
1969 (MCMLXIX) was a common year beginning on a Wednesday according to the Gregorian calendar.

1969 was the year when man came to the moon

This year is remembered for the landing of Apollo 11 on the Moon, the first time that humans reached the satellite.



  • 4 January: Spain is definitely withdrawn from Ifni.
  • January 5: In the city of Derry (North Ireland), the civil war leaves more than 100 wounded.
  • January 9: In Washington, United States, the Smithsonian Institute shows the art of the artist Winslow Homer for six weeks.
  • January 12: The British group Led Zeppelin launches its first album, Led Zeppelin.
  • January 14: near Hawaii, an explosion in the U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier USS Enterprise kill 27 and hurt 314.
  • January 15: The Soviet Union launches Soyuz 5.
  • January 16: At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, ten paintings are vandalized.
  • January 18: In the Wenceslas Square in Prague (Checoslovaquia) student Jan Palach is set on fire as a protest for the Soviet invasion of his country. He'll die three days later.
  • January 20: In Washington, United States, Republican Richard Nixon takes office as president.
  • January 24: Franco's dictatorship dictates martial law in Madrid. The university is closed and more than 300 students are arrested.
  • 27 January: in Baghdad (Irak) 14 people (9 of them Jews) are executed for spying on Israel.
  • January 27: In Northern Ireland, Protestant leader Ian Paisley is imprisoned for three months for illegal meetings.
  • January 30: In London, the Beatles perform their latest public performance on the roof of their record company, Apple Records. The improvised concert was interrupted by the police.


  • 1 February: the International Red Cross resumes shipments to the Biafra region.
  • February 3: The Palestinian National Congress appoints Yaser Arafat as head of the PLO, who assumes the leadership the following day.
  • 5 February: in Spain a new protective system of Altamira's paintings is applied, which were degraded due to artificial light.
  • February 5: in Santa Barbara, United States, an oil leak forces to close the port.
  • February 9: In Everett (United States), the Jack Waddell pilot makes the first flight of the Boeing 747-100 that would last about 75 minutes, later known as Jumbo.
  • 13 February: in Munich, Germany, surgeons Fritz Sebening and Wener Klinner, with the surgical team of Rudolf Zenker, perform the first heart transplant of the history of that country.
  • 13 February: In Montreal, Canada, FLQ terrorists explode a bomb on the stock exchange.
  • February 20: Romania prohibits the manoeuvres of the Warsaw Pact in its territory.
  • 22 February: In Asturias, Spain, 25 000 miners are on strike.
  • 22 February: In the cemetery of Collioure, on the 30th anniversary of the death of poet Antonio Machado, numerous Spanish poets and writers meet in exile.
  • February 24: In the United States the probe is launched Mariner 6 to Mars.
  • February 28: An earthquake of 7.3 degrees in Cape San Vicente (Portugal) forces to vacate 60 houses in Isla Cristina, destroys its town hall and kills 19 people.


U.S. Hélicopters stationed in South Vietnam waiting to enter the attack on civilian populations.
  • 2 March: about Toulouse, the Concorde performs your first flight test.
  • March 3: The United States launches Apollo 9 to test the lunar module in Earth orbit.
  • March 3: In the United States, the Christian Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan admitted to a court in Los Angeles that he murdered Robert F. Kennedy.
  • March 11: In Venezuela, Rafael Caldera assumes the presidency for the first time.
  • 16 March: In Venezuela, Viasa Flight 742 to Caracas-Maracaibo-Miami route crashed within a few minutes of taking off Maracaibo Gold Grano Airport, killing 84 people on board, 71 people on the ground, totaling 155 dead and 100 people on the ground were injured.
  • March 17: In Israel, Golda Meir became the first female minister.
  • March 18: In Cambodia, the United States begins a secret bombing.
  • March 19: British forces land on the island of Anguilla.
  • March 19: In Emley Moor (United Kingdom) a 385 m television tower falls due to a snowstorm.
  • March 20: In Gibraltar John Lennon and Yoko Ono are married.
  • 29 March: in Madrid the XIV Festival of the Song of Eurovision is held in which four nations prevail: United Kingdom (with the singer Lulu), Netherlands (with the singer Lenny Kuhr), France (with Frida Boccara) and Spain (with Salome).
  • 29 March: In Ethiopia, a series of earthquakes from 6.1 to 5 April leave a balance of 40 people killed and 160 injured in the Afar region.
  • March 31: in Barroterán, Mexico, the Guadalupe coal mine explodes with a balance of 153 deaths.
  • March 31: A 6.6 earthquake shakes the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt leaving several dead and wounded.


  • 1 April: In Spain, the Supreme Court confirms the TOP's sentence and condemns Nestor Lujan to 8 months in prison for publishing a letter about the Catalan language problem.
  • April 4: In the United States, Dr. Denton Cooley implants the first temporary artificial heart.
  • April 9: Harvard University (United States) is taken by about 300 "Democratic Society Students" to protest against the Vietnam War. The police hurt 45 and arrest 184.
  • April 24: in the U2b area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time), the United States simultaneously detonates its Gourd-Amber atomic bombs (in an artificial well, 181 meters deep) and Gourd-Brown (on the surface), from 0.8 and 19 kt respectively. It is the 617 and 618 of the 1132 bombs that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • April 27: In Bolivia, the incumbent President René Barrientos Ortuño died because of an air accident in his helicopter. Vice President Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas is in charge.
  • April 30: in the U7p and U7t area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time), the United States detonates its Blenton atomic bomb (51 kiloton, 558 meters deep) and Thistle (38 kt, 560 meters). It is the 619 and 620 of the 1132 bombs that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.


