- September 12: Paul Walker, American actor (f. 2013).
- September 12: Cinzia Cavazzuti, Italian Yudoca.
- September 12: Álvaro Fabián González, Uruguayan footballer.
- 13 September: Fabio Cannavaro, Italian footballer.
- September 13: Mahima Chaudhry, Indian actress and model.
- September 13: René Weiler, Swiss footballer.
- September 14: Andrew Lincoln, British actor.
- September 14: Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones, American rapper.
- September 15: Julie Cox, British actress.
- September 16: Luis Larrodera, Spanish presenter.
- September 17: Petter Rudi, Norwegian footballer.
- September 17: Demis Nikolaidis, Greek footballer.
- September 17: Diego Albanese, Argentinian rugby player.
- September 17: Bernardo Duque, locutor, actor of bent, television presenter and Colombian arranger (f. 2013).
- September 18: James Marsden, American actor.
- September 18: Mark Shuttleworth, South African entrepreneur.
- September 18: Ami Onuki, Japanese singer.
- September 18: Darío Frigo, Italian cyclist.
- September 18: Aitor Karanka, Spanish footballer.
- September 19: José Azevedo, Portuguese cyclist.
- September 19: David Zepeda, Mexican actor and singer.
- September 19: Stéphane Porato, French footballer.
- September 19: Nick Colgan, Irish footballer.
- September 21: Daniel Guzmán, Spanish actor.
- September 21: Virginia Ruano, Spanish tennis player.
- September 21: Oswaldo Sánchez, Mexican footballer.
- September 21: Pedro Acevedo, Chilean footballer.
- September 23: Ingrid Fliter, Argentine pianist.
- September 23: José Luiz Drey, Brazilian footballer.
- September 24: Daniel Fernández Moreno, Spanish footballer.
- September 25: Bridgette Wilson, American actress, model and singer.
- September 25: Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, Danish politician.
- September 26: Donata Burgatta, Italian Judoca.
- September 27: Vratislav Lokvenc, Czech footballer.
- September 28: José Ignacio Sáenz, Spanish footballer.
- September 28: Luciana Peker, an Argentine gender activist.
- September 29: Mighello Blanco, Spanish actor.
- October 2: Lene Nystrøm, Norwegian singer, from the Aqua band.
- October 2: Susana González, Mexican actress and model.
- October 2: Verka Serdyuchka, actor, singer and Ukrainian comedian.
- October 2: Mikel Arana, Spanish politician.
- October 3: Lena Headey, British actress
- October 3: Neve Campbell, Canadian actress.
- October 3: Richard Ian Cox, voice actor and Canadian radio presenter.
- October 3: Uğur Dağdelen, Turkish footballer (f. 2015).
- October 4: Chris Parks, American fighter.
- October 5: Alejandro Varela, footballer and Spanish coach.
- October 6: Ioan Gruffudd, British actor.
- October 6: Jesus Angel Turiel, Spanish footballer.
- October 7: Dida, Brazilian footballer.
- October 9: Steven Burns, American actor, The Blues tracks.
- October 9: Fabio Lione, Italian singer, Rhapsody of Fire bands, and Vision Divine.
- October 9: Carlos Pavón, a Honduran footballer.
- October 9: Juanjo González, footballer and Spanish coach.
- October 9: Caparezza, Italian rapper.
- October 10: Mario López, American actor.
- October 10: Vikash Dhorasoo, French footballer.
- October 10: Pedro Jesús Triguero Zamora, Spanish footballer.
- October 10: Zach Thornton, American footballer.
- October 11: Daisuke Sakaguchi, Japanese voice actor.
- October 11: Takeshi Kaneshiro, Taiwanese-Japanese actor.
- 11 October: Mirsad Hibić, Bosnian footballer.
- October 12: Alberto Berna, Spanish football coach.
- October 13: Nanako Matsushima, Japanese actress and model.
- October 14: Luca Pancallo, video game designer.
- October 14: George Floyd, a victim of racism in the United States.
- October 14: Fabian O'Neill, Uruguayan footballer (f. 2022).
- October 15: Inés Bayo, Spanish singer (f. 2019).
- October 15: Aleksandr Filimónov, Russian footballer.
- October 15: Hussein Al-Sadiq, Saudi footballer.
- October 17: Quique González, Spanish rock singer.
- October 18: Michalis Kapsis, Greek footballer.
- October 19: Aliaksandr Jatskevich, Belarusian footballer.
