
1963 (MCMLXIII) was a common year beginning on a Tuesday according to the Gregorian calendar.



  • January 1st: Japan emission start AstroboyOsamu Tezuka, which marks the beginning of the modern anime.
  • January 2nd: In Shanghai one hand reprint is successfully achieved.
  • January 6: Brazil becomes the presidential system through a plebiscite and is elected President João Goulart.
  • 14 January: General De Gaulle vetoes the candidature of the United Kingdom to the European Communities.
  • In January, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the provisional leadership of the CGT (Confederation General of Labor) convenes a normalizing congress, which elects the general secretary to José Alonso. The political parties—led by several people of the dictatorship, such as journalist Mariano Grondona, politician Oscar Camilión, General Justo Bengoa, etc.— project the formation of a National and Popular Front with the participation of the Popular Union (“neoperonist” party).
  • In January and February: In the northwest of Japan, intense snowfall causes at least 231 deaths.


  • February 2: More than 100 children die in the Bible (Ecuador) when a school building collapses.
  • February 3: In Granadilla de Abona (Tenerife), a building collapses when about a thousand people lined up to get the DNI: 23 dead and more than 100 wounded.
  • 7 February: the editor of the German weekly Der SpiegelRudolf Augstein is released from his imprisonment.
  • February 7: In Argentina, the police arrest former contra Admiral Rojas.
  • February 10: In Paraguay, General Alfredo Stroessner is re-elected president.
  • 13 February: In Taiwan, an earthquake of 7.3 leaves 15 dead and 18 wounded.
  • February 14: Harold Wilson becomes the leader of the British Labour Party (United Kingdom).
  • 14 February: the first experimental geostationary satellite, Syncom, is launched into space.
  • 14 February: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the dictatorship of the civil José María Guido gives force of law to Decree 7165/62, which reinstates the full validity of Decree 4161 of the dictatorship of General Aramburu: it is again forbidden to pronounce the name of the "profugue puppet" (John Domingo Perón, exiled in Spain).
  • 21 February: a grave earthquake destroys the Libyan city of Barce, which had 3000 inhabitants, and causes the death of more than five hundred people.
  • 27 February: the Iranian government establishes the right to vote and parliamentary electibility of women.
  • February 27: In the Dominican Republic, Juan Bosch assumes the presidency of that country.


  • March 3: In Peru, General Ricardo Pérez Godoy (president of the military junta of government) is dismissed by his colleagues. Instead they name General Nicolás Lindley López.
  • March 3: Spain extradited to France the excoronel Jean Gardés, one of the leaders of the French terrorist band OAS (‘Secret Army Organization’).
  • March 10: Bolivia begins the 28th edition of Copa América.
  • 15 March: on Mount Chechecomati, in the southernmost part of Peru, 3.1 km west of the border between Peru and Chile, and 80 km northeast of the city of Arica (Chile), a plane from the company Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano explodes. The 3 crew members and the 22 passengers died, including two Cuban diplomatic posts: Juan de Dios Mulén Quirós (44) and Enrique Valdés Morgado (27).
  • March 17: In Colombia, the RTI Televisión channel begins its first broadcasts.
  • March 22: In the United Kingdom The Beatles launch their first studio album Please Please Me with the Parlophone record label
  • March 31st: in La Paz (Bolivia) The American Cup ends and the local Bolivia wins it for the first time.


  • April 2nd: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Generals Isaac Rojas and Benjamin Menéndez are leading a military uprising against political openness to the "National and Popular Front"—a democratic party parody created by several anti-peronist dictatorships such as journalist Mariano Grondona, politician Oscar Camilión and General Justo Bengoa—. Generals Juan Carlos Onganía, Alejandro Agustín Lanusse and Alcides López Aufranc repress the uprising.
  • April 4th: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Army Commander-in-Chief issues communiqué No. 179: "Perón's return is impossible."
  • April 5: the red phone is connected. The famous apparatus — black in fact — united the office of communist leader Nikita Jrushchov (in Moscow) with that of American President John F. Kennedy (in Washington).
  • April 11: Pope John XXIII promulgates his last encyclical, called Pacem in terrisFifty-three days before he died.


  • 3 May: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the National and Popular Front is formed—a democratic party parody created by several anti-peronist dictatorships such as journalist Mariano Grondona, politician Oscar Camilión and General Justo Bengoa—their candidates are non- Peronist politicians Vicente Solano Lima and Carlos Sylvestre-Begnis. Former dictator Pedro Aramburu starts his campaign in front of the Udelpa (Union of the Argentine People) and the radicals raise the Illia-Perette formula.
  • May 10: Colombia creates the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC).
  • May 21st: In the Civil Cave, in the village of Tírig (Spain), a group of French ex-poliators steal cave paintings with the rudimentary method of making them jump to coups.
  • 21 May: in Buenos Aires, Argentina – in the framework of the dictatorship of the civil José María Guido – José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz assumes as Minister of Economy.
  • 25 May: the Organization of African Unity was founded in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • May 27, King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej visits Japan, being received by Emperor Hirohito. He will soon continue his tour of Spain, where he holds audience with the leader Francisco Franco; the Vatican, where he is received by Pope John XXIII and France where he was cordially received by President Charles de Gaulle.
  • In May, in Spanish Sahara, the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco organizes the first provincial and municipal elections.