  • May 10: in Zap (United States) the Zip to Zap festival is held as a Woodstock concert rehearsal. The National Guard interrupts him and arrests all viewers.
  • May 10: In the framework of the beginning of the Vietnam War, the United States is engaged in the battle of Dong Ap Bia (also known as the "bourgeois guinea").
  • 13 May: anti-racist demonstrations are held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
  • May 14: Libyan Colonel Muammar Gaddafi visits Mecca (Saudi Arabia).
  • 16 May: the Soviet probe Venera 5 transmits data to Earth for 53 minutes as it descends into parachute on the planet Venus.
  • 15th of May: the second amusement park in Spain (Parque de Attractions de Madrid) opened
  • 17 May: the Soviet probe Venera 6 descends on the surface of Venus. Send information about your atmosphere before being crushed by pressure.
  • May 18: In the framework of the Apollo program, the Apollo 10With astronauts Tom Stafford, Eugene Cernan and John Young. It's a full landing test on the moon.
  • 19-20 May: the French Foreign Legion arrives in Kolwezi (Zaire) to rescue Europeans in the midst of the civil war.
  • May 20: In California, National Guard helicopters smoke with dust melted on protesters gathered against the Vietnam War.
  • 21 May: in Rosario (Argentina)—in the framework of the Rosariazo against the dictator Juan Carlos Onganía—workers and students repudiate the murder (in the hands of the police) of a university student in the city of Corrientes. The march is violently repressed by the police, killing another student.
  • May 22: The Apollo 10 lunar module flies horizontally to 15.4 km of the Moon's surface.
  • 23 May: it is serene Tommy.The first of the two opera-rock operas of the group The Who.
  • May 24: in Bogotá, Colombia launches its broadcasts the programmer Jorge Barón Televisión and on the same day be broadcast El Show de Jorge Barón y su Estrella Invida most currently known as El Show de las Estrellas is the longest musical program of Colombian television.
  • May 26: Apollo 10 returns to Earth, after a successful eight-day flight, preparing the human descent on the Moon.
  • 26 May-2 June: at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal, Canada, John Lennon and Yoko Ono are carrying out their famous “came” (bed-in).
  • May 29: in the city of Córdoba (Argentina) begins a working and student insurrection, known as the Cordobazo, which begins the decline of the dictatorship of General Juan Carlos Ongania.
  • May 29: In Moscow (Russia) guided tours of the Kremlin and other government sites begin.
  • May 30: In Curacao a huge demonstration marks the beginning of the struggle for the civil rights of Black people on the island ruled by the Netherlands.
  • May 30: in Quito (Ecuador) begins its broadcasts TC Televisión, the third channel of that country.


  • 1 June: in Montreal, Canada, John Lennon records Give Peace a Chance. The song is the first single recorded solo by a Beatle. It is serene under the name Plastic Ono Band. It is still considered an hymn to peace.
  • 2 June: in Ottawa, Canada, the National Arts Centre opens its doors.
  • June 2: In the South China Sea, the Australian carrier Melbourne (1945) clashes with the American destroyer Frank E. Evans. 74 American sailors die.
  • June 6: The Spanish government agrees to complete closure of the border with Gibraltar
  • June 8: In the Midway Islands are Richard Nixon (President of the United States) and Nguyen Van Thieu (President of South Vietnam). Nixon announced that in September 25 000 U.S. soldiers will be withdrawn.
  • June 15: In France, Georges Pompidou is elected president.
  • June 24: The United Kingdom and Rodesia break their diplomatic relations.
  • June 28: In the gay bar Stonewall Inn (New York), a group of gay and transgender people resist being arrested in a police raid. Stonewall Disturbances begin, a series of civil rights disturbances in the United States. This day is celebrated worldwide on Gay Pride Day.
  • June 29: in Peru, President Juan Velasco Alvarado decrees agrarian reform in the country and puts an end to the powerful landlord oligarchy.


21 July. American astronaut Buzz Aldrin salutes the flag of his country on the Moon.
  • July 13: The Soviet Union launches the lunar probe Moon 15that will fail in your attempt to smooth out.
  • July 14: El Salvador and Honduras declare the War of the Legionnest Defense.
  • July 16: Under the Apollo Program, the United States sends space to Apollo 11The first manned mission to descend on the surface of the Moon.
  • July 18: in Chappaquiddick Island (Massachusetts), Edward M. Kennedy fell off a bridge while returning home from a party. Her companion Mary Jo Kopechne, promoter of her brother's campaign, died.
  • 21 July: Commander Neil Armstrong becomes the first human being to step on the surface of the Moon, at 02:56 (UTC international time), south of the Mar de la Quietness (Mare Tranquilitatis). Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (of the Apollo 11 mission) walk the lunar surface.
  • July 22: Spanish dictator Francisco Franco designates Juan Carlos de Borbón as his successor in the head of the Spanish State.
  • July 26: A 6.4 earthquake shakes the Chinese city of Yangjiang by destroying thousands of homes and causing the death of 3,000 people.
  • July 30: In the framework of the Vietnam War, President Richard M. Nixon makes an unscheduled visit to South Vietnam to meet President Nguyen Van Thieu and the military commanders.
  • July 31st: from Las Vegas, Nevada, the newly built Hotel International, hosts with the largest assistant room (2200 people), the return to the Elvis Presley scenarios, after a decade dedicated to making Hollywood movies.


  • 9 August: The sect known as the Manson Family murders actress Sharon Tate (the wife of director Roman Polanski) and four others.
  • 13 August: serious border clashes between the Soviet Union and China.
  • 13-23 August: South Pacific Games 1969 in Puerto Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • August 14th: 207 and 213 meters underground, in the Nevada testing camp (102 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:30 local time, the United States detonates the Spider 1 and Spider 2 atomic bombs (1 kiloton each). It is the 629 and 630 of the 1131 bombs that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 14 August: British troops disembark in Northern Ireland.
  • 15-18 August: in the village of Bethel, New York, begins the Woodstock Festival, which with an influx of 400 000 spectators became a milestone for contemporary culture.
  • 17 August: Hurricane Camila (category 5) hits the Mississippi coast, killing 248 people and causing $1.5 million to damage.
  • August 21: An Australian tourist, Michael Dennis Rohan, burns the Al-Aqsa Mosque of the Mosque in Jerusalem.
  • August 28: In Colombia the television division of Caracol Radio is separated from the rest of the radial chain to form the programmer, today private channel, Caracol Televisión.
  • August 30: In Bolivia, television is opened, along with the Bolivia TV state television network, the first channel in the country.
  • August 31: Rocky Marciano – the world champion of heavyweight boxing (1952-1956) – dies in an aviation accident.


