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1962 (MCMLXII) was a common year beginning on a Monday according to the Gregorian calendar.

The world was never closer to nuclear war than during the Cuban Missile Crisis.



  • 1 January:
    • Samoa is independent of New Zealand.
    • In the Dominican Republic, after the assassination of dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, the Council of State, chaired by Joaquín Balaguer, assumes the presidency.
  • 2 January: In Colombia the state of siege that had been declared in 1949 is lifted.
  • January 3: In the Vatican City, Pope John XXIII excommunicates communist leader Fidel Castro.
  • 4 January: the OAS lifts the sanctions it imposed on the Dominican Republic in 1960.
  • 8 January: 93 people die in Harmelen (Netherlands) in the most serious railway accident in the history of that country.
  • 9 January:
    • In Havana, a protocol was signed between the Soviet Union and Cuba, for the trade of 60 million dollars this year.
    • In the Cuban municipality of Ciénaga de Zapata (province of Matanzas), members of the anti-Castro terrorist group Christian Democratic Movement (armed and sponsored by the U.S. CIA) rake and burn Jesus Sardiñas Álvarez (17), peasant and member of the Revolutionary National Militias.
    • On the farm La Rosa, in the village of Agramonte (from the Cuban province of Matanzas), the terrorist gang of Perico (Pedro Sánchez González)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—tortures the peasant Crecencio Martell García but does not kill him.
    • In Iran, the government of Alí Aminí undertakes an agrarian reform by order of the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlaví, the beginning of the modernist reform program called "White Revolution" or "Revolution of the Shah and the People".
    • In a well 302 meters underground, in the U3ap area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 8:30 (local time) United States detonates its 5.1 kiloton Stoat atomic bomb. It is the 208 bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 10 January:
    • In Huascarán (Peru) a flood causes 4000 dead.
    • In Pinar del Río (Cuba), the terrorist gang of "Machete" (Francisco Robaina Domínguez)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the US CIA—attacks a house and hurts a peasant.
  • January 11: In Los lamentas Chihuahua (Mexico) −29 °C (−20.2 °F), the minimum temperature in a population is recorded.
  • January 15: South of the village El Nicho, in the Escambray mountain range (in the Cuban province of Sancti Spíritus), the terrorist band of Realito (Jesus Ramón Real Hernández) assault a house on the farm El Naranjito and kill the peasant Valentín Alonso Maceda and his son Valentín Alonso Barrera.
  • January 18: in a well 261 meters underground, in the U3ao area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 10:00 (local time) United States detonates its 6.4 kiloton Agouti atomic bomb. It is the 209 bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • January 29: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Arturo Frondizi and the three military secretaries sign an agreement committing to the proscription of Juan Domingo Perón.
  • January 30: n a well 363 meters underground, in the U3aq area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 10:00 (local time) United States detonates its 10 kiloton Dormouse atomic bomb. It is the bomb number 210 of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • In January, in Venezuela, President Rómulo Betancourt proclaimed the Communist Party and the MIR (Movement of Revolutionary Left), political arms of the guerrillas. Throughout the country, the Army combats armed groups.


  • February 2: In Guatemala the Government declares the state of siege, after discovering a conjure to assassinate the president, Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes, all the ministers and the metropolitan prelate.
  • 3 February:
    • In Washington, United States, President John F. Kennedy ordered the total embargo against the Cuban regime.
    • In Christchurch, New Zealander Peter Snell gets a world record by running 800 m in 1 min, 44.3 s.
  • 4 February:
    • In Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Arturo Frondizi for pressure from the military breaks diplomatic and commercial relations with Cuba. On the same day it also prohibits the appointment of former president Juan Domingo Perón (exiliated since 1955) for the nomination of governor of the province of Buenos Aires.
    • In the neighborhood of Taco Taco, in the village of Candelaria (in the Cuban province of Pinar del Río), the terrorist gang of "Machete" (Francisco Robaina Domínguez)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—kills the peasant Dionisio Chirino.
  • 7 February:
    • Due to the communist character of the Cuban regime, U.S. President John F. Kennedy ordered an economic blockade against the island's leaders.
    • In the Luisenthal mine in Volklingen (Germany), a gray explosion leaves a balance of 600 dead miners.
  • 8 February:
    • In Paris, the French police murder 9 trade unionists in protests against the Nazi collaborator Maurice Papon (then head of the City Police Prefecture).
    • Near the village Sabanilla de la Palma, in the municipality of Martí (of the Cuban province of Matanzas), the gang of the terrorist Enrique (Gabriel de Jesús Infante Hidalgo) assault and set fire to the shop of the Gildo Fleites farm. Two militias were injured.
  • 9 February:
    • Spain forms its first application for entry into the European Common Market.
    • The United States increases military aid to South Vietnam to confront the communist guerrillas of the Vietcong. This will lead him to defeat in the Vietnam War.
  • 12 February: near the village of Candelaria (in the Cuban province of Pinar del Río), the Cuban terrorist band "Machete" (Francisco Robaina Domínguez) raid a house and wound their occupants, the peasant Gilberto Pérez and his wife, Flora Guzmán.
  • 14 February: On the Pulido farm, near the village of Alquízar, 60 km southwest of Havana, Cuba, a band of anti-Castrosers murder the militiaman Bartolo Vázquez and seriously wound his brother José Antonio and nephew Félix Vázquez.
  • 16 February:
    • In Spain, the BOE publishes a decree of the Ministry of Labour that equates women ' s labour rights with men.
    • In the Cuban village of Perea (70 km northeast of the city of Sancti Spíritus), the band of Cuban high-ends Arnoldo Martínez Andrade, Floro Camacho Alfaro and Mario Bravo Cervantes carry out a second assault on the asphalt mines, and murder the worker Orestes Bravo Rabí, in the presence of their relatives.
  • 17 February:
    • In the farm, near the village of Candelaria (Cuba), the gang of the terrorist "Machete" (Francisco Robaina Domínguez)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the US CIA—kill the peasant Bernardino Álvarez.
    • The first authorities are elected under the regime of autonomy at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo.
  • 19 February: in the Malehual farm, near the Batey San Gregorio, in Manguito (of the Cuban province of Matanzas), the terrorist band René Besú Arencibia—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—kill the peasant Manuel Quintana Tejera.
  • February 20: astronaut John Glenn orbits Earth three times in 4:55 hours, being the first American to do so.
  • 22 February: the first part of the COMECON oil pipeline is operational.
  • 23 February: delegates from 12 European countries approve, in Paris, the creation of the European Organization for Space Exploration (ESRO).
  • 25 February: In the village Sopimpa of the municipality of Fomento (in the Cuban province of Sancti Spíritus), the Cuban wingman Osiris Borges Rojas shoots a popular dance. In the attack the peasant Pedro Carpio Cruz dies and several people are injured.
  • February 28: In the Sahara Desert, French soldiers find the British aviator Bill Lancaster mummified, who on April 11, 1933 had taken off from England to Cape of Good Hope (Southern West Africa), in an attempt to beat the speed record, but had never come to destination.