- October 19: Jorge Alarte, Spanish politician.
- October 21: Lera Auerbach pianist and Russian composer.
- October 22: Andrés Palop, Spanish footballer.
- October 22: Ichiro Suzuki, Japanese baseball player.
- October 22: Mark van der Zijden, Dutch swimmer.
- October 23: Ibon Uzkudun, Spanish actor.
- October 23: Mac Cozier, American footballer.
- October 24: Levi Leipheimer, American cyclist.
- October 25: Maxi Mounds, American stripper.
- October 25: Romildo Santos Rosa, Brazilian footballer.
- October 26: Seth MacFarlane, actor, director and cartoonist of American comics.
- October 26: Taka Michinoku, Japanese fighter.
- October 27: Karol Beffa, French composer.
- October 27: Jessica Andersson, Swedish singer.
- October 28: MVP (Montel Vontavious Porter), American fighter.
- October 29: Robert Pirès, French footballer.
- October 30: Silvia Corzo, Colombian lawyer and journalist.
- October 30: Edge (Adam Copeland), Canadian fighter.
- October 30: Alex Sandro Santana de Oliveira, Brazilian footballer.
- 1 November: Aishwarya Rai, actress, model and Indian dancer.
- November 2: Joachim Yaw, Ghanaian footballer.
- November 2: Marisol Nichols, American actress.
- November 3: Ana Milan, Spanish actress.
- November 3: Mick Thomson, American guitarist, Slipknot band.
- November 3: Lisset, Mexican actress and singer.
- November 3: Manel Martínez, Spanish footballer.
- November 3: Remedios Zafra, writer, teacher and Spanish essayist.
- 4 November: Steven Ogg, Canadian actor.
- 4 November: Nicola Vizzoni, Italian athlete.
- 5 November: Gavin Wilkinson, New Zealand footballer.
- November 5: Albert Espinosa, industrial training engineer, screenwriter, theatrical author, writer, actor and Spanish film director.
- 7 November: Martín Palermo, Argentine footballer.
- 7 November: Yunjin Kim, Korean actress.
- November 8: Edgardo Alfonzo, Venezuelan baseball player.
- November 8: Íñigo Idiakez, Spanish footballer.
- November 8: Jesse Marsch, American footballer.
- November 8: Dennis Lota, Zambian footballer (f. 2014).
- 9 November: Zisis Vryzas, Greek footballer.
- 9 November: Alyson Court, Canadian actress.
- 9 November: Nick Lachey, American singer, 98 Degrees band.
- 9 November: Maija Vilkkumaa, Finnish rock singer.
- 9 November: Bethlehem Esteban, a Spanish television collaborator.
- 9 November: Víctor Cordero Flores, a Costa Rican footballer.
- November 10: Jacqui Abbott, British singer, from The Beautiful South.
- November 10: Alexandre José Bortolato, Brazilian footballer.
- November 11: Jason White, American guitarist, Green Day band.
- November 12: Radha Mitchell, Australian actress.
- November 12: Paola Holguín, Colombian politics.
- 15 November: Liniers (Ricardo Siri), Argentine hysterist.
- November 15: Albert Portas, Spanish tennis player.
- November 15: Eileen Abad, Venezuelan actress and model.
- November 15: Abdullah Zubromawi, Saudi footballer.
- 17 November: Bernd Schneider, German footballer.
- 17 November: Ibon Begoña, Spanish footballer.
- November 17: Godfrey Sapula, South African footballer.
- 18 November: Darko Kovačević, Serbian footballer.
- November 19: Billy Currington, American country music singer.
- November 19: Abraham Gragera, Spanish poet.
- November 19: Pekka Himanen, a Finnish philosopher.
- November 19: Prince Amoako, Ghanaian footballer.
- 21 November: Marcelo Córdoba, Argentine actor.
- 21 November: Inés Sastre, actress and Spanish model.
- November 22: Monica Rodriguez, Colombian presenter.
- November 23: Grégory Malicki, French footballer.
- November 24: Paola Cortellesi, Italian actress.
- 25 November: Octavio Dotel, Dominican baseball player.
- 25 November: Claudia Díaz, Venezuelan official and Hugo Chávez nurse.
- November 26: Carlos Andrés García, Venezuelan politician.
- November 26: Peter Facinelli, American actor.
- November 26: Javi Pineda, Spanish footballer.
- 26 November: Andrea Camata, Italian basketball player.
