
1967 (MCMLXVII) was a common year beginning on a Sunday according to the Gregorian calendar. It was declared International Year of the Tourist by the United Nations Organization.



  • January 6: In Venezuela, President Raúl Leoni opened the Angostura Bridge, the largest in South America, on the Orinoco.
  • January 8: In the Vietnam War, the Cedar Falls operation began with the aim of a harsh blow to the Viet Cong and of demoralizing the sympathetic population. It produced 72 American casualties, 750 Vietnamese and 5000 hectares of wild jungle.
  • January 9: In Monterrey, he suffers the worst snowfalls
  • January 11: in Mexico City Nieva.
  • January 12: In the volcano of Agua (Guatemala) there is a strong snowfall.
  • 14 January: in New York, the newspaper The New York Times reports that the U.S. army is conducting secret biological warfare experiments.
  • January 15: In Kenya, Louis Leakey announces the discovery of prehuman fossils, which he baptizes Kenyapitecus africanus.
  • January 17: in Uruguay Starts the 29th edition of the Copa América.
  • January 18: In the state of Táchira (Venezuela) the Plaza de Toros de San Cristobal is inaugurated during the III International Fair of San Sebastian (FISS).
  • January 22: in Managua (Nicaragua) the Masacre de la avenida Roosevelt is perpetrated: soldiers of the National Guard attack a demonstration of the National Opposition Union (UNO) against President Lorenzo Guerrero Gutiérrez.
  • January 26: Operation Cedar Falls is concluded in Vietnam with the above-mentioned results
  • 27 January:
    • In Cabo Cañaveral (United States) Apollo 1 burns during a test. Astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward Higgins White and Roger Chaffee fail.
    • The United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom sign the Outer Space Treaty.
    • In the United States, the rock group The Doors debuts with the homonymous album.
  • 31 January: Western Germany and Romania establish diplomatic relations.


  • 2 February:
    • A new Constitution was adopted in Bolivia.
    • In Nicaragua, General Anastasio Somoza Debayle assumes power in fraudulent elections (assumes power on 5).
    • The American Basketball Association (ABA) is founded in the United States.
    • In Montevideo (Uruguay) End the Americas Cup and Uruguay Get your 11th American Cup title.
  • February 3: In Australia, Ronald Ryan is the last person hanged (for murdering a guard while escaping from prison in December 1965).
  • 4 February: In Beijing, the Soviet Union is officially protesting the demonstrations against its embassy.
  • 5 February:
    • In her cultural tent in La Reina (near Santiago de Chile) the 49-year-old Violeta Parra singer-speaker commits suicide.
    • In Nicaragua, General Anastasio Somoza Debayle became president.
    • In the United States, NASA launches Lunar Orbiter 3.
    • Italy launches its first cruise missile, the Vittorio Véneto (C550).
  • 6 February:
    • Soviet Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin arrives in the United Kingdom on an official eight-day visit.
    • In Spain 599 claims have been filed so far for the Palomares accident.
  • 7 February:
    • In the United States, U.S. immunologist Thomas Marchioro reports that the anti-lymphocyte serum obtained from horses mitigates the rejection reaction of kidney transplants.
    • In Australia, a fire burns a large part of the island of Tasmania and causes 52 deaths.
    • Former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer visits Madrid.
    • In Beijing, the Chinese government announced that it could no longer guarantee the security of Soviet diplomats outside the Soviet Embassy.
    • In southern Tasmania a fire kills 62 people.
    • In Victoria (Australia) he opened Catholic College.
  • 9 February: In Colombia an earthquake of 7.0 leaves 98 dead.
  • 10 February:
    • In Europe, the European Community begins regulatory development on VAT.
    • Make your first flight the first vertical takeoff plane in the world, the Dornier Do 31-E 1.
    • The 25th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified in the United States.
  • 14 February:
    • In the United States Black pop singer Aretha Franklin launches Respect.
    • The President of Mexico Gustavo Díaz Ordaz signed with his counterparts from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Ecuador, the Treaty of Tlatelolco, which manifests itself against the manufacture of nuclear weapons and tests.
  • 15 February:
    • In Uruguay the Constitution enters into force, which ends the system of collegiate government and initiates with the system of the Unipersonal Executive.
    • In Spain the plan for the transfer of the waters of the river Tajo al Segura was approved.
    • The Soviet Union announces that it has sent troops to the border with China.
  • 16 February:
    • In Spain, the penalty of arrest and fines is imposed on those who violate the limitations on freedom of expression.
    • The Bölkow BO 105 V 2 helicopter carries out its first flight.
  • 18 February:
    • China sends three divisions of the People ' s Liberation Army (China) to Tibet.
    • In New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison states that the murder of John F. Kennedy was planned in New Orleans, and that he will soon be able to solve it.
  • 21 February: in Madrid, the summons for the events of the University City go to military jurisdiction.
  • 22 February:
    • In Indonesia, General Suharto deposes President Achmed Sukarno.
    • In Jamaica, Donald Sangster happens to Alexander Bustamante as prime minister.
    • The teaching of the Basque language in schools is authorized in Navarre.
  • February 23: Trinidad and Tobago is the first of the British Commonwealth nations to join the Organization of American States.
  • February 24: Moscow prohibits its satellite states from establishing diplomatic relations with West Germany.
  • 25 February:
    • In Beijing the Chinese government announces that it has ordered the army to help in the seed of spring.
    • In England HMS is inaugurated Renown (S26), the second British submarine with Polaris nuclear missiles.
  • February 26: At the Semipalatinsk Test Centre, Kazakhstan, the Soviet government detonates a nuclear bomb.
  • 27 February:
    • In Rome, the Dutch government supports the UK membership in the EEC.
    • Dominica is independent of the United Kingdom.