  • March 1st: In western France a network of the far-right terrorist band OAS (‘Secret Army Organization’) was dismantled, killing thousands of Algerians during the war of independence of that country.
  • 3 March:
    • At the McMurdo base in Antarctica, the first U.S. nuclear power plant is operational.
    • In the Morejón farm, in Bolondrón (of the Cuban province of Matanzas) the terrorist gang led by Orlando de Armas Hernández (El Grande) assassinated the militiaman Francisco Domínguez Rodríguez.
  • March 13: In the United States, following the failure of the invasion of Cuba and several terrorist attacks, Lyman Lemnitzer (director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), proposes Operation Northwoods (terrorist attacks in American cities) to blame Fidel Castro. President John F. Kennedy removes Lemnitzer from the directorate, but he rewards him with the position of NATO's "high ally commander".
  • 18 March:
    • The defeated French Empire signed an armistice—the Evian Accords—with the Algerian National Liberation Front, which ended Algeria's bloody war of independence. Franz Fanón says: “By defeating the oppressor, the oppressed kills two birds with one shot: it suppresses an oppressor and an oppressed person, who becomes a free person.”
    • In Argentina, after seven years of dictatorship, the ban of the Peronist Party is lifted. Then Peronism wins in the five provinces where elections are held to provincial governor. The commanders of the Argentinian Armed Forces demand the federal intervention of these five provinces and threaten – acting as spokesman Pedro Eugenio Aramburu – to perpetuate a coup against President Arturo Frondizi.
  • March 29: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Arturo Frondizi is dismissed by a group of soldiers. A civilian, José María Guido, who "to guarantee the republican form of government" annulls by decree the democratic elections in the province of Buenos Aires - which had won the Peronist Andrés Framini by 60% of the votes (against 21 % of the frondizism and 19 % of the UCR) -.
  • March 30: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the day after the overthrow of Arturo Frondizi, the new Minister of Economics Jorge Wehbe (32) performs a devaluation of the weight: the Argentines see their salaries reduced by 45%.


  • April 6: in New York, before starting a concert by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, orchestra director Leonard Bernstein jocically criticizes pianist Glenn Gould about to execute the Concert for piano n.o 1 Because this one asked him to execute a much slower tempo.
  • 7 April: in Mieres, Spain, two months of a mining strike has been held, the longest since Franco's dictatorship was established.
  • April 12: in a well 151 meters underground, in the U9n area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 10:00 (local time) United States detonates its 1 kiloton Hudson atomic bomb. It is the bomb n.o. 226 of the 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • April 14: in a well at 171 meters underground, in the U12k.01 area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 10:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 227, Platte, of 1.9 kiloton.
  • April 16: In Escambray (Cuba) the war criminal Osvaldo Ramírez García falls in combat.
  • April 21: in a well 193 meters underground, in the U9k area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 10:40 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 227, Dead, 3 kiloton.
  • April 25: 884 meters high, on the Kiritimati atoll, at 5:46 pm (local time) United States detonates its 190 kiloton Adobe atomic bomb. It is the bomb n. 228 of the 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • April 27: 796 meters high, on the Kiritimati atoll, at 6:02 pm (local time) United States detonates its 410 kiloton Aztec atomic bomb. It is the bomb n. 229 of the 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • In April, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Government of José María Guido and the Minister of Economics, Federico Pinedo, liberalize the exchange market. The weight is devalued by 64,5 %, returning salaries and purchasing power almost to the level prior to the Peronist decade (1946-1955).
  • In April, in the province of Córdoba (Argentina), the Congress of the 62 Peronist organizations announced the Big Huerta Program: "State control over foreign trade, nationalization of all banks, expropriation of the latifundios of the landlord oligarchy, workers' control over production, disregard the country's financial commitments".


  • May 1st: in La Plata, Argentina, elected governor Andrés Framini (peronist) – who had won by 59.4 percent of the votes – insists on taking over the governorship of the province of Buenos Aires, but the police prevent him from entering: “No, Mr. Governor, you cannot pass”.
  • 2nd of May: 1533 meters high, on the Kiritimati atoll, at 8:02 am (local time) United States detonates its 1100 kiloton Arkansas atomic bomb. It is the bomb n.o. 231 of the 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 4 May: 1594 meters high, on the Kiritimati atoll, at 9:05 pm (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 232, Questa, of 670 kilotons.
  • May 5: Mexico marks the centenary of the Puebla battle.
  • May 6: In the Vatican City, Pope John XXIII canonizes Peruvian Martin de Porres, who becomes the first black-skinned saint of America.
  • 7 May: in an artificial well, 258 meters underground, in the U3ax area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 11:33 (local time) United States detonates its 8 kiloton Paca atomic bomb. It is the bomb n.o. 234 of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
About 600 km from San Diego (California), the United States explodes a submarine atomic bomb.
  • May 8: In Costa Rica, Francisco Orlich took over the presidency of that country.
  • 10 May: in an artificial well, 167 meters underground, in the U9r area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 237, Arikaree, less than 20 kilotons.
  • 11 May: about 600 km off the coast of San Diego (California), the American destroyer Agerholm shoots a torpedo missile with a nuclear head, which explodes 4000 meters away.
  • May 12: in an artificial well, 434 meters underground, in the U3am area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 12:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 240, Aardvark, of 40 kilotons.
  • May 14: In Greece the kings Juan Carlos and Sofia are married.
  • May 19: in an artificial well, 218 meters underground, in the U9m area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 7:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 244, Eel, 4.5 kiloton.
  • 23 May: in Spain the historic Bidasoa Sports Club is founded.
  • May 30: In Chile, the 7th World Cup of Football is inaugurated, despite the difficulties following the 1960 Valdivia earthquake.
  • During the month of May, the Basque terrorist organization ETA celebrates its First Assembly.