  • September 1st: In Libya, Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi defeats King Idris.
  • September 4th: In Mexico City the Metro is opened with a stretch of 12.66 km in 16 stations between Chapultepec and Zaragoza stations.
    An MP-68 train with passengers on the inside, on the first day of operations of Mexico City Metro on September 5, 1969.
  • September 18: Official broadcasts of National Television of Chile begin in Santiago.
  • September 26: In Bolivia, Alfredo Ovando Candia assumes the presidency of the country, after giving a coup to former president Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas
  • September 26: In London, the rock group The Beatles launches the album Abbey Road.
  • 26 September: the series is released The Brady Bunchstarring Robert Reed and Florence Henderson.
  • September 29: In the South African city of Tulbagh an earthquake of 6.3 leaves a balance of 12 dead.


  • October 1st: the Concorde first breaks the sound barrier.
  • October 1st: in the U3hk3 area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:30 (local time) United States detonates three atomic bombs in three holes different to 118 meters underground: Seaweed-1, Seaweed-2 and Seaweed-3, less than 20 kt each. It is the 638, 639 and 640 of the 1131 bombs that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • October 1st: In the city of Santa Rosa, California two earthquakes of 5.6 and 5.7 leave a dead and damage to buildings estimated at $8.3 million.
  • 2 October: at 1220 m underground, on Amchitka Island (in Alaska), at 11:06 (local time) the United States detonates its atomic bomb No. 641, Milrow—which had originally been baptized Gañsha (‘marihuana’ in Hindi) until someone in the State Department realized and changed the name—of 1000 kt.
  • October 8: 625 meters underground, in the U20b area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:30 (local time) United States detonates its 200 kt Pipkin atomic bomb. It is the 642 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • October 15: In all major cities in the United States, hundreds of thousands of people hold demonstrations against the Vietnam War.
  • 15 October: in Somalia, following the death of President Abdirashid Ali Shermake, the dictator Mohamed Siad Barre is in power.
  • October 17: In the Bell Laboratories (United States), Willard S. Boyle and George Smith invent the CCD sensor. Thirty years later, this technology will be used in all digital cameras.
  • October 21st: In Beijing, China, the metro begins to operate.
  • October 21st: In Chile, General Roberto Viaux lay it in the Tacna regiment, in what would be known as Tacnazo.
  • October 21: In West Germany, Willy Brandt is elected Chancellor.
  • October 26: An earthquake of 6.1 leaves 15 dead in the city of Banja Luka in Bosnia Herzegovina.
  • October 29: The first message is sent in the United States through ARPANET, the Internet prototype.
  • October 31: the Wal-Mart company is inaugurated.


  • 10 November: first issue of the American version Barrio Sésamo.
  • November 12: independent investigative journalist Seymour Hersh discovers the story of the My Lai massacre committed by American soldiers in the Vietnam War.
  • 14 November: The United States launches Apollo 12, the second manned mission that walked on the Moon.
  • November 15: In the sea of Barents, in the framework of the Cold War, the Soviet submarine K-19 clashes with the USS Gato submarine.
  • November 15: In Washington, D.C., half a million demonstrators perform a peaceful demonstration against the war, in the “War March”.
  • 15 November: in the United Kingdom the broadcast of colour television begins.
  • November 19: in Brazil, Pelé marks his 1,000th goal in the match between Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama and Santos Futebol Clube.
  • 19 November: the newspaper Cleveland Plain Dealer publishes explicit photographs of Vietnamese civilians killed by U.S. soldiers in the My Lai massacre in Vietnam.
  • 21 November: the first link of ARPANET (the first Internet) is established between the universities of Standford and UCLA.
  • November 24: Apollo 12 amerizes in the Pacific Ocean, ending the second manned mission to the Moon.
  • November 25: John Lennon returns his medal as a Member of the British Empire, as a protest for the British government's support for the Vietnam War.
  • 29 November: In Buenos Aires, the Argentine rock group Almendra – led by Luis Alberto Spinetta (1950-2012) – launches its first album, Almendra.


  • 2 December: in a classroom of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Peru), the Peruvian writer and anthropologist José María Arguedas committed suicide.
  • December 4: In the United States, 14 police murder two Black Panther Party members (Fred Hampton and Mark Clark) while they sleep.
  • December 5: in a tunnel 419 meters underground, in the U12e.11 area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time) United States detonates its 20 kt Diesel Train atomic bomb. It is the 655 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 10 December: in two separate wells (about 155 meters from each other) at 134 meters deep, in the U3hia and U3hib areas of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 110 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 (local time), the United States simultaneously detonates its atomic bombs n.o 656 and 657: Culantro-1 and Culantro-2 (be less). Half an hour later – at 7:30 (local time) – in four separate wells (190 meters from each other) to 194 and 256 meters deep, in the U10am area, the Tun-1, Tun-2, Tun-3 and Tun-4 atomic bombs are simultaneously detonated (from 2.5, 2, 2 and 3 kt respectively). It is the bombs No. 658-661 of the 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • December 12: in Milan (Italy), a CIA agent named David Carrett carried out the attack of Piazza Fontana to stop the advance of the Italian Communist Party. However, this will be the trigger for the creation of the left-wing terrorist group Red Brigades.
  • December 20: In Egypt, Nasser appointed Anwar el Sadat as Vice President.
  • 21 December: in Colombia, Raquel Prada Serrano contrae nupcias con Raúl Ortiz Arias en Betulia, Santander
  • December 22: In Londonderry (North Ireland) Bernadette Devlin, a member of the United Kingdom House of Commons, is sentenced to six months in prison, charged with participating in the disorders of last August.
  • December 24: in Kinshasa (RD Congo) the musical group Zaïko Langa Langa is formed.

No date

  • HIV enters the United States for the first time, from Haiti.
  • Between July and September the Unix system was created with the name of Unics (by Multics).
  • The youth movement Skinhead is born, still apolitical.
  • The Winstons launches its hit Color Him, Fatherin whose face-b is the song Amen, Brother, subject to numerous samplings.
  • W is included in the Spanish Orthography.