  • 1 March:
    • Ecuavisa began his broadcasts as the second Ecuadorian channel to initiate transmissions.
    • In Brazil, police arrest Franc Paul Stangli, ex-commander of the Treblinka and Sobibor concentration camps.
    • In Spain, the Supreme Court declared the union Labor Commissions illegal.
    • In the prefecture of Saitama, Japan, the city of Hatogaya is founded.
    • In China, the Red Guards return to school.
    • In London, UK, Queen Elizabeth Hall opens.
  • 4 March:
    • In East Riding of Yorkshire, the first North Sea pipeline is opened.
    • At Wembley Stadium (England), the Queens Park Rangers are the first third-party team to win the Football League Cup (the West Bromwich Albion team was defeated 3-2).
    • In Iran, Dr. Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh, the deposed prime minister (democraticly elected) during his house arrest.
  • March 7: In the United States, trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa begins his eight-year sentence for trying to bribe a jury.
  • 9 March: in New Delhi, India, Svetlana Alliluyeva (the daughter of Stalin) deserts to the United States
  • March 12: In Indonesia, the National Assembly removes all presidential powers from Sukarno and appoints General Suharto as acting president.
  • March 13: In Congo, former Prime Minister Moise Tshombe is sentenced to death in absence.
  • 14 March:
    • In the United States, President John F. Kennedy's body is placed in a permanent grave at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington DC.
    • In Germany, nine executives of the pharmaceutical company Grunenthal are arrested for breaking German drug laws (because of talidomide).
  • 16 March: In Greece 15 officers are sentenced to 2 to 18 years ' imprisonment, charged with treason and attempted coup d ' état, for the Aspida case.
  • March 17: In Veracruz the Stadium Luis "Pirata" Fuente is inaugurated.
  • March 18: on the Seven Stones Reef (Remains of the legendary Lions City, on the Lyonesse Hundida), 28 km west of the coast of Cornwall (on the southwest tip of England) and 13 km east of the Sorlingas Islands (Scilly) the supertank shipwrecks Torrey Canyonfull of oil.
  • March 19: French Somaliland (Yibuti) a referendum favors the connection with France.
  • 21 March: a coup d ' état takes place in Sierra Leone.
  • March 26: 10 000 people for the Be-In meet at Central Park in New York.
  • March 28: Pope Paul VI publishes the encyclical Populorum Progressio.
  • 29 March:
    • In the United States, a strike (which will last 13 days) of television workers begins.
    • In France the first French nuclear submarine was inaugurated, Le Redoutable.
    • The SEACOM cable system is opened.
  • 29-30 March: In England, British Royal Air Force aircraft bombard the supertank with napalm Torrey Canyonto burn all your oil and avoid the ecological disaster.
  • March 31: In the United States, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Consular Treaty.


  • April 1: Bolivia is seeking military assistance from Argentina in the fight against the guerrillas.
  • 2 April: A delegation from the United Nations arrives in Aden (which is to be independent of the United Kingdom). They leave on April 7, accusing the British authorities of lack of cooperation. The English say the delegation did not contact them.
  • April 4: In a religious service in New York, Martin Luther King, Jr. denounces the genocide perpetrated by the U.S. Army in Vietnam.
  • April 6: In Paris, Georges Pompidou begins to form the next government.
  • 7 April: shortly before the Six Day War, Israeli planes dropped six Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 Syrians.
  • 8 April: at the Eurovision festival wins the UK with the song Puppet on a string by Sandie Shaw (music and lyrics by Bill Martin and Phil Coulter).
  • April 9: opening flight of the first Boeing 737.
  • 13 April: In London, the conservatives win the election of the Council of Great London.
  • 14 April:
    • The Bee Gees Group launches its first international single, New York Mining Disaster 1941 ATCO Records. The song reaches the 14th place on the Billboard Hot 100 list.
    • In San Francisco, California, 10,000 people march against the Vietnam War.
  • April 15: Great popular demonstrations against the war in New York and San Francisco.
  • April 19: General elections are held in Swaziland.
  • 20 April:
    • The Surveyor 3 probe lands on the Moon.
    • In Nicosia (Cyprus) a Swiss plane is crashed Bristol Britannia. 126 people die.
  • 21 April:
    • In Greece, Georgios Papadopoulos gave a coup d'etat and began a military dictatorship until 1974. Former Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou is a political prisoner until December 25.
    • In Chicago, Hurricane Belvidere destroys the suburbs of Belvidere and Oak Lawn (Illinois), leaving 33 dead and 500 wounded.
  • April 23: in Managua, a group of young people are expelled from the PSN. They founded the Socialist Workers Party (POS).
  • April 24: In the Soviet Union, the Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov died during the re-entry of the Soyuz 1 by failing the parachute.
  • 27 April: in Montreal and Quebec, the 1967 World Fair is held, which coincides with the centenary of the Canadian Confederation.
  • 28 April:
    • In Houston (Texas), boxer Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) refuses to go to military service.
    • Expo 67 is open to the public. 310 000 people attend.
  • April 29: in Havana, Fidel Castro announced that intellectual property belongs to the people, and that Cuba will translate and publish technical literature without paying rights.
  • 30 April: A 537 m television tower is inaugurated in Moscow.


  • May 1st: Elvis Presley and Priscilla Beaulieu are married in Las Vegas.
  • 2 May:
    • The Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup.
    • In Cheyney (Pensilvania) 400 students take the administration building of the University of Pennsylvania.
    • In Hong Kong, the police kill 51 strikers and hurt another 800.
  • May 3: In London there is a great gold theft.
  • 4 May: the Orbiter Moon is launched 4.
  • May 6: In India Dr. Zakir Hussain is the first Muslim to become president.
  • 8 May: the Philippine province of Dávao is divided into three.
  • May 9: In Chile, in the Huasco commune, there is a tragedy due to the fall of a bridge with a balance of 9 Dead.
  • 10 May:
    • The Greek military dictatorship accuses Andreas Papandreou of treason.
    • The United Kingdom and Ireland officially request to be members of the EEC.
    • In the Montecarlo street circuit, the Libyan-Italian pilot Lorenzo Bandini died in an accident.
  • 12 May:
    • Linda Ronstadt (with the Stone Poneys band) launches its first single Different drum.
    • In the UK, The Jimi Hendrix Experience launches the album Are you experienced.
  • 17 May:
    • Syria mobilizes against Israel.
    • President Gamal Abdal Nasser of Egypt calls for the withdrawal of the UN peace forces on the Sinai Peninsula. UN Secretary General U Thant meets the next day.
  • 18 May:
    • In Tennessee, Governor Buford Ellington rejects the Mono Law.
    • In Mexico, the school teacher Lucio Cabañas begins a guerrilla in Atoyac de Álvarez, west of Acapulco (state of Guerrero).
  • 19 May:
    • The Soviet Union ratified a treaty with the United States and the United Kingdom, prohibiting nuclear attacks from outer space.
    • In the Soviet Union, Yuri Andropov is appointed head of the KGB.
  • 22 May: in the centre of Brussels (Belgium) the Innovation Store is set on fire. It is the most devastating fire in its history: 150 wounded and 323 dead and disappeared.
  • May 23: Egypt closes the Straits of Tiran to Israeli ships, blocking the port of Eilat (in southern Israel).
  • 25 May:
    • The Celtic F. C. football team beats (for 2 to 1) the Inter Milan. It thus becomes the first team of the United Kingdom (and northern Europe) that arrives at the end of the European Cup and wins.
    • In the population of Naksalbari, in the state of West Bengal, the Indian government orders the police to machine guns at protesting peasants, killing 3 men, 6 women and 2 children. This will originate the naksalite insurgency, of Maoist extraction.
    • The United States adds to its Constitution an amendment No. 25.
  • May 27: In Australia, a referendum is supported by 90%, which allows the government to create special laws for Australian Aboriginals.
  • May 28: In London, UK, the British folk-rock band Fairport Convention performs its first presentation.
  • May 30: Biafra, in eastern Nigeria, announces its independence.