  • 2 June:
    • In Venezuela there is a military coup, known as El Porteñazo, at the Puerto Cabello Naval Base with a balance of more than 400 deaths and 700 wounded.
    • In the Soviet Union, Novocherkask Massacre was produced against unarmed demonstrators.
  • 5 June: in Munich (south of Germany), within the framework of the IV Congress of the European Movement, a group of 118 Spanish politicians (38 of them exiled by the Franco dictatorship) of almost the entire political spectrum meets for three days. The Spanish media, related to the dictatorship, will call it "contubernio" of Munich.
  • June 11: Prisoners Frank Morris Clarence Anglin and John Anglin escape from Alcatraz prison by becoming known worldwide for this event
  • June 16: U.S. President John F. Kennedy, accompanied by his wife, made an official visit to Mexico to interview with his counterpart Adolfo López Mateos.
  • 17 June: in Santiago (Chile), the world of soccer ends and the Brazilian football team is proclaimed world champion for the second time after beating that of Czechoslovakia for 3 to 1. Chile’s selection reached third place after defeating Yugoslavia by one to zero.
  • 21 June: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the student Graciela Narcisa Sirota (19) is kidnapped in the public and tortured way (with cigarettes burning a swastika in her chest). According to his captors, it was a revenge for the kidnapping of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann on 11 May 1960. On June 28, the Jewish community held a strike by traders in repudiation of this anti-Semite act.


  • 1 July:
    • Burundi is independent of Belgium.
    • Rwanda is independent of Belgium.
    • In El Salvador, Julio Adalberto Rivera is appointed president.
  • 5 July:
    • After a long war of independence, Algeria defeats the invading forces and is independent of the French Empire. Hard setback to colonialism.
    • In Cúcuta (Colombia) the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander is founded.
  • 6 July: in a tunnel 190 meters underground, in the U10h area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time) United States detonates its 104 kiloton Sedan atomic bomb (Plowshare program). It is the 281 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992. The radioactive rain of the test counted more American than any other atomic test. The Sedan crater (390 m × 98 m) became the largest artificial crater in that country.
Explosion of the Starfish Prime nuclear bomb in outer space.
  • July 9: 400 km high on the Johnston atoll (in the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates the 1450 kiloton Starfish Prime atomic bomb. In comparison, the Hiroshima bomb explosion was equivalent to 13 kt.
  • 10 July: the ninth national government (1962-1965) was formed in Spain, chaired by the dictator Francisco Franco.
  • July 18: in Lima, Peru, constitutional president Manuel Prado Ugarteche is deposed by an illegal coup. He takes over the presidency Ricardo Pérez Godoy.


  • August 2nd: Vietnam begins the escalation of U.S. intervention in the country, which will lead to the Vietnam War (where the U.S. will be defeated after a decade of struggle).
  • 5 August:
    • In Los Angeles (California) is found the famous actress Marilyn Monroe dead in her room allegedly for an overdose of barbiturates, although this has never been clarified.
    • In Chile the programme “Saturday Giant” led by Don Francisco, the oldest program in Latin American television, is premiered.
  • August 6: Jamaica is independent of the British Empire.
  • August 10: The American Magazine Amazing Fantasy publishes the first appearance of Spider-Man.
  • 23 August:
    • The beatle John Lennon and Cynthia Powell are married in the UK.
    • In Buenos Aires, Argentina, Felipe Vallese is kidnapped and disappeared.
  • 24 August:
    • In Jakarta, Indonesia, the IV Asian Games begin.
    • 289 m underground, on the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 a.m. (local time), United States detonates its atomic bomb York5 kt (to 226 m underground). At 9:00 detonate the bomb Bobac2.5 kiloton (to 206 m underground). It is the 284 and 285 of the 1131 bombs that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • August 30: In the state of Utah there is a 5.9 earthquake that does not leave dead.
  • August 31: Trinidad and Tobago is independent of the British Empire.


  • 1 September: In the Iranian county of Buin-Zahra there is an earthquake of 7.1 that leaves a balance of 12,000 dead.
  • September 4th: In Jakarta, Indonesia, the IV Asian Games culminate.
  • September 6th: at the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of Las Vegas city), at 9:00 (local time), the United States detonates its 2 kiloton Raritan atomic bomb at 157 metres underground. It's the bomb number 286 of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • September 14th: at the Nevada atomic testing site at 9:10 (local time), the United States detonates its 5 kiloton atomic bomb at 217 metres underground.
  • September 20: 241 meters underground, in the U3bb Area of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 288: Peba, 11 kilotons.
  • 25 September: in Tarrasa, near Barcelona (Spain) there is a rite of the Palau River and the Arenas River, causing more than 700 fatalities.
  • September 29: 211 meters underground, in the U9x Area of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 289: Allegheny, 1 kiloton.


  • October 1: Mexican President Adolfo López Mateos visits India, Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines.
  • 2 October: on the Johnston atoll (in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), at 5:18 local time, the United States detonates its 75 kiloton Androscoggin atomic bomb, at 3130 meters high (from a plane). It is the bomb n.o. 272 of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • October 5: 494 meters underground, in the U9ad area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:00 (local time), the United States detonates its 115 kiloton Mississippi atomic bomb. It is the 291 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 6 October: on the Johnston atoll (in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), at 5:03 local time, the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 274, Bumping, of 11,3 kilotons, at 3050 meters high (from a plane).
  • October 9: Uganda is independent of the British Empire.
  • 11 October: In the Vatican City the Second Vatican Council was inaugurated with the celebration of the first of its four sessions; this Council updated the structures and doctrine of the Catholic Church.
  • October 12: 155 meters underground, in the U9q area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 (local time) United States detonates its 7 kiloton Roanoke atomic bomb. At 9:00, the Wolverine bomb is detonated, 73 metres underground, less than 20 kilotons. It is the 292 and 293 of the 1131 bombs that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • October 22: In the United States, President John F. Kennedy addressed his country warning that the Soviet Union had installed nuclear missile launch bases in Cuba, pointing to the United States. The Cuban missile crisis begins.
  • October 27: 319 meters underground, in the U10f area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 8:00 (local time) United States detonates its 5 kiloton Santee atomic bomb. It is the bomb n.o. 296 of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • October 30: On the Johnston atoll (in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), at 5:02 local time, the United States detonates its 8,300-pound Housatonic atomic bomb, at 3700 meters high (from a plane).


