
1960 (MCMLX) was a leap year beginning on Friday according to the Gregorian calendar.

Also known as the "year of Africa" due to events, notably the independence of seventeen African nations, which focused world attention on the continent and intensified sentiments of pan-Africanism.



  • 1 January: Cameroon is independent of the French Empire.
  • January 1st: in Cuba, the socialist revolution nationalizes the United Fruit Company.
  • January 2: In the village Oodnadatta, in the desert Simpson (Australia) the highest temperature is recorded in the history of that country, and of all Oceania: 50.7 °C (123,3 °F).
  • 4 January: Europe creates the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), to which they belong: Denmark, UK, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Portugal and Switzerland.
  • January 7: The first test of the UGM-27 Polaris missile will be successfully completed in the United States, with which its submarines will be equipped.
  • January 9: In Egypt the gigantic Aswan dam began to be built under the rule of President Gamal Abdel Nasser.
  • January 10: Between the hills of Cochuna and El Calao in the province of Tucumán (Argentina), army forces surround an MPL camp (the Peronist Liberation Movement) and arrest three uturuncos.
  • January 18: in the province of Guantánamo (Cuba)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—a group of counterrevolutionary "bandits" attacks two members of the Revolutionary National Police, Edilio Pujal and Gaspar Cancio, who are seriously injured.
  • 23 January: in the Pacific Ocean, Jacques Piccard and Donald Walsh reach the bottom of the Marian Islands with their smoothie, with a depth of 10 916 m.
  • January 24: In Algiers, the French settlers rise against the Algerian policy of President De Gaulle.
  • January 28: Decree No. 1164 initiated the CNIE, the first agency to take over the rocket crews in Argentina. Engineer Teofilo Tabanera was appointed as president.
  • January 31: Mexico inaugurated the Jalisco Stadium between the Atlas of Guadalajara and the San Lorenzo de Almagro.


  • 1 February: ECE ministers (European Economic Community) study the admission of Greece.
  • 1 February: In Algeria, rebel nationalists surrender.
  • 4 February: in France a law is passed that allows General De Gaulle to legislate by decree.
  • February 5: In Meyrin (near Geneva) the largest accelerator of global particles, a 25 GeV power synchrotron, built by CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research).
  • February 6: The Spanish Government guarantees concession rights to six US companies to exploit possible oil deposits in Spanish Sahara.
  • 9 February: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Arturo Frondizi closes the magazine Majority and arrests his director, journalist and writer Tulio Jacovella, for publishing the investigation of journalist Rodolfo Walsh about the shooting of Peronists in José León Suárez (on June 9, 1956, by order of Juan Carlos Aramburu), as well as the chapters of his book The Satanowski case.
  • 11 February: Twelve Chinese soldiers die on the border of China and India in incidents.
  • 13 February: near Reganne, in the desert of Algeria (country to which France was invaded), the French Government detonated its first atomic bomb. Three more bombs will explode until the next year, before the independence of Algeria.
  • 13 February: In a Massachusetts base (United States) a hurricane wind gust destroys the world's largest airliner, the 120 m long ZPG-3W.
  • February 15: Morocco protests against the French nuclear tests in the Sahara, and again calls its ambassador to Paris.
  • February 15: The Soviet Union decides to buy large amounts of sugar from Cuba.
  • February 16: An explosion of the Shell-Mex company's nafta deposits in the San Fernando neighborhood of the city of Córdoba caused the death of fifteen people and wounded twenty others.
  • February 18: signature of the Montevideo Treaty establishing the ALALC.
  • February 18: The 8th Winter Olympics are opened in Squaw Valley.
  • February 21: In Cuba, Fidel Castro nationalizes all companies.
  • 21 February: in Chile, the first edition of the Festival de Viña del Mar takes place.
  • 22 February: In Poland the International Year of Chopin was inaugurated, with a concert by pianist Arthur Rubinstein.
  • 29 February: An earthquake of 5.8 shakes the Moroccan city of Agadir, leaving a balance of 15,000 dead and 12,000 injured.


  • March 3: In the Vatican City, Pope John XXIII, for the first time appoints a black religious, Laurean Rugambwa.
  • March 4th: in the port of Havana (Cuba)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—a bomb explodes in the French steam La Coubre, at the time when the munitions brought from Belgium were discharged for the Rebel Army. When port workers, firefighters, police and people in general came to help the wounded, they exploded a much more powerful second device. 101 people die (including 6 French sailors), and hundreds of wounded remain, many of whom were disabled for life.
  • March 7: In San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, Mexico, the professional football team Tigres UANL was founded.
  • March 11: In Cape Cañaveral (United States), the Pioneer 5 space probe towards the Sun.
  • 12 March: there is a terrorist attack in Argentina, carried out by the leader of the Peronist resistance Alberto Manuel Campos, by placing a bomb in the private home of Army captain David René Cabrera.
  • 13 March: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Arturo Frondizi for military pressure and to avoid martial law implements the Conintes Plan (Internal Commotion of the State) in addition to declaring the state of siege and again puts into effect Decree 4161 of the dictatorship of Aramburu which prohibits the free association of Peronist entities or trade unions, and imposes prison sentences to name (John Domingo Perón or use Peronist symbols. The state of siege is decreed, the application of the Code of Military Justice to the civilian citizen, military jurisdiction over the provincial police—
  • 23 March: in Karlsruhe (Germany), a Constitutional Court ruling grants doctors, in the future, free access to the State-imposed insurance.
  • March 23: in France, Nikita Jrushchov visits General Charles de Gaulle.