  • June 3: Pope John XXIII died in Rome as a result of a stomach cancer.
  • June 5: in Qom (Iran), Hoyatoleslam Ruhollah Jomeini is arrested for his activism against female suffrage. There are revolts in Tehran and several major cities in Iran in support of Jomeini. To free him from the death penalty, the religious authorities, according to SAVAK, attribute to him the highest religious rank of Ayatollah.
  • June 16: The Soviet Union launches Vostok 6, with the first cosmonaut woman, Valentina Tereshkova.
  • 20 June: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a decree of the dictatorship of the civil José María Guido vetoes all those parties in one of whose lists appear Peronists or experonists. The candidate of the National and Popular Front, Vicente Solano Lima, summons the blank vote.
  • 21 June: in the Vatican City, Cardinal Montini is elected Pope and adopts the pseudonym "Paul VI".
  • In June, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in a ruling that decades later will be considered unconstitutional, the Supreme Court of Justice (one of the three branches of the republic) ratifies the constitutionality of Decree 4161, which illegalizes the Justice Party (which in the last free elections had won with 62 % of the votes): "Considering that the Peronist Party offends the democratic feeling of the Argentine people [...] the use of its own name is prohibited. The Peronist boys and Evita captainand the book The reason for my life».


  • July 5: In Bolivia is founded the S.A. Industrial Bank, today known as Banco BISA.
  • 7 July: In Argentina, vicised presidential elections are held—since Peronism is proscribed (which in the last free elections had won with 62 % of the votes)— Arturo Illia, from the UCRP, gets 25% of the votes, the blank votes exceed 15%. Former addicter Aramburu gets 7 % of the votes.
  • 26 July: from the Hippodrome of the Americas (Mexico) the first television broadcast is made.
  • July 28: In Peru, Fernando Belaúnde Terry became president for the first time.


  • 5 August: The United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom sign the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
  • August 12: 302 meters underground, in the Nevada test camp (102 km northwest of Las Vegas city), at 15:45 local time United States detonates the atomic bomb Pekan 8 kiloton. This is the bomb number 333 of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • August 13: in Madrid, Spain, the Franco dictatorship condemns to death Francisco Granados and Joaquín Delgado, anarchists accused of carrying out the attacks of July 29.
  • 13 August: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a command group of the Peronist Youth enters the National Historical Museum and appropriates the sable corvo of General José de San Martín.
  • August 23: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 4:30 a.m. (local time) United States detonates its atomic bombs Kohocton and Natchesless than 20 kt each. It is the bombs No. 335 and 336 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
    Martin Luther King jr. after giving the speech “I have a dream”.
  • August 28: Civil Rights Manifestation in Washington DC: Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous speech «I have a dream» (‘I have a dream’).
  • August 29: in Suva (Fiyi) the first edition of the South Pacific Games is opened.
  • August 29: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Tacuara Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR-T) assaults the Banking Polyclinic. There are police casualties. The names of Joe Baxter and José Luis Nell are known. As a slogan, they raise a historical line: "San Martín-Rosas-Perón".
  • August 31: between Washington and Moscow the so-called "hot line" is operational.


  • 13 September: 226 m underground, in the U2L Area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 5:53 (local time), the United States detonates its atom bomb Ahtanum, 1 kt. At 9:00, in the U3on area, detonates to 714 m deep the bomb Bilby249 kt. It is the bombs No. 337 and 338 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • September 25: In the Dominican Republic, Juan Bosch, only 7 months after assuming the presidency of that country, suffers a military coup and is overthrown.
  • September 29: The El Encanto train near Caracas is assaulted, a terrorist action in which he claimed that he had participated the then deputy of the PCV, Teodoro Petkoff.


