Contenido 1968 (MCMLXVIII) was a leap year beginning on a Monday according to the Gregorian calendar. It was declared the International Year of Human Rights by the United Nations Organization.
The year was marked by protests and other unrest that occurred around the world.
- 10 December: 20th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- January 1st: in Saigon (South Vietnam) the U.S. Embassy is attacked by vietcong guerrillas.
- 2 January: at the Groote-Schuur Hospital in Cape Town (South Africa), Dr. Christian Barnard performs his second heart transplant, being Philip Blaiberg the second person to receive a heart.
- January 5: In Czechoslovakia the Spring of Prague begins.
- January 6: In Argentina the Revolutionary Communist Party was founded.
- January 7: The United States launches the Surveyor 7 space probe towards the Moon.
- January 9: An atypical snowfall is recorded in Mexico City.
- January 10: The American lunar landing module Surveyor 7 lands on the Moon.
- January 15: in Sicily, an earthquake leaves a balance of 231 dead and 262 wounded.
- January 21st: In Thule (Groenland), an American bomber B-52 Stratofortress is crashed with four atomic bombs on board.
- January 21: In Vietnam the Viet Minh and the FNLV attack the air base of Khe Sanh, starting the preparatory phase of the Tet Offensive.
- January 21: In Seoul (South Korea), a North Korean command unit tries to kill Park Chung-hee in the Blue House, but fails.
- January 22: Apolo 5 spacecraft is launched in the United States.
- January 25: In the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel the Israeli submarine Dakar is plunged: 69 dead.
- January 31: Nauru is independent of Australia.
- January 31: In Saigon (South Vietnam), Viet Cong soldiers attack the U.S. Embassy during the initial phases of the Tet Offensive.
- February 1st: in Cape Town, South Africa, the team of Professor Christian Barnard successfully performs his third heart transplant.
- 2 February: In Paraguay, dictator Stroessner is re-elected as president in fraudulent elections.
- February 6: In Spain, Paolo Delgado has 14 results, for which 30 million pesetas are charged.
- February 9: In Spain, the Law of Bases of the Autonomous Regime of Equatorial Guinea is amended, a definitive step towards independence.
- February 10: In New York, the 10-day garbage collection service strike ends.
- February 11: In China, Chinese Army forces control Beijing in the face of the agitation of revolutionary red guards.
- 11 February: In Oviedo, the Provincial Congress of Gypsies is held.
- 13 February: in the National Library of Spain (Madrid) we discover a volume of almost 700 pages with handwritten annotations and hand drawings by Leonardo da Vinci.
- February 13: In New York, Galo Plaza Lasso, former president of Ecuador, is appointed Secretary General of the Organization of American States.
- 13 February: in Saigon (Vietnam) U.S. bombers of type B-52 attack peripheral neighborhoods of the city (inhabited by civilians), with the aim of destroying units of the Vietcong.
- February 14: In New York, the United States is opening the Madison Square Garden.
- February 17: San Sebastián (Spain) authorizes the teaching of the Basque language in public schools.
- February 18: in Grenoble (France) the French skier Jean-Claude Killy wins three gold medals at the Winter Games.
- 21 February: In Japan, an earthquake of 6.2 leaves 3 dead and 42 wounded.
- February 23: In Vietnam, U.S. and ERNV forces fully recover the city of Hué, which is practically destroyed and the Tet Offensive ended.
- February 24: In the United States, the Ministry of Defense suspends the "prevision" flights made by aircraft loaded with atomic bombs.
- February 24: In the framework of the Vietnam War, U.S. forces carried out the first bombing of the Hanoi river port.
- 12 March: Mauritius is independent of the British Empire (although it remains under the British Commonwealth of Nations).
- 13 March: In Charlotte (United States), the first Rotaract Club was founded under the patronage of the Rotary Club, however, that same day the first Club was founded in Mexico City in a non-official manner, giving itself the second constitution.
- March 16: In the Vietnam War, American soldiers kill hundreds of civilians (My Lai Kill).
- 22 March: in France the movement that would lead to French May begins, with demonstrations, strikes and occupations.
- April 1: In Japan, an earthquake of 7.5 and a tsunami left 1 dead and 22 wounded.
- 2 April: Spain is readmitted in the European Space Research Organization.
- April 4: In Memphis (United States) Martin Luther King was murdered when he was preparing to lead a march.
- April 6: In London, Spanish singer Massiel wins the Eurovision Song Festival with the theme La, la, la.
- April 8: An earthquake of 6.6 is recorded in San Diego County (California).
- April 18: in a well at 493 meters underground, in the U10t area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:05 (local time) United States detonates its 20 kiloton Shuffle atomic bomb. It's the 556 bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- April 23: in the Hôpital de la Pitié, in Paris (France) the fourth heart transplant takes place in Europe.
- April 23: in a well 229 meters underground, in the U19n area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 17:01 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 555, Scroll, of 6 kilotons.
- April 26: in an artificial well, 1161 meters underground, in the U area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 556, Boxcar, of 1300 kilotons.
- French May: A university revolution and a subsequent general strike are held in France.
- 3 May: in an artificial well, 241 meters underground, in the U3fz area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 8:00 (local time) United States detonates its 2 kiloton Hatchet atomic bomb. It's the 557 bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- May 14: At a press conference in New York, the British rock group The Beatles announced the creation of Apple Records.
- 16 May: Japan has an earthquake of 8.3.
- May 19: Children’s Program begins in Mexico Family with Chabelo.