  • April 1st: From Cape Cañaveral, United States Launches TIROS I (Television & Infra-Red Observation Satellite).
  • 7 April: at the barracks of La Uvita, located in the Cuban village of Colorado de Picadero (province of Santiago de Cuba), Cuban Manuel Beatón Martínez with his men murder Francisco Tamayo, commander of the Rebelde Army, for refusing to hand over the weapons in their custody.
  • April 18 begins its regular transitions in the City of Córdoba, Argentina LV 81 TV Canal Doce de Córdoba as second television channel
  • April 21: In Brazil, Brasilia becomes the new federal capital.
  • 27 April: Togo is independent of the French Empire.


  • 1 May: Near Sverdlovsk (Syberia) the Soviets dropped an American spy plane of the U2 type.
  • 1 May: a group of the Nokmin (Revengers) of the Israeli espionage infiltrated into a regular air flight to Buenos Aires arrives in Argentina, thus giving the start to the “Operation Garibaldi”.
  • May 3: In Amsterdam, Netherlands, the house of the girl Anne Frank, murdered by the Nazis, is open to the public.
  • May 8: in the Soviet Union, Mikhail N. Such wins the world championship in chess.
  • May 9: in San José (Costa Rica) the television channel Teletica begins its broadcasts.
  • May 11: In the city of Bancalari, in the north of Buenos Aires (Argentina), agents of the Israeli secret service (Mosad) kidnap the Nazi genocidal Adolf Eichmann (54), who lived incognito (with the name of Roberto Klement) in a house.
  • 14 May: in the Cuban population of Paredes (province of Sancti Spíritus) terrorist elements murder Fernando Ruiz Pentón, soldier of the Rebel Army.
  • May 15: The Soviet Union launches Sputnik satellite 4.
  • May 21: An earthquake of 8.3 shakes Chile leaving 125 dead and destroying 1/3 of the buildings of Concepción.
  • 22 May: in Chile the Valdivia Earthquake of 1960, the largest recorded in history, has a magnitude of 9.5 degrees on the Richter scale; later tsunami.
  • May 30: Russian poet and novelist Boris Pasternak dies in the Soviet Union. The most famous work of this writer—who in 1958 gave up the Nobel Prize—was Dr. Zhivago.


  • June 9, Buenos Aires starts broadcasting Canal 9.
  • 21 June: at an athletic meeting held in Zurich, Switzerland, German Armin Hary is the first human being to travel 100 meters in 10 seconds.
  • 22 June: Legislative elections are held in the Canadian province of Quebec where the Liberal Party defeats the National Union for the first time since 1939.
  • June 24: in Venezuela a spectacular attack on the life of President Rómulo Betancourt committed by the guerrillas of the FALN (National Liberation Armed Forces).
  • June 26: Madagascar is independent of the French Empire.
  • June 27: In Argentina the Frondizi government creates the Center for Experimentation and Launch of Self-Projected Projectles (under the acronym CELPA).
  • June 30: the Belgian Congo is independent of Belgium with the name of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with Joseph Kasa-Vubu as president and Patrice Lumumba (who will be killed by the CIA a few months later) as prime minister.


  • 1 July: Somalia is independent of Italy and the British Empire.
  • 1 July: in Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah is elected as the first president of the country.
  • July 5: at the Berlin Festival (West Germany), the first film by Jean-Luc Godard, At the end of the escapeYou get the award for the best address.
  • 7 July: In the Congo, Moise Tshombe announced the secession of the province of Katanga.
  • 8 July: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the businessman Alejandro Romay inaugurated Channel 9.
  • July 12: in the plant of Córdoba (Argentina) the first Renault car manufactured in Argentina, a Dauphine.
  • 16 July: in the Cuban village of Piedra Alta (Havana province), a group of Cuban "bandits" murder Manuel López de la Portilla, a volunteer teacher of the National Literacy Campaign.
  • 25 July the high furnace of San Nicolás de los Arroyos was inaugurated on the Paraná River, Argentina, for the production of steel, housing twelve thousand jobs.
  • 27 July: in the Cuban town of Alquízar (Havana province), a group of Cuban "bandits" murder the militiaman Eulalio Piloto Fumero when he was on duty at the Cuchilla Cruise.
  • In July, in Las Villas (Cuba), a gang of terrorists led by the Cuban Zacarías García López assassinated the militiaman Claro Núñez.


  • 1 August: Benin is independent of the French Empire.
  • August 3: Niger is independent of the French Empire.
  • August 5: High Volta (which is now Burkina Faso) is independent of the French Empire.
  • August 7th: Ivory Coast is independent of the French Empire.
  • August 11: Chad is independent of the French Empire.
  • 13 August: the Central African Republic is independent of the French Empire.
  • August 14: Lisbon, with its victory at the Portugal Grand Prix, the Australian Jack Brabham secures the World Championship in Formula 1.
  • 15 August: the Congo is independent of the French Empire.
  • August 16: Cyprus is independent of the British Empire.
  • August 16: In Excelsior III Joseph Kittinger performs the highest free fall in history. (102 800 feet).
  • 17 August: Gabon is independent of the French Empire.
  • 17 August: in a student event at the Colegio Nacional Sarmiento in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Edgardo Manuel Trolnik, a 15-year-old student, is wounded by the bullets of an anti-Semite attack in reprisal for the capture by the Israeli Mossad of the Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.
  • August 19: Within the Sputnik program, the satellite is launched Sputnik 5 with dogs Belka and Strelka, 40 mice, 2 rats and some plants
  • 25 August: in Rome, Italy, the 17th Summer Olympic Games begin, involving 8000 athletes from 85 nations.