  • 1 January: Mr. Lawrence, American actor.
  • January 2: Robby Gordon, American NASCAR pilot and Rally Dakar.
  • January 3: Michael Schumacher, German Formula 1 pilot.
Rossy War
  • January 3: Rossy War, Peruvian singer.
  • January 4th: Julio Aparicio, Spanish bullfighter.
  • January 5: Marilyn Manson (Brian Warner), American musician and singer.
  • January 6: Norman Reedus, American actor.
  • January 7: David Yost, American actor.
  • January 11: Consuelo Duval, Mexican actress.
  • January 12: Robert Prosinečki, Croatian footballer of German origin.
  • January 14: Dave Grohl, American musician, Nirvana and Foo Fighters.
  • January 14: Jason Bateman, American actor and director.
  • January 15: Armando Alanís, Mexican poet.
  • January 16: Max Cachimba, historietist and Argentine plastic artist.
  • January 16: Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin), Swedish singer, Mayhem band (f. 1991).
  • January 16: Roy Jones Junior, American boxer.
  • January 17: Lukas Moodysson, screenwriter and Swedish filmmaker.
  • January 17: Tiësto, Dutch diyéi.
  • January 18: Javier Benítez, a Spanish poet.
  • January 18: Batista, American professional fighter.
  • January 19: Predrag Mijatović, a Montenegrin footballer.
  • January 19: Steve Staunton, Irish footballer.
  • January 23: Ariadna Gil, Spanish actress.
Patton Oswalt
  • January 27: Patton Oswalt, actor, stand-up humorist and American screenwriter.
  • January 28: Kathryn Morris, American actress.
  • January 29: Hyde, Japanese actor and singer, vocalist of the band L'Arc~en~Ciel.
  • January 29: Regina Louf, French writer.
  • January 29: Wagner Lopes, Japanese nationalized Brazilian footballer.
  • January 31: Adolfo Cueto, Spanish poet of the Castilian language (f. 2016).


  • February 1st: Gabriel Batistuta, Argentine footballer.
  • February 1st: Dolores Redondo, Spanish writer.
  • February 2nd: Mara Croatto, Venezuelan actress.
  • February 5: Bobby Brown, American singer.
  • February 5: Michael Sheen, British actor.
  • February 5: Hidenobu Kiuchi, Japanese seiyū.
  • February 6: Issabela Camil, Mexican actress.
  • February 7: Raimundo Tupper, Chilean footballer (f. 1995).
  • February 8: Xilena Aycardi, Colombian actress.
  • February 11: Jennifer Aniston, American actress.
  • February 12: Darren Aronofsky, American filmmaker.
  • 12 February: Carlos Palito Cerutti, Argentine basketball (f. 1990).
  • February 12: Meja, Swedish singer.
  • February 12: Hong Myung-bo, South Korean footballer.
  • February 12: Byron Stroud, U.S. bassist, from the Fear Factory band.
  • 13 February: Pedro Suárez-Vértiz, Peruvian singer and composer.
  • February 15: Birdman, rapper, producer and businessman.
  • February 16: Fermín Cacho, Spanish athlete.
  • 16 February: Anne Igartiburu, Spanish TV presenter.
  • February 17: Maite Dono, singer, poetess and Spanish actress.
  • 17 February: David Douillet, French Yudoca.
  • February 19: Evangelina Sosa, Mexican actress.
  • February 20: Siniša Mihajlović, Serbian footballer.
  • February 21: Tony Meola, American footballer.
  • February 22: Brian Laudrup, Danish footballer.
  • February 22: Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, Mexican epidemiologist.
  • February 22: Marc Wilmots, a Belgian soccer player and coach.
  • February 23: Radosław Sikorski, a Polish journalist and politician.
  • February 24: Álex El Animal González, a Mexican drummer, from the Maná band.
  • February 28: Robert Sean Leonard, American actor.


  • March 1st: Javier Bardem, Spanish actor.
  • March 1st: Vienna Ruiz, presenter, model and Colombian actress.
  • March 2: Victor Hugo Pereira, lawyer, university professor and Paraguayan politician.
  • March 4: Chaz Bono, actor and activist for the rights of American transsexuals, gays and lesbians.
  • March 6: Andrea Elson, American actress.
  • March 6: Chela Ceballos, singer-songwriter, composer and Colombian accordionist from Vallenata music (f. 2016).
  • March 9: India, Puerto Rican singer.
  • March 10: Paget Brewster, American actress.
  • March 10: Ximena Restrepo, Colombian athlete.
  • March 11: Terrence Howard, American actor.
  • March 11: Juan José Mendoza, a Venezuelan military and magistrate.
  • March 11: Soraya, colombo-American singer-songwriter (f. 2006).
  • March 14: Larry Johnson, American basketball player.
  • March 14: Ricardo Bonilla, a Peruvian television actor and children's animator, known for interpreting the dragon Timothy on the Channel America Television.
  • March 15: Timo Kotipelto, Finnish singer.
  • March 17: Alexander McQueen, British fashion designer (f. 2010).
  • March 21: Ali Daei, Iranian footballer.
  • March 24: Stephan Eberharter, Austrian skier.
  • March 25: Antonio Sanint, Colombian actor and humorist.
  • March 27: Pauley Perrette, American actress.
  • March 29: María Fernanda Martínez, Colombian actress and singer.
  • March 31st: Steve Smith, American basketball player.


  • April 3: Lance Storm, Canadian professional fighter.
  • April 6: Paul Rudd, American actor and screenwriter.
  • April 8: Saori Higashi, Japanese voice actress.
  • April 11: Dustin Rhodes, American professional fighter.
  • April 16: Germán Burgos, Argentine footballer.
  • April 17: Henry Ian Cusick, Peruvian actor.
  • April 19: Susan Polgar, Hungarian chess player.
  • April 21: Toby Stephens, British actor.
  • April 22: Rayma Suprani, Venezuelan cartoonist.
  • April 24: Melinda Clarke, American actress.
  • April 24: Pablo Alfaro, Spanish footballer.
  • April 25: Luis Cárdenas Palomino, former Mexican public official.
  • April 25: Renee Zellweger, American actress.
  • April 29: Rebeca Mankita, Mexican actress.
  • April 29: Irina Tsvila, a Ukrainian military and artist.