- November 27, Sharlto Copley, producer, actor and South African filmmaker.
- November 28: Jade Puget, American guitarist, AFI band.
- November 28: Rob Conway, American fighter.
- November 29: Ryan Giggs, British footballer.
- 29 November: Juan Olivares, painter and Spanish plastic artist.
- November 29: Raúl Rodríguez Serrano, Spanish footballer.
- November 29: Dick van Burik, Dutch footballer.
- November 30: Jason Reso, Canadian fighter.
- 30 November: Igor Jovićević, Croatian footballer.
- December 1: León Larregui, Mexican rock singer.
- December 1, Lombardo Boyar, American actor.
- 1 December: Akiko Nakagawa, Japanese seiyū.
- December 2: Mónica Seles, Yugoslav-American tennis player.
- December 2: Jan Ullrich, German cyclist.
- December 3: Holly Marie Combs, American actress.
- December 3: Gabriele Magni, Italian farmer.
- December 3: Keri Windsor, American porn actress.
- December 4: Tyra Banks, American actress and model.
- December 5: Patricio Borghetti, Mexican nationalized Argentine actor and singer.
- December 6: Daniele De Paoli, Italian cyclist.
- 6 December: Petar Miloševski, Macedonian footballer (f. 2014).
- December 7: Terrell Owens, African American footballer.
- December 7: Damien Rice, singer-compositor, Irish musician and producer.
- December 8: Chiqui Ledesma (María de los Angeles Ledesma), Argentinean singer.
- December 8: Corey Taylor, American singer, Slipknot and Stone Sour bands.
- December 8: Paola Díaz, Colombian actress and presenter.
- December 8: Claudia Gurisatti, journalist and Colombian presenter.
- December 9: Sven Christ, Swiss footballer.
- December 10: Gabriela Spanic, former beauty and Venezuelan actress.
- December 11: Anita Caprioli, Italian actress.
- December 11: Giorgia Andreuzza, politics and Italian architect.
- 13 December: Emre Aşık, Turkish footballer.
- December 14: Thuy Trang, Vietnamese actress (f. 2001).
- December 14: Tomasz Radzinski, Canadian footballer.
- December 15: Will Robson Emilio Andrade, Brazilian footballer.
- December 16: Mariza, Portuguese singer.
- December 16: Scott Storch, American hip-hop producer.
- December 17: Paula Radcliffe, British athlete.
- December 17: Martha Érika Alonso, Mexican politics (f. 2018).
- December 19: Vrbica Stefanov, Macedonian basketball player.
- December 21: Matías Almeyda, ex-futbolist and Argentine coach.
- December 24: Stephenie Meyer, American writer.
- December 24: Eddie Pope, American footballer.
- December 25: Cristina Chiuso, Italian swimmer.
- December 27: Wilson Cruz, American actor.
- December 27: Wágner Pires de Almeida, Brazilian footballer.
- December 28: Seth Meyers, American actor and comedian.
- December 28: Martha Isabel Bolaños, actress, model and Colombian businessman.
- December 29: Pimp C, American rapper.
- December 30: Jason Behr, American actor.
- December 30: Ato Boldon, athlete trinitense.
- December 30: Nacho Vidal, Spanish porn actor.
- December 31: Shandon Anderson, American basketball player.
No date
- Adriana Acosta, Mexican actress, retired since 2007.
- January 2: Eleazar López Contreras, a Venezuelan military and political president between 1935 and 1941 (n. 1883).
- January 7: Pedro Berruezo, Spanish footballer (n. 1945).
- January 10: Claudio de la Torre, Spanish writer and filmmaker (n. 1895).
- January 12: Turk Edwards, American footballer (n. 1907).
- January 16: Nellie Yu Roung Ling, Chinese dancer (n. 1889).
- January 20: Raúl Pilla, politician, doctor, journalist and Brazilian teacher (n. 1892).
- January 21: Manuel Bastos Ansart, a Spanish doctor (n. 1887).
- January 22: Lyndon B. Johnson, American politician, president between 1963 and 1969 (n. 1908).
- January 23: Kid Ory, American musician (n. 1886).
- January 26: Edward G. Robinson, Romanian actor (n. 1893).
- January 28: John Banner, Austrian actor (n. 1910).
- January 31: Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch, Norwegian economist, nobel economic award (n. 1895).
- 4 February: Rolando Alarcón, Chilean singer and composer (n. 1929).