  • November 1: Mexican driver Ricardo Rodríguez de la Vega died in accident.
  • 13 November: in Buenos Aires (Argentina) the first issue of the magazine comes First Planaled by James Tímerman.


  • December 4th: in a tunnel 245 meters underground, in the U9aa area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 8:00 (local time) United States detonates its Taunton atomic bomb, less than 20 kiloton. It's the 300 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 7 December: in a tunnel 303 meters underground, in the U3ba area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 11:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 301, Tendrac, less than 20 kilotons.
  • December 12: in a well 245 meters underground, in the U3bu area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 9:25 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 302, Madison, less than 20 kilotons. At 10:45, 232 meters underground and 22 km southeast of the previous one, detonates its bomb n.o 303, Numbat, 11 kiloton.
  • December 14: in a well at 59 meters underground, in the U9af area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 10:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 304, Manatee, less than 20 kilotons.
  • December 15: An intense storm is unleashed on the North Sea.
  • December 20: In the Dominican Republic, Juan Bosch wins the general elections.
  • December 21st: The Portuguese Academy of Lunfardo is created in Buenos Aires.
  • December 22: In Britain the Great Frost begins: there will be no nights free of frost until March 5, 1963.
  • December 28: near San Juan de la Maguana (Dominican Republic) the government is sending an undetermined number of voodoo followers of the Messianic-popular movement of Olivorio Mateo (Masacre de Palma Sola).
  • December 30: In the United States, an unexpected storm burys the state of Maine under 1.50 m snow, forcing the newspaper Bangor Daily News it is not published for the first and only time in its history. On the same day, the Netherlands is also covered by a metre of snow.
  • 31 December: in Spain the ritual of the grapes of the twelve bells is performed for the first time (emitted by TVE).
No specified date
  • In the municipality of Calimete (of the Cuban province of Matanzas), Cuban terrorists Rafael Valdés and Pita Monroy murder the schoolmaster of the Los Pinos farm.
  • This same year, in the same municipality of Calimete (Cuba), the terrorist gang of "Pancho Jutía" (Francisco Castañeda Borges) murder the schoolmaster of the Cayo Mamones estate.



  • January 1: Jesus Alique, Spanish politician.
  • 2 January:
    • Ivan Palazzese, italo-venezolano pilot (f. 1989).
    • Carmelo Gómez, Spanish actor.
    • Sandra Baylac, Argentinean singer.
  • January 3: Manolo Lama, Spanish sports announcer.
  • 4 January:
    • Heinz Imboden, Swiss cyclist.
    • Fabio Marangon, Italian footballer.
  • January 7: Hallie Todd, American actress.
  • January 8: Rosario Lufrano, an Argentine journalist.
  • January 9: Cecilia Gabriela, Mexican actress.
  • January 10: Ronnie Arias, TV presenter, driver and Argentine journalist.
  • January 12: Farshad Pious, footballer and Iranian coach.
  • January 13: Trace Adkins, American singer.
  • January 14: Miguel Retuerto Agea, Swiss footballer.
  • January 16: Ileana Salvador, Italian athlete.
Jim Carrey
  • January 17: Jim Carrey, Canadian actor and comedian.
  • 18 January:
    • Alison Arngrim, American actress.
    • Dito, soccer player and Portuguese coach (f. 2020).
  • January 19: Mario Cruz, Mexican writer of terror.
  • 20 January:
    • Natalia Giraldo, Colombian actress.
    • Sakiko Tamagawa, Japanese seiyū.
  • January 21: Félix Lavilla, Spanish politician.
  • January 22: Claudia Villafañe, entrepreneur and producer of Argentina. Winner of the first edition of MasterChef Celebrity Argentina.
  • 23 January:
    • Nenad Gračan, Croatian footballer.
    • Elvira Lindo, a Spanish writer and journalist.
  • January 26: Oscar Ruggeri, Argentine coach and former footballer.


  • February 2: Kátia Abreu, Brazilian politics.
  • February 5: Jennifer Jason Leigh, American actress.
  • 6 February:
    • Juan Ignacio Aranda, Mexican actor.
    • Divine Glory, Argentine singer and actress.
    • Axl Rose, American singer, Guns N' Roses band.
  • 7 February:
    • Salvatore Antibo, Italian athlete.
    • David Bryan, American keyboardist, Bon Jovi band.
    • Eddie Izzard, British actor and screenwriter.
    • Lilly Moon, American actress and singer.
  • February 10: Cliff Burton, American bassist, of the Metallica band (f. 1986).
  • 11 February:
    • Tammy Baldwin, American politics.
    • Sheryl Crow, singer, songwriter and American guitarist.
  • 12 February:
    • Alberto Plaza, Chilean singer and composer.
    • Keko Yunge, Chilean singer.
  • 13 February:
    • Hannibal Acevedo Vila, Puerto Rican politician.
    • Luz Stella Luengas, Colombian actress.
  • February 14: Josef Hader, Austrian actor and comedian.
  • 15 February:
    • Juan Eduardo Jaramillo, Colombian news anchor.
    • Johan Gabriel González "El Charrito Negro", Colombian singer of popular music.
  • 17 February:
    • Lou Diamond Phillips, an American actor of Filipino origin.
    • Arturo Yepes, Colombian lawyer and politician.
  • February 19: Germán Vargas Lleras, Colombian politician.
  • 21 February:
    • Marco Antonio Figueroa, Chilean coach and footballer.
    • Mark Arm, American singer.
  • 22 February: Steve Irwin, a naturalist and Australian presenter (f. 2006).
  • 23 February:
    • Miguel de León, Venezuelan actor.
    • David Hay, British curling player.
  • February 26: Héctor Eduardo Vera Colona, Peruvian Catholic bishop.
  • February 27: Adam Baldwin, American actor.