  • June 1st: In London the rock group The Beatles launches the famous album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, most emblematic album of the psychedelic musical stage.
  • 2 June: the visit of the Shah of Iran to West Berlin provokes protests and confrontations with the police in which Benno Ohnesorg dies, which motivates the foundation of the urban guerrilla organization Movement 2 of June.
  • 5-10 June: In the Near East, Israel faces Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the Six Day War.
  • 14-15 June: in New York, pianist Glenn Gould records the Seventh Sonata No. 7 for piano (op. 83) of Serguéi Prokófiev. Although it is the only time he will interpret a work of this author, his work becomes a reference version of the work.
  • 16-18 June: It was held in Monterey, California, the Monterey Pop Festival. Event historically regarded as the precursor of the 1969 Woodstock Festival.
  • June 17: China blows up its first hydrogen bomb.


  • July 3: In Argentina, the rock band Los Gatos launches The Balsa, a Spanish rock song that obtained in general success among the youth, and that is considered the initial point of Argentine rock.
  • 17 July: the first global satellite television broadcast received in 26 countries and seen by more than 400 million people worldwide.
  • 18 July: in the valley of Sartenejas, of Caracas (Venezuela) the University of Caracas was founded, renamed soon as Simon Bolivar University.
  • 22 July: in Turkey there is an earthquake of 7.4.
  • July 23: The first plebiscite on its status is held in Puerto Rico.
  • July 29: in Caracas (Venezuela) at 20:05 (local time of Venezuela) there is an earthquake of 6.5 degrees in the Richter scale, lasting 35 to 55 seconds. He left a balance of 236 dead, 2000 wounded and material damage of more than $10 million.
  • 29 July to 10 August: in Cuba, the Meeting of the Protest Song, where fifty musicians from eighteen countries participate.


  • August 1st: In the United States, racial demonstrations spread to Washington, D.C.
  • August 5: The British group Pink Floyd launches his debut album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn.
  • August 6, astronomers Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish discover the first pulpit. In 1968 they will write: "On August 6, last year a completely new type of star appeared."
  • 8 August:
    • The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is founded.
    • In Asunción (Paraguay) the newspaper is founded ABC Colorwhich will be persecuted and even closed during the dictatorship of General Stroessner.
  • August 20: in Mexico, professional gunmen hired by leaders of the Regional Union of Producers of Copra of the State of Guerrero and by Raymundo Abarca Alarcón ambushed about 800 Co-workers in Acapulco when they entered the building of La Coprera to hold a congress. The official balance leaves 32 dead and about 100 wounded.
  • August 27: at the Pancasán hill (Nicaragua), the National Guard of the dictator Anastasio Somoza murders several FSLN guerrillas (Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional).
  • 31 August:
    • In the Nevada atomic testing area (about 100 km northwest of Las Vegas city), at 80:30 (local time), the United States detonates its 20 kt Door Mist atomic bomb to 436 m underground. It's the bomb number 518 of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
    • Argentina and Chile resolve to suspend all fishing activities east of Meridian 68-36, in the Beagle channel.
    • Eighteen bishops of the third world publish a pastoral letter seeking to give effect to the encyclical Populorum Progressio of Pope Paul VI.


  • September 2nd: In Pamplona, Spain, the El Sadar Stadium is inaugurated.
  • 4 September: In Genoa, Italy, the Morandi Bridge is inaugurated
  • September 7th: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 5:45 (local time), the United States detonates at 521 m underground its atomic bomb n.o 519, Yard, of 22 kt.
  • 9th of September: it is premiered at the Opera Theatre, with a musical presentation by the Company of Folklore Ariel Ramírezwith the participations of Jaime Torres, Las Voces Blancas and the duo Navarro-Rojas, the institutional film of Fiat Concord, Chronicle for a Future by Carlos Alberto Aguilar.
  • September 15: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada, at 9:30 (local time), the United States detonates its 19 kt atom bomb on 241 m underground.
  • 21 September:
    • 174 meters underground, in the U10ds1 area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 12:45 (local time) United States detonates its 2.2 kt Marvel atomic bomb. It's the 521 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
    • In the United States, the military helicopter AH-56 Cheyenne made its first flight.
  • 27 September: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time), the United States detonates at 667 m underground its Zaza atomic bomb, 160 kt. It's the 522 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.


  • October 9: In La Higuera (Bolivia) CIA agents and Bolivian army officers kill the Argentine-Cuban guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara.
  • 12 October: the city of Tuluá, in the Republic of Colombia, inaugurates its stadium and with it, the first athletic games in the State of Valle del Cauca
  • 15 October: In the Soviet city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) the statue is inaugurated Motherland calls!Yevgueni Vuchétich. With 87 meters, it was the largest statue in the world until the inauguration in 1989 of the statue of Ashibetsu, Japan, of 88 m.


  • 4 November: Racing wins the Intercontinental Cup in the Centennial State.
  • 14 November:
    • The Congress of Colombia, in commemoration of the 150 years of the death of Policarpa Salavarrieta, declared this day as the Day of Colombian Women.
    • In the United States, civil rights activists are successful in their campaign to extend the definition of murder to also include the murder of a black man.
    • The People ' s Republic of South Yemen proclaims its independence from the United Kingdom.
  • 26 November: in Mexico, Telesystem Mexicano (current Televisa) the program for children and contest sponsored by the Editorial Novaro In family with "EN" (to the last in family with Chabelo), whose television program would become one of the most emblematic programs on Mexican television. Its last broadcast was made in December 2015, after 48 years of uninterrupted emissions.


  • December 3: in South Africa, Dr. Christiaan Barnard states he has performed the first heart transplant.
  • December 6: in a well 195 meters underground, in the U10ai area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 5:00 (local time) United States detonates its 0.2 kt atom bomb. It is the 530 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 8 December:
    • In England, the British rock band The Beatles publishes double EP Magical Mystery Tour.
    • In England, British band The Rolling Stones publishes its sixth studio album titled Their Satanic Majesties Request.
The Gasbuggy atomic bomb detonated December 10, 1967 to 1290 m underground to investigate whether it was possible to extract gas from the subsoil. However, all the gas extracted was too radioactive.
  • 10 December: in a well 1290 meters underground, about 33 km southwest of the population of Dulce (state of New Mexico), at 12:30 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 531: Gasbuggy, 29 kt.
  • 11 December: In India, an earthquake of 6.6 leaves a balance of 177 dead and 2200 wounded.
  • December 15: in a well 332 meters underground, in the U3fh area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 532, Stilt, of 2 kt.