- February 5: Tim Holt, American actor (n. 1919).
- February 15: Wally Cox, American actor (n. 1924).
- February 16: Francisco Caamaño, Dominican politician (n. 1932).
- February 18: Frank Costello, American mafia (n. 1891).
- February 19: Ivan T. Sanderson, a naturalist and British writer (n. 1911).
- 19 February: Joseph Szigeti, Hungarian violinist (n. 1892).
- February 22: Elizabeth Bowen, Irish novelist (n. 1899).
- February 22: Katina Paxinou, Greek actress (n. 1900).
- February 23: Dickinson W. Richards, American doctor, nobel prize for physiology or medicine (n. 1895).
- February 28: Cecil Kellaway, South African actor (n. 1893).
- March 3: Vera Panova, Russian writer (n. 1905).
- March 6: Pearl S. Buck, American writer, nobel Literature Prize in 1938 (n. 1892).
- March 8: Ron Pigpen McKernan, American rock musician, of the band Grateful Dead (n. 1945).
- March 10: Bull Connor, American murderer, Ku Klux Klan member, and Public Security Commissioner of the City of Birmingham (Alabama) during the civil rights movement (n. 1897).
- March 10: Robert Siodmak, German filmmaker (n. 1900).
- March 11: Manuel Rojas, Chilean writer, National Literature Prize in 1957 (n. 1896).
- March 12: Frankie Frisch, American baseball player (n. 1898).
- 13 March: Melville Cooper, British actor (n. 1896).
- March 14: Howard H. Aiken, American engineer (n. 1900).
- March 14: Rafael Godoy, Colombian composer (n. 1907).
- March 16: José Gorostiza, Mexican poet.
- March 18: Johannes Aavik, Estonian philologist (n. 1880).
- March 18: Lauritz Melchior, Danish opera singer (n. 1890).
- March 23: Ken Maynard, American actor (n. 1895).
- March 25: Edward Steichen, American photographer (n. 1879).
- March 26: Noël Coward, British actor, composer and writer (n. 1899).
- March 26: George Sisler, American baseball player (n. 1893).
- April 8: Pablo Picasso, a Spanish painter (n. 1881).
- April 12: Henry Darger, American artist and historietist unknown (n. 1892).
- April 12: Carlos Román, Colombian singer (n. 1919)
- April 13: Agustín Olachea, Mexican politician and military (n. 1890).
- April 16: Nino Bravo, Spanish singer (n. 1944).
- April 19: Hans Kelsen, philosopher of law, Austrian jurist and politician (n. 1881).
- April 21: Merian C. Cooper, aviator, filmmaker and American producer (n. 1893).
- April 28: Jacques Maritain, French Catholic philosopher (n. 1882).
- April 30: Nicolás Fernández, Mexican military (n. 1875).
- April 30: Adolfo S. Scilingo, Argentine diplomat (n. 1899).
- 1 May: Asger Jorn, Danish painter (n. 1914).
- May 2: Alan Carney, American actor and comedian (n. 1909).
- May 10: Jack E. Leonard, American comedian (n. 1910).
- May 11: Lex Barker, American actor (n. 1919).
- May 11: Juan Eduardo Cirlot, poet and critic of Spanish art (n. 1916).
- May 12: Frances Marion, American screenwriter (n. 1888).
- 14 May: Jean Gebser, writer, linguist and German poet (n. 1905).
- May 18: Jeannette Rankin, an American woman, the first to be a congressman (n. 1880).
- May 18: Abraham Shlonsky, Ukrainian-Israeli poet and editor (n. 1900).
- June 1st: Mary Kornman, American actress (n. 1915).
- June 3: Dory Funk, American fighter (n. 1919).
- June 5: Max Terhune, American actor (n. 1891).
- 9 June: Erich von Manstein, German military (n. 1887).
- June 10: William Inge, American playwright (n. 1913).
- June 12: Mel Rodriguez, American actor.
- June 18: Roger Delgado, British actor (n. 1918).
- June 29: Germán Valdés, actor, singer and Mexican comedian (n. 1915).
- June 30: Nancy Mitford, British novelist (n. 1904).
- 2 July: Betty Grable, American actress (n. 1916).
- 2 July: Ferdinand Schörner, German military (n. 1892).
- July 3: Karel Ančerl, director of Czech Jewish orchestra and violinist (n. 1908).
- July 5: Golwalkar, Indian Hindu fanatic leader (n. 1906).