  • 4 October: in Cuba, Hurricane Flora runs through the eastern region over the current provinces of Las Tunas, Granma, Holguín and Camagüey. Although the winds were not extraordinarily strong, the rains (1800 mm in 72 hours) caused large floods and caused 1050 deaths.
  • 9 October: in Italy, a landslide of Mount Toc is broken down and falls into the reservoir created by the Vajont dam, causing a gigantic wave that destroys the people of Longarone: 2,000 people die drowned.
  • October 11: 261 meters underground, in the U3bz area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:00 (local time) United States detonates its 8 kt Grunion atomic bomb. At 13:00 detonates the Tornillo pump, 149 meters underground, of 0.38 kt. It is the bombs No. 341 and 342 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • October 12: In Argentina, Arturo Umberto Illia becomes the 35th president.
  • 13 October: there is a strong 8.5 earthquake in the Kurile Islands that triggers a tsunami.
  • October 17th: in Plaza Once de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Peronism—proscribed by the dictatorship—is an open lobby. Andrés Framini, Ilda Pineda de Molina, Rubén Sosa and Julio Antún – within the framework of the Peronist resistance – declare the state of popular mobilization as a revolutionary method for the conquest of their objectives.
  • October 18: The International Olympic Committee meeting in Baden-Baden, West Germany elects the city of Mexico to host the 1968 Olympic Games.
  • October 27: The First Congress of the Peronist Youth Movement is held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It demands the repeal of repressive laws, general amnesty (almost all the Peronist leaders were imprisoned or in exile), immediate and unconditional return of former President Juan Domingo Perón, restitution to the people of the remains of Evita (the corpse had been stolen, desecrated and buried in Italy in a tomb with a false name).


  • 14 November: a volcanic eruption under the sea near Iceland creates a new island, Surtsey.
  • November 15: Adolfo López Mateos, president of Mexico, designates Gustavo Díaz Ordaz as presidential candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party. Luis Echeverría is appointed Secretary of Government.
President Kennedy minutes before his murder.
  • November 22: U.S. President John F. Kennedy is murdered in Dallas (Texas State). It happens in the presidency until then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • November 22: British band The Beatles launch their second studio album With the Beatles with the Parlophone record label
  • November 23: In the UK the series of science fiction is released Doctor Who.
  • In November, in Buenos Aires, an Argentine judge calls on the Spanish Government to extradite General Juan Domingo Perón, who lives in Madrid (Spain).
  • Another neocolonial bastion falls in November: the Indonesians expel the Dutch invaders. Sukarno becomes president.
  • November 24: Jack Ruby murders Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • November 28: In the Dominican Republic, the leftist organization Revolutionary Movement June 14 is raising weapons against the military government of the triumvirate. 21 days later the insurgency is suffocated by the actions of the armed forces.


  • 1 December: discovery of the Treasury of Villena (Alicante), jewellery set of almost 10 kg of weight dated by specialists around 1000 BC. It is the most important prehistoric set of goldsmiths on the Iberian Peninsula, and the second largest in Europe.
  • 1 December: in Venezuela, Dr. Raúl Leoni wins the presidential elections.
  • 4 December: the Apostolic Constitution is published in the framework of the Second Vatican Council Sacrosanctum Concilium detail the general instructions for the renewal of the Catholic liturgy.
  • December 12: Kenya is independent of the British Empire.
  • 12 December: in a well at 165 meters underground, in the U9av area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 8:02 (local time) United States detonates its Eagle atomic bomb of 5.3 kt. It is the 352 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • December 17: The Congress of the United States approves, by a majority vote, the final agreement to restore to Mexico three hundred thirty-three hectares of the territory of El Chamizal.
  • December 20: in a well at 414 meters underground, in the U3de area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:24 (local time) United States detonates its Tuna atomic bomb, less than 20 kt. It is the bomb number 353 of the 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • In December, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, José Alonso, secretary general of the CGT (Confederación General del Trabajo) faces the "fraudulent government, because the workers could not vote their candidates or be elected."



  • 1 January:
    • Alberigo Evani, Italian footballer.
    • Milan Luhový, Slovak footballer.
  • January 3: Marta Calvó, Spanish actress.
  • 4 January:
    • Till Lindemann, German singer, of the Rammstein band.
    • Dave Foley, Canadian actor and voice actor.
Carmen Machi
  • January 7: Carmen Machi, Spanish actress.
  • January 9: Rei Igarashi, Japanese voice actress.
  • January 13: Guillermo Vives, actor, businessman and Colombian musician.
  • 14 January:
    • Steven Soderbergh, American film director and screenwriter.
    • Janko Janković, Croatian footballer.
  • 16 January:
    • Tomás Jocelyn-Holt, Chilean lawyer, former and militant of the Christian Democratic Party.
    • James May, British presenter.
    • Han Polman, a Dutch politician.
  • 17 January: Viridiana Alatriste, Mexican actress (f. 1982).
  • 18 January:
    • Carl McCoy, British musician, Fields of the Nephilim band.
    • Efraín Alegre, lawyer, university professor and Paraguayan politician.
  • January 21: Hakeem Olajuwon, a U.S. basketball player of Nigerian origin.
  • January 22: Andrei Tchmil, Belgian cyclist of Soviet origin.
  • January 24: Valentine Demy, Italian pornographic actress.
  • January 25: Marcello Giordani, Italian tenor.
  • 26 January:
    • José Mourinho, Portuguese coach.
    • Gisela Valcárcel, producer and presenter of Peruvian television.
  • January 31: Ángel Alonso Díaz-Caneja, Mexican politician.