  • September 1st: in the Cuban municipality of Santa Isabel de las Lajas (provincia de Las Villas), a group of "bandits" directed by the Cuban terrorist Margarito Thondike Lanza Flores assault and set fire to an agricultural cooperative.
  • 2 September: in El Salvador, by order of President José María Lemus, security forces violently enter the University of El Salvador, where they beat and capture the rector, Dr. Napoleón Rodríguez Ruiz, as well as other people in the place.
  • 14 September: In Baghdad (Irak) Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Venezuela constitute the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).
  • 14 September: in the farm La Pimienta, in the Cuban municipality of Batabanó (provincia de La Habana), members of a counter-revolutionary gang murder the peasant Santiago M. Castañeda Álvarez.
  • September 15: In the Cuban village of Palma de la Cruz (Eastern Province), a group of Cuban "bandits"—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—kill Ricardo González Miranda, a volunteer teacher of the National Literacy Campaign.
  • September 18: in Havana, Cuba, several "bandits" from an on-going car shoot the front of the City Council. The head of staff, Major Jorge Páez Sánchez, was shot to death.
  • 22 September: In Africa, Mali is independent of France.
  • September 24: In Newsport News (United States) the Enterprise is launched, the first aircraft carrier driven by atomic energy.
  • September 27: in Mexico, President Adolfo López Mateos nationalizes the electric industry.
  • September 29: In the Cuban people of Los Cacaos (Guntánamo province), the terrorist gang of Ramon and Beto Ortega murder Juan Guzmán Argüelles, the administrator of the people's shop. They also raid the shops of Los Mulos and Imías and plunder their goods.
  • In September, in the Cuban village of San Ambrosio (province of Sancti Spíritus)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—a group of "bandits" led by Cuban terrorist Osvaldo Ramírez García murder Curro Navas, a volunteer teacher of the National Literacy Campaign. In the village El Mamón (province of Sancti Spíritus) murder another volunteer teacher, Luis Conesa Cruz.
  • In October, in Argentina Peronist and independent trade unions formed the Commission of the 20s, to demand the return of the General Confederation of Labour (CGT), which remained intervened by the government since the military coup of 1955. To pressure the Frondizi government, the Commission of the 20s declared on 7 November a general strike, which forced the president to receive them and finally, to agree on 3 March 1961 the return of the CGT to the Commission of the 20.


  • October 1st: Nigeria is independent of the British Empire.
  • October 1st: in Buenos Aires (Argentina) starts broadcasting Canal 13.
  • October 8: In the Cuban city of Trinidad (province of Sancti Spíritus), a group of 8 Cuban terrorists, led by Osvaldo Ramírez—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—are assaulting the La Ceiba cooperative shop and stealing their financial funds.
  • October 9: on the road to Cuabitas, 5 km north of Santiago de Cuba—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—the "baby" Enrique Kike Diaz murders the militia and barber Danilo Lozada Mustelier (aged 16), who drove him arrested.
  • 10 October: at km 87 of the Central Highway of Cuba, between Madruga and Ceiba Mocha, the gang of terrorist Gerardo Papoco Founder Núñez—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—attack a vehicle with bullets. Muere Reynaldo Muñiz Bueno Machado (22 months), and his mother Haydeé Machado Reyes is wounded.
  • October 17: In the Cuban fishing village of Boca de Jaruco (province of Mayabeque), a group of Cuban terrorists—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—injure the militia Raúl Vega Quintero (who, as a result of the wounds, will die on March 9, 1961) and Juan Trujillo Rivero.
  • October 19: The United States begins its commercial blockade of Cuba. Violating international law, it threatens any country that trades with that small Caribbean country to comply with reprisals.
  • October 24: Nedelin Catastrophe in Baikonur Cosmodrome, USSR (78 fatalities).
  • October 26: In El Salvador, President José María Lemus is overthrown by a coup d'etat, and instead, a Board of Government is set up to be held in power only three months.
  • October 27: in Calle Estrella n.o 459, in the Cervantes neighborhood of Havana (Cuba)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA— Juan Alberto Jiménez Yupart (age 13) finds a bomb on the street. By manipulating it, it explodes; the child will die later for his wounds.
  • 29 October: West Germany, Uwe Seeler is considered a footballer of the year.
  • October 31: In the Cuban city of Santa Cruz de Cumanayagua (province of Cienfuegos), a group of "bandits" hang Rafael Castillo Marrero, volunteer teacher of the National Literacy Campaign.
  • October 31: In the area of La Colmena, in Montes Gordos (province of Matanzas), "bandidos" led by the Cuban terrorist Antoñico el Tuerto (Antonio Besú Almeida)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—they attack the housing of Isidoro Mulato González del Sol, administrator of the El Corojo farm. The peasant Isidro Marchena is seriously wounded in the abdomen.
  • In October—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—near Santa Clara (Cuba), a group of "bandits" directed by the Cuban terrorist El Artillero (Idael Rodríguez Lasval) seriously hurt the peasant Ramón Alejo Rondón. The band led by Cuban terrorist Alejandro Nando Lima Bárzaga – on the orders of the Cuban terrorist Evelio Duque Miyar – save the peasant Arias Saroza.