  • March 2: Jon Bon Jovi, American actor and singer.
  • 3 March:
    • Ana Alcolea, Spanish writer.
    • Jackie Joyner-Kersee, American athlete.
  • 4 March:
    • Servando Carballar, Spanish musician.
    • Miriam Díaz-Aroca, Spanish actress and presenter.
    • Cash Luna, evangelical pastor, Guatemalan writer.
  • March 9: Eduardo Accastello, Spanish politician.
  • 12 March:
    • Julia Campbell, American actress.
    • Andreas Köpke, German footballer.
  • March 14: Narumi Tsunoda, Japanese seiyū.
  • March 15: Steve Coy, British musician.
  • March 16: Patricia Echegoyen, an Argentine actress.
  • 17 March:
    • César Augusto Asencio, Spanish politician.
    • Esteban Arce, Mexican locutor.
    • Juana Cordero, Spanish actress.
  • March 18: Stefano Allocchio, Italian cyclist.
  • 20 March:
    • Marcos Malavia, playwright, theatre director and Bolivian novelist.
    • Stephen Sommers, American director and screenwriter.
  • 21 March:
    • María Jesús Álvarez González, Spanish politics.
    • Matthew Broderick, American actor.
  • March 22: Juan Aguilera, Spanish tennis player.
  • March 23: Bassel al-Assad, Syrian military.
  • March 25: Marcia Cross, American actress and activist.
  • 26 March:
    • Kátia, Brazilian singer.
    • Paul de Leeuw, singer, cabaret artist and Dutch television presenter.
    • Haydée Ramírez, Colombian actress.
    • John Stockton, American basketball player.
  • March 27: Carmen García de Merlo, Activista LGTBI.
  • 30 March:
    • Greg Capullo, American cartoonist.
    • MC Hammer, American rapper.


  • April 3: Mike Ness, American singer, from the Social Distortion band.
  • April 5: Adelfa Calvo, Spanish actress.
  • April 5: [Lana Clarkson, American actress and model (f. 2003).
  • April 5: Milagros Paz, Venezuelan politics.
  • April 6: Tomoyasu Asaoka, Japanese footballer (f. 2021).
  • April 6: Alejandra Grepi, Spanish actress.
  • April 8: Izzy Stradlin, American musician, of the Guns N' Roses band.
  • April 9: Isabel Coixet, Spanish filmmaker.
  • April 9: Victor Mosqueira, Spanish actor.
  • April 12: Carlos Sainz Cenamor, Spanish rally driver.
  • April 13: Jorge Muñoz Wells, Peruvian lawyer and politician.
  • April 14: Robiro Terán, Venezuelan engineer and activist (f. 2020).
  • April 15: Tom Kane, American voice actor.
  • April 15: Jhon Jairo Velásquez "Popeye", a former Colombian criminal and assassin (f. 2020).
  • April 16: Ian Mackaye, American singer, of the Minor Threat band.
  • April 19: Juan Calleros, Mexican bassist, from the Maná band.
  • April 25: Alejandra Borrero, Colombian actress.
  • April 25: Ana Corradi, politician, senator and ambassador of Argentina.
  • April 26: Ham Hyun-gi, footballer and South Korean coach.
  • April 26: Kōji Tsujitani, Japanese seiyū (f. 2018).


  • 1 May: Remedios Amaya, Spanish singer dedicated to flamenco music.
  • 2 May: Miklós Spányi, organist, carver and Hungarian technician.
  • May 4: José Manuel Alvelo, Spanish footballer.
  • 9 May:
    • Dave Gahan British singer, Depeche Mode band.
    • Beatriz Gimeno politics, activist and Spanish feminist.
  • May 10: Gao Sheng, footballer and Chinese coach.
  • 12 May:
    • Brett Gurewitz, American guitarist, of the Bad Religion band.
    • Einar Arnaldur Melax, Icelandic singer and musician.
  • May 13: Eduardo Palomo, Mexican actor and singer (f. 2003).
  • 14 May:
    • Ferran Adrià Acosta, Spanish cook.
    • C.C. DeVille, American guitarist, Poison band.
    • Danny Huston, American actor and filmmaker.
    • Kiara, Venezuelan singer, actress and lawyer.
  • 16 May: Roberto Robe Iniesta, Spanish singer and guitarist, from the Extremoduro band.
  • 17 May:
    • Arturo Peniche, Mexican actor.
    • Aglaja Veteranyi, Swiss actress and writer of Romanian origin (f. 2002).
  • 18 May:
    • Gabriela Bustelo, Spanish writer and translator.
    • Sandra, German singer.
  • May 19: Marcos Witt, Christian pastor and Mexican singer.
  • May 20: Christiane F., former addict to German heroin.
  • May 22: Brian Pillman, Luchador Professional, and American Football Player (f. 1997).
  • 24 May:
    • Hector Camacho, Puerto Rican boxer (f. 2012).
    • Crisanto Vargas, Colombian actor and humorist.
  • May 27: Marcelino Bernal, Mexican footballer.
  • 31 May:
    • Victoria Ruffo, Mexican actress.
    • Noriko Hidaka, Japanese seiyū.
    • Dina Boluarte, Peruvian politician and lawyer, Act. President of Peru since 2022.


  • June 1st: Wilmer Ramírez, Venezuelan actor and humorist.
  • June 3: Ariel Abadi, Argentine actor.
  • June 10: Fernando Olmeda, Spanish journalist.
  • June 11: Toshihiko Seki, Japanese voice actor.
  • June 12: Matilde Asensi, a Spanish journalist and writer.
  • June 13: Ally Sheedy, American actress.
  • 16 June:
    • Luis Fernando Herrera, ex-futbolist and Colombian football coach.
    • Femi Kuti, Nigerian singer.
    • Arnold Vosloo, South African actor.
  • June 19: Norah Suárez, Venezuelan actress and humorist.
  • 21 June: Viktor Tsoi, Soviet singer (f. 1990).
  • June 22: Clyde Drexler, American basketball player.
  • June 25: Ricardo Iorio, bassist and singer of heavy Argentine metal, founder of V8, Hermetics and Almafuerte
  • 26 June:
    • Luis Humberto Gómez Gallo, Colombian engineer and politician (f. 2013).
    • José Ignacio Lapido, Spanish singer.
  • 27 June:
    • Adrian Chávez, Mexican footballer.
    • Ollanta Humala, retired military and Peruvian politician, president of Peru between 2011 and 2016.
  • 29 June:
    • Mario Castañeda, actor of bent, director and Mexican locutor.
    • Amanda Donohoe, British film and television actress.
    • Greg Hetson, American singer, of the Bad Religion band.
    • Joan Laporta, lawyer and Spanish football leader.
  • June 30: Predrag Bjelac, Serbian actor.