  • January 1st: Spencer Tunick, New York photographer.
  • January 1: Juanma Bajo Ulloa, Spanish filmmaker.
  • January 1st: John Digweed, British DJ.
  • January 2: Tia Carrere, American actress.
  • January 5: Joe Flanigan, American actor.
  • January 5: R. Kelly, American singer and producer.
  • January 7: Nick Clegg, British politician.
  • January 9: Dave Matthews, South African musician.
  • January 9: Claudio Caniggia, Argentine footballer.
  • January 9: David Costabile, American actor.
  • January 10: Patxi Freytez, Spanish actor.
  • January 10: Ernesto Benjumea, Colombian actor.
  • January 12: Sergio Novelli, journalist and Venezuelan journalist.
  • January 12: Takehiko Inoue, Japanese artist and cartoonist.
  • January 14: Emily Watson, British actress.
  • January 14: Hassan Hattab, Algerian leader.
  • January 18: Iván Zamorano, Chilean footballer.
  • January 19: Dorelis Echeto, professor, politics and indigenous Venezuelan activist.
  • January 19: Javier Cámara, Spanish actor.
  • January 23: Naim Süleymanoğlu, Bulgarian weight lifter.
  • January 24: John Myung, American musician.
  • January 31: Fat Mike, American musician, NOFX and Me First and the Gimme Gimmes bands.
  • January 31: Chad Channing, American drummer, of the Nirvana band.
  • January 31: Roberto Palazuelos, Mexican actor.


  • February 1: Ulysses Eyherabide, singer, musician, composer, graphic designer, architect, founder of the Christian rock band Rescate(f. 2022).
  • February 1st: Meg Cabot, American writer.
  • 2 February: Mar Fernández Vázquez, hispanic and Romanesque philosopher (f. 2013).
  • February 2: Laurent Nkunda, Congolese guerrilla.
  • February 2: R. Scott Bakker, Canadian writer.
  • February 2: Paula Burlamaqui, Brazilian actress.
  • 7 February: Samuel Trigueros, poet, reporter, theatre director and Honduran actor.
  • February 10: Laura Dern, American actress.
  • 11 February: Ciro Ferrara, footballer and Italian coach.
  • 11 February: Hank Gathers, American basketball player (f. 1990).
  • February 13: Nestor Kohan, philosopher, intellectual and Marxist militant from Argentina.
  • February 13: Johnny Tapia, American boxer (f. 2012).
  • February 14: Mark Rutte, Dutch Prime Minister.
  • February 15: Omar Geles, singer, accordionist and Colombian composer of vallenata music.
  • February 18: Roberto Baggio, Italian footballer.
  • February 19: Benicio del Toro, Puerto Rican actor.
  • February 20: Kurt Cobain, American singer and guitarist, from the Nirvana band (f. 1994).
  • February 20: Lili Taylor, American actress.
  • February 23: Person (José Luis Properzi), Argentine rock drummer (f. 2015.
  • February 24: Fernando Tejero, Spanish actor.
  • February 26: Currie Graham, Canadian actor.


  • March 1st: George Eads, American actor.
  • March 1st: Aron Winter, a Dutch footballer of Surinamese origin.
  • March 5: Ray Loriga, writer, screenwriter and Spanish filmmaker.
  • March 8: John Harkes, American footballer.
  • March 9: Aura Cristina Geithner, Colombian actress.
  • March 11: John Barrowman, Scottish actor Torchwood).
  • March 11: Renzo Gracie, Brazilian mixed martial arts wrestler.
  • March 11: Cynthia Klitbo, Mexican actress.
  • 13 March: Andrés Escobar, Colombian footballer (f. 1994).
  • March 14: Jorge Alfredo Vargas, Colombian news anchor.
  • March 15: Naoko Takeuchi, Japanese manga artist, world-renowned for his work Sailor Moon.
  • March 15: Sergio Espejo, lawyer, academic, consultant and Chilean politician.
  • March 16: Lauren Graham, American actress.
  • March 17: Billy Corgan, American musician, poet and vocalist, from the Smashing Pumpkins band.
  • March 19: Francisco Xavier Berganza, Mexican singer and politician.
  • March 19: Norida Rodriguez, Colombian actress.
  • March 20: Ruddy Rodriguez, Venezuelan actress.
  • March 22: Mario Cipollini, Italian cyclist.
  • March 22: Pepe Monje, Argentine actor.
  • March 27: Talisa Soto, American actress.


  • April 7: Bodo Illgner, German footballer.
  • April 8: Luis Chataing, animator and Venezuelan comic.
  • April 8: Kazunari Tanaka, Japanese seiyū (f. 2016).
  • April 9: Jorge Benavides, Peruvian actor and comic.
  • April 13: Capleton, Jamaican singer.
  • April 13: Olga Tañón, Puerto Rican singer.
  • April 14: Barrett Martin, American drummer and composer.
  • April 14: Jeff Jarrett, American fighter.
  • April 18: Maria Bello, American actress.
  • April 20: Mike Portnoy, American drummer, from the Dream Theater band.
  • April 23: Melina Kanakaredes, American actress.
  • April 24: Omar Vizquel, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • April 26: Kane, American professional fighter.
  • April 26: Marianne Jean-Baptiste, British actress.
  • April 27: William Alexander of Orange-Nassau, aristocrat of the Netherlands.


  • May 2: Luigi Apolloni, footballer and Italian coach.
  • May 3: Juan Carlos Chirinos, Venezuelan writer.
  • May 3: André Olbrich, German guitarist, Blind Guardian.
  • 4 May: Akiko Yajima, Japanese seiyū.
  • 4 May: Dominik Schwaderlapp, German Catholic bishop.
  • May 5: Takehito Koyasu, Japanese actor of bent.
  • May 5: Maximilian War, Argentinian dancer.
  • May 11: Alberto García-Aspe, Mexican footballer and commentator.
  • May 13: Chuck Schuldiner, American singer and guitarist (f. 2001).
  • May 13: Isabel Sola Gurpegui, Spanish biologist expert in coronavirus.
  • May 16: Juan Carlos Alarcón, Chilean guitarist.
  • May 17: Fernando Esteche, Argentine journalist and activist, leader of the Quebracho group.
  • May 18: Heinz-Harald Frentzen, German Formula 1 pilot.
  • May 21: Chris Benoit, Canadian professional fighter (f. 2007).
  • May 22: MC Eiht, American rapper.
  • May 23: Luis Roberto Alves "Zague", Mexican footballer.
  • May 24: Carlos Almeida Hernández, Venezuelan baseball player and coach.
  • May 25: Poppy Z. Brite, American writer.
  • May 27: Paul Gascoigne, English footballer.
Noel Gallagher
  • May 29: Noel Gallagher, British musician, of the Oasis band.
  • May 31: Phil Keoghan, New Zealand TV presenter.
  • May 31st: Kenny Lofton, American baseball player.