- 6 July: Otto Klemperer, director of German orchestra and composer (n. 1885).
- July 7: Max Horkheimer, German philosopher and sociologist (n. 1895).
- 7 July: Veronica Lake, American actress (n. 1922).
- 10 July: Karl Loewenstein, German philosopher (n. 1891).
- July 11: José Joe Baxter (33), Argentine guerrilla (n. 1940).
- July 11: Robert Ryan, American actor (n. 1909).
- July 11: Adrian Viudes and Guirao, a Spanish politician and businessman.
- July 11: Alexander Mosolov, Russian composer (n. 1900).
- July 12: Lon Chaney, Jr., American actor (n. 1906).
- July 13: Willy Fritsch, German actor (n. 1901).
- July 18: Jack Hawkins, British actor (n. 1910).
- July 20: Bruce Lee, a martial artist and an American actor (n. 1940).
- July 20: Robert Smithson, American artist (n. 1938).
- July 22: Alexander Mosolov, Russian composer (n. 1900).
- July 23: Eddie Rickenbacker, American World War I flying ace and race car driver (n. 1890).
- 29 July: Henri Charrière, French writer (n. 1906).
- July 29: Roger Williamson, American Formula 1 pilot (n. 1948).
- 1 August: Gian Francesco Malipiero, Italian composer (n. 1882).
- August 1st: Walter Ulbricht, German communist leader (n. 1893).
- August 2: Jean-Pierre Melville, French filmmaker (n. 1917).
- August 4: Eddie Condon, American jazz musician (n. 1905).
- August 6: Fulgencio Batista, Cuban dictator (n. 1901).
- August 9: Charles Daniels, American Olympic swimmer (n. 1885).
- August 10: Douglas Kennedy, American actor (n. 1915).
- 11 August: Karl Ziegler, German chemist, nobel chemistry award (n. 1898).
- August 12: Walter Rudolf Hess, Swiss physiologist, nobel medical prize (n. 1881).
- August 16: Veda Ann Borg, American actress (n. 1915).
- August 16: Selman Waksman, Ukrainian biochemical, nobel chemistry award (n. 1888).
- August 17: Conrad Aiken, American writer (n. 1889).
- August 27: Tol Avery, American actor (n. 1915).
- August 30: Michael Dunn, American actor (n. 1934).
- August 31: John Ford, American filmmaker (n. 1894).
- 2 September: J. R. R. Tolkien, British Philologist and Writer (n. 1892).
- September 11: Salvador Allende, doctor, politician and Chilean president between 1970 and 1973 (n. 1908).
- September 13: Betty Field, American actress (n. 1913).
- 15 September: Gustavo VI Adolfo, Swedish king (n. 1882).
- September 16: Víctor Jara, Chilean singer (n. 1932).
- September 17: Eugenio Garza Sada, entrepreneur and Mexican philanthropist (n. 1892).
- 18 September: Gustavo VI Adolfo, king of Sweden between 1950 and 1973 (n. 1892).
- September 19: Gram Parsons, American musician (n. 1946).
- September 19: Luis Marcelo Zelarayán, Argentine physician (n. 1914).
- September 19: David Zepeda, actor, singer, lawyer and Mexican model.
- September 20: Jim Croce, American composer (n. 1943).
- September 20: Glenn Strange, American actor (n. 1899).
- September 23: Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1971 (n. 1904).
- September 24: Joshua de Castro, writer, nutritionist, Brazilian geographer and activist (n. 1908).
- September 26: Anna Magnani, Italian actress (n. 1908).
- September 29: Wystan Hugh Auden, British poet and essayist (n. 1907).
- 2 October: Paavo Nurmi, Finnish corridor (n. 1897).
- October 6: Sidney Blackmer, American actor (n. 1895).
- October 6: François Cevert, French Formula 1 pilot (n. 1944).
- October 8: Gabriel Marcel, French Catholic thinker (n. 1889).
- 10 October: Ludwig von Mises, an Austrian philosopher and economist (n. 1881).
- 11 October: Mauro Núñez Cáceres, Bolivian musician and charanguist (n. 1902).
- October 16: Gene Krupa, American jazz drummer (n. 1909).
- October 17: Ingeborg Bachmann, Austrian writer (n. 1926).
- 17 October: Jean Barraqué, French composer (n. 1928).
- October 18: Walt Kelly, American cartoonist (n. 1913).
- October 18: Crane Wilbur, an American actor (n. 1886).