  • 1 February:
    • Takashi Murakami, contemporary Japanese artist.
    • Pietro Puzone, Italian footballer.
  • February 2: Gonzalo de Castro, a Spanish actor.
  • February 5: Tebaldo Bigliardi, Italian footballer.
  • February 8: Joshua Kadison, American singer.
  • February 11: José Mari Bakero, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • 14 February:
    • Enrico Colantoni, a Canadian actor of Italian descent.
    • Elisenda Roca, journalist, theatre director, children's book writer, university professor and Spanish television presenter.
  • 17 February:
    • Ramiro Better, Colombian singer (f. 2000).
    • Michael Jordan, American basketball player.
  • February 19: Seal, musician, singer and British composer.
  • 20 February:
    • Charles Barkley, American basketball player.
    • Oliver Mark, photographer and German artist.
  • February 21st: William Baldwin, American actor.
Jorge Suárez
  • 26 February:
    • Nacho Cano, singer, producer and Spanish arranger, of the Mecano band.
    • Jorge Suarez, Argentine actor.
    • Néstor Morales, a Colombian journalist.
  • February 27: Pablo De Santis, Argentine writer.
  • February 28: Pepe Mel, footballer and Spanish coach.


  • 1 March:
    • Antonio Castillo, Venezuelan baseball player.
    • Shanghai Lily, Spanish writer and actor.
  • March 4: Jason Newsted, American musician, Metallica ex-bajist and Newsted leader.
  • 7 March:
    • Kim Ung-Yong, Korean prodigy boy.
    • Carlos Bardem, Spanish actor and screenwriter.
  • March 8: Silvia Marsó, Spanish actress of cinema, theater, musicals and series, as well as singer and theatrical producer.
  • 10 March:
    • Rick Rubin, American record producer.
    • Felipe Ramos Rizo, Mexican football referee.
  • March 11: Alex Kingston, British actress.
  • 13 March: Fito Páez, musician and Argentine composer.
Pedro Duque
  • March 14: Pedro Duque, aeronautical engineer and Spanish astronaut.
  • March 15: Mitsuki Yayoi, Japanese voice actress.
  • 16 March:
    • Estela Golovchenko, playwright, actress and Uruguayan theatre director.
    • Roberto Galia, footballer and Italian coach.
  • March 18: Julia Lemmertz, Brazilian actress
  • March 20: Nelly Moreno, Colombian actress.
  • March 21st: Ronald Koeman, Dutch footballer and coach.
  • 22 March:
    • Martin Vizcarra Cornejo, Peruvian engineer and politician, president of Peru since 2018.
    • Giuseppe Galderisi, football player and Italian coach.
  • March 23:Michel, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • March 25: Milena Santander, Venezuelan actress.
  • 27 March:
    • Quentin Tarantino, American filmmaker.
    • Charly Alberti, Argentinian musician.
    • Xuxa, Brazilian TV host.
  • March 29: Patricia Martínez, Mexican actress on television and bedding.
  • 31 March:
    • Fabian Arenillas, Argentine actor.
    • Eugenio Curatola, Argentine scammer.
    • Magaly Medina, journalist and Peruvian television presenter.
    • Stephen Tataw, Cameroonian footballer (f. 2020).


  • April 2: Fabrizio Barbazza, Italian motor racing driver.
  • April 4: Marco Giallini, Italian actor.
  • April 6: Rafael Correa, Ecuadorian politician.
  • 7 April: Bernard Lama, French footballer
  • April 8: Julian Lennon, British musician.
  • April 9: Swami Roberto (Roberto Casarín), Italian Catholic guru.
  • 10 April:
    • Warren DeMartini, American guitarist, Ratt band.
    • Mark Oliver Everett, American musician, Eels band.
    • Doris Leuthard, Swiss federal counselor.
    • Dean Norris, American actor.
  • April 11: Inverse July, poet, narrator and artist of the Uruguayan graffiti (f. 1999).
  • April 13: Garry Kasparov, Russian chess player.
  • April 14: César Duarte Jáquez, Mexican politician
  • April 15: Esperanza Mariño, essayist and Spanish translator.
  • April 20: Fermín Muguruza, Spanish musician.
  • 21 April:
    • John Cameron Mitchell, American writer, actor and filmmaker.
    • Alfonso Espadero García, musician and Spanish sound technician.
Claudio O'Connor
  • April 22: Blanca Fernández Ochoa, Spanish skier. (f.2019).
  • April 23: Magnus View Magnusson, powerlifter and strongman Icelandic.
  • April 25: Giovanni Franceschi, Italian swimmer.
  • 26 April:
    • Jet Li, Chinese action actor.
    • María del Monte, Spanish singer.
  • April 28: Claudio O'Connor, Argentine singer of heavy metal.