  • June 2: Antonio Calderón Burgos, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • June 4: Richard Zven Kruspe, German guitarist, Rammstein and Emigrate bands.
  • June 5: Joe DeLoach, American athlete.
  • June 5: Ron Livingston, American actor.
  • June 6: Paul Giamatti, American actor.
  • June 6: Konami Yoshida, Japanese seiyū.
  • June 7: Dave Navarro, American guitarist.
  • June 8: Marco Uriel, Mexican actor.
  • June 9: Alejandro Ruiz, Mexican actor.
  • June 12: Icíar Bollaín, film director and Spanish actress.
  • June 13: Jeanine Áñez, lawyer, television presenter and Bolivian politics.
  • June 16: Jürgen Klopp, German trainer and footballer.
  • June 17: Luis Carlos Padilla, Venezuelan politician.
  • June 17: Zinho, Brazilian footballer.
  • June 19: Mia Sara, American actress.
  • June 19: Pablo Llorens, Spanish animator.
  • June 20: Edu Ardanuy, Brazilian guitarist, from the Dr. No.
  • June 20: Nicole Kidman, Australian actress.
  • June 20: Angela Melillo, Italian actress.
  • June 24: Richard Z. Kruspe, German musician and guitarist, of the Rammstein band.
  • June 28: Gil Bellows, Canadian actor.
  • June 29: Jeff Burton, American NASCAR pilot.


  • July 1st: Pamela Anderson, model, Canadian-American actress and playmate.
  • 2 July: Claudio Biaggio, Argentine footballer.
  • July 2: Jorge Fonte, writer and canary film essayist.
  • July 4th: Vinny Castilla, Mexican baseball player.
  • July 8: Kaho Kōda, Japanese voice actress.
  • July 12: John Petrucci, American guitarist.
  • July 15: Adam Savage, specialist in special effects and U.S. TV presenter MythBusters.
  • July 16: Will Ferrell, American comedian and actor.
  • July 18: Vin Diesel, American actor.
  • July 23: Philip Seymour Hoffman, American actor (f. 2014).
  • July 24: Enrique Carriazo, Colombian actor.
  • July 25: Matt LeBlanc, American actor.
  • July 27: Sasha Mitchell, American actor of martial arts.
  • July 30: A. W. Yrjänä, rock musician and Finnish poet.
  • July 31: Minako Honda, Japanese singer and actress (f. 2005).
  • July 31: Elizabeth Wurtzel, American writer, journalist and author


  • August 3: Mathieu Kassovitz, French actor and director.
  • August 3: Natalia Ramírez, Colombian actress.
  • 4 August: Ricardo Pozo Gálvez, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • August 7: Gilberto Angelucci, Venezuelan footballer and coach.
  • August 7: Charlotte Lewis, British actress.
  • August 8: Marcelo Balboa, American footballer.
  • August 10: Riddick Bowe, American boxer.
  • August 11: Enrique Bunbury, Spanish singer.
  • August 11: Massimiliano Allegri, coach and Italian footballer.
  • August 12: Emil Kostadinov, Bulgarian footballer.
  • August 12: Paulo Roberto, Brazilian football player.
  • August 13: Amélie Nothomb, a Belgian writer.
  • August 13: Alberto Cereijo, Spanish guitarist.
  • August 17: Pilar Cabero, Spanish writer.
  • 17 August: Saeed Al-Owairan, Arab footballer.
  • 17 August: Diego Frenkel, Argentine musician, of the band La Portuaria.
  • August 18: Daler Mehndi, Indian singer.
  • August 21st: Carrie-Anne Moss, Canadian actress.
  • August 21: Serj Tankian, American musician of heavy metal, of Lebanese origin and Armenian descent, of the System of a Down band.
  • 21 August: Stéphane Charbonnier, a French journalist (f. 2015).
  • August 22: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, British actor and model.
  • August 22: Layne Staley, American musician, of the Alice in Chains band (f. 2002).
  • August 23: Andrius Mamontovas, Lithuanian musician.
  • August 25: Jeff Tweedy, American singer, Wilco band.
  • August 27: Ogie Alcasid, actor, singer and Filipino producer.
  • August 29: Jiří Růžek, Czech photographer.
  • August 30: Frederique van der Wal, Danish supermodel.
  • August 31: Boris Quercia, actor, director and Chilean screenwriter.


  • 2 September: Andreas Möller, German footballer.
  • September 5: Matthias Sammer, football player, coach and German leader.
  • September 5: Arnel Pineda, Filipino singer.
  • September 6: Macy Gray, American singer of rhythm and blues.
  • September 6: Lupita Jones, Mexican actress and writer.
  • September 9: Chris Caffery, American guitarist and singer.
  • September 9: Cecilia Pando, an ultra-right Argentine activist.
  • September 11: Harry Connick, Jr., American singer and actor.
  • September 12: Beto Cuevas, Chilean singer, of the band La Ley.
  • September 12: Jason Statham, British actor.
  • September 12: Louis C.K., comedian, actor, writer and American filmmaker.
  • September 13: Herbin Hoyos, journalist and Colombian activist (f. 2021).
  • September 15: Majid Musisi, Ugandan footballer (f. 2005).
  • September 17: María Fernanda García, Mexican actress.
  • September 21: Faith Hill, American singer.
  • 21 September: Suman Pokhrel, poet, translator and Nepalese artist
  • September 22: Felix Savón, Cuban boxer.
  • September 26: Shannon Hoon, American singer, Blind Melon band (f. 1995).
  • September 28: Mira Sorvino, American actress.
  • September 29: Miki Nadal, comic and Spanish actor.
  • September 29: Daniel Sarcos, Venezuelan television presenter.


  • October 2: Frankie Fredericks, Namibian athlete.
  • October 2: Thomas Muster, Austrian tennis player.
  • October 3: Maru Dueñas, actress, director and theatrical producer (f. 2017).
  • October 4: Liev Schreiber, American actor.
  • October 4: Fabio Zavarse, Venezuelan military.
  • October 5: Guy Pearce, British actor.
  • October 6: Bruno Bichir, Mexican actor.
  • October 7: María Corina Machado, politics and Venezuelan engineer.
  • October 7: Toni Braxton, American singer.
  • October 9: Eddie Guerrero, Mexican fighter (f. 2005).
  • October 10: Jonathan Littell, Franco-American writer.
Gavin Newsom
  • October 10: Gavin Newsom, governor of California.
  • October 11: Tazz, American fighter and commentator.
  • October 13: Trevor Hoffman, American baseball player.
  • October 15: Carlos García, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • October 18: Barbara Tissier, film actress, double-headed actress, and speaker.
  • October 24: Jacqueline McKenzie, Australian actress.
  • October 26: Keith Urban, New Zealand music singer country.
  • October 27: Scott Weiland, American musician.
  • October 28: Sofia of Liechtenstein, Crown Princess.
Julia Roberts
  • October 28: Julia Roberts, American actress.
  • October 29: Rufus Sewell, British actor.
  • October 30: Gavin Rossdale, British musician.