  • July 2: Roberto Blades, Panamanian singer, brother of Rubén Blades.
  • 3 July:
    • Tom Cruise, American actor.
    • Thomas Gibson, American actor and director.
    • Andrés Felipe Martínez, Colombian actor.
  • July 6: Natalia Diceta, Spanish singer.
  • July 7: Luigi Caffarelli, Italian footballer.
  • July 8: Joan Osborne, American singer.
  • July 11: Juanma Suárez, Spanish singer and bassist, from the Eskorbuto band.
  • July 12: Julio César Chávez, a professional Mexican boxer.
  • July 13: Tom Kenny, American actor.
  • July 14: Blagoja Kitanovski, Macedonian footballer.
  • 17 July:
    • Glenn Howard, Canadian curling player.
    • Ivan, Spanish singer.
  • 19 July:
    • Anthony Edwards, American actor and director.
    • Jesus Suarez Chourio, Venezuelan military and political.
  • July 21: Lee Aaron, Canadian singer.
  • July 23: Eriq La Salle, American actor and director.
  • July 24: Johnny O'Connell, American motor racing pilot.
  • 28 July:
    • Pablo Carbonell, Spanish artist.
    • Ma Lin, footballer and Chinese coach.
  • July 31: Wesley Snipes, American actor.


  • August 3: Javier Gómez Bermúdez, Spanish magistrate.
  • August 4th: Roger Clemens, American baseball player.
  • 5 August:
    • Guillermo Ardizone, Spanish diplomat.
    • Patrick Ewing, American basketball player of Jamaican origin.
  • August 6, Michelle Yeoh, Malaysian actress.
  • 7 August:
    • Adriano Baffi, Italian cyclist.
    • Bruno Pelletier, Canadian singer.
  • August 9: Gabriel Sopeña, Spanish poet and composer.
  • August 10: Suzanne Collins, American writer.
  • 12 August:
    • Gonzalo Arguiñano, Spanish footballer.
    • Ariel López Padilla, Mexican actor.
    • Urbano Lugo, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 13 August:
    • Marcelo Novaes, Brazilian actor.
    • Gracia Querejeta, Spanish filmmaker.
  • August 14: Gustavo Alfaro, footballer and Argentine coach.
Steve Carell
  • August 16: Steve Carell, American actor.
Felipe Calderón
  • August 18: Felipe Calderón, president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012.
  • 21 August:
    • Tsutomu Miyazaki, a Japanese serial killer (f. 2008).
    • Gilberto Santa Rosa, Puerto Rican singer.
  • August 22: José Luis Ablanedo, Spanish footballer.
  • August 23: Hassan Mohamed, footballer Emirati.
  • 24 August:
    • David Koechner, American actor and comedian.
    • Marta Valverde, Spanish actress.
  • August 25: Ana Wagener, Spanish actress.
  • August 28: David Fincher, American filmmaker.
  • 29 August:
    • Ian James Corlett, voice actor, television producer and Canadian author.
    • Jutta Kleinschmidt, rally pilot and German journalist.
  • August 31: Dee Bradley Baker, a stateless voice actor.


  • September 1st: Ruud Gullit, Dutch footballer.
  • September 2: Alonso Lujambio, Mexican politician (f. 2012).
  • September 3: Julià Alvaro, Spanish journalist.
  • September 8: Sergio Casal, Spanish extenist.
  • September 8: Luis Ignacio Helguera, Mexican poet and essayist (f. 2003).
  • September 8: Thomas Kretschmann, German actor.
  • September 9: Álex de la Nuez, Spanish musician.
  • September 10: Eugenio Prieto Soto, Colombian public accountant and politician.
  • September 11: Julio Salinas, footballer and Spanish commentator.
  • September 12: Mary Kay Adams, American actress.
  • September 12: Juan Carlos Echeverry, Colombian economist and politician.
  • September 12: Dino Merlin, Bosnian singer.
  • September 12: Roberto Moldavsky, humorist, actor, Argentine television presenter.
  • September 14: Jaime Agulló Quintela, Spanish footballer.
  • September 15: Ramón Ángel Fernández Docobo, Spanish footballer.
  • September 19: Fander Falconí, academic, economist and Ecuadorian politician.
  • September 23: Stefano Andreucci, Italian hysterist.
  • September 26: Melissa Sue Anderson, American-Canadian actress.
  • September 28: Luis Enrique, Nicaraguan singer.
  • September 28: Carlos Giraldo, presenter and journalist of Colombian entertainment.
  • September 28Manuela Trasobares, singer, painter, sculptor and Spanish politics.
  • September 29: Helena Dalli, Maltese socialist policy.
  • September 30: Frank Rijkaard, a former Dutch player and coach.


  • 1 October:
    • Fernando Albán Salazar, Venezuelan politician
    • Juana Molina, singer-songwriter and Argentine comic actress.
  • October 2: Jeff Bennett, voice actor of animated series and video games.
  • 5 October:
    • Luis Alberto Posada, Colombian singer of popular music.
    • Narcissus Rodriguez de Armas, Spanish footballer.
  • 7 October: Teo Cardalda, Spanish musician.
  • October 10: Beatriz Gimeno, a Spanish activist.
  • October 11: Joan Cusack, American actress.
  • 13 October:
    • Marcelo Medina, Argentine actor and singer.
    • Kelly Preston, American actress (f. 2020).
  • 16 October:
    • Flea (Michael Balzary), Australian singer and bassist, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
    • Yaneth Waldman, Colombian actress and presenter.
  • October 19: Valeri Broshin, Russian footballer (f. 2009).
  • October 20: Rene Strickler, Argentine actor.
  • October 21: Drew Griffin, American journalist (f. 2022).
  • 22 October:
    • Jaime Alvarez, Spanish footballer.
    • João Amoêdo, Brazilian politician.
  • 23 October:
    • Stefano Colantuono, footballer and Italian coach.
    • Antonio Salinero, Spanish novelist.
  • October 25: John Stollmeyer, American footballer.
  • October 26: Elkin Ramírez, Colombian singer and composer (f. 2017).
  • October 27: Berto, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • 29 October:
    • Iñaki Bolea, ex-player and Spanish ice hockey coach.
    • Carlos Felipe Mejía, Colombian acronym and politician.
    • Einar Örn Benediktsson, Icelandic singer and trumpeter.
  • October 30: Eduardo Benavente, Spanish singer (f. 1983).
  • 31 October:
    • Sigfredo Ariel, Cuban writer (f. 2020).
    • Hans Behr, Ecuadorian writer.
    • Caroline Curren, Australian york.
    • Mari Jungstedt, Swedish writer.
    • Ernst Reiter, German biathlete.