  • May 6: Sebastián Schon, Argentine rock musician.
  • May 7: Sergio Battistini, Italian footballer.
  • May 10: Ziad Tlemçani, Tunisian footballer.
  • 11 May:
    • Roark Critchlow, Canadian actor.
    • Natasha Richardson, English actress (f. 2009).
Natasha Richardson
  • May 12: Graciela Stéfani, an Argentine actress.
  • May 23: Alberto Canapino, Argentinian Competition Car Preparer (f. 2021).
  • May 25: Mike Myers, Canadian actor.
  • May 28: Marc Antoine, French composer and guitarist.


  • June 2: Pepe Viyuela, Spanish actor.
  • 6 June:
    • Federico Andahazi, Argentine writer.
    • Gustavo de Arístegui, Spanish diplomat and politician.
  • June 7: Roberto Alagna, French tenor.
  • June 8: Leopoldo Brizuela, Argentine writer.
Johnny Depp
  • June 9: Johnny Depp, American actor.
  • June 10: Jeanne Tripplehorn, American actress.
  • 13 June:
    • Bettina Bunge, German tennis player.
    • Alaska (Olvido Gara), Spanish singer, actress and entrepreneur born in Mexico.
  • 14 June:
    • Jesus Mendez, Venezuelan baseball player.
    • Fernando Solórzano, Colombian actor.
  • 15 June:
    • Blanca Portillo, Spanish actress.
    • Christophe Barratier, filmmaker, screenwriter and French musician.
    • Greg Kinnear, American actor.
    • Joaquín Otero, Spanish politician.
  • June 21: Gōshō Aoyama, Japanese designer and manga writer.
  • June 22: Randy Couture, mixed martial arts fighter and grecorromean and American actor.
  • June 23: Astrid Carolina Herrera, actress, model, Venezuelan speaker and Miss Mundo 1984.
  • June 24: Antonio Montero Vázquez, Spanish journalist.
George Michael
  • 25 June:
    • George Michael, British singer (f. 2016).
    • Ricardo Mendoza "El Coyote", Mexican actor and comedian
  • June 29: Héctor Buitrago, Colombian musician and activist
  • 30 June:
    • Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Swedish guitarist and composer.
    • Marta Robles, Spanish journalist and writer.


  • July 4: Laureano Márquez, actor, humorist and Venezuelan writer.
  • July 5: Manuel Tallafé, Spanish actor.
  • 10 July: Vicente Vallés, Spanish journalist.
  • July 11: José Carlos Carmona, writer, orchestra director and Spanish university professor.
  • 14 July:
    • Rolando Maran, footballer and Italian coach.
    • Tammy Terrell, victim of American murder (f. 1980)
  • 15 July:
    • Brigitte Nielsen, model and Danish actress.
    • Noriko Uemura, Japanese seiyū.
  • 16 July:
    • Phoebe Cates, American actress.
    • Ernesto Díaz Correa, journalist and Chilean rapporteur.
  • July 18: Martin Torrijos Espino, Panamanian president.
Emilio Butragueño
  • July 22: Emilio Butragueño, Spanish footballer.
  • July 23: Renato Borghetti, Brazilian accordionist and folklorist.
  • July 24: Karl Malone, American basketball player.
  • July 25: Leonardo, Brazilian singer, of the duo Leandro & Leonardo.
  • 30 July:
    • Chris Mullin, American basketball player.
    • Lisa Kudrow, American actress.
    • Javier Corcobado, Spanish musician.
  • July 31: Fatboy Slim (Quentin Leo Cook), British DJ.


  • 1 August:
    • Demián Bichir, Mexican actor.
    • Coolio, American rapper (f. 2022).
    • María Gabriela Epumer, Argentine guitarist and songwriter of rock (f. 2003).
    • John Carroll Lynch, American actor.
  • 2 August: Tania Tinoco, Ecuadorian news anchor (f. 2022).
  • August 3: James Hetfield, American musician, of the Metallica band.
    • Graham Arnold, footballer and Australian coach.
    • Giovanni Francini, Italian footballer.
  • 4 August: Elvis Amoroso, Venezuelan politician.
  • August 5: Alejandro González Iñárritu, Mexican filmmaker.
  • 6 August:
    • Xurxo Borrazás, Spanish writer and translator.
    • Tomoyuki Dan, Japanese actor and seiyū (f. 2013).
Whitney Houston
  • 9 August:
    • Whitney Houston, American singer and actress (f. 2012).
    • Domingo Quiñones, Puerto Rican singer.
  • August 15: Valeri Levonevski, a political and social Belarusian activist, entrepreneur, political expression.
  • August 16: Christine Cavanaugh, American voice actress (f. 2014).
  • 19 August:
    • Hector Pieterson, a South African student victim of apartheid (f. 1976).
    • Joey Tempest, Swedish composer and vocalist, from the Europe band.
    • John Stamos, American actor.
    • Marcos Palmeira, Brazilian actor.
  • August 20: Riccardo Ferri, footballer and Italian coach.
  • August 21: Nelly Moreno, Colombian actress and model.
  • August 22: Tori Amos, a pianist and American rock singer.
  • 23 August:
    • Laura Flores, Mexican actress, singer and driver.
    • Glória Pires, Brazilian actress.
  • August 25: Roberto Mussi, footballer and Italian coach.
  • August 29: Rosa María Palacios, Peruvian lawyer and journalist.
  • August 30: Michael Chiklis, American actor.
  • August 31: Kristina Lilley, American-Columbian actress.