- May 22: About 700 km southwest of the Azores, the USS Scorpion submarine sinks with 99 men on board.
- June 5: In Los Angeles, California, USA, Robert F. Kennedy is shot, who dies the next day.
- June 7: In Spain ETA murders the civilian guard José Antonio Pardines Arcay.
- June 7th: In the UK, Ford's crust strike begins.
- June 23: Tragedia de la Puerta 12 in Buenos Aires (Argentina) 71 supporters of Boca Juniors died in the stadium Antonio V. Liberti.
- June 29: In Costa Rica, the Arenal volcano erupted and destroyed two villages. 87 people die.
- July 5: in Pedrosa de la Vega (Palencia) archaeologist Javier Cortes Álvarez de Miranda discovers the Roman village of La Olmeda, considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the Hispanic Roman world.
- July 18: In California, pioneers in semiconductors Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded "Intel": Integrated Electronics Corporation.
- July 22: the state of siege is decreed in Bolivia.
- 25 July: in the Vatican City, Pope Paul VI publishes the encyclical Humánae vitaewhich condemns the use of contraceptives.
- 28 July: in Athens, Greece, the theme Iris by Louis Neefs, wins for Belgium the First World Olympic of Song.
- 2 August: In the Philippines, an earthquake of 7.6 followed by a tsunami left 207 dead.
- August 11: In the UK, British Rail (the main railway company in the country) says goodbye to his last train pulled by a steam locomotive.
- August 12: in Montevideo (Uruguay), the police open fire against a demonstration of university students, and wound one, Líber Arce, who will die two days later.
- August 15: On the island of Célebes there is an earthquake of 7.4 and a tsunami that leaves 200 dead.
- August 20: Soviet troops, with 200,000 soldiers and 5000 tanks, invade Czechoslovakia and end the Spring of Prague.
- August 22: Pope Paul VI visits Colombia.
- August 26: In London (United Kingdom) the British band The Beatles launches his song "Hey Jude".
- August 26: In Medellin (Colombia), the Second General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate began, under the slogan "The Church in the current transformation of Latin America in the light of the Council".
- August 26: On the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of Las Vegas city), at 8:30 (local time), the United States detonates its 9 kiloton Diana Moon atomic bomb to 91 m underground. It's the bomb number 573 of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- August 29: In England, the British band Pink Floyd released the album A Saucerful of Secrets.
- August 29th: On the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of Las Vegas city), at 14:45 (local time), the United States detonates at 729 m underground its atomic bomb n.o 574, Sled, 200 kiloton.
- August 31: In Iran, there is a destructive earthquake of 7.4 that leaves a balance of 15,000 dead.
- September 6: Swaziland is independent of the British Empire and becomes a dictatorial monarchy under the Sobhuza II tyrant.
- September 6: On the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of Las Vegas city), at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates its 120 kiloton Noggin atomic bomb, 582 m underground. It's the bomb number 575 of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- September 12: 332 m underground, in the U3fb Area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 576, Knife-A, of 209 kilotons.
- 14 September: the Soviet Union launches the Zond 5 lunar probe.
- 16 September: in the village of San Miguel Canoa (Mexico), residents line five students from the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla: only two survive.
- September 16: Fourth Mexican National Flag. Adopted on September 16, 1968, by President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz. The National Shield was designed by Pedro Moctezuma Díaz Infante and Francisco Eppens Helguera.
- September 17: 468 m underground, in the U2cms Area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates its 31 kiloton Stoddard atomic bomb. It's the bomb number 577 of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- September 18: The Soviet Spacecraft Zond 5 flew around the Moon.
- 20 September: in Montevideo (Uruguay) the police repress a demonstration of students against the dictatorship of Jorge Pacheco Areco, wounding about 40. Shooting the ambulances, they kill Susana Pintos (27) and Hugo de los Santos (20).
- September 24: 344 meters underground, in the U12n.04 area of the Nevada Test Site, the United States detonates its 20 kiloton Hudson Seal atomic bomb. (In comparison, the Hiroshima bomb was 13 kilotons.) It is the bomb number 577 of the 1054 that the United States exploded between 1945 and 1992.
- 2 October: in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas (Mexico City) there is the massacre of Tlatelolco against a group of demonstrators, most of them higher and higher middle-level students (UNAM -IPN).
- October 3: in the city of Lima (Peru) General Juan Velasco Alvarado defeats the president-elect Fernando Belaúnde Terry. The military regime began between 1968 and 1980.
- October 3: 118 meters underground, in the U3fs area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates its Welder atomic bomb, of less than 20 kilotons. Half an hour later, 301 meters underground, detonates the 3 kiloton Knife-C pump. It is the bombs No. 579 and 580 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 6 October: in Puebla, Mexico, the Puebla Football Club inaugurates the Cuauhtémoc stadium.
- October 10: 195 meters underground, in the U9cf area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:30 (local time) United States detonates its 1 kiloton Vat atomic bomb. It's the 581 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- October 11: In Panama City, Lieutenant Omar Torrijos and Major Boris Martínez are taking a coup against President Arnulfo Arias Madrid and impose a Provisional Board of Government that suppresses all the political freedoms and rights of Panamanian citizenship, and eliminates the Constitution of 1946. A revolutionary and anti-Americanist period of struggle began, leading to the signing of the (Torrijos Carter Treaties) on September 7, 1977. The military government will last 21 years.