  • 1 November
    • Sharron Davies, British swimmer.
    • Magne Furuholmen, Norwegian musician.
    • Chita Gross, Dutch york.
    • Anthony Kiedis, American singer, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
    • Francisco López Alfaro, footballer and Spanish coach.
    • Danilo Montero, Costa Rican singer.
  • 2 November:
    • Mireille Delunsch, French soprano.
    • Medina Dixon, American basketball player (f. 2021).
    • Ana Clara Guerra Marques, Angolan dancer.
    • Stefan Hussong, German musician.
    • Leonidas Pelekanakis, Greek regatist (f. 2021).
    • Luiso Saavedra, Spanish footballer.
    • Trajko Veljanovski, Macedonian politician.
  • 3 November:
    • Terry Meek, Canadian curling player.
    • Gabe Newell, American video game programmer.
    • Scott Warren, American musician.
  • November 6: Albert Castillón, Spanish journalist.
  • 7 November:
    • Alberto Catalán, Spanish politician.
    • Ken Howard Johnson, American basketball player.
  • November 8: Julieta Rosen, Mexican actress.
  • 9 November:
    • Sergio Batista, soccer player and Argentine coach.
    • Melvin Johnson, American basketball player.
    • Teryl Rothery, Canadian actress.
  • 11 November:
    • Lazaro Martinez, Cuban athlete.
    • Demi Moore, American actress.
    • Choi Myung-gil, South Korean actress.
  • 12 November:
    • Ramon Madaula, Spanish actor.
    • Teresa Peramato Martin, Spanish jurist.
    • Naomi Wolf, American writer and journalist.
  • 14 November:
    • Stefano Gabbana, Italian fashion designer.
    • Laura San Giacomo, American actress.
    • Atsuko Tanaka, Japanese seiyū.
    • Harland Williams, Canadian actor and humorist.
  • November 15: Judy Gold, American actress and comedian.
  • 16 November: Martial Gayant, French cyclist.
  • 18 November:
    • Gastone Grassetti, Italian bike rider.
    • Kirk Hammett, American guitarist, Metallica band.
  • 19 November:
    • Amado Boudou, politician and vice president of Argentina.
    • Jodie Foster, American actress and director.
    • Uxía, Spanish singer.
  • 20 November:
    • Polona Dornik, Slovenian basketball player.
    • Gerardo Martino, former footballer and current Argentine coach.
  • 21 November:
    • Roberto Musso, Uruguayan musician.
    • María Eugenia Parra, Colombian actress (f. 2020).
  • November 23: Nicolás Maduro, Venezuelan politician, president since 2013.
  • 25 November:
    • Lee Hye-young, South Korean actress.
    • Carlos Paniagua, soccer player and Colombian coach.
  • November 27: Guillermo Gaviria Correa, politician and Colombian engineer (f. 2003).
  • 28 November: Juan Carlos Rosero, Ecuadorian cyclist (f. 2013).
  • 29 November:
    • Edson Appeared from Souza, Brazilian footballer.
    • Claudio Arredondo, Chilean actor and politician.


  • December 2: Miroslav Mentel, Slovak footballer.
  • 3 December:
    • Julianne Moore, American actress.
    • Reinerio Álvarez Saavedra, Spanish politician (f. 2020).
    • Manolo Ruiz, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • December 5: Luis Silva, Venezuelan singer of plain music.
  • 8 December:
    • Patricia Ércole, Colombian actress.
    • Berry van Aerle, Dutch footballer.
  • December 9: Alberto Volpi, Italian cyclist.
  • 10 December:
    • Cássia Eller, Brazilian rock singer and guitarist (f. 2001).
    • Masakazu Katsura, Japanese drawer and screenwriter.
  • 13 December: Ghazi Nasr Al-Din, a Lebanese Venezuelan diplomat.
  • December 15: Juan y Medio, presenter of Spanish television.
  • 17 December:
    • Wilson Arias, Colombian politician.
    • Giulia Boschi, Italian actress.
  • December 18: Fidel Bassa, Colombian boxer.
  • December 19: Jill Talley, an American voice and comedy actress.
  • 20 December:
    • Maurizio Rossi, Italian cyclist.
    • Darío Siviski, a former footballer and Argentine coach.
  • December 22: Ralph Fiennes, British actor.
  • December 23: Stefan Hell, German chemist.
  • December 29: Wynton Rufer, New Zealand footballer, considered the best footballer in Oceania.
  • 30 December:
    • Abdi Mohamed Ahmed, Somali footballer.
    • José Luis Manzano, actor and Spanish delinquent (f. 1992).
  • 31 December:
    • Don Diamont, American actor.
    • Nélson Luís Kerchner, Brazilian footballer.



  • January 1: Diego Martínez Barrio, Spanish politician, president of the Second Republic (n. 1883).
  • January 24: André Lhote, a French painter (n. 1885).
  • 25 January: Josep Sebastià Pons, French poet in Catalan language (n. 1886).


  • February 6: Cándido Portinari, Brazilian painter (n. 1902).
  • 11 February: Indalecio Prieto, Spanish Socialist politician.
  • February 21: Julio Rey Pastor, Spanish mathematician.
  • February 24: Hu Shih, Chinese philosopher and essayist.
  • February 27: Elise Cowen, American poet of the beat generation (n. 1933).
  • February 27: Gastone Gambara, Italian military (n. 1890).


  • March 24: Auguste Piccard, Swiss inventor (n. 1884).
  • March 2: Charles-Jean de la Vallée Poussin, Belgian mathematician.
  • March 15: Arthur Compton, American physicist, nobel physics award in 1927.
  • March 25: Fernando de la Rosa, Spanish guitarist of flamenco (n. 1932).


  • April 10: Michael Curtiz, American director.
  • April 10: Stuart Sutcliffe, British bassist.


  • May 5: Antonio de la Villa, Mexican singer, band The Locos of Ritmo.
  • 25 May: Julio Dantas, Portuguese writer (n. 1876).
  • May 27: Egon Petri, a German pianist (n. 1881).


  • June 1: Adolf Eichmann, Nazi leader (n. 1906).
  • June 6: Yves Klein, a French artist (n. 1928).
  • June 19: Frank Borzage, American filmmaker.


  • July 26: Raquel Meller, Spanish singer and actress.
  • July 27: Richard Aldington, British writer and poet.


  • August 4: Marilyn Monroe, American actress.
  • August 6: Angel Borlenghi, an Argentine trade unionist and politician (n. 1904).
  • August 9: Hermann Hesse, Swiss writer of German origin.