  • 1 November: U.S. presidential elections of 1960. Democrat John F. Kennedy wins the elections for a narrow margin of popular and electoral votes against the Republican Vice President and presidential candidate, Richard Nixon. In the end, Kennedy's bitter victory over Nixon was 278 electoral votes in front of 244.
  • 3 November: at the UN headquarters in New York, the Soviet Union, Ukraine and Bulgaria request that Spain decolonize the Canary Islands. Spanish Foreign Minister Castiella accepts negotiations on Guinea, Sahara and Ifni in exchange for saving the Canary Islands. Canaries mayors write to Franco to protest.
  • November 8 in Puerto Rico Luis Munoz Marin revalidated for the fourth and last time the governorate by beating with 459 759 in front of 253 242 by Luis A. Ferre Aguayo
  • 16 November: U.S. actor Clark Gable died at the age of fifty-nine when he was subjected to myocardial infarction.
  • November 20: In Trujillo (Peru) the National Marinera Competition is created.
  • 20 November: In Peru there is a strong earthquake of 7.8 that causes a tsunami that leaves 63 dead.
  • 21 November: in the area of La Chispa, near the Cuban city of Trinidad (province of Sancti Spíritus), the Cuban terrorist Ignacio Zúñiga González, of the band of José Antonio Gavilán Abdala Benítez—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—kill Santiago Escobar Arrechea, administrator of the Tres Palmas estate.
  • 25 November: In the Dominican Republic, the murder of the Mirabal sisters, for their opposition to President Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, is the beginning of the end of this dictatorship and the reason for this date to be chosen to commemorate the International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women.
  • 28 November: Mauritania is independent of the French Empire.
  • In November, popular riots and guerrilla uprisings are held throughout Venezuela. The country is on the verge of a civil war.


  • 7 December: in the Santiago de Cartagena district of the city of Cienfuegos (Cuba), the Cuban terrorist group Carlos González Garnica and Valeriano Okay. Montenegro Rodriguez—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—kills the Norberto Morales Ramírez militia.
  • 10 December: In Sweden, American Willard Frank Libby receives the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, by the radioactive carbon method for determining the age of organic matter.
  • December 12: In Ecuador, television began in Guayaquil and RTS began its broadcasts as the first Ecuadorian channel to initiate broadcasts.
  • 14 December: United Nations resolution 1514 on decolonization, including Ifni as a Non-Self-Governing Territory.
  • December 15: In Belgium, King Balduino I married the Spanish Fabiola de Mora and Aragón.
  • December 16, 1960 New York Air Collision
  • December 20: the foundation Juan March acquires Singing from my Cid (the most valuable manuscript of the National Library) in 10 million pesetas.
  • December 20: In South Vietnam, the country's resistance group is grouped to form the FNL (National Liberation Front), with predominance of the communist Vietcong.
  • December 30: In the city of Chilpancingo (Mexico), the Mexican army—under the orders of the government of the state of Guerrero—open fire on students on strike. Around 20 people are killed and one hundred wounded.
  • December 30: in Lima, Peru, the Council of Ministers breaks relations with the new Cuban regime led by Fidel Castro.

No known date

  • The Reprise Records record label is founded by singer, actor and businessman Frank Sinatra. This allowed him greater creative freedom both for him and for the artists attached to the record label. Thus, the pseudonym of "The Chairman of the Board" was won.



  • January 1st: Francis Lorenzo, Spanish actor.
  • January 2: Naoki Urasawa, mangaka (drawn) Japanese.
  • January 3: Antonio Balmón, Spanish politician.
  • January 4: Michael Stipe, American singer, from the REM band.
  • January 5: Steve Jones, British aviator.
  • January 6: Nigella Lawson, British cook.
  • January 10: Gurinder Chadha, British filmmaker of Indian origin.
  • January 10: Brian Cowen, Irish politician.
  • January 12: Dominique Wilkins, American basketball player.
  • January 12: Oliver Platt, American actor.
  • January 19: Mauro Tassotti, Italian footballer.
  • January 20: Carla Rigg, exmodel and Lithuanian designer of Argentine origin.
  • January 20: Will Wright, American video game designer.
  • January 22: Michael Hutchence, Australian vocalist and composer, of the INXS band (f. 1997).
  • January 26: María Rivas, Venezuelan singer of latin jazz (f. 2019).
  • January 26: Miguel Morales, Colombian singer of vallenata music.


  • February 1: Mariano Peña, Spanish actor.
  • February 3: Joachim Loew, footballer and German coach.
  • February 4: Jonathan Larson, American songwriter and lyricist, musical creator Rent (f. 1996).
  • February 4: Raquel Morell, Mexican actress.
  • February 5: Mario Zaragoza, Mexican actor.
  • February 6: Megan Gallagher, American actress.
  • February 7: James Spader, American actor.
  • February 7: Yasunori Matsumoto, Japanese actor and seiyū.
  • 8 February: Benigno Aquino III, politician and Philippine president from 2010 to 2016 (f. 2021).
  • 8 February: Alfred Gusenbauer, former Austrian Foreign Minister.
  • February 9: José Luis Paniagua, actor colombo-costarricense (f. 2013).
  • February 11: Samuel Moreno, Colombian politician.
  • February 11: Felipe Zuleta Lleras, a Colombian journalist.
  • February 12: Adriana Franco de Abreu Falcão, Brazilian writer and writer.
  • February 13: Pierluigi Collina, an Italian football referee.
  • February 13: Matt Salinger, American actor.
  • February 13: Pia Sundhage, footballer and Swedish coach.
  • February 14: Meg Tilly, Canadian actress.
  • February 15: Darrell Green, American football player.
  • February 15: Alberto Rojo, musician, writer and physicist.
  • February 15: Amín El Chiche Martínez Barreto, Colombian singer of vallenata music.
  • February 16: Antonio Dechent, Spanish actor.
  • February 18: Greta Scacchi, British actress.
  • February 19: Andrew of York, British aristocrat.
  • February 20: Ennio Marchetto, Italian comedian.
  • February 21: Plamen Oresharski, Bulgarian politician.
  • February 23: Naruhito, Japanese prince.
  • February 23: Luisa Martín, Spanish actress.
  • February 28: Tōru ⋅kawa, Japanese seiyū.
  • February 29: Cheb Khaled, Algerian musician.
  • February 29: Richard Ramirez, serial killer.