- October 12: In Equatorial Guinea, Fernando Poo and Rio Muni became independent of Spain and became a republic.
- October 12: The 19th Olympic Games are opened in Mexico City (Mexico).
- October 14: An earthquake of 6.5 shakes the Australian city of Meckering leaving 28 injured and estimated damage of $2.2 million.
- October 16: In the Old Trafford, the La Plata Student Football Club is dedicated world champion in front of Manchester United.
- October 27: The Olympic Games of Mexico 1968 are closed.
- 4 November: The Great Event of New Madrid is happening; a series of earthquakes that affect the eastern part of the United States, and cities like Chicago, Memphis and St. Louis.
- 5 November: United States presidential elections of 1968. Republican Richard Nixon defeats Democratic candidate Hubert Humphrey for a narrow margin of popular votes and for a reduced advantage of 301 electoral votes compared to 191 Democrats.
- 5 November: In Puerto Rico, Luis A. Ferre of the New Progressive Party is elected governor after 20 years under the rule of the Popular Democratic Party. He gets 400,815 votes.
- 9 November: In the state of Illinois there is an earthquake of 5.3 causing structural damage to buildings.
- 11 November: Operation Commando Hunt begins in the Vietnam War, which will drop 3 million tons of bombs on Laos.
- 11 November: the second Republic is declared in the Maldives.
- 14 November: In the United States, Yale University announces that it will become co-educational.
- November 17: Heidi's party: the NBC TV cuts 1 minute and 5 seconds before the end of the American football match between the Oakland Raiders and the New York Jets to broadcast the movie previewed Heidi. The fans could not see that Oakland (who was losing 29 to 32) won by 43 to 32; thousands of angry fans flooded the NBC phone to complain.
- November 22: In London, the rock group The Beatles launches its White Album.
- December 1: Rafael Caldera wins the presidential elections in Venezuela.
- December 3: Elvis Presley returns to the music scene, with an hour-long program, from the NBC channel, titled Elvis NBC TV Special, reaching the best audience data for the chain in that season. After this special, he left his career in Hollywood, and returned to live performances, starting next year in Las Vegas.
- 8 December: in a well 111 meters underground, in the U20u area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 8:00 (local time) United States detonates its 30 kiloton Schooner atomic bomb. It's the 595 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- December 9: In San Francisco, Douglas Engelbart publicly demonstrates his revolutionary NLS hypertext system.
- 10 December: In Tokyo, Japan, the largest theft is committed in the history of that country (300 million yen), still unresolved.
- December 10: Chile launches the broadcasts of the TVN channel (Chile National Television).
- December 11: In the United States the film is released Oliver!, based on the successful London and Broadway musical, which had already been premiered in England. He'll win the Oscar Award for the best movie.
- December 12: in a well 130 meters underground, in the U3gq area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 (local time) United States detonates its Bay Leaf atomic bomb, less than 20 kilotons. Ten minutes later, it simultaneously detonates six atomic bombs, also underground and a few kilometres away from one another: Tyg 1 to 6, from 1 to 20 kilotons each. Ten minutes later (at 7:20) detonates your 1 kiloton Scissors pump. It is the bombs number 596 to 603 of the 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 13 December: in Brazil, the dictator Artur da Costa e Silva decrees the fifth institutional record, which will last until 1978 and mark the beginning of the worst years of the military dictatorship.
- December 22: In China, Mao Zedong orders young people educated in the city to re-edit in the countryside. The movement “Let’s go up to the mountains and go down to the villages”.
- December 24: Apollo 8 is the first spacecraft of human history to enter lunar orbit. Astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and William A. Anders become the first human beings to see the hidden face of the Moon (and the entire planet Earth).
No date
- The death penalty is abolished in Tasmania.
- In Hertford (United Kingdom) the British Deep Purple band was founded.
- In Cincinnati (Ohio) the American football club Cincinnati Bengals was founded
- In Spain and France the Barcelona-Paris service begins at the Talgo III RD as a hotel train; it links the two borders without having to change convoys.
- In Germany the brothers Gerhard Schmid and Betty Hauer founded Nzg models (in Spanish)
- 1 January: Davor Šuker, Croatian footballer.
- January 2: Cuba Gooding Jr., American actor.
- January 2: Anky van Grunsven, Dutch horse-riding amazon.
- January 5: DJ Bobo, Swiss singer.
- January 6: John Singleton, American filmmaker.
- January 9: Joey Lauren Adams, American actress.
- January 11: Sergio Cortés, Chilean tennis player.
- January 11: Andrés Ciro Martínez, Argentine singer, from the band Los Piojos.
- January 12: Mauro Silva, Brazilian footballer.
- January 12: Phil Spencer, American business executive.
- January 12: Rachael Harris, American actress.
- January 13: Yōko Nagayama, Japanese singer of enka music.
- January 14: LL Cool J, American actor and rapper.
- January 15: Chad Lowe, American actor.
- January 15: Iñaki Urdangarin, aristocrat and Spanish basketball player.
- January 16: Mònica Terribas, a Spanish journalist.
- January 18: Max Delupi, actor, humorist and Argentine driver.
- January 18: Antonio de la Torre Martín, actor and Spanish journalist.
- January 20: Gerry Alanguilan, artist of comics and Filipino writer (f. 2019).
- January 22: Heath (Hiroshi Morie), Japanese musician.
- January 22: Frank Leboeuf, French footballer.
- January 22: Mauricio Serna, Colombian footballer.