- October 19: Margaret Caroline Anderson, American magazine editor (n. 1886).
- October 22: Pau Casals, Spanish cellist (n. 1876).
- 25 October: Abebe Bikila, Ethiopian corridor (n. 1932).
- October 27: Allan "Rocky" Lane, American actor (n. 1909).
- October 31: Lucha Reyes, Peruvian singer (n. 1936).
- November 3: Arturo de Córdova, Mexican actor (n. 1907).
- 11 November: Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Finnish chemist, nobel chemistry prize (n. 1895).
- 13 November: Lila Lee, American actress (n. 1901).
- 18 November: Alois Hába, Czech composer (n. 1893).
- November 20: Allan Sherman, writer, comedian, television producer and U.S. parodista (n. 1924).
- November 23: Sessue Hayakawa, Japanese actor (n. 1889).
- November 23: José Alfredo Jiménez, Mexican singer (n. 1926).
- November 23: Gerardo Masana, Argentine musician, founder of Les Luthiers (n. 1937).
- November 23: Constance Talmadge, American actress (n. 1898).
- 25 November: Laurence Harvey, an Anglo-Sud African actor of Lithuanian origin (n. 1928).
- November 27: Frank Christian, American musician (n. 1887).
- November 28: John Rostill, bassist and British composer, of the band The Shadows (n. 1942).
- 1 December: David Ben-Gurion, Israeli politician, Prime Minister of his country (n. 1886).
- December 3: Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, politician and former Mexican president (n. 1889).
- December 5: Robert Watson-Watt, British engineer, radar pioneer (n. 1892).
- December 16: Eduardo Arozamena Passón, actor, interpreter and Mexican singer (n. 1930).
- December 17: Maria Douglas, Mexican theatre actress (n. 1922).
- December 20: Luis Carrero Blanco, militar, politician and Spanish president in 1973 (n. 1904).
- December 20: Bobby Darin, singer, composer, musician, actor, television presenter and American dancer (n. 1936).
- December 23: Gerard Kuiper, Dutch astronomer (n. 1905).
- December 25: Gabriel Voisin, French pioneer of aviation (n. 1880).
- December 25: İsmet İnönü, General, Prime Minister and Turkish President (n. 1884).
- December 26: William Haines, American actor (n. 1900).
- December 26: Harold B. Lee, American Mormon Religious (n. 1899).
- December 30: D. E. Stevenson, Scottish novelist (n. 1892).
Art and literature
- Ana María Matute: The river.
- Camilo José Cela: Dark trade 5.
- Michael Ende: Momo.
Pulitzer Prize
- Novel: Eudora Welty The optimist’s daughter.
- Poetry: Maxine Winokur Kumin Up country.
Nadal Award
- José Antonio García Blázquez The rite.
Planet Award
- Winner: Azaña of Carlos Rojas.
- Finalist: Confidential adage Mercedes Salisachs.
Science and technology
- September 5: The Soviet Union launches the Mars 6 probe to Mars.
- 3 November: United States Launches Mariner 10 Space Probe
- The collaboration Gargamelle discovers the neutral currents of the electrodebil model.
Computer Science
- The PROLOG programming language is developed.
- European Championship of Athletics in Pista Cubierta: held in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Motor Racing
- Formula 1:
- Pilot Championship:
- Championship of builders:
- Eurobasket:
- NBA:
- Game of the Stars: National League.
- Tour de France:
- Cycling return to Spain:
- Giro de Italia:
- World Tour Cycling Championship:
- Milan-Turin:
Marcello Bergamo.
- Bordeaux-Paris:
Enzo Mattioda.
- Liege-Bastogne-Lieja:
Eddy Merckx.
- Paris-Roubaix:
Eddy Merckx.
- Paris-Tours:
Rik Van Linden.
- Giro de Lombardy:
Felice Gimondi.
- Milan-San Remo:
Roger De Vlaeminck.
- Volta to Catalonia:
Peruvian Sunday.
- Tour de Flandes:
Eric Leman.
- Zurich Championship:
André Dierickx.
- Return to the Basque Country:
Luis Ocaña.
- Return to Asturias:
Jesus Manzaneque.
- Plouay Grand Prix:
Jean-Claude Largeau.
- National Critérium:
Jean-Pierre Danguillaume.
- United Nations Grand Prix:
Eddy Merckx.
- Paris-Niza:
Raymond Poulidor.
- Ghent-Wevelgem:
Eddy Merckx.