  • September 2: Juan Carlos Ablanedo, Spanish footballer.
  • 6 September:
    • Josu Jon Imaz, Spanish politician.
    • Alex Well, Dominican singer.
Angels Barceló
  • 7 September: Àngels Barceló, presenter and Spanish speaker.
  • September 8: Brad Silberling, American film and television director.
  • 9 September:
    • Roberto Donadoni, footballer and Italian coach.
    • Amaury Gutiérrez, Cuban singer.
  • 11 September:
    • Gabriela Goldsmith, Mexican actress.
    • Marco Baroni, footballer and Italian coach.
  • 17 September:
    • Benito Sánchez, Spanish football player.
    • Olga Burova, Russian athlete.
    • Ana Luisa Cid Fernández, Mexican ufologist.
    • Yuji Keigoshi, Japanese footballer.
    • Lola Robles, Spanish writer.
    • Benito Cabrera, Spanish musician.
    • Jeff Ballard, American drummer.
    • Rami Saari, Israeli poet.
  • 18 September:
    • Dan Povenmire, filmmaker, film producer, television and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz in Phineas and Ferb.
    • John Powell, composer of British film music.
    • Fabiola Posada, Colombian actress and humorist.
    • Mauricio Navas, screenwriter, director and Colombian libretist.
  • 19 September:
    • Jarvis Cocker, British musician.
    • Voro López, Spanish philologist.
    • Alexandra Silk, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
    • David Seaman, British footballer.
  • September 21: Angus McFadyen, British actor.
  • 23 September: Sonia Martínez, Spanish actress and presenter (f. 1994).
Aida Cuevas
  • September 24: Aída Cuevas, Mexican ranch music singer.
  • 25 September:
    • Mikael Persbrandt, Swedish actor.
    • Tate Donovan, American actor.
  • September 27: Adolfo Pérez López, Colombian sports presenter and commentator.
  • September 28: Susy Díaz, vedette peruana.
  • 30 September:
    • Cristina Fiorentini, Italian Yudoca.
    • Frank Beltrán, Colombian actor.
    • Irma Soriano, journalist and presenter of Spanish television.


  • October 2: Patricia Janiot, journalist and Colombian presenter.
  • 4 October:
    • Franco Vaccarini, novelist, poet and Argentine cuentist.
    • Marcelo Buquet, Uruguayan actor.
Elisabeth Shue
  • 6 October:
    • Jsu Garcia, American actress.
    • Paola Papini, an Argentine actress.
    • Elisabeth Shue, American actress.
    • Thomas Bickel, Swiss footballer.
    • Ricardo Vélez, a Colombian actor born in England.
  • October 7: Pavel Řehák, Czech footballer.
  • October 8: Daniela Castelo, an Argentine journalist (f. 2011).
  • October 10: Omar Fierro, Mexican actor, producer and presenter.
  • 11 October:
    • Jordi Villacampa, player and director of Spanish basketball.
    • Horacio Franco, Mexican flute.
  • October 16: Stacey Bess, American writer.
  • October 17: Sergio Goycochea, footballer and Argentine driver.
  • October 23: Rashidi Yekini, Nigerian footballer.
  • 24 October:
    • Rosana, Spanish singer.
    • David Ramirez, Colombian actor.
  • 26 October:
    • Thomas Cavanagh, Canadian actor and songwriter.
    • Ted Demme, American filmmaker.
    • Natalie Merchant, American singer.
  • October 28: Eros Ramazzotti, Italian singer.
  • October 29: Jed Brophy, American actor.
  • 31 October:
    • Fred McGriff, American baseball player.
    • Dunga, former footballer and Brazilian coach.