- January 23: Yasuhiro Takato, Japanese voice actor.
- January 24: Monica Molina, Spanish singer.
- January 24: Mary Lou Retton, American gymnast.
- January 27: Mike Patton, American rock singer.
- January 28: Sarah McLachlan, Canadian singer and songwriter.
- January 29: Edward Burns, American actor.
- January 30: Philip VI, King of Spain.
- 1 February: Cheb Hasni, Algerian singer (f. 1994).
- February 1st: Lisa Marie Presley, American singer.
- February 2: Sean Elliott, American basketball player.
- February 3: Vlade Divac, Serbian basketball player.
- February 7: Diego Olivera, Argentine actor.
- February 8: Gary Coleman, American actor (f. 2010).
- February 9: Alejandra Guzmán, singer-songwriter and Mexican actress.
- February 12: Josh Brolin, American actor.
- February 12: Christopher McCandless, American traveler and adventurer (f. 1992).
- February 12: Mauricio Cienfuegos, a Salvadoran footballer.
- February 13: Gabriel Porras, Mexican actor.
- February 13: Kelly Hu, American actress and exmodel.
- February 14: Phill Lewis, American TV actor.
- February 15: Gloria Trevi, singer and Mexican actress.
- February 18: Lorena Astudillo, Argentine singer and songwriter.
- February 18: Molly Ringwald, American actress.
- February 22: Brad Nowell, American musician (f. 1996).
- February 22: Jeri Ryan, American actress.
- February 22: Kazuhiro Sasaki, Japanese baseball player.
- February 23: Juan Carlos Bazalar, Peruvian footballer.
- February 25: Evridiki, Cypriot singer.
- February 28: Jorge Enrique Abello, Colombian actor.
- February 28: José Ordóñez Jr., pastor, humorist and Colombian comedian.
- February 29: Gustavo Tovar-Arroyo, Venezuelan activist.
- March 2: Daniel Craig, British actor.
- March 3: Brian Cox, British musician and physicist.
- March 3: Light of the Alba Rubio, Uruguayan, Italian and American soprano.
- March 4: Summer Cummings, American porn actress.
- March 4: Julia Solomonoff, film director, screenwriter and Argentine actress.
- March 4: Jorge Celedón, Colombian singer of vallenata music.
- March 6: Moira Kelly, American actress.
- March 7: Jeff Kent, American baseball player.
- March 8: Kelly Gissendaner, American Killer (f. 2015)
- March 9: Youri Djorkaeff, a French footballer of Armenian origin.
- March 11: Lisa Loeb, American singer.
- March 14: James Frain, British actor.
- March 15: Sabrina Salerno, Italian singer.
- March 15: Shinichiro Miki, Japanese bent actor.
- March 16: Joel Rojas Pérez, Cuban painter.
- March 18: Miguel Herrera, soccer player and Mexican coach.
- 22 March: Øystein Aarseth, Norwegian musician (f. 1993).
- March 22: Franco La Porta, an Argentine politician.
- March 23: Fernando Hierro, Spanish footballer.
- March 23: Damon Albarn, British singer, Blur and Gorillaz bands.
- March 25: Adrián Suar, actor, producer and businessman.
- March 26: Kenny Chesney, American musician.
- March 26: James Iha, American rock musician, The Smashing Pumpkins.
- March 28: Isabella Santodomingo, Colombian actress, writer and presenter.
- March 29: Lucy Lawless, New Zealand singer and actress.
- March 29: José Gregorio Guevara, Venezuelan politician (f. 2020).
- March 29: Yolanda Rayo, Colombian actress and singer.
- March 30: Céline Dion, Canadian singer.
- March 30: Donna D’Errico, American actress and model.
- March 31: César Sampaio, Brazilian footballer.
- April 3: Sebastian Philip Bierk, Bahamian musician, from the Skid Row band.
- April 3: Charlotte Coleman, British actress (f. 2001).
- April 3: Jamie Hewlett, British hysterist, from the Gorillaz band.
- April 3: Sergi Arola, Spanish cook.
- April 7: Ana Cristina González, doctor, feminist, gender expert, human rights, sexual and reproductive health of Colombia.
- April 8: Patricia Arquette, American actress.
- April 8: Shawn Fonteno, American actor and rapper.
- April 10: Orlando Jones, American actor and comedian.
- April 10: Luis Machín, Argentine actor.
- April 10: Jacqueline Arenal, Cuban actress.
- April 14: Anthony Michael Hall, American actor and singer.
- April 19: Ashley Judd, American actress.
- April 21: Arturo Cariceo, Chilean visual artist.
- April 23: Timothy McVeigh, American terrorist (f. 2001).
- April 25: Massimo Di Cataldo, Italian singer.
- April 27: Cristian Mungiu, Romanian filmmaker.
- April 28: Howard Donald, British singer, Take That group.
- April 29: Indira Alfonzo, a Venezuelan lawyer and magistrate.
- April 29: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Croatian diplomat and politician, President of Croatia from 2015 to 2020.
- May 1st: D'arcy Elizabeth Wretzky, U.S. bassist and violinist, Smashing Pumpkins.
- May 1st: Oliver Bierhoff, German footballer.
- May 2: Jeff Agoos, American footballer.
- 2 May: Hikaru Midorikawa, Japanese voice actor.
- 7 May: Traci Lords, American actress.
- May 9: Marie-Jose Perec, French athlete.
- May 10: Erik Palladino, American actor.