  • May 1st: Eruviel Ávila Villegas, Mexican politician.
  • 2 May: Brian Lara, trinitense cricket player.
  • May 6: Manu Larcenet, French hysterist.
  • May 7: José Manuel Moreno Periñán, Spanish cyclist.
  • May 7: Naasón Merarí Joaquín García, leader of the Church The Light of the World.
  • May 9: Hugo Maradona, footballer and Argentine coach (f. 2021).
  • May 10: Dennis Bergkamp, Dutch footballer.
  • May 11: Sylvia Pantoja, Spanish singer.
  • May 12: Jeringa, Colombian humorist.
  • May 13: Nikos Aliagas, French television presenter.
  • May 13: Buckethead, American guitarist.
  • May 14: Cate Blanchett, Australian actress.
  • May 15: Emmitt Smith, American football player.
  • May 16: David Boreanaz, American actor.
  • May 16: Tracey Gold, American actress.
  • May 17: José Antonio Chamot, Argentine footballer.
  • May 18: Martika, American singer.
  • May 18: Delcy Rodríguez, politics and Venezuelan Foreign Minister.
  • May 24: Andrés Izarra, politician and Venezuelan journalist.
  • May 24: Rich Robinson, American musician, of the Black Crowes band.
  • May 24: Jacob Rees-Mogg, British politician.
  • May 25: Stacy London, American TV presenter and fashion consultant.
  • May 25: Anne Heche, American actress and producer.
  • May 25: Omar Prieto, Venezuelan politician.
  • May 25: Torbe, porn film director and Spanish actor.
  • May 27: Rebeca Mankita, Mexican actress.
  • May 28: Justin Kirk, American actor.
  • May 31: Pilar Montenegro, Mexican actress and ex-integrant of the Fresas bands with Crema and Garibaldi.


  • June 1st: Luis García, footballer and Mexican sports commentator.
  • June 4: Robert Pérez, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • June 6: Fernando Redondo, Argentine soccer player.
  • June 7:Kim Rhodes, American actress.
  • 7 June: Sandra Oblitas, rector of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela.
  • June 8: J. P. Manoux, American actor.
  • June 9: Eric Wynalda, American footballer.
  • June 10: Karina Rivera, Peruvian child model and animator.
  • June 10: Patricia Teherán, Colombian singer of Vallenatos (f. 1995).
  • June 11: Mar Flores, model, entrepreneur and Spanish actress.
  • June 13: Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, TV presenter and Spanish actress.
  • June 13: Charlie Massó, Puerto Rican singer, former member of Menudo (ex Menudo).
  • June 13: Usi Velasco, Mexican actress.
  • June 13: Virginie Despentes, writer, filmmaker and director of French cinema.
  • June 14: Steffi Graf, German tennis player.
  • June 14: MC Ren, American rapper of the NWA band.
  • June 15: Ice Cube, actor, rapper and American producer.
  • June 15: Jaime Ramón Molina Mata, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • June 15: Oliver Kahn, German footballer.
  • June 17: Rafael Acosta Arévalo, Venezuelan military.
  • June 19: Soledad Villamil, Argentine actress and singer.
  • June 21: Patricia Figueroa, Peruvian presenter.
  • June 23: Fernanda Ribeiro, Portuguese athlete.
  • June 28: Stéphane Chapuisat, Swiss footballer.
  • June 28: Ayelet Zurer, an Israeli actress.
  • June 28: Marcela Carvajal, Colombian telenovelas actress.
  • June 29: Carlos Calero, animator and presenter from Colombia.
  • June 30: Carlos Llamosa, American naturalized Colombian footballer.
  • June 30: Dira Paes, Brazilian actress.


  • July 1st: Hiro, Japanese singer and dancer, J Soul Brothers.
  • July 1st: Mabel Mosquera, Colombian weight lifter.
  • 2 July: Jenni Rivera, Mexican singer (f. 2012).
  • July 4: Claudia Liliana González, Colombian actress.
  • July 5: Chusa Barbero, Spanish actress.
  • July 8: Atsushi Miyauchi, Japanese voice actor.
  • July 10: Gale Harold, American actor.
  • July 10: Jonas Kaufmann, German tenor.
  • July 11: Julio César Herrera, Colombian actor.
  • July 20: Josh Holloway, American actor.
  • July 22: Despina Vandi, Greek singer.
  • July 22: Jason Becker, American guitarist.
  • July 23: Nacho Azofra, Spanish basketball.
  • July 24: Jennifer Lopez, American singer and actress.
  • July 27: Triple H, American professional fighter.
  • July 29: Adele Stevens, British pornographic actress.
  • July 29: Marta Belenguer, Spanish actress.
  • July 29: Drica Moraes, Brazilian actress.
  • July 30: Simon Baker, Australian actor.
  • July 31: Antonio Conte, coach and Italian footballer.


  • August 2nd: Fernando Couto, Portuguese footballer.
  • 4 August: Max Cavalera, Brazilian musician, from the Sepultura band.
  • August 5: Diego Schoening, Mexican singer, driver and actor.
  • August 9: Paloma Tortajada, Spanish journalist (f. 2019).
  • August 12: Israel Jaitovich, Mexican comedian
  • August 14: David Almandoz, Peruvian actor.
  • August 14: Alejandra Procuna, Mexican actress.
  • August 14: Gustavo Angel, Colombian actor.
  • August 16: Daniela Escobar, Brazilian actress.
  • August 17: Daniela Castro, Mexican actress and singer.
  • August 17: Donnie Wahlberg, American actor, singer and producer.
  • August 17: Christian Laettner, American basketball player.
  • August 18: Christian Slater, American actor.
  • August 18: Edward Norton, actor, screenwriter, producer and American filmmaker.
  • August 19: Pablo Pérez Álvarez, Venezuelan lawyer and lawyer, governor of Zulia State.
  • August 19: Nate Dogg, American singer.
  • August 19: Matthew Perry, American actor.
  • August 23: Alexandra Moreno Piraquive, Colombian politics.
  • August 27: Karen Doggenweiler, journalist and Chilean television presenter.
  • August 27: Inés María Zabaraín, presenter, journalist and Colombian social communicator.
  • August 28: Jason Priestley, Canadian actor.
Jack Black
  • August 28: Jack Black, American actor, comic and musician.
  • August 29: Lucero, actress, singer and Mexican driver.
  • August 30: Rossana San Juan, Mexican actress.
  • August 31: Fabián Corrales, singer and Colombian composer of vallenata music.