Rosario Flores
  • 4 November:
    • Lenin Hurtado, Ecuadorian politician, leader of Popular Unity.
    • Horacio Elizondo, Argentinian football referee.
    • Rosario Flores, Spanish singer.
  • 5 November: Hans Gillhaus, Dutch footballer.
  • 6 November:
    • Alicia Miyares, Spanish philosopher and writer.
    • Fabio Zambrana Marchetti, singer and Bolivian musician.
    • Rozz Williams, American musician.
  • November 8: Manuel Cristopher Figuera, Venezuelan military.
  • 9 November: Biagio Antonacci, Italian composer.
  • November 10: Tommy Davidson, American actor and comedian.
  • 11 November: Monty Sopp, American professional fighter.
  • 14 November: Jesús García Pitarch, Spanish footballer.
  • 17 November: Dylan Walsh, American actor.
  • November 18: Peter Schmeichel, Danish footballer.
  • 19 November:
    • Amado Boudou, Argentine economist.
    • Davi Cortes da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • 20 November:
    • William Timothy Gowers, British mathematician.
    • Wan Yanhai, Chinese AIDS activist.
  • November 21: Nicolette Sheridan, British actress.
  • 23 November:
    • Esther García Llovet, Spanish writer.
    • Erika Buenfil, Mexican actress.
  • November 25: Santiago Moure, actor, humorist, Colombian announcer and presenter.
  • November 26: Lydia Bosch, Spanish actress and presenter.
  • November 27: Micky Molina, Spanish actor.
  • November 30: David Yates, director, screenwriter and British film and television producer.


  • December 2: Vitaly Mansky, Russian documentary film director.
  • December 3: Rolando Tarajano, actor colombo-cubano.
  • December 4: Serguéi Bubka, Ukrainian athlete.
  • 5 December:
    • Nohely Arteaga, Venezuelan actress.
    • Jesus Montoya, Spanish cyclist.
    • Alberto Nisman, Argentine prosecutor (f. 2015).
    • Rodrigo Triana, writer and director of Colombian film and television.
  • 6 December:
    • Orlando Netti, Argentine singer.
    • Jesús Manuel Estrada, Colombian singer of vallenata music (f. 2003).
  • 9 December:
    • Barbara Palacios, model, Venezuelan businessman, third Miss Universe from that country.
    • Zurab Shvania, Georgian politician.
  • 12 December:
    • Luis Xavier, Mexican-Spanish actor.
    • Tomoyuki Shimura, Japanese voice actor.
    • Gian Alfonso Pacinotti, Italian film director.
  • December 13: Carol Antonio Altamirano, Mexican politician.
  • December 14th: Andrea Cipressa, Italian teacher.
  • 15 December:
    • Helen Slater, American actress.
    • Cristiana Oliveira, Brazilian actress.
  • December 16: Herbert King, Colombian actor (f. 2018).
Brad Pitt
  • 18 December:
    • Brad Pitt, American actor.
    • Rikiya Koyama, Japanese seiyū.
  • December 19: Jennifer Beals, American actress.
  • 20 December:
    • Zdenko Adamović, Croatian footballer.
    • Gjergj Xhuvani, director of Albanian cinema (f. 2019).
  • 22 December:
    • Giuseppe Bergomi, Italian footballer.
    • Valdimir Florez (Vladdo), a cartoonist and a Colombian journalist.
    • Juan José Elgezabal, Spanish footballer.
  • 26 December:
    • Lars Ulrich, Danish Metallica drummer.
    • Eugenio Bustingorri, Spanish footballer.
    • Yalo Cuéllar, Bolivian composer and interpreter.

Unknown dates

  • Juan Carlos Darias, designer and Venezuelan professor. (f. 2015).



  • January 3: Jack Carson, Canadian actor (n. 1910).
  • January 13: Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Spanish writer.
  • January 23: Józef Gosławski, Polish sculptor and medalist
  • January 28: John Farrow, filmmaker, screenwriter and Australian film producer.
  • January 29: Robert Frost, American writer and poet (n. 1874).


  • February 2: Eugenio Hermoso, a Spanish painter.
  • February 6: Abd el-Krim, an independent leader in Maghreb.
  • February 11: Sylvia Plath, American poet and novelist.


  • March 7: Nita Costa (Leonita Barbosa de Souza Costa), Brazilian politician and philanthropist (n. 1907).


  • April 4: Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche, Argentine writer (n. 1901).
  • April 9: Xul Solar, Argentine painter.
  • April 20: Julián Grimau, Spanish politician.


  • May 12: Carmen Barradas, pianist and Uruguayan composer (n. 1888).
  • May 15: Javier Heraud, Peruvian poet.
  • May 18: Ernie Davis, football player.
  • May 28: Roberto José Tavella, a religious writer and an Argentine teacher.
  • May 28: Fernando, legendary Argentine dog.


Pedro Armendáriz
  • June 3: Juan XXIII, Italian pope.
  • June 18: Pedro Armendáriz, Mexican actor (n. 1912).


  • July 13: Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago, theologian and the Puerto Rican lay.


  • August 5: Francesco Quinn, an American actor of Italian origin (f. 2011), son of actor Anthony Quinn.
  • August 15: Alberto Rabadá and Ernesto Navarro mountaineers Aragonese.
  • August 31: Georges Braque, French painter and sculptor.


  • September 17: Eduard Spranger, German philosopher and psychologist (n. 1882).
  • September 21: Paulino Masip, Spanish film writer and screenwriter.