- May 12: Tony Hawk, American professional skater.
- May 12: Catherine Tate, British actress and comedian.
- May 18:Dalila, Moroccan pornographic actress retired.
- May 18: Clemente Alvarez, Venezuelan baseball player.
- May 26: Fernando León de Aranoa, filmmaker and Spanish screenwriter.
- May 26: Federico de Denmark, prince heir to Dianamarca.
- May 27: Jeff Bagwell, American baseball player.
- May 27: Frank Thomas, American baseball player.
- May 28: Kylie Minogue, Australian singer and actress.
- May 28: Tetsu Nagasawa, footballer and Japanese director.
- June 1st: Jason Donovan, Australian actor and singer.
- June 4: Niurka Montalvo, Spanish exatleta of Cuban origin.
- June 5: Rachel Griffiths, Australian actress.
- June 5: Ron Livingston, American actor.
- June 5: Percy Olivares, Peruvian footballer.
- June 5: Gabriela Rádice, journalist and Argentine radio and television driver.
- June 5: Marc Rieper, Danish soccer player.
- June 7: Juan Antonio Pizzi, Argentine coach and footballer.
- June 8: Eduardo Moscovis, Brazilian actor.
- June 10: Bill Burr, American humorist.
- June 16: Mokona, Japanese mangaka.
- June 16: Darío Sztainszraiber, philosopher, essayist and Argentine television driver.
- June 18: Ana Duato, Spanish actress.
- June 20: Robert Rodriguez, director, screenwriter, producer and American musician.
- June 26: Isshin Chiba, Japanese voice actor.
- June 26: Young Moïse, politician, president and Haitian businessman (f. 2021).
- June 26: Paolo Maldini, Italian footballer.
- June 27: Héctor Sandarti, Guatemalan presenter.
- June 28: Chayanne, Puerto Rican singer and actor.
- June 30: Phil Anselmo, American singer, Pantera band.
- July 1st: Jordi Mollà, Spanish actor.
- July 5: Ken Akamatsu, Japanese cartoonist.
- July 5: Vicenta N'Dongo, Spanish actress.
- July 5: Bernie Paz, Peruvian actor.
- July 5: Alex Zülle, Swiss cyclist.
- July 7: Jorja Fox, American actress.
- July 7: Kōsuke Fujishima, Japanese manga artist.
- July 7: Mauro Urquijo, Colombian actor.
- July 8: Michael Weatherly, American actor.
- July 8: Akio Suyama, Japanese seiyū.
- July 9: Eduardo Santamarina, Mexican actor.
- July 9: Álex Aguinaga, soccer player and Ecuadorian coach.
- July 10: Hassiba Boulmerka, Algerian athlete.
- July 10: Anabell Rivero, Venezuelan actress and model.
- July 11: Walter Luengas, Colombian actor.
- July 12: Sabine Moussier, Mexican actress of German origin.
- July 13: Omi Minami, Japanese bent actress.
- July 15: Leticia Calderón, Mexican actress.
- July 16: Larry Sanger, American computer.
- 21 July: Claudia Brant, songwriter, composer and Argentine music producer.
- July 21: Brandi Chastain, American footballer.
- July 23: Gary Payton, American basketball player.
- July 25: John Grant, American singer and composer.
- July 26: Olivia Williams, British actress.
- July 27: Jorge Salinas, Mexican actor.
- July 27: Julian McMahon, Australian actor.
- July 29: Monique Fuentes, pornographic actress and Colombian erotic model.
- July 30: Robert Korzeniowski, Polish athlete and marcher.
- July 30: Sean Moore, British composer and drummer of the Manic Street Preachers band.
- August 2nd: Stefan Effenberg, German footballer.
- August 2: Russell Latapy, footballer trinitense.
- August 4: Daniel Dae Kim, American actor.
- August 5: Marine Le Pen, French right-wing politics.
- August 5: Colin McRae, Scottish racing pilot (f. 2007).
- August 7: Pepe Aguilar, Mexican ranch music singer.
- August 7: Tomás Carbonell, Spanish tennis player.
- August 9, Gillian Anderson, American actress.
- August 9: Eric Bana, Australian actor.
- August 12: Pablo Rey, Spanish painter.
- August 15: Debra Messing, American actress.
- August 17: Miriam Cruz, Dominican singer of merengue.
- August 17: Marjorie Calderón, Venezuelan lawyer and judge.
- August 17: Helen McCrory, British actress (f. 2021).
- August 20: Yuri Shiratori, Japanese seiyū.
- August 21: Antonio Benarrivo, Italian footballer.
- August 22: Ty Burrell, American film and television actor.
- August 22: Victoria Rosell, a Spanish teacher and politician.
- August 24: Daniel Monzón, director, screenwriter and Spanish actor.
- August 27: Agustín Arana, Mexican actor and singer.
- August 28: Billy Boyd, Scottish actor.
- August 28: Javier Ortega Smith, Spanish politician.
- August 31: Hideo Nomo, Japanese baseball player.
- 1 September: Mohammed Atta, Egyptian terrorist (f. 2001).
- September 1st: Paul Mayeda Berges, American writer and filmmaker.
- September 3: Rafael Lacava, Venezuelan politician.
- September 4: John DiMaggio, American voice actor.
- September 4: Yolanda Ramos, actress, presenter and Spanish humorist.
- September 7: Marcel Desailly, French footballer of Ghanaian origin.
- September 7: Héctor Rivas, a former soccer player and Venezuelan football coach.