  • September 1: Armando Araiza, Mexican film and television actor.
  • September 4: Ramon Dekkers, Dutch fighter of muay thai (f. 2013).
  • September 5: Leonardo Araújo, soccer player, coach and Brazilian sports leader.
  • September 6: CeCe Peniston, American singer.
  • September 7th: Rudy Galindo, Mexican artistic skater.
  • September 8: César Morado Macías, Mexican historian and professor.
  • September 8: Gary Speed, British footballer and coach (f. 2011).
  • September 10: David Trueba, Spanish filmmaker.
  • September 12: Angel Cabrera, Argentine golfer.
  • September 12: Mariana Carbajal, Argentine journalist.
  • September 15: Márcio Santos, Brazilian footballer.
  • September 15: Juan Carlos Garvayo, pianist and Spanish poet.
  • September 16: Hernán Cristante, Argentine footballer.
  • September 16: Carlos Tarque, Spanish singer.
  • September 18: Rafael Araneda, Chilean TV presenter.
  • September 19: Candy Dulfer, Dutch saxophoneist.
  • September 19: Conchita Franqui, Cuban lyric singer.
  • September 19: Kostya Tszyu, Russian-Australian boxer.
  • September 19: Tapio Wilska, Finnish singer.
  • September 21: Pablo Echarri, an Argentine actor.
  • September 22: Toto Vega, Colombian actor (f. 2022).
  • September 24: Goya Toledo, Spanish actress and model.
  • September 25: Hal Sparks, American actor.
  • September 25: Catherine Zeta-Jones, British actress.
  • September 27: Edgardo Armando Franco "El General", Panamanian singer.
  • September 28: Pedro Fernández, Mexican actor and singer of ranchera music.
  • September 29: Aleks Syntek, Mexican musician and singer.
  • September 29: O. J. Brigance, American ex-player of football, ELA sick.
  • September 29: Erika Eleniak, American actress and playmate.


  • October 1st: Zach Galifianakis, American actor and comedian.
  • October 1st: Jorge Aravena, Peruvian-Venezuelan actor.
  • October 1st: Marcus Stephen, president of Nauruano.
  • October 2: Yuka Tokumitsu, Japanese voice actress.
  • October 3: César Heinrich, a Spanish journalist.
  • October 3: Tetsuya Ogawa, Japanese bassist, from the L'Arc~en~Ciel band.
  • October 3: Gwen Stefani, American singer.
  • October 5: Gonzalo Himiob, lawyer, writer and Venezuelan activist.
  • October 8: Julia Ann, American actress.
  • October 8: Susanna Griso, Spanish journalist.
  • October 8: Mariana Moyano, journalist and academic from Argentina.
  • October 9: P. J. Harvey, British singer.
  • October 10: Brett Favre, American football player.
  • October 11: Constantine of Orange-Nassau, a Dutch aristocrat.
  • October 11: Stephen Moyer, English actor.
  • October 15: Dominic West, British actor.
  • October 15: Vítor Baía, Portuguese footballer.
  • October 17: Nancy Sullivan, American actress, presenter and screenwriter.
  • October 18: Alvaro Henríquez, a Chilean musician from the Los Tres band.
  • October 19: Moncho Fernández, Spanish basketball coach.
  • October 19: Pedro Castillo, professor, trade union leader and Peruvian politician (f. 2022).
  • October 19: Omar Lefosse, Argentine actor.
  • October 19: Karina Mazzocco, television driver and Argentine actress.
Trey Parker
  • October 19: Trey Parker, American actor and comedian; creator of South Park.
  • October 19: DJ Sammy, Spanish music producer.
  • October 19: Erwin Sánchez, Bolivian footballer.
  • October 20: Juan González, Puerto Rican baseball player.
  • October 20: Guillermo Pérez Roldán, Argentine tennis player.
  • October 24: Adela Noriega, Mexican actress.
  • October 25: Oleg Salenko, Russian footballer.
  • October 27: Rubén Flores Hernández, director of orchestra and Mexican composer.
  • October 31: Kim Rossi Stuart, filmmaker and Italian actor.


  • November 1st: Oscar Julián Ruiz, Colombian football referee.
  • 2 November: Laly Goyzueta, Peruvian actress.
  • November 3: Robert Miles, musician, producer and Italian composer of electronic music.
  • November 3: Luciana Gimenez, Brazilian model and presenter.
  • November 4: Matthew McConaughey, American actor and producer.
  • November 8: Hernán Caire, television driver and Argentine singer.
  • November 10: Faustino Asprilla, Colombian footballer.
  • November 10: Jens Lehmann, German footballer.
  • November 10: Ellen Pompeo, American actress.
  • 11 November: Rubén Ruiz Díaz, Paraguayan footballer.
  • 13 November: Sebastián Boscán, Colombian actor (f. 2021).
  • 13 November: Gerard Butler, Scottish actor.
  • November 17: Ryōtarō Okiayu, Japanese seiyū.
  • November 19: Ana Álvarez, actress and Spanish model.
  • November 23: Byron Moreno, a former Ecuadorian sports commentator.
  • November 26: Shawn Kemp, American basketball player.
  • November 27: Natalia Millán, actress, dancer and Spanish singer.
  • November 27: Hernán Gaviria, a Colombian footballer (f. 2002).
  • November 28: Lexington Steele, American pornographic actor.
  • November 29: Kasey Keller, American footballer.
  • November 29: Mariano Rivera, Panamanian baseball player.