  • March 1: María Ángela Nieto, Spanish scientist, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
  • March 2: Mikhail Tiurin, Russian cosmonaut.
  • March 6: Walter Giardino, Argentine guitarist, from the band Rata Blanca.
  • March 7: Ivan Lendl, Czech tennis player.
  • March 12: Jason Beghe, American actor.
  • March 12: Courtney B. Vance, American actor.
  • March 13: Alejandro Filio, singer and Mexican musician.
  • 13 March: Adam Clayton, Irish bassist, U2 band.
  • March 13: Jorge Sampaoli, Argentine soccer coach.
  • March 15: Enrique Urquijo, singer and Spanish guitarist (f. 1999).
  • March 15: Sergio Vargas, Dominican singer.
  • March 17: Francisco Acuyo, Spanish poet and writer.
  • March 18: Richard Biggs, an American theatre and television actor (f. 2004).
  • March 19: Eliane Elias, a Brazilian pianist.
  • March 21: Marito (Mario Guillermo Perrotta), an Argentine singer who accompanied Jorge Cafrune between 1972 and 1974.
  • March 21: Ayrton Senna, Brazilian Formula 1 pilot (f. 1994).
  • March 21: Mizuki ⋅tsuka, Japanese voice actress.
  • March 21: Azucena Hernández, Spanish actress. (f. 2019).
  • March 23: Rafael Ferrer, American actor.
  • 24 March: Baby (Gabriele Susanne Kerner), German singer.
  • March 25: Brenda Strong, American actress.
  • March 26: Jennifer Grey, American actress.
  • March 27: Renato Russo, Brazilian singer (f. 1996).
  • March 28: Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, French playwright.
  • March 29: Jo Nesbø, Norwegian writer and musician.


  • April 1: Marcelo Tinelli, presenter and producer of Argentine radio and television.
  • April 4: Murray Chandler, great New Zealander chess teacher.
  • April 4: Lorraine Toussaint, American actress.
  • April 4: Hugo Weaving, American actor.
  • April 4: José peseiro, footballer and Portuguese coach.
  • April 6: Warren Haynes, American singer and guitarist, from The Allman Brothers Band.
  • April 6: John Pizzarelli, American singer and guitarist.
  • April 6: Juan Angel, Colombian actor.
  • April 9: Isabel Coixet, Spanish filmmaker.
  • April 10: Katrina Leskanich, American singer of the Katrina & The Waves band.
  • April 10: Claudia Piñeiro, writer and Argentine writer.
  • April 11: Jeremy Clarkson, British presenter.
  • April 12: Manuel Teodoro, a Colombian journalist.
  • 13 April: Rudi Völler, former footballer and German coach.
  • April 13: Olaf Ludwig, German cyclist.
  • April 14: Miguel Argaya, Spanish poet and historian.
  • April 14: Eugeni Serrano, Spanish basketball player.
  • April 15: Pedro Delgado, Spanish cyclist.
  • April 15: Philip of Belgium, Belgian king.
  • April 15: Mikhail Korniyenko, Russian cosmonaut.
  • April 16: Rafael Benítez, ex-futbolist and Spanish coach.
  • April 16: Pierre Littbarski, former footballer and German coach.
  • April 18: Arlette Pacheco, Mexican actress.
  • April 19: Ariel Rot, Argentine musician.
  • April 19: Gustavo Petro, politician, guerrilla and Colombian economist, President of Colombia 2022 - 2026.
  • April 23: Guillermo García Cantú, Mexican actor.
  • April 23: Steve Clark, British guitarist, from the Def Leppard band (f. 1991).
  • April 24: Raúl Alejandro Padilla Orozco, Mexican businessman.
  • April 26: Roger Andrew Taylor, British musician.
  • April 28: Ian Rankin, British writer.


  • 4 May: Werner Faymann, Austrian Foreign Minister.
  • 7 May: Almudena Grandes, a Spanish writer (f. 2021).
  • May 8: Franco Baresi, a former Italian footballer.
  • May 10: Bono (Paul David Hewson), Irish rock singer, U2 band.
  • May 11: Kike Santander, Colombian composer and musical producer.
  • May 14: Floreal Avellaneda, an Argentine communist student, tortured and killed at the age of 15 by the dictatorship of Videla (f. 1976).
  • May 18: Aída Morales, Colombian film, theatre and television actress.
  • May 20: Tony Goldwyn, American actor.
  • 21 May: Jeffrey Dahmer, American serial killer (f. 1994).
  • May 21: Eva Suárez, Spanish Olympic shooter.
  • May 22: Thomas Martin, German paleontologist.
  • May 24: Doug Jones, American actor.
  • May 24: Kristin Scott Thomas, British actress.
  • May 29: Thomas Baumer, a scientist of cultures and a Swiss entrepreneur.


  • June 1st: Yelena Mújina, a Soviet gymnast (f. 2006).
  • June 6: Steve Vai, American guitarist and composer.
  • June 7: Hirohiko Araki, mangaka (drawn) Japanese.
  • June 10: Nandamuri Balakrishna, film actor and Indian politician.
  • June 11: Mehmet Öz, American TV presenter and politician.
  • June 15: Guillermo Novellis, Argentine singer, composer and musician, leader of the band La Mosca Tsé-Tsé.
  • June 22: Erin Brockovich, employee of an American legal office.
  • June 25: César Mora, Colombian actor and singer.
  • June 27: David Cholmondeley, British aristocrat.
  • June 30: Jack McConnell, Scottish politician.
  • June 30: Diego Trujillo, Colombian actor and comedian.