- September 10: Andreas Herzog, Austrian footballer.
- September 10: Big Daddy Kane, American hip-hop artist.
- September 16: Marc Anthony, Puerto Rican singer.
- September 17: Anastacia, American singer.
- September 17: Tito Vilanova, player and Catalan football coach (f. 2014).
- September 18: Toni Kukoč, Croatian basketball player.
- September 21: Alex Amaral, Brazilian actor.
- September 23: Sydnee Steele, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
- September 25: Will Smith, American actor and rapper.
- September 25: Orange-Nassau Friso, a Dutch aristocrat (f. 2013).
- September 26: James Caviezel, American actor.
- September 27: Víctor Manuelle, Puerto Rican singer.
- September 27: Mari Kiviniemi, Finnish politics.
- September 27: Asha Ismail, human rights activist keniata.
- September 28: Mika Häkkinen, Finnish Formula 1 pilot.
- September 28: Naomi Watts, British actress.
- October 2: Range Murata, Japanese artist and designer.
- October 3: Santiago Rodriguez, Colombian actor and humorist.
- October 4: Antonio Sanz, Spanish politician.
- October 5: Fabian Estay, Chilean footballer.
- 6 October: Dominique A, French singer.
- October 6: Julián Arango, Colombian actor.
- 7 October: Thom Yorke, British singer.
- October 8: Emily Procter, American actress.
- October 8: Zvonimir Boban, Croatian footballer.
- October 8: Lucho Velasco, Colombian actor.
- October 8: CL Smooth, American rapper.
- October 9: Pete Docter, American animator.
- October 11: Jane Krakowski, American actress.
- October 12: Hugh Jackman, Australian actor.
- 13 October: Carlos Marín, Spanish baritone singer and member of the opera-pop music quartet Il Divo (f. 2021).
- October 14: Matthew Le Tissier, British footballer.
- 14 October: María Lucía Fernández, Colombian news anchor.
- October 15: Didier Deschamps, French trainer and former footballer.
- October 17: Ziggy Marley, Jamaican musician of réggae, son of Bob Marley.
- October 17: Raúl Ordóñez, Colombian tennis player (f. 2020).
- October 17: Alejandra Ávalos, Mexican actress and singer.
- October 17: Jiang Jin, Chinese footballer.
- October 21: Cayayo Troconis, Venezuelan rock guitarist (f. 1999).
- October 21: Yolanda Ventura, Spanish actress and singer.
- October 22: Shaggy, Jamaican singer.
- October 31: Vanilla Ice, American rapper.
- 1 November: Javier Jacinto, director of orchestra and Spanish composer.
- 5 November: Ricardo Fort, an Argentine businessman and artistic director (f. 2013).
- 5 November: Aitana Sánchez Gijón, Spanish actress.
- November 6: Jerry Yang, co-founder of the Yahoo website.
- 8 November: Zara Whites, Danish actress.
- 9 November: Luis Mesa, Colombian actor.
- November 11: Mauricio Basualto, Chilean musician.
- November 12: Sammy Sosa, Dominican baseball player.
- November 15: Ol' Dirty Bastard, American rapper (f. 2004).
- November 18: Bladimir Lugo, Venezuelan military.
- November 18: Gary Sheffield, American baseball player.
- November 18: Owen Wilson, American actor.
- November 19: Karina, Venezuelan actress and singer of Peruvian origin.
- 21 November: Alex James, British musician, Blur band
- November 22: Rasmus Lerdorf, English computer, PHP creator.
- November 24: Yukihiro Awaji, Japanese drummer, from the band L’Arc~en~Ciel and Acid Android.
- November 25: Jill Hennessy, Canadian actress.
- November 25: Erick Sermon, American rapper.
- November 27: Michael Vartan, French actor.
- November 28: Ana María Alvarado, Mexican journalist.
- November 29: Jonathan Knight, American singer.
- November 30: Rica Matsumoto, Japanese singer.
- November 30: Llum Barrera, Spanish actress.
- December 2: Lucy Liu, American actress.
- December 2: Nate Mendel, American musician, from the band Foo Fighters.
- December 2: David Batty, British footballer.
- December 4: Mindi Mink, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
- December 5: Margaret Cho, Korean actress and comedian.
- December 6: Susy Shock, actress, writer and Argentine singer.
- December 6: Héctor Suárez Gomís, Mexican actor and comedian.
- December 8: Marisela González, Colombian actress.
- December 8: Michael Cole, a professional free fighter and journalist.
- December 9: Kurt Angle, American professional fighter.
- December 9: Pedro García Aguado, Spanish waterpolista.
- December 9: Brian Bell, American Guitar
- December 12: Tatiana, Mexican-American actress and singer of pop and then infantile music.
- December 17: Claudio Suárez, Mexican footballer.
- December 17: Almendra Gomelsky, TV presenter and Peruvian model of Argentine origin.
- December 18: Mario Basler, German footballer.
- December 18: Juan Carlos Ortega, Spanish humorist.
- December 18: Rachel Griffiths, Australian actress.
- December 18: Alejandro Sanz, Spanish singer and composer.
- December 20: Eduardo Sánchez, American filmmaker of Cuban origin (Blair Witch Project).
- December 20: Eugenia Cauduro, Mexican actress and model.
- December 21: Lumi Cavazos, Mexican actress.
- December 22: Luis Hernández, Mexican ex-futbolist.
- December 28: Leonardo Vieira, Brazilian actor.