  • 2 November: Diego Bertie, Peruvian actor (f. 2022).
  • November 2: Jimmy Zambrano, Colombian musician from Vallenato.
  • November 3: Steven Wilson, British musician.
  • November 5: Judy Reyes, American actress.
  • November 6: Fujiko Takimoto, Japanese voice actress.
  • 7 November: Sharleen Spiteri, Scottish singer-songwriter, Texas.
  • 7 November: David Guetta, French DJ.
  • 8 November: José Luis Caminero, Spanish footballer.
  • November 8: Courtney Thorne-Smith, American actress.
  • 11 November: Nathalie Seseña, Spanish actress.
  • November 12: Carlos Alberto Baena, Colombian lawyer and politician.
  • 13 November: Steve Zahn, American actor.
  • 14 November: Marta Sanz, Spanish writer..
  • 15 November: François Ozon, French filmmaker and screenwriter.
  • November 16: Lisa Bonet, American actress.
  • November 22: Boris Becker, German tennis player.
  • November 22: Mark Ruffalo, American actor.
  • November 28: Chemo del Solar, Peruvian footballer.
  • November 28: Anna Nicole Smith, American model and actress (f. 2007).
  • November 28: Veronica Merchant, Mexican actress.
  • November 29: John Bradshaw Layfield, American fighter.


  • December 8: Kotono Mitsuishi, Japanese double-headed actress.
  • December 8: Niver Arboleda, Colombian footballer (f. 2011).
  • December 9: Joshua Bell, American violinist.
  • December 9: Ernesto Jerez, Dominican sports presenter and commentator.
Jamie Fox
  • December 13: Jamie Foxx, American actor.
  • December 15: Mo Vaughn, American baseball player.
  • December 16: Donovan Bailey, Canadian athlete.
  • December 16: Miranda Otto, Australian actress.
  • December 17: Gigi D'Agostino, musician and disc jockey Italian.
  • December 19: Criss Angel, American magician.
  • December 20: Eugenia Cauduro, Mexican actress.
  • 21 December: Mijeíl Saakashvili, former Georgian President.
  • December 22: Juan Manuel Bernal, Mexican actor.
  • December 22: Dan Petrescu, Romanian footballer.
  • December 23: Carla Bruni, Italian singer and former first French lady.
  • December 25: Amaro Gómez-Pablos, journalist and Spanish news anchor, based in Chile.
  • December 28: Chris Ware, American hysterist.
  • December 28: Raphael Jiménez, director of orchestra and Venezuelan musician.
  • December 30: Débora Pérez Volpin, an Argentine journalist (f. 2018).



  • January 3: Mary Garden, Scottish singer (n. 1874).
  • January 3: Jack Ruby, murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald (John F. Kennedy killer) (n. 1911).
  • January 7: Carl Schuricht, German orchestra director (n. 1880).
  • January 12: Hilda Guerrero de Molina, an Argentine member of the Sugar Industry Workers' Union (n.?).
  • 14 January: Miklós Kállay, Hungarian politician (n. 1887).
  • January 20: Giacomo Mustedetti, Italian writer (n. 1901).
  • January 21: Ann Sheridan, American actress (n. 1915).
  • January 24: Oliverio Girondo, Argentine poet (n. 1891).
  • January 27: Roger Chaffee, American astronaut (n. 1935).
  • January 27: Virgil I. Grissom, American astronaut (n. 1926).
  • 27 January: Alphonse Juin, French general (n. 1888).
  • January 27: Luigi Tenco, singer and Italian poet (n. 1938).
  • January 27: Edward Higgins White II, American astronaut (n. 1930).
  • January 30: Eddie Tolan, American athlete (n. 1908).
  • January 31: Oskar Fischinger, animator, painter and filmmaker (n. 1900).


  • February 2: Puyi, last emperor of the Chinese-manchu dynasty of the Qing (n. 1906).
  • February 5: Violeta Parra, Chilean music and singer (n. 1917).
  • February 16: Józef Hofmann, Polish pianist (n. 1876).
  • February 17: Ciro Alegría, a Peruvian writer and journalist (n. 1909).
  • February 18: Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist and the scientific director of the Manhattan project, father of the atomic bomb (n. 1904).
  • February 23: Pepe Arias, Argentine comic actor (n. 1900).
  • February 24: Franz Waxman, German composer (n. 1906).
  • 26 February: Benjamín Coronado Córdova, Bolivian guerrilla of the National Liberation Army (n. 1941). He drowned in the Great River.


  • 2 March: Azorín (José Martínez Ruiz), a Spanish writer (n. 1873).
  • March 5: Mohammad Mosaddeq, Iranian Prime Minister.
  • March 6: Zoltán Kodály, Hungarian composer (n. 1882).
  • March 7: Alice B. Toklas, lover and confidant of Gertrude Stein (n. 1877).
  • March 11: Geraldine Farrar, soprano and American actress (n. 1882).
  • March 11: Walter A. Shewhart, a U.S. physicist and engineer, known as the father of statistical quality control.
  • March 23: Pete Johnson, pianist and composer.
  • March 27: Jaroslav Heyrovský, Czech chemist, nobel chemistry prize (n. 1890).
  • March 30: Jean Toomer, American writer (n. 1894).
  • March 31: Rodion Malinovsky, Soviet military commander.


  • 2 April: María de San José Alvarado, a Venezuelan religious.
  • April 5: Mischa Elman, a violinist of Ukrainian origin.
  • April 5: Hermann Joseph Muller, American biologist and geneticist, nobel medical prize in 1946 (n. 1890).
  • 9 April: Charles d'Alleizette, French military and botanist (n. 1884).
  • April 13: Luis Somoza Debayle, current president, and then dictator and president of Nicaragua.
  • April 19: Konrad Adenauer, German Foreign Minister (n. 1876).
  • April 20: Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, engineer, physicist and Peruvian mathematician.
  • April 21: André-Louis Danjon, a French astronomer.
  • April 23: Edgar Neville, writer, theatre author, filmmaker and Spanish painter.
  • April 24: Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov, Soviet cosmonaut.
  • April 27: Manolo Morán, Spanish actor.
  • April 29: J. B. Lenoir, American blues singer and guitarist.
  • April 29: Anthony Mann, a filmmaker and an American actor.


  • 2 May: Robert Daniel Carmichael, American mathematician (n. 1879).
  • 2 May: César Dávila Andrade, Ecuadorian poet.
  • May 10: Lorenzo Bandini, Italian pilot of Formula 1 (n. 1935).
  • May 14: Osvaldo Moles: radio announcer and Brazilian journalist (n. 1913).
  • May 15: Edward Hopper, American painter (n. 1882).
  • May 18: Andy Clyde, Scottish actor.
  • May 19: Carlos Jiménez Díaz, Spanish doctor.
  • May 22: Langston Hughes, poet, novelist and Afro-descendant columnist (n. 1902).
  • May 22: Genaro V. Vásquez, Mexican jurist.
  • May 24: Cino Del Duca, publishing company, honorary president of the sports society Ascoli Calcio.
  • May 26: Georg Wilhelm Pabst, Austrian filmmaker.
  • May 27: Johannes Itten, painter, designer, teacher and Swiss writer.
  • May 30: Claude Rains, actor.