  • October 8: Remedios Varo, a Spanish-Mexican painter.
  • October 10: Édith Piaf, French singer.
  • October 11: Jean Cocteau, poet, novelist, playwright, painter, designer, critic and French filmmaker.
  • October 24: Karl Bühler, philosopher, linguist and German pedagogue
  • October 25: Karl von Terzaghi, Czech engineer.


  • 5 November: Luis Cernuda, Spanish poet.
  • November 6: Porola Byington, a philanthropist and a Brazilian social activist (n. 1879).
  • November 8: Alberto Insúa, a Spanish writer and journalist (n. 1883).
  • 12 November: José María Gatica, Argentine fighter (n. 1925).
  • November 22: Aldous Huxley, British writer.
  • November 22: John F. Kennedy, 35th American president between 1961 and 1963; murdered.
  • November 22: Clive Staples Lewis, Irish writer.
  • November 24: Lee Harvey Oswald, author of the murder of John F. Kennedy; murdered.


  • December 12: Yasujirō Ozu, Japanese filmmaker.

Unknown dates

  • Cirilo Etulain, an Argentine actor (n. 1900).

Art and literature

  • January 6: Manuel Mejía Vallejo gets the Nadal award for his novel The day marked.
  • 16 February: Heinrich Böll publishes the novel Reviews of a clown.
  • February 18: Julio Cortázar publishes his novel Rayuela.
  • March 10: The first issue of the comic series The Amazing Spider-Man is published.
  • 17 October: Angel Sierra Basto publishes his poetic work Dimensions.
  • Simone de Beauvoir: The strength of things.
  • Agatha Christie: The watches.
  • Ian Fleming: To the secret service of His Majesty.
  • Ismail Kadaré: The general of the dead army.
  • John Carré: The spy that came from the cold.
  • Sylvia Plath: The glass bell (under Victoria Lucas pseudonym).
  • Hannah Arendt: Eichmann in Jerusalem.
  • Martin Luther King: Letter from Birmingham Prison.

Science and technology

  • June 27: launch of the U.S. nuclear observation satellite Hitch Hiker 1.
  • Konrad Lorenz publishes his book About aggression in Vienna.
  • Helge Ingstad discovers in L'Anse-aux-Meadows, on the northern coast of Newfoundland, Canada, the remains of the Viking settlement of Leifbundir.
  • Moore describes for the first time the arched peak zifio (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi)
  • The specialty in Endodoncia is officially recognized by the American Dental Association.
  • The first greenhouse, the base of intensive agriculture in the province of Almeria, is built in the province of Almería (Spain).



  • On 17 and 18 August the XLIII Championship of Spain is held. Since 1935 women did not compete in a national athletic championship in Spain.

Formula 1

  • Jim Clark is the world champion of Formula 1.


  • Uruguayan Football Championship: National is dedicated champion for the last time.
  • Professional Colombian Football: Millionaires (8.a).
  • Ecuadorian Football Championship: Barcelona (2nd time).
  • The AC Milan wins its first European Cup going back to the current champion, the Benfica for 2-1


  • Bob Dylan: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
  • Christophe: Aline
  • The Siguaray Sonora: Mexico
  • Leo Dan: Leo Dan
  • The Great Combo of Puerto Rico: Always.
  • Roberto Carlos: Splish splash
  • Rocío Dúrcal: Trébole
  • Roy Orbison: In Dreams
  • The Beach Boys: Surfin' USA, Surfer Girl and Little Deuce Coupe
  • The Beatles: Please, She Loves You and With the Beatles
  • Frank Sinatra: The Concert Sinatra. «Album published on June 2 by the Reprise Records record label». "Sinatra's Sinatra." «Album published in August by the Reprise Records record label».


  • On 23 March the 8th edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in London United KingdomBandera del Reino UnidoUnited Kingdom.
    • Winner: The singer Grethe & Jørgen Ingmann with the song "Dansevise" representing Denmark Bandera de Dinamarca.


Joseph Losey premieres his film The Servant, starring: Dirk Bogarde (Hugo Barrett), Sarah Miles (Vera), Wendy Craig (Susan), James Fox (Tony) and Catherine Lacey (Lady Mounset), among others.

In 1963 Il Gattopardo (The Leopard) was also released, directed by Luschino Visconti and starring Claudia Cardinale.

In the historical and adventure film genre, the 1963 film Jason and the Argonauts stands out, starring, among others, Todd Armstrong (Jason) and Laurence Naismith (Argos).


  • November 23: The first chapter of the science fiction television series is released in the UK Doctor Who.

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Eugene Paul Wigner, Maria Goeppert-Mayer and J. Hans D. Jensen.
  • Chemistry: Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta.
  • Medicine: John Carew Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Fielding Huxley.
  • Literature: Giorgos Seferis.
  • Peace: International Committee of the Red Cross and League of Red Cross Societies.

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