- December 30: Sabir Bhatia, Indian computer, founder of Hotmail in 1996.
- December 30: Meredith Monroe, American actress.
No date
- Eleonora Requena, Venezuelan poet.
- Uge Sangil, social educator and Spanish non-bianarian LGTBI activist.
- Marisol Soengas, Spanish biologist scientist, specializing in microbiology.
- Isadora Zubillaga, Venezuelan diplomat.
- January 1st: Enrique Ferrarese, builder and entrepreneur of the Italians (n. 1882).
- 7 January: Gholamreza Takhti, the most famous fighter in Iran's history (n. 1930).
- January 15: Firpo Segura, boxer and Mexican fighter (n. 1907).
- January 22: Duke Kahanamoku, American swimmer (n. 1890).
- 2 February: Tullio Serafin, director of orchestra and Italian musician (n. 1878).
- February 4: Neal Cassady, American writer (n. 1926).
- February 4: José Pedroni, Argentine poet (n. 1899).
- 13 February: Ildebrando Pizzetti, Italian composer and musicologist (n. 1880).
- February 15: Little Walter, American blues singer and harmonicist (n. 1930).
- February 21: Howard Walter Florey, Australian pharmacologist, nobel prize for physiology or medicine (n. 1898).
- 15 March: Khuang Abhaiwongse, Thai politician (n. 1902).
- March 20: Carl Theodor Dreyer, Danish filmmaker (n. 1889).
- March 24: Vicente Scaramuzza, italian pianist (n. 1885).
- March 27: Yuri Gagarin, Soviet cosmonaut (n. 1934).
- March 30: Bobby Driscoll, American film and television actor (n. 1937).
- 1 April: Lev Davidovich Landau, Russian physicist, nobel prize of physics (n. 1908).
- April 4: Martin Luther King, a U.S. civil rights activist, nobel Peace Prize in 1964 (n. 1929).
- April 7: Jim Clark, British Formula 1 pilot (n. 1936).
- April 11: Andreu Dameson, a Spanish artist (n. 1897).
- April 16: Fay Bainter, American actress (n. 1893).
- April 25: John Tewksbury, American athlete (n. 1876).
- May 9: Mercedes de Acosta, poetess, fashion designer and American playwright (n. 1893).
- May 9: Marion Lorne, American actress (n. 1883).
- May 28: Kees Van Dongen, a Dutch painter (n. 1877).
- May 30: Berta Gangloff, an Argentine actress (n. c. 1890).
- June 1: Helen Keller, an American activist for the blind and deaf (n. 1880).
- June 2: Richard Norris Williams, American tennis player (n. 1891).
- June 6: Robert F. Kennedy, American politician; assassinated (n. 1925).
- 14 June: Salvatore Quasimodo, Italian poet and journalist, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1959 (n. 1901).
- June 14: Kitty Kelly, American actress (n. 1902).
- July 18: Corneille Heymans, Belgian physiologist, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1938 (n. 1892).
- July 23: Henry Hallett Dale, British physiologist, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1936 (n. 1875).
- July 28: Otto Hahn, German chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry (n. 1879).
- August 14: Líber Arce, Uruguayan activist, first student killed by police forces in Uruguay (n. 1940).
- August 15: Luis Gianneo, Argentine composer (n. 1897).
- August 19: George Gamow, Ukrainian physicist (n. 1904).
- September 3: Juan José Castro, composer and director of Argentine orchestra (n. 1895).
- September 7: Lucio Fontana, Argentine painter and writer (n. 1899).
- September 10: Pablo de Rokha, a Chilean poet (n. 1894).
- September 15: José Kentenich, German religious (n. 1885).
- September 17: Jaime Eyzaguirre, Chilean historian (n. 1908).
- September 19: John William Cooke, Argentine politician (n. 1920).
- September 20: Susana Pintos (27) and Hugo de los Santos (20), Uruguayan students killed by the dictatorship of Jorge Pacheco Areco.
- 23 September: Pius de Pietrelcina, Italian priest canonized in 2002 (n. 1887).
- 2 October: Marcel Duchamp, a French Dadaist artist (n. 1887).
- 21 October: Aureli Maria Escarré, a Spanish priest (n. 1908).
- October 21: Lelio Zeno, Argentine traumatologist (n. 1890).
- October 30: Ramón Novarro, Mexican actor (n. 1899).
- November 3: Adolf Abel, German architect (n. 1882).
- 4 November: Horace Gould, British Formula 1 pilot (n. 1918).
- 4 November: José Monegal, Uruguayan writer and journalist (n. 1892).
- 6 November: Charles Munch, director of French orchestra and violinist (n. 1891).
- November 22: Enrique Zambrano, Mexican actor, director and producer (n. 1920).
- 25 November: Upton Sinclair, American writer (n. 1878).
- November 26: Arnold Zweig, German writer (n. 1887).
- 1 December: Darío Moreno, singer and Turkish French actor (n. 1921).
- December 10: Karl Barth, German Protestant theologian (n. 1888).
- December 10: Tian Han, Chinese writer and playwright (n. 1898).
- December 10: Thomas Merton, American mystical writer (n. 1915).
- December 12: Tallulah Bankhead, American actress (n. 1902).
- December 20: David Arthur Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen, first two victims of the Zodiac Killer.
- December 20: John Steinbeck, American novelist, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962 (n. 1902).
- 30 December: Trygve Lie, first Secretary-General of the United Nations (n. 1896).