  • December 2: Eduardo Hurtado, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • December 3: Nancy Dupláa, an Argentine actress.
  • December 5: Ramón Ramírez, Mexican footballer.
  • December 6: Irene Grandi, Italian singer and songwriter.
  • December 9: Bixente Lizarazu, a French footballer of Basque origin.
  • December 11: Tamara Sixdedos, Spanish singer.
  • 13 December: Marcela Morelo, Argentinean singer.
  • December 13: Shinnosuke Furumoto, Japanese voice actor.
  • December 15: Adriana Esteves, Brazilian actress.
  • December 16: Yasna Provoste Campillay, Chilean policy, former Minister of Education.
  • December 17: Laurie Holden, American actress.
  • December 17: Elías Jaua, politician and Venezuelan sociologist.
  • December 17: Chuck Liddell, American fighter.
  • December 17: Mick Quinn, British musician.
  • December 17: Michael V., Filipino actor and singer.
  • December 17: Carlos David Cano, Spanish footballer.
  • December 17: José María Cela, Spanish footballer.
  • December 18: Santiago Cañizares, Spanish footballer.
  • December 19: Richard Hammond, British TV presenter.
  • December 20: Mauricio Vélez, actor, presenter, comedian and Colombian singer.
  • December 20: Chisa Yokoyama, Japanese Seiyu.
  • December 21: Julie Delpy, French actress.
  • December 21: Jack Noseworthy, American actor.
  • December 24: Ed Miliband, British politician.
  • December 24: Gintaras Staučė, Lithuanian footballer.
  • December 26: Isaac Vicious, Spanish athlete.
  • December 27: Marco Antonio Regil, presenter and Mexican locutor.
  • December 27: Joan Marie Laurer "Chyna", American professional fighter (f. 2016).
  • December 28: Linus Torvalds, Finnish programmer, original developer of the Linux kérnel.
  • December 28: James Trapp, American athlete.
  • December 28: Alberto Macías, Mexican footballer.
  • December 28: Katie Hobbs, American politics.
  • December 28: Juan Reynoso Guzmán, footballer and Peruvian coach.
  • December 29: José García Molina, Spanish politician.
  • December 29: Jennifer Ehle, American actress.
  • December 29: Allan McNish, British motor racing pilot.
  • December 30: Jay Kay, British musician.
  • December 30: Merle Esken, stewardess.
  • December 31: Luis Dámaso, Spanish tenor.
  • December 31: Javier Manjarín, Spanish footballer.
  • December 31: Thom Russo, American record producer.

Unknown dates

  • Paxkal Indo, musician, singer, percussionist and French Basque flutist.
  • Dolores Johnson Sastre, politics and Spanish journalist.
  • Alina Lozano, Colombian actress.



  • January 1st: Barton MacLane, American actor.
  • January 12: Roberto Noble, Argentine journalist.


  • February 2: Boris Karloff, British actor.
  • 2 February: Giovanni Martinelli (83), Italian tenor (n. 1885).
  • February 3: Al Taliaferro, American hysterist.
  • February 3: Jean Focas (59), German astronomer (n. 1909).
  • 26 February: Karl Jaspers (85), German philosopher (n. 1883).


  • March 9: Walter Christaller, German geographer.
  • March 15: Arturo Michelini, Italian politician.
  • March 16: Néstor Chávez (21), Venezuelan baseball player (n. 1947).
  • March 26: B. Traven, German writer.
  • March 26: John Kennedy Toole, American writer.
  • March 28: Dwight D. Eisenhower, former U.S. President.


  • April 3: Alvaro Carrillo (49), Mexican singer and composer of boleros (n. 1919).
  • April 5: Rómulo Gallegos, writer, politician and Venezuelan president.
  • April 10: Fernando Ortiz Fernández, Cuban anthropologist.
  • 11 April: Ludvig Irgens-Jensen (74), Norwegian composer (n. 1894).
  • April 14: Matilde Muñoz Sampedro (69), Spanish actress (n. 1900).
  • April 15: Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg, queen consorte española.
  • April 26: Morihei Ueshiba, Japanese professional fighter, aikido creator.


  • 2 May: Franz von Papen, German Nazi politician.


  • June 8: Robert Taylor, American actor.
  • June 21: Pavel Apostolov, Soviet musicologist.
  • June 22: Judy Garland, American singer and actress.


  • July 3: Brian Jones, British musician, founder of the Rolling Stones.
  • 5 July: Wilhelm Backhaus (84), German pianisa (n. 1884).
  • July 8: Charles H. Lankester, an Anglo-Costarrician naturalist.
  • 22 July: Antonio María Simarro (73), Spanish lawyer and politician (n. 1896).


  • 1 August: Miguel Labordeta (48), Spanish poet and playwright (n. 1921).
  • August 6: Theodor Adorno, philosopher and German musicologist.
  • August 9, Sharon Tate, American actress.
  • 17 August: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, German architect.
  • August 17: Otto Stern, German-American physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1943.
  • August 19: Alejandro "Patón" Carrasquel (37), Venezuelan baseball player (n. 1912).
  • August 19: Jorge Herrán (72), Uruguayan architect (n. 1897).
  • August 30: Mauro Loyo Sánchez (97), Mexican doctor, governor of Veracruz (n. 1872).
  • August 31: Rocky Marciano, American boxer.


  • 2 September: HINO Chí Minh (79), a Vietnamese politician and revolutionary (n. 1890).
  • September 14: James Anderson, (48) American film and television actor (n. 1921).
  • September 22: Adolfo López Mateos (60), lawyer, politician and Mexican president (n. 1909)
  • September 22: Aleksandras Stulginskis (84), Lithuanian President (n. 1885).


  • October 15: Abdirashid Ali Shermake, Somali president.
  • October 29: Francisco José Orlich Bolmarcich, Costa Rican president. (n. 1907)
  • October 31: Lola Membrives (81), an Argentine actress (n. 1888).


  • November 8: Ricardo Aguirre (30), Venezuelan teacher, musician and locutor (n. 1939).
  • 15 November: Joaquín Romero Murube, Spanish poet and essayist.
  • 15 November: Ignacio Aldecoa, Spanish writer.


  • December 1st: Magic Sam, American blues guitarist and singer.
  • 2 December: José María Arguedas (58), a Peruvian writer and anthropologist (n. 1911).
  • December 3: Mathias Wieman (67), German actor (n. 1902).
  • December 5: Alicia de Battenberg (84), princess of Greece and Denmark (n. 1885).
  • December 13: Raymond Spruance, American military.
  • 21 December: Georges Catroux, French military.
  • December 22: Josef von Sternberg, Austrian filmmaker.

Unknown dates

  • Alexander E. Bogomolov, Soviet diplomat.