- Flecha Valona:
André Dierickx.
- Return to Aragón:
Jesus Manzaneque.
- Omloop Het Volk:
Eddy Merckx.
- Classic Amorebieta:
Miguel María Lasa.
- Dauphiné Libéré:
Luis Ocaña.
- Tour de Romandía:
Wilfried David.
- Midi Libre:
Raymond Poulidor.
- Grand Prix Navarra:
Peruvian Sunday.
- Four Days of Dunkirk:
Freddy Maertens.
- Return to La Rioja:
Jesus Manzaneque.
- Catalan Week:
Luis Ocaña.
- Rise to Montjuic:
Jesus Manzaneque.
- Amstel Gold Race:
Eddy Merckx.
- Tyrrhenian-Adriatic:
Roger De Vlaeminck.
- Up to Arrate:
Luis Ocaña.
Championships by national teams
International Championships
- Intercontinental Cup:
- Concacaf Champions Cup:
SV Transvaal.
- Copa Libertadores de América:
- European Cup:
Ajax Amsterdam.
- Coup Europe:
AC Milan.
- UEFA Cup:
- European Super Cup:
Ajax Amsterdam.
National Championships
- Argentina:
- Germany:
- Brazil:
- Chile:
- First Division of Chile: Spanish Union.
- Colombia:
- Costa Rica:
- First Division: Deportivo Saprissa.
- Ecuador:
- Spain:
- France:
- England:
- First Division: Liverpool.
- Italy:
- Mexico:
- Netherlands:
- Paraguay:
- Peru:
- Peruvian Football League: Atlético Defensor Lima.
- Uruguay:
- Venezuela:
- January 3: The Guanacasteca Sports Association was founded in Nicoya, which militates in the Second Division of Costa Rica
American Football
- US Open:
Johnny Miller.
- Masters of Augusta:
Tommy Aaron.
- British Open:
Tom Weiskopf.
- PGA Championship:
Jack Nicklaus.
- 500cc:
Phil Read.
- 350cc:
Giacomo Agostini.
- 250cc:
Dieter Braun.
- 125cc:
Kent Andersson.
- 50cc:
Jan de Vries.
- Open from Australia:
John Newcombe and
Margaret Smith.
- Roland Garros:
Ilie Nastase and
Margaret Smith.
- Wimbledon:
Jan Kodeš and
Billie Jean King.
- United States Open:
John Newcombe and
Margaret Smith.
- WTA Tour Championships:
Chris Evert.
- Tennis Masters Cup:
Ilie Nastase.
- Davis Cup:
- Copa:
Other sports
- Swimming:
- World Swimming Championship: first edition, held from 31 August to 9 September in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
- 14 February: Save the Tiger John G. Avildsen.
- 19 February: One dollar reward by Rafael Romero Marchent.
- 22 February: Turks fruit by Paul Verhoeven.
- 27 March: Sisters Brian De Palma.
- 11 April:
- Scarecrow Jerry Schatzberg.
- Scener ur ett äktenskap by Ingmar Bergman.
- 19 April: When fate reaches us Richard Fleischer.
- 30 April: Lemora: a supernatural tale Richard Blackburn.
- 9 May: Moon of paper Peter Bogdanovich.
- 16 May: The Day of the Jackal Fred Zinnemann.
- 23 May:
- The Emperor of the North Robert Aldrich.
- Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid Sam Peckinpah.
- 24 May: The American Night by François Truffaut.
- 27 June:
- The Rebellion of the Dead by Leon Klimovsky.
- Live and let die Guy Hamilton.
- 25 July: The man of Mackintosh John Huston.
- 26 July: Operation Dragon with Bruce Lee.
- 7 August: Jesus Christ Superstar Norman Jewison.
- 11 August: American Graffiti George Lucas.
- 1 September: The big man Marco Ferreri.
- 27 September: Operation Massacre by Jorge Cedron.
- 8 October: The spirit of the hive Victor Erice.
- 17 October: The Way We Were Sydney Pollack.
- 7 November: Executive action David Miller.
- 8 November: Robin Hood Wolfgang Reitherman.
- 29 November: The sacred mountain of Alexander Jodorowsky.
- 5 December: Serpic Sidney Lumet.
- 12 December: Last duty Hal Ashby.
- 13 December: My name is... none Tonino Valerii and Sergio Leone.
- 16 December: Papillon Franklin Schaffner.
- 17 December: The sleeper Woody Allen.