  • 2 June: Rodolfo Corominas Segura, Uruguayan politician, governor of Mendoza (n. 1891).
  • June 3: Arthur Ransome, British journalist and writer.
  • June 4: J. R. Ackerley, an openly gay British writer (n. 1896).
  • June 7: Dorothy Parker, American poet and writer (n. 1893).
  • June 10: Spencer Tracy, American actor (n. 1900).
  • June 11: Wolfgang Köhler, one of the main theorists of the Gestalt.
  • June 17: Ernesto Montenegro, a Chilean writer and journalist (n. 1885).
  • June 23: Walter Blumenfeld, a German psychologist based in Peru, introducing psychology in this country.
  • June 26: Lorenzo Milani, Italian priest and educator.
  • June 29: Primo Carnera, Italian boxer, world champion of heavyweights.
  • June 29: Jayne Mansfield, American actress (n. 1933).


  • 8 July: Vivien Leigh, British actress (n. 1913).
  • July 10: Albertine Sarrazin, French writer.
  • July 10: Serapio Aquino, Bolivian guerrilla and Aymara who joined the Ñancahuazú guerrillas led by Che Guevara.
  • 11 July: Vladimiro Acosta, Argentine architect (n. 1900).
  • July 13: Tom Simpson, British cyclist.
  • July 14, Tudor Arghezi, Romanian poet and novelist (n. 1880).
  • July 16: Edward Hastings Chamberlin, an American economist, professor at Harvard University (n. 1899).
  • July 17: John Coltrane, saxophoneist (tenor and soprano) and American jazz composer (n. 1926).
  • July 18: Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, former president of Brazil; in an aviation accident (n. 1897).
  • July 21: Jimmie Foxx, American baseball player (n. 1907).
  • July 21: Albert Lutuli, a South African black politician, a Nobel Peace Prize.
  • July 22: Carl Sandburg, American poet, novelist and historian (n. 1878).
  • July 26: Ignacio Corsini, Argentine singer.
  • July 30: Valentin Uriona, Spanish cyclist.


  • 1 August: Orlando Cochia, theatrical and radial Argentinean author (n. 1915).
  • August 1: Richard Kuhn, German chemist, nobel chemistry award in 1938 (n. 1900).
  • August 4: Jorge Debravo, Costa Rican poet.
  • August 9: Pedro Garfias, Spanish poet of the vanguard belonging to the Generation of 27.
  • August 9: Joe Orton, British playwright, murdered (n. 1933).
  • August 12: Esther Forbes, American writer.
  • August 13: Jane Darwell, American film and theatre actress.
  • August 15: Luis Antonio Eguiguren, educator, magistrate, historian and Peruvian politician.
  • August 15: Rene Magritte, Belgian surrealist painter (n. 1898).
  • August 15: Manuel Prado and Ugarteche, president of Peru (1939-1945 and 1956-1962).
  • August 16: John Courtney Murray, American theologian and Jesuit.
  • August 19: Hugo Gernsback, a Luxembourg writer of science fiction (n. 1884).
  • August 25: Oscar Cabalén, racing driver.
  • August 27: Henri-Georges Adam, French painter and sculptor (n. 1904).
  • August 27: Brian Epstein, British businessman, gang manager The Beatles (n. 1934).
  • August 27: Silvio Mayorga, a Nicaraguan guerrilla (n. 1934).
  • August 27: Pablo Úbeda (Rigoberto Cruz), a Nicaraguan teacher and guerrilla, murdered in Nicaragua (No. 1930).
  • August 31: Juan Vitalio Acuña Núñez, a peasant and a Cuban guerrilla, murdered in Bolivia (n. 1925).
  • August 31: Tania Bunke, Argentine guerrilla and folklorist, murdered in Bolivia (n. 1937).
  • August 31: Iliá Erenburg, Soviet writer and journalist of Jewish family (n. 1891).


  • September 3: José Albertazzi Avendaño, journalist, poet and Costa Rican politician (n. 1892).
  • September 3: James Dunn, American actor.
  • September 3: Francis Ouimet, American golfer (n. 1893).
  • September 6: Lester Barlow, American explosive inventor and pilot, who participated in the Mexican Revolution (n. 1886).
  • September 6: William Francis Gibbs, American naval engineer and lawyer (n. 1886).
  • September 12: Vladimir Bartol Slovenian writer.
  • September 13: Emilio Herrera Linares, a Spanish scientist and politician.
  • September 13: Sidney De Paris, American jazz trompetist.
  • September 17: María Fernanda García, Mexican actress.
  • September 18: Uxío Carré Alvarellos, Spanish writer in Galician language.
  • September 18: John Cockcroft, British physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics (n. 1897).
  • September 24: Robert Hans van Gulik, Orientalist, diplomat, writer and guqin musician.
  • September 25: Eduardo Aunós, a Catalan politician (n. 1894).
  • September 25: Stanisław Sosabowski, Polish military.
  • September 27: Totila Albert-Schneider, Chilean sculptor (n. 1892).
  • 27 September: Felix Yusúpov, noble Russian, famous for his participation in the murder of Rasputin.
  • September 28: Roberto Themis Speroni, novelist and Argentine poet.
  • September 28: Cherry Navarro, Venezuelan singer (n. 1944).


  • October 3: Woody Guthrie, American folk musician (n. 1912).
  • October 3: Malcolm Sargent, director of British orchestra and musician (n. 1895).
  • 7 October: Norman Angell, British writer and politician, nobel prize for peace in 1933 (n. 1872).
  • October 7: Quintin Lame, Mohan and Colombian leader (n. 1880).
  • October 8: Clement Attlee, British Prime Minister (n. 1883).
  • October 9: Che Guevara, doctor, politician and Argentine-Cuban guerrilla (n. 1928).
  • October 9: Juan Pablo Chang Navarro, Peruvian guerrilla (n. 1930).
  • October 9: Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, British chemist, nobel chemistry award in 1956 (n. 1897).
  • October 9: André Maurois, a French novelist and essayist.
  • October 11: Simo Puupponen, Finnish writer.
  • 14 October: Marcel Aymé, French writer.
  • October 15: Florence Beaumont, pacifist and American artist.
  • October 16: Jorge Larco, painter, acuarelista and Argentinean stage designer (n. 1897).
  • 17 October: Puyi, Chinese emperor between 1908 and 1912 (n. 1906).
  • October 18: Luis López de Mesa, a Colombian scientist and humanist.
  • October 19: Angel María Garibay, Catholic priest, philologist and Mexican historian.
  • 21 October: Ejnar Hertzsprung, Danish astronomer.
  • October 27: Marta Brunet, Chilean writer.
  • October 31: Chicuelo (Manuel Jiménez Moreno), Spanish bullfighter.
  • October: Joseph Hubertus Pilates, creator of the Pilates method.