Art and literature

  • January 6: Francisco García Pavón gets the Nadal Award for his novel The colorful sisters.
  • American sociologist Herbert Blumer (1900-1987) publishes his most famous work, Symbolic interaction.
  • Mario Puzo publishes one of the best novels of the 20th century: The Godfather (The Godfather)
  • Writer and anthropologist José María Arguedas (1911-1969) publishes his poem in Quechua language: Qollana Vietnam llaqtaman (To the excelled village of Vietnam).
  • It's the documentary. The long journey to angerSpanish filmmaker Lorenzo Soler.
  • Margaret Atwood: The Teachings of Don Juan.
  • Agatha Christie: The apples.
  • Frank Herbert: The Month of Dune.
  • Ursula K. Le Guin: The left hand of darkness.
  • Yukio Mishima: Unpaid horses.
  • Vladimir Nabokov: Ada or the burning.
  • Mario Vargas Llosa: Conversation in La Catedral.
  • Kurt Vonnegut: Killer five.
  • Roger Zelazny: Creatures of light and darkness.
  • Dario Fo: Mystery.

Science and technology


  • January 5: launch of the Soviet space probe Venera 5 to Venus, coming to transmit data from the atmosphere of the planet.
  • 10 January: launch of the Soviet space probe Venera 6 to Venus, reaching for 51 minutes from its atmosphere.
  • July 16: launch of U.S. Airborne Saturn V rocket Apollo 11 for the Moon.
  • July 20: arrival of the Eagle lunar module Apollo 11 to the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong was the first human being to step on the surface of our satellite on 21 July 1969.


  • The Club Students of La Plata: on February 21, the Inter-American Cup is held and on May 15, the Copa Libertadores of America won the finale for the National Cup of Montevideo.
  • Mexico's First Division: On February 2, the Blue Cross is a champion for the first time at the 1968-69 Season
  • Jackie Stewart is the world champion of Formula 1.
  • Basketball: Creation of the Seattle Supersonics.
  • European Cup: the AC Milan wins for the second time the tournament defeating in the final Ajax Amsterdam, for 4-1.
  • First Chilean division: Universidad de Chile holds champion for the seventh time (invict champion).
  • Professional Colombian Football: Deportivo Cali (3.a time).
  • The Club Carlos A. Mannucci is the champion of the Peruvian Cup for the second time.
  • Vicolo mourns the Stronger family
  • Serie A of Ecuador: Liga de Quito is once national champion.


  • The ZZ Top group is formed.
  • The Supertramp group is formed.
  • It forms the group King Crimson
  • Almond: Almond.
  • Bee Gees: Odessa.
  • Bob Dylan: Nashville Skyline
  • Chabuca Granda: Wedding Creole Mass
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival: Bayou Country, Green River and Willy and the Poor Boys
  • David Bowie: Space Oddity
  • Giovanni D'Anzi and Alfredo Bracchi: The Biscella
  • Deep Purple: Deep Purple
  • Deep Purple: The Book of Taliesyn
  • Donovan: Barabajagal
  • Frank Sinatra: "My Way." «Album published in March by the Reprise Records record label». "A Man Alone: The Words and Music of McKuen." «Album published in August by the Reprise Records record label».
  • Frank Zappa: Hot Rats
  • Genesis: From Genesis to Revelation
  • George Harrison: Electronic Sounds
  • Gershon Kingsley: Music to Moog by
  • Jethro Tull: Stand Up.
  • John Lennon: Unfinished Music Volume Two: Life With The Lions, The Wedding Album, Live Peace In Toronto 1969
  • José: Careful. and The ship of oblivion
  • Julio Iglesias: I sing (album debut).
  • King Crimson: In the Court of the Crimson King
  • Leo Dan: Canta trovador
  • Leonardo Favio: Ding dong, ding dong, these love things
  • Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin and Led Zeppelin II
  • The Grites: I'm sorry.
  • Dear uncles: I'll paint the walls with your name
  • Luis Aguilé: Come to my house this Christmas
  • Modules: You don't want me anymore., Memories (single 1o).
  • Modules: I don't care., Everything has its end (single 2o).
  • Nicola Di Bari: Lisa from the blue eyes
  • Piero: My old man
  • Pink Floyd: Music from the Film More, Ummagumma
  • Roberto Carlos: As flowers do jardim de nossa casa.
  • Rocío Dúrcal: Las Leandras.
  • Salome: I live singing (1.o position at the Eurovision Festival).
  • Santana: Santana
  • Sergio Mendes, George Benson Blade Runner and Shape of Things to Come
  • The Archies: Sugar, Sugar
  • The Beach Boys: 20/20
  • The Beatles: Yellow Submarine and Abbey Road
  • The Doors: The Soft Parade
  • The Rolling Stones: Through the Past Darkly and Let It Bleed
  • The Stooges: The Stooges
  • The Winstons: Color Him Father

Eurovision Song Contest

The XIV Festival was held in the city of Madrid (Spain) on Saturday, March 29, at the Teatro Real. The presenter was Laura Valenzuela and Ramón Díez, the director. The musical direction was carried out by Augusto Algueró. A total of 16 countries attended.

  • Winning songs:
    • "Vivo cantando" (Spain), interpreted by Salomé;
    • "Boom Bang-A-Bang" (United Kingdom), interpreted by Lulu;
    • "De troubadour" (Netherlands), interpreted by Lenny Kuhr;
    • "Un jour, un enfant" (France), played by Frida Bocarra.

Woodstock Festival

The first Woodstock Festival is held in the United States, attended by bands of various categories, such as Canned Heat, The Who, Creedence Clearwater Revival, the Grateful Dead and Jimi Hendrix, among others. A significant number of people attend. The Woodstock Festival was held again on several occasions.



  • 11 June: Law value (True GritHenry Hathaway. John Wayne.
  • 18 August: Take the money and run (Take the Money and RunWoody Allen.
  • 24 October: Two men and one fate (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance KidGeorge Roy Hill. With Paul Newman and Robert Redford.
  • 10 November: Change of habit (Change Of HabitWilliam A. Graham. Last film starring Elvis Presley.
  • 19 December: TopazAlfred Hitchcock. With Frederick Stafford and John Forsythe.
  • The dairy wayLuis Buñuel.

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Murray Gell-Mann.
  • Chemistry: Derek H. R. Barton and Odd Hassel.
  • Medicine: Max Delbrück, Alfred D. Hershey and Salvador E. Luria.
  • Literature: Samuel Beckett.
  • Peace: International Labour Organization.
  • Economy: Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen.

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