- December 30: Vladimir Peter Tytla, American animator (n. 1904).
Art and literature
- January 6: Alvaro Cunqueiro gets the Nadal award for his novel The man who looked like Orestes.
- Agatha Christie: Table.
- Arthur C. Clarke: 2001: A Space Odyssey.
- Philip K. Dick: Do the androids dream of electric sheep?.
- Halldór Laxness: Under the glacier.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The first circle.
- Ursula K. Le Guin: A magician from Terramar.
- Carlos Castaneda: The Teachings of Don Juan.
- José Mauro de Vasconcelos: My orange-lima plant.
Science and technology
- December 9: Douglas Engelbart presented his invention, computer mouse or mouse.
- The NBA franchise is founded: Phoenix Suns
- Manchester United wins its first European Cup by winning 4-1 in the final to the Portuguese Benfica.
- The third Euro Cup in Italy is contested by obtaining the title of the host team in a disbursement party after having left 1-1 to Yugoslavia in the final (there were no criminals' tandas), winning the next match 2-0.
- The Club Students of La Plata: May 16 at the Centenary Stadium of Montevideo, conquers its first international trophy, the Copa Libertadores de América, after winning the final to Palmeiras of Brazil. And on Wednesday, October 16 of that same year, he is dedicated champion of the world of football clubs, in Old Trafford facing Manchester United.
- XIX Olympic Games in Mexico City.
- Graham Hill is the world champion of Formula 1.
- San Lorenzo de Almagro wins undefeated the Argentina Metropolitan Football Championship
- The Club Atlético Vélez Sarsfield is the champion of the National Tournament in Argentine football.
- Deportivo Quito is the champion of the National Championship in Ecuador for the second time.
- Sporting Cristal is crowned for the third time as a champion of the Peruvian Football League.
- Professional Colombian Football: Union Magdalena (1.a.).
- Ramón Cardemil and Ruperto Valderrama are crowned champions of the National Rodeo Championship for the fifth time.
- Nicolino Locche is a world champion in Tokyo
- Club Carlos A. Mannucci is dedicated champion of the Peruvian Cup
- Mexican Pedro Rodriguez wins 24 Hours of Le Mans aboard a Ford GT40 Mk. I, teaming with Belgian Lucien Bianchi.
- 8 February: The planet of apes (Planet of the ApesFranklin J. Schaffner. Charlton Heston and Kim Hunter.
- 2 April: 2001: A space odyssey (2001: A Space OdysseyStanley Kubrick. Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood.
- 2 May: The strange couple (The Odd CoupleGene Saks. With Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau.
- June 12: The seed of the devil (Rosemary's BabyWith Mia Farrow and John Cassavetes.
- The record label Fania Records is created, dedicated to the promotion of Salsa music.
- The Deep Purple band is created.
- The Led Zeppelin band is created.
- The Black Sabbath band is created.
- Rush is created.
- Yes is created.
- The Mexican tropical group Sonora Siguaray is created.
- The novel Are the Androids Dreaming of Electric Sheeps? by Philip K. Dick.
- Aretha Franklin: Lady Soul.
- Bee Gees: Horizontal, Idea.
- Jethro Tull: This was, first album of the group.
- Cream: Wheels of fire.
- Deep Purple: Shades of Deep Purple.
- Frank Sinatra: "Francis A. " Edward K." «Album published in January under the Reprise Records record label». "The Sinatra Family Wish You a Merry Christmas." «Album published in September under the Reprise Records record label». "Cycles." «Album published in November under the Reprise Records record label».
- Leonardo Favio: You were mine a summer.
- Jimi Hendrix: Axis: bold as love and Electric ladyland.
- John Lennon, Unfinished music volume one: two virgins.
- The Hispanics and Gustavo Quintero, So beautiful and so presumed, Angel face, Colored snails
- Lluís Llach: L'Estaca.
- Marisol: Happy heart
- Massiel, La, la, la (winner of the Eurovision Festival).
- Otis Redding: The dock of the bay.
- Pink Floyd: A willowrful of secrets.
- Roberto Carlos: Or inimitável.
- Roberto Carlos: San Remo 1968.
- The Band: Music from Big Pink.
- The Beach Boys: Friends and Stack-O-Tracks
- The Beatles: The Beatles (The White Album; White Album)
- The Doors: Waiting for the sun.
- The Kinks: Something else by The Kinks.
- The Rolling Stones: Beggar’s banquet.
- The Velvet Underground: White Light/White Heat.
- Sly " The Family Stone: Stand!.
- Steppenwolf: Steppenwolf.
- Frank Zappa: We are only in it for the money.
- George Harrison: Wonderwall music
Classical music
- In Hamburg (West Germany) the The Medusa raft (“Volgare and Militare” by Hans Werner Henze). The police break into the room and arrest some Marxist students and the play bookist, Ernst Schnabel.
- On April 6, the 13th edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in London United Kingdom
United Kingdom.
- The American series is released Hawaii 5-0
- The American series is released Crazy cars.
- In this year, exactly the 4 April, the Spanish television series begins to be set Tell me how it happened..
- On June 3 in Argentina, it is issued for the first time Lunch with Mirtha Legrand
Nobel laureates
- Physics: Luis Walter Álvarez.
- Chemistry: Lars Onsager.
- Medicine: Robert W. Holley, Har Gobind Khorana and Marshall W. Nirenberg.
- Literature: Yasunari Kawabata.
- Peace: René Cassin.
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August 19
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