  • September 6: Hanns Eisler, German-Austrian composer of classical music.
  • September 7: Isak Dinesen, Danish writer.


  • October 14: Mauricio Cravotto, Uruguayan architect.
  • October 24: René Ferrer, Mexican singer The Blue Caps. He died as a result of a head injury, caused by the beating of police officers, who arrested him for urinating in the street.


  • November 18: Niels Bohr, Danish physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.


  • December 14: Alfredo Kindelán, a Spanish military and aviator.
  • 27 December: Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière, astrologer, cult leader and French writer (n. 1916).

Art and literature

  • January 6: José María Mendiola gets the Nadal Award for his novel Death by rifle.
  • Miguel Delibes publishes The ratsfor which he gets the Critique Award.
  • Gabriel García Márquez publica Bad time.
  • August 10: Spider-Man aparece por primera vez en un comic dentro de la revista Amazing Fantasy 15.
  • Doris Lessing public The golden notebook.
  • Carlos Fuentes publica Aura and The Death of Artemio Cruz.
  • Mario Vargas Llosa publishes The city and the dogs.
  • Ray Bradbury: The Fair of Darkness.
  • Anthony Burgess: Mechanical orange.
  • Agatha Christie: The mirror pulled from side to side.
  • Philip K. Dick: The man in the castle.
  • William Faulkner: The thieves.
  • Ian Fleming: The spy who loved me.
  • Aldous Huxley: The island.
  • Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
  • Doris Lessing: The golden notebook.
  • Vladimir Nabokov: Pale fire.
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: One day in the life of Ivan Denísovich.

Science and technology

  • 10 July: launch of Telstar 1, the world's first commercial communications satellite.
  • July 22: launch of the U.S. Mariner 1 probe towards Venus, failing to reach orbit due to a diversion of the carrier rocket.
  • August 25: launch of the Soviet probe Sputnik 19 towards Venus, failing for a rocket failure to propel it out of the Earth orbit.
  • August 27: The United States launches Mariner 2 probe towards Venus.
  • September 1st: launch of the Soviet probe Sputnik 20 to Venus, failing due to the rocket failure to remove it from the Earth orbit.
  • 29 September: launch of Canadian satellite Alouette 1.
  • October 24: launch of the Soviet probe Mars 1962A, whose launcher rocket failed, causing its reentry.
  • 1 November: the Soviet Union launches the Mars 1 probe towards Mars; contact will be lost when it was about 106 million kilometers from Earth.
  • The American company Corning develops Chemcor, a high-strength, precursor of the current gorilla glass (2008).


  • June 17: Chile: World Football Championship: Brazil wins for the second time World Cup Soccer by winning in the final to Czechoslovakia for 3:1.
  • Graham Hill is the world champion of Formula 1.
  • Wilt Chamberlain achieved the historic and current brand of the NBA by achieving 100 points in a match on March 2.
  • Professional Colombian Football: Millionaires (7.a time).
  • Ecuadorian Football Championship: Everest (1.a.).
  • Municipal Pérez Zeledón, team of the First Division of Costa Rica
  • Bo Jackson was born in Jefferson County, Alabama. The only player to become All stars in two sports simultaneously Baseball and Football.
  • The Portuguese Benfica wins its second consecutive European Cup winning the Real Madrid for 5-3 in the final.


  • In January the recordings of the unfinished film begin Something's Got to GiveGeorge Cukor. Marilyn Monroe.
  • 21 March: Sweet bird of youth (Sweet Bird of YouthRichard Brooks. With Paul Newman and Geraldine Page.
  • March 30: The documentary appears Mondo Canethat would start the genre mondo.
  • 12 April: The End of Terror (Cape Fear- J. Lee Thompson. With Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum.
  • 22 April: The man who killed Liberty Valance (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance- John Ford. With James Stewart and John Wayne.
  • 18 June: Hatari! (Hatari!Howard Hawks. John Wayne and Hardy Krüger.
  • 28 July: The Miracle of Ana Sullivan (The Miracle WorkerArthur Penn. With Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke.
  • 20 September: Living your life (Vivre sa vieJean-Luc Godard. With Anna Karina.
  • 5 October: Agent 007 against Dr. No. (Dr. No.Terence Young. Sean Connery.
  • 31 October: What about Baby Jane? (What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?Robert Aldrich. With Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.
  • 10 December: Lawrence of Arabia (Lawrence of ArabiaDavid Lean. With Peter O'Toole, Alec Guinness and Anthony Quinn.
  • 20 December: The Great FamilyFernando Palacios. With Alberto Closas and Amparo Soler Leal.
  • 25 December: Killing a Nightmare (To Kill a MockingbirdRobert Mulligan. With Gregory Peck and Mary Badham.

All dates belong to the official premieres of their countries of origin, unless otherwise indicated.


  • In Spain is founded Los Salvajes, composed of Francesc Miralles, Delfín Fernández Martínez and Gaby Alegret.
  • The Puerto Rican musician, arranger, composer and pianist Rafael Ithier founded El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico.
  • Rocío Dúrcal: The films of Rocío Dúrcal.
  • The Beach Boys: launch their first LP Surfin' Safariaccompanied by the simple of the same name.
  • The drummer Ringo Starr joins the British rock group The Beatles
  • In London is founded the British rock band The Rolling Stones
  • British band The Animals is founded.
  • The Spectres band appears, which would later become Status Quo.
  • Frank Sinatra: "Sinatra and Strings." «Album published in January by the Reprise Records record label». "Point of No Return." «Last album recorded and published in March by the recording label Capitol Records». "Sinatra And Swingin' Brass." "Album published in July by the Reprise Records record label." «Album published in October by the Reprise Records record label». "Sinatra Sings Great Songs From Great Britain." «Album recorded in London and published in November by the Reprise Records record label». "Sinatra-Basie: An Historic Musical First." «Album published on December 10 by the Reprise Records record label».


  • On March 18th the seventh edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in the capital LuxembourgBandera de LuxemburgoLuxembourg.
    • Winner: The singer Isabelle Aubret with the song «A premier amour» representing France Bandera de Francia.

Classical music


  • In Austria, the composer Aram Jachaturián takes his album Symphony #2 in front of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Lev Davidovich Landau.
  • Chemistry: Max Ferdinand Perutz and John Cowdery Kendrew.
  • Medicine: Francis Harry Compton Crick, James Dewey Watson and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins.
  • Literature: John Steinbeck.
  • Peace: Linus Carl Pauling.

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