- 18 December: Amarcord by Federico Fellini.
- 25 December: The blow George Roy Hill.
- 26 December: The exorcist by William Friedkin.
All dates belong to the official premieres of their countries of origin, unless otherwise indicated.
- Best movie: The blow.
- Best Director: George Roy Hill for The blow.
- Best Actor: Jack Lemmon for Save the tiger.
- Best Actress: Glenda Jackson for A touch of distinction.
- Best Cast Actor: John Houseman for Life of a student.
- Best Dealer Actress: Tatum O'Neal Moon of paper.
- Best Original Guion: David S. Ward for The blow.
- Best non-English speaking film:
France The American Night by François Truffaut.
- Best adapted script:
United States by The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty.
Golden Globe Awards
- Best movie - Drama: The Godfather.
- Best movie - Comedy or musical: Cabaret.
- Best directorFrancis Ford Coppola by The Godfather.
- Best actor - Drama: Marlon Brando The Godfather.
- Best actor - Comedy or musical: Jack Lemmon for What happened between my father and your mother?.
- Best actress - Drama: Liv Ullmann by Migrants.
- Best actress - Comedy or musical: Liza Minnelli Cabaret.
- Better script: Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo for The Godfather.
- Best series - Drama: Colombo.
- Best series - Comedy or musical: All in the Family.
- The AC/DC group is formed.
- The Kiss group is formed.
- The Doors group is separated.
- The Opus group is formed.
- It forms the group Los Chichos.
- The Spanish romantic ballad singer, Nino Bravo died in a fateful car accident on his way to Valencia at 29, years ago he had represented the V Festival de la Canción in Madrid in 1970, by the song Elizabeth. His latest album and posthumous... and volume 5 would be edited at 2 months after his death and reprinted in the mid 80s under the name America, America.
- After a year away from the show, the singer, actor and businessman Frank Sinatra returns with a TV special: "Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back". next to the actor and dancer Gene Kelly as a special guest. "Programme airborne by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) on 18 November."
- ABBA: Ring Ring.
- Aerosmith: Aerosmith.
- Bee Gees: Life in a Tin Can.
- Billy Joel: Piano Man.
- Black Sabbath: Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.
- Bob Dylan: Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid.
- Camilo Sesto: Something else..
- David Bowie: Aladdin Sane.
- Deep Purple: Who Do We Think We Are.
- Ednita Nazario: At last... Ednita.
- Elton John: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.
- Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Brain Salad Surgery.
- Focus: Live at The Rainbow.
- Frank Sinatra: "Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back." «Album published in October under the Reprise Records record label».
- Genesis: Selling England by the Pound and Live.
- George Harrison: Living in the Material World.
- Grand Funk Railroad: We're an American Band.
- Jethro Tull: A Passion Play.
- John Lennon: Mind Games.
- José: Until you get back.
- José Luis Perales: My songs.
- King Crimson: Larks' Tongues in Aspic.
- Kraftwerk: Ralf und Florian.
- Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy.
- Michael Jackson: Music and Me.
- Mike Oldfield: Tubular Bells.
- Mocedades: It's you..
- Paul McCartney: Red Rose Speedway, Band on the Run.
- Rabid fish: Artaud.
- Pink Floyd: The Dark Side of the Moon.
- Queen: Queen.
- Rick Wakeman: The Six Wives of Henry VIII.
- Ringo Starr: Ringo.
- Silvana Di Lorenzo: Soft and tender.
- The Beach Boys: Holland.
- The Rolling Stones: Goats Head Soup.
- The Wailers: Burnin'.
- The Who: Quadrophenia.
- Tumulto: Tumult.
- Uriah Heep: Live, Sweet Freedom.
- Yes: Yessongs, Tales from Topographic Oceans.
- ZZ Top: Three Men.
- The 18th edition of the 18th edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in Luxembourg City (Luxembourg).
- Winner: The singer Anne-Marie David with the song "You reconnaîtras" representing Luxembourg.
Nobel laureates
- Physics:
Leo Esaki,
Ivar Giaever,
Brian David Josephson.
- Chemistry:
Ernst Otto Fischer,
Geoffrey Wilkinson.
- Medicine:
Karl von Frisch,
Konrad Lorenz,
Nikolaas Tinbergen.
- Literature:
Patrick White.
- Peace:
Henry Kissinger,
Le Duc Tho.
- Economy:
Wassily Leontief.
Charlemagne Prize
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