  • July 3: Vince Clarke, British musician and composer, of the Erasure band.
  • July 3: Josu Erkoreka, Spanish politician.
  • July 6: Valerie Brisco-Hooks, American athlete.
  • July 9: Wanda Vázquez Garced, Puerto Rican lawyer, politician and governor.
  • July 11: María Isabel de Lebed, Ecuadorian news anchor.
  • July 14: Kyle Gass, actor, guitarist and American singer.
  • July 17: Francisco Pancho Serra, Argentine singer of cumbia (f. 2022), leader of the band Pancho and La Sonora Colorada.
  • July 17th: Robin Shou, a Dutch actor.
  • July 17: Dawn Upshaw, American soprano.
  • July 17: Jan Wouters, a Dutch soccer player and manager.
  • July 18: Néstor Restivo, journalist and Argentine historian.
  • July 20: Felipe Noguera, Colombian actor.
  • July 21st: Fritz Walter, German footballer.
  • July 23: Ruben Garfias, American actor.
  • July 26: Daniele Luchetti, Italian filmmaker.
  • July 30: Richard Linklater, American filmmaker.


  • August 1st: Chuck D, rapper, composer, actor and American musical producer.
  • August 2: Paulina Nin de Cardona, Chilean TV presenter.
  • August 4: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Spanish politician, president between 2004 and 2011.
  • August 7: David Duchovny, American actor.
  • August 10: Antonio Banderas, Spanish actor.
  • August 11: Carlos Sobera, actor, television presenter, theatrical entrepreneur and Spanish university exprofessor..
  • August 14: Sarah Brightman, Soprano singer, British actress and dancer.
  • August 16: Timothy Hutton, American actor.
  • August 17: Sean Penn, American actor.
  • August 18: Luis Sabatini, Argentine actor.
  • August 24: Takashi Miike, Japanese filmmaker.
  • August 25: Jonas Gahr Støre, Norwegian politician.


  • September 5: Franklin Brito, agricultural producer, striker, Venezuelan human rights defender (f. 2010).
  • September 7: Menchu Garcerán, Spanish writer.
  • September 8: Stéfano Casiraghi, an Italian businessman, the husband of Carolina de Monaco (f. 1990).
  • September 9: Hugh Grant, British actor.
  • September 10: Colin Firth, British actor.
  • September 11: Carlos Chávez Navarrete, Peruvian singer (f. 1997).
  • September 12: Barham Salih, Iraqi politician and president.
  • September 12: María Pallier, Austrian cultural manager
  • September 13: Kevin Carter, South African graphic reporter.
  • September 14: Callum Keith Rennie, Canadian actor.
  • September 15: Carlos Ramos Núñez, Peruvian jurist and historian.
  • September 16: Mike Mignola, American hysterist.
  • September 17: Damon Hill, British Formula 1 pilot.
  • September 20: Anahí Martella, an Argentine actress.
  • September 25: Eduardo Yáñez, Mexican actor.
  • September 27: María Celeste Arrarás, a Puerto Rican journalist.
  • September 27: Christopher Cousins, American actor.
  • September 30: Ramón García Mateos, Spanish poet.


  • October 1st: Máxima Apaza, politician and indigenous Bolivian activist.
  • October 3: Óscar Wilchez, Colombian politician.
  • October 3: Luces Velásquez, Colombian actress.
  • October 5: Careca, Brazilian footballer.
  • October 6: Yves Leterme, Belgian Prime Minister.
  • October 8: Lorenzo Milá, Spanish journalist.
  • October 8: Jorge Cadaval, Spanish humorist.
  • October 10: Karra Elejalde, actor, film director and Spanish screenwriter.
  • October 12: Hiroyuki Sanada, martial artist, Japanese actor and singer.
  • October 18: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgian martial actor and artist.
  • October 18: Craig Mello, American biologist, nobel prize for physiology or medicine.
  • October 24: Jaime Garzón, activist, humorist and Colombian journalist (f. 1999).
  • October 24: BD Wong, American actor.
  • October 24 Alfonso Vallés, Spanish actor
  • October 25: Osvaldo Ríos, Puerto Rican actor.
  • October 30: Diego Armando Maradona, Argentine footballer (f. 2020).
  • October 31: Reza Pahlaví, an Iranian aristocrat.
  • October 31: Luis Fortuño, Puerto Rican lawyer and politician.


  • 4 November: Siniša Glavašević, Croatian reporter (f. 1991).
  • 5 November: Tilda Swinton, British actress.
  • 8 November: Oleg Menshikov, Russian actor.
  • November 8: Elizabeth Avellán, Venezuelan film producer.
  • November 9th: Andreas Brehme, German ex-Polist.
  • 9 November: Fernando Gaitán, Colombian screenwriter and producer of Telenovelas (f. 2019).
  • 9 November: Rupaul, Drag queen and American singer.
  • November 10: Neil Gaiman, British writer.
  • November 11: Stanley Tucci, American actor and director.
  • 17 November: Jonathan Ross, TV presenter and British radio announcer.
  • November 18: Elizabeth Perkins, American actress.
  • 22 November: Jorge Villalmanzo, Spanish writer (f. 2012).
  • November 24: Aleida Guevara, pediatrician and Cuban politics, daughter of Che Guevara.
  • November 24: Amanda Wyss, American actress.
  • November 25: John F. Kennedy, Jr., son of John F. Kennedy (f. 1999).
  • November 25: Frida Hartz, photographer and Mexican photojournalist.
  • 25 November: Jorge Eduardo Londoño, Colombian lawyer and politician.
  • November 27: Yulia Timoshenko, Ukrainian politics.
  • November 29: Cathy Moriarty, American actress.
  • November 30: Gary Lineker, British former footballer.


  • December 1st: Carol Alt, American model.
  • December 3: Julianne Moore, American actress.
  • December 3: Daryl Hannah, an American actress known for her character Elle Driver.
  • December 7: Juan Carlos Mascheroni, Argentine musician and singer, leader of Los del Fuego (f. 2019)
  • December 9: Jeff Swampy Marsh, television director, screenwriter, producer and American actor.
  • December 10: Kenneth Branagh, British actor and director.
  • December 10: Jaime Sánchez Cristo, journalist, locutor, presenter and producer of Colombian television.
  • December 11: Carolina Escobar Sarti, a Guatemalan writer and social researcher.
  • December 12: Lourdes Munguía, Mexican actress.
  • December 12: Manuel Bandera, Spanish actor.
  • December 12: Lydia Lozano, Spanish journalist.
  • December 13: Tomás Torres Mercado, Mexican politician.
  • 14 December: Ebrahim Raisi, Iranian politician and alphaqí, Act President of Iran since 2021.
  • December 16: Rafael Uribe Ochoa, Colombian actor (f. 2020).
  • December 17: Pilar González España, Spanish poet.
  • December 18: Kazuhide Uekusa, Japanese economist.
  • December 21: Loquillo (José María Sanz), Spanish singer.
  • December 24: Iosu Expósito, Spanish guitarist, by the band Eskorbuto (f. 1992).
  • December 27: Maryam d'Abo, British actress.
  • December 31: Steve Bruce, British footballer and coach.
  • December 31: John Allen Muhammad, American murderer (f. 2009).

Unknown dates

  • Christopher Augur, French scientist and biochemical (f. 2009).
  • Jean Decety, French neuroscientist.
  • Patricia Ercole, Colombian actress.
  • Lee Hwi-hyang, South Korean actress.
  • María Soledad Izquierdo López, a Spanish biologist, expert in aquaculture.



  • January 2: Fausto Coppi, Italian cyclist (n. 1919)
  • 4 January: Albert Camus, French writer and philosopher (n. 1913).
  • January 12: Pedro Puig Adam, Spanish mathematician (n. 1900).
  • January 24: Edwin Fischer, Swiss pianist (n. 1886).
  • January 24: Nepomuceno Matallana, a Colombian criminal (n. 1891).
  • January 25: Mercedes Gaibrois de Ballesteros, Spanish historian (n. 1891).


  • 5 February: Josep Maria Bertran de Quintana, a Spanish politician and jurist crucial in the Second Spanish Republic (n. 1884).
  • February 7: Igor Kurchatov, Russian physicist, leader of the Soviet atomic project (n. 1903).
  • February 8: John L. Austin, British philosopher (n. 1911).
  • February 10: Aloysius Stepinac, Croatian cardinal, collaborator of the Nazis (n. 1898).
  • February 11: Jacobo Prias Álape, a Colombian Communist politician (n. 1920).
  • 12 February: Jean-Michel Atlan, French artist (n. 1913)
  • February 21: Jacques Becker, French filmmaker (n. 1906).
  • February 24: Antonio Vallejo-Nágera, Spanish psychiatrist (n. 1889).


  • March 4: Leonard Warren, American baritone (n. 1911).
  • March 27: Gregorio Marañón, a Spanish doctor and essayist (n. 1887).


  • April 10: Humberto Sosa Molina, the Argentine military and political (n. 1893).
  • April 11: César López de Lara, Mexican governor and revolutionary (n. 1890)
  • April 17: Eddie Cochran, American musician (n. 1938).
  • April 24: Max von Laue, German physicist, nobel physics award in 1914 (n. 1879)
  • April 28: Anton Pannekoek, astronomer and Dutch philosopher (n. 1873)
  • April 28: Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, militar, twice President of Chile.


  • May 6: Paul Abraham, composer of Hungarian operets, emigrated to the United States and then to Germany (n. 1892)
  • May 30: Boris Pasternak, Russian poet and novelist, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1958 (n. 1890).
  • May 31: Walter Funk, Minister of Economy in Nazi Germany (n. 1891).


  • 7 July: Angel Cabrera, paleontologist and Spanish zoologist (n. 1879).
  • July 26: Cedric Gibbons, art director of American cinema.


  • August 7: Luis Ángel Firpo, Argentine fighter (n. 1894).
  • August 10: Frank Lloyd, an Anglo-American filmmaker (n. 1886).


  • 9 September: Jussi Björling, Swedish tenor (n. 1911).
  • September 12: Ana María Cassán (Anne-Marie Paillard, 24), French actress and model with career in Argentina; (n. 1936).
  • 13 September: Leó Weiner, Hungarian composer and teacher (n. 1885).
  • September 14: Eloy Vaquero Cantillo, politician and Spanish writer (n. 1888).
  • September 22: Melanie Klein, an Austrian psychoanalyst, the creator of psychic functioning, a contribution on child development (n.1882).
  • September 27: Raúl Porras Barrenechea, historian, essayist, diplomat and Peruvian politician (n. 1897).
  • September 27: Sylvia Pankhurst, activist, suffrageist, internationalist pacifist (n. 1882).


  • October 28: Margarita Abella Caprile, writer and Argentine poet (n. 1901).
  • 14 October: Abram Ioffe, Soviet physicist (n. 1880).
  • October 15: Concha Peña Pastor, a Spanish writer and politics (n. 1906).
  • October 24: Mitrofan Nedelin, Soviet Marshal in chief artillery, Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces (n. 1902).


  • November 16: Clark Gable, American actor (n. 1901).
  • 28 November: Sofia Martins de Sousa, Portuguese painter (n. 1870).


  • December 2: Fritz August Breuhaus, German architect, designer and interior architect.
  • December 7: Clara Haskil, a Swiss pianist of Romanian origin (n. 1895).
  • December 26: Virginia Bolten, a feminist activist and anarchist journalist from Argentina (n. 1876).

Art and literature

  • January 6: Ramiro Pinilla gets the Nadal award for his novel Ciegas ants.
  • In Chile, in the city of Viña del Mar, the International Festival of the Canción de Viña del Mar was inaugurated for the first time on February 21.
  • In Buenos Aires, in the XLIX National Exhibition of Plastic Arts of the Argentine Republic, Antonio Pujia wins the Grand Prix of Honor.
  • In the UK, C. S. Lewis publishes his book The four loves.
  • In Uruguay it is published The truceMario Benedetti.
  • Chinua Achebe: I'd be happy with another death..
  • Agatha Christie: Christmas Pudding.
  • Ian Fleming: Just for your eyes.
  • Harper Lee: Kill a nightingale.
  • Eugène Ionesco: The rhinoceros.
  • Jean-Paul Sartre: Criticism of dialectical reason.
  • Elie Wiesel: Night.
  • Dario Fo: The archangels don't play petaco machines.
  • Stanisław Lem: Eden.
  • Italo Calvino: The non-existent knight.
  • Philip Roth: Goodbye, Columbus.
  • Jorge Amado: The Death and Death of Quincas Dágua.
  • Philip K. Dick: Disarticulated time.
  • Johannes Hevelius: Prodromus Astronomiae.

Science and technology

  • In the United States the first birth control pills are marketed.


  • April 1st: the world's first functional weather satellite, TIROS I, is launched from Corporal Cañaveral.
  • May 15: The Soviet Union launches the satellite Sputnik 4.
  • August 12: NASA orbits the first balloon satellite, Echo 1.
  • August 19: The Soviet Union launches the satellite Sputnik 5with several living beings on board, including two dogs.
  • 10 October: launch of the Soviet probe Mars 1960Awhose launcher rocket failed in a few minutes, crashing into the Earth.
  • 14 October: launch of the Soviet probe Mars 1960Bwhose launcher rocket failed in a few minutes, crashing into the Earth.


  • Olympic Games in Rome, Italy
  • Jack Brabham is the world champion of Formula 1.
  • It is played, for the first time, the Copa Libertadores de América, called American Champions Cup, crowning as champion the Atlético Peñarol Club of Uruguay when defeating the Olympic Club of Paraguay in the end.
  • FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the Fair Cup for the second consecutive time.
  • FC Barcelona, champion of the Spanish Football League.
  • Luis Suárez, a Spanish footballer at FC Barcelona, is awarded the Golden Ball awarded by the French Football magazine, which distinguishes him as the best footballer in the world of the year.
  • Real Madrid C. F. achieves its first Intercontinental Cup in front of the Peñarol. Ida: 3 July Peñarol 0 - Real Madrid C. F. 0. Return: 4 September Real Madrid C. F. 5 - Peñarol 1
  • Professional Colombian Football: Independent Santa Fe (third time).
  • Ecuadorian Football Championship: He plays again after not contesting in the previous two years. Barcelona is a champion for the first time.
  • The Oakland Raiders, a U.S. NFL team is founded.
  • League of Professional Baseball of the Dominican Republic: the Lions of the Chosen obtained the title by defeating the Eastern Stars.
  • The first Euro Cup is disputed in France with the victory of the Soviet Union against Yugoslavia in the end.


  • The unknown British rock band, The Quarrymen — after a tour of Hamburg (Germany) — change their name to The Beatles.
  • In Tennessee, Roy Orbison publishes his first great success, Only the lonelyunder the signature Monument Records.
  • In Mexico, the first rock albums in Spanish are released to the market, thus beginning the massive marketing of this genre (song in Spanish) in Spanish-speaking countries. It is the year in which much of the most important bands are known for the beginnings of Mexican rock and Spanish rock, such as Los Teen Tops, Los Locos del Ritmo (which publish the album Rock!), The Blue Caps, the Rock Rebels, etc.
  • Frank Sinatra: "Nice 'n' Easy". «Album published on July 25 by the recording label Capitol Records».


  • On March 29th the V edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in London United KingdomBandera del Reino UnidoUnited Kingdom.
    • Winner: The singer Jacqueline Boyer with the song «Tom Pillibi» representing France Bandera de Francia.


  • The dolce vita by Federico Fellini (Italy). Film that marks a new stage in your director's career.
  • Spartacus of Stanley Kubrick, United States.
  • Psycho (Psicosis) of Alfred Hitchcock, United States. Considered by some as the masterpiece of Hitchcock.
  • The adventure Michelangelo Antonioni. First film of his trilogy on incommunicado, which provided a new and unusual cinematographic language that surpassed Neoralism.
  • Rocco and his brothers by Luchino Visconti. With neo-realism, it excels as a tragic fresco.
  • The shadow of the warlord of Julio Bracho (Mexico), based on the libo of Martín Luis Guzmán. It was censored by the Mexican government and premiered until 1990.
  • The violet by Gilberto Martínez Solares (Mexico). Considered the last great comedy of the actor Germán Tin Tan Valdés.
  • At the end of the escape by Jean-Luc Godard (France).


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Donald Arthur Glaser.
  • Chemistry: Willard Frank Libby.
  • Medicine: Frank Macfarlane Burnet and Peter Brian Medawar.
  • Literature: Saint-John Perse.
  • Peace: Albert John Lutuli.

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