  • November 3: Alexander Aitken, New Zealand mathematician (n. 1895).
  • November 3: Léon M'ba, president of Gabon.
  • 9 November: Charles Bickford, American actor.
  • 12 November: Alberto Hidalgo, Peruvian poet.
  • 13 November: Harriet Cohen, British pianist (n. 1895).
  • 25 November: Ossip Zadkine, Russian sculptor, painter and litter (n. 1890).
  • November 29: Antonio Castillo Lastrucci, Spanish sculptor.


  • December 4: Bert Lahr, American comic actor.
  • December 6: Óscar Diego Gestido, militar, politician and Uruguayan president (n. 1901).
  • December 12: Dionís Bennàssar, a Mallorcan painter (n. 1904).
  • December 16: Otis Redding, American singer, in an aviation accident (n. 1941).
  • December 20: Arturo Capdevila, poet, playwright, lawyer, and Argentine historian.
  • December 29: Paul Whiteman, Pops, director of orchestra and American jazz musician (n. 1890).
  • December 29: Émile Servan-Schreiber, a French journalist.

Unknown dates

  • Johnny Abbes, Dominican military (n. 1924).
  • Eduardo Acevedo Álvarez, Uruguayan lawyer and politician (n. 1893).
  • John F. Akers, American botanist (n. 1906).
  • Angel Maria Arregui, Spanish footballer.
  • Constantine Cabal, Spanish writer and journalist (n. 1877).
  • James O. Crosby, American hypnist.
  • César Dávila Andrade, Ecuadorian poet.
  • Francisco Forteza, a Uruguayan politician, belonging to the Colorado Party.
  • Pierre Fouché, French linguist and philologist at Rosellón.
  • John N. Garner, U.S. Vice President.
  • Eduardo Juliá Martínez, Spanish philologist, specialized in classical English and Spanish theatre.
  • Delos W. Lovelace, American writer (n. 1894).
  • Carlos Emilio Nazarí, producer and Andalusian filmmaker.
  • Josep Obiols i Palau, painter, drawer and Catalan posterist.
  • Juan Perea Capulino, a Spanish military who participated in the Spanish civil war on the republican side.

Art and literature


  • 5 June: Gabriel García Márquez publica Hundred years of solitude.
  • Mikhail Bulgákov: The teacher and Margarita (posthumously published).
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Cancer Pavilion.
  • Mario Vargas Llosa: The puppies.
  • Susan Eloise Hinton: Rebels.
  • Agatha Christie: Eternal night.
  • Milan Kundera: The joke.
  • Naguib Mahfuz: Miramar.
  • Kenzaburō: The silent cry.
  • Roger Zelazny: The Lord of Light.


  • Francis Bacon: Portrait of Isabel Rawsthorne Standing in a Street in Soho.
  • Francis Bacon: Portrait of George Dyer and Lucian Freud.
  • Salvador Dalí: The Fishing of the Tuna.
  • David Hockney: A Bigger Splash.
  • Barnett Newman: Voice of fire.
  • Norman Rockwell: New Kids in the Neighborhood.
  • Norman Rockwell: Russian Schoolroom.
  • Andy Warhol: Big Electric Chair.

Science and technology

  • First heart transplant in South Africa.
  • DNA synthesization.


  • June 12: launch of the soviet space probe Venera 4 towards Venus, becoming the second probe to enter the atmosphere of Venus and the first to send data on it.
  • June 14: launch of the Mariner 5 American probe for Venus.
  • July 1st: launch of the American geodetic study satellite Dodge.


  • The Green Bay Packers: On January 15, they won the first Super Bowl in history with Kansas City.
  • The Avellaneda Racing Club: On November 4, it was the first Argentine World Champion after winning the 1967 Intercontinental Cup.
  • UEFA Champions League: Celtic de Glasgow is proclaimed champion for the first time by beating Inter de Milan for 2-1 at the end.
  • Denny Hulme is the world champion of Formula 1.
  • Club Alfonso Ugarte de Chiclín is dedicated champion of the Peruvian Cup
  • In Guayaquil, the Ecuadorian Davis Cup team wins 3-2 to the American team, headed by the legendary Arthur Ashe.
  • Ecuador's First Division: The National is dedicated for the first time champion with just three years of its foundation.



  • British band Genesis is founded.
  • The German band Tangerine Dream was founded in Berlin-West.
  • British band Jethro Tull founded
  • British band Fleetwood Mac is founded.
  • Canadian band Steppenwolf is founded.
  • American band The Stooges is founded.
  • The American band Gong is founded.
  • The British band Status Quo was founded after a series of name changes.


  • Albert King: Born under a bad sign.
  • Aretha Franklin: I never loved a man the way I love you.
  • Bee Gees: Bee Gees' 1st
  • Bob Dylan: John Wesley Harding.
  • Buffalo Springfield: Buffalo Springfield again.
  • Cream: Disraeli Gears.
  • David Bowie: David Bowie.
  • Donovan: Mellow Yellow
  • Frank Sinatra: "Francis Albert Sinatra" Antonio Carlos Jobim. «Album published in March by the Reprise Records record label». "The World We Knew." «Album published in August by the Reprise Records record label».
  • Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic pillow.
  • Jimi Hendrix: Are you experienced?
  • The Cats: The Balsa.
  • Love: Forever changes.
  • Otis Redding: Live in Europe.
  • Pink Floyd: The Piper at the Gates of Dawn.
  • Raphael: Original soundtrack of the movie Digan what they say.
  • The Beach Boys: The project is cancelled SMiLE; the band publishes an album recycling Smiley Smileand produce Wild Honey
  • The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Magical Mystery Tour.
  • The Byrds: Younger than yesterday and Greatest hits.
  • The Doors: The Doors (January) and Strange Days (December)
  • The Mothers Of Invention: Absolutely Free.
  • The Rolling Stones: Between the Buttons, Flowers, Their Satanic Majesties Request.
  • The Who: The Who Sell Out.
  • The Yardbirds: Little Games.
  • Velvet Underground: The Velvet Underground " Nico.


  • The 12th edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in the City of Vienna of Austria.
    • Winner: The singer Sandie Shaw with the song "Puppet on a String" representing the UK.


  • June 15: Twelve of the foothill (The Dirty DozenRobert Aldrich. With Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson and John Cassavetes.
  • August 13: Bonnie and Clyde, Arthur Penn.With Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway.
  • 14 October: The book of the jungle (The Jungle BookWolfgang Reitherman.
  • November 1st: The legend of the indomitable (“cool hand luke”), by Stuart Rosenberg. with Paul Newman.
  • 22 December: Graduate (The GraduateMike Nichols. With Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft.


This year Señorita Cometa was filmed and broadcast for the first time

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Hans Albrecht Bethe.
  • Chemistry: Manfred Eigen, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and George Porter.
  • Medicine: Ragnar Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline and George Wald.
  • Literature: Miguel Ángel Asturias.
  • Peace: destined one third to the main fund and two thirds to the special fund of this section of